3rd in the table Rodgers says it will still be a big ass to finish in the Champions League places and in rugby league Featherston will play Toronto for a place in next year's Super League after beating to lose in their final eliminator this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound smart speaker and have the weather another day of rain for many parts of England and Wales northern areas will be try out later in the day sorry this morning with some bright spells at the coming clearly the challenge later in the day at temperatures reaching between 10 and 16 degrees. A strange. Thing anyone else. Thinks the feeling. To undo for me seems to. Be the pressure laces in the late sixty's. Against kickoff set says this. And this is all forgotten on 5 by the Scuse me. Excuse me this is awful not over 5 life until tonight it was in a moment the latest wrong Kong action of the weekend of violence things getting worse is the real question also there's an awful lot of Castle in Argentina as you can imagine they live by the very huge part of the economy and no I mean that beef is what Argentina is no for in those huge has here and is on the Pampers But what is the environmental impact of all those cows on the country and all sales where in the world is the 16 year old Swedish environment activists created through points rather accusative finger awareness areas for not doing enough to deal with climate change destroying the environment there well this hasn't gone down well in Argentina where people are asking like Mario Balotelli why always week and we'll catch up with the news through spills of the Russian wrong tree. So this we move on is an on call where police and democracy protesters have clashed at the end of another weekend of demonstrations some of Hong Kong's busiest shopping districts have descended into chaos after police. I'm sorry apologies after police there used tear gas rubber bullets pepper spray and water cannons against protesters tensions are mounting ahead of the 70th anniversary of the communist coming to power in China China will hold one of his biggest ever military parades on Tuesday and Beijing is promising to show off a host of new weaponry Well the B.B.C.'s Danny Vincent is in Hong Kong apologize for the from my throat as this morning Dan even thought about where you are ditto me what's been going on in the last 24 hours there. Well Hong Kong has now seen 17 straight weeks of processed and I think it's fair to say the each week the intensity and the normality of the use of violence seems to be increasing a few months ago it was very rare to see actual bombs and bullets of cells thrown at the police this is now a common sight here in Hong Kong these process usually start in a peaceful manner thousands of people yes the dates took to the streets apart from its very beginning was actually already and some protesters are not even looking for police permission to par incest but then once they take to the streets. Once the police are inside essentially things just can't turn it in see the street back so a fight between princesses and plates and both sides so more comfortable using violence and things are saying goodbye when how do these protests there tend to unfold how do they given it. Well they're organized online mostly through telegram and other encrypts its online at a real Hong Kong people tend to group in relatively small groups different protesters have different plans in different roles some are frontline as they try to it's eye on the police some hold flags and they communicate to the rest of the party is to try to say you know try to update them what's happening when tear gas is being fired when rubber bullets are being fired where the water cannons all they try to tell the peaceful protesters what's happening I tell them to stay also move in they try to coordinate with the crowds but it's it's when the police confront the protesters when that's when everything really kicks off and escalates it seems very personal now on the streets there's a lot of it seems the police and the party system is there's a feeling that people want revenge for what's happened in in the past. In parts that's a lot over the last over the last few months technically parts s. Are looking for the opera say they're asking for rights of freedom on the street level it simply feels like a fight between protesters and the police force and oversee the the original reason for protesting was to demand the eggs she dition build that would see. People who were convicted or charged with crimes in China being extradited to China to face prosecution there that has been officially withdrawn has that taken a lot of the why do the protesters out of the equation now are we talking over hardcore of protesters prepared to continue despite the fact that arguably the demonstrates is their aims initially aims anyway. But that's right many of the young artists that are on that are on the front line I don't see this as victory I think it's too little too late and now calling for full political reform in the States and what has happened is many of the ordinary princess is ordinary Hong Kong residents. Is not necessarily filled to the demands of being reached in the you know the protesters and I think. Has taken a little bit of the wind out of the silos of this process movement but this movement is also the protest is also very good at mounting a quite sophisticated in all campaign so one of their goals now is to keep the momentum going a keep finding different causes for people to take to the streets and protest of course tomorrow is the anniversary of the common is coming into power is a national holiday so we're expecting large numbers of people to come out into the streets to protest not just the front line is not just the the hardcore young people that are wearing helmets and black t. Shirts and gas more skin and up ahead the battle over people the general genuinely and generally frustrated with communist room so it seems that the protesters are able to continue to mobilize support from different parts of society but of course many people home phones it's all the tired of this because we in and week out seeing violence in what it's normally a very peaceful city to what extent of these continuing paranoia is the city. Well during the process I think the areas where the participants gather when these street battles take place in this city is the city is paralyzed and you know that the subway stations here that frequently closed shopping malls sometimes you know Fareed filled with tear gas and you know police and protesters chancing and charging at each other. You