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Im ali velshi, and this is real money. [ music this is real money, you are the most important part of the show. Tell me whats on your mind by tweeting me at ali velshi, or hit me up on facebook. Tensions escalated in ukraine, and markets from europe to america fell in response. News reports of a clash and actual russian forces, not just russian backed rebels inside ukraine sent the dow falling 100 points. The dow, in the end closed 50 point or 0. 3 lower by the close. A broad are s p sea soared. It was basically flat at the close. Market losses were substantial in europe. German and french exchanges saw drops of 1. 4 and 0. 7 respectively. The flight out of stocks pushed the u. S. Treasury higher, driving the yield or interest payable on a 10year bond to lowest levels this year. What set the markets off were reports of ukranian forces firing on a Russian Armoured column crossing into Eastern Ukraine. Thats where the ukranian military are battling prorussian separatists who seized control of luhansk, and donetsk. Ukraine accused the military of resupplying with weapons, equipment and soldiers. Russia denied the claims and wasted no time denying the report. N. A. T. O. Refuted that saying it defected an incursion overnight. In the meantime a russianaid convoy is being respected now in coordination with the International Red cross. If all goes well. It could make its way to besieged residents. The crisis has been portrayed in the west as a play for rush job regional dominance spearheaded by Vladimir Putin. The west colluded in instigating the crisis. With n. A. T. O. s expansion east, the view from moscow is one of encirclement. With that in mind losing ukraine from the sphere of influence is a strategic blow that no russian leader would contemplate. Lets be clear n. A. T. O. Has not invited ukraine to join it ranks. Last Year European Union trade negotiations with ukraine purply shut out russia, which was looking for its own trade deal in the region. In hindsight that may have been a blunder, inviting russia to play the spoiler. The cost to ukraine is high, its economy is in shambles. Russia annexed crimea and Eastern Ukraine is in open rebellion. The cost to russia has been almost as high. The crews sis crisis is pushing russias economy into recession, and trade relations with the west may not recover. Vladimir putins thinking has evolved. Initially he viewed a trade relationship between the e. U. And ukraine as a prelute to n. A. T. O. s prelude to n. A. T. O. s expansion to russias doorstep. Now hes thinking that United States and the west are doing colour regions, that could spread. And i speak to a professor interest boston. Thank you for being with us. My pleasure. Tell me about the colour revolutions that you think voout join is fearing Vladimir Putin is fearing, what does it mean. It goes back to 2003. The russians raised eyebrows over the bringing to power of another country happened and what the role of the west was. It was the transformation of ukraine in 2004 that he saw sass behind the scenes the he saw as behind the scenes the work of western agencies, and the assumption was that the u. S. Was engaged in the price of producing regime change. That was, from his poif what happened in iraq. Its what happened in libya, and towards the end its what the u. S. Was about with the asaad regime in syria. The idea of coloured revolution is the west, the United States, in order to promote its interest, supports its change within the areas, and since the u. S. Is critical of whats happened within russia, he has, in a distorted fashion, because its inaccurate on his part, believed that the United States in the end would not stop until we were able to pressure, change within russia or at some point undermine the regime itself. As much as that part might be delusional. Everything he says about what he says about the colour changes regimes, doesnt under outside of the realm of likelihood. The u. S. Has gone to great pains in all of those places you listed to affect regime change. The difference is he believes its an organised strategy, in order to enhance u. S. Interest. And that clearly is not what has given u. S. Policy in a number of instances. In many of these cases we have been riding a tiger and trying to influence events in a way that is outside our control. Certainly in the case of ukraine, while we backed the change that occurred in february, whats happened in the ukraine, and the crisis that exists there, including the war in Eastern Ukraine, thats scarcely of u. S. Making. Thats a compound of factors. He has obvious simplified the problem that he faces. Lets talk about what he does about it. Hes exploiting the message in ukraine and the message at home. How far does he go with this . That is the billion dollar question. The war in ukraine now appears to be unfolding in favour of the ukranian military. The separatists are pushed into the two major cities. Luhansk, and donetsk. And the question is will he save them if they are in danger of being ultimately smashed, which would be a risky strategy on his part. It wouldnt be infiltrating men and arms the way he has been doing, or the way the russians have been doing. It would require a russian invasion, and then we would be off to the races in a dangerous fashion. At home, on the other hand, everything that happened from the crimean annexation to his efforts to support the separatists in southeastern europe inflated his pop u latteries, its above 80 , on the other side within russia, does he risk losing that support, if it looks as though hes walking away from the war in Eastern Ukraine. A