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Into yEastern Ukraine after days of being held up at the border. And contemporary artist provide a unique incite into their experiences. Gaza Security Officials say 18 suspected israeli collaborators were executed on friday. It comes a day after israeli strikes killed three senior hamas members. Who more palestinians died on a farm in central gaza on friday morning. The attacks follow the United Nations warning that the situation in the strip for children is dire. Unicef says 469 children have died in the conflict, and the toll is expected to rise. Jane ferguson joins us live. Tell us what you found out about the executions, jane . Jane, the area were in is where the most recent executions took place. 11 took place late last night. It was about 3 00 or 4 00 in the morning. It is believed that six men were executed right here in this street. You can still see remanents of that. These bags were placed over peoples head and there is still blood in the streets. Just further down the street a similar site. Bags placed over peoples heads and executed. Earlier there were there was a sign placed up above here saying why people had been executed, that they had been accused and found guilty by a revolutionary court of collaborating with the israelis. That is made up from various factions here who had come together, ordinary people, ordinarily people accused would go through the regular court system in gaza. At the moment that is not meeting during this wartime. This revolutionary court has been set up. And justice was done here according to the factions. Pretty clear how barbaric this war is on both sides. And strikes are ongoing . Strikes are ongoing. Overnight at least five israeli people were killed in the air strikes. The israelis it would appear are still looking to disrupt any tunnels or networks of tunnels. That has been major objective for them. Over 60 kills since hostilities resumed on tuesday afternoon. Jane ferguson with that live update from gaza lets go back to our top story. A shiite group has opened fire in iraqs province. 73 people are dead. Kurdish forces in the north have pushed Islamic State fighters south to near where the killing happened. They have been fighting to crush the rebels who have declared a state in part of iraq and syria, including in kurdish territory. Lets get more from erbil in northern iraq. Lets start off with the attack on the mosque. Quite significant in this game of war, isnt it . Reporter absolutely, jane. In fact its the sort of thing that everyone has feared could be the spark for a new civil war. According to witnesses there, members of a Shiite Militia who had been recruiting to fight against the Islamic State group entered this mosque in the farming village about 120 kilometers northeast of bagdad. They locked the doors according to witnesses, and then opened fire. Now there are dozens dead, the exact number unconfirmed. But people say this might have been in retaliation for a roadside bomb left at a recruitment event by the same Shiite Militia. Okay. And what about the offensive against the i. S. Fightering in the north . How is that playing out . That is continuing on at least a couple of fronts as we speak. There is continued fighting that was backed earlier by u. S. Air strikes near the mosul dam. But the fighting continues near the dam where Islamic State Group Fighters are still putting up strong resistance. It is also continued in another area in the disputed territories claimed by both the iraqi central government, and the Kurdish Regional government. Now that fighting is believed to have involved mustily the Kurdish Forces who are trying to retake that city. That city is key, because it is part of a whole area taken over by the Islamic State group. Thank you for that. The United Nations says more than the figure is nearly double of who have died in the conflict. Researchers say more than 50,000 victims havent been included because they had no name, date, or location of death. And they have criticized the Security Council saying it puts politics and National Interests ahead of human suffering and global security. Shortterm considerations and National Interests narrowly defined have repeatedly taken precedence over intolerable human suffering, and longterm threats to International Peace and security. I firmly believe that greater responsiveness by this council would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Supporters of the ousted egyptian president took to the streets in the country on friday. A series of anticoup protests have been staged. They are calling for morsi to be reinstated and they are calling for justice. Lawyers for the three al jazeera journalist jailed in egypt have now filed appeals. Baher mohamed, mohammed fahmy, and peter greste have been imprisoned for 236 days now. They were falsely accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. In june, mohammed fahmy, and peter greste were given sevenyear sentences. Baher mohamed got an extra three years for having a spent bullet casing in his possession which he picked up after a protest. A convey from russia had been held up for a week heading to ukraine. Neve barker has the latest on the convoy. Reporter there have been some real concerns from the ukrainian side that these trucks may well be used to help separatists