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A check on your world headlines. Russia says its unacceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor, and it wont guarantee the safety of the vessels. It comes days after moscow suspended participation in a deal brokerage biter, kia and the un, but 12 ships loaded with more than 350000. 00 tons of grain still left ukraines black seaports. On monday, its the most grain moved in a single day since july. Our diplomatic editor james bays reports for more than 3 months, this corridor through the black sea has been a humanitarian lifeline. The un says about 9000000 tons of grain has been transported and it says, despite russia suspending its participation after the cranium drone attack on its fleet, the scheme will continue. They have suspended, they havent withdrawn, they have suspended, and they havent terminated. And the difference is the difference is very, very simple. The difference is that as parties to that black c grain initiative, they are still bound by it. But Russias Defense Ministry issued a statement saying the fact that the grain cargo ships was still using the black sea root was unacceptable that followed these comments and rushes ambassador to the un. You receive the roman immortal. The russian side cannot guarantee the safety of civilian vessels participating in the black sea initiative. Meanwhile, the pursuing district. We cannot allow an unimpeded passage of vessels without our inspection, and we will have to undertake our own measures to control what was allowed by the joint coordination center. Without our consent. We will provide details in our conclusions and our approaches to this in the very near future. 3rd, big problems ahead for the un. How will Insurance Companies react . And what were shipping firms do, if premiums skyrocket, its also worth noting that the deal is only supposed to last until the 18th of november. Will russia now agreed to extend it . James bays ouch is era. At the united nations, russia, the president Vladimir Putin has warned that he can do more after a series of miss allen drone attacks and ukraine. The air strikes hit Critical Infrastructure in 10 cities, leaving many people without power and running water. Us President Joe Biden has told oil and Gas Companies to lower energy and petrol prices for americans or face a higher tax rates on their record profits. He says many firms have been profiteering from the war in ukraine. Gimme a break enough is enough. Look, im a capitalist, youve heard me say this before. I have no problem. The corporations turn to a fair profit, get in return on their investment and innovation. But this is my remotely whats happening, or companies record profits a day or not, because to doing something new or innovative. Their profits are a windfall of war windfall from the conflict as reverend g. Ukraine, and hurting tens of millions of people around the globe. You know, at a time of war and he come to receiving a storage one pro proper like this has a responsibility to act beyond the narrow self interest of its executive shareholders. Holes of officially opened for israels 5th general election in 4 years. Those all failed to produce a stable government. South korea, as president you insecure, has called for a Safety Measures to prevent crowd accident after 156 people were killed in a crowd surge during halloween festival on saturday. The president Prime Minister and former un secretary general had joined mourners at one of the many memorials set up in the capital. So visitors to shanghai. Disney lions have been trapped inside unable to leave until they so a negative co with 19 test. The resort announced that would be shutting immediately to comply with china. Strict 0 covered regulations. Search and rescue teams in the philippines are still looking for bodies. After Tropical Storm yogi, at least a 110 people died. More than half of the fatalities were from flash floods and landslides. Police have arrested 9 people in connection with a pedestrian bridge collapse in western india. At least a 141 people died when the structure came apart on sunday, just days after renovations were completed. All of the people who been arrested have links to the company that maintain the bridge. Those are the headlines on al jazeera. Next its Al Jazeera World. Thanks for watching. Ah ah ah no. Dont. On the phone, better. 8 day again. My put play doh, the company that yes you it cost. Did they leave the bung little name . So a play doh or did the near the possession set. I definitely have to wait to have pleaded hit the town of course they had to pay the premier and we found done all that this money. So and so much one has been fatal or cash delivery violence, they were in the fair. Theyre all rose from the ashes. Charges stroked despair. These were fortunately, the figures. Yes, sure of them. Who allowed kornberg to purchase, pardon me, where i was intending to tell the truth to the parliament, but i said is the best time. And then i said to them that despite the fact that it would put me my life, me and my life in danger, but i will tell you the truth. Anyway. These are that suspect as canister on the in 2001 was in turmoil. American troops arrived with a mission the u. S. Said to eradicate terrorism and build modern democratic institutions. I vis turbulent time. A young afghan studying in moscow saw an opportunity. Afghanistan needed a bank, and he would sit at home. Kelly lampa thought a din bank, thus unpaid, she should be d as a said campy came by complex mar. So alicia known pay to to sunday. The gosh. It sat down to pay the