Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20170609 080000 : vimarsan

Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20170609 080000

You wouldn't get on a t. Shirt for Pete's barn when the sun on the sun and the paper that is not in his backyard but the one I'm going to go with is anything but this this morning but Alan says How about stable government that's when we go with yeah it isn't nice. If you decide on stable government and I changed back and I'm not done now I think we're just going to concede defeat. Our producer and has been all this weeks her fault we're losing we could go with today to reason. You know what that's all week isn't it as well as a promise do you. Think I deserve a momentous victory don't you want any records I tell you what Peter Baron just breathed in the success he shot what is the final score of the week 8 now. Standing down Amy Now that offer so you can imagine I have no decision just I have no other choice do I have just got to consider your positions both of you. We consider them we're back Monday morning from 6 o'clock and tell you we can Mike pars next with full analysis of what's happened over night how am I give out I get mail and I'm enough for turning man could not exceed 20 of general election talk on the why your reaction to the result was moaning and what happens next which way did you vote and why what happened to all those lifelong Labor supporters who said they were going to vote Tory. Because Teesside l.c.d. And milky all share crowds where. The b.b.c. . Are $95.00 m. On digital radio and online this is b.b.c. Takes it's a minute past 9 is Andrew McMillan the u.k. Faces a period of uncertainty after the conservatives slim majority was wiped out in the general election leaving a hung parliament with all but 3 seats declared the Tories have 316 seats 10 short of the figure needed to form a majority Labor's gained 29 states with 261 M.P.'s to raise a mess at the country needed stability but they're being calls from within the party for her to step down the former Conservative leader in Duncan Smith said that would be a grave mistake I think the idea leadership election certainly now would be a catastrophe and I think I just say to a few of my colleagues they need to be very careful what they wish because if they suddenly playing games and maneuvering and trying to create some kind of leadership process then that will basically plunge the u.k. Into crisis the shadow chancellor John McDonnell says that labor is ready to form a minority government in this region and after holding the Stockton South seat since 2010 and increasing his majority to 5000 James Walton was ousted last night think he says the collapse of the mind of opposition parties could have been a can chip. Fak to talk to Paul Williams for Labor is now the m.p. In Stockton south he told b.b.c. Days this morning that Theresa May's position now seems untenable the country want stability doesn't it it wants to see politicians between them sort out sort out a government as quickly as possible I think there will be some negotiations now. It builds as though Mrs May's gamble of going out to an election trying to trying to create some sort of certainty instability has backfired and it looks like her position ism is untenable the other shake up in our area was in the Middle East Cleveland constituency and it's gone to the conservative Simon Clarke It's an enormous sort of. You dream of it it's something which you obviously over the last 6 weeks have been thinking about all the time when it happens it's very overwhelming it's an enormous vote of confidence in me as a person and I will work every day to justify that confidence because I'm aware that this is a very special area there's another new face in hotly pull it is Mike Hill will now step into the void left by Ian Wright he says his job is now to turn things around what we're going to end right now is the negatives that is in this town. These artificial really reached we're getting in there you should see this because the positive machine in these places from which to shine there was an earlier than expected result in Middlesbrough but no surprise as Labor's Andy McDonald retained his seat this is the most energized enthused electorate had the privilege to engage with and it is my ultimate privilege to be going back to Westminster to represent this magnificent wonderful town of ours and it's and for me it's a real endorsement of the manifest of offer that we were making elsewhere there's no change in Whitby as Robert goodwill kept his seat for the conservatives and in Richmond also increased his majority for the Tories Well you know we've been here looking at the ballot papers and counting them as they came through so you know we felt pretty good but it's hard to know what the final numbers are until you you know until you see them so it was it was certainly certainly a very solid result we're delighted. Labor's held on to the Bishop Auckland seat but Helen Goodmans majority has been slashed by $3000.00 to just $502.00 it was a close call in Downton But Jenny Chapman held on for labor and stuck to north stays with Alex cutting him in said field Phil Wilson has extended his majority and amateur We took red car again there's more reaction throughout the day here on b.b.c. Tees and with Mike panics and also online b.b.c. Dot co to cheek a slash 2 days Matty Nixon has the sport where the middle speed offender bend Gibson says he's not thinking about his future at the moment Gibson's with the England squad ahead of tomorrow's World Cup qualifier against Scotland and Wednesday's friendly with France