fighters in the city of luhansk. And some of those trucks may make it to donetsk. We gather that the ukrainians have said that this is an illegal crossing of the border by the trucks. Some comments from the russian side that they are being escorted by separatists fighters. The big question is how are the Ukrainian Army going to respond . Why did the Border Guards allow these trucks to cross over. What are the red cross going to do now that they have said they will not take part in escorting these vehicles to their intended designations . It sounds like a very tense journey for these trucks whatever their final point of arrival should be. Malaysians have paid tribute to those who died in mh17. The families of the victims will have some closure, but they are still far from knowing the truth about that faithful day. Here is our report from Eastern Ukraine. Reporter this is one of the biggest crime scenes in aviation history. Flight mh17 ripped apart in the air, and the wreckage scattered across these fields and villages. But there are still many clues that point to a missile attack. Investigators will be s be searching the debris for clues. But there is growing evidence it was a separatists that fired the missile that brought down the aircraft. An hour before the plane was shot down, reporters saw missile launches in the territory. This is the report he sent reporter this u. S. Intelligence map shows at 2 15 in the afternoon, around the time that contact was lost with the plane, a surface to air missile was fired from prorussian military. And ukrainian intelligence says this conversation happened just after the plane went down. They tell a Russian Security official they shot a plane down. We cant verify this recording. The separatists shot down a military transport plane on monday the 14th of july, three days before mh17 was shot down in the same area. It seems likely the separatists thought they were locking on to another military transport which would be fairly similar from a radar point of view on the ground. Reporter three hours later, separatists leader tweets that tweet was later removed. And this is what he had to say when asked if he brought down the airliner. Translator i did not have any buk missile launcher under my command, and i did not give any orders to bring down a plane. Reporter russia accuses ukraine of shooting down the plane. But the pattern of shrapnel holes on the fuselage tells darnth story. You shouldnt see heavy damage by the cockpit, and it would be a different signed of shrapnel damage. Reporter to prove this, the wreckage needs to be taken away and pieced back together. The relatives of those that died in these sunflower fields deserve answers. For the crash site was left unsecured for so long, it may be too late for investigators to come up with a definitive conclusion that all sides can accept. Lots more to come this al jazeera news hour. The american doctor infected with ebola leaves hospital, but Drugs Companies are being slow to come up with an available cure. Im Andrew Thomas in sydney, australias immigration minister has faced tough questions on why his country locks up child refugees. And a twist in the transfer saga. We have the latest on his proposed move to liverpool coming up. In yemen friday marks the expiration of a houthi rebel deadline for the government to quit. Earlier the president met with members of parliament to discuss ways of restoring stability and security in the country, the talks follow demonstrations by Houthi Rebels there the capitol. Protests have also been held against a petro tax hike introduced last month. Lets have a closer look at the houthi group who is calling for the government to step down. The ultimatum comes from houthis who control areas in the north. They are mainly sunni yemen, but make up a majority in the northern highlands, including the region around the capitol. They have been fighting the government since 2004 saying they are discriminated against. The government says they want to rule aim pose islamic law. The latest crisis is due to the hout houthis government operation proposal to divide the area into six regions. Translator the situation is tense, it is strongly sense. Simply [ inaudible ] these armed houthi groups are laying siege to the capitol city. It is the main capital city of yemen. The houthi group would like to put the country in a sectarian war. The houthi group has betrayed the revolution, they seized the military camp and held an alliance with the president. They also betrayed the people and the transition period as they are undermining the state the state efforts. They also betrayed the National Dialogue as they strayed away from all of the outcomes and agreements made. Namely handing down the arms together with other armed groups. The situation is dire and tense. However, the yemen people cannot allow an armed group to undermine their dream of freedom and state independence. Peacebuilding is your specialalty, sir. How do you propose that the government and houthi groups go about achieving some sort of reconciliation. Translator one is to restriction the security [ inaudible ] and the military. And i unfortunately so far this obligation has not been achieved and the interim government has not achieved most of the obligations and the duties it should have shouldered. In order to rebuild peace in yemen, its