Three new titles from Minnesota authors for April One from an Albert Lea business owner, one from a longtime Rochester resident, and one about an important area native. 12:30 pm, Apr. 6, 2021 × 'Meet Me at the Barbershop' by Rashi Dildy “Meet Me at the Barbershop” focuses on the lives of four young men fresh out of high school. Like brothers in high school, adulthood provides challenges and changes to their lives and relationships. This story follows their growth and adjustments to life’s early disappointments. "Meet Me at the Barbershop" by Rashi Dildy. (Contributed image) Rashi Dildy grew up in Chicago and has lived in Albert Lea since 2013. He opened Ra’s Supreme Clientele, a barbershop specializing in clipper-cut design work, in October 2017. This is his first book.