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This is al jazeera ah, hello, i am seral benya such a pleasure to have you with us today. This is the news, our live from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes, at least 60 people are dead after their boat sinks off the coast of syria will be in lebanon near where the vessel went down. Voting is underway as for regions and ukraine, decide whether to join russia. The west is calling to referendums, an illegal land grab the u. K and vales, its plans, kickstart its economy. But critics say will do little to ease the high cost of living. We need a massive overall when im at it, upgrades in infrastructure and picking up the pieces in puerto rico after Hurricane Fiona leaves a trail of destruction. Thousands are still in the dark and sported to day most tennis fans, which would never come 20 time, grand slam champion Roger Phaedra is preparing to play his last competitive match before he the time. Ah, so we start this news hour with one of the deadliest migrant oats in kings in the eastern mediterranean, at least 60 migrants are now known to have died. When their vessel capsized off the coast of syria and syrian Authorities Say that 20 people have been rescued, but many more remain missing it. Lets bring in zayna hodder, who joins us live from aucker on the lebanese syria border. Zayna tell us where you are and whats happening around you. What were at a home of a family whose relatives were on that ill fated vessel this morning . They buried 2 young girls, 9 and 6 year old maya, and may, they still do not know the fate of 2 young boys and their mother. Their father is now in hospital in the syrian city of tattoos. Theres a lot of grief here. People are in shock, they dont understand why they dont have much more information. In fact, it was last night. Some members of the family crossed the border, went to the hospital and identified the 2 young girls. But since then, they havent heard any information about the 2 young boys, as well as, as their mother, their calling on the lebanese authorities to give them some information, or at least tell them when the bodies of the bodies will be brought back to lebanon. As we understand more than 60 bodies have been found so far, Search Operations began last night. They continued this morning. This was a small and over packed a boat. B so far, 19 people have been rescued. Its very difficult to say how many more are missing because you dont get official numbers on the passengers on these migrant boats. On this particular boat, there were syrian Palestinian Refugees as well as lebanese. In fact, the, as of late a growing number of lebanese have been making this dangerous journey try to you to, to reach europe because of the worsening Economic Conditions in this country. So a lot of desperation, weve been talking to their family members and, and they tell us that were see him, the, the father, he decided it wasnt an easy decision for him to put his family on that boat for Young Children and his wife. But he had no other choice, his salary was worthless because of the currency collapse. He sold whatever he had to be able to pay that smuggler to get on that boat. And they keep telling this, it wasnt an easy decision, and they, theyre, they were aware of the fact that migrant boats in the past half capsized have some people have died, died at sea, but theres just no other choice because, and they blame, they blame the lebanese authorities for not doing anything to improve the Economic Situation in this country. Zayna, do the people around you have hope that theres still any chance we can find survivors at this stage . No, i think that theyre resigned to the fact that the 2 young boys and the mother are dead. But what theyre asking for is their bodies. They want to know if their bodies have been found and this was the question they were asking us. They were asking us, did you talk to any lebanese official who, who is going to be responsible for bringing the bodies across the border worse, the lebanese red cross, the lebanese authorities for decades have neglected us. Have, you know, successive governments have really neglected the region. I have to point out that most of the migrants who are making this dangerous journey to europe come from the north of the country. The most impoverished part of this country, which has for years really been neglected by successive by successive governments. And as of late, there has been really an uptick in the, in the number of people making this the journey. And, you know, weve even spoken to people who survived being and a both as capsized in the past. And what they tell us is were going to keep doing it again and again, because there are no jobs, and really the economy start to began to collapse in late 2019, and politicians instead of enacting reforms and laws needed to be able to be eligible for International Financial assistance, theyve been doing nothing. So a lot of anger, a lot of desperation, and a lot of grief, as in a hotel reporting live from near the lebanon syria border. Thank you very much. Look, well keep, well keep checking in with you for updates. Thank you. The moscow controlled regions in eastern and southern ukraine are voting on whether to become part of russia, referendums, or taking place in the hands than yes, that parisha. And for son, thats about 15 percent of ukraines territory old told hundreds of thousands of people have until tuesday to cast their votes. Keep in its western allies, however, say that the votes sham and its an unlawful land grab it, comes as Ukrainian Forces continue to recapture waves of territory in a major counter offensive. Lets explore the reaction to these referendums, Gabriel Elizondo and ukraines capital key. But 1st, lets go, lets get the latest from bill hamid. Shes tracking developments in a crock in the dont yet region. What have you been able to find out about how this boat is actually unfolding . Well, its very difficult for us to figure out how is unfolding and how many people are there simply because we are not allowed in these areas that are under control of the pro russian at separatists. Now as we understand is vote is going to last for 4 days. You have, as you mentioned, this is happening in the context of a war. And so its, and it was hastily announced and hastily organized. So its happening in different ways depending under region where we are, where in fact, for example, in hudson, we