important to abide by the agreement signed by all of the parties to the dialect. Its the outcomes of the national dialect. Both the government and armed groups. Two american aid workers infected with ebola have been discharged from hospital in the United States. They were treated with the experimental drug zmap. Above all im forever thankful to god for sparing my life. And im glad for any attention my sickness has attracted in the plight of this epidemic, please continue to a pray for the people of west africa, and encourage those in leadership to do Everything Possible to bring this Ebola Outbreak to an end. It was the right decision to bring them patient back for treatment. What we learned in caring for them will help advance the worlds understanding of how to treat ebola virus infections and help hopefully to improve survival in parts of the world where patients with this infection are treated. Despite the recovery, multinational Drug Companies are accused of not doing enough to fight ebola. There is no profit in treating the disease, and that is Holding Companies back. Reporter in the fight against ebola, the Worlds Largest pharmaceutical companies have been absent without leave. There are few effective treatments. A small number of u. S. , european, and african doctors who are medical workers have been treated with an untested serum called zmap. The zmap serum is produced by a small Californian Company in very limited quantities. It said all of the serum it has now been sent to africa free of charge. Al jazeera asked whether any Major Companies were working on ebola. The answer, no. It hasnt gained real popularity with respect to r d in the pharmaceutical trade if you will, fig pharma. Reporter africans and their leaders are asking why there is so little research. Translator yes, i do think the response of the International Community has been fairly weak so far. Reporter the biggest Drug Companies had combined revenues of 233 billion last year. But research on a disease that afflicts a relatively small number of people in some of the worlds poorest countries isnt a Good Business proposition. To create the science for a cure and develop effective treatments, the incentives are not very strong there. Reporter there is some hope. Scientists at the u. S. National institute of allergy and infectionous disease are working hard to crack ebolas secrets. There is a vaccine that is promising that the announcement was made last week that it was going to be fast tracked and will go into human trials in september, and if those human trials are are are successful, it could become available for use in 2015. Now if that is true, thats very good news. Reporter good news for future victims, but too late for those who are dying now. Rob reynolds, al jazeera, washington. I want to talk about the weather with richard now. The flooding in japan what is happening there . Things are looking better at the moment. We have lost the really heavy rain. On wednesday 215 millimeters plus in the space of just three hours. What were seeing now is a more typical monsoon rain pattern. You have this area of lowpressure . It is giving significant rain still, but then in western japan, where we had the worst of the landslides, the ground has already been loosened, in fact there are warnings out for the risk of further landslides primarily in the north and far south. So we can still see issues here. You can see more heavy rain in the next day or so. On the other side of the pacific is where were expecting some potential flooding in the coming days, because this cluster of clouds is a dropping cyclone over the British Virgin islands at the moment, and is expected to track further towards the north and west, so its going to miss more eastern areas. But we will find some very heavy pain across spain and through the bahamas, across parts of cuba and a very wet outlook. The u. S. National guard is pulling out of the town of ferguson, but protesters are still calling for the Police Officer who shot and killed 18yearold Michael Brown to be arrested and charged. And another shooting in nearby st. Louis is raising more questions. But Police Contact is only part of the picture. Reporter its americas monument to western expansion, the gateway arch, the symbol of a Journey Towards a prosperous future. Yet live is still bound to a history of racism. St. Louis has been this way for a long time. They used to sell slaves during the civil war and i dont think that mentality has ever left. Reporter murals pay homage to slained civil rights leaders, inside a survival kit from the aclu is attached to the wall. I was going up to the gas station, and an officer stopped me right here reporter just for walking down the street . Just for walking down the street. Reporter and how does that make you feel . It makes me feel bad, sad in a way. Poverty is only one aspect of it. The other aspect is the lack of investment in your urban core. Reporter carol heads the center on urban research at washington university. In neighborhoods like these where lowincome residents are more likely to be black. The contrast between have and have not grows as the tax base crumbles. The result schools and other programs that move people forward suffer. America is the land of opportunity for those who have the ability to take advantage of those investments. Reporter across