Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland FM BBC Radio Scotland FM

BBC Radio Scotland FM BBC Radio Scotland FM November 11, 2019 110000

B.b.c. Scotland news it's 2 minutes past 11. The nation has fallen silence to mark Armistice Day And remember the moment 101 years ago that the agreement came into force to end fighting in the 1st World War the Conservatives and Labor are marking today with pledges to improve the lives of the armed forces and their families the Tories plan to change the law to protect veterans from what they call vexatious legal action while Labor is promising improve support for forces children and better wages the party's foreign affairs spokesperson Emily Thornberry rejected claims that Jeremy Corbyn would never authorize military action we're going to make sure that our own forces are looked after properly because we don't think that they have been until now we will not be engaged in foreign wars unless we believe that it is in the interest of our country but more importantly that we will actually be able to create something positive as a result of it as opposed to the disasters that we've seen over recent years we will think carefully about the use of force elsewhere as campaigning for the general election continues the Liberal Democrats are offering to give every adult 10000 pounds to spend on education and training throughout their lives and s.n.p. Leader Nicholas sturgeon will be taking her and he brags that message to the north east of Scotland a Glasgow tenement building has been razed to the ground by an overnight fire it's thought the blaze started in the strawberry and spice garden many markets on Albert drive homes above the shop are evacuated overnight Crimmins at the scene. Hong Kong's Leader Kerry Lamb has issued a strongly worded warning about unrest in the territory saying the demonstrators are now the people. The enemy she blamed pro-democracy protesters for relentlessly destroying society earlier the police shot a demonstrator at close range a man's been charged after a 70 year old man died and a young woman was badly hurt when a car hit a bus shelter in Aberdeen The incident happened on Saturday nights in box burn and involved 2 vehicles a 29 year old man has now been arrested and his due to appear in court later. Relatives. Who died in police custody in Fife in 2015 we'll find out later if anyone will be prosecuted over his death his family will meet with the Lord Advocate this morning last year they were told there would be no criminal charges but that was reviewed following new information raised in a b.b.c. Scotland investigation looking at Scotland's weather no a cold shower a day to come the showers heavy at times with the risk of thunder falling as snow above about 200 metres with some sleet and hail to lower levels strong winds for the Northern Isles and Southwest Scotland and highs of just 4 to 7 Celsius for most today that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland news thank you very much indeed Sara good morning you're listening to b.b.c. Radio Scotland with Jackie brambles coming up in a minute how to use technology to give to charity without experts Kerry Marshall and Louise Blaine joining us in the studio and almost a 1000000 elderly people skip meals or rely on ready meals because they find eating alone too lonely so what can be done about that also Hof of people surveyed say they suffer from shyness so how do you overcome it and do you really need to. It's been over 5 every Monday we're joined by our 2 techie experts were there the usual advice and cyber wizardry Black Friday coming up of course so they can talk to us about what to watch out for when it comes to buying stuff but your animal philanthropic mood I hear this week Carrie Eloise Good morning good morning good morning you're talking about ways of giving to charity it's become it's become big business actually hasn't has become quite a big deal I must apologise and rapidly lose my voice there isn't enough of that instead. Yeah and we sort of an interesting contrast because we're right in the middle of this orgy of consumerism with Black Friday supermarket deals month that's going on and there's so much stuff that technology can be done that can do good without you just going out and buying stuff that you don't need and one of the simplest things you can do is you can do that technology that you no longer use. But it's part of a wider picture so I had a look for example there's a charity Desser in the corner from us even govern called starter packs Glasgow monitors they help people who have just been housed with all the kind of essential that they need to basic it going broke me charity and like most charities the charity shop where the protect the nations are provided it doesn't take any sort of personal data like a computer or a smartphone games consuls television stereo systems will take all of that but they're also like really really good online the use Facebook to let people know exactly what they need when the run and lot of stuff want to think it's good I seen those sorts of pay as can be quite specific need mugs when you come to a you know and like that and a lot of Scottish food banks are very very good but then they put it like crisis appears particularly on Twitter where they're like you know you know we need to you know particular things for for like small children or for women or whatever and it's a really effective we have to of reaching a lot of people without spending any money but there's other stuff as well where. A lot of people charities can use things like easy fundraising to or what you can that's a way of you know that when you go into these votes records online yes like connotation . Sali and then you get a vote you called this place that does that but with online shopping giving money to charity so you do the kind of the online shopping that you would get I did already but you go through this list so you start then hey to them what were if you can do to be a donation go users aren't really good example of that as well as Amazon Yes So Amazon I actually do something called smile and I'm basically you go to I think it's my old though Amazon dot co dot u.k. And then you choose a charity using a drop down menu and a percentage of that purchase the profits go to that charity and that's it that's all and I don't know why do you smile the Armisen and then you can actually choose your charity and from in there because obviously they like to do analytics and game if I think so but you can look and and see how much you have given you can see how much other people have given you can see how much different which different charities have got money and it's really incredible