lot of question marks and a dramatic moment, which is likely to be with us for some time. Those moment get more dramatic with each passing day. Thank you for joining us. Robert is a professor at Harmony Institute at columbia university. Tensions continue in missouri, but another depicted by the violence, and a businessman says the town depicted bears no relation to the reality. A new kid on the block could challenge the panama canal with world change. Those stories and more when real money continues. Keep it right here. Stuart Stuart Stuart stuart check it out. This my account thing. We can tweet directly toa comcast expert for help. Or we can select a time for them to call us back. The future, right . This doesnt do it for you . [ doorbell rings, dog barks ] oh, thats what blows your mind the advanced technology of a doorbell. [ male announcer ] tweet an expert and schedule a callback from any device. Introducing the xfinity my account app. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Two major incidents in the shooting death of Michael Brown in missouri. Authorities identified the officer, darren wilson. They released Surveillance Video from a Convenience Store showing a confrontation from someone who appears to be brown and a store employee. They say brown was the suspect in the robbery of siing a but place cigars, but the police say the robbery was not the reason for the encounter before the boys death. Ashar quraishi is at the scene. What a remarkable week out there. Today was a bit of a bombshell. Police had not released the information. Tell me whats happened. Well. The reaction in ferguson has been mixed to the release of this information. On the one hand residents and protesters had been demanding the name of the Police Officer that shot and killed Michael Brown, its been part of the unrest seen over the last few days, that eased up after a change in Operational Security handled here by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. They have reacted to the release of information regarding the burglary. The police, the Ferguson Police Department Said the officer that shot Michael Brown did not have any information about the suspicion that he was involved in the burglary earlier. They are saying that basically there was no reason to release that information. That its a mistake screen, and his family also says that this is a strategy, a strategic move on the part of police to divert attention from the 16yearold, to bring in questions about his character and what was going on before that. What is going on in the streets around you . We are hearing horns. We hope that the switch in the policing has had some positive effect. Has it . As we approach one week since Michael Browns death tomorrow, what is going on in ferguson . Youre absolutely right. Clearly there has been a marked shift in the tone and atmosphere here in what was the epicentre of the riots, and the looting that took place here sunday night. There has been an operational change. As i mentioned the missouri Highway Patrol taking role. Over the afternoon we saw the crowd crow, and they have continued to be loud and honked their horns and protested peaceful peacefully. For the first time we did not see the heavy militarylike presence by police in armoured vehicles with highpowered guns and riot gear and swat teams, its an open, freer location. People can drive through continually, people can protest, and they dont see much, if at all, a police presence. So far its been calm, we havent seen a marked change in the demeanour since the information was released early in the day. People have been asking me because in the nearby states we dont are Highway Patrols. Why are they involved . What sh that about . Generally speaking the Highway Patrol is involved in crowd chrome. Thats the way people are looking at this. Governor jay nixon says the peel have a right to pro people have a right to protest, and that is a reason to bring in the Highway Patrol. They are secretarygenerally brought in for generally brought in for crowd control and provides an opportunity between the police protesting and police ta have to maintain law and that have to main law and order. And captain ron johnson continues to walk through the area, shaking hands, someone that is familiar to the community and has been around and has done an interesting job when it comes to mending the wounds between the police and protesters. Hes becoming known nationally as someone calming things down. Ashar quraishi in ferguson, missouri. John owned a tire and repair shop on West Florence in ferguson. His shop was among two dozen businesses suffering damage during riots and looting. He saw his store looted whilst watching television. It is back up and run, plywood is on the window. He joins us from a gas station that was looted and burnt. Its where a lot of media are gathered to report on the story. Good to have you here, john. What is your sense of the mood around town . We see where the rallying points where people are coming to. The people coming to you for business, what are they saying . They cant believe this happened to their neighbourhood. No one is for this. Everyone wants things to go back to normal so we can recover. The longer it lasts, the more damage is done. How do you cover for the last time . Are you having people stay away from work. Are you able to claim for insurance for the damage you suffered . I have insurance. How it will pan out, i dont know. What about your staff . Are you staying at the same staffing levels. Yes. Same staffing level. Kind of business as usual on our end, with all this protesting going on, its scary for the general