heard from russian and media that actually people are going to go round the houses with the ballad boxes. So, and everyone can stay indoors because of the insecurity in that area is another counter offensive on going there in the south of the country in separate area. Were not do. We dont have many, many details, but the russians do not hold the capitol of that region. So also that puts in question, whats the point of a referendum at that moment theres is they dont have that region completely. Im standing in den. Yes, 60 percent of denise is more or less under the hand and the hands of the a separate is but its so a lot of it is also a lot of them. A frontline village is, is not clear how to people, there will be voting if they will be able to go to any polling stations. We know that into done yet. As city the capital of the region, they are putting stations at open up this morning. The same in lugens, those are areas that had been under the separators control for over 8 years now. So things are easier there, but this is, you have to look at this of a friend them in context of the, as i said, of this war could be the fact that its part of russias response because to the ukrainian counter offensive, russia lost a lot of territory in the north is of the country and also last left behind a lot of equipment. Basically, by having this referendum it pushes its borders and puts the ukrainian owners both and their western allies. Because in russias point of view, any counter offensive that continues could be, could be seen or could be declared by russia as an attack on their land. Now we spoke to a lot of people yesterday who were coming down from those regions ahead of the referendum, not wanting to take part in this referendum. They did tell us that russia does have some support in those areas for the but the, by a large the population had already left. The original residents of those for region had already gone. Even though they said the people who left there told us that they believed that this was a sham referendum because they hadnt heard about it just days before this. This is our report. Escaping rushing occupation leave would becomes nearly impossible. The atlanta and her daughter carina. Just arrived from the concern region of ours before a referendum, organized by russia is due, should take place. All of it in it was in for st. Youve seen this is about 70 percent of people are jobless. We were 5 months without any mobile connection. The feed is coming from crimea and we have to pan roubles. They have been telling us that our hometown is positive, russia and it was liberated from ukraine carrying this has been had to stay behind because men of fighting age arent allowed to leave. Thats why it took only see and his family 4 days to travel from lou hands to the ukrainian control part of the procedure. Despite the permit issued by the separatists, his wife gulard tells me she was worried. He would be mobilized. Making woods for a short. Alexey says rushes referendum is a sham, and now is the time to choose sides. As soon as you go through bloom, there are people who are going to vote. There are people who really believe a flu, hence, joins russia. Life will become better and they will be happier. Im surprised because most of them work for Ukrainian Companies and they owned a good living. Now they have nothing but the supporting russia. People still living in jeopardy jack had a son and a dumbass will be asked if they want to join russia. Russia doesnt fully control any of the 4 regions with this. So called referendum is taking place in the areas under ukrainian control. Come on the regular attack, day and night. This is the latest one in the heart of the city. One of the several that rocked the procedure early morning. The target was a hotel, said to host this place people on their way further west people like tanya and julia who made their journey together for milly toppled. Its painful. Her parents stayed back home. Part of an older generation nostalgic about the soviet union. Eula shows as a video where she was taunted by collaborators and russian soldiers forced to praise the russian motherland and sing the national anthem, who would give, give me looking at her. I kept my children at home at school, there was too much pressure on them. They would get punished if they spoke ukrainian. Im afraid i wont be able to return home after the referendum. There will be special permits for people to get in and out of there. No one here doubts the outcome of the referendum. Devote has already been discarded by ukraine and its allies, that russia will use it to stretch its borders closer to western ukraine. Went up the honey algebra zepplin jack. Lets go to gabriel and keep. Now, gabriel. Is there any doubt at this stage as to the outcome of this referendum . Well, for your cranium officials, there is no doubt about what the result will be. Ukrainian officials will tell you that russia already has the results and its just, this is just all in their words. One big show, you know, the russians call this referendum, but you ask the ukrainians, and theyll tell you, we have another word for it. We call it a joke. This is not legal by ukrainian law, by constitutional law. Ukraine. A referendum can only happen when its approved for the ukrainian parliament, which of course, this is not been and by International Law standards as well. Ukrainian say point to the fact that its illegal by International Law standards as well because its being held this referendum in an active wars zone which runs contour to act International Law. Not only that, but there are no independent international monitors, as well as theres not a free media there as well over seeing and monitoring this, unable to document this vote very much on the ground. Its being very much controlled by the kremlin at all that up. And ukrainian officials say, not only are we not going to recognize this referendum, theyre pretty much not even acknowledging that its even happening. With that said, though, theyve gone through this before 2014, when russia annexed the ukrainian peninsula of crimea. That referendum in 2014 happened on one day, 5 days later, after russia claimed that 96 percent of the people in crimea. Busy voted to join russia only 5 days later, it was formalized by the Russian Parliament into russian law seizing crimea. So the process, if we use 2014, could move very fast in this referendum. The difference here being is the