people that are planning in yap on the system packet and young be so they fox, ill click on that. Even save it. Im on the contrary. Natalie bone, the tool there been loud then mexico since there still had them a kasey cur, the canister to shovel functioning, the americans and many of our allies and partners. And indeed, its a many afghans their idea was lets create a good regulated free market system. Best path, the economic modernization. So we look at Something Like a cobble bank, and thats going to be a bank thats going to be a modern bank. You will follow modern banking procedures and going through a bank, its going to be superior then allowing cash to be passed down the line from the top of the chain at mann to the bottom. Know well have a bank with like tronic Payment Systems that will help us in the battle against corruption. Searcy ok. Do that is see since solely from that of the set bank i live i dont know puffy, law club i e e. So let dick ah, shoot the po, care add latter potassium. Theres a trend. Notice con, air pass epilepsy on an air press down because i did miss castille de la buck. The poker player was shook hands on mood and he took part in International Tournaments all over the world. His estimated total winnings were reported, and over 600000. 00 us dollars followed financial dealings began in moscow, where he was studying at moscow textile institute. He set up a Money Exchange business from his student dormitory. The business flourished, and millions of dollars soon started passing through fine woods hands. Mohammed had it her course ru shortly, and he surely caught as her drastic sold you the shrew, colin of moscow. Let me know the shrewd by me what a sure router the bass in hassle and air, the heavy, ga amy court where we halted would get what and or him all nathan ascend, sir. Hullo, for the house were gonna look like a hog one or the high for that up. The hall of once on, on weaker than he escaped from russia for the ration and Russian Federation was looking for him for illegal banking activities for Money Laundering and for organizing criminal syndicate. By then by those who should want to see me get f t k. I mean, business is sort of a feel for the any bizarre dont up with the work done hoby but unable and as he left could hear her columbia. And on some time i was already working with a j bon krasier looking to take a modem fixture on the hotel. It brushed a hush on my food busher hathway. And but the problem was that in 2004, when he stablish the capital bank, this information was not available yet to the oven authorities. The information that hes wanted by russian physician came many years later. But even when this information came in, nobody approached Russia Federation to tell them listen, we have your guy here. When cobble bank gained its license in 2004, it was the 1st to be issued in afghanistan since the fall of the taliban. 3 years earlier. For nude personally oversaw the millions flowing in and out of the banks reserves. He also appointed senior managers like c e o, cali, la for rosie, who had no Banking Experience at all. In fact, he previously been from new driver and bodyguard honey, fuji and masula, but she, im sure which are competent with them on on the other kids who bought amaica. Why . Yeah. And they want bars, boot book as a kitchen or some shirt, what was the ball and my what me as a journalist because im sure it was not a shadow. Soft and common shanta. That was the one that our Community Boots actually. Yes. Hello. Yeah, thought i love it is the support now you look at the chairman of the cobbled bank at that time. Sure. Con for a minute. And you look later at the seal who comes in mr. Co lille for rosie. These individuals have no qualifications to be in responsible banking positions where they have very weak qualifications. But all of that is overlooked. The over site of the americans in the International Community, rather weak cobble banking needed credibility. So fell nude and photos a set about attracting high profile shareholders, members of the afghan elite politicians, business people, and investors to provide status and political cover. And well take about less beer should i call a cobble funk . The, the shower lube sort of a 2nd was emission k will not q has done king or buddha and why not . Because she got off. I mean i Mission America was terrible in that should call couple bunk by nami, has seen in boot care will. But that is much, much on him for him, but my mind with a kind of able to go, but that it is to move home because i by miss chicago the casa with them, katie, not a shadow call with them, but share home your in the us up with that on the kid, her shadow quite probably wont never done. Im all your that hook month within yourself. Okay, thanks. A lot of those done i was asked by the owners of the various to charge the because of my views. How was your issue with the food buildings . So theyre asking merger i parked by could be used the bags to posit, to really to follow the rpm into search zone. His mood, he bars in her new years power plants to that end, cobble bank expanded its network and open branches across up canister. It one contract to pay the salaries of state employees and be internationally funded Afghan Police and army. It used creative promotions and offered cash prizes. Soon, cobble bank had around a 1000000 clients minded deposit. Assets reached around a 1000000000 us dollars the cobbled bank contract. It existed and through the Afghan Government then with the United States, with our department of defense and department of state, provided the cobbled bank unknown to americans at the time with a great opportunity to make even more profits. How might that work . Well, the United States and International Partners were the bank rule, primarily for the afghan army and police. In this instance, we had perhaps a 100000000. 