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Have an update the protests and the libyan city of deadman against the government. A week off the floods killed thousands of people last i am not without montague or new york support or with the wrong. Ill have more on the agreement between the neighbors. It is all good. This quite painful. The biggest Club Competition and well football returns with the spouse of the wife at Champions League will have for matches the cities manager as his Team Proposed to defend that talk to the with again this news uh with a diplomatic route between india and canada. The Indian Government has expelled a c, b, a canadian diplomat over the killing of a prominent seeks lead to expulsion is widely seen as retaliation off the us to a full south and then didnt diplomat. Well, thats off the canada site. Its investigates incredible allegations that link the Indian Government to the mud, how theyve seen the job was shot dead in june. New data is rejecting the child is going to get upset, chaper times to reports. Kind of this, the community accused, the Indian Government have been behind the murder of seek activist how deep seeing the job he was killed by 2 must come in there, seek Cultural Center in june. Now in an urgent statement deposits, kind of this Prime Minister has revealed an investigation and a possible involvement by the indian stays. Over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents. So the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen har dave sing, major. A kind of this foreign minister announced the expulsion of an indian diplomat, described as the head of india, the intelligence of canada as a result of the obligations. If proven true, this would be a great violation of our sovereignty and of the most basic rules of how countries deal with each other. But can i get government is not released any evidence . The announcements and expulsion rates. Several questions, not least if these are still early allegations and the canadian government is asking the Indian Government for itself, including getting to the bottom of what actually happens. How is it the canadian government already felt a deposition to be able to expel the india diplomat for st. Cadinas you need is also was action was welcome. I think that at the moment we have no idea. Like as an like of adjusting system itself has been kind of, i think, failed in these moments in the past were trade deals and diplomacy and all these types of things come into play. So human rights, if its actually at the forefront of our agenda, then i would say like the, just the system to do it to where it gets jobs. Find the people that actually bid this india account of the relations have been tens for some time. In fact, the rendered moody was reported to have complained to, to do at the recent g 20 about the political space kind of, it gives us to seek separatists. Now to, to says he raised the allegations of immune involvement into drugs, killing quotes in no Uncertain Terms at the summit as well. She everytime c o 20. 00 on terrier. Oh, think saw a religious minority who make up about 2 percent of indias population. Some groups have long cold for them to have a separate homeland. Well, that movement is called the call. This done movement. In the 1976 separate this launched in campaign that led to thousands of people being killed before it was quashed. In 1994, a series of violent protests against 6 was held in india off to the Prime Minister was assassinated by has seek body guards. Well, since then, the movement has been mostly limited to countries with large sink populations such as the u. K. And canada, how softball is the executive editor of the long form politics and culture magazine . The counter event, he says a violent sig, separate, this movement has been virtually nonexistent decades. The carlos dining moment has a long history. Mm hm. And during the days there was a while in the military moment on indian side. What ever since, at least in india, in the state, the punjab. But the success of majority, that kind of fun moment, has been what you mean on existence enjoys, and hopefully taking support and goes up and down. Depending on the attention of the Indian Government based. This attention has gone up considerably since the multi government came to part in 2014. It does have strong adults both in canada and they use it better. Seems like it for in terms of the head. But given that the vast majority of 6, so dont indian story and on north park has been some of the stuff in them. These would have ideally be easily ignored. But the more the government has consistently hyped of the congress on each side to india. I think again, because it suits them domestically to talk about security threats to the Indian Nation rather than at the activity measured of that on the ground from the move when they go lodge, it are the only to come vision of the artist as the parent body but right, we, in the national, this organization that what to me drives the media be, which is the parking part of the 6 out of pocket the larger the single 4th. So they cannot demonize them in the same way they demonize most mips. In that sense, the one the stand, why the 6th continue to be a post with the more the government is it might be on the different problem that is then often put in the context of it is the color funny is making problem using the 6 us pick, while both 2 things are entirely separate, the Indian Government would like to see them to get a, to a rainy and nationals who are part of a prisoner swath. Whether you guys have a rise into her on how to die moines on saudi and rise, a sort of hung full well welcomed by family members on monday or among 5 and radians freight in the us beverly song as a deal mediated by parts of the agreement included the release of 5 us prisoners who had been held in the wrong it also included on blocking 6000000000. 