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I money in 5. This is out of their life. And i hope theyre coming up high level talks in ukraine with a plea to prevent the war from creating a nuclear catastrophe. And we must film it as you see, any potential damage these up with the u. S. Off israel for more information on this raise against palestinian non governmental organizations unoccupied. Westbank and Severe Weather in parts of asian europe cause rivers to dry up and harvest to fail, threatening global Food Supplies ah, at least 4 explosions have hit a military port in russian occupied crimea. Bloss was seen as nab based north of the poor city of savannah. The pole and cities governor says there was no damage and that Russian Forces down a ukrainian droned attack on Russian Military facilities in crimea have increased in the last week. The white house is preparing about a 100000000. 00 of additional military aid for ukraine. Thats according to the which is news agency. The u. S. Has already committed more than a 1000000000. 00 for ukraines defense. It includes more than 5000. 00 javelin anti tank missiles and around 16 long range, rocket orange systems. Behind the front lines ukraines president , his hel talks with his turkish counts upon and the un secretary general and leave the wars impact on global fe prices and the risks to europes Largest Nuclear power plants have been high on the agenda. Theresa by reports. Yet just for you, but on the, in that im a high level meeting in levine to talk about the war and its impact around the world. Fretted and follow the military lensky meeting with turkish president. Let her die at the one and the un secretary general antonio terrace. Discussing the importance of continuing to export, to queen and grain, to the well through a humanitarian corridor. Also the situation on the ground, the Nuclear Power plant is separate, yet still a major concern occupied by Russian Forces since march and with fighting now increasing fears of a Major Nuclear incident. Nearly 30 equipment personal shed be withdrawn from the lands. Further deployment of forces or equipment, the sides must be avoided. The area easily buzz. And we must vary as it is, every potential damage hes up. What is your is suicide . The presence of griffin, an adult, one here in levine, he seen by many as a new opportunity for progress, a key player in getting the site to strike. The landmark dylan, green exports, our de one use his 1st visit to live eve, to repeat the need for continued diplomacy charged. So it shouldnt, in that i personally believe that the war will come to an end at the negotiating table. It all comes down to finding the fast this easiest way to the negotiating. Give it to the president lensky, welcome turkey support, but we stated his position and talks at this point of view, that name, why . Shes give her the right. It was i sure there is no trust was the Russian Federation. I believe that in this the plastic window there is russian weaponry. Thats why im surprised to hear that theyd be ready for some kind of peace. People that kill rape every day should cruise me saves on to our peaceful cities and infrastructure cannot one fees. Thats why, 1st of all, they Must Withdraw their troops from our territory and only then as fighting continues to rate in ukraine, southern and eastern region. Civilians continue to die in what key says i targeted russian attacks on residential areas. Its been almost 6 months since the war began, and thousands of people continue to be evacuated, injured, and killed. And thats why its crucial to find a way to cease fire to prevent further loss of life. That is, i will see that live the ukraine. Well, president zaleski, honored some of ukraines military during his visit to live. The president met Wounded Soldiers and hospital and handed out metals to thank them their service. He also made a special trip to a cemetery in the vein, to honor foreign soldiers. Russias Defense Ministry claims ukraine is planning what i call the provocation of the upper region nuclear plant. On friday, the russians control the facility in the area around it, but its still wrong by ukrainian engineers. From the cape regime is preparing original provocation that separates the Nuclear Power plant during the un secretary general antonio terraces visits to ukraine. And the results of the Russian Federation will be blamed for creating a technological disaster at the power plant on medical the u. S. State Department Says israel has agreed to provide more details about why its shot down 7, palestinian and jeers in the occupied westbank for any forces rated the organization sally on thursday as possible. The gotten says our efforts to combat terrorism. Palestinian authority says the grapes targeted ah humanitarian institutions. Natasha name reports from west jerusalem and a half hold on to her is really soldiers ran through the doors of darkened offices, rifled through documents and confiscated property in ramallah. 