00 a month. That was going to the central bank of afghanistan, which would then transfer that money. Of course, without interest, would transfer that money directly to cobble bank and then cobble bank for a den. Just what they said would be a minor cost and Services Within bank rule or would then pay the Afghan Police and the afghan soldiers, ah, the owners were very clever. They made extensive advertisement over t v radios billboards. And it was attracting huge amount of deposits from Common People in 2006. I believe they could use a lot city, a type account called back to come in this back account attack t huge amount of deposit from common common public. One 3rd of the deposit was back back ordered for shaneka, for which colbert bung used to pay huge prices. In like 2007 when i started, my duties is, is a governor cobbler bank, comprised of 57 percent of total banking assets in of hon. So i do are marketing coldwell banker, the from very beginning. The marketing stands for very flashy and everybody believed on the face of this as the right by for us. So thats how i chose caldwell bank. I started that as a, as a bank, lined back in 2009. When i established my business, i had an account with the cobbled bank, a corporate account. And thus when i start with actually nobody called me back. When she does this, realized, what do you say bank . So the it is, as for mister, were bringing the money into the bank, the other intelligent, serious and the, and yes was the 1st one during the bill. That was in october, 2009. This and the report is still the National Bank and to the i office of or south, which was the and the corruption or agency of afghanistan. We water a sending a supervisor, he a teams to convert bank into all other bands. We supervised them twice a year, but we didnt get we got similar smaller violations report of smaller violations because cover band whenever we demanded any document they, they cooperated were that they provided us. Although most of those documents turned out to be fake. Then further alarm bells began to ring. The Washington Post published a damming article in february 2010, about the inner workings of kabul back saying it was mismanaged corrupt and poorly regulated. It reported that some shareholders had received loans to buy Luxury Properties in dubai, on extreme favorable terms. Meanwhile, a communication from the former Us Ambassador to afghanistan coll, ichenberry, and published by wiki leagues detailed a meeting between the Washington Post journalist Andrew Higgins and the u. S. Treasury department it emerged that the americans had been closely monitoring cobbled bank because its failure would quote, have a significant negative impact on the development of the countrys economy in turn severely undermining the u. S. Missions goals in afghanistan. Higgins quote, did not know when the article would be completed, but that he would notify the Treasury Office in advance of its publication. The american authorities were concerned that quote, its publication could significantly shake the publics confidence in the afghan Financial Sector and lead to a backlash from International Coalition partners. We start to take note in early 2009 with different reports coming in that there could be a problem in the afghan Banking Sector and a particular problem in the cobbled bank. But this will build over many months now as to the Andrew Higgins story in the Washington Post. We did take note of it and it was a great concern to those in the United States embassy. And we reported this back to washington d. C. So wheres this money coming from . And then if its associated with the cobbled bank, youve got a real problem here and it gets back to liquidity, major, and information that we got about cover banks investment in delray. What came through andrew hagens articles and subsequently through the u. S. Embassy. Most stuff uncovered bank suspects including those close to the president and to the Vice President. They each got a very lot from covered among many i barbara 1st a villa. It was for the delay in palm and that that was freshman spirit. Go back for a move him to be should he has sold us . Why was it for a good profit or so. Okay. That proud that money was source problem farm took their money. Oshea Exchange United a season of profit from there he told me to walk to our mother. Largest dealer was very expensive. I select your mother, 42. Okay, you moved right now because you know i was blue seidler. That was, i signed a rental agreement was for it moved because shes wasnt reason this model that many of course with the knowledge of a letter high offices in the law. Unfortunately, at the central bank, at that time, the capacity supervision capacity of the central bank was very low. And we were not able to discover this show confound moved. And a group of businessmen took over premiere airways in 2008. This helped facilitate the movement of vast sums of money. Cash was taken from cobble bank on the air line for nude owned to the Exchange House he owned in to buy in one cable, u. S. M. Baset ichenberry flanked his concerns about Money Laundering. He asked for help from us agencies and from quote, other missions in the region to investigate the scale of these cash flows. The amount of money which will start from the couple of bank or so big. That, of course, it will talk to extremely