00 of iranian funds that were frozen in south korea to sell for sundown. Chase. I finally get to be seen my homeland tons. Chevy has it was tougher for my family rather than me was difficult situation for them. My mother right now is hospitalized due to the pressure. She was faced. Involved 5 american citizens jailed in iran for years of landed in an apple near washington. Iran had accused the 5 duel nationals of spine, but the us says they were wrongfully detained spring in highly jo castros waiting for the americans as an apple in washington dc. And so highly well understand theyve arrived now take us through the process. Yeah. Sammy and a us official says that this plane, that to part of doha carrying the 5 uh i renamed american prisoners that were free plus 2 family members who are now allowed for the 1st time to leave you ron. All told 7 and eric is have arrived now on us soil after this long ordeal. Now this slide has really happened under tight government wrap. They have not said exactly which airport that this this plane landed in. Were at dulles international, which is the most likely one. And were still waiting to see pictures of this arrival, which is all very important, of course, to see these americans were united with their families. And it is a Pivotal Moment in this long, delicate, and complicated deal between iran and the us. And of course, we put that together what those images weve already seen in t. Ron of the 2 iranian prisoners who were released from american detention and all told it is a moment of very rare cooperation between these 2 hostile nations. It is one that was arrived that not by talking between the 2 countries themselves. Iranian officials and us officials never exchanged a word in the 2 years leading to this moment. It was something that was facilitated by 3rd parties like cutter. But a moment that really many are celebrating as us conclusion to the ordeal of all parties involved right now that weve got pictures of them having be free that back on us. So how is that impacting the debate . The consult vesee over this deal . Back in the us. Yeah, it is a difficult decision that you as President Joe Biden says he had to take to secure the freedom of these 5 americans. And it is one that knowingly the white house made that it may be unpopular, especially among bidens critics. Republican members of congress who have come out to criticize the announcement of the steel in particular, their criticism, focusing on the 6000000000. 00 of the wrong and assets that the us agreed to on fries as part of the deal. Theres here among republicans that this money may be used by ron form a line purposes and not just for the humanitarian needs of buying food or medicine as the deals stipulates. Theres also concerned that among the iranians who had been facing us prison time to decided to remain living in the united states. And there are some republicans who say that they may pose a National Security risk, though it is notable. And the white house emphasized that the iranians, who think these charges were charged with sanctions, violations, non violent crimes. But certainly now having those 5 detained americans in iran, on the back, on this side, back in the us, is a victory for those families. And a moment where compassion was really allowed to shine and something that will likely here discuss more as a success as a great moment of celebration by the white house on the south side of high be jo castro. Thank so much for that match of the im sorry, is the spokesman, forgot to Us Foreign Ministry and advise us as a Prime Minister. He says the 2 year negotiations for the exchange were challenging. And at many points there was no light at the end of the telling of it comes to the said mediation. However, in the past 2 years, and in the past months we do a lot of the visits to both dc that on and direct and negotiations and direct negotiations that will help in various places around the world. And with our partner of the, in the southern it of, uh for mine and they, that the states and indeed on we worked along finding a solution to this. And i think one of the main difficulty that you were able to get through was making the technical side of this deal at the, at the right time. So all the things can happen at the same time and make sure that everything happens without the glitch. Both sides during the negotiations went through a lot of difficulty to get the find the language that was the approved over the financial humanitarian channel. No. So, but the exchange uh and the way to get place and that there was a lot of very clear guidelines on what should be done and what it was done and did this is what we have seen here today. And therefore, we will not that worried that a last minute thing might happen and uh, you know, sabotage the whole deal. However, uh we do understand of course that it was not an easy task in that to, in both sides. There are lots of questions about it. I do believe that the, the agreement that communities is quite a robust, it has the taking a lot of time and effort. A lot of the, you know, discussions over this to make sure that we have an agreement that can stand, that can withstand these uh, criticisms. And deb, this is what we have seeing right now. 2 times the more ahead on the news out including we look at how the finding incident is delta crippling blows and the countrys economy natasha about flooding a plus are in normans. Eva french government says no wants to plan to tackle so cold as a tours, and that can make life difficult in destinations like this. For right now, the fever into her on is he and his um no sort of seem a lot of the, the age of the champions with matt thats coming up in the hundreds of people have protested in libyas eastern city of deadman, the demanding accountability of the devastating floods killed thousands of people a week ago. They want the Public Prosecutor to speed up an investigation into how to dams collapsed off the heavy rain. Its all stuff and reports they want answers. And those they say all responsible to, to account many of these protests is blame libyas easton administration for the flood dissolves to mcdonough. They want to know how to dance, bust leading to the depths of thousands of people with many more missing faith that they accused administration of corruption negligence. We pray that all of the did the rest and peace. And i hope that this is the end of our catastrophes. We just ask that if there is any rebuilding, if its that no Libyan Company be ever involved. This was because everyone into and from the head of the municipality to all of the official, it was a corrupt doing or should either be lift as is or a Foreign Company should be involved. The soles of the did not be in vain. Libya itself, a decades of Political Violence and instability. The country has to rival administrations construction next. But say this catastrophe could have been avoided, had the dams built in the 1970s being properly maintained. How sunk a saw says the wolf water mountain rubble, the cracks