Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20170609 080000 : vimarsan

BBC Tees BBC Tees June 9, 2017 080000

You wouldn't get on a t. Shirt for Pete's barn when the sun on the sun and the paper that is not in his backyard but the one I'm going to go with is anything but this this morning but Alan says How about stable government that's when we go with yeah it isn't nice. If you decide on stable government and I changed back and I'm not done now I think we're just going to concede defeat. Our producer and has been all this weeks her fault we're losing we could go with today to reason. You know what that's all week isn't it as well as a promise do you. Think I deserve a momentous victory don't you want any records I tell you what Peter Baron just breathed in the success he shot what is the final score of the week 8 now. Standing down Amy Now that offer so you can imagine I have no decision just I have no other choice do I have just got to consider your positions both of you. We consider them we're back Monday morning from 6 o'clock and tell you we can Mike pars next with full analysis of what's happened over night how am I give out I get mail and I'm enough for turning man could not exceed 20 of general election talk on the why your reaction to the result was moaning and what happens next which way did you vote and why what happened to all those lifelong Labor supporters who said they were going to vote Tory. Because Teesside l.c.d. And milky all share crowds where. The b.b.c. . Are $95.00 m. On digital radio and online this is b.b.c. Takes it's a minute past 9 is Andrew McMillan the u.k. Faces a period of uncertainty after the conservatives slim majority was wiped out in the general election leaving a hung parliament with all but 3 seats declared the Tories have 316 seats 10 short of the figure needed to form a majority Labor's gained 29 states with 261 M.P.'s to raise a mess at the country needed stability but they're being calls from within the party for her to step down the former Conservative leader in Duncan Smith said that would be a grave mistake I think the idea leadership election certainly now would be a catastrophe and I think I just say to a few of my colleagues they need to be very careful what they wish because if they suddenly playing games and maneuvering and trying to create some kind of leadership process then that will basically plunge the u.k. Into crisis the shadow chancellor John McDonnell says that labor is ready to form a minority government in this region and after holding the Stockton South seat since 2010 and increasing his majority to 5000 James Walton was ousted last night think he says the collapse of the mind of opposition parties could have been a can chip. Fak to talk to Paul Williams for Labor is now the m.p. In Stockton south he told b.b.c. Days this morning that Theresa May's position now seems untenable the country want stability doesn't it it wants to see politicians between them sort out sort out a government as quickly as possible I think there will be some negotiations now. It builds as though Mrs May's gamble of going out to an election trying to trying to create some sort of certainty instability has backfired and it looks like her position ism is untenable the other shake up in our area was in the Middle East Cleveland constituency and it's gone to the conservative Simon Clarke It's an enormous sort of. You dream of it it's something which you obviously over the last 6 weeks have been thinking about all the time when it happens it's very overwhelming it's an enormous vote of confidence in me as a person and I will work every day to justify that confidence because I'm aware that this is a very special area there's another new face in hotly pull it is Mike Hill will now step into the void left by Ian Wright he says his job is now to turn things around what we're going to end right now is the negatives that is in this town. These artificial really reached we're getting in there you should see this because the positive machine in these places from which to shine there was an earlier than expected result in Middlesbrough but no surprise as Labor's Andy McDonald retained his seat this is the most energized enthused electorate had the privilege to engage with and it is my ultimate privilege to be going back to Westminster to represent this magnificent wonderful town of ours and it's and for me it's a real endorsement of the manifest of offer that we were making elsewhere there's no change in Whitby as Robert goodwill kept his seat for the conservatives and in Richmond also increased his majority for the Tories Well you know we've been here looking at the ballot papers and counting them as they came through so you know we felt pretty good but it's hard to know what the final numbers are until you you know until you see them so it was it was certainly certainly a very solid result we're delighted. Labor's held on to the Bishop Auckland seat but Helen Goodmans majority has been slashed by $3000.00 to just $502.00 it was a close call in Downton But Jenny Chapman held on for labor and stuck to north stays with Alex cutting him in said field Phil Wilson has extended his majority and amateur We took red car again