Transcripts for BBC Radio Ulster BBC Radio Ulster 20181002 2

BBC Radio Ulster BBC Radio Ulster October 2, 2018 230000

This is B.B.C. 5 my We're going to talk 2nd gadgets we have Tom cheese writes I take guru so if you have a question for Tom Then you can get in touch with us on our 8 hour 85909693 lost on the program we spoke about the new i Phone possibly not charging if the screen is unlike So if you've had that problem you don't talk to Tom about it or other stuff 080-859-0969 extension 3 you can text your tech question 850-5822 see 5 Live and we should see it there may not news is next on far short of buying a British military plane will take aid to the Indonesian island of Sulu a sea more than 1300 people are confirmed dead following Friday's earthquake and tsunami Rescuers say they've now been able to reach all of the affected regions across abundance how Griffith people here in the south are still ways they have been giving what they have to help the victims of a tsunami this mound of donations all supplementing the official government efforts but aid distribution on this island have felt painfully slow international assistance is on the way but so far not everyone who needs help is getting it to is amazing she is cross with Boris Johnson after the attack directs the plans at a fringe event to the conservative conference the former foreign secretary told an audience for around a 1000 people it was time to check checkers is the prime minister there was a things that Boris said. He wanted to tear out all the arms to the people of Northern Ireland who was part of the United Kingdom that we all all he and I all that that's who was the conservative and. That's because we believe of the Union it lies his kingdom not out of his part of that union 3 men have been stabbed during disorder outside a McDonald's in Birmingham city center when this is said there was a group of around a 100 teenagers in the area at the time the stabbings happened in 3 different locations along the city's high street at around 6 pm Meanwhile at around the same time the Mistah. In the London Overground train he was attacked just before it pulled away from Hackney Central Station his injuries own thought to be life threatening. And major review suggests more than heartlands depressant uses the suffering bad side effects when they try to come off them a Parliamentary Group on drugs says patients need to be made aware of the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms Rachel struggled while reducing head doesn't feel quite sick all of the time to be so quite tired or so I just as well which is of the kind of a problem because the question that sort of like is is this just a side effect or is this actually kind of my intentions are turning the Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to a woman for the 1st time in 55 years says she a Professor Dona Strickland from Canada received the prize along with 2 male colleagues who work in laser physics it's great that times are changing you know I cited Mary Agapit Meyer in my thesis and I've read about her and realized that you know she didn't even get to be paid to be a scientist while she was doing Nobel gravy research and obviously I've always been paid and treated like an equal to help my career so things changed Don Trump says it is a difficult and scary time Theon men in the US while discussing the sexual misconduct allegations against his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh he said in this realm guilty until proven innocent as latest news on find life with the sport his dumbass beat Manchester City of call their Champions League campaign back on track with a 21 win at Hoffenheim Pep Guardiola Esmond What a goal behind after just 44 seconds before strikes from Sergio Aguero David Silva saw them come away with the points but neighbors United could only jewel nil nil with Valencia at Old Trafford that result maintains the pressure on Joe Samaria and if they clash with Newcastle in the league on Saturday the Spurs striker hurricane says he hopes he can one day emulate and perhaps break the goal scoring records of Neil Messi at Tottenham a host Messi is boss Lonna in the Champions League later on. And in the A.F.L. Cup Southampton beat Everton 43 on penalties at Goodison in the Championship Aston Villa to thrill with bottom club Preston North and. Is a doubtful this month's W T A Finals the world number one has a back injury you know the Aston Villa cabochon has now got so into 2nd already really I'm just thinking about that we had to have brought a selection of sprouts in and you could have had you know put in with several options that if you miss with the cabbage stuff diet Yeah whereas if you've got a few sprints over you. Fly as well I don't have too much thought into this you all point to it so I think there is essentially a massive assault. That cuts the down Emma. Is B.B.C. 5. Small. Look at the rain moving into the night and later into western Scotland taking in many areas towards still quite cloudy and. Mostly dry elsewhere but some Sunnis. Play music with Phil Williams thank you for your football manager I found out jugs jug Chargers news go top 3 songs Camille