through the city, killed his 4 children. On hold alone, he cries, he will never forget. What secretarys people told me the war to enter the house and my children were inside. The uncles kept telling them to come out by they could not do. The water started flowing inside from the windows. They tried to exit from the back, but the water went in and forth to them to float, to the ceiling. And the 4 of them found the search for bodies goes on. Identifying those recovers is difficult because many of the composed rate of disease rises every day and the engine, im looking for my brother in law, shes daughter and shes why we went to that yard. There is no news about them. Its estimated that the homes of around 50000 people were swept away. International assistance continues to arrive. But shock and grief among many of the survivors is now turning into anger. Rebuilding their city is a promise that must be, cant they say. But if this catastrophe could have been avoided, those responsible must pay. So its not put onto 0 from i like trying to joins us now live from aaa. So its been a busy night to process how the things look now in depth, not of the well, the situation is extremely tens of we are now hearing that the communications have been shut down completely. Last night. The media teams were asked, were ordered to leave the city of deadman. Now we spoke to the, the minister of Civil Aviation in eastern libya. He shot and it was like what he confirmed to us that yes, we have a journalist, have been told to leave the city temporarily and not a complete shut down is what he told us. He said, he cited reasons that the journalists were impeding the work of search and rescue teams and for health reasons. He also, they want to try to, to begin a mechanism or a process for journalists to, to work in a better ways. What he was telling us, we, when we asked him about the Communication Communications and so now he told us he has communications are down, but thats because they are maintaining or theyre trying to fix the towers. Look like you hurting charles report is shocked. People after has been more than a week and people were shock and they were, they were, they were grieving and still dont know, thousands of people still missing. And thats starting to turn into anger. I mean, in the chance we could, theyre saying the blood of our martyrs wont go in vain. They want the account ability. People have been telling us that for years, for these knew that the dam had issues. There was a huge crack in the major dam according to them, and they needed a written evasion. But that wasnt happening. They blamed the officials for corruption. And they are want, they want the Public Prosecutor, the whole of those responsible to account and how people getting enough help now of the doesnt seem so certainly, i mean, you know, like i said, we havent been able to reach people today because of the Communication Systems are, are down, but from what weve been, what were hearing yesterday, i mean the, the, the, the capacitor fee and the destruction that is in the city of done the people are dealing with is just an epic proportions. I dont think the pictures are giving us a clear story and you know, there are dozens of rescue teams. Yes. International rescue teams help trying to help their local teams try it out. But its just not as its, its just such a, the destruction is so immense. And were seeing pictures earlier of a people knowing, you know, this is where my, my family is, is buried under the rubble and know the teams just cant handle everyone. And, you know, people are digging with their hands, digging with little shovels, big for trying to recover their to cover the bodies of their loved ones. So the situation is tense at the moment and, and people are extremely angry and they want answers as to who is responsible for this, for, for the, for the collapse of these downs and leave it there. Thanks so much malik trying. Curtis, im groups and open the wrong kind of started pulling out from areas near the border with the wrong spot of a Security Agreement signed between the 2 countries to disarm the groups and remove the military comes hooked up the why has this exclusive report from mount how good near the rocky rumbled us threw up too montalvo on the walk is dangerous. These are we read you include despite those known as coma, will have been battling your ones, the government. The few they get tied to get an attack and instructions that allows the drills were conducted a few kilometers away from airlines army positions before the pulled out in response to the recent secuity agreement between the one, any rock the commander is um did. But now he was one of your ones most wanted men because it says 2 of his brothers were executed for up for the ation with the code is a group you, one has set september 19th deadline for them today down their weapons. But dont you know, to have done it uh, we will not lay down to weapons. We are temporarily repositioning away from the boulder vehicle. We do not local, but since iran declared war against us in 1979, we have had to take up to defend ourselves. And the people, the coma is among 7, n t one groups, which have been an operating, getting your rock to send me your to him is good just region. For nearly 40 years. There are concerns as to why the code just Regional Government allows these fighters and there comes and its 2 to 3. What it consists, its looking for a peaceful solution. You want has repeatedly bump the fighters locations, saying those sites would be used to launch attacks against it, to these flights. I would say the warranty on to become a secular multi ethnic country that guarantees the rights of both cruises and iranians. Equally. But the wrong accused them of being separately seeking to undermine National Unity and fielding, last years mass demonstrations. Its been one years since the death of a mess. I mean, e, i mean i dont get uranian could. Its women who died in Police Custody unspoken, nationwide unrest. It and they who were supported the demonstrations politically and thats our legitimate right. But i run, you know, Security Forces have killed many of our people and put too many others in jail for allegedly, for minting silence button top of that. You want to use it them of being manipulated by israel to carry out attacks inside your on including your nations and those the target its nuclear facilities, probably much. I mean, i dont have a lot of it is really suddenly