7 non governmental organizations were rated, including those serving palestinian women and children, and providing Legal Assistance on their way out. The soldiers steel doors and declared the offices closed. Employee said these are humanitarian organizations helping palestinians living under israeli occupation. Are we going to take a water leak . Realty, a frome are due to playing polar. A lot of unity is coming from denito foldable long looking a little. And also comes from a lot of people, you know, on this comes from the victims. You put a few new victims. This is, you know, a lot of legitimacy. The Israeli Defense minister designated the non governmental institutions as terrorist organizations. Israel says they are tied to the popular front for the liberation of palestine, which it also deems a terrorist organization. The government accuses these groups of operating under false pretenses of providing humanitarian assistance when in fact, theyre helping recruit fighters raising money and engaging in fraud. The palestinian Prime Minister says some of the organizations targeted have been in existence since before the arab israeli war of 1967. 00 will continue to fund. We will continue to help these as solutions as they are working within the bud singles. And there are, we have license them, this up with the reports. Im, you wont be as is the you and condemned the rate and called on israel to immediately reverse its decision. Its unclear what long term effect the rates will have on the ability of these organizations to operate. Employee say the only thing illegal here is the, is really raise their cleaning up and they, theyll continue their mission to serve the palestinian people. Natasha name l g 0. Was jerusalem or jennifer bang director the Palestine Activism Program at American Friends Service committee. She says palestinian human right defend as a frequently targeted eye. Israel this outweigh just action, is an attempt to silence these organizations that have been exposing the Israeli Government human rights abuses. Its been something that is been ongoing. There been decades of escalation of raids and attacks on house to me in Civil Society organizations. As of last year, these 6 human rights organizations that are some of the most well respected Palestinian Human Rights Organization in the world were criminalized by israel. And today we were out just outraged to see that their offices were rated and, and shut down. Its clear that the work that they do to document the israeli occupations abuses like weve seen and gaza in recent weeks and ongoing in the west bank with home demolitions and imprisonment of children and, and providing documentation to the International Court to, to hold israel accountable. This is the key work that they do. And it really behooves our government here in the United States to provide so much support to the Israeli Government over 3800000000. 00 and military funding to give them this. This re dominates human rights defenders to do such critical work for their community and also for the possibility of adjust and lasting peace between palestinians and israelis. Its been 100. 00 days since Israeli Forces shots and killed alj. Is there a jealous sharina block . Lay in jeanine. Adventure was held at algae. There are big headquarters in doha network. Its been cooling for. Those killed it to be brought to justice. Another vigil was held in janine and the occupied west bank was serene, was killed, back in may, Community Members and her colleagues gathered to remember the journalist who was known as the voice of palestine. Meanwhile, the un continues to demand accountability for her killing our position on the, the of the killing of us should, in a block leg is, is unchanged. We still want this matter to be of thoroughly investigated and for those responsible for the killing to be held accountable. We have been cleared that we support the investigations that have been underway and we want to make sure that they come to a result that is acceptable to all to all parties in iraq talks aim to ending a months long political deadline, car risks, despite most lead is agreeing on wednesday to work on a road map, alice of the crisis allies of influential she i later thought outsider of using to take part in the dialogue led by the caretaker Prime Minister mustafah could to me 10 months after general election. Iraq still has no government because of disagreement about forming a coalition by made at the why he has more from baghdad. Iraqs parliament is still in limbo, supporters of say at lee that im up to the solder. Continue that sit in in front of the parliament and they say theyre not planning to leave the area until their demands are met. Their demands include the parliament be dissolved an early elections be held as a way out of the current political deadlock. So there has recently rejected at a National Dialogue initiative by the caretaker Prime Minister, most of us called me in a meeting that was attended by president of the state. But im solid and the 2 former Prime Ministers nori and malik. And either la betty, along with other political leaders, as well as the representative of the United Nations in iraq, janine clos, hot. So the speakers has just stated that that meeting was fruitless, and