know commercial parts of the city so that of course is unusual and that does but does paralyze the city but what's also unusual about this whole protest movement it's become Monday morning because most parts it's nearly over the weekend things became to return to normal if you visit some of the sites the princess Yes the guy things will be looking completely ordinary It would seem like nothing even happened so I think what's interesting about this movement is it's very localized. It's scheduled It's almost like a sporting event in some ways that planned for before and people live they find each other and then essentially they go home and things. To normality the next can the authorities in unthinkable to give carry executive the genie back in the bottle . It's difficult to know how this movement is going to end because the bill has been withdrawn so in some ways dog has been back and so for the for the public image the mood among the young protesters is I feel they're fighting a much bigger battle by fighting against communists all thoughts every. State which says which doesn't have in their in their view has very different values from the values that Hong Kong people cherish so it seems that it's an ideological battle it's possible that the protest movement might eventually run out of steam. But it seems that is that's all that the government can do. To try to see a peace leads these contestants and she's day as you said the anniversary of the communist takeover of China the 72000 of. It much of China will be seen as a day celebrations certainly for those who support the Government's policy but Hong Kong is looking like cheese day will be a day of rage. That's right I mean many people of course do support the Communist Party especially in mainland China and the many achievements of course economically especially over the last 40 years but the government in Beijing will be looking to celebrate so many of the. Civilians will be celebrating but here in Hong Kong it's it's the opposite the protesters plan to try to spoil the celebrations they have planned protests in several locations of the city many of these locations we've seen protests before so there's already. A history of. Anger towards the police and that means particular areas so what we're expecting tomorrow is. What some protesters are calling. The end because they feel this is one of the last but it's not for Hong Kong they want the world to posts and they want the Communist Party to pay attention and they're not going see that down without without a fight don't you think you've done events in there in Hong Kong brings us the news from Argentina now no you she told me why the country was in the climate spotlight this week the u.n. Climate summit brought a lot of attention around the world especially because that can marry that's how I pronounce it maybe it's not correct but the city is activists was there leading 1st of all massive March on Friday with a lot of the young people demanded for climate action she also led this heated summit on Saturday but then on Tuesday she and 15 other children and teenagers from around the world percentage of formal. Action against 5 countries in particular this 5 countries are Argentina Brazil France Germany and Terry So as you can imagine this news shocked a lot of Arjen science because when you talk about climate change we typically talk about the u.s. . Has China and India as the in the most important carbon dioxide emission emitters in the world so what if people took this by surprise when they were read in on all this international media outlets the b.b.c. And c.n.n. About to get it that in particular target in Argentina and this news made a lot of people here in Jena basically the reason why that and this 15 other children included Argentina in this formal denouncement was because according to them Argentina and these 4 other countries basically external to uphold their obligations under the Convention on the rights of the child this commission is a 30 year old human rights treaty which is the most widely ratified in history and basically says the countries have certain obligations to promote and to ensure they human rights of children so in this document they're saying that Argentina and this for other countries basically didn't take enough action against climate change and this is put in the life of children in this country is at risk in particular Argentina according to this document is generating a lot of greenhouse gases and if it continues to do so in this current level it will lead to a climate temperature increase of the $3.00 to $4.00 Celsius degrees by the year 2100 so this number is much more it's mush over the target of 2 degrees centigrade that the Paris climate agreement and their deals have set as the maximum amount that the temperature can increase Warrigal why the other reason these children are quoting is that according to them the countries like Argentina haven't taken enough action against countries like the u.s. In order to push them to promote stricter merriment of policies so they say that in the u.s. For example. Has being putting down or making a lot of regressive measures in terms of climate protection and that Argentina for example hasn't taken legal diplomatic or economic measures to kind of prevent the us to continue through this that again a lot of the questions that were being asked here in Argentina were Ok but why are you talking about us and why are you not talking about the u.s. And China and India basically the reason is mainly bureaucratic Argentina is one of the $44.00 countries that ratified the Convention for the rights of the children but also write a fiber specific part that allows children to file complaints against countries so the u.s. For example has ratified the commission but has no right to 5 that's that's if a part so basically the children cannot file a complaint against the u.s. But again this kind of pressure on the current arguments and government there was a big March here and one aside as this past Friday part of the the fight is for a future moment thousands of people came out which was very surprising because here it is you know the climate change this question is not as involved maybe yes in other countries but it was very surprising So now the government is kind of pressure feeling the pressure to to take concrete action to say so safely we what they're doing here and it's not because. As you know that's an art of the net has a lot of very rich and important natural resources we have a lot of glaciers and the impact of climate change is being felt they to date in those places United