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Plus, india launches the mission to mars and going to the only space agency to reach the red planet. Welcome to al jazeera, a brutal 20 month conflict between congo and m 23 rebels has come to an end, the rebels who used to be soldiers said they are ending their fight and the army has been bombarding the group east of the country and putting it back to the hill tops malcolm webb is here and reports that the m23 have laid down their weapons, what more can you tell us there . Right now we are on top of a hill and soldiers say this was the house that the leader of the m23 rebels fled a short while ago. After days of heavy come barredment and we can see other buildings there and this is the main headquarters and they started the rebellion here and this is the hospital and another truck there that is burned out and this is the direction they run away. And they can negotiate and control the important borders and there is another political and economic interest in this Region Support of this and they fled the hill top in congo and there is nothing left to bargain with and it is probably the end and its extremely difficult for them to relaunch rebellions because that would be seen by the International Community as an allout war. Thank you. Now more than 300 soldiers are sentenced to death or jailed for life in bangladesh and all convicted and taking part in a mutany were killed in 2009 and we are live in daca and what else happened in court then . Okay, can we see the captions now, can we see the captions now . Can we see the captions now. Let me see if i can see the captions, can i see the captions now . Can i see the captions now che checking captions. Caption testing testing testing testing testing, testing captioning, testing captioning, testing captioning, testing testing testing testing testing testing. Testing and its something we arrive at between u. N. Working with partners with the syria red crescent and others and bearing in mind its to the best of our knowledge the numbers, the staggering numbers as they are today. Let me ask you so what happened to the u. N. Resent humanitarian efforts to get help to these people, it was a big push in october, you clearly are not getting aid to the people in desperate need then, are you . We have been in syria providing aid to the victims of this conflict since the beginning for more than two years, so its not a new effort, its an increasing effort that we are trying to do as much as we can to reach communities which we cannot reach at the moment. To do this we are constantly in contact with the parties to the conflict on the ground, we are working at highest International Level with the u. N. Security council to put pressure on the practice within syria to grant us this access. It is extremely important for us to be able to give any kind of aid being food, health services, medicine, vaccination for children and so on that we can actually reach those who are in need. We have not had much improvement in the past month. Let me ask you a question about the Security Council because we have this nonbinding statement from the u. N. , but not a resolution. I mean, is that part of the problem do you think that we lack any sort of robust diplomatic will from the International Community . I think i will leave it to the Security Council to decide what is best and what kind of resolution or whatever form it comes out. I think with the president ial statement that came out about a month ago its very strongly worded, it is an expression of international determination to pressurize them and we have been working only it a long time to improve the situation and its very important now and the people in syria, displaced or not in need of assistance are going into winter and it will be very cold and we need more aid and we need to reach them. Reporter thank you for talking to al jazeera. It cut the growth expectations for next year for the 17 nation grouping from 1. 2 to 1. 1 and unemployment is predicted to rise to 12. 2 and would push the jobless to 20 million and more problems for spain but the debt will rise further over the next two years. Lets get more and talk to jackie who is in the french capitol of paris and the eu top official has been supporting this argument that the euro zone economy is recovering slowly and what more did he have to say . He said there were definitely positively trends there particularly in growth and the question of public debt by governments within europe but he was cautious at the same time. He said there were definitely signs that the economy had reached a turning point which he said would have been the medicine which has been prescribed to many countries within the euro zone and would take longer for this positive trend to translate into growth to start generating jobs which as you pointed out is one of the key problems really at the moment in the euro zone and they said it was too early to declare victory and not a time to feel complacent and more work needs to be done in the euro zone and europe to tackle the problems and modernize the economy. Reporter huge problems ahead and europe has a jobs crisis and a wide disparity in economic performances across the euro zone. Yes, in particular to do with the whole question of public debt. Again they said there had been some encouraging trends previously, there were only three countries that were not having to under go extraordinary exceptional measures to actually tackle their public debt and he says there were 12 countries that were no longer subjected to the special measures