suspicious if big bag of money will be smuggled of cash, which would be smart without the offer of gun is that thats why they found the solution through premier airways, which was so our carrier owned by the chair or the cupboard bank and they made the dealer with the pilots of those the, those sir airplanes. And theyre, were stuffing the money into the fortress. They use v i p section of koval airport. They took the out of bags through v i p section section, which didnt, we didnt at the beginning, it didnt have our scanner. But even though if they had scanners, they didnt say anything. And sometimes they also got permission from ventura called from the central bank that they wanted to take some of the a minor cache or to Exchange Rate or some, the 1st cash or some of those cash. What went at went out, but, but tiny amount of them was taken off with the permission. Cobble buying slide also features in a report by the United States institute of peace saying that for news started to lose control of the bank in 2010. Mainly because of frequent absences form afghanistan. For nudes, trouble deepened when he fell out with cali, la la rosie. His former body turned to bank c. E. O. With his empire crumbling around him for nude went to the u. S. Embassy in cobble and confessed to everything. Was the gate shut on. Fred new beefcake bunk, bite. Confront sharon, a double hold that you would you thought out of that . I might get that to be there. Misha was the one on them. A shot, but i hadnt lost or the shower. Im already to c panel booked by. I saw your show the cricket accept yet the length dosh the bar jump so long. Oh wow. That i will head that to the on the, to as order a few to see joe up with all the body shop on how to pop up on. But go and show them by bone code one, come them a month for new. Did talk to american investigators in 2010 summer of 2010. I speculate theres 2 reasons for this for new. Yeah, very interesting man. And with the very humble beginning, and in 2004, he establishes the cowboy bank. That was his baby, but by 2009, his chief executive officer perots, he is trying to move far, nude out of that position. So i think hes angry for nude prided himself on being a good gambler. In fact, he participated in International World poker state. And it could be that what per nude was thinking is im too big to fail. If i fail, the government of afghanistan may pale, the americans wont let that happen. My government of afghanistan will that this happened foreigners, confession covered couple banks, illegal activities. The Luxury Properties in dubai and how the savings of africa and citizens were being used for off the books loans to some of the Bank Shareholders. In response, the governor of the central bank of afghanistan sacked both chuck confound nude and c o. Highly le, le federal c foreign order actually was very, he did tell already a short handed. His life was not in danger and we provide in security call has bulletproof card and cumberland, his guest house in cobbler. Then during the meeting, he told me, man, do you know how much money is missing . I am the only one who is disclosing this money defense to you. You know that these people who took this money did not want me a lawyer if they want to call me when they go or fire the chairman and the seal in august 2010 of course the work came out in the panic started because people realize that something is really wrong with the bank, so they were afraid for their savings as they wanted to collect the saving. So there were long hughes security incidents and so on. And its short soon became clear that the, the bank doesnt have the money to pay or declines by the time this whole scandal thing was reveal, i was out of country, i was not in afghanistan. And when i heard about it, i completely, i rushed to back to cobble just to make sure that my money is safe at us. Quite devastating because we as a public, we as a business weird light from the bank on the face of the thing looks so normal. But everything was far from north cobble bank was in free fall. And the consequences for afghanistan and its people were potentially catastrophic. After world war 2, frances great empire began to unravel and vietnam do most of the heavy duty, restrain themselves into the stream bursting with joy, kissing each other. And algeria, he listened or she knew, asked if the endo chinese that managed to beat the french army. Why not bang . The decline continues an episode to blood and tears, french tea colonization on al jazeera, the creative african next. This Journey Continues in 2022 africa Success Stories on captivating the world. This yet can next weekend. Well connect app because create effect is building bridges across africa and the dias bora, i will you live at calico . We pan we was if you to up are to see people will credit. You can in abidjan code of walk from the 25th to the 27th of november 2022 registered to attend for free at can x dot africa. Actually 2 actors at different stages of their life. Share the highs and lows of following dreams of fame and fortune. Im going to commit whitaker, good luck, vertical mother. Endlessly seeking to fulfilled ambitions. Given the hard, i saw your dog board while struggling with family expectations. Volleyball dreams on out to sierra lou. This is ultra 0. Im telling you navigate with a check on your world headlines. The is really Prime Minister. Your la pete has just cast his votes in the countries general election in 4 years. Each of those elections produce no clear path to a stable government. Analysts say the Biggest Issue at the ballot box is whether