Transcripts for BBC Radio 4 LW BBC Radio 4 LW 20200213 08000

BBC Radio 4 LW BBC Radio 4 LW February 13, 2020 080000

A senior Communist Party official has been sacked in the Chinese province at the center of the corona virus outbreak where a sharp rise in deaths from the disease has been reported who Baze Health Commission said 242 people had died in a single day more than double the previous highest daily total It also reported nearly $15000.00 extra cases of infection after including those diagnosed using a new clinical method yesterday the World Health Organization said there were signs the outbreak was stabilizing in China but officials there have been accused of underreporting cases our correspondent Nick Baek reports from Hong Kong Chinese state media said the party chief Zeon Childline was being replaced by a senior official from Shanghai who's close to President Xi Jinping his deputy was also relieved of his duties there was no explanation for the moves for the past week officials have reported a consistent fall in the number of new cases of Corona virus but these latest figures from who by showed that many more people of caught the virus than previously announced and that many more a dying of it Chinese state television said the doubling overnight in the number of daily deaths could be explained for the 1st time patients who hadn't officially tested positive were part of the tally this means your thought he's a now including the diagnoses of doctors who suspect the virus is present China has been accused of suppressing the full extent of the outbreak in the past these latest figures will raise fresh questions about the true mortality rate of this virus more than 40 new cases of Corona virus have been detected on board a cruise ship docked in Japan the Diamond Princess has been in quarantine since last week Japanese officials plan to start moving some elderly passengers off the ship as our Tokyo correspondent recruit Winfield Hayes reports. The Japanese government appears to be partially backing down in the face of growing criticism for its decision to quarantine thousands of passengers on board. Giant cruise ship tied up on the dock side here and your camera starting later today some passengers will be allowed off but only if they are over 80 years old and have underlying health conditions or are staying in a cabin with no outside windows how many will be taken off the ship and where they will be moved to is not yet clear 218 passengers and crew have now been diagnosed with the new coded 900 virus 44 new cases today alone the Japanese government says it will increase the number of people being tested for the virus each day but it has rejected the advice of public health experts who say Japan should have moved to screen all 3700 passengers and crew as soon as the ship docked here last week the organizers of the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens tournament changed for early April say they will make an announcement later today local media expect the contest to be postponed until October here officials are trying to trace everyone who might have come into contact with the latest patient diagnosed with Corona virus the 9th confirmed case in Britain the woman who's being treated in hospital caught the infection in China before taking a flight to Heathrow in the past few days. The prime minister is embarking on his 1st major government reshuffle since the general election some women ministers are thought to be among those facing the sack but number 10 said the prime minister would promote a new generation of female M.P.'s The most important Cabinet jobs Chancellor foreign secretary and home secretary are unlikely to change as our Political Correspondent Chris Mason reports from Downing Street a parade of power patronage and personalities in the coming hours this reshuffle will shape the look the feel the sound of Boris Johnson's now majority government talk bordering on hype within Westminster anyway has been swirling about the shake up ever since election results day but the indications are it will be much less dramatic than some of the early could dictions the international development secretary Alex Sharma is likely to be promoted as is all of a doubt and he could replace lady Morgan as culture secretary Dunning she say they'll still be as many women in the cabinet as there are now and they'll be a drive to promote a generation of female talent at all levels of government and Marie Trevelyan's who Ella brother moaned and Gillian pleaded have in line for promotion labor is calling on the prime minister to clarify who paid for his holiday on the Caribbean island of mystique over the new year according to the register of M.P.'s interest the cost of the accommodation valued at $15000.00 pounds was covered by the businessman and Conservative Party donor and David Ross but a spokesman for Mr Ross has told the Daily Mail that he didn't pay for the stay although he had helped to arrange it Downing Street said all transparency requirements had been followed. It's emerged that the city watchdog is investigating the chief executive of Barclays Jess Daly and his links with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein Mr Staley had previously told the bank's board he had business connections with that Steen who was convicted of sex offenses and died in prison in New York last summer more details from our business correspondent Dominic O'Connell It's hardly surprising that Joe's they really had business links to Jeffrey Epstein Mr Staley ran the private wealth division of j.p. Morgan one of America's biggest banks for several years he looked after the private investment of wealthy Americans exactly the kind of business in which Mr Epstein was a big player this morning Barclay said in an announcement to the stock exchange the Misses daily had volunteered information about their relationship to the Barclays board but that the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority the 2 largest financial watchdogs were now looking at exactly what he said the banks of the investigation was into Mr Staley's characterize ation of his relationship with Mr Epstein and the subsequent description of that relationship to the Financial Conduct Authority Mrs Daly has been in hot water with regulators before over his pursuit of a whistleblower at the bank Barclays said he retained the full support of the board the owner of British Gas center care says the introduction of an energy bill price cap had a significant impact on its operating profits last year they fell by 30 percent to $901000000.00 pounds compared with almost 1400000000 the year before the company says it was also hit by lower natural