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Just as has been delivered in this terrorist, there is no more years President Joe Biden says the cia has killed al qaeda, alida, im and also, while harry biden says he died during a drones try, can cobble over the weekend. Ah, hello, im darn jordan. This is al jazeera la you from dall also coming up a tense. Political confrontation continues in iraq with supporters of sheer clair written a thought, a soda Occupying Parliament while their opponents protest. Nearby chicago ship, ukrainian grain sailed from a black sea port. The 1st under a un broke of deal design to ease a global food supply crisis. And the u. S. Remains tight lipped and where the house began. Nancy pelosi would visit taiwan on asia to china. How somebody warned against the visit. Ah, the leader of al qaeda, im and also watery, has been killed in a u. S. Drone strike in afghanistan over the weekend, and a televised address. U. S. President joe biden said intelligence officials trapped so while hurried to a home in downtown cobble where he was hiding with his family bite and approve the operation last week. So while harrys death eliminates the figure who shaped al qaeda more than any one 1st, as a son, bin ladens, deputies since 1998 and then as his successor. Well, this video supposedly shows the aftermath of the strike in kabul, which killed the lawfully on the weekend. The Afghan Interior Ministry denied reports on social media about the trend strike. From heidi, he coordinated al qaedas branches and all around the world, including setting priorities for providing operational guidance that call for inspired attacks against us targets. He made videos including the recent weeks calling for as follows, to attack United States and our allies. Now justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more. Will a taliban has condemned the strike saying such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of the u. S. At janice dawn and the region repeating such actions will damage the available opportunities with al jazeera as adding the t. V. Joins us now from the Afghan Capital alley. So what more details are emerging there . About this drone strike that kill the al qaeda leda. As you said earlier, it really did happen in an area of what you would call downtown cobble in a, in a very residential area. You know, in a commercial area, you know, not far from a grocery store, not far from a bank. I so, so this really wasnt any kind of a hidden place. And you know, the fact that it took place in such an area and, and the fact that he, you know, it was denied by the taliban. I earlier in the week, you know, saying that it was a rocket attack on an empty house. If indeed it was referring to that specific attack has raised a lot of questions here. You know, a lot of people are wondering whats going on and how the u. S. Was able to fly a drone over a highly residential and commercial area. How will i not leave you . A secretary of state says the taliban has grossly violated the doha agreement. By sheltering, im an elder law. Harry. What could this mean them for the taliban efforts to obtain International Support and aid . Well, this is exactly it. Theyre, theyre, theyre having this back and forth. The washington is saying that kabul violated the doha agreement by adding our ear. And kabul is saying that the u. S. Violated by starvation, by having a drone strike in central cove all in the middle of the city. So really its showing that there is still this continued impasse over an issue that should have been settled to 3 years ago. Ah, and you know, a, it, it got also comes at a time right after there was a conference where the u. S. Said that they would be willing to discuss, you know, freeing some of the Central Bank Reserves that they have in the Federal Reserve in the United States. So its just to be quite honest. Everyone is confused and cobble. No one really knows whats going on and, and no one really understands the dynamics of it. Theres so many questions as, as you said earlier, it seemed that the government had denied this attack. You know, just a couple days ago, i and then now the usaa saying that that, that, that was the attack that they apparently, that they claimed that way that they kills our harry. And so literally, everyone is sort of at this impasse, not understanding whats going on at the moment in this country. All right, ill in the tv life in kabul, ali, thank you. Were de barrage, the senior fellow in the Gulf International forum. He says, the fact that al qaedas leader was killed in kabul suggests afghanistans government is protecting on groups. His embarrassment, it shows that al qaeda has found a safe haven in the taliban. St. Afghans said just as they did before, 911, and it basically puts the lie to any idea that they have changed from what they were as if you know, the proof of repression of women. This mentioned the economy as if any proof were needed. The taliban is what theyve always been and they are affiliated with al qaeda and other terrorist groups. The problem is this happened in downtown cobble in a house owned by a prominent leader in the taliban. And so what it does is it highlights the fact that, you know, the low point of bidens presidency, which was the unseemly withdraw from afghanistan. It highlights the fact that that basically handed