Transcripts for BBC Radio Nottingham BBC Radio Nottingham 20

Transcripts for BBC Radio Nottingham BBC Radio Nottingham 20190209 010000

Park zookeepers had been hoping they would breed zookeepers had been hoping they would breed a police force a police force that scrapped its police community support offices hiring scrapped its police community support offices hiring civilians on their civilians on 0 hours contracts to Gods low risk crime scenes contracts to Gods low risk crime scenes no fit plea no for Police hopes it will free up offices the force the Chief Constable Simons hopes it will free up offices the force the Chief Constable Simon Bailey says Daily says for now the employee form offices all members of the armed forces now the employee form offices all members of the armed forces once they've gone through once they've gone through the Seattle selection process they will be trained they will the seat of a selection process they will be trained they will be equipped equipped and we will have ensured that we are confident that they are and we will have ensured that we are confident in their ability to carry out Lety to carry out that role of preserving a scene in ensuring that role of preserving a scene in ensuring that our investigators are investigated are given the maximum opportunity to secure and preserve evidence even the maximum opportunity to secure and preserve evidence I'm not going to risk I'm not going to rule out other members of society each application will aren't other members of society each application will be judged on its own will be judged on its own merits tributes have been paid to the Act to what I merit tributes have been paid to the act to Albert Finney who has done who has died at the age of 82 he's done his career in mind at the age of 82 he's done his career in FISA before with the said before winning 5 Oscar nominations for his role in films in 5 Oscar nominations for his role in films including murder on the always leading murder on the Orient Express Albert Finney also funded bleak moment express Albert Finney also funded bleak moments the 1st film the 1st film directed by Mike Leigh the great thing was directed by Mike Lee the great thing was he still credible credible generously never interfered a tour he would generously didn't never. To fear to tour he would show up on location of up on location a very supportive way of great Walt so supportive way of great Walt and he just he just let me do my thing I have to say if we have to let me do my thing I have to say if we hadn't done that and have done that I suspect my whole career may never and I suspect my whole career may never have taken off taken off Michael Rice who won the B.B.C. Talent show altogether Michael Rice who won the B.B.C. Talent show altogether Now last year now last year has been chosen to represent the you can't hear a vision has been chosen to represent the you can't hear a vision he will think big he will sing beginners at the contest in Israel in the dinners at the contest in Israel in May That's latest That's latest news and find life with the sports his nick out in Great Britain find life with the sports his mic out in Great Britain have moved a step in have moved a step closer to Fed Cup promotion after Katie bolter closer to Fed Cup promotion after Katie bolter and Hannah concert Syriana concert sealed victory over hungry with 2 gruelling 3 set wins victory over hungry with 2 gruelling 3 set wins both one in fun oath one in final set time break ball to beating down a girl 3 or concept time break ball to beating down a girl for a while concert overcame an absurd overcame and a bond or a sense of a tie against Serbia later today on the recess of a tie against Serbia later today for a place in a proper place in April's promotion play offs elsewhere I had read from Billie Charlotte's promotion play offs elsewhere had read from Billy Charlotte to assent Sheffield United sent Sheffield united to the top of the championship as they raced in 2 or 3 in a lead added to the top of the championship as they raced in 2 or 3 in a lead at Aston Villa but Aston Villa but goals from Tyra Mings Tommy Abraham and on Dre greed all from Tyra Mings Tommy Abraham and on Dre green in the last 10 minutes in the last 10 minutes or the game and 3 all it means united. Stay Thurso the game and 3 all it means United States 3rd trainer IT trainer Rebecca Menzies has confirmed that 3 horses under her care have to commend these has confirmed that 3 horses under her care have been tested for AK when tested for AK wind flew 174 stables around the country and flew 174 stables around the country are in lockdown or in lockdown as testing continues will he keep a band folks as testing continues will he keep a band folks as been dropped with key dropped with Keaton Jennings recalled for England's final Test against West Indies Jennings recalled for England's final Test against West Indies which starts the south which starts this afternoon Ireland got their women 6 Nations campaign back on in Ireland got their women 6 Nations campaign back on track with a bonus point track with a bonus point 225 win over Scotland Saracens are through to the 225 win over Scotland Saracens are through to the premiership cup final I'm a ship Cup Final after beating was 3822 after beating was 3822 and Super League holders and Super League holders Wigan scored 6 tries to beat Leeds 346 Danes Wigan scored 6 tries to beat Leeds 3416 and bans back from and bans back from their opening day defeat however its 2 defeats from 2 for the opening day defeat however it's 2 defeats from 2 for the runners. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound B.B.C. Sound it's smart speaker come on watch the weather will be smart speak up hello and watch the weather will be wet and windy Gretta and windy to start in the Northwest gusty winds got a challenge to start in the Northwest gusty wind in scattered showers elsewhere elsewhere rain and strong winds easing in little later for this rain and strong winds easing in the north Leyton for the south of the sun shall fill the sunshine and chalice the 6 Nations on it shall is the 6 Nations rugby his rugby his Raiders John. It's messy but it's greatest championships. With. a. Coming up in this. Coming up in this of the program in a matter of the program in a moment we'll hear about the talk show. About the talk shop so Philip So Philip Green will have the allegations against him he will have the allegations against him and his denial of that and his denial of those allegations about the injunction against the Saudi cations we'll hear about the injunction against the publication of the publication of the allegations that was lifted just a few hours ago. That was lifted just a few hours ago also $11.00 a mother who lost her son as a result of street crime in the who lost her son as a result of street crime in London. And and talk to us about the new stats from N.H.S. To us about the new stats from N.H.S. Which says which say that more than a 1000 teenagers would meet its hospice owning the more than a 1000 teenagers would meet its hospice on in the last year after being so lost after being stabbed well was going to be talked dabbed We're also going to be talking about about one of the stories in the papers this morning about a bunch of the stories in the papers this morning at work that dominates the dominates a lot of the big tree pages by Albert Finney the great A lot of the big tree pages by Albert Finney the great actor who's part actor who's passed away we're talking to Shirley and Phil's who starred with years away we're talking to Shirley and Phil's who starred with him in a in a really groundbreaking film Saturday night Sunday really groundbreaking film Saturday night Sunday morning good morning and we'll get the week's news from United and we'll get the week's news from the United States and states and hear about the latest from the cost of Venezuela's hear about the latest from the cost of Venezuela's. Or the newspapers tonight published for the record. The newspaper is tonight published further allegations about subtly geishas about Sir Philip Green it's after legal action brought by the billionaire Philip Green it's after legal action brought by the billionaire against the daily it's against the Daily Telegraph newspaper was formally ended by a High Court judge a rough newspaper was formally ended by a High Court judge the owner the owner of Top Shop denies claims of unlawful sexual and of Top Shop denies claims of unlawful sexual and racist behavior his behavior and allegations of gross misconduct John Don and allegations of gross misconduct Jon Donnison has been for us and has been following this story what he tell us John Well these allegations in this story what he tell us John. These allegations appeared on the thousands appeared on the Telegraph website a few hours ago and will be Telegraph website a few hours ago and will be on the front of the new be on the front of the newspaper tomorrow morning after an injunction was paper to morrow morning after an injunction was dropped dropped now that followed a 6 month legal battle between the business now that followed a 6 month legal battle between the businessman and the newsman and the newspaper now the paper says they relate paper now the paper says they relate to 5 members to 5 members of staff including a female executive who staff including a female executive who accused the business men to use the business men of groping her slapping a bottom and calling of groping her slapping a bottom and calling her a naughty naughty girl and also a senior black employee and also a senior black employee who said suffice who said to Philip that racially abused him making comments about his dreadlocks racially abused him making comments about his dreadlocks and Chuck and chucking spears as well as other female employees who playing speeches as well as other female employees who claimed they were subject they were subject to inappropriate behavior including put to inappropriate behavior including Put being put being put in a headlock and being grabbed by the face now a can headlock and being grabbed by the face now according to The Telegraph wording to the telegraph the staff received large payments up to a 1000000 for the staff received