the fight that you just have to as long as you're going through this one portal do all of your Christmas shopping there and you give a certain donation to the your search out it's amazing what a big question is going to come back to us I know after you've given us that information about the possibility to donate every time you shop on Amazon is from charities or people who want to raise funds how do I get myself on that list that dropdown list that comes on Amazon I think it's going to be a case with that last time I looked there were stacks of charities there and I imagine Amazon are probably very very good to get your charity on here so there will definitely be a section of smile that says support or find out more about being supported so I definitely think head on to there because they tend to be very good at talking even of their customer service so I imagine they'll be very happy to share that information and online some retailers do the equivalent of this week we target that you get when you're in the supermarket you can choose a good cause to put that we bought yesterday yeah there's online equivalents of the . So for example the my favorite voter code site and it was people to choose a charity and then it will give 20 percent of its profits for that month to that charity right I'm going to plug star Glasgow again because they're one of the. 3 that have been chosen for this particular one but it's also ups as well where you can you can do other things you don't necessarily have to be buying. Big products this one for example Johnson and Johnson have put together an article donate a photo and when you show your photographs through the up with other people than a dollar to charity so on why are you sharing it them. Online just with other people where you would normally share like real what's up or yeah or Instagram if you use that instead. And it does a little use as a platform Yeah that doesn't appear to be any sort of done so to the consumer doesn't seem to be any sort of horrific data gathering going on. That's amazing the amazing opportunity is there's a few like that and some are just really quite clever at the u.n. World Food Program has gone cold share the meal and there it is that you keep on your smartphone and when you go out for dinner or just go to coffee or poles when you're put in the borough encourages you then to just give it a bit of money to round up to defeat somebody else that's very very clever So what's challenging about knows what we're becoming much more of a cashless society is you're walking down the street and someone's offering you a big issue or someone having and you actually don't have the money to pay a lot of places are actually changing that there was initiative that took place in Bristol last year where they actually created contactless points where you could donate just with a touch of your card to say homelessness charities because that's a real issue that people are really having to take on is the fact we don't have change in our pockets we are paying I mean I'm really guilty that I've been chewing gum using my clinical kind of my face on it yes because it's so easy and I don't carry nothing but then suddenly when it comes to the point and say I want to help how can I help can I help with the technology that's in my pocket or my phone and places are evolving that's what's really interesting the fact that that's something that the money is you know people don't carry cash you can just touch and you donate and in the right direction obviously there's this very big sort of fund raising sites out there and I just giving it all all these all these other easy fund raising as you said I think is always a concern but where there's money there's a scam Yes And that happen people be sure that they are donating let's say for example the brown family's house has burned down then their lovely friends and neighbors of set up and again. At just giving or somewhere and this is for them and lots of people in the town read about it and they think that there's actually 3 accounts supporting the Browns family that's been burned down and only one of them is genuine one of them the other 2 are scammers it's very very difficult with these kind of things because you know any sort of formal charity is regulated they have got to be very transparent but we do with money I have seen known charities do fundraising and they got buying much says for the people who were affiliated with the the fundraisers in the money did not go to what people thought it was going so . It's yeah it's really really difficult and I'm very aware of anything that as an artist the formal your charity and charitable mission number may be here because there's a lot of stuff online that circulates where you know that we're collecting the stuff for regenerators get cancer and it turns out that we generally because as had a full recovery which is people would stop sending the stuff to his house but it's been circulating for years and years and years right I think we need to be not hard hearted about it but just careful as titles the perfect one can awareness I think as with everything where we put our bank details and online and we talk a lot on the specially in tech talk about home secure your details are and if you don't feel like putting your details into a website that you don't entirely trust just don't do it find out more find out different ways to help if you want to help there are many official channels that you can you just can get help you know there's a lot ways to do it so we're talking about that because of course it's world kindness day on Wednesday and then we kind of descend into this consumerist orgy of Black Friday's super Fantastico meal deals. There are some really fantastic bargains to be had yes i do we talked about it last week there are always good deals but what's important especially No At the start of the month is to look and see what prices are just know and see what they get to at the end of the month and I think my piece of advice that I've no decided on for me is I find it what I actually want whether I want to vacuum a television console I find it what it is just now and then when it gets to the surf Cyber Monday Black Friday Times by. That's when I'll check the prices to see if they're actually better because it's the case of you know when you see a software manufacturer say this much 50 percent off because it was for a week and a half it was the full price right so it's about checking your current electronics prices are also what you need don't be drawn in by a whole ton of acronyms just think of what you actually need in terms of a television and stick to it and there's a case of 1st come 1st serve you know