gas prices. The government is to remove public funding for more than $5000.00 vocational qualifications because it says they are of low value the move is part of an attempt to simplify the options open to 16 to 19 year olds in England before the introduction of new t. Level or technical based qualifications next autumn has an education editor Bronwyn Jeffries this will reduce by half the number of qualifications on offer for 16 tonight. It's some courses due to lose their funding have fallen out of use others attract small numbers they include some b. Tax City and Guilds and the queues and diplomas ministers want to shift gradually to 3 main options for 16 year olds to choose from apprenticeships a levels and the new t. Levels each t. Level will be equivalent to 3 a levels and will include work based learning the 1st students will enroll on 3 new t. Levels this autumn with fewer than 2000 places available Tom Buick from the Federation of awarding bodies said care needed to be taken with pruning away qualifications before the new system is fully established a man is due to appear before magistrates in London Derry later this morning charged with the murder of Aaron McKie the 29 year old journalist was shot dead by the dissident Republican group the new Ira while observing rioting in the Creggan area of Derry last year. Parliament your thirties have been told that an extra $18600000.00 pounds is needed to repair the Elizabeth Tower which houses Big Ben it's not the 1st time the estimated cost of refurbishing the famous Westminster landmark has risen significantly as James Kelly reports Commons officials say the full extent of the wear and tear to the Elizabeth Tower has only become clear since scaffolding went up around the neo gothic structure in 2017 when the renovation team carried out the 1st ever intrusive surveys on the home of Big Ben they found us best OS in the belfry broken glass in the clock dials the extensive use of toxic lead paint and defects in previous work they also discovered bomb damage dating back to the blitz is now believed the revamp will cost nearly 80000000 pounds that's up from the 61000000 pound estimate calculated shortly after the work began the original projections suggested the project would cost between $29.45 pounds the commission responsible for maintaining the Palace of Westminster said the request for yet more funding was extremely disappointing. New study suggests that common estimates for global food waste are too low researches in the Netherlands say every person in the world is wasting on average about $500.00 calories of food a day more than twice the level previously thought scientists are calling for behavioral changes such as encouraging shoppers to switch from hoarding to buying just enough. Thank you the time is 10 past 8 the sales to be little doubt that cases of the coronavirus coated 19 in Britain are going to increase in the coming days and weeks a woman in London is now a confirmed case the 1st in the capital she had recently flown in from China on the program yesterday we heard a range of views from scientists about what's might need to happen now and what our best hope might be to limit the spread Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London told us this time yesterday that we were in the early stages of a global pandemic he thought as many as 60 percent of people in the u.k. Could become infected most of them suffering only mild symptoms though if the death rate is one percent then that plainly is a terrible toll in a moment after the interview since the coronavirus emerged with the chief medical officer for England but 1st I'd been speaking to Professor John Ashton who's a former president of the faculty of Public Health and the Northwest Regional Director of Public Health care in the SARS outbreak about how the u.k. Has handled cope with 19 so far I've no reason at all to believe that was not be doing the right things technically this country's got some of the best viral exists you know people clinicians it's a referral but a concern all along here has been about communications and it's good that you're now going to be putting up the Chief Medical Officer hopefully regularly the people leave to have a trusted regular recognised face for this particularly if it goes beyond the phase of being contained as it is at the low level and becomes much more widespread should the government be more involved as the prime minister be getting ready. Briefing's we don't know whether he is or not but I mean should all that be happening behind the scenes the prime minister should be convening regular Cobra meetings and working very closely with the chief medical officer to reassure the public but also to make sure that they're on top of this you have to anticipate day to day what's happening next and there's no sense of that at the moment although I suspect it will be going on behind the scenes and it the problem is it gives the impression that we're being treated in a paternalistic way not dissimilar to what's been going on in China the risk there is that you create panic and undue concern by seeming to be rushing around when actually the wisest scientific course is to wait and see what happens. It is why I used to wait and see what happens but you have to plan for the thinkable to make sure that it doesn't because if this broadens out because quite a general infection the public critical in the management of it the public have to be included as full partners you cannot keep the public in the dark because you cannot hospitalized yourself out of this it really spreads the public are going to be central to any response so if you keep it in the dark ruler will thrive and he called you sure. It was Professor John Ashton and Professor Chris witty is the chief medical officer for England it is here in the studio morning to good morning tell us about what you're doing so I think the key thing is to understand that this depends on what happens in China broadly this goes one of 2 ways the 1st way is that China gets on top of the epidemic and I know the numbers moved today but we come back to that and that there is spill all the spillover cases around the world but those are contained and we'll have more cases as you rightly say in the u.k. That's highly likely when they even get a little bit of onward transmission in the u.k. And then we'll be able to pick up with those and then the epidemic goes away that is possible and the 2 things that may do that are the extraordinary efforts of the Chinese government and possibly a change in the seasons are those I think are worth thinking about the alternative is this is not possible to contain in China and this tends to then starts