large payments up to a 1000000 pounds in some cases sounds in some cases after signing nondisclosure it is after signing non-disclosure agreements all and 3 minutes all N.D.A. Which still provide prevent them from speaking gays which still prefer that prevent them from speaking out so if they look out said Philip Green emphatically denies all of the Allah gave him. Phatic Lee denies all of the allegations he says the persons he says the paper has pursued a vendetta against him paper has pursued a vendetta against him that it shamed that it shamefully coaxed these individuals to breach their oblique fully coaxed these individuals to breach their obligations under the nations under these lawful N.D.A. Agreements and that these lawful N.D.A. Agreements and that further legal action further legal action may now be taken and all this follows illegal may now be taken and all this follows a legal development in earlier development earlier that's right Safin it talked out an injunction that's right syphilitic talk out an injunction against the Telegraph against the Telegraph newspaper reporting these allegations last year a newspaper reporting these allegations last year as well as report as well as reporting his name but his legal team had resulting his name but his legal team had requested that quested that the injunction be dropped because he was named the injunction be dropped because he was named as we know it as we know in Parliament last year by Lord Hayne using pun parliament last year by Lord Hayne using parliamentary privilege elementary privilege to do so and they basically said there was no point to do so and they basically said there was no point in then restrict and then restricting reporting so the paper is allowed to publish the reporting so the paper is allowed to publish but that but the paper also wanted the judge to rule that employees who also wanted the judge to rule that employees who signed these getting online these gagging orders wouldn't face legal action if they spoke out orders wouldn't face legal action if they spoke out breaking breaking those nondisclosure orders something the judge goes non-disclosure orders something the judge didn't do and didn't do in court papers sufficiently. The team said he had made court papers syphilitic legal team said he had made comments on people's comments on people's clothes and weight and that he'd also been known to put his our clothes and weight and that he'd also been known to put his arms around individuals around individuals at times but in a totally non-sexual way at times but in a totally non-sexual way he completely he completely denies unlawful behavior and there ovoid denies unlawful behavior and there oh boy the implications to this location is to this yet there's certainly a wider debate. Yeah there's certainly a wider debate now about these now about the use of N.D.A. These gagging orders paying piece of N.D.A. These gagging orders paying people who signed people who signed legally binding confidentiality agreements legally binding confidentiality agreements the Telegraph The Telegraph Telegraph boss Chris Evans as Philip Green Telegraph boss Chris Evans as a Philip Green to lift them to lift them and to let people speak freely they want parliament and to let people speak freely they want Parliament to react to this to react to this and to do something about it concerns raised by polling to do something about it concerns raised by politicians include Titian's including the M.P. Maria Miller that N.D.A. The being the M.P. Maria Miller that N.D.A. The being used to protect the peace to protect the powerful and the wealthy from serious allegations powerful in the wealthy from serious allegations Green Green has always denied any unlawful sexual and racist behave as always denied any unlawful sexual and racist behavior he says he says these people entered into N.D.'s willingly after receiving these people entered into N.D.'s willingly after receiving full enduring full independent legal advice about their rights and response to end and legal advice about their rights and responsibilities disability John thank you very much John don't assume there now more than a don't thank you very much John don't assume that now more than 80001000 teenagers were admitted to hospital in England last year after being sieges were admitted to hospital in England last year after being stabbed the stabbed this is according to new N.H.S. Figures the number of people according to new N.H.S. Figures the number of people admitted to hospital admitted to hospital after being attacked with a knife or other sharp object is going to last to being attacked with a knife or other sharp object has gone up almost a 3rd Bowman's to 3rd since 2012. To 2013 since 2012 to 2013 just under 4 to just under 5000 but the number admitted of those of 1000 but the number admitted of those age but aged between 10 and 19 in green 10 and 19 increased near creased nearly twice as fast the government says we're very pleased twice as fast the government says we're very concerned about being concerned about the increase in knife crime and its devastating consequences he said