its only meant to serve the stake holders political interests. Meanwhile, the coordination of framework, the pro raynan political, a block urging their supporters to continue their counter sit in a outside defenses of the green zone. They say that they will continue their sit in to protest against what they consider the occupation of the parliament by so the supporters and against their aggression against the state sovereignty saw that once the parliament be dissolved nearly elections be held. On the other hand, the pre arrangement coordination of framework once before elections being held, a Transitional Government, the formed but saw the rejects. That option, saying that if a Transitional Government be formed, it will be including only those accused of corruption and mismanagement. For he is, the situation remains very tense with both rival factions holding onto their situations. So with that deep division, there is no sign of abating, at least for the time being still head on out is there an hundreds killed and more than a 1000000 people effected as flooding racks across town land. Im donna kane, on the rhine river, finding out why months of little rainfall is having a catastrophic effect, both on the river and the people who use ah, the journey has begun. The, the full world cup is on its way to cattle group. Your travel package to day. Hello, thank you for joining in. Got a minute 15 to bring up to speed with your weather and read off the bad. Im going to show you the scene and me m. R is the largest city. The monsoon rains have done quite a number of years of people trying to get around at the best way that they can. Now what happens is the rain leaves myanmar moves into the bare been gall and intensifies. This is the latest round. It could turn into a psychotic storm, but for the time being weve got weather alerts in place rhodesia and west bengal states. Then it slides north, right across the country. Or thats the last round that we had. So Western Areas of india. Okay, its rainy, but just not at the same intensity. Now, for pakistan youve had back to back monsoon or depression. So in some spots of sin province, we saw about a months worth of rain within a single hour. So sim province is now entering. Its 5th. What is monsoon season on record . Its still more rain to go on friday as it shuffles in to baluchistan province, where weve also seen some flooding there, after se, asia, we go north of manila, we did have a severe fight advisory and played there. The bulk of that activity has shifted west of the country. And now lets go further toward the north, some big storms bubbling up harbin into the korean peninsula. So another round of rain to go for flood had areas of saul on friday. Thats it. Thats all season hot air with bishop airline of the journey 2 years captive by i saw a life altering experience for any victim more so when 2 years is half of your life time. A 4 year old. Yes. The, the boys struggles to recover from the trauma of abuse and the witnessing of unspeakable atrocities. I bet child a witness documentary on a just either. Ah ah, welcome back here watching out. Is there a mind uh, our top story . Is this our lease for explosions of hit a military airport and russian occupied crimea. Attacks on Russian Military facilities in the peninsula have increased in the last week. Ukraines president has held talks with his taxes counterparts. And the un secretary general initiative was impact on global fuel prices and the rest of europe Largest Nuclear power plants were high on the agenda. The u. S. As israel will provide more details about why shot down 7 palestinian engineers in the occupied west bank on thursday earlier, israel said some of the groups have funnel donor aid to palestinian faces. The organizations have denied this Media Companies in the us. So going to court to get more information about the f. B i such of Donald Trumps home. Journalists want to see a partially redacted version of the affidavit used to such the former president s property f. B. I. Agents found 11 sets of classified documents while searching his home last week. The justice Department Says if the affidavit, if made public, it will compromise its investigation. Now the security challenges facing afghanistan are often eclipsed by its economic problems. Thousands of people are taking jobs in brick, making factories where the pay is low and conditions are unsafe. A summer. Bon jovi reports from couples with traditional process of brick making in appli nathan has been in place for hundreds of years. Clay is turned to mud, which has been harden and then molded into bricks. Jasa should be in school, but he is in the factory with his brothers and cousins because his family of 12 needs him to work. The u. N says 88 percent of families in the country have at least one child with me in the ages of 11 and 17. Working in difficult conditions. Jasa says he has little choice, has his families quality of life has worse and rapidly. But if you dont be all not as good, but in the past you are our lives have changed on now. We cant buy clothes for our families. We cannot even eat to proper food and then they dont need that heat. All of them on there are 1600 brick making faculties in the day, subs, area of god will alone. But the countries economic crisis means there arent many buyers for the product. Its called becomes expensive. The owners here do not raise the price of the bricks. But rather cut down the wages the workforce. Most of it coming from easton of wine to sun only works during the summer and struggles to find jobs through the rest of the year. The workers get about 3. 