back in these groups with training and advanced equipment, which they used against the military and sensitive facilities as use of this as being also admitted by their operatives who was sent and directed by israel to insight on the insurgency, sabotage of state facilities, and to motor out security individual. Recapture them even during last is demonstrations and we have clear evidence and ill certainly not to. Many of these fighters claim the flood from here on working and hiding from the uranium army 4 days before joining these training comes. You rock, you officials with the Central Government and best daddy insist the lands cannot be used to launch attacks against the neighbors. The we, i thought id often shop in had what our Border Guard Forces have been deployed and coordination with the original Kurdish Administration to prevent infiltration and attacks inside the room. For this, the Security Committee has been the forms to relocate their cap. Its away from the border whos not as cutting, and that is the uranium could display to say that abandoning their locations in order not to give you want to reason to launch more attacks inside the rock, but not their weapons, which they believe are the only guarantor for their safety and that could put a rock youll for ships both and about that and in the know the code this region at odds with the iran would up to do. I hate, ill just eat off at the mountain top. Good. You know, your rocks boulder with the wrong thing. You some breaking news coming into us now is that by johns Defense Ministry size, its launching an operation in the garden to cut off region off to 4 of its soldiers with killed that they died in a land mine explosion along with 2 civilians. As a bi sounds, as it will target positions of all mean is forces in its operation. The 2 sides have been locked in a bit of dispute for decades over the region of the gulf. Know kind of a mold in 1200 children have died in refugee camps in savannah since may. Thats according to the United Nations. Its Refugee Agency says that thats what caused by suspected measles outbreak. And the high rate of malnutrition view and is one thing that tens of thousands will be on the brink of death by the end of the year. Oh baffles between the Sudanese Army and permits. Free rockets support forces is false. 94000000 people to sleep at home since the conflict began in april. Fire thing is also cut off millions of people from the jobs thats affecting the ability to put food on the table view and says that a half of the countrys population of 46000000. 00 is facing hung a table moved into bolts from call to the alpha estimate is a schoolteacher who comes to this markets in northern, on demand, to buy her basic needs. Its one of the few in the capital that remains open since were broke out in mid april. She says the conflict between so dense army and the countries Power Military Rapids Support forces has meant sheets have little money to buy what she needs. But there are 5 might be the weve only earned this month before that there was no earning. Every Student Needs has reduced with the buy because there was no source of income. All the government facilities are not functioning. So there is no ability to purchase because there is no income. There is no consumption. Im lucky to have a son who works abroad, but things are still tough. Prices in the market have increased since the where it began, because of rising fuel costs and craters having to import, which was once locally produced. After many factories were destroyed in the conflict, libraries on the market is a bit slow. But with managing, some people come when they find this thing they want is expensive and they choose was cheaper instead, because they cant afford it. But not all those and how to have access to basic goods. While goods are available in some markets, in other parts of the capital findings, basic commodities is challenging. Thats because the fight thing is preventing traders from being able to move their goods, leading to shortages in many areas in front of tools and other cities into that and raising prices when many have no source of income. At least 1000000 people worked in the Public Sector prior to the work. And millions of others relied on day jobs to be able to feed their families. But all that has been disrupted. The conflict has now displaced more than 5000000 people. And the number of people needing, how many terry and assistance to survive has risen from 15000000 to 20000000. Thats nearly half of the dance population. And getting a to those in need is challenging, without having save messages on without providing protection to documented 30 and workers. Its impossible for the speed to reach out to those people who are currently hungry. Well, sometimes goes to bed on an empty stomach. It also says she knows shes lucky to be able to access, can afford her name, but she worries that she may not be able to do so if the fighting continues, keep them oregon ultra 0 hudson still ahead on al jazeera. Well, data is gather in new york for the United Nations General Assembly. They fulfill promises to psycho Climate Change in global hung up. The chinese city of hon. Joe gets ready for the official style, the vision games on saturday of the some events of already begun for a whole have more than that in school. The. The thats on the stones. I last 24 hours produced on flooding in those mits lee. I didnt sleep very near this frontal system went through, but thats what it is. A cold front is too much instantly since, but its tail and effect is now very weak. This is a rather different affair. This is effectively incoming or too windy and where the temperature coming down to the middle teens now. And if youll notice in no way its not just rain, it looks like suppose this times of the air is cooling down significantly. This is a trend which is the style started by this thing here. That knocks attempt is back in central and Eastern Europe by about 6 degrees as a maximum. That will so its going down to 23. 