and clearly public debt and Government Spending is a problem and countries particularly we have seen the fall out in greece and portugal and spain of efforts by the golf to reduce public spending and how do you do that, look at cutting benefits and Public Services and cutting Public Sector jobs which is obviously very painful for ordinary people and then economic problems become political problems, we have seen protest movements and new Political Parties and often those on the extreme right which have been born if you like out of the economic crisis and peoples desperate search for some solution, any solution and both economically and politically and there are still many problems ahead. Jackie thank you. And lets focus on the uk now and people are generally finding it easier to borrow money to buy a house at the peak of the financial crisis but house prices are going up so fast in london its very difficult for people on the lower end of the pay scale to afford to live there and we have this report. People facing a crisis can adopt and if you are down and out living in a shipping container may not seem bad particularly if it has home comforts and they live if a hostile victim of Domestic Abuse would have had no chance affording anything much better. Depends who you are personally. I think living on the streets would probably be a bit more of a doubt to the pride than living in a shipping container. Reporter the man whose idea it was plans to put dozens of shipping containers up in east london. Im so angry i cant explain it in london where we have enormous wealth and there is enough to go around. If people shared, if there was justice and fairness you wouldnt require anything like this but if we dont do this there is nothing. Driven by low Interest Rates and lack of Housing Stock house prices in london seen 10 growth and a boom for the Construction Industry making the dreams come true for londons young model families. The Property Market nowadays is for people the numbers simply dont work. If they have a joint salary of say 80,000 a year which is above the average, the average price of a flat now in london is more than 600,000 and that means the bank would have to lend them maybe 89 times their joint salary to get a mortgage and no bank the country will do that and it means if they dont already own a property in london they will never be able to afford one. This huge estate right in the center of london was due to be knocked down more than a decade ago and thousands of poor families were moved out while plans were hatched for it to be turned into Affordable Housing but they could not make it work and in the end surrendered to developers who will turn it into Million Dollar apartments. What would your best guess be as to how much an apartment in this complex will go for when its done . I dont know the figures. They have already been sold off plan but they are millions. And they are expensive apartments. Millions of pounds and one mile from the house of parliament. This is london. This is a graveyard for social housing really. Reporter of course if you already own a property in london it will most likely mean you can pay for your own old age and probably leave something behind. Overwhelmingly the young and less well off are failed by the market and will never own a property to fund their pension or healthcare when they get old and it will have consequences for children yet to be born. Lawrence lee al jazeera london. One of the worlds Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies agreed to pay 2. 2 billion to the u. S. Government and johnson and johnson had 40 marketed three unapproved drugs and doctors were told it was okay to give alzheimers patients a schizophrenia drug and it is the largest fraud case in history. These Companies Lined their pockets at the expense of american taxpayers, patients and private Insurance Industry and drove up cost for everyone in the Healthcare Industry and impacted the longterm solvency in the programs like medicare. One of the Biggest Hedge Fund firms on wall street has been handed the biggest penalty for Insider Trading and Capital Advisors paid 1. 8 billion and forced to plead guilty to charges and we have more from new york. A big day for u. S. Attorney who got an admission of gift and a recordsetting fine from a major wall street firm. No institution should rest easy in the belief that its too big to jail. That is a moral hazard that a just society can ill afford. Law enforcement should not shy away from Holding Institutions responsible when its justified and necessary for both deterrence and accountability. Reporter the Capital Advisors plead guilty to five charges and agreed to pay 1. 8 billion for a systematic Insider Trading scheme that took place between 19992010. Six former sec traders plead guilty and cooperating with the government. Two others are fighting indictments and awaiting trial and the agreement has no immunity for any individual including the companys billionaire owner steve coen facing a civil lawsuit from the securities and Exchange Commission and his firm will no longer be able to manage money for outside investors. This is mid reports and federal prosecutors are on the verge of a 13 billion agreement with morgan chase over that banks questionable mortgage procedures and both cases challenging the notion that some firms are too big, powerful to the economy to prosecute. Some say criminal charges against chase would be a truer test. Sec did not pose the same risk to the economy of too big to jail problem as one of the Major Money Center Banks like city bank, bank of