Rick and Morty is titled The Vindicators and will centre on the dysfunctional superhero team of Supernova, Million Ants, Crocubot, Alan Rails, Vance Maximus and Noob Noob that appeared in the show's third season. Executive producers Erica Rosbe and Sarah Carbiener, who will work on the series alongside Harmon and Roiland, shared in a statement [via The Hollywood Reporter] that the spinoff will "explore what happens in the aftermath of the Vindicators saving (or destroying) worlds." Not unlike how spinoff is titled Aquadonk Side Pieces. It will explore "what happens in the later lives of various side characters and villains such as the Mooninites, the Plutonians, MC Pee Pants, the Frat Aliens, Happy Time Harry, Handbanana and the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past."