00. Its sort of tail ending because the site down to remain here. And in fact in utility, particularly the sicily temperatures of anything we rise slightly because the heat is still coming out about julia. But look whats happening here of about the arch eastern side of space. A potential development of stormy weather, running up to the south of france by the end of wedding stay. And then this will rate as you get into the north west of front. And in fact, we have got the same sort of effect in the Atlas Mountains and in parts voucher and morocco at low levels, significant thunder storms where you dont really want them. Otherwise, the heavy rain is in west africa. Once again in getting this out the, the sense of belonging. We are very close knit community. Everybody knows everybody, and the every day he real keeping communities together. This is the same sort of universe set of my universe jersey. It up is, its scotlands out there. A headboard, a meet still fighting to say that 5 and his way of life in the face of its population. A sense of community on a jersey to the the colleges here with the the, theyre watching out just the time to recap on headlines now. India has rejected allegations by canadas Prime Minister that it play the role in the death of a canadian c. Lead to both countries have expelled diplomat since the route was 5 american citizens jail. The round for use of landed in the us, beverly sol as a deal mediated by hotels told of a Prisoner Exchange that required us to free 5, arabians, and im freeze radian funds. Hundreds of people that protested in libyas eastern city of them. Theyre demanding accountability a week off the devastating floods co thousands of people once an investigation into how to dams collapse off the heavy rain or staying with on the top story. Now lets take a closer look at the seek activist how deep seeing the job for the 5 year old, the job left india for canada and 1997, and became a prominent and seek leader in the province of british columbia. He probably campaign for holla stein, the creation of an independence seek homeland and the punjab region of india. India described the job as a terrorist to have a militant San Francisco group accusations he denied for justice. He and the job was working on an unofficial world wide vote by 6 on whether they support separating from india. Canadian needed revolted, he had received threats in the past because of his active isnt about traits. Thing is the spokesman and Legal Council of the world seek organization of canada. He believes india was involved in the jobs killings. Its an incredibly validating uh we is. Canadian 6 have for years. Said that india is interfering here in canadian sick affairs. We have identified strong peers that mister nature was the target of an indian assassination plot. And to have the Prime Minister get up and say that today, thats a, thats confirming those uh, those concerns. And its like i said, very validate her. The thing to do was the president of one of the largest because in canada, he was also a very strong advocate of both o advocate for cobblestone which is a solving state. And we are here in canada, enjoy the freedom of expression. But india had repeatedly insisted the canada silence mister needs you as well as those 6 who are campaigning for colors done. And india simply doesnt understand that thats not legally possible, but to go to the extent of having a targeted, queuing on foreign soil. This falls into the bizarre, i mean this is a terrorist act by india and im, im surprised that they would go this far to be honest. What i am concerned about is india using this moment in time to create tensions, to once again use. Its a typical here in canada to create a moments of violence, create conflict, and thats not beyond what theyve already been doing. So 6 in those muslims, we all live here peacefully. But what india has very active we tried to do is create conflict and create the myth of 2nd stream as of in canada. As has had me is the National Spokeswoman full. India is rooting, bought off the edge, and not to faulty, joins us now from new data. Thank you so much for joining us. Do you believe the canadian Prime Minister is wrong when he says the credible reasons to suspect india was involved in the assassination of seeing the job as well. Thank you for having me. So i suppose i must express my, oh, i wish it. The language used by the then he didnt sign minister. Im the sort of ministry at the store so strong was, i dont know why that is. So they didnt. And also a nice, this is completely unsubstantiated and yeah, and such has been at the receiving end of the secret. Susan, just last month we saw upload in bulk of the best of those, all of the same stuff. I was not as a part of my body, but the program, this is the substitution. Im the fluid exhibited the glorification all all formal crime and this is assassination. To which the Indian Government took a breach. Not just that, the indians that the secret did. What they, what sweats me, of these indian diplomats time and time again about the latest set of allegations that have been made a very c just why . Um, i think issues. And let me read often. Do you have to read what the comment is to you and what i understand is of most youve explained the best se that these allegations of not only be rejected, but they are completely episodes. So im just getting in one line was we have been suffering, they just didnt off of got it done and just know much in all. Not just because the caught a sound support is actually a seeking session up and yeah, breaking down. Ive been doing up that entry. So the style for us, the d and i d. Okay. Its not, doesnt matter. It is. Thats such a strong. Yeah. If, if you let me jump in. So canadian officials are complaining, the india is not cooperating with the investigation. Why not cooperate with the canadians . If the Indian Government has nothing to hide . That was that is the canadian job that is the josh by the canadian government. The fact of the match it is and ill also what im going to. So josh, im good. Yes, printed out many times earlier, that this is in fact the was kind of what Bank Politics that justin toodles government is indulging in. That there was a voltage of domain. And it was to me that even knowing that it was of gain war and has nothing to do with the diploma in agencies. And it has nothing to do and then goldman to it what sort of oh yes, the serious charges of the needs. Im at that level of the Prime Minister, i think is upstream. Yeah, unfortunate off and then go into so basically uh uh, you know, corporate thing in the investigation and i really think that canadian gomez, you do more in controlling, excuse an on, on this im, im, im doing the activities read and then diploma of surgeons the top okay, displeases this, this news mom did on the inside doing and then the engine side is just included even on the i dont wish and it says