there's more reaction throughout the day here on b.b.c. Tees and with Mike panics and also online b.b.c. Dot co to cheek a slash 2 days Matty Nixon has the sport where the middle speed offender bend Gibson says he's not thinking about his future at the moment Gibson's with the England squad ahead of tomorrow's World Cup qualifier against Scotland and Wednesday's friendly with France in cricket Yorkshire will assess the fitness of Ben cord ahead of their County Championship Division One match against Somerset which gets underway at Taunton this morning and Durham go into day 2 of their division 2 match at Kent in a good position Paul Collingwood side are currently 318 for 5 in their 1st innings with the skipper unbeaten on 933 more sport throughout the day and beat you Hurst How's your weather Dave Bryant spells and if you likely have the isolated showers across Teesside County Durham and North Yorkshire light winds and highs of 18 Celsius that 64 in famine heights. The latest travel news good morning David. Mike we're all right so far just the transport of bridge closed until further notice to technical problems everything else is very very dicey and I'd say go with the chase fly over 66 all good 689 other side of the n.t. That will bust in and no major hassles elsewhere just watch out for distractions on stilts we rolled through call being human again on stilts the road through north and it's in a way looks and provides until the the ball was around the engine of the road Everything else is fine if you do spot anything give us a ring 301231 I want. My weekday mornings from good morning to you didn't get much sleep last night are you one of these people it gets the snacks and stops a poll night. Tonight and The smaller the drama continues it really raises more questions than answers does make. Your reaction then to the general election results morning and what happens next I would like to know which way you voted and why there was a lot of talk of the past 4 weeks or so about 7 lifelong Labor supporters in this area voting conservative to make sure we get a hard. One to a large extent not simply didn't happen so I want to just try and work out why. Did News and get ready. Said the conservatives are the biggest party but we've got a hung parliament as far as the conservatives were concerned this definitely was not in the script the whole idea of calling a snap election was to increase their majority going into those bricks at negotiations instead that Gamble has backfired now people often say don't they that elections are all about winning the center ground and floating voters that's how you win an election but this time it looks like a huge turnout of young voters and previously nonvoters swung the balance they voted Labor which left the Tories with a reduced majority so this morning it's a question of where we go from here remember the bricks in negotiation starting just over a week's time so how will it to reason may carry on or will she stand down now we are expecting an announcement sometime before 10 o'clock when I woke up 1st thing this morning at 430 and put on the radio all the pundits were suggesting that the reason I said we cannot carry on and that she was toast now the word days that she probably will not stand so I'm sure that will be clarified when we hear what she has to say sometime between now and 10 o'clock to reason a is due to give a speech at some point soon so we have a panel joining is shortly to chew over the whole thing I'd love to know what you make of it. The situation we find ourselves in this morning 1642 double save double 5 to buy one if you want to text make a 23 Start your text message with the word phrase we are doing other things as well during the course of the morning between now and 12 including the 1st big competition Friday of course it's the ultimate challenge for music lovers everywhere so if you can identify a song simply by listening to it 1st beat you could claim glory this morning so this is this week's 1st great what is that h one trip with Ray stop or text message with the word. Is this text. Think. That she's never. Back to. Now. As it. Can. Even say can we go crazy. Taking place at San. To 5 unknown we. Know we will be. Sean Mendez a b.b.c. T.v. . There's nothing holding me back 915. In a stable and with the latest on Road Runner. So pretty fit really all things considered by just some busy traffic if you're traveling into wards Darlington coming in through Cochrane up towards the lights of Palm gate problem free as you're traveling into Middlesbrough the moment the transporter bridge closed as a result of a technical problem and no major hassles elsewhere really hard to find out quite nicely. Problem free getting into and out your door of the 177 in past awful looking too bad at all if you do spot anything it was arranged audible 30123 all what I want to keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b b c T's. I b b c t's proud to showcase local musicians still for b.b.c. Music day this Thursday we've got local before this playing live at the Georgian Bay It's at every hour throughout the day you can come down to Stockton and watch the bands for yourself and you might even see bonefish representing