over afghanistan to a movement that is hostile to the United States. So you know, he, he has a moment of triumph and im sure he will try to make the most of it. But unfortunately, the question is, what exactly was he doing there . And why was he there . How was the able to be there . And why is the government in afghanistan supporting is a watery. Those are all embarrassing questions providing that harkins back to the low point of his presidency. And the new supporters of an iraqi political block have demonstrated in baghdad against the takeover of parliament by supporters of chicago setup has called in iraq is to join what he calls a revolution. But his opponent say its a qu. Meanwhile, the catholic apartment has done the stuff out how to me as chad, a security meeting to prevent more confrontation moment up the wide reports from baghdad. I protest and counsel protests, supporters of iraq Coordination Framework gathered me about the green zone. There are denouncing what they considered a cool by raven leader, the solder and his followers. Where as if all alice shall yell at you out and all of a sudden were here to regain the legitimacy of the states. Institutions that has been violated by the occupation of the parliament of the hands of procedures that we try to keep it peaceful. Ah, what violence interrupted as they headed towards the green soon forcing security personnel to pull out chanting against kate. Take a Prime Minister most of us called the meat. They accuse him of collaborating with us, solder to remain in power. There are reports of military units with arrival factions being deployed near by to protect the people. So many fear it could gets worse. Opposing groups have been intensifying their campaigns and seem to be pushing for a showdown ah, sensitive day a. So the supporters have, as they did a sit in the Parliament Building headed amory. A top leader with the Coordination Framework has warned of bloodshed and called for dialogue. This, this is collation comes against the backdrop of league audio recordings attributed to former Prime Minister nodding mankey, where he is held insulting al southern his affiliates. The services have requested that america recordings be condemned as a prerequisite for dialog. Helena and we will remain here, did our leader, his tracks us to leave. Its not just a political dispute is rather a revolution against decays of corruption or oppression. The conflict over forming a government started here among glo makers months ago. But these processes say they not only follow their leaders, but they also want to change the whole political system that were eligible both for the 1st time since the war and ukraine began a shit filled with corn as left the ukrainian port of odessa under you. And broke a deal struck with russia. Millions of tons of grain has been stuck at ukrainian ports more than 5 months. United nations chief says the resumption of shipments will help bring stability, the global food markets. What we have with us today, you know, this is an important starting points. It must be the 1st of many commercial ships bringing relief thence, the ability to global food markets. The black sea Great Initiative allows for significant volumes of exports from city ukrainian ports. Odessa, short run mosque, and usually together with the agreed facilitation of the n e b, the, the excessive russian Food Products and fertilizers, world markets, it will bring relief and stability to global food markets, and theyll tackle the global food crises. Meanwhile, ukraines president said the shipment is a positive side, tony patella. So good money yet. Implementation of the initiative to export ukrainian green and other Agricultural Products from our ports on the black sea has started to day. But the 1st ship carrying 26000. 00 tons of corn left the port of odessa abdominal. Its not the time to draw any conclusions and predict further events. But the port has started working a lot can be called the 1st positive signal. Theres a chance to stop the development of a food crisis in the world last night. So to come here now does air intruding. The cost of Climate Change . The u. S. Government promises more than a 1000000000 dollars to help people affected by stream women and the u. N chief cools from end to Nuclear Weapons warning, total annihilation is one misunderstanding away. One i spoke with ah and he has begun the faithful world copies on its way to the castle. Travel package to the hello there. Weve seen some severe flooding effect uganda. But before we get to africa, lets have a look at the middle east and unsettled weather here of the past week caused flooding for some of the gulf states as well as southern areas of iran. Now it is an improving pictures you can see on tuesday. We still got that heavy rain effecting more Western Areas of saudi arabia. We could even see one or 2 showers in riyadh, but certain places like yemen, seeing wessa weather does the remain while the cloudy for some of the gulf states looking little bit cooler here. And we do expect it for this time of year. But lots of heat still dominating the levant with temperatures in places like q weight as well as the rock likely to touch 50. Certainly by the time we get to the end of the week, it is heating up not remains very hot across more than areas of africa. But for that wet weather we have to head