public to come out and start back up as normal. I guess that is happening around town and the vicinity where the protesters are taking place, less is going on generally. People are worried about parking their car on the streets to do business. Yes, the town, ferguson, we are in dell wood, half a mile up the street, and it goes to the town behind me in jennings, and the looting to south county, 10 miles away from here. What is your sense of if this all simmers calms back down, do you get a sense that business will get back to normal. Is there some damage that is done to the community that will take a long time to undo . Well, the damage will be here for years. Hopefully business will get back to normal. When they tear the quick trip down next to me, the tax base that they are paying, i would guesstimate in the 40,000 a year. When they tear it down, it will go to 2,000 a year. Rough quest mate of what is going on guesstimate of what is going on. Its probably 16,000 or 20,000 that the School District wont get out of their cut, not to mention of the people that support the tax base and would you want to buy a house here after this . No, prices go down, taxes go down, govement has less, schools have less thats where the real problem is at. The real problem is going to be recovering from this from years for now with what is going on today. It would be nice if the news media was to show up and help us out and do the best they could to keep the good thats going on here, after all this settles down. Thats a good point. Thats what we are trying to do. If you could direct the news media and say stop the stuff that is bad, because theres a good amount of bad going on in ferguson, what should america be seeing about ferguson missouri . You know, the people that are not participating in this are wonderful. I have numerous stories of customers i dont know if they are customers, people that live in the area, coming up, giving me hugs, having a crying session in the parking lot. Thats not what these people are about. This is not what the people of ferguson, dell wood and jennings, its not what they are about. Thats what i heard. I heard a lot of people we talked to a restaurant owner, a diner owner saying that people were coming out to the restaurants to show support for the businesses, and to show that this is not an area thats been rife with the tension that you might get the impression it has been by watching tv. Tell me about that. We know the ferguson area has changed in the last 15 years or so. Does everywhere generally get along there . Ive been here in this town since 1987 with the business, and i have never had a racial issue with a person in this city, or heard of any other racial problems with anyone in this city. Ferguson, dell wood. All you though, theres not a racial issue here, as far as me dealing with the customers and being a merchant, i have never seen a problem. I hope you get your business back as soon as possible. The owner of sisser tire and auto shop. 100 years ago this week the panama canal changed Global Shipping forever. Plans for a new bigger canal could change it again. More on that. The big city School District that can barely afford to open its doors this fall. We have news out of texas, governor rick perry was indicted by a grand jury o on two charges abuse of official position. Austin is in the capital. Lem berg, a democrat, pled guilty to drunken drying but refused to resign, despite calls to do so from the republican governor. Governor perry vetoed millions for her Public Integrity unit. That has put him in trouble. The panama canal has celebrated a birthday. It transformed the tiny Central American county into a Global Shipping hub. Nearly a million ships passed through the locks since it opened. Today it handles 5 of the worlds commercial traffic. Panama plans to up its game with a multi billion expansion project. Designed to make way for the cargo ships. Reporter at more than 6 bhilion and counting billion and counting the pannala canal expansion is an attempt to reshape Global Shipping roots. A century ago president Teddy Roosevelt was instrumental in owing the can am. A short cut between the pacific and atlantic oceans. An ambitious project, it took nearly 40 years to build. 26,000 workers died, mainly from diseases like malaria. When it was completed it changed International Trade forever. Operating the canal today, and getting ships from the atlantic to the Pacific Ocean is the work of 10,000 people. Every day dozens of vessels make the journey between the two ocean, the the canal is too narrow for modern ships, among them the freighters used to move goods from asia to the United States. Now panama hopes to win back the shippers with a supersized lock. Todays panama it may be celebrating 100 years of history, but the focus is on the future. Rachel levin was on the seen in panama city. We are here on the panama canal, celebrating its 100th anniversary. Celebrations were subdue a innocent. They were about thanking the workers, the 10,000 men and women working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a week. This canal is a work in progress, and theres an expansion under way. It has now been cost up to 6. 