the ac is matters show youve made that point. The primary, let me put to you when you, when you, when they speak to somebody, spent a lot of time, okay. When you, when you speak to think active as though this is what they point out. Weve not only had the killing of seeing the job in june. Weve had the killing of several prominent seek figures and other minority figures such as pelham jeep sing, punch wall, shot dead impact, a song may, the 6 he was the chief of the call. This done, come on the false for put them on thing by like, who was accused by india of involved when in the 1995 bombing shot dead in, sorry, in july 2022. The kidding of sides college rosa. I bet the come on the shot dead in karachi, february 27th, 2023. And the list goes on, but you dont do find it. And that is what, what do you say to those thats, thats the now its, as i say, i want to, theres a number of people who consider the, the terrorist. So, and the nasal flights to india to do you are being killed in the last year. And a half, i heard you, the 1st thing is, so do you attribute all these feelings of this to get him did agencies . I mean is it is hilarious that there is a getting input out to you or somebody else in the office on. You want to do named and then the closing, the claim, this is the accusation was made by my by actually if i get it. Yeah. Can i just finished with the seeing what im seeing . Marsh maybe do 55. It would have been that far from and deal with that that when do you by any of the students that think possibly, that started in toronto. Ive got your math, my mom, he had to be system physically just peggy and then. Oh, best way to do it and then the leasing model, who didnt get that. Why . Because he was a supporter of the Indian Government and did not as even of the sun roof out, assign videos and activists. So and then there is a fluid to do big thing in the do this as soon as she saw the table, you know all the questions, ill let you finish the the but you already know also answering the question is your now it seems that all of these kennings i mentioned i bought a list of all of them. Your response to those who say they suspect any involvement is that this, these are all co incidence. Is that in the last year and a half people identified as threats to india being killed. And then no one charges us who does the other just because the charges are that the feelings which have happened over in canada and in focus on the knobby after you did 2 of you know, did agencies. I think its just because of all the members has never had never had to drop the board or anything off the sign. And most importantly, committed to the rule. So shortly the time to come back to the state of affairs and thought you saw the bible to the bottom. Democracy is doing the so i dont think that there is any need to believe the, the, the big stream is elements and, and of both of them and to applies to the applications and leave it them. I put the name on it and yeah, but it just nothing to do with it. All right, so what, since you mentioned democracy and, and a track record, how would you respond to a number of civil liberty groups who say such as the Freedom House report of 2022 that the count Indian Government has developed the history of persecuting minorities. It says, quote, a rise in persecution affecting the most and population harassment of john list, non governmental organizations and other governmental critics. The sweden bass v them Institute Names india is one of the worst all to cross sizes in the last 10 years. And its democracy report of 2023. All those also wrong. A riddle loosely im the do you have to do the house . This is the agency and listen to thought, what have you believe that and yeah, well solved in the home phone, you know, got his phone. Now what anybody in the right mind believe is this something that you did many times who i live in and yeah, and the institute, im the homeless intelligence manager. Shes, ive been doing benefit, you know, i think this is just lovelady me sort of another do besides the news, bob to open and the idea of whats available. So i think we should be able to be able to do better than that. Uh, is it all uh, you know, driving you just that is not a good deal. Do what do then im he and hes all these and so and yeah, knowing that none of them are too. So dont just purchase the canadians that going on. I really dont want it and you can use that. This is how does it make, does it actually make it to so i have to wait for the bundle that i really dont mutual design. Okay. Sorry to say that and it didnt go been strong. No, you have your right to your opinion of the canadian government agents side. If you make a major point, was it . Well, why do you think then the canadians are also saying this credible evidence, if there is no credible evidence, the suspect india, they also lacking credibility and a bunch of, uh, incredible and g o z as well. When they introduce the evidence, i think its, uh, its all i opened up the domain to see as to how the canadian government will provide the evidence linking the feeling of this gentleman with that awful Indian Government or that using agencies or whatever it is to be up to them to do this, but i think it is to be on board already did. Its a place in slide i it is also its a to say a, a disability. Okay. And now its very shocking that this language has been used and the canadian Prime Minister should for big to does this scandal was by what it takes and some, but you avoid bank while the dixon, his own country to this extent goes obviously, is what i see all right, thank you so much as yeah, me for answering those questions in chicago perspective with us at least one person has been killed in weston ukraine. Also, a russian drone attack struck 3 industrial warehouses and liveth, Emergency Services say a fire spread over an area of nearly 10000 square meters defines apple says it shot down most of the 18 drones launched in the attack world lead as a gathering in new york for the United Nations General Assembly critics are concerned promises in climate goals for the 2013 on being met by the call, have a pulse now from new york. A dismal rainy day at the United Nations, a city backdrop, to a bleak status update on the progress of important un pledges. They are called Sustainable Development goals or s. Gigis adopted in 2015, 17 corps promises to improve the globe and the lives of the people on it by 2030. The airport is clear on the lawn of the complex. Now a visual reminder of how far countries of fall in short at this, the midway point. One goal ending hunger do you and says last year, 9. 