to more central areas. And this was the scene in easton, uganda after 4 rivers birth their bank. Thanks to to renshaw, re now what is the wet season with . The rain has been falling rather heavily here than we usually see. You can see on shoes and certainly to the end of the week come paula in uganda expectancy thunderstorms. Weve also got thunderstorms affecting southern areas of namibia rolling into southern botswana and Northern Areas of south africa. We will see that rain edge in to cape town by friday. I saw official ally of the journey live and robust debates. A lot of folks when they hear the word refugees think stranger, they think other la latrice stuck in these camps. Its regardless of your range the way youre coming from. And he said give everybody safety from global issues to those that need to be heard. Human rights and land defenders and brazil, they live in a circumstance of permanent violence and intimidation. The street where a global audience becomes a Global Community on al jazeera with ah, welcome back. A good reminder of our top stories here at this hour. The lead of al qaeda, im and also watery, has been killed in a cia dren strike in afghanistan over the weekend in a televised address announcing the strike us President Joe Biden said. Intelligence officials tracks a winery to a home in downtown cobble where he was hiding. Thousands of protest is backing iraqi shia competition. Thought asada continue to camp inside the countrys Parliament Building. Refusing to leave until there is political change. On monday, supporters of rival political groups gathered me abide to stake their own position. And for the 1st time since the war and ukraine began, a ship filled with grain has left ukrainian port of odessa. Under a deal ukraine and russia signed with you and, and turkey agreement is meant to alleviate a Global Crisis that Media Outlets and taiwan are reporting that us how speak and nancy pelosi will visit the island that has no confirmation from pillows. Hes office. Shes on a tour of asia and has just landed in malaysia capital quality port. China has warned the u. S. Of serious consequences if pillows his visit to taiwan goes ahead. Beijing considered the island a part of china. As we, we can see at such a with it is apparently very much dangerous, very much provoked if, if the us, he insists ollander are making the way that china will take a firm and a strong measures to safeguard our National Sovereignty and a terrill, torrie integrity and Florence Mary joins us live now from the malaysian capital florence i pelosi is meeting with officials. Theyre in malaysia, where you are. I will explain to how wide its all of the region. Thats why malaysia is the 2nd stop of her visit to asia. She was in singapore just the day before and had next tops south korea and japan. Now in these countries, she will meet high level officials where theyll discuss a range of issues from trade to security, climate crisis, democratic governance, human rights. Its all part of a wider series of efforts by the United States to assure friends and allies in the region that the u. S. Is still committed to this region, even as it ports billions of dollars in aid and resources to ukraine, to help you crane fight of a rush and fight against the russian invasion. Now weve heard us officials from the Biden Administration say before that the u. S. Is committed to ensuring that the endo Pacific Region remains free and open. And this is part of that why dont message that her tore, and the delegation visit to these Asian Countries is part of that florence. And the americans are remaining tight lipped about whether or not pillows even visit taiwan. Thats right. So her itinerary that was released earlier this week did not mention taiwan. And the white house would not confirm the visit, but it has said that she has the right to go. Now weve heard the us President Joe Biden try and assure Chinese Government that even if pillows were to visit taiwan, this is not signal a change in us policy. The u. S. Still recognizes the one china policy. It still does not have official diplomatic ties with taiwan. And the white house has the United States has said that it will not be intimidated by what it described as chinese saber rattling sound. As you mentioned, taiwanese journalists are reporting that nancy pelosi and her delegation will arrive in, ty pay on tuesday night. Some other reports im mentioning that she will is, or she is expected to meet taiwanese president trying when on wednesday. And the delegation will likely arrive on wednesday itself for the details of this trip. Whether or not it will happen is still very unclear. What is clear though, is that the possibility of this trip even happening has really angered china. Weve had chinese officials, issue very stern warnings in the last few days. And on tuesday morning, that reports that we have already seeing responds by the Chinese Military. Now reuters is reporting fighting on names sources. The chinese airplanes are flying near a whats called the median line in the taiwan strait. That is an unofficial dividing line or unofficial border in the taiwan strait. Chinese war ships were apparently also reported to be in the area from monday night on. Taiwanda is reported to have dispatched aircraft to the area to monitor the situation. The hasnt been a comment from the