Why can you identify the artist the title and the news story begin choose days news that links these tracks. To. 05 by text you can tweet your interest baby say 5 if you need a clear day I. Was going to give you an hour. Realize how easy it was. By tech savvy sci fi life the 3 artists 3 song titles on the new story all over Tuesday's news dominating lots of 5 Live that links those on. Look I'm sorry the lovely Tom cheese writes coming in to talk tech and gadgets with us from me sick bed I am going to pull. The downsides of being a cliched geek. I mean you are. Awake and I was in Rome last week in the beautiful sunshine. Yeah. Things that we're going to I definitely want to ask you about the apple charging issue but interesting one yeah it is so interesting because they've not responded to my knowledge of They've been no official statement yet so lots lots of evidence of video evidence and people are clearly experiencing this issue but no formal response has yet. Told you about block train. At Tesco Bank and Facebook in fact I saw some on stopping early about Facebook responding to the security breach last week some sleep. The scale of this may be beyond what we thought and what's going to happen in terms of fines whether that's realistic how worried we should be how much trust we should place in things like bikes and things like using Facebook to log into other apps you know all up for grabs at the moment right if you go to take question that you'd like to put to Tom She's right take full advantage right now by texting it's right 5058 you can tweet it to at B.B.C. 5 Live or in give us a ring speak to Tommy south because how this middleman 080-859-0969 extension 3 is our phone number 080-859-0969 extension 3. Is clearly it's in the Champions League. They will be aware. That against Barcelona because a PM. Is your station. For news and the best like this is B.B.C. 5 Live till. Midnight we will be back to Tom And in tech questions very shortly before we do wanted to update you on the situation in Indonesia this is following Friday's earthquake and tsunami the death toll risen to over 1300 the 5 by 2 quake struck just off the central island of Sooner way see something off a tsunami that engulfed the coastal city of Apollo from where the B.B.C.'s Jonathan Head filed this report. The. 3 days under the ruins of an office building that he's in mind. Few of the victims have been as lucky as this 38 year old man pulled out after a 3 hour rescue operation. Many more are still buried in these impossible mountains of rubble. In the city center they're trying to open some of the blocked roads. But from the air you can see what the Indonesian government is up against. This is the village of Ballarat which was literally swallowed by the liquefying ground churned up by the earthquake. And here. They were hit by a mudslide Sometimes it seems the city's been hit by a whole series of catastrophes not just the earthquake in the tsunami but in this neighborhood a sea of mud that fell down the mountain and has buried all of the houses right up to halfway and some of the inhabitants to. Come back with his youngest son to check what's left of his home they had a narrow escape the mud came down right after the earthquake he told me. It's up to the last 3 or 4 minutes later he and his family just ran with only the clothes they were wearing a mud in his neighbor's house selvedge what they can but it isn't market they need everything and they're not getting it yet so Pallies inhabitants are taking matters into their own hands. Here trying to break into a small supermarket. And then things driven back by police officers who seemed afraid of being overrun. The police relented. And the crowd poured into the shop. And did make the attempt an effort to stop non-essential items being looted. But the government unable to help most of these earth quake victims can't really stop them helping themselves. The 1st real sign of order we saw this extraordinary line for petrol each bottle with it and queue number on its own is set in the shade for the long hours they'll have to wait. Reporting from Palo the coastal city of the central island of pseudo a C That's Jonathan Head told minutes past midnight PHIL WILLIAMS He was on fire right through to want some cheese right here we're talking tech and gadgets 1st up that is Damian in south London Damien hi there are you doing yeah Very well thanks what's happening. Later to Claude love the program Listen to go look at it clearly list to do it at all I choose which is great. But my issue is in the Apple user for decades now OK don't turn again for me though I know I have purchased on personally the little guys even know that he was out of the cloud. Right just a bit frustrated with having to pay for stuff for a total release Have you spoken to them about that because the should be they should be able to restore your previous purchases ready. Yeah you have a problem Michael I do a while ago which was sort of I did very well. In corporate America and I sort of like these which completely each other so they managed to do that but it's still not perfect. In this if you actually say I guess the. Guess the new devices are