his afternoon life from that I'll be joined by some very special guests and there's going to be a blue plaque unveiled celebrating a piece of Teesside musical heritage on the band's taking part a coming together to record a special b.b.c. Music Day song which I'll play for you at the end of the day it's all part of b.b.c. Music day this 1st day b b c t's Sara What a morning and what a night the questions continue was the drama continues to evolve and of course we're keeping an eye on Downing Street as well we're told to resume a we'll make some kind of announcement that between now and 10 o'clock we got full studio this morning let's introduce you to who's here Chris Lloyd is the political commentator of the Northern Echo I suspect has been up all night good morning to you and I want you to know about 3 hours sleep I reckon you're looking good on it we've got Katharine Armstrong here be editor of looks magazine morning good morning where you are Paul my n.y.m. Other than my folks with a blanket having. Intermittently you going to bed it all. No nothing at all. Hard core and David McMillan b.b.c. Taste political reporter I know you're going to fold I know actually I feel quite soft compared different they'll say some sleep I didn't hear I was very disciplined I switch the whole the display shelf the i Pod and i switched off the mobile phones and ever since I could even get. Andrea I had actually looked at the exit poll I didn't even get the results of it from her so all this don't read Bruce Springsteen or book 3 got some sleep and actually slept reasonably well till the tele woke up with a shot that at 3 or 7 looked at what happened and those are after quite a lot yes I mean yes because of what's happened this wasn't in the script was it David No I mean it was a very difficult election it was all politics as at the moment it's almost impossible to put that was so much as going on with Brett sit with Donald Trump being away at that even if you bought the last unless impede of an hour. Of their success and 2050 basically wipe out all the other parties in Scotland so much as hard as that's that some predictable and so and the opinion polls going into this election are so varied there was one thing and at the gap between the Conservatives and Labor at 0 point one percent another one had 12 percent lead for the Conservatives so it's very difficult to make any from predictions about what would happen and and it's turned out to be quite a dramatic meet. Nationally and indeed locally big news of course Stockton So if Labor take back off the conservatives James Ward had been m.p. Since 2010 but he wanted a very fine majority without the poll we'll just take it for labor against many people's expectations James Wharton's majority I couldn't feel like it was over $5000.00 so it's a great achievement for labor that they didn't hold on to Minnesota nice cleaved of course as Simon Clarke for the Conservative see is the new m.p. And they held on to Hart reports many people thought would be a really tightly we contest but the absolutely wrong to make it was the new m.p. There I want specially for listeners and Kreuk and Northwest as a labor hold as well Water Pik court is the replacement for part gloss there and so those are the. This is it seems that changed hands but they're also a couple of other very take contests special polka and a $500.00 Helen Goodman held on for Labor in Darlington which we thought would be was a key target for the conservatives and what should and the middle election void quite strongly in favor of conservatives which any had been held on fairly comfortably and a majority of over 3000 so Chris Lawrence from the north and I thought what happened to all these lifelong Labor supporters who have been saying for the past few weeks they were going to vote Conservative to get a hard break state clearly they change their minds they change their mind they change their minds I think for a number of reasons the conservatives have not had a good campaign I think people haven't really seen to reason may in the flesh and yet suddenly here she was she was even in sunny all darling to start the campaign people began to see how people didn't warm to her and then we had it is often said that Michael foot's 9903 manifesto was the longest suicide note in history but it looks like the Conservatives and shot themselves in the head with particularly with the dementia tax which caused an enormous. Change I think in opinion and in our area something like the winter a few pounds where they said they were going to take the means test the winter fuel allowance for pensioners. In England whereas in Scotland they were going to keep the 300 pounds of pensioners and people couldn't work out why the Northeast wanted to tease Valley is cold is warmer than Scotland and that really made an impact on people so they actually began to see trees are right for the 1st time and change their opinions so Katharine Armstrong from looks magazine what do you think happened that it I think that it kind of a new normal isn't there in politics which is the uncertainty that we've seen with brick and you know. Just people going actually that that's what used to happen but now it does and a