amount of land that russia is trying to take is much larger. And given the fact its in an active ca, combat area zone, if you will. But the country in, when a war, both russia and ukraine, of course, the ramifications for both country countries could be much higher. Absolutely. Gabriel is under reporting from keith. Thank you very much and will be watching that the referendum taking place over 4 days. Thanks. Iran army is warning that it will confront what it calls enemies as protests continue against the death of a 22 year old woman in police custody. And president abraham racy has ordered an investigation into the death of master a meanie. Hes also calling the demonstrations act of chaos. Iran stay tv is reporting that at least 26 people have been killed during the unrest. Demonstrations are happening and at least a dozen cities across the country. Severe missouri. How go to buddha has theyve always been protest and we hear their demands. But there is a difference between right and protest. Nobody except riot does have a demonstration against policy or anything else in a ran that we have freedom of speech return, we see on Different Levels of differences of opinion. Thats not a problem at all, but when there is a right different than a protest, i mean its racy, made the comment that a Media Conference in new york jamal fcl was there to quite a while for the around him. President s are just one of the main concerns or issues with regards to run country and that is the nation wide protests that have been spreading across the country over the past couple of days following the killing or the death of that young running girl. Or naturally, at the hands of the Morality Police there, as the president says, he said that it was still not clear as far as the investigations was going on, whether she did die at the hands of both morality did however say that he contacted her family. He said that there was a right for iranians to protest. Differentiates between what he described as peaceful protest vandalism. However, he fell short, well talk about what type of accountability would happen. He said that there was a need for the traditional process to take it. You course before anything could happen that aside, the other main issue of discussion or address by the reading president as well as the nuclear deal, the j. C. P. O, and any hope that it could be revived. The firm on that runs thumbs with regard to guarantees needed from any new deal that the United States would not renee on its commitments, as he says its had done in the previous deal. There was no discussion, however, or address about the situation in syria accountability for obviously the war time is committed thereby around to ally the regime or other topics. There is a lot more coming up on the news. Our, including the British Government is trying to soften the blow of soaring Energy Prices will have the latest on the image and emergency measures unveiled in a special budget. And in sport, the americans take a healthy lead over the international on day one of the president s. Ah, so the British Government has unveiled a package of economic measures meant to stimulate growth and ease the cost of living crisis. The budget includes measures designed to tackle rising Energy Prices. Chancellor of the exchequer, quasi cor thing, says the plan is expected to reduce inflation by 5 percentage points. Lowering the cost of living. He is also announced tax cuts and reforms aimed at boosting economic growth. Now, many britain were expecting a relief package, but not everyone was convinced it would work, need barker, travel to grapes and a town that hoping thats hoping to reverse years of economic stagnation were only 30 kilometers down river from londons financial district. But little of the capitals wealth flows here to graves end. This historic maritime town bears the scars of the recent pandemic. And now a cost of living crisis fueled in part by the war. New crane fe crystal runs a cafe in a market where business after business has shut it up, shop. Ive not wanted to put my prices up. I havent prices up since we opened 2 years ago. But with the fuel costs and now supply issues. Ive been without your mon home be can, flour has nearly doubled in price sugar went out, everythings increased. The British Government says its poised to unleash more than a 100000000000. 00 to protect businesses from Rising Energy costs. But for fe, the efforts on long term enough, theyve got no idea the re what . Oh, really, none of them politicians them via i via what the real, what dont f like. And id love them to come as faint a we can machine. A global shortage of essentials from fuel to flour have made seemingly everything more expensive. Inflation in the u. K. Stands at around 10 percent. Its highest and 40 years. And the highest across all g 7 countries. A response, the bank of englands raised interest rates, the cost of barring to their highest to more than a decade to try and dump, and people spending and bring down prices. The Prime Minister list trust his governments pulling in a different direction, slashing taxes to get people spending in a frantic bid to boost growth and jazz as lum shares the governments view, his Family Business has been trading here for more than 40 years in the thing is if people arent spending in our shops in our businesses, them, you know, were going to struggle to pay our bills at the end the day. The most important thing for any business i think is cashflow list trust is plans. Also mean cutting headline rates have tax on the richest individuals and the Biggest Companies along with lifting the cap bank as bonuses. The theory is that if the rich are allowed to get richer, instead of shouldering more of the nations tax burden, every one will benefit and it has a name trickle down economics. And very few economists think its a good idea. Throw recorded history. Its never happened if you give the rich more money that they tend to spread out amongst the poor. No, what happens is if you give the. Ringback rich money, they invest it on their own behalf so that they get even richer prevent strategic position on the times. A 3 means that for generations, its been the 1st on the last port of cool for countless vessels entering and leaving the british capital misfortunes over the 8th of clearly change. But its precisely times like this where the British Government is promising to re direct flows of capital in the past 10 years, productivity