5 billion, and we understand that that ticket price could increase when it is supposed to be finished some time next year. Most people in panama will tell you they support the idea of the expansion. They voted for it in a referendum. Since the project has got under way, there has been accusations that the money is not being well spent, there has been accusations of corruption, so even though its something that people here say will help the canal be more competitive, its quite a controversial issue. Rachel levin in panama city. The celebration arrives as competition with the suez canal in egypt heats up. Egypt gets 30 of asias u. S. Bound shipments, particularly the ones going to the u. S. East coast. Traffic that panama hopes to win. Now a chinesebacked project could offer a third, one shaking up shipping routes again. Jacob ward joins us with this. Really, the two canals, panama and suez defined shipping. A new canal is coming alone. Reporter for a century panama and suez canals made Global Economy possible shipping goods from one side of the earth to the other, ship. Before, ships moving from asia to europe, had to go around the capes, through some of the roughest seas in the world. Panama is hoping to open a third parallel route by 2015. The existing canal sends ships through a series of locks. Meaning each vessel can only be 1200 feet long. The suez is egypts primary income. It is flat, and can hold ships but sit no deeper than 65 feet. Now nickar abbing ua announced a 100 Year Partnership with a Chinese Company to build the biggest canal. The nicaraguan canal could cost hundreds of billions. Lets look at how big the ships are. Behind me in the port of oakland is the u. S. Containership. It weighs 22,500 tonne, meaning it can move into any canal. The panama canal can hold ships as large as 70,000 tonnes, but the new Nicaragua Canal will be able to hold some of the biggest capesized ships, weighing as much as 400,000 tonnes. What no one knows is what effect these big ships may have. Time is money in this business. The port of rotterdam, europes largest, unloads ships using robots. But size is also money. And the canals determine that as well. Ships are categorized panamax or suez max, depending which canal they fit through. Distance is money too. Right now chinese ships choose the suez or the panama the distance is the same. Ships west of hong kong choose the suez typically. A chinese operated canal will likely give a discount to chinese ships. And sea born oil travels onships so big they go around the capes. If that is allowed through, fuel prices could be priced down. The biggest Container Shipping Company abandoned the panama for the suez, because they carry bigger ships. If nicaragua moves larger ships, thats the end of a century old battle or the beginning of a new one. Ali, the thing is that the limits that we have gotten used to had defined everything. If nicaragua opens something new, the limits are gone. Why nicaragua, other than the fact it is in Central America . Its the original planned location for what ended up being the panama canal. So many died of tropical diseases it didnt work out. It has a massive lock in the middle of the country, cutting down on the digging. The second poorest country is a suss sentibility place to a susceptible place to a big cash offer. 40 billion, 2019 is this likely to happen. This is a construction project on the scale of the pyramids and will be a great wonder of the world. The lake in the middle of nicaragua is elevated. They made need locks. They might or night not need. Thats an advantage. It could take twice as long and cost twice as much to get done. Its a question of how important it is to china and the company to have a canal that it has strat edgic control over. You heard rachel levin talk about the fact that while the panay mainians approved it. Some are grumpy about the cost. Daniel ortega, this is a pet project. A lot in nicaragua say its not important. It could be an incredible they could take an incredible bath on this. If they build Something Big enough to carry oil tankers through, that have to go around the cape, if oil ships move through this, that changes everything. The gulf of mexico and its oil supplies begins to send exports through the Nicaragua Canal to china. No one can do that. If they do it quickly, and theres a discount for shipping, it will change the market for everything. Remarkable story. Thank you for that. Jacob ward joining us from san francisco. Coming up, the truce in gaza held so far, and negotiators are working on a deal to keep the peace. One proposal reportedly calls for his rail to lift the blockade of gaza. Well look at what that means for palestinians. Stay with us. Al Jazeera America presents a self portrait of generation now. So many of my friends is pregnant. I feel so utterly alone. You need to get your life together im gonna do whatever needs to be done. Ya boy is working on becoming a millionaire. An intimate look at what our kids are facing in school and beyond 15 stories, 1 incredible journey in this envelope is my life right now. Edge of eighteen only on al Jazeera America let me bring you up to speed on what is going on in israel and gaza. Middle eastern negotiations in cairo aimed to create a longlasting truce between israelis and palestinians will resume on sunday. The 5day ceasefire allowing people to return to gaza strip expires on midnight on monday. Palestinian officials on friday accused israel of shooting at houses in the territory, israel said it had no knowledge of the incident. An egyptian newspaper is reporting details of an 11point peace proposal that it says the two sides will discuss when they come together. Reportedly it states that border crossings will be open so the blockade of gaza will be lifted the movement of people, goods and Building Material between the west bank and gaza will flow pursuant to understandings between the parties. This proposal calls for the elimination of buffer zones along the security fence in the nowhere and eastern parts of gaza. If includes the deployment of Palestinian Security forces in the