bit more humanity in it and I think that's what happened with Jeremy Colby must know it started talking common sense the next outage answering questions and it wasn't of a. Thieve. Going to eat tonight thing a bit like c'mon we know back and I think you know we're all grown up thought we kind of got to the point where actually not really accepting or not the Tories were doing pretty well in the opinion polls until the announcement of that dimension so do you agree that was that was a turning point for the Tories Yeah I think so and I think the whole you know the n.h.s. Thing with you know. Happened in Stockton 1000 g.p. Worried about him about the n.h.s. In that that's quite significant I think as well one of the the problems of the Conservative manifesto was not just what they were going to take away from people it was what they're going to give to people which was basically nothing I remember interviewing entrepreneurship the moment the manifesto was bases nor the power house and the same is still in place a. Nice a check is result but when you ask you know what this is actually promised people labor you could see what they were promised billions for the n.h.s. . You know he's gone level Democrats this also promising to do things that concern it's very hard to pick something that could destruct people from that the major talks and all the concerns that are offering were a couple of sound bites that became laughable as I went on strong and stable in coalition of chaos that's about the only kind of free when you think of the campaign that is all you're going to think about there are still going to combination of chaos by the sound of it. We don't know what we've got actually had this particular moment but the reason I also as the battle last resort the back of us all campaign co-chairs actually called this time around it was all about to resume a team to reserve it said on it and yet this is a real rejection of team to reserve rejection of trees and nobody wanted to be in a team and the end of it no so what do you think then she's got to say and when she stands up to speak this could happen some time between 10 o'clock it looks like she's not going to stand that it looks like she's not going to stand down I think which I. Like a good bit is to be. To myself and I think that's good for the country but she is in a very weak position now she went into this election she called an unnecessary election to try and improve standing and improve her negotiating stance and yet she must now be able to hear Boris Johnson at her back shuttling that knife knowing that any time he can plunge it between her shoulder blades and really push the Tories into a home break thing I think the idea of no standing down throw things to potentially another election which I don't think anybody thought they got the willful happening I think you. Are right I want to back America and what we want to. Live now you know what I think I might have to raise or you know weeks time when she goes into these negotiations in Europe they're watching across the Channel you know surely it weakens her position it doesn't mean you have position I part of the reason she went to this election was to kind of dilute the right wing of the Conservative Party so you get more kind of May wish type. Who support a kind of moderate why you sort of breaks it and now the the conservatives will be saying she doesn't have that mandate and so people like Boris Johnson David Davis could be lining up to kind of to make it much harder breaks and I could go on forever but then we've got the do you peak coming in to kind of support the conservatives and they are very interested in more immigration or more cross border movement because they don't want. Divided up sign and you know it's a very good point that the pm and there's so much was made of the idea that Labor could go and call it in the s.n.p. In the can 7 specially in 2015 it's such a big deal about I mean I. Put a lot an Eagle Scout used the past by the up was that every day with pictures of all examined and with Ed Miliband It's called Park it will live on the weakness that he's in the House of of and said I want the mandate from the country and she hasn't got it they also a dog's ational you're being dictated to by a tiny tiny. You know with a collection of 10 M.P.'s and Northern Ir

Related Keywords

Bbc , Radio Program , Mike Parr , Minority Governments , Elections , Nuts 2 Statistical Regions Of The United Kingdom , Government , Polling , Members Of The European Parliament For English Constituencies , Mass Media , Conservative Party Uk Mps , English Anglicans , Uk Mps 2010 , Labour Party Uk Mps , Members Of The United Kingdom Parliament For English Constituencies , Prime Ministers Of The United Kingdom , Evaluation , Members Of The United Kingdom Parliament , Members Of The Privy Council United Kingdom , Conservative Party Uk Politicians , Political Terminology , British Politicians , County Durham , Local Government Districts Of North East England , News , Politics Of Islington , Democratic Socialists , Revolutionary Tactics , Bridges , Radio Bbc Tees , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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