the United States there are many cities that have segregated neighborhoods and divided areas. But here if you drive down del mar boulevard, they call this the delmar divide because whites are on one side and the blacks on the other side. The disconnect is social, political and economic. And the geographical divide where you have purposes of color, largely living in one segment of the city and the county, and whites and persons with means living in another segment of the city and the county, only exacerbates that. Reporter some st. Louis natives acknowledge, segregation exists here, intentional or not. For instance, just going in to the north city, if you are white most people think i just cant go there. Whether its racism or a community you dont interact with as much, which is sad. Reporter a divide some compare to native americans being put on reservations. If you break it down in that way, you get a better understanding of how you are being herded, manipulated and shoved here. And why you have this type of scene. Reporter he bought a house in this blighted neighborhood for just 4,000, believing one investment at a time can make a difference. A difference, he hopes can be ignited by the racial flash point in ferguson. Asylumspeaking children who arrive by boat to australia face mandatory detention. The immigration minister was asked to justify the prison like conditions the children were being held in. Reporter when this girl came to australia, the government put her in a detention center. She was just 11 years old. Some of the night i had security rooms coming in looking for snakes. Reporter she spent three months before she and her family were recognized as refugees and released. Almost a thousand child refugees are still detained. On average children spend a year locked up, before they are allowed out to be part of the community. These painted behind bars show how imprisoned children feel. Australias government is unapologetic. It says it is a deterrent to people contemplating a boat journey to australia. It has recently sent children to a camp in another country with no prospect ever of settlement in stral why. And it is working, boats are no longer coming, but it is also controversial. On friday the immigration minister faced his critics. You would have been to many jails and prisons indeed. And are you suggesting that this is the same as a poorfenced alternative place of detenti detention. I have been a practicing lawyer since i was 22 years old, and i have been to many prisons and know a prison when i see it. Reporter some say its a form of torture. The suffering induced as part of the detention, i think taken together, produces something which is quite akin to the concept of torture. Reporter under australian law, the detention of Asylum Seekers under 18 is supposed to be used only as last resort. Instead critics say it has become routine even policy as to flying children to other camps that critics say is a gross dereliction of duty. A lot more to come this al jazeera news hour. Sophisticated idealogical, and well funded, why the u. S. Is warning that Islamic State group is the biggest threat to security in years. This is the man credited to putting china on the road to riches. We look at why hes back in the headlines. And in sport a lucky escape for a pair of drivers. All of that coming up. Top stories on al jazeera, Shiite Militia group has opened fire inside a sunni mosque in northeastern iraq, killing dozens. It happened in a province near where Kurdish Forces have pushed back Islamic State fighters. Gaza Security Officials say they have executed 17 suspected israeli collaborators on friday. This comes as two more palestinians died in central gaza on friday morning. And the un is warning that the situation for children in the strip is dire. The russian aid convoy held up for days in customs has made its way into Eastern Ukraine without permission of the government apparently. The United States says the Islamic State group is unlike anything it has ever seen. Defense secretary chuck hagel is warning that the fight against the group which has taken over part of iraq and syria will be a very long one. Reporter after the murder of the u. S. Journalist james foley, officials at the pentagon, say foleys killers, the Islamic State group now are a major Security Threat to the United States. They marry ideology, sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess, they are tremendously well funded. Oh, this is beyond anything that we have seen, so we must prepare for for everything. And the only way you do that is you take a cold steally heart look at it, and get ready. Reporter the portrayal is much harsher than earlier in the year. From the outside it already looks like war since august 8th, the u. S. Military has bombed i. S. Vehicles, check points and convoys nearly 90 times. Only two of them not killing the fighters in their sights. The Iraqi Government asked washington to intervene because its troops couldnt prevent i. S. From taking over parts of iraq. The question on the floor is one for president barack obama not the military. But he added this, the battle to stop i. S. Will not end soon and will go beyond iraq. To your question, can they be defeated without addressing that part of their organization which resides in syria . The answer is no. That will have to be addressed