Taiwanese Defense ministry. Now the type a Taiwanese News Agency is also reporting that the tie ones that tie ones Defense Ministry has reinforced its combat alertness level from tuesday to thursday afternoon. So that says sort of response that we are report that the seeing from the Chinese Military so far. And according to White House National security spokesperson, beijings other responses could also include firing missiles near taiwan and perhaps holding launch scale or naval exercises in the area to florence, live life in there in college, and florence, thank you. Now the head of irans Atomic Agency says his country has the ability to produce a nuclear bomb, but doesnt plan to mom. It is louise remarks come out for the us, announced fresh sanctions on entities involved in irans oil and petrochemical trade. Meanwhile, United Nations is hosting the review of the treaty on the non proliferation of Nuclear Weapons diplomats have gathered, as i try to navigate uncertainty of the worn ukraine western philosophy as more now from the u. S. The un secretary general kicked off the 10th review conference of the n p t by sounding the alarm to the day humanities. Just one muse, understanding one miscalculation away from nuclear at any lation. We have been extraordinary. Lucky so far, but luck is not the strategy. His pessimism stands in sharp contrast to when russia in the United States signed on to the treaty in 1970. This is indeed an historic occasion. It was the height of the cold war and the goal was to prevent a nuclear conflict. Nations of the world moved from a period of confrontation to a period of negotiation and a period of lasting peace. As recently as january, the 5 permanent members of the un security council, who also happened to be the officially recognized Nuclear Weapons states, the United States, the united kingdom, russia, china, and france, all pledge not to further disseminate Nuclear Weapons. But a month later, russia invaded ukraine, while russia claims full compliance with the n p t. Others consider that a threat, and its engaged in reckless, Dangerous Nuclear saber rattling with its president. Warning that though supporting ukraine, self defense, quote, risk and consequences such as you have never seen in your entire history. And then theres the Iran Nuclear Deal agreed in 2015. It was heralded as a step toward reducing proliferation until the u. S. Withdrew. Now iran says it has enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon. Its under unloaded, movable, while few nations have gone as far as north korea and trying to build them anti nuclear campaign, or say other countries are expressing a new willingness to host them as a deterrent. Thats what frightens valerie. A has a Nuclear Expert from ukraine attending the conference. So there is a widespread belief that Nuclear Weapons have prevented a big war. And it turned out not to be true signatories to the n p t. R. Meant to gather every 5 years in an attempt to advance the goal of disarmament this year. Thanks to global tensions. Experts say theres little hope of action. Kristin salumi al jazeera, the United Nations. The opposition in india is calling on the government to rethink its move to increase taxes on essentials prices for products like milken, rice would be affected the motel report from your deli, the engine parliament has been employed in tales over the last few weeks. And it is over the issue of price rise, opposition parties have been demanding a debate. They have stage protests and a walk out several m. P. s have also been suspended for demonstrating her recently the government to increase taxes on several products and impose new ones on basic necessities like rice flour, packaged food and dairy products. This has increased prices further as hardly ever a minute. The problem is that glasses have become expensive in the price of sweet lamb has also on all of these were much cheaper earlier. My expensive corner port income is not increased. I meant i thought i even already prices have increased 2 and a half times the federal laws about 0. 90. Now its more than a dollar de la mustard all used to cost a dollar and 30 cents. Now its more than 2. 00. A cooking gasoline, there was 5. 00. Im now paying more than 15. 00. So everything is become more expensive. But the government is in delilah. It believes everything still costs the same for delivery as america. The government says the new taxes will prevent evasion. It also points out that several Opposition Party supported these. It says it will discuss the issue in parliament over the next few days. Now, inflation is expected to remain high. The Global Economy is also having an impact. The International Monetary fund has revised indias growth prospects. It now expects the economy to grow at about 7. 4 percent. This is lower than what the government had projected. A few months ago, a fuel truck has exploded in southwestern libya, killing at least 9 people. A crowd had gathered around the tanker offered overturned in the city of empire were trying to collect leaking fuel, record fi, unexploded, 76 people were injured in the last ballot. Trina has more from tripling in the early hours of monday morning. A fuel truck travelling in the print albania area, which is a ruled desert town in between the cities of sub her and a body crashed on the side of the road up just to give you a little bit of context here, southern libya suffers from extreme fuel shortages and poverty. So once the accident happened, the fuel, the fuel truck began gushing out fuel ah, residence, hundreds of residents in the area began gathering next to this truck to try to collect as much fuel as possible. I fired then happened the truck and the surrounding vehicles next to the fuel truck are exploded, causing dozens of casualties. 