america, wells fargo or jp morgan would. If you had one of those banks charged criminally it would limit their ability to transact business and have massive lay offs and a real problem for the economy. The fines topped the 157 Million Dollars that the hedge fund was ordered to pay and he is also serving a 11year prison sentence. Charges against coen are still possible and al jazeera new york. Its time for a short break on the news hour and when we come back. Crime here is sky high and will i raise two criminals . No, i dont think so. This is the time to leave. More islands seek a better life in the United States and we will tell you how one nfl team is beating allegations of bullying and they are seeking help and more on that, stay with us. Welcome back, a quick update on a story we reported on earlier, in the United States the suspected gunman during a shooting in new jersey has shot himself and after reports of a gunman firing inside and police say there were though other injuries. Here is how witnesses described the scene. A black helmet and he had a rifle. Straight up. A long rifle. Shooting ahead. My daughter. Your daughter was inside. Yes. Is she okay . I hope so. Reporter now they are making an attempt to write the constitution and voters will decide later this month on a new constituent assembly and last year it was dissolved after they failed to agree. Temporary police were recreated from elections are celebrating completion of the training and this is the second time they are electing an assembly to write a new consultation and the assembly elected in 2008 was dissolved last year without writing the charter and the town is caught up in the campaign and a few hours in the Village People are frustrated. And he has voted many times. Translator its our duty to vote and i will vote but the leaders will do nothing, what have they dont for the village . There is no constitution. Reporter former Prime Minister has come to ask people to vote for him. We asked him why they should trust the process this time around. Many things fell apart this time and this is the constitution and it should be a compromise and there should be a compromise with the party. Reporter some of the most contentious constitutional issues relate to federalism and ethnic identities have not been discussed since the assembly broke down and there is an additional major threat, a hard line fashion of the party is calling to disrupt the elections calling the process a sham. They are responsible for security during elections. Translator our instructions are clear, if anyone tries to disrupt the elections or spread terror we should take necessary legal actions. Reporter the party has been attacking candidates and supporters of other parties and the government mobilized the army and some members of the group have been arrested and now they are planning a tenday long strike. Translator who is invited in the fight and mobilized the army and police and elections are far off and they brought in the army, they are suppressing the people. Reporter there seems to be no way forward except elections and the polls are going ahead and many people are unsure of who to vote for, al jazeera for western napal. Here is sport. Thank you, with football and gana have an urgent meeting over the World Cup Playoff against egypt and cairo, they say they still have a genuine security concern over the game on the 19th of november and twice rejecting requests to hold the match at a mutual venue and they led 61 and whoever wins on aggregate will reach the world cup finals in brazil. After 30,000 fans could attend a game and its the First International match held in cairo in two years and the security plan follows the regulation. And gana sports minister has written an open letter to the general secretary in which he said even though they are ready and willing to play egypt anywhere they would like to know from fifa who would be held liable, accountable and responsible in the unfortunate event of anyone being harmed before, during or after the match. Well, for more on that we have the Sports Editor online and joins me now on skype from cairo. So what are the egyptian authorities doing to make sure the teams will be safe . The egyptian authorities have assured the governing body fifa that the delegation will be fully secure in cairo and safe in cairo. Actually the match will be held at an army stadium in cairo and its a modern stadium and modern facilities will help egypt secure the game and also both teams are set to stay in a hotel that is a few meters away from the stadium and it will make it easier for them to support gana from the hotel to the stadium, so i think the security plan thrown off by egyptian authorities thinks everything will be fine in cairo. That is why they turned down the request of gana to move the game. Reporter with the political unrest in cairo and unlikely to qualify for the world cup is it the right time for them to be holding the match in the capitol . I think in such decisive gain there are no other options for egypt because the fans are eager and even when they virtually lost hope of reaching the world cup and they are qualified and must be held in egypt and that is why because it sends the message to the workforce in the opinion of the egyptian authorities and this is very important to stage the game in egypt to show everybody that the country despite the political turmoil, and this is a message and that is why they insisted to play the game in egypt. Reporter but what are the what are they afraid of, demonstrators or the fans . Both actually. Actually the game