voters are for or against the former Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Stephanie decker has more from west jerusalem. The pulls of opened a trickle of people here in this ultra orthodox area coming to vote. So were going to have to wait and see throughout the day how to turn out those. But certainly people do know that this is a significant election in terms of the makeup of who could potentially come into government. Russell says its an acceptable for ships carrying grain to pass through a black sea corridor and wont guarantee the safety of the vessels. Moscow has suspended participation in a deal brokered by 30 in the un. It allowed ships to transport grain from ukraine for us. President joe biden has told oil and Gas Companies to lower energy and petrol prices for americans or face a higher tax rate on their record profits. He says many firms have been profiteering from the war and ukraine calling their earnings. Outrageous. South koreas president , you insecure, has called for a Safety Measures to prevent crowd accident. After a 156 people were killed in a crowd surged during a holloway festival. On saturday, the president Prime Minister and former un secretary general had joined mourners at one of the many memorials set up in the capital, sol, visitors to shanghai disney, and have been trapped inside unable to leave until they show a negative cobra. 1900 tests. The resort announced that would be shutting immediately to comply with china strict 0 coded regulations. Shanghai reported 10 locally transmitted cases on saturday. Search and rescue teams in the philippines are still looking for bodies after a Tropical Storm now gave at least 100. 00. In 10 people have died. More than half of the fatalities were from flash floods and landslides. Dozens are still missing. Police have arrested 9 people in connection with a pedestrian bridge collapse in western india. At least a 141. People died when the structure came apart. On sunday, just days after renovations were completed. All of the people who been arrested have links to the company that maintain that bridge. Those are the headlines. Its back to Al Jazeera World next ah, in 2004, an afghan businessman with a dubious past set up cobbled bank, he attracted high profile investors and millions of customers. Many of them ordinary people who trusted the bank with their savings. But by mid 2010 reports of mismanagement, embezzlement, fraud and Money Laundering caused customers large and small to desert. The bank news spread that it was short of cash. By the end of august, 2010, cobble bank was in free fall panic set in as thousands of afghan citizens rushed to withdraw their savings. This one on the bank caused it to collapse. The Afghan Government attempted to rescue the situation by providing 825000000. 00 us dollars from the Central Banks reserves to reassure a skeptical public. My message to ali deposited it the money, save the government of the finest on bank is finding behind cobbled bank. We know the money that they must not panic if they need their money on a regular basis they can would right. But to panic instead in when money would be lost, i going to do to them that it will not be here. The collapse of the African Banks senate shockwave through not only the International Community and not only through the Afghan Government but to the and men and women on the streets. There is a period of times in the early fall of 2010. Were a big bank rung, began those 1000000. 00 afghan deposit holders account holders that accounted for perhaps 1. 11. 2000000000 dollars. So it was quite sizable. Cromwell bank was not to be treated like this because i prayed you. It was more like to co scheme a manipulation after part which year they made somebody a group made sure there should fail. He should be taken by the governor. Im going to take names, but there was a group. And a, what they did was the, it was that addicted was thing was that Washington Post published a paper that 900000000. 00 report last. This was our complete blood to lie from the investigation that we have done it from what we know. Because our bank at 1200000000. 00 as deposits, this was a complete lie. Is this, this report cause or however, the evidence seemed to suggest otherwise. An independent auditors reported november 2012 showed the scale of the cowboy bank from mate said that nearly 900000000. 00 had been loaned to just 19 people and companies raising cause they did an act until i ruled him in official letter. Then he, 3 weeks after i wrote him an official letter, he told me okay, governor, do whatever you want. And then based on that oral instruction, i ordered the head of the tent security. I requested up to take 5 node and fugazi under custody in may 2011 with the help off. Im if in with the recommend with recommendation from the International Community. We wrote a letter to major about 5060. 00, roughly 60 Central Banks around the world to freeze funds belonging to cover bunks perpetrators. Ah, we manage to get the per pet patriot or seek natures in fingerprints on the documents, including brothers of the brother of the president , including the brother of Vice President in the history of harness on it was unheard of. This was applying to tech prepared or they were probably need to deal with being paid like the prison at the center bank because there were African Americans involved with the cobbled bank at that time and my mood cars. I a brother of president cars, i was known that he had got a interest free loan from the couple bank. In fact, and cobble bank machinations. He received a several 1000000. 