region beginning in january 2015. The egyptians want the fishing zone off the gaza coast to be extended to six miles and gradually extended to 12 miles. I want to talk about how life in gaza changes if the terms of the egypt peace proposal are adopted. I turn to someone who experienced life in gaza in 2012. This is an sfrgsal human rites lawyer who wrote a report for the Monitoring Center and palestinian organization, the Palestinian Center for human rights. Welcome to the programme. We dont know if this is true. It seems like its potentially true, because they are issues that you know that the gazans and the israelis have. Lets tackle a few of these things. One is the extension of the fishing ability, which is limited to three miles off the coast. Thats right. Naughtic miles. Three naughtic miles to six, and ultimately to 12. What difference will that make . Id like to take, if i may, the buffer zones together. Yes. So the buffer zones are on this side and this side of gaza. As well as the sea. As well as the sea. Fair enough, they are connected. They are connected. The buffer zones have been implemented since 2007, and since then, on the land of part of the land buffer zone, palestinians have not been allowed to access up to a mile towards the boundary between gaza and israel. A mile inside of gaza. Thats correct. Part of the width its 3 miles long. Its a third of territory off limits for palestinians, thats where most of the fertile agriculture land. On the sea, palestinians have been able to access 3 nautical miles, denying them 85 of territory waters. Under the accord they have 20 nautical miles as their own waters. The impact is the Fishing Community is deprived of the best quality and quantity of catch and the Agricultural Community of livelihood and ability to export highvalue agricultural product, flours, peaches, almonds and such. You mentioned export. Gaza used to do this, and does not any more. Gazans used to export fish and agriculture. Since the siege, the two stable sources of livelihoods have been turned around. We have a very high dependency rate for fishing family, 95 are dependent on international aid. There is a shortage of food, 57 of gazans say they dont have sufficient food. Food from israel is 2,300 calories per person per day with no nutritional guarantee or value attached. Most came from the tunnels, since the takeover of abdul fatah alsisi, by abdul fatah alsisi in egypt. That is not happening. These are the tunnels from gaza into egypt. They were used for importing and trade. Importing all sorts of things, yes. This is real. If this is true, the alleviation could be the beginning of a basis for more discussion between gaza and israel. Right, absolutely. From what i saw, the daily life of palestinians was reduced to bare survival. They were struggling for food. Most limits were implemented through the use of live ammunition. Many have been killed and injured by defying the limits, and that is because the Household Economy is strangled. You said it happiness on the coastal side, they try to fish further. Thats right. Sometimes they pass the three nautical miles by accident because the boyce are not visible. Other times they are desperate for fish and getting obvious allows them to have more fish and to sell and have income. Now, the other point that is important to remember is that palestinians in gaza, despite the daily the dire conditions that they faced. For example, they dont have access to clean water. Its sal jipated, they cant salin aid, they cant dripping it. Life revolves around the necessities, theres a strong thirst for life. When i was there everyone talked about education. Theres a high literacy rate. Interesting, because the narrative is that life is cheap there. Thats what im trying to get to. From my experience, i find it hard to believe the people would willingly be human shields for anyone. They stayed this the homes in the last conflict, there was nowhere safe to go. Palestinians were thinking of becoming indebted to send the kids to university. They are oversubscribed. Every year theres a University Entrance exam that is national and the best grades came from gaza. Interesting. They have a forwardlooking attitude towards life. And so lifting the seem is crucial. Its been interesting. Well continue to follow this with you a an International Human rights lawyer. Thank you for bringing that to u us. The seeds of peace in the meet could be sown thousands of miles away in the backroads of maine. I came thinking israeli is right, strong, the best. I believe it, but slowly i understand i started to understand the other side. We go inside the unique camp Don Palestinian and is for plannian and israeli kids. A middle class family we followed catches a break, but its lead to a new problem. Ill have more in americas middle class rebuilding the dream, as it continues. The news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. Al Jazeera America. On this show we have looked hard at philadelphia shrinking middle class and how its smaller tax base hurts city operations. The middle class left for the suburbs and other places, fewer pay taxes to deal with the essential things that a city needs. The latest news about phillys troubled School System is an example. The city is so strapped for cash, it was unclear until this morning whether classes would start on time this fall. We are talking about the nations eighth largest School System. The superintendent decided to start on september the 8th, 32 million will be cut to avoid lay offs. Buses will no longer be provided to High School Students within two miles of school. Buildings will not be cleaned as often, and