in cricket Yorkshire will assess the fitness of Ben cord ahead of their County Championship Division One match against Somerset which gets underway at Taunton this morning and Durham go into day 2 of their division 2 match at Kent in a good position Paul Collingwood side are currently 318 for 5 in their 1st innings with the skipper unbeaten on 933 more sport throughout the day and beat you Hurst How's your weather Dave Bryant spells and if you likely have the isolated showers across Teesside County Durham and North Yorkshire light winds and highs of 18 Celsius that 64 in famine heights. The latest travel news good morning David. Mike we're all right so far just the transport of bridge closed until further notice to technical problems everything else is very very dicey and I'd say go with the chase fly over 66 all good 689 other side of the n.t. That will bust in and no major hassles elsewhere just watch out for distractions on stilts we rolled through call being human again on stilts the road through north and it's in a way looks and provides until the the ball was around the engine of the road Everything else is fine if you do spot anything give us a ring 301231 I want. My weekday mornings from good morning to you didn't get much sleep last night are you one of these people it gets the snacks and stops a poll night. Tonight and The smaller the drama continues it really raises more questions than answers does make. Your reaction then to the general election results morning and what happens next I would like to know which way you voted and why there was a lot of talk of the past 4 weeks or so about 7 lifelong Labor supporters in this area voting conservative to make sure we get a hard. One to a large extent not simply didn't happen so I want to just try and work out why. Did News and get ready. Said the conservatives are the biggest party but we've got a hung parliament as far as the conservatives were concerned this definitely was not in the script the whole idea of calling a snap election was to increase their majority going into those bricks at negotiations instead that Gamble has backfired now people often say don't they that elections are all about winning the center ground and floating voters that's how you win an election but this time it looks like a huge turnout of young voters and previously nonvoters swung the balance they voted Labor which left the Tories with a reduced majority so this morning it's a question of where we go from here remember the bricks in negotiation starting just over a week's time so how will it to reason may carry on or will she stand down now we are expecting an announcement sometime before 10 o'clock when I woke up 1st thing this morning at 430 and put on the radio all the pundits were suggesting that the reason I said we cannot carry on and that she was toast now the word days that she probably will not stand so I'm sure that will be clarified when we hear what she has to say sometime between now and 10 o'clock to reason a is due to give a speech at some point soon so we have a panel joining is shortly to chew over the whole thing I'd love to know what you make of it. The situation we find ourselves in this morning 1642 double save double 5 to buy one if you want to text make a 23 Start your text message with the word phrase we are doing other things as well during the course of the morning between now and 12 including the 1st big competition Friday of course it's the ultimate challenge for music lovers everywhere so if you can identify a song simply by listening to it 1st beat you could claim glory this morning so this is this week's 1st great what is that h one trip with Ray stop or text message with the word. Is this text. Think. That she's never. Back to. Now. As it. Can. Even say can we go crazy. Taking place at San. To 5 unknown we. Know we will be. Sean Mendez a b.b.c. T.v. . There's nothing holding me back 915. In a stable and with the latest on Road Runner. So pretty fit really all things considered by just some busy traffic if you're traveling into wards Darlington coming in through Cochrane up towards the lights of Palm gate problem free as you're traveling into Middlesbrough the moment the transporter bridge closed as a result of a technical problem and no major hassles elsewhere really hard to find out quite nicely. Problem free getting into and out your door of the 177 in past awful looking too bad at all if you do spot anything it was arranged audible 30123 all what I want to keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b b c T's. I b b c t's proud to showcase local musicians still for b.b.c. Music day this Thursday we've got local before this playing live at the Georgian Bay It's at every hour throughout the day you can come down to Stockton and watch the bands for yourself and you might even see bonefish representing his afternoon life from that I'll be joined by some very special guests and there's going to be a blue plaque unveiled celebrating a piece of Teesside musical heritage on the band's taking part a coming together to record a special b.b.c. Music Day song which I'll play for you at the end of the day it's all part of b.b.c. Music day this 1st day b b c t's Sara What a morning and what a night the questions continue was the drama continues to evolve and of course we're keeping an eye on Downing Street as well we're told to resume a we'll make some kind of announcement that between now and 10 o'clock we got full studio this morning let's introduce you to who's here Chris Lloyd is the political commentator of the Northern Echo I suspect has been up all night good morning to you and I want