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To study or not, debate over Patriot Hydro's fish and water
To study or not, debate over Patriot Hydro's fish and water
To study or not, debate over Patriot Hydro's fish and water impacts
LAWRENCE — State and federal fish and wildlife biologists say a Lawrence hydro-project owner’s rejection of requested river studies rests on faulty grounds.
Related Keywords
United States ,
Massachusetts ,
Sargasso Sea ,
Oceans General ,
Oceans ,
Essex ,
National Marine Fisheries Service ,
Andover ,
New Hampshire ,
American ,
Daniel Mckiernan ,
Umass Lowell Matt Barlow ,
John Macone ,
Atlantic Ocean ,
Us Fish Wildlife Service ,
Energy Regulatory Commission ,
Merrimack River Watershed Association ,
Merrimack River Technical Committee ,
Methuen ,
Merrimack River Watershed Council ,
Game Department ,
Essex Company ,
Massachusetts Division Of Marine Fisheries ,
Massachusetts Division ,
Marine Fisheries ,
Patriot Hydro ,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ,
Wildlife Service ,
New Hampshire Fish ,
Merrimack River ,
Matt Barlow ,
Merrimack River Watershed ,
Politics ,
Chthyology ,
Natomy ,
Jaw ,
He Economy ,
Iology ,
Business ,
Ydrography ,
Rade ,
Oology ,
Medicine ,
Eteorology ,
Nstitutions ,
Industry ,
Echnical Terminology ,
Energy ,
Onstruction Industry ,
Athematics ,
Ob Market ,
Ydraulics ,
Eography ,
Electricity ,
Wood ,
Cology ,