The Stilwell Group Sends Letter to Shareholders of Peoples Financial Corporation News provided by Share this article Share this article NEW YORK, March 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Stilwell Group, one of the largest shareholders of Peoples Financial Corporation (the "Corporation") (OTCMKTS: PFBX), beneficially owning approximately 9.93% of PFBX's outstanding shares, today announced that it delivered a letter to shareholders of the Corporation in response to a recent communication issued by the Corporation. The full text of the letter follows: March 16, 2021 Dear Fellow PFBX Owner, We are "The New York Hedge Fund Attacking Your Bank" according to PFBX's board of directors. And, isn't that all you need to know? These men, who oversee a bank that has performed poorly for D E C A D E S, now have the nerve to cite Covid for their troubles.