on both sides of what is essentially at this point a nonexistent border. It requires a variety of instruments one only small part of which is air strikes. It requires the application of all of the tools of national power. Reporter pentagon firms repeated what was said about the air strikes in iraq. But officials know they are going to have to prove they are not engaging in mission creep, using the air strikes as a pretext for on all out war. We have a middle east politics and Security Specialist with us. The i. S. Group needs to be stopped. Who is going to do it . Well, i think they are going to first look to actors in the region. Because its the region in the countries around syria and iraq that are most deeply affected. And if you include the gulf count industries, jordan and turkey, they have more than a thousand combat aircraft, so i think youll hear from american officials talk about more what can this region do for themselves . I think the u. S. Will remain prepared to conduct missions as it has done. What about being drawn in to syria . Will we see some intervention there . I dont know if the u. S. Will directly conduct strikes in syria. I think the first question will be will those neighbors stating that have been quite lazy do anything. And i dont think it implies anything at all about the u. S. And Bashar Alassad cooperating. I think the u. S. Has been pretty clear that assad is a maniac. You say the u. S. Wants to look at regional players, but they have been reluctant so far. What is going to change their mind now . Well, hopefully this wakeup call that we have seen for the last two or three years, plus with some action on the part of the u. S. On the side of iraq saying were going to help, but stand up for yourselves, and i think thats a good message. I think the regions leaders need to hear that. And stop all of the funds going to these military groups like isis coming from some countries. Will this most recent attack change the dynamic . Make them realize it is now eminent . Well, i dont know, this attack is horrific inside of the territory there, and its just hopefully all of this will be a wakeup call, but look, the region has had numerous wakeup calls for decades now. And part of it, leader in the region tend to complain about what the u. S. Does or doesnt do and then sit by in inaction. And i hope we see more action on the countries in the region. People are now talking about civil war after this attack on the mosque, but if the u. S. Were to go in, they would certainly have to improve their intelligence . Thats right. But civil war is already in play in syria and iraq. People have been reluctant to call it that, but thats what is happening when you have such large numbers of innocent civilians being killed. And the u. S. Will stay engaged. But its not going to be the air force to one side in the war, and the region has to play a role as well. Brian thank you very much. Banc of america has agreed to pay nearly 17 billion for shotty loans. The u. S. Justice department has promised some relief for those who were sold the bad more ages, but little have faith that help is on the way. What are we going to do if we lose our home . Reporter the davis family is in the face of a financial crisis like many want to put behind them. Like many they were sold a junk mortgage that may leave them homeless. This family faces the very real threat of losing everything, like countless others, she feels cheated and betrayed. Can you please give me some of that money back, so i can move forward. Im not asking to live for free. All im asking is can you lower the interest rate, just chop it down a little bit . Thats not a lot to ask. Reporter at the height of the financial crisis in 2008 foreclosure rates across the u. S. Were rampant. Banks and Financial Institutions were widely blamed. But the Justice Department say this latest fine offers homeowners hope. This is one of the Largest Consumer relief packages we have ever assembled with a single financial institution, and its impact its impact could benefit hundreds of thousands of americans who are still struggling to pull themselves out from under the weight of the financial crisis. Reporter but housing advocating like josh say that without criminal charges the fines which he says are just a slap on the wrist mean little. The fact that none of these civil prosecutions or especially criminal prosecutions are going through, means that the real story of these banks activities that lead to this the crash of our economy are not really coming out. They are being buried. Reporter following the announcement shares in banc of america went up. And lets say it is a dark chapter the bank can now put behind them. The fine is cold comfort to people in neighborhoods like this one. For the people that remain here, few believe they will get any financial aid, and for others its simply too late. Reporter in july, banc of america made moves to auction off theresas house. But for this mother of six, the promise of help is elusive. China is preparing for the 110th birthday of the former leader responsible for turning china into an economic powerhouse. As a tribute to his accomplishments Chinese State tv is airing a 24hour series on his life. But it doesnt include everything. As adrian brown reports. Reporter propaganda dressed up as entertainment is nothing new on