investment to real wages of stagnated. Many here question whether the government can really turn the tide on years of decline. If all couches era graves and all right, well harry faucet is back with us. Harry, what more can you tell us about this emergency . Many budget in what were gonna hear today . Well, yes it is. Is come out already. The chance for the exchequer, the finance minister here in the u. K, has made this announcement, and as you said, theyre calling it will the precious calling many budget. The government is calling it a fiscal event and not a budget or one of the sort of follows on that is that it doesnt have to abide by any bigger analysis of the precise effects on the government pocket book by the office of budget responsibility. And that is one of the main criticisms thats being made of it. That how is this all going to be affordable . So lets just sketch out exactly what the chancellor said. As expected, b rise in National Insurance contributions that employees have to pay that has been reversed from its rise in april are projected rise for next year and Corporation Tax that isnt going to happen so remain at 19 percent. Not 25 percent. The basic rate of income tax i, the reduction in that is also being brought forward by year from 20 to 19 percent. But much more headline grabbing as the fact that the chance was abolished altogether. The 45 percent tax rate on the highest standard income, those earning more than a 150000. 00 pounds a year. About a 168000. 00 a year. And all caps on bank has bonuses have gone as well. So this is a real ideological statement, as well as her and economic and Financial One the leadership election saw the Prime Minister as now, is this trust say that she was less worried about redistributing well more worried about growing the economy and that everybody would benefit as a result, but this is a major sort of departure a returned to to the free market, small state ideology. And the labor opposition is saying that this is an a gamble with this last throw the dice. And that is a menu without a price list. Harry tax cuts a part of the conservative tool box. However, driving up the national debt, isnt i mean, do we know whether there is something to pay for all this . Well, if you are stay the tories like the conservative party, they say growth is going to pay for it. That if you stimulate growth, this is the, the message coming from a chance from the Prime Minister. Then that will grow the economy as a whole. And therefore, tax revenues will start to b refilled as a result of that. But the borrowing to do all this is on a massive scale already. The projected cost of the assistance to household them to businesses for their energy bills, which have been announced in the last couple of weeks. The government says that that will cost 60000000000. 00 with current projections for the 1st 6 months. 60000000000 pounds. That is, thats only 6 months worth of it. And it could well extend beyond a 100000000000 or the give away the very big tax get away announced today that could be some 50000000000 as well, according to some estimates. So really, how can that be guaranteed if, if the growth that theyre promising doesnt come along with it . And theres another potential follow on a veteran, thats the impact on inflation. The bank of england has an inflation target of 2 and a half percent. Its currently running at nearly 10 percent. Its projecting that will remain in the double figures for many months to carmen is saying that these kind of big tax giveaways could make their job more difficult in trying to reduce inflation as well. So that could be a real tug of war between these 2 institutions and the orthodox to the economic orthodoxy. The government says its confronting, its hitting back one former policy chief of the bank of england is saying that this could cause a run on the pound. It could end in tears already the pound has fallen further since the the statement from the chancellor is now down at 1. 11. That hasnt been seen for nearly 40 years now. Thanks. Thanks harry, for the context around this, that also helps explain why the oppositions calling this gamble, harry force it from london. Thank you. Lets bring in me on emerald. Hes a politic commentator and former aid to the british secretary more relevant to our purposes today. Your former chief treasury secretary worked with a conservative government. It joins us by skype from london. Its great to have you with us. Will this benefit low income households because thats who needs to be helped at the moment. Well i think the headline figure that the tax cuts the, the lift on the Capital Bankers bonus, clearly that wont benefit those lower income, but what will hopefully benefit those lower incomes is the 60000000. 00 pounds worth of support that the government announced for support. Peoples energy bill, which is where the majority of the increase in the cost of living is coming from. So the hope is that we have a mix of tax cuts for those at the very top along side support for those who are lowering comes together that generate some sort of stimulation within the economy that sees the rich spending more. And the lower income on is able to afford their cost of living and together that stimulates growth in the u. K. It is a gamble. It is a very big gamble. Weve seen every single major facet of tax impacted by the statement today, income tax, National Insurance, stamp duty for property sale. You know, theres a lot of money here that is going to be not flowing into the check. Is that bank account . And i think that has to be paid for one way or another. Now you partly touched on this but, but i want to double down on this. There are Corporation Tax cuts removing to camp on the cap on bankers bonuses reversing the rise of National Insurance. Those could have quite a few of them that ive just named and not really aimed at helping the working class at all wouldnt know. But as the Prime Minister in chancellor will say, if we are able to stimulate the economy through giving tax cuts in through putting more money into higher on his pockets, then that will eventually trickle down into, into the pockets of ordinary folk and those on, on lower income, so thats the, the orthodoxy. And thats the ideology, the regular right ideology that this government is adopting in like the economy in many ways its go big or go home. This is a very difficult situation of economic climate here in the u. K. Right now theres