00 loan and then turned that around and invested in a couple bank at any rate, when you have a u. S. Citizen thats involved in a crime, then youd have a wall thats put around that citizen who might be under investigation appropriately. Its called a rule of law and the department of justice. Stan will not let anybody behind that wall thats not involved in the justice investigation. So in those instances, as u. S. And bassett or that i was disturbed, but i understood fully that i could not get access to that information in reserve the United States to iran, mr. Mr. I to let you know some of these qualities. Of course, you know, the bus to a bit more resurrect is a lot of power in spreadsheet to look when the parents you put people to destroy. So to part of the garbage. But i would say that he was a very good either with my brother are maybe shoes, electric killings are not bad. Lombardo meant to, im not a politician. Theres room in our. So he getting put in may, ingest, maybe cartoon was present or present on something arrow are, sorry, he was asking me in i just soon as you, as soon as the brother of marshal for him. So he told some people that told me what the afghan, im not interested irby for lab, i knew that he was can be high quality, longish on american mother. He battled it on, im yelling on madame that law making these allegations against cowboy blank was none other than the governor of the central bank of, of canister one man on the other. Kado footnote held the post until 2011. However, later that year he fled the country and moved to the United States. He said that his whistleblower had put his life in danger and that he had no other option than to escape. I seen for him. Mano sassy. Where my lot, maam, would guess a. I was intending to tell the truth to the parliament, but i said, is the best time. And then i had said to them that despite the fact that it would put me my life, me and my life in danger, but i will tell you the truth. Anyway. These are that suspects doing late probably after 23rd of may or 24 these days are a high level diplomats that i do not want to disclose. Im requesting a meeting with me and told me this a fit that we are very worried about you. The sooner you leave the country, the better it would be. In april 2011, cobble bank went into receivership. It was replaced by new cobble bank, a state run Company Using banking assets, not associated with fraud. Legal proceedings began against some, but not all of the leading shareholders of the original cobbled bank optima. Al jazeera requested an interview with the chief judge on the cobble bank case to ask why certain names were omitted from georgia. However, he declined the interview request as did the head of investigations at the Afghan Supreme Court. When the, the independent commission produced the report in may 2011, the prosecutors wrote their indictments almost immediately. But they did not find them the court. And they dont happen until june 2012. And this is important. Theyd be course just before that the prosecutors had an origin meeting with the High Level Committee which told them home to indict and whom not to indict. So basically, there was the politicians making the decision horrible to the court and who not. The prosecutors then accordingly changed the indictments, and they send them to the court. How come nobody examine laws . How were the knowns given to be put in their papers . In where was the board of directors after back . Because you know, if the management approves alone, it was the board of directions for their approval. Where are these people . How hm. They were never question. How come i was never person it. Well, i was part of the bag in famous person prison, brother for president. He and i was a shareholder. How come to court never asked me how come anybody didnt ask me or the papers are good. So it really is a true investigation of this political manipulation. Ready that may collapse pocket rational crashes to proceed. If assist they perceive i took that some can pass a petition back and provide political clunk not to provide. But it some time neil a see if i shall now know soccer caught a non my mother difficulty in cowboy bunk. It name is tatiana. This questions of political interference remained unanswered. But the Court Finally reached its verdict in march 2013. But at the last minute charges against the former chairman shack enfant mood and c. O. Holly law for rosie were mysteriously dropped, including accusations of embezzlement, forgery, money, laundering, and other serious offenses. Instead, they were convicted of the lesser charge of breach of trust. They were each sentenced to 5 Years Imprisonment and order to repay a combined total of over 800000000. 00. Other cowboy bank and Central Bank Staff were also convicted and sentenced. They included the governor of the central bank and his deputy, who were convicted of obstructing justice. It was a travesty of justice. It was a travesty of justice. Measure suspects of cover wax haul store millions, tens of millions of dollars of cobbler bank. They are free. They have never been investigated, including relatives of high political, i thought, is it there then high political authorities of afghanistan in only for the northern fee. Rosie was sentenced during president carson for 5 years, which was a very large sentences, initial confidence as he both had him. I got it. Okay, bye bye. So yeah, cuz i as a matlab, osha, manage, done what had your call. They got him to not a little bit of inquiry that the whole month would. Thatd be the time when she done. What couldnt that bought on fine, and im not sure on that mood. What again, what hampshire . A hook mat, bethesda k, yet. Shes it r dash double shabba there, johnny, johnny, k more. I see that you have them by email. So like i said about, or one mega banners at emma shut on fat. Note that it e mclaughlin. Avantia ah. With far mood, unfrozen in prison, the Afghan Government began the task of recovering cowboy banks, embezzled assets. Some form cobbled Bank Shareholders were forced to repay their debts. The Afghan Government imposed a deadline of june 2012 for them to pay. But the payments were much lower than expected an International Monetary fund report, published at that time said that the cash recovered was just 128000000. 