2 percent of the global population experience, chronic hunger. That translates into 735000000 people on preventing the worst impacts of Climate Change. Greenhouse gas emissions need to be held by 2030 commitments from the 193 countries that signed the paras climate accord are predicted to mean a reduction of just 0. 3 percent. Yes, today, only 15 percent of the targets are on track. And many, out of going in reverse, the majority seemed to agree on the reasons the most claim goes to the covet pandemic level. This was the admitted portion of the federal progress made has been undermined by was such as the war of aggression launched by russia and ukraine by pen, democrats, Climate Change widespread violations of human rights. Many nations promising to do better. My country will spurn no efforts to reduce the rates of poverty nationwide including poverty in families, especially those with managed children of others, explaining why they havent met the goals. Unfortunately, continuous, successful aggression the goods to solving to, to refer me. Where am i going and hateful rhetoric of the highest lead the supervisor . Imagine threatened the security and stability now region, overall, the general message, its bad in many ways. Its not Getting Better and that needs to end. Now say the use in the end. Let us remember that the pathway to build a new world that is safer, more equitable, and free, is through achieving the International Human solidarity. The u. S. Has laid out the steps that the world needs to take and the countries did sign another declaration, a promise to redouble their efforts. But given the geopolitical strife and really constrained government budgets is not yet clear. If this high level meeting will result in height and progress pedagogy, elda 0 at the United Nations, australia has reported in el nino web past, and as the country bake sandra unusual, heat wave basin days, New South Wales is recorded temperatures as high as 16 degrees celsius. Above average for september, dozens of bush fires being reported across the states. Donald sizes in place in sydney from se is one of the worlds biggest tourist destinations. The launch numbers of visitors to the country is natural in starting science. Each year has become a problem for locals and sort of so like to come back. So cold over tourism, the french governments launched a new strategy. Darcia bought the reports from one tourist hotspots and northern fronts on normans east coast, the small town of excellent and is majestic white cliffs. Evelyn vineyards lived in the area most of her life and she so she never ties. If its natural beauty. Yep. And there were lots of caves and growth tape. Theres a mystery to a top which tools people here. One sufficient port, its now tourism, but fuels the local economy. But thats what has popularity is led to thousands of visitors crowding it streets and cliffs pulse each day. Reading the quality of life for residents, a threatening the environment, evidence as to, as a welcome, more needs to be done to minimize the impact, because its complicated for us. There were long queues to buy bread. Well, to drive a new way. People take the publish from the beach, they feed to see goals. So visitors need to be informed about what they can do. And we residents need to find out best ways to host them. French, impressionist artists painted at toyota. Todays mainly move both thing is that capture its a new world wind visits our from china. Yeah. Because these are framers face to service. So we come here and how long are you gonna spend . Only 2 days at a fair price. Its a 1st time in phones channel. Um and um we uh spend the 5 days in paris before we come here. Its a similar picture elsewhere in fonts in high season over run sites unpacked beaches, farms as well. Its nice to visit the country, but save gold. Oh, for tourism is a real problem for many regions, which is why the french government have now launched a new plan to try and better manage towards flows. Hiring influences to promote less than 0 destinations and phones and helping local authorities to back the code in taurus hotspots or among the meshes left whole seats on take off in front of the big 2 resignation front slots tourism and tourist pos would never stop. People going to most, im a show or eiffel tower, but the reality is when you look at the amount of people is clear, will need to introduce a limit on visit to numbers and improving the Visitor Experience while respecting local communities and protecting the environment is a delicate balance, but one that needs to be found to safeguard fronts is architectural and Natural Heritage for future generations. Natasha butler, how to 0. It took to normandy. All right, lets catch up now is whats happening in the world of school with the whole. Sorry, stephanie, thank you very much and matches the city will kick off the defense of the Champions League. Charge on choose day, as the group stage gets on the white city lifted best fast makes your p and pharmacy and assemble in june on a 5 is to do so. Again, pet gaudy on the side. Begin the campaign against the 1991 european count. When is read style bel grade of the after you had in perspective attempted to, we didnt do anything special with just one. So but, but for, as of course. So the collab do then have, you can be part of that is in kind of approach. Really the hardest to defend it, that it was to win it for the 1st time jump. Hes like no easy. The position was when the 1st one on the call. So im getting ready for that 1st Champions League group match enrolled in 20 years at the house side. Have a dont think tom started that away from home against the 7 talking european champions. Ive seen the land. The other 2 teams include as a perry size, your mouth and various adult, and what else are facing the latin utah. So well come up against perry sounds. You might have the phrase champions, 1st icon dont paste. You have enjoyed Great Success domestically. But the Champions League is a try. See the clubs have yet to win church louis and retired new car. It seems that new is and retype, so it is not helpful to become so excited on getting the competition coming up as one only people when someone team over at club becomes obsessed with something. Its not a good sign you need in these, you have some, you need hope you