about 18 months until the next general election and theyve taken the gamble, they thrown the dice in the hope that people feel better off with not general election comes round, but whether not that happens to be say, okay, well, i was gonna ask you politically here, what is the play for list trust is quite clever because she has stuck to her guns. She looks like shes got a plan, which i think is something that hasnt been the case and you pay politics politics most recently. And it pushes the position, the labor party into a corner. They now have to come up with a position that either says, were going to raise taxes. Were going to reverse these announcements. We get into government, or were going to keep it as it is. And we agree with the government, so it pushes them into a corner politically. But the main political, whether that is going to be measured. If people are feeling it in their pockets over the next 12 to 18 months, whether they feel better off or whether or not there is a perception that the economy is growing and the better times are ahead. If they can do that than that sound, but the recipe for an election when, if that doesnt happen and the debt mounts, people still cant afford to pay their bills. But i think the labor party will be looking quite optimistically of their chances are that youre right. Thats a pretty short amount of time that she has for benefits to materialize. Leona raleigh, thank you so much. Still ahead on al jazeera, hundreds of ranges are trapped in no mans land as bangladesh seals its border with me and more. Italy heads to the poles on sunday and the bottom line is top of mine where lie. Were live and naples with the cost of living dominating discussions ahead of the elections, the warning from the airport. Oh, wow. Really got to be candle. And this tennis tantrum is the former world number one loses his temper with san fran. Ah. Right where we just gone past the ot mcclintock, so everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is now in autumn. And the weather is felt like it be us for quite a few in eastern europe, for the last week or so. But this area of High Pressure means tempted to a warming up in vienna, in prague, in berlin. For example, this next frontal systems, a band of rain that went in shoes, particularly cold weather. But his persistence means that without seeing the sun, its going to feel not good. Currently got 21 in paris, but ill give you the forecast for the next 3 days. And were down to 16 and eventually 13 with almost persistent break. Thats going to be dismal. Thats true for good part of france. The heavier rain that develops in the same system is going to be in north nifty that a warnings out as a result of that. So theres a bit of a change taking place in western europe, at least to say its warmed up in the middle. Its warming up actually in ukraine currently is not very warm here at all. Moscows at 10 degrees and persistent rain. Now jumping south to africa, this ought to look familiar, but the something very unfamiliar to my eyes, at least off the coast, to west africa. Quite a long way north. A circulation, almost a tropical cycle, but not quite producing some pretty nasty weather in the cape. Very islands and on sunday and can i is ah ah ah safe going home and then International Anti corruption Excellence Award boat. Now, for your hero o a watching l 0 or headlines this hour, at least 70 migrants have died when their vessel capsized off the coast of syria theory and authority. Faith 20 people in rescued, but many more remained missing. Most of those on board were lebanese, moscow controlled regions in eastern and southern ukraine are voting on whether to become part of russia referendum to taking place in the hands than yet, except for richard and her son until tuesday. He then, its western allies say the vote is a sham and an unlawful land grab the british chancellor of the exchequer. While the cor thing has an bailey plan, which he says, will reduce inflation by 5 percentage points, which in turn will lower the cost of living is so called emergency. Many budgets will also include measures to tackle rising Energy Prices. So were getting life pictures at the moment from iran where we are now seeing a pro government rally in the capital. Theyre run. This comes out the widespread protests across the country. Thats all women burn their head scarves. Following the death of 22 year old man. Mimi who was detained by the so called morality, police are not wearing her head scarf correctly, and later died in their custody. More than 1000000 people still dont have electricity in puerto rico following Hurricane Fiona, the storm hit on sunday causing a blackout across the island or the 3000000 people are affected. Manuel, repulsive reports from someone on the outskirts of puerto ricos capital son, one victor serrano. An electrician is helping his neighbor repair Power Generator cables. In the wake of Hurricane Fiona. Id helped any one of my neighbors were all yet to help each other. With a generator cables repaired, luis, albert is hopes to power a few appliances in his home. After 5 days without electricity success, the lights are back gone. At least until the petro powering, he says, generator runs out your window. Many people i feel, i look at my situation. I think about people who dont have the economic needs. How do they get by without electricity and Running Water . Those on the island fortunate enough to have generators are managing through the persisting blackout but for low income residence lakes are vandal, and he said, well, no electricity has met, spoiled, food, and sleepless nights. And i get out, i think i will go there right now. Whats coming is a heat wave, the temperature of 40 degrees and were already filling it. Many hearsay. Power outages have been a problem for years. Blaming and antiquated powered rich and poor management by luma. The islands Power Management company who would settle in Energy Sector whistleblower says be only dealt a death blow to an already crumbling electricity infrastructure. I think we need a massive overall when a massive upgrades and infrastructure in the streets. But we also need a massive overhaul in our power generation. The u. S. Government has promised to increase aid and assistance to puerto rico in the wake of fione. Though many seem skeptical, the help will be enough. In the islands commercial centers, its clear that lack of electricity is having a damaging impact on