00 out of a total outstanding debt of 900 and 35000000. 00. This left a shortfall of over 800000000. 00 in the case of global bank, if we cannot blame the countries, the st hit in europe for not offering enough assistance because the requests they were receiving from of gunny stunt were a really strange. First of all, there were requests only going after the extra mac seal. Second, majority of cases, the requests were written in dari. So in all when the swiss authorities received a request in dory, they asked, could you please translate it into french . And the other than answer was no, no, lauries official in which you know, vanished on we will have translated. So no you, you got the letter which you cannot route, which, which doesnt have the Technical Details you meet. How could, how will you respond to it . Yeah, a c lap soft devonte de beneficial de la christy tre. Eller, fake her po. Booker, the denita. Ive gone no, a capital shall italian could pack son or says the hi mom. I lay sure. Actually from his you, my brother was the president and were for pro family here. So the minute this year to bring us to long, i was afraid of my me, our political situation is a can be a 129 person interest, which my lawless, when they were to me, was not to declare i was deal with as a shareholder. I my soft loom what they said or i immediately paid. So its important to note that after repaying the loan my mode cause i was not charged with or convicted off any offense in relation to the cowboy bank case. The afghan constitution prohibited mamma, cause is brother. Hum it from standing for a 3rd president ial time and he was succeeded in september 2014 by our shop, gunny 2 days after ghani was sworn in, he issued a president ial decree. Reopening the inquiry into fraud at couple bank, but time was short. An International Donors conference was to take place within 3 months in london and failure to recover cowboy banks debt would put off potential investors. However, on the 1st day of the london conference, the Afghan Supreme Court delivered its verdict and signalled a tougher stance and Financial Crime in afghanistan. But i saw the battery jazz yet had a foot raised your model either with your book as a call one of us or the ged by hoard mcenroe at money. We had a family on our santa fe dea. Hm. And the Shasta Landon visually will dont obey the dust, all of the variation would iraq make out marashi. Add lou as he were mozilla for sure, will the ymca bye at yet. This old reg, natty jayla docker conference to london arrival, calling my that with your the must had thought generation would. How knows the saw by the is the conference london shoulder national that would came, i might move for them, but war and will, if a sorceress or a mac, mac as yet a hello can in law. As i mean the telephone, he raised 2 modems. How about them get as the mechanical bung, metallis to ne act meals with us . Were met on the ones that were here. They all go ash. I mean, any that walk official, ha, who did a somewhat of that is what i am currently by normally will fit winters or official as a novelty boy exist. Old medicine at a new trial show can fun and cali, la feruci were convicted for a 2nd time on the more serious charges of embezzlement and money a lot. They were each sentenced to 10 years in prison. Both men were fined and their assets were frozen. Some other shareholders were also punished on our 2nd day in our says we tackled the notorious case of cobbled bang which for years in lane in abeyance. Im pleased to report do that all the court system of afghanistan, including the supreme court, is now made a decision against the thieves and is allowed as to collect from them in we will collect and get the public purse refilled with how ever less than 2 years into his 10 year sentence, former c. E. O, hello larose was free. He appeared on afghan tv news laying the Foundation Stone for a new Housing Development called smart city. Afghans were outraged, president gunny intervened, sent for rosie back to jail, canceled the Smart City Project and sacked his own legal advisor, who defended his position. Mcarthur, finally accurate as a li kid roost, boston the, the national there. Mozy shadow cushman. My paste that a shot. I have them give marla a little missoula pay ye cause larry cowell, bong, a kid that wound job much older. The saudi racial, more. Both. Michelle mother, one of michelle will. Gresham will raise the committee would on so far as the deaf one on bunk, one job both are loose or on one of those little doors that are okay. Inimical may soon a yak has, will am i live at as weve had them about a novice would tassel emily tash . Yes, her hallett as o. Com will bunk, goodbye is to know the hook. Were mac m e is in our feet, e tat deep. So theyre both bad, equal tabs will m al, but as we the copy noticed it in the osman called me now box was literally sto, mode was in an average marita as will amola has viewed cadillac, that vastly is rashana of a model. Im was i want to come with us of one m, which kelly george. So they dont want to get how much is a far, almost cargo that walk a sr scab get again. Ah, well, my dear. Therefore, when i showed moscow, hal shower shelton found nude died in bag run prison in august 2018. At the age of 57, the cause of death was reported as a heart attack. However, his family questioned this, as they said hed been in good health while in prison. 