MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, AND TAXES With 12 projects on the list, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has its new "application modernisation" play, which is aimed at addressing "ongoing system health whilst rationalising and re-architecting for the future". The ATO had its Single Touch Payroll (STP) project on the DTA's engage list before, and although it came into effect on 1 July 2019, further expansions of STP continue to be rolled out, including engagement with Services Australia and its welfare data-matching initiative. STP is essentially the automation of pay-as-you-go (PAYG) and super reporting between businesses and government. Still on the list from last year is myGovID -- the Australian government's digital identity credential handled by the ATO. It's like the 100-point ID check but on a smart device, and it allows citizens to have their identity verified so they can access government services using that verified identity rather than being verified continually by each Commonwealth entity.