8 people have died so far. Now, libya has 2 governments at the moment. Both have responded to this incident. The internationally recognized government here in tripoli has said that it has sent a team of doctors and nurses to serve her or to treat the victims who the parallel government, a basin Eastern Libya headed by fatigue. Bazaar has said that they have open an investigation into the incident, but really events like this just highlight how people are suffering are with in, with the political stalemate thats happening in libya and a lack of General Services a to its citizen. Nigeria says its destroyed more than 1500. 00 Illegal Oil Refining sites. And i renewed campaign to clamp down on crude oil theft hours. Heres ottoman address joined Security Forces as i hunted down the oil thieves in the niger delta in there or land. And lets see, the Nigerian Military is under strict orders to end the plundering of the countrys oil. When Security Forces returned to the side, they destroyed 5 weeks earlier. They encountered oil thieves. As crews chased them, the bundles ran towards their boat. Hidden in the creeks. One is captured in towns of crush in this eli dela, refine insights. We have crushed thousands of them as you are destroying once i before you get to the and ellen. And what ellen is bringing up again. This pipeline is one of the most frequently vandalized in the country. It delivers half a 1000000 barrels of oil a day to an export terminal. But for the past 5 months, not a drop was delivered as the operator shell was forced to shut it down. Weve had dish and where when were going to quicken camps august comes like this. Theyve set fire to the camps in endangering us and am i equipment most of the stolen cold is ferita lodge. A vessel such sea by barges like these, which are usually hard to apprehend. Flying over the creeks, the devastation caused by all bunkering is massive. Hidden under 3 copies, the old thieves are putting finishing touches to this facility capable of refining tens of thousands of gallons a day. And instead of using firewood, then our steel gas to distill the cold, military come on to say that a hundreds of these illegal distilleries scattered across the oil, producing delta in addition to bleeding the economy dry. The operations also damaged the environment because they are not properly equipped to process crude oil. The blend of nigeria oil has left the country unable to be its, its all picked quarter activities are going on as i speak to you now as so much collaboration. Guerra with the communities to make sure that there was a boy in the process of protecting his assets. The company looked up to the renewed clamp down to return to profitability, but with all thiefs continuously changing their tactics. It could be a long while before that will happen. Im a decrease al jazeera in nigeria is all producing delta. The white house has announced a 1000000000. 00 an aid. The air is across the u. S. Affected by extreme weather, while fires are raging in california. And the state of kentucky is reeling out the deadly floods there. Rob reynolds ripples, heart rending scenes in rural kentucky as intense rainstorms have caused flooding day after day in mountain valleys, many people in the impoverished region have seen all their possessions washed away with laugh for houses and couple of vehicles, all our farm equipment. I mean, technically, theres not enough left or ethylene homes gone. My new home i children going to separate scratch all over again. But even worse, the floods have claimed at least 30 lives. These children were ripped from their mothers arms by the rushing water. All 4 siblings drowned. The death toll is expected to rise. There are hundreds of unaccounted for people minimum and we just, we just dont have a firm grasp on that. I wish we did more than 12000 people are without electricity and there is more were ain on the way. Intense weather events like the one in kentucky are a consequence of global heating. Scientists say this is exactly the fingerprint, the signature that we would expect with Global Warming due to the increase in Greenhouse Gases from human activities. As the atmosphere warms, the air can hold more moisture, unleashing epic storms. In las vegas, the desert city better known for casinos than catastrophes. Thunderstorms inundated the famous strip and flooded hotels. When conditions are right, we can get these catastrophic rein events, several inches per hour, from flood to fire. In northern california, a wildfire sparked on friday, grew to consume more than 23 square kilometers of forest land. The biggest blaze in the state. This year firefighters found to people dead in a burned out car in their homes. Drive way. Firefighter sate years of drought and unusually high temperatures. Also linked to Global Warming have created more intense and fast moving fires. The

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