2 of them, one is what the girl hon was on, on by martha. Most of them will the one bedroom. So dental, or what can i hate boss of and others them who are hampton on what the kid to be at. Lee annual hon or dish on her. It was other than k a her. Did you to be at lee . Your car wash coffee, me him. Was flat beater . Ah, your there is a little and chem, corbett shall take it. Mullin. Trickier me twig rafino. John, i will have to learn what as for some were certain with us for symposium on rosa key. Ill that to be away from him. Absorbed. Also that could have 4 little you dont have the can. What after him connected you to be at lead over them over than at the gelatin . Her had possible, so on it that was andre. What was her alley herald carbon dish cofton . Softer bag of then by then there was that in my body longer than kegler. Your oh, she had in all the really a john perhaps more than in her . Her 30 . Yes. Her be the 100. 00. Other one over the mother of nathan, the lola, her daughter, Charter Obama age. Although natural came up with a manager for them, meet him as chef ohana as honor. That was im out of pocket fish. Cowboy banks, former c. E. O. Holly la la feruci obtained an Early Release from prison in august 2019. He was freed on medical grounds and placed under house arrest as to the missing money. Some has been recovered, but hundreds of millions of dollars appear to have been lost. A 2019 i m f report said quote, recoveries and settlements have reached 402000000. 00 by february 2019. But this includes only 266000000. 00 in cash and a remains 591000000. 00 of pending claims. We were insisting that all the suspects have to be investigated because that would enable sanctioning of everybody who got something from the, from the bank. And that would enable the government to restored the process, which would be huge achievement for the future generations. At least once in the history of the country, the government would say, listen, nobody, some of the law the real victims in the cowboy by collapse with the customers who lost money, rich and poor. But the financial disaster was also symptomatic of the corruption that plagued the Afghan Government during the 20 years. It was supported by the west. This was one of the underlying problems with the u. S. Lead campaign in afghanistan, which ultimately contributed to the fall of the Afghan Government and allow the return to power in august 2021 of the taliban. Ah, the city and its here, a algae 0 world meets the italian photography, exploring the long lasting love story between the city of naples and football. Like on diego morrow, dawn monday i left for diego with endless and unconditional madonna. In naples on al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks. For many, this is a referendum on your bike in the 1st 2 years in the white house. And if the polls are to be believe it wouldnt be good news for the democrats. We detailed coverage to where it says the flood that people find its receiving, but thats not the only concern here from around the world. The situation is far from stable in this region. And Ukrainian Military forces are saying that theyre dealing with a potential renewed russian involved with hello, we have a little bit of rain in the forecast for part of the middle east. You can see this area cloud if a Northern Areas just coming across is becca started minister, northern parts of iran, just stretching across iraq into the, the red sea, northern parts of the red sea, suspicion pieces of cloud and rain on that. I think the heaviest light is to be around northern parts of around it can see some would you whether theyre coming back into afghanistan over the bounce in south of that far to dry some lovely sunshine here window. Her lo thirties over the next couple days i some pleasant weather coming through but but bad at cloud and rain it slipped a little further south was obey some showers there across not job iraq heading towards que wait the see central parts of iran seeing some of that wet weather as we go through the next day, or 2, just one or 2 showers into the far north of egypt as well with that same system just pushing through here much of north africa is dry. A quite as warm as it was up towards the northwest, but to fight and try for the most part. The coastal fringes of west africa will still see a few lie, b showers and they stretched their way all the way across in to what liberia. Joining up with the showers that we have across so much of angola, they are still in place. Democratic republic of congo, seeing some showers, rafter showers coming across botswana into south africa. I, madagascar, ah, ah, al jazeera. When ever you ah, oh, whitney inspiring films from around the world. They shall not stop a violent and killed the power is fast witnessed, intimate portraits and epic struggles. Because the leadership is off, the palmer says no, just the people witness the human spirit and bitter reality. There still men, believe women, are it perfectly witness Award Winning voices telling groundbreaking stories witness on al jazeera. Ah

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