knife crime and its devastating consequences our serious our serious violent strategy sets out the action we're taking just violent strategy sets out the action we're taking to tackle this witching tackle this which includes a greater focus on early intervention alongside foods a greater focus on early intervention alongside strong enforcement strong enforcement Tracy Ford is the founder of Tracy Ford is the founder of the Jags the Jags Foundation which was set up after her son Foundation which was set up after her son James Arthur James on Dre Gordon Smart Ford was killed and she Gordon Smart Ford was killed when she campaigns against campaigns against youth violence asked her for her response to the reports of violence asked her for her response to the report Marley Marl reaction. Was still not take his actions. Was still not take in this. Situation of children murdering children situation of children murdering children. Particularly London Seriously I believe a London Seriously I think when you have when you have young people murdering each other at the way that young people murdering each other at the way that we're having we're having. Last year we had 41 young people murdered last year we had 41 young people murdered 41 young 41 young people and then there was an outcry people and then there was an outcry about. What is really happening on the streets but what is really happening on the streets but won't won't won't won't could be done I mean an outcry could be done I mean an outcry Yes fair and yes fair enough. I can understand why you say that rough. Can understand why you say that what what what good would it serve if we're talking about what good would it serve if we're talking about double the double the number of children that been stabbed to train the ages of tense and number of children that being stabbed to train the ages of tensor 9090 that is telling us that something trust that is telling us that something drastically is not had it clearly is not happy no matter no matter what money your company and all that in a manner no matter what money your company into organizations as ations is not get into the children that is not get into the children the service is a not services are not getting to the children we've got thousands of getting to the children we've got thousands of trauma and trauma affected children who are witnessing their friends but to children who are witnessing their friends their family members their family members killed on the street children those killed on the street children are being stabbed or being stabbed during school hours after school hours during school hours after school hours you walk around as you walk around the streets of London or you'll see in these flowers streets of London or you'll see in these flowers. The lady in charge murder was liaison Richard say it's child murder was liaison Richard's back to see it back to see the dominoes delivery driver $96.00 a dominoes delivery driver 19 stabbed in the car stabbed in the car parked on his own estate what is parked on his own estate what is you know. I just read that we as all the government I just read that we as all the government or whoever it or whoever it is the man is spending 220 minutes the man is spending 220000000 pounds and pounds on not armed. Tell me or not or and tell me what I was going to go into Tell me what the transparency is of where me what the transparency is of where these services are these services are happening so that we can then say well the happening so that we can then say well maybe it's not going to that maybe it's not going to the right areas it's not get into the children areas it's not get into the children can we can we even question why it's happening that question why it's happening that back QUESTION Back question doesn't seem to be clear or to doesn't seem to be clear or to have been answered been answered for me do you know or for me do you know or. All I can say is all I can say is that we have a number of. We have a number of academics with academics we have acar we have young local academics have acar we have young local academics who go to he go to uni who study who could spend only his study who could spend hours and hours and thousands of time Lisa in a distance of time Lisa. Dissertations patients get in 1st class degrees the 2nd class degrees get in 1st class degrees the 2nd class degrees the evidence is there the evidence is there somewhere why is it happening somewhere why is it happening young people need

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Radio Program , Alumni Of The Royal Academy Dramatic Art , Knights Bachelor , Social Change , Laws Of War , International Relations , Great Britain , Western Europe , Northern Europe , Royal National Theatre Company Members , English Jews , English Businesspeople , Professional Sports Leagues , Legal Documents , Continents , Humanitarian Aid , Diplomacy , Family , Public Relations , Development , Legal Terms , Communication , Videotelephony , Journalism Sourcing , Radio Bbc Nottingham , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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