By Inside Edition Staff Updated: 9:43 AM PST, February 02, 2021 John Reszetnik pushed a stranger onto the subway tracks of a Toronto subway station two years ago, killing him –– and last week Reszetnik admitted in court that he had mistaken the victim for his landlord who evicted him, according to reports.Reszetnik, 5 John Reszetnik pushed a stranger onto the subway tracks of a Toronto subway station two years ago, killing him –– and last week Reszetnik admitted in court that he had mistaken the victim for his landlord who evicted him, according to reports. Reszetnik, 57, pleaded guilty earlier this month to the second-degree murder of 73-year-old, Yosuke "Yoshi" Hayahara. He admitted to pushing him onto the subway tracks at the Bloor-Yonge subway station in downtown Toronto, the Toronto Sun reported. In the court hearing last week, he admitted he was convinced the victim was his landlord.