within your limits in terms of the number of devices you're allowed to authorize right so you can limit at authorize an unlimited number of devices County to download that you have got 3 or 4000000 to not my Macin and my I you know when they saw it's not your ID issue they successfully connected the sort of the old ids in the old time today. Well it was all to do with the car and I moved from on Cloud 2 or somebody to I clearly whichever around here although it were all I managed to recover my solution to cause works when you know how to create. The question of your favorite character the car and those you know. Well of course I'm really really weird but so well so that eventually but I never had a different idea to make a that I've now got one applied to the other one most of it was gone for those are a little less told to do should I think that's probably sound see that in their system they've either not or just partially associated your new ID with previous purchases and so you is not automatically allowing you to read download them in theory if they've been bought on your current ID you should always be able to read and know them for the for the rest of us their lifetime as an Apple user and as long as they're going in my suggestion would be she got any records or the email records or whatever of that previous conversation with support about recovering that ID and anything attached to that ID sort of package or latter in a single support request and see if they can address the yes reconnect those those 2 I.D.'s or allow you to access those those items. Is it possible commercial ideas to one or not I think is what I think it's I don't know how sophisticated their ability to message I.D.'s is but they least ought to be able to credit you with the ability to download that music again. Yeah I turn on a scale give them a little give it a try it's also not straightforward to speak a little early trauma 32 minutes late to impose a little. Ritual that is helpful it is an absolute no no don't do it course you want one tip would be would take it all the evidence in a in an office stuck in a Word document rather than in the mail form then you get it all goes wrong you can repose to very easily. Grow your local friends from out cheers Damian Nice to speak to you good luck with out to get it resolved I have to say in my purse experience the normally quite good at that yeah I've char found quite useful the abseil live chat is a good way through that system in can get you there quite quickly yet they do it naturally try and deflect chief from taking up a human's time if they can avoid it so they will point you through an F.A.Q. Most sites will do this try and get you to solve your own problem before they have to solve it for you but it's usually relatively straightforward clickthrough that gets where we can submit an actual question but in in fairness to them but you can understand that because someone doing your job. On the rare occasion I'll confess to you to say I sometimes send Tom A. QUESTION And I always pause before person thinking should I have this information I can readily look up before trouble Tom will you have been asked this by 50 other people and you know sometimes I knew with your question person you get to asking me is usually a pretty good bet that I've been asleep before but yeah you're right so many support queries are absolutely common ones of been asked over and over again that's why those F.A.Q. Systems are effective at all also if you search put your problem into a search engine there are communities absolutely untroubled Apple or whoever on your behalf you very well and you know you know when you find obscene no results that you found something completely new I found out for myself in that situation quite frequently using obscure bits of tech as we've been talking about Apple we should touch on the charging Yes The complaint seems to be and into full disclosure I've got one of these new tennis phones. The complaint is if you cable charge them on the screen. Not awake they don't take home the juice yet now I had no shoes Torchwood's of mine I did ask the guy in the shop when I was buying it what's the point of wireless charging couldn't understand the point of it because it doesn't matter if you go to plug a cable in and stick it in the 3rd or plug a plate in and drop your phone on it you still plugging something in are you not totally wireless and he says the answer you gave me was it will charge double the speed on a water supply to a cable that's what he said that was the only benefit I haven't looked at the exact specs of the wireless charging on the i Phone but I was very very different to every other wireless charger so the type of charging they're doing is inductive charging which is inherently lossy it's not a particularly fission way of conducting which is one place the other is should charge a lot faster with a cable right you've got a direct wired connection and the electrons can flow freely other than being converted into a magnetic field I'm back into electricity again I mean the issue with this charging looks to be a some sort of mistake in the coding around what is a quite sensible security feature