to spread probably initially quite slowly around the world and at that point in less the seasons come to our rescue then it is going to come to a situation where we have it in Europe and in the u.k. Indie horse and the possibility of the season's coming to our rescue I think we shouldn't rely on that in any way and for that reason what we've got is a basic got for at this point in time and I agree with many of the points has just been made we've basically got a strategy that depends on 4 tactical aims the 1st one is to contain go through each of these is the. The 2nd of these is to delay the 3rd of these is to do the son's in the research and the 4th is to mitigate so that we can actually breach the n.s.a. One containment we've got this case in London someone who had been in China for instance are we are you in touch with everyone who was on the plane that that person came back from China on his is not what's happening so what what happens with any case and this this is this will be no different and I'm of you know going to individual knows but in general is you take a detailed history and story from the people and you work backwards through everybody they might come in contact with Sometimes that involves things like looking at planes if that's relevant also who they've met So little know him on a plane which we assume they did then everyone on the plane will be contacted not necessarily so that one of the things about the corona virus we know from other other coronaviruses is the amount of spread around a person is relatively limited in a geographical sense so you wouldn't necessarily have to do that as you say it's just we're just we would be the seats in the person perhaps the males and that sort of thing it wouldn't necessarily be everyone on the plane yes it will depend entirely on what the particular situation is but what you're trying to do is make sure the people who actually have a significant risk of getting infected do have the are isolated early and contact an isolated early usually by self isolation and that other people in a sense or not know do not have their life interfered with completely irrationally because they are not a risk yes and then going on to the other thing that Professor Ashton was talking about is the sort of visibility of you and of the government being involved and concerned and he was particularly brought up the question of whether your briefing the prime minister what can you tell us about how involved the government is talking to bars Johnson every day what's going on behind the scenes so I have I have briefed the prime minister as have other people and there have been Cobra meetings as person who was saying. Most of them official level because it's. Well but we're the stuff we have to do at this stage and I think to go back to my 4 points about containment which we're doing the moment and delay delay is the next stage of what we need to do and that we need to a lot of planning for that because if we can put if we are going to get an outbreak here in the u.k. And this is an if not a when but if we do pushing it back in time into the summer period away from the winter pressures on the n.h.s. Give bias a bit more time to understand the virus better possibly having some seasonal advantage is a big advantage so contained then delay this clearly a lot of research we're having to do at the moment people talk about vaccines it'll be a long while in my before we have a vaccine that is ready actually to deploy but we need to get on with that antivirals antivirals what we're going to be able to do on those is look at existing drugs for example existing HIV drugs and the Chinese are already starting to do this and test where they are existing drugs work against this virus Some may some may not that's just been a big w.h.o. Meeting yesterday and the day before the went through those and they will be having a plan to test those in the u.s. Is up potentially a stronger lead than the vaccine which as you say is going to be some way off well at this stage in time the biggest thing we have to do is around the isolation and delay and trying to work out the patterns of that value but certainly trying to find drugs that will of help the most affected people I think one thing that has come across clearly and I think is worth reiterating is that a large proportion probably the great majority of people having relatively mild disease so drugs a likely only to be useful for a minority who have more severe disease even if we find them should we be changing our behavior at this stage as a nation and this goes back I suppose to poor us rations point about you briefing the prime minister and the prime minister being involved and much more in terms of local government warnings or should we just be carrying on our business well I think all the things that are going to make it more difficult to transmit this virus are good sensible things to do for transmitting every other virus remember in the u.k. You. Roughly $8000.00 people a year on an average year die of flu the things that stop flu also stop this virus the there is no current circulation of this for hours in the u.k. As far as we can tell there is clearly so circulation of flu so people should be covering their eyes when they sneeze disposing of her. But you're saying they should be doing those things and there's no change of behavior not that your yes when one of my one of my colleagues came on your program yesterday and suggested that people start kissing I thought in the week or Valentine's Day rather brave statement those sorts of things I think you know what we should be doing is taking sensible precautions we normally take particularly in the winter season right what about Professor Ferguson who came on the program also yesterday and said in his view when is mathematically model day where in the early stages of a global pandemic and if he is right then he thought 60 percent of the u.k. Could become affected now as you say most of the great majority of them 99 percent of them suffering only mild symptoms and recovering but one percent of them not are you ready for that so this is where the 4th strand of what we're doing which is the mitigation comes in because the thing with this this epidemic were to happen is we obviously don't know how big the peak would be and absolutely critically we don't know what proportion of people have this disease or that symptoms we don't yet have a test to tell how many people are infected and just have nothing at all and until we do that we really are only have a best estimate our best estimate of the top end of the range for the number of people dying is aroun

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