00 to make a 1000 bricks. Although fewer kilns are operating now that he missed him cargo. I worked for 3 months on a dairy farm and none co ha, but a disease outbreak ended the work. Now ive moved here to make bricks that the thought of on which calls itself these la cameras says it understands the problem, but the options are tried liver or starvation. Past more, me beat him. If the atlantic emerett of honest thought would have the power and capacity, we would never let any child work. What the problem is that 1st we are in a bad economic situation. And secondly, the families of these children are poor and helpless. To balaban says its trying to revive the economy and the feeling for international help. Yet nobody can buy a whole. Another call you will be one person from one family can feed around 20 people if they are employed. So if countries want to help use the Human Resource of a lot of fun, provide Employment Opportunities in thinking. But until such options can be found. Many ive got children and adults like these will have to go on baking bricks to survive. Some of the 0 couple now the rhine river flows through 6 european countries. It is a key waterway for transporting coal ion and all the natural resources. But the weeks have high temperatures and little or no rain for have now made it impossible for many ships. On the cane reports from cologne, it could almost be a picture postcard of the rhine goods barges chug up and down the river while children explore the pebbles on the bank. And yet a closer look shows something else. For in most summers, much of this area would be submerged. But months of high temperatures and little or no rainfall have changed things. Or we see right now with a low a water levels in rivers is the new normal or its even worse of the new normal will be even more extreme. We have seen a global temperature increase of 1. 2 degrees on global average right now seen from overhead. The situation is clear, this satellite image of nearby dusseldorf shows the river. Now, this one, how it was in the same place, 12 months ago, if the science of whats happening is clear, the Practical Application of it is causing problems for many different companies. The shipping ones in particular because they look at the rhine as it is now and have real concerns about how deep it is and how easily they can navigators. And crucially how much each of their vessels can carry. For women or 3rd, one ships bringing salt here from high upon usually carry almost 2200 tons. Now theyre arriving with 600. 00 tons and that shows the less water, the less cargo on the ships. And in this year of war in ukraine, there is another drawback with russian coal now embargoed across the e. U. Many companies have paid to ship a non russian alternative via the rhine instead. But as the demand has risen, so the water levels to allow it to be delivered have dwindled. Right now, most shipping companies are concentrating on the near future with autumn just weeks away. They expect its cooler, wetter weather to replenish the wine. But some Scientists Say that to could bring danger if it stops terrain on touch to dry, it was the water cannot infiltrate into this hole and diamond to get surface run off. And the water runs out of the system of catchment and produces such threat shots as we know from, from california. For example, the rhine has run dryer in summer before, but not often it will have to rain a lot to return the river to its more normal state. Dominant cane al jazeera cologne. A Violent Storm has hit the French Island of corsica, killing 3 people. Hurricane force winds up fruit trees and left tens of thousands without power. A 13 Year Old Girl was killed off the she was hit by foreign sure. You can see people critically injured in pakistan, weeks of floods and landslides have killed more than 650 people in the southwest. The government has sent help, but many say the response has been too slow. Catalog is heard a young as well. Most of these people have lost. Everything. Floods have swept to the village of tanza and south west pakistan destroying their homes and livelihoods, roads that were clear just weeks ago have turned to leaks, leaving thousands stranded it. Oh, weve had more rain. The shia is had a severe impact on many areas along the river. Belk with the water is leveled off in some parts all about it already destroyed, harms crops and infrastructure. The aftermath is overwhelming. More than a 1000000 people have been affected by flash floods. And last lights and hundreds have died across 4 provinces. Lou julio Climate Change official say is fueling unpredictable weather patterns. Entire communities across baluchistan province are homeless. When you look at the amount of frayne which has fallen on baluchistan province itself, its 450. 