the local economy. As night falls, oversight of one, the sound of Power Generators echoed through the streets. And the question on everyones mind is how much longer will it be before power is fully restored on the island . When read it off, a little algebra son, one puerto rico us Nuclear Power, the aircraft carrier, Ronald Reagan has arrived in the south korean ford of the sun ahead of the joint military exercise. The naval drills will be the 1st involving a u. S. Aircraft carrier in the region since 2017 washington and so have revived their large scale drills over growing north korean threats. Rob mcbride is aboard the aircraft carrier. In the coming days, the u. S. Strike group led by this nimitz class carrier will be conducting joint drills with south Korean Counterparts with the stated goal of showing their resolve in the face of renewed threats from north korea. The last time this kerio was here was 5 years ago. Again, at a time of heightened tensions which followed, a series of miss are launches and even a nuclear test by north korea. In the years, in between these exercises have very much been scaled back as a way of trying to allow this phase of stomach diplomacy to work, to get the North Koreans to give up their nuclear weapons. That hasnt happened and with p o young. Now, announcing that it has arrived as a Nuclear Power and its up to the world to deal with that fact that does seem to be a mark shift in the position of the us and its allies, republican korea. So one of the most successful alliances in the world, we have a history of shared blood. We share common values and have a clear vision or a free and open in these exercises always enraged the north, which claims that they are a rehearsal for war. And seems to confirm it its view that it needs to hold onto its much pressure Nuclear Arsenal at all costs as a guarantee of its survival in what it sees as a hostile world. Of protesters in mali, want un peacekeepers to leave the country. They say they arent helping to stop attacks by armed groups. The head of the un mission was expelled in july as part of a diplomatic dispute after the arrest of dozens of soldiers from ivory coast. Un peacekeepers have been in molly since 2013 to help fight armed groups aircraft make a boeing will pay 200000000. 00 as part of a settlement with the us securities and exchange commission. Us Authorities Say the Company Misled Investors about the safety of the 737 max plane. The fleet was grounded for 20 months after 2 fatal crashes that killed 346 people. Now crucially, the settlement means boeing will not have to admit any wrongdoing. Authorities in bangladesh say straight ammunition from fighting in the mars landing in his territory. At least one person has been killed. Several have been injured. People are being caught in the crossfire between the military men. More and fighters opposed to the hunter. 10 vs rotary reports from the border between bangladesh. Unmanned intense fighting on the other side of the butter is billing over into bangladesh. 22 year old knobby, who sent flat to no mans land with his family 5 years ago. But mortar shells from me and mar, have still found him, and i will shout out, they be there hanging out near disconnect when a motor shelf fell about 50 meters away from us, killing one of my friends, an injured 5 for flesh. As we dont know when we do that since august at least 12 mortar shells fired from man mark have landed in the under the should territory and security have been typing in the border areas. This is tim rose, south is bangladesh. Even while we were filming martyrs shelves exploded on the other side, close to us sliding between the rock kind. But this rebel and me and my military continue near the bung with those butter, causing panic in their communities and increasing fear among the wrong thing. I was living in the no mans land. The escalating tensions have driven more ro hanger into bangladesh. Are blue, crossed over recently with full family members. We have not identified him at his request in florida. We live to whom village because of the intense fighting between the rock and rebels and the min mom millage. The military told us this is not a country. He should leave that they started a techno village with helicopters in heavy weapons. Bangladesh kindly offers refuge to nearly 1100000 ro hanger and the government cited will not allow any more to enter bungler this into night to sin bangladesh as a responsible and peaceful country. You have seen, we have been tackling all these issues as much patience for quite some time. Now. We told them to resolve their internal crisis, that there are no more casualties and bloodshed on our side. Here the Un Security Council is considering a resolution demanding an end to all violence in myanmar. But bangladesh is not optimistic about it as initiate a previously failed to pressure man man. To change its policies on which audrey Al Jazeera Tom root, myanmar, bangladesh, border, italian voters had to the poles on sunday in a snap election. The outcome could put the far right in a position to form a government for the 1st time since world war 2. The countries facing and economic crisis and energy bills of sword as a result of the war in ukraine. Stephanie decker is in naples. Is stephanie with less than 24 hours to go before the vote. The far right appears to be firmly in the lead. Yes, the last polls came out around 2 weeks ago or so. So we were actually in naples a couple of days ago. Were now back in rome. It is the last official day of campaigning ahead of what is called a day of silence to morrow. And then those elections on sunday visits, you mentioned air, real hard issues here for whoever comes to power to deal with, particularly with a sore and cost of living. Interesting, actually the far right re, liter, georgia, maloney, he was set to if the poles are correct, become the next Prime Minister to his 1st female Prime Minister. Shes heading to naples to day and to close off her campaign, we were in naples a couple of days ago to talk to people what this rising cost of living really needs. And this is what they had to say. Its a routine and a recipe that has been handed down to generations. Continuity is guaranteed success. But decades of hard work and now at risk yolo fractured upon it. I been a baker for 40 years. The situation as it is they are never been so bad with the gas electricity bills increase in getting the cost of raw material. Becker indices