there's x. Amount of let's say new whiz bang T.V.'s they're going to go be sold mega cheap as you have to get in there quick or should you sort of bide your time. There's this kind of false deadline thing is that the Omo thing is a little it goes and you know there's been a lightning develop a couple of years ago there were some websites are going to an awful lot of trouble for claiming that was a huge queue for all the deals where it's not the just pretend count down on the front I think you need to be very careful I think as loose as you need to do your homework because an awful of the stuff particularly the stuff that you've only got an hour to do it might not actually be a good deal be a good. An hour but also you know think think of the bigger picture as well right like there's going to be great deals on for example Dyson vacuum cleaners but a but you won't get as cheap as the reconditioned one I bought that we can do anybody for like a quarter of the retired got one of those is one with a 2 year guarantee on it so I don't necessarily buy brand new stuff you know just because Black Friday exists to buy I mean it's a full full blown attack by the marketing industry isn't it sort of going after you and sort of that sense of panic and you know this is such a great deal and people also looking ahead to Christmas if they've got kids who want gadgets and technical stuff that's quite expensive thinking this is the time to buy it yeah because as well because an awful lot of people will be looking on Black Friday websites that are abroad in particular in Hong Kong that appear to be doing fantastic deals on things like winter and to switch it but you can't be sure that you're going to get on so in these stores these websites are with the reach of British consumer protection law so if you do have a problem with it if it's on. And for photos and different books for example you can't just send a book for nothing you know the whole thing but as a package be a career to Hong Kong in the hope that they will treat you properly and they don't always so you bear in mind how long things might take to shift do you think extra for that extra 20 pounds of a difference between say somewhere like Amazon or very or any of these things with these other things just think about how fast you can get and have fresh you can take it back just far from Christmas it's ridiculous isn't it but what would your general rule of thumb be if you are going to order presents online you know particularly technology. What's the sort of cut off date you think of ordering in I mean they're getting the cut off for places for big places you'll be able to get prime delivery I'm quite sure that's what I mean so Chris Messina is all right sure but I mean I would how much you are allowing for your hubby sweaty part. That's because that's all yeah but there's definitely I would look at you know looking at prices and definitely if you are investing in consuls definitely go for Black Friday and any big deals are all or the most popular thing you think is going to base of in demand this year big T.V.'s games consoles are going to be huge. Games console in particular as was sinless We're coming to the end of the current generation so this is like the last Black Friday and last Christmas shopping season for the Playstation 4 of the x. Box one so you're going to be able to get the console plus about you know 3 or so it isn't here you know a really really good price but just remember this is the last year of the console or so you're not when you look at the order of piano you know that's our p. When it came out 6 years ago it's not what is worse not right so you should not you should not pay this is being phased out as it on the real there's a new one a new generation is coming next years it's actually really exciting in terms of games but it's not if you're a parent this is the most you've got the previous generation for really good praising with lots of great games and there's a whole other year so you're kind of you're not quite future proofing But there's another year to play it's not coming it's a holiday 2020 still and it's what's cheaper way of doing it because if you look at X.-Box one. Play Station you can get a whole bunch of free games for a very small monthly subscription and slow and steady you know $5060.00 quid per Yes So on all the good stuff all the really good games are all available pre-owned for a fraction of what they cost in the. Afternoon to your games you know print stuff and see if you fortune brilliant thank you so much indeed for all your tips and for joining us this morning in the studio our tech experts Louise Blaine and Carrie Marshall. My. Hearing might be carrying a huge impact in your life of deference to sports make the family lore a ballot no specialist is funded by children in need without her I think would have been completely lost the heads of children in need today Michelle McManus is hearing from young people and projects that are benefiting from your fundraising. At the cafe and then. They can feed change young people with additional support needs. Them for their vote and what additional step for. The for our lives today from 138 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Still to come gin shop is banning all Christmas songs from the past of 50 years exclusively oldies for them they're getting a bit sick of Sladen was it the sick of the likes of Mariah Carey even all I want for Christmas they just want to have all the golden oldies So are there any Christmas songs that you just can't abide you can't stand Do let us know 80295 thank you very much for all your text today that have come through with regards to who you were going to be remembering joining the 2 minute silence a little earlier on this hour I've got one here from this is from an anonymous text today I remember my dad's 4 brothers my uncles James Wardle 19 john wall 22 Alexander wall 19 who all perished during action in World War 2 and Robert will have 17 who died whilst in basic training or sons of canvas Alang. Right the time now is 1119 and almost a 1000000 elderly people skipped meals all rely on ready meals because they find eating alone just too lonely so what can we do about it but new research commissioned by the Royal Voluntary Service said that the loneliness epidemic amongst Britain's elderly community was to blame for these eating habits Janet case study he is going to be joining us a little bit later on but in the studio right now we have whether cynical Hansen who is the chief officer at royal connections for life good morning Nicola Good morning thank you so much for joining us this morning tell us more ab

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