statecontrolled tv, which is why this woman and her grandson have been so surprised by the docudrama they have been watching. It touches on the political tush lance following the death of this man, harolding the onset of bold Economic Reforms. Translator china wouldnt have developed so fast if he hadnt taken the leadership. Reporter some issues were simply too sensitive to include. Namely the events of june 1989 when he ordered the army to use live rounds on student demonstrators. Translator i always worshipped him. I think he was a successful dictator, and the dictatorship was much needed in an era like that. Reporter the series cost 20 million and was shot over three years, political commentator says that while the drama series is based on fact, it is still entertainment. It is quite interesting that people have take so much analysis of this movie. Its after all a movie. Its not a real documentary. I think it is healthy, but it didnt really mean that much to history or to whatever china really experienced. Reporter he is especially venerated in this southern metropolis where the experiment with statecontrolled capitalism began 35 years ago. This anniversary is stirring nostalgia for a time when china seemed more equal. Translator im very touched by the tv series. China would have never become what it is without him. Translator i deliberately brought my daughter here to pay tribute after we watched the tv series. Reporter the reforms created rapid economic growth, but in todays china fortunes are widely out of balance. Growing income inequality, and threatening social instability. But he was able to pursue bold Economic Reforms while keeping a tight grip on power. Exactly the strategy of the current leadership. Adrian brown, al jazeera, in southern china. Reporter thousands of mourners have said goodbye to the widely regarded irans last great female poet. She died on tuesday at age 87. Twice nominated for the nobel prize. Iranian hard liners so disliked her work, they banned her from leaving the country at the age of 82. Lots more to come on al jazeera, we meet children in nicaragua who are keeping an old tradition alive. And rory mcelroy bid for the cup gets off to a rocky start. Details coming up. Contemporary artists explosioned to the conflicts in iraq, afghanistan, syria, and the balkans are providing a unique incite on an exhibition that has just opened in the uk. Reporter men in suits, young women handing out glasses of wine. But what is on sale here are more efficient methods of killing people. This artist goes undercover to capture the matter of factness of selling weapons. It means remaining unidentified. I used satire for a quite deliberate reason. The arms deals are shoulded in the respectability of suits and royal visit and they are government sanctioned, and i think that satire is a very effective way of stripping back pretensions. Reporter tim shaws giant image is instantly recognizable, exemplifying the exhibitions title, shock and awe, a reminder of the torture by the United States in iraq. It began as an expression of frustration and anger towards the u. S. And our own government to go to war in iraq. Several years on from that, i actually feel it is an image that is extremely relevant to us today in that its an image that is potent as this thing that crawls beneath the human consciousness as a reminderness of our primal instincts, that being violence. Reporter the underlying message here is antiwar. Some of the images are shocking. Some are moving. But all of the artists are trying to prompt a deeper consideration of why conflict remains a part of human existence. Some are ironic, medals by Michael Brennon wood that are made of toy soldiers. Some date back to earlier wars, t t showing that they themselves are not learned the positions of war. From art to sport. Thank you very much. Bernie exlston says the russia grand prix will go ahead as planned in october despite the crisis in ukraine. He said that motorsports shouldnt be affected by politics. He was speaking ahead of practice for the belgium grand prix. In the last new moments hamilton recorded the quickest time in second practice. Relations between the pair reached a new low last month when hamilton defied team orders to let rossberg through. Rossberg said he learned something from the controversy. Of course, we discussed it after race, and just because it is important to review a situation like that, and then know how to move forward. And now were moving forward, but of course, so i have learned various things from from that race, which i will, you know, try and yeah, adapt for the future. A pair of drivers had a lucky escape during a testing session ahead of the german session. They survived a violent crash while testing a car. The car slid off of the road and then flipped about six times. But luckily neither were hurt and the leader of the [ inaudible ] organization as apologized. The scott is accused of sending Text Messages to a colleague that were racist, sexist, and homophobic in nature. They initially released a statement describing the text as friendly banter. The English Football Association is investigating the claims, but he had received some support from the manager. He made a big mistake, but, you know, it shouldnt finish his life, should it . Hes a top manager, and i feel really sad and sorry for what he has