00 times. What baluchistan receive in a know, maria, so it destroys the home. It destroys the life talk, you know, life felt droning. It destroys the infrastructure of cause breach road and it destroyed the crop aubrianna authority say nothing could have prepared them for the extent of this years monsoon reigns. The army is helping displeased communities, but many survivors say the response has been slow on my body. Ive got another man, were not getting enough help from the government. We hear a lot of promises, but on the ground its poor people who are suffering. We have no food, no water, and we are living under the open skies at the mercy of god. More heavy rains are expected in southwest pakistan in the coming days. Its yet another concern for families who lost everything and are forced to sort over. Katia, a little pistol, the young halogens here. China warns that a severe drought in the south could last well into september. Though, governance is scrambling to irrigate crops ahead of fusion, harvest, rationing of electricity, making water pumping, difficult in some industries that rely on hydro power have shut down temperatures in the region of thought. Above 40 degrees celsius. 41 people have been killed in forest 5 and now jerry as emergency cruise battle, a string of 5 across the nation. Algae there is jerry wolf has a report. The people here say its like a tornado of fire that swept away everything with him. Those who survived are trying to figure out what happened as they assess the damage to the i dont understand how it happened. It was like a whirlwind, i hope the children run. I couldnt do anything because what was happening outside. You can see my house, the garage is destroyed. I couldnt say anything. Its gods will. Thank god, the children, a sex forest fires have become an annual occurrence in algeria, where Climate Change is turning large areas into a tinderbox. Most of the death this time have occurred in the l. Tar region near the eastern border with 2 nicea, temperatures have reached 48 degrees celsius. 100 the people have had to flee their homes with many more having suffered from burns or spirit tore issues as a result of a smoke. Some are blaming are so back to what you gain when you set a fire and people die. What does the arson is gaining from setting these fire . I hope is hard burns. Across country dozens of fires are still burning with authorities concerns. Strong winds in a blistering heat wave could spark new flames that they are ill equipped to fight chile wolf, al jazeera and heavy rain as hit new zealand for a 3rd day, causing major disruption, flooding on land slides across the country for some roads to close on the south island, nearly 400 homes have been evacuated. The city of nelson husband was hit after receiving more than a months rainfall in just a day as scientists in australia and the u. S. The hoping to bring the tasmanian tiger back from extinction is also known as the thigh lesson. The animal died in captivity back in 1936, such as want to take stem cells from a living species with similar dna and then use gene at a sing technology to crate an animal very similar to the tasmanian tiger. But there has been consistent step skepticism about attempts to bring animals back from extinction. But lamb is the ceo of colossal bias. Sons is the Company Involved in this project. The story of the carrying entire is a tragic one. It was actually hunted 100 percent to extinction by mankind in early settlers in tasmania and in australia. And will, is crazy about story was not only was a hunted to extinction, it was also given in its a terrible reputation that it was eating sheep which none of that was true. And so its a great opportunity for us to leverage cutting edge ginomas Editing Technology to bring back a species that man eradicated under completely false pretenses that we already off to the right start. So 1st we map existing genomes of the specimens that we have in the case of the 1000. Weve got incredible specimens. We also have 100 the pelts specimen. So we can even do population genome studies understand not just one genome, but a lot of genomes of different styles. And then we compare that the same process that we do with its close is living relative, which in this case is called of the little parts to be called, the fat felt done are and then after we look at the genome, we do all the computational biology to understand the differences in the genes that create the trait, we then use cutting edge to gene having technologies like christopher and a few others to actually combine the genome creator resulting embryo. And these 2 people have died off to, to planes. Can i did as a local air force in california by small aircraft trying to land when the collision happen in watsonville south of san francisco. B incident is being investigated by the federal aviation administration. Ah, this is our desert, these you top stories, these for explosions

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