Chances are somewhere at your house, whether it's the garage, the shed, or a closet somewhere, there's a few paint cans with various amounts of paint in them from the time you got a wild hair and decided the bedroom, kitchen, or living room needed a new color. Or, maybe you're the type who enjoys doing your own routine vehicle maintenance and you have a few jugs of old motor oil or antifreeze sitting on a shelf (guilty, party of one, your table is ready). Whatever it is, it's there because you couldn't dispose of it right then and there, or were too tired after the project was finished to mess with it, and told yourself you'd get to it later. Now, it's four years later and those paint cans and oil jugs are still sitting where you left them. If you live in Vanderburgh County, your chance to finally get rid of them is coming up this Saturday (April 17th, 2021).