unfilled School Safety officer positions will be vacant. All of this because of an 81 million budget shortfall. Philly is counting on lawmakers to approve a 2 per pack cigarette increase. It comes on the elimination of 5,000 jobs, and the closing of 30 schools. The latest cuts are more pain for a School District that has lost 5,000 jobs and 30 schools, as mentioned. Here to give us context is damon williams, the politics and government policy reporter for philadelphia tribune, thank you for being with us. Philly has a challenge. If you look over the last 40 years, it lost most of its middle class in the city. If you look at it over the last 10 years, its turning around. People are coming back to the city a little bit. But they have the same complaints. They need a safer city, better Public Education and its a chicken and the egg thing. What comes first . Well, if you ask the majority of parents, and the educate juniors, and the student in philadelphia, absolutely it has to be education. Its coming first, and it has a long range of implications for the citys economy that the educators and the politicians must focus on education, before job creation, before safety. Education has to be the priority, and the good news, as you mentioned is that the schools are opening, but the bad news is once again its a round of cuts, and once again the students of philadelphia will not be educated to the proper means that the politicians and the educators need to. Im going to phillie tonight. I live there part of the time. I want to always be positive. I want to say great things much i recited the litany of stuff in the Education System in philadelphia before i came to you. Its hard to wonder how this gets better. In your view, tell me how bad this is. Well, i talked to people, educators in the public and Charter School arena. They say its the worse that its been in the last 40 years. The quality of education, and the dearth of service is unseep by the veteran politicians and edyou katers. They go back to the Education Movement to find the worst climate. Thats the way that things are right here. Its a bleak outlook. Politicians are grasping at straws, and hoping that the 2 per pack cigarette tax comes through in time. We heard that every week that the germ Assembly General assembly has not passed, 1. 3 million is taken away from the fund that would come from the cigarette tax. Will that do it. 2 a pack cigarette tax that will stop people smoking. Will that help . Well, the politicians say that that can bring an extra 90 million. That will cover the 81 million budget they have. The state of the economy has to get better. Will it push people to Charter Schools. The danger is it takes the light off the public schools, and doesnt get them fixed. Well, people believe that, but that is certainly a myth. Because the funding for the Charter School comes out of the budget for the Philadelphia School distribute. If the philadelphia School District will have shrinking funds, the Charter Schools will have shrinking funds. Charter schools have the edge on public schools, because they are about safety. Many have a zero tolerance policy. The funding comes out of the packet of the school distribute of philadelphia. A pleasure to talk to you. Thank you for being with us. Damon williams a reporter with the philadelphia tribune. We have been following the lives of three families struggling to get bias part of our series americas middle class, rebuilding the dream. Tonight good and bad news for the Williams Family. Stephanie williams landed a higher paying job creating teachers and principals. She had to agree to move her family of six to chicago from the suburbs. Their house is under water, meaning its worth less than they owe on the mortgage. Ill see the difference in my pay check. Definitely with opportunities. Ill have to live in chicago, thats a requirement for the position. Well try to put it up for sale. But well try to rent it. Well see if someone could buy it. What i was told was that we would have to sell it dirt cheep. To make it appealing. Trying for a short sale, basically. It will be difficult. You could be guaranteed the rent but you would have bring the house up to code. Any little thing everything has to be fixed. Just so much that needs to be done. I mean, i dont see. The Williams Family recently found a duplex apartment in chicago that is larger, newer and in better shape than the house. They are locking forward to becoming home owners to renters. Well see if their fortunes change. Life in the middle class, the black middle class, is not getting easier, according to kerry, the codirector of social justice news at North Western university journal. School. She join us us from chicago. Chicago, like philly, beautiful cities. Chicago had less of a struggle on the economic front recently than philly has, for the middle class, and for the middle class in a city like philly that is bifurcated its tough. Yes, its really fuf in chicago for the middle class. Thats for sure. We do our thing. Go ahead. Yes, and you were saying that the black middle class spags, and thats what you can see, going out and talking to almost anyone on the strot in a lot of these neighbourhoods, and theres been analysis from the university of chicago and other outlets, its a critical issue. What are the thinks. The challenges in philadelphia are safety and public schools. Obviously for the black middle class the challenge is safety, its a National Story that we hear with, whether its gang or gun violence. What are the things that can be done to rebuild the black middle class in chicago . Well, i think the issue is that the middle class in