need ambition. But obsessing doesnt work in any sector of life. When the agent challenges late for what passed the star and her name odd was an action for his new side all her while the saudi team scoring a lights go to rescue a draw against tournament debbie to him not by heart aside from his back a song took the lead early in the 2nd hall and they looked to be heading for victory. That wasnt to audio, but our he equalized our hell out in the 10 minutes of stuff. Its to what kind of bed. So what well have to make, well have to waste even somebody kids gotta deal with the competition. He wasnt in the out. He has side so that back for a g n k, they did just fine with that inside winning 3 know the city and afford already in your going to of the goals a look. I see auto ronaldo m l master have arrived in a ron ahead of the asian Champions League flashed against tests to supplements ronaldo and his teammates are treated to a very well welcomed when they arrived in tyrone this will be the 1st time since 2015 that saturday Underwriting Team to face each other on home to because of the diplomatic tensions between the 2 countries. Us have m sports, the think thats a cool, pretty standard thing. They keep. Yes, everyone knows that christiana renada is a very big player. And as you said in recent, matches has directly contributed to the points one. And he has scored many goals. Also, hes been very hard working and has had a very good performance shortly. He is ready to add to these goals on tuesday and be at his best leverage. But this is how we view his role in the team. A couple of goals in a league about ronald, i would have been proud of both with for sharona. Victoria said hadnt called putting them ahead, i guess going out on the people, bob told was good. How about this . From the savvy hours . I made it to new. Maybe the goalkeeper could have done little better with on a probably been quite harsh giovano winning 3 now to be fed into table. Im sorry you remain on bates and well band. The are of the both of, of the English Premier League off the 110, nothing in forest at this point in the league this season. Pretty good goals to stops. But how is this for an equalizer from color hudson, the daughter of his best go for forest is joining from chelsea, or was findings winning well kept winning football as a refund if ever made on strike the sports 15 of them being named in a squad for the nations legal statement from the play stress, the boy remained in place until further changes were made to spines, football federation, in the wake of the well cup kissing controversy. Meanwhile, jenny, 100 most of the player at the center of the scandal has been left out of the squads. The news spending coach wont say to my so she hasnt been pitts for the upcoming nation li games against sweden and switzerland in order to protect. So ill start with kids on the lips farther than the spanish, but well find a russian present. Do it sort of the allies during the welcome tracy presentation, which she said was those conceptual and dr. Hayes resignation as to almost going any. And we fully support jenny and the rest of the players. We believe that the way of helping them is being by their side and just think to them on the top of sorry to hear and me and my staff think that this is the best way to protect her at this moment. Invoke them on the 19th asian games officially get on the way and hadnt jar in china on stocks a day. Ahead of the opening ceremony. The city has been getting its various venues ready. The games was supposed to take place last year, but with the spartan, because of cobit concerns. What ahead of that are things certainly some events have already begun that includes events, football, competition, north korea seen here in the worksheets taking on taiwan. North korea making is returns a competitive, International Football off the 4 years of why and it was a winning, which i know screams taking this much to now, huge guy coming up in a couple of hours as high as china take on india. That is always, but for now more i to savvy. Thank so much for a whole are and 5 american citizens jailed in iran for years have landed in the united states, were bringing you the latest pictures of them. Will that release follow that deal, which was mediated by also pictures as they touched down in the us house of that long flight from the release . Of course, it was part of a big a prison to exchange that also require the us to release 5 radians and also so, and im freezing on a lot of the writing and money hows this has provoked a bit of control the c back in the us with the members of the republican policy criticizing, the deal will bring you more on this story as well as all the others were following here. And ill just say im back in a couple of moments for the full shows to stay with us. The, [000 00 00;00] the in depth analysis of the days headlines, 1000000000 euros to help to address migration. Is it going to ease the micro crisis . Will make it worse, informed opinions. We need more investors and more people that make the decision to embrace human foothold. Frank assessments this balance between to toe and sound reassurance is particularly important for the volume missing the station inside stored on al jazeera system. A little boat is a mechanical reason that self driving train the vehicle. But android today can be dealing with a human robot like me, will be everywhere else you 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and Wonderful World of global land. Think and even trust. I feel like on the line, but i know i on the machine. Origins of this, which is the bronx new york, 1973, the birthplace of hip hop, a young man named 5 campbells, better known as d. J. Cool. Hurd got the movement started and people danced out of back to school party. It was right here on the cedric avenue in the bronx and the ordinary looking Apartment Building where a party full of teenagers help launch a music style using funk, soul jazz and rock classics. Be created an entirely new south west since become a multi 1000000000. 00 industry, the universal hip hop museum, currently under construction 6, to preserve the movements roots, residents around the globe. The as that a by john says its launching an operation and then theyve got a no cut off region. Off the 4 of its soldiers were killed that the sammy say them. This is out just they were alive from dell hall. So coming up in

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