of risk or collapsing. Were sounding the lar, if there is no bread and table. So battalions, there is a risk about her lotion. I Energy Prices of swords this time last year. This was dominique was bill no one or 2 and now recently an increase of around 600 per cent. I think to be easy. Economists say its unsustainable. A lot of ally darya was throwing berrago for italy. This coming winter will be the toughest yet the storm of the Energy Crisis hit us at the end of 2021. And then with the war with ukraine, things have become far more complicated than is, italy is worse off than other e u. Countries as we rely more on imported energy and meaning, it is more vulnerable to the fluctuations of the gas and electricity markets. One, the one misha. Ah, and yet somehow, while walking around, you dont feel how bad things are. The streets here in the city center of naples are busy tourism is booming, is very difficult to find a hotel room. But this isnt indicative of the real economic crisis that is unfolding here, affecting small family run businesses which make up around 90 percent of companies here in italy. Which basically means its affecting everyone at the morning market. The answer is the same. Just like i said, the gear demographically, were all in this crisis together. We need at least 200 euros a week to buy food. And thats just the basics. Theres no room for any extras here on, on java, so i dont make it at the end of the month, everything has increased to gas light, everything is all right, and my pension doesnt increase loving field. We oscar if she thinks the elections will change anything in the local level, dont know. I want to go talk to you. Im telling you straight off like and i apologize. I will have her get selected. Its so the same mass for now, the bread continues to rise as do the bills or your la north problem. I will worries double check with political call or come to power with the selection. The problem will not be fixer. So people, sanger, we bowler, opinion polls to just a far right when coalition could win sundays, vote with italys 1st female Prime Minister, whatever the political predictions, the Economic Forecast is that this is only going to get worse and for whoever wins these elections that may have been the easy part that is going to be one of the 1st issues. Whoever wins on sunday will need to talk. This is a country that is no stranger to when it comes to a fraction political system at 60. This is going to be the 68. 00 government and 76 years since in japan. It since and she became a republic, so it gives you just the sense of a turn over. But really now what everyone is saying, the analysts at this country needs stability. Moving forward is just recovering from a very severe pandemic. Its also very much, you know, dependent on money from the e. You over 2000000000 euros has been allocated, and thats the question. Its a far when government comes to power here, what is going to be the policy, georgia you whats going to be the to policy towards immigration . Of course, italy has been suffering a lot of income of, of migrants in immigrants over the last couple of years. And so these are a lot of question marks moving forward, but what many people will tell you that theyre fed up with a political system, they need change in certain. What they do need to have addressed immediately is this or in cost of living. Stephanie decor reporting or from ro my stand corrected. Stephanie, thank you very much. And sport is coming up after the break. So do stay with us because tennis is big for get together one final time as they prepared to send Roger Federer into time. Ah ah ah ah ah ah promises im the sport war with joe gander off scott, whos got the good byes of Roger Federer . I know its actually quite fun, isnt it . Several yes, today is the day most tennis funds wish would never happen. Roger federal play his final professional match at the labor cup in london. A 20 time grand slam champion was the center of attention at a golf dinner on thursday and an a fitting end to his career. Federers farewell will be alongside great rival and friend raphael on the dow. The pair will team up in the doubles on friday nights. Theyll represent team europe and face american geo, jack sock, and francis cfo who are playing for the rest of the well teen. Federal will hang up his racket after that match and it sounds like he endow or expecting an emotional night super excited to have them on our team and my team and not having to play against them on my last match. And of course, special im playing with rafa. Feels really difference, you know, and also just walking out of court and having a chance to play with the likes of rougher novak also in the past has been an amazing experience for me of gave it to do that. One more time im, im sure its going to be wonderful and like i said, ill try my very best hope to be good out there. And of course on joy really will be, will be home, want to be difficult to handle everything, especially for under without a doubt. But for me to, i know at the end of one of the most important players in my, if not the most and for them blair, my dance korea is living on them at the end. Her leave, this moment will be difficult. Now that jack richard turns for his 1st event, since winning wimbledon in july, the 21 time grand slam champion maintains he has no regrets about missing u. S. Hyphen earlier this month because hes not vaccinated against cove 19. So be in his playing for team europe. His 1st appearance lay the cup since 2018 and joker, which says the excitement is incredible. I had of Roger Federer his farewell you know, most of us have watched and admired rogers success in achievements. You know, before coming on the tour some later, some earlier, but you know, we, we will do our best to, to contribute to the team and a good performance. But at the same time, marvel and celebrate his career. Because, you know, he deserves it. Its a sad day for, for, for tennis, but just sports in general. But you know, rogers legacy will, will live forever. That, thats for sure. But one man, he missed out on the lay. The cup is daniel medford, as and the well known before that a bad day being knocked out of a tournament in france. He could also face further punishment for his behavior towards the crowds holleys simmering here. Surely going to attract the warning from the pi. Oh, why are they going to be capital mad with the paying to make monkey justice towards