will be played on 19 november and that day will coincide with the second anniversary of mohamed which over 40 people were killed in egypt in 2011 so protesters are planning to commemorate that anniversary and security is on high alert during that day and actually choosing that day to hold the game, i think was a very bad choice because they had two other days to play the game. So that will add extra burden on the shoulders of the Security Forces to secure the game. At the same time demonstrations will be held in the capitol. And they are worrying about both. For example the coach said he is worried that when egypt did not qualify for this they may take a strong action. So his own side may be caught up in trouble. Reporter Sports Editor for online and thank you very much for that. Thank you. Reporter and they tightened their group on fourth place in the spanish with a win and the match looks like it was going to end in the 19th minute they got the goal of the game and gave the visitors 10 win and 5 points behind madrid. And its a race that stops a nation, australia melbourne cup is the richest two mile cup in the world and on tuesday the horse race lived up to the hype. The favorite held up in a close finish to win 6. 5 million race and they took jockey oliver to the third victory and the trainer, her first win after 21 years in the business. The season ending adp world finals are underway this london and it marks his first appearance in the tournament with a win. This is the only person in this years event and took the first set in the match but he battled to take the second in a tie break and finished to check opponents and deciding set. And the second match of the day, world number five got off to a winning start and taken to three sets by france and they dropped the first set and fought back to take it 6, 7, 73, 75. They have the first loss from the philadelphia 76ers and with the career high 73 pointers and 2 points and it was 11090 win on monday. On to some nfl now and the Miami Dolphins have suspended guard ritchie igcognito over bullying a teammate and said he sent threatening messages to martin who is in the second nfl season and he has been absent from the team since abruptly leaving in the middle of a training day last week and he is in los angeles with his family receiving counseling and the dolphins offered to help with their investigation. That is it for me. Thank you very much indeed. Now to puerto rico and people are leaving because of the unemployment and it is the greece of the caribbean and with a debt crisis looming many predicting dire consequences. Reporter the family has sold just about everything they own and his wife and two sons are about to set off on a wellworn path taken by 10s of thousands of people before them and struggling to get by and they are moving to florida. Translator there are better schools, a better education, right now my sons dont have a social studies teacher and their teachers are missing. They will have a shot at a better education. Crime here is sky high and am i going to raise two criminals . No, i dont think so. This is the time to leave. Reporter one look at the neighborhood and you can begin to understand why people are leaving. Businesses houses and schools are boarded up. Unemployment is at a twoyear high and talk of default. One of the only businesses still open on the main street is owned by martinez and he lived here 20 years but thinking of going back to the dominican republic. Translator they have us bankrupt and it will stay that way and we are running the business ourselves, my my broth and mother and doing it for free and not making any money. Reporter there are signs of commerce but the economy is shrinking at an alarming rate and the Unemployment Rate is 13 and some economists say its three times higher. The more inequity you have the less healthy is the country and that is where we are heading if we dont stop the vicious circle we are at a race to the bottom, competing with i dont know who and competing for what and we must stop this. Reporter it has been in and out of recession since 2006. The island is 70 billion in debt and lost 200,000 workers over the past couple of years and could be heading toward default. The u. S. Government said it is monitoring the situation but without Financial Aid life for the 3. 5 Million People who still live here could get breaker and im with Al Jazeera Puerto rico. Stay with us and a full bulletin of news is ahead and stay with us, thanks for watching al jazeera. Goodbye. Opening the files. Are you going to resign if yourre indicted . Breaking the story real reporting, this is what we do. Al Jazeera America [[voiceover]] every day, events sweep across our country. And with them, a storm of views. How can you fully understand the impact unless youve heard angles you hadnt considered . Antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. Including yours. Nightmare scenario but fortunately it did not become a nightmare, the only person here who had any injuries obviously is the deceased shooter. Reporter a gunman opened fire at a mall in new jersey sending terrifying shoppers fleeing for their lives and a Police Response and he is dead from a self inflicted gun challenge and they are trying to determine what caused him to snap. Voters across the country are heading to the polls this election day and high profile races and important ballot measures to watch in several states. If anybody ever told me i would be living in my car i would have laughed and said that is just not a

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