chicago as a whole is shrinking, and a significant part of that is the black middle class. You have to figure that its people in the middle class falling out of it, and into poverty, and staying in chicago, and People League chicago, the middle class people in black neighbourhoods, the schools and the violence. Its so bad. Actually, the issue with the schools affects people of other rateses, pretty much anyone that cant afford private school and has the kids in the Chicago Public schools. It faces tough choices about leaving the city, and thats worse in the past couple of years with more budget cuts to the school, and the shift to charters, which shows a lot of middle class families dont approve of. In terms of rebuilding the neighbourhoods, i wish i knew. A lot of people wish they knew. Theres no clear answer. There has been attempts in the southside of chicago to genderify and develop as discussed on the show. Its not always the answer. They havent necessarily succeeded. They are trying to prevent black middle class families from leaving the city, trying to keep people in the city and add more in the middle class ranks. People have been leaving those areas. Why hasnt that Regeneration Development jentification movement worked as well as planned. Its complicated. Theres efforts in brownsville and other southside neighbour headlines to bring in development. All or a lot of what we talk about goes back to the segregation. Analysis has been done showing that that investment and City Services in black neighbourhoods they are always words more in poor neighbourhoods, and are worse proportionately compared to neighbourhoods of other races of the same income level. When a black neighbourhood has more prosperous residents. If will not have the private investment and City Services that you expect, that level of relative affluence to draw. People get frustrated and leave. The viciouses psych the, without the investment it falls back into poverty. Theres the issue with gentrification around university of chicago, where middle class black families get pushed out by more affluent people. Risingent are. Good to talk to you kerry. Codirector of social justice news at North Western journalism school. Coming up, diplomacy around the campfire, a place where arab and israeli student sing and hug around the campfire, stay with us. Coming up sunday on real money, the west placed sanctions on russia, it hasnt stopped exxonmobile exploring the arctic for riches. Billions spent sprucing up neighbourhoods to make them attractive but the resulting gentry fibbingation can take a toll op residents. Thats on sunday, 5 eastern, 2 pacific. Its been a summer of violence. There has been diplomacy on a smaller scale at a smaller camp in maine. Jewish and arab teens bunking together at seeds of peace camp. Its a place that journalists like me have been a part of for years. Kids swim and play sport. Theres Something Different going on here. Check it out. This is my bunk. This is the first kick for the kids. Where we start. We start with their journey. This is where i sleep. This is where wazim from palestine sleeps, and hamid from palestine. When we first came it was scary to sleep with the enemy. They come and discover the face of the enemy, the humanity of their enemy. I am from jerusalem. Im 16. Im from gaza, palestine. Make funny faces. I was at the camp in 2008. It was lifechanging. I had a girl in my group that lived 20 minutes away from me, on the wrong side of the border. If it wasnt for this, i would never have met her. This is the beginning of a long term process, beginning with the deep and direct dialogue process that is a core part of what we do at camp. We create a safe space for them to open up. The first and second session we work with them to get to know one another. What may look like a sport or arts activity, everything we do has a deeper purpose to it. And compliments very well the dialogue process. Everybody saying from israelis, gaza will hate all israelis, and will be not talking with us and a lot of israelis left when i said im from gaza. Its so different when you have a friend over there, a palestinian friend. It changed the story. Its not mohammed died when you heard in the news, its my friends brother who die. I wanted to put on the table what he and friend and family went through living in the west bank, and being exposed to the conflict and oppression on a daily basis. I came thinking israelis always right, strong, the best. And i still believe it, but slowly i understand i started to understand the other side. I said to him im not a terrorist, and i ask them am i a terrorist . And they answered that you are not. We believe that the teenagers will be the leaders of the community. If i didnt believe, i cant impact my government. I wouldnt be doing this. I have to believe that what we are doing can lead us to a better future. I could run into these guys in the streets when im a soldier. It would be good. It would be good. Ill say hi, and hug and ask whats up. Ill trust them. After all the talking, and the games, the hope is one day the kids will help to find a peaceful solution at home. Thats the show for today, im ali velshi. Thank you for joining us. Have a great weekend. Hello everybody, this is al Jazeera America. Im David Schuster in new york. John siegenthaler has the night off. Flash point ferguson. Police accuse Michael Brown of a robbery even though the officer who later shot brown didnt know anything about it. Outraged about the police disclosure, calling it character assassination. Ferguson police finally reveal the name of the officer

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