which if the screen has been locked for a while it shuts down some aspects of the lightning port to stop people using that to crack them break into them reset them if they've been stolen so that Porsche down screens are not it can't be turned back on again to the screen unlocked so the screen is locked coming back into the screen unlocks and but in 40 seems to be shutting others and the charging functions well and certain devices it seems have come from the last software update which suggest hopefully there will be a further software update that fixes this but as far as I can tell from the reports it's a pretty widespread problem well so we've had no response with what is on the program as an item last night and no response from Apple so we'll await. A software patch. Yes a bug fix point 0 point one for me I hope this question makes more sense to you than does to me really Alan in Edinburgh do you think there will ever be a surface phone. No So Microsoft has made so much as a class of devices called surface which is it's sort of hybrid tablets and laptops there are laptops there are tablets there are really nice devices at say there are there are genuine competitor in the market for math books and they're well built nice to use quite powerful for their size you know certainly up there within the top devices from the likes of Dell and a sister cetera. But they got out of the phone market for a good reason the they couldn't make it work they couldn't get the scale of sales that you need to make that business realistic they couldn't attract enough developers their ecosystem because they have enough devices out there even with the big name of Mark's often all the support that brings So I think it's pretty unlikely we'll see a surface phone certainly in the near future until that the shape of the phone market really changes. Christine Bedford through next 85058 you have a tech question for Tom She's right he says are Windows phones becoming obsolete as Microsoft's stop supporting out yeah in this continuation of the answer to the last one right yeah Windows Phone sadly are because mostly Which are you know maybe a controversial new unusual I think is a real shame I had quite a soft spot for that for the Windows Phones Nakia based Windows Phone They were good looking devices I liked the user interface they presented a genuine alternative to Apple and Android but as I say they just didn't get the numbers they were in ship enough phones for it to be worthwhile the important apps to port in the Facebook to this world providing native support which is what you need for those devices for people to keep using them so yes sadly they are becoming obsolete and yet most most Windows Phone use that I know progressively switch to Android or apple face I day by the way. Still get a little bit used to that. The you got on your device and I have an under device there better be assimilated same concept here I just assume because it's called Face ID that if I held the handset it's my face it would unlock it doesn't you go have your eyes in a certain space 70 I really so I mean there have been issues with the early attempts to do facial recognition where they could be and not by photos and so is more sophisticated than that is actually making sure I know certainly on the some some devices checks for movement it checks the blinking I think and to know they are actually alive rather than just as a fix for the rictus grin photo of somebody to and later it's helped me in a way because you know we had Jim Hall on last night in this size asleep expand the ego's crazy about screen use at night you know people are walking off to sleep the answer is you probably be on your i Pad or your whatever your device for an hour before better. One of things are very bad is the minute the arm goes a whole reach for the phone right and I can unlock it anymore because you know when you 1st wake up with one eye closed and the car tries it. So the phone just goes no that's not you I am having this issue so I listen to podcasts quite a lot going to sleep at night and I sort of pull my phone up a new today go see half my face around the pillow the screen refuses to lock on this or tapping away with one of whom you're trying to type in my pass code which I've had to extend scheme I failed my kids out of my phone actually so I now have a 6 digit Pascoe draw than a 4 did you want because they could they saw me enough times to guess my 4 digit basket over there I want to

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Radio Program , Computer Networks , United Kingdom , La Liga Footballers , Northern Europe , Island Countries , Western Europe , Association Football Midfielders , Smartphones , Meetings , British Journalists , Windows Mobile , Conservative Party Uk Mps , Chains , Political Science , Network Addressing , Marketing , Spain International Footballers , Multi Touch Mobile Phones , Pc Software , Olympic Medalists In Football , Conferences , Internet Architecture , Streets , Hippie Movement , American Rock Music Groups , Human Communication , Radio Bbc Ulster , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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