the fancy booed him all 3 through his racket, kept going until the empire stepped in and opponents stands for in completed with the crowded crowd, the stop didnt help low as madrid as ultimately lost so much drinker who reached the quarter finals and met which is trouble in spain, as 15 players from the Womens National sort of threatened to quit over their coach. Theyve written to the Spanish Federation insisting coach whole have hilda be fired, and made themselves unavailable for international selection, for as long as hes in charge. The players claim, the health and emotional states been affected by his leadership, spain, qualified next year. Well come under coach builder. The federation say theyre standing by him. Will field youth players if necessary. They also what the place to apologize before theyre allowed to return to the squads . Well, joining us live on skype. Marcia is spanish, but john is Gemma Celeste jemma. Whats the background to the plays complaints . Bellagio, we have to go back to 2015, then enough few. Okay. Data he was for mar spanish woman, said coach if he was shocked. And he was later accused by some players of bearable abuse that takes over. Hes a young coach, no experience, no football recognition. Hes just known for being the son of former National Coach for a b and, but he meant for a share of something new. It was very much needed 7 years ago, so it took over at the National Coach, 7 years later, we have National Team with some of the best players in the world, including balloon daughter alexia with a yes. But the carol identify mattie some of the players with mars recognition run around the world. They havent been able to to win anything. And these players, they felt unhappy with the way the National Team is run with the training sessions with that type. They have said not publicly but, but yes of the record that they feel they learn something from the coach. And they also feel unhappy with the way they based read the injuries. One month ago the National Team was in cow said the complaint to the president of the federation and they were in the birch of martini. The federation did not release the office. And now these 15 players decide to take this radical gesture because they feel they have not been hurt. Gemma the federation release, quite a bullish statement, calling it an unprecedented situation in the history of football. Do you think this any way that you can see this situation . Resolved for the both sides is satisfied i think its very difficult because we know the production of the spanish for that is showing a loose reality is very much known for being hard. Lets remember just a few days before the mens woke up 2018 and he sacked the National Team coach that they gave because he took a job with a real madrid. Were talking about some years later. He doesnt have that much credibility, but its very difficult. The solution were talking about its less than a year for that board copies the 1st time in history that there is a team that its actually a candidate to, to win a world cup. And more than the help of the team is, is renouncing because the reason the only solution i see that with the coach or maybe the resigning the stand to be for less than 24 hours after this complain doesnt happen. And weve been told for stall does that he is not going to do it, the president of best punish committee for this for close to manuel franco. He announced that they will you trying to find a mediation not to talk with both bars, but we know that these 15 players are not going to say were sorry. The federation is asking for. So its a really tough, complicated situation. The only solution i see is the National Coach. So what have you like to resign . Yes, certainly a deadlock currently in that situation. Gemma celeste punish football journalist for a. Thank you. The Boston Celtics have suspended their coach, email joker for the entire next season. After you had an affair with a female staff member there, because the relationship with a woman was consensual, but hes been punished for violating team policies. The 1st 5 road lead boston to the m b a finals earlier this year in his 1st season as a head coach, a decision on unto cuz future cell 6 beyond next year will be made at a later date. Golf now in the u. S. Team have already taken a healthy leader over the interNational Team at the president s cup in north carolina, the opening days or force and for much where teams of to play as alternate show. The american set, the tone early when well, number for patrick come play, and one number 5 and the shelf li, easily to feed into most experience plays for the International Adams scott. And he came up yama, the us team, one full life matching in major league baseball, chicago cubs, rookie hayden with miss sky had an evening. Hell long remember the 24 year old delivered a perfect ending against the pittsburgh pirates. You struck out 3 boxes in the 5th inning with a minimum 9 picked. It was just as for parents in the majors the cubs went on. 23 came about that. This is our judge trying to equal the American League record for most home runs in the season. You just missed out on the 61st time run. But hes got 19 games left in the season. Yankees secured a spot in the playoffs off the beating arch rival the Boston Red Sox 5. All right, that is a useful for now. It is back to 0. All right, joe, thank you very much to stay tuned to 0. This is it for the news hour. Ill be back in a moment with more today. Ah, ah. A frank assessments, if the United States felt that youre running a good program was there to build a nuclear weapon. They would assign to view by informed opinions. I believe that armenia and other by judge should have bilateral negotiations. Weve been holding that for many times. Critical debate is the commonwealth now still something that king charles will take off in depth analysis of the data global headlines inside story on al jazeera it to leave the right wing party for a tele, the diane is a heads in the poles. Good is a slice of victory and the good luck are the cycles with one of the why do run applications for the European Union . I need to say without 0 or the latest update. India, and that didnt you so much ism is of evil under a labor government, it will not be tolerated in any form. What so ever. Beneath the surface lies a darker side in british politics. The labour files are one on al jazeera with awe

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