seen Argentinians uncomfortable with the notion that they are one of the world's polluters then because you do have your. Cows a lot more cows and most of the country pedant population you've got you know haciendas in your Pampers and all of that and of course cows do contribute. To. The impacts they have an impact huge impact on the environment not least because of the you know the fact that they it takes a lot of the environment to produce you know it's a transitional do given all of that and given that it's part of you know we get that as part of the d.n.a. Of Argentina to certain extent yeah given all of that do Argentinians feel uncomfortable than of being outed as one of the world's environment to pollute is I saying they do absolutely that's why business for so shocking and this point is very important and the point you're making that's And because Argentina relies on the agricultural industry especially on cattle raising and the export of meat it's one of the foundations of our economy and the other foundation and it is the scale gas reserves that we have there is a mixed family Big Show research in the south of Argentina It's called back up want to it's one of the biggest in the world so the current government on the one hand is saying you know when need to keep exports in meat when need to keep developing and extracting the soil in order to export it this is going to allow the country to grow but on the other hand the government says yes we agree that we need to address climate change we need to commit so the promises were made. In the Paris climate agreement though a lot of people especially young people that have gotten very involved in this fight against climate change here in Argentina are calling now the government and they're saying you can't have both you can't say that you know I recall trying cattle ranch and is our future and also that fighting against climate change is our future so they're asking specially young people again they're asking politicians to commit to one or the other to take really in-depth changes in our economic structure in our industrial structure nor to adapt into a country that will allow for less pollution in the future but again it's interesting because this is an issue that is very important for young people in Argentina but it's an issue that has to be spoken about at all during this year's political campaign there are a lot of now petitions for politicians to start talking about it for the theme to be included in the next presidential debate but so far politicians having or this seemed quite a bit the president. To contend with the fact he's lagging behind in the polls as well. Did he address that issue. So he did not talk I'm humble environment his government came out saying you know we don't think we should and we should be included in this particular group of 5 countries being denounced but he did talk a lot of about other issues because as you can imagine his concerns are many right now again the primary elections a month ago quit him 16 percent and points behind his opponent the Peronist the Fed man. But so for a few weeks he was obviously very shall the government didn't know what to say and now he's trying to revamp his image he's trying. 1st of all to keep the economy together and prevent a meltdown because. In the past few weeks s. That we've done about it before debt and the economy has kept getting into a worse and worse state so the government this week made a lot of announcements 1st of all they are now is this $5000.00 pesos bonus for all workers in the private sector because of course salaries have been losing their value month after month they are now Sarah measures for the middle class young people etc Clearly she has not given up and the strategy is to go all in until the elections that are a month from now in October 27th but on the other hand the reality is quite different so the confidence among the Argentine people is very low people are taking their dollars out of their bank accounts in record numbers so there is a saying here in Argentina that people keep their dollars underneath their matches and according to a new number that was released this month there's about $300000000.00 underneath people's matches is or in bank accounts outside of the u.s. This is an enormous amount it represents about 85 percent of the g.d.p. In Argentina and it shows you how little confidence people have in the country and in its current state and in the future of course of the country but like you were saying before that in my kitty did start this rally he had a massive rally yesterday in one aside as thousands of people came out to show their support mainly of course upper to middle class families this is part of who are leading up to the elections were going to visit 30 C.D.'s and he tone was very defiant was very positive this is something these are some of the things that he had to say yesterday. Even though I know that viewers especially last year and a half were very difficult and I know that you the middle class were the one that made the greatest offer but I want to tell you that I listened I took no I had or stood and that we can and we will turn this election around. On another subject entirely you choose is the name of primates. When a series. Is an orang utan the Sundra Sangay. That's right I actually don't know the answer to your question I don't know who named her Sandra by that she has become a very famous figure animal not only in Argentina but internationally also because so Sandra basically saw a 30 year 333 year old orangutan who was born in Germany but sold to one side as in 1904 brought here to the city sue which is in the middle of the city it's actually 2 blocks from where I live. And in 2014 lawyers won an appeal are you in that center out was being detained illegally and granted her the same legal rights as human So basically this appeal said that Sandra is a non-human person with the right to liberty so with a right to certain rights to better living conditions etc So this is of course may headlines across the world the ruling was by that is just a Lynette leave it at 30 who was and who ruled this appeal in response to a complaint by Argentine animal rights groups who are saying that Sandra was living in inadequate living conditions so what happened after 2014 basically the su close in 2016 because there were a lot of reports of financial cruelty and after that there were a lot of animals there of course and people had to decide where they were going to where they were going to go a lot of animals were shipped to other animal sanctuary or other Susan other countries but S