done. But im sure, you know, no one is suffering like him and his family are today. And im not condoning what he has done. Because it is wrong if he has done what he is alleged to have done. But he is not a bad person. He is a fantastic lad. Mario [ inaudible ] is flying to england for a medical ahead of his transfer to liverpool. Liverpool said they agreed to a 27 million to sign the controversial striker. He has had problems with both of his clubs during his career. One of his former coaches once calling him unmanageable. The new German League will kick off on friday. They are expected to be main rivals once again. They opened their campaign on saturday. Their side boasts six world cup wins. They wrapped up the title with 7 games remaining and had the most undetreated streak. Im not focused on the title. Im focused on the world. All of the clubs in the world want to win. But sometimes a win is just a number and a title. I desire to play better. I desire to play as good as possible, so naturally when we win we are happy, when we lose i am worry, but i want to play good, i want to play like the last season and better. Rory mcelroys bid for a new title has begun. He carded an opening round 74 on thursday, and that was his worst start to a tournament in two months. I think it is more to do with just not putting the adequate time into my game over the past week for obvious reasons. I think that has really been it. And so ill go to the range this afternoon and work on a few things, and really just catch up on some practice that i probably missed out on in the past week. Serena williams will face Taylor Townsend in the first round of the u. S. Open. She spent her time with younger players in a clinic in new york. She is hopeful she can claim her 18th victory in the final slam of the year. I think 127 other girls obviously want to win, and are really hungry too. So hopefully hopefully ill be the last one standing, but well see, well see. The word number 3 [ inaudible ] sees preparations. At the connecticut open, there was another win of 64, 61. And next up for her will that be lady there. The former u. S. Open champion has a slightly tougher encounter against the belgium player, but eventually prevailed. To Major League Baseball now the Atlanta Braves thrashed the reds on thursday. A solely home run to left field. Justin upton extended his hitting streak to 12 games as atlanta ran out 80 winners, and are now second in the National League east. There was also a win for tampa bay who beat the Detroit Tigers in a 10 win. Thats it. Jane. Thank you very much for that. I mention nicaragua, and you might think of its arts. Now a group of children has been taught to keep the mural tradition alive. David has the story. Reporter they tell stories of war, rebellion, struggle and hope. A kind of public blackboard where art and politics converge. Murals were a response to 500 years of colonialism, and a way for nicaraguans to reclaim their heritage. But three and a half decades later, mural painting is fading away. Translator artistically im alone. I havent found any movement here in the city that is trying to make a meaningful mural project. I havent found anyone. Im alone. Reporter while political changes lead to the destruction of many murals, modernization has brought his own form of damage. But on the other side of the city a group is working to rescue this tradition. Every saturday more than 100 children practice their painting inside this small house. For the volunteers, cultural revival comes one child at a time. Translator im learning how to paint and dance. I love coming here because its fun. I would like to be a teacher here when im older. Reporter like most of the volunteer teachers. Allan linda was once a student here. Now hes the school director. Translator many of our students still havent discovered their artistic potential that is inside them. Our work is to help them find this skill. We like to awaken the talent inside people. Reporter this group of older students are retouching a 50meter long mural they created a few years ago. Like the paintings of years past, its a way to reclaim their heritage. This is an attempt to illustrate this communitys history and values on one single wall. Its become a source of pride for the entire community. And National Forum of social and political expression born from revolution, now receiving new life, thanks to a group of young people who refuse to forget the past. David mercer, al jazeera, nicaragua. For me and the rest of the team, thank you very much for watching. On the stream americans are uncomfortable talking about death and dying, but social media is normalizing the conversation and making it surprisingly hopeful. Dont miss the stream the stream, on Al Jazeera America Al Jazeera America presents we all live for the moment thats all im trying to do 15 stories, 1 incredible journey edge of eighteen priemers september 7th only on Al Jazeera America the department of defense sounds the lawyer on the Islamic State , Alberto Gonzalez joins us. Im antonio mora, those stories and much more straight ahead. Jarring language from Administration Officials about Islamic State. Oh this is beyond anything that weve seen. So we must prepare for everything. The temperatures are rising in the wake of that gruesome

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