you to know about 3 hours sleep I reckon you're looking good on it we've got Katharine Armstrong here be editor of looks magazine morning good morning where you are Paul my n.y.m. Other than my folks with a blanket having. Intermittently you going to bed it all. No nothing at all. Hard core and David McMillan b.b.c. Taste political reporter I know you're going to fold I know actually I feel quite soft compared different they'll say some sleep I didn't hear I was very disciplined I switch the whole the display shelf the i Pod and i switched off the mobile phones and ever since I could even get. Andrea I had actually looked at the exit poll I didn't even get the results of it from her so all this don't read Bruce Springsteen or book 3 got some sleep and actually slept reasonably well till the tele woke up with a shot that at 3 or 7 looked at what happened and those are after quite a lot yes I mean yes because of what's happened this wasn't in the script was it David No I mean it was a very difficult election it was all politics as at the moment it's almost impossible to put that was so much as going on with Brett sit with Donald Trump being away at that even if you bought the last unless impede of an hour. Of their success and 2050 basically wipe out all the other parties in Scotland so much as hard as that's that some predictable and so and the opinion polls going into this election are so varied there was one thing and at the gap between the Conservatives and Labor at 0 point one percent another one had 12 percent lead for the Conservatives so it's very difficult to make any from predictions about what would happen and and it's turned out to be quite a dramatic meet. Nationally and indeed locally big news of course Stockton So if Labor take back off the conservatives James Ward had been m.p. Since 2010 but he wanted a very fine majority without the poll we'll just take it for labor against many people's expectations James Wharton's majority I couldn't feel like it was over $5000.00 so it's a great achievement for labor that they didn't hold on to Minnesota nice cleaved of course as Simon Clarke for the Conservative see is the new m.p. And they held on to Hart reports many people thought would be a really tightly we contest but the absolutely wrong to make it was the new m.p. There I want specially for listeners and Kreuk and Northwest as a labor hold as well Water Pik court is the replacement for part gloss there and so those are the. This is it seems that changed hands but they're also a couple of other very take contests special polka and a $500.00 Helen Goodman held on for Labor in Darlington which we thought would be was a key target for the conservatives and what should and the middle election void quite strongly in favor of conservatives which any had been held on fairly comfortably and a majority of over 3000 so Chris Lawrence from the north and I thought what happened to all these lifelong Labor supporters who have been saying for the past few weeks they were going to vote Conservative to get a hard break state clearly they change their minds they change their mind they change their minds I think for a number of reasons the conservatives have not had a good campaign I think people haven't really seen to reason may in the flesh and yet suddenly here she was she was even in sunny all darling to start the campaign people began to see how people didn't warm to her and then we had it is often said that Michael foot's 9903 manifesto was the longest suicide note in history but it looks like the Conservatives and shot themselves in the head with particularly with the dementia tax which caused an enormous. Change I think in opinion and in our area something like the winter a few pounds where they said they were going to take the means test the winter fuel allowance for pensioners. In England whereas in Scotland they were going to keep the 300 pounds of pensioners and people couldn't work out why the Northeast wanted to tease Valley is cold is warmer than Scotland and that really made an impact on people so they actually began to see trees are right for the 1st time and change their opinions so Katharine Armstrong from looks magazine what do you think happened that it I think that it kind of a new normal isn't there in politics which is the uncertainty that we've seen with brick and you know. Just people going actually that that's what used to happen but now it does and a bit more humanity in it and I think that's what happened with Jeremy Colby must know it started talking common sense the next outage answering questions and it wasn't of a. Thieve. Going to eat tonight thing a bit like c'mon we know back and I think you know we're all grown up thought we kind of got to the point where actually not really accepting or not the Tories were doing pretty well in the opinion polls until the announcement of that dimension so do you agree that was that was a turning point for the Tories Yeah I think so and I think the whole you know the n.h.s. Thing with you know. Happened in Stockton 1000 g.p. Worried about him about the n.h.s. In that that's quite significant I think as well one of the the problems of the Conservative manifesto was not just what they were going to take away from people it was what they're going to give to people which was basically nothing I remember interviewing entrepreneurship the moment the manifesto was bases nor the power house and the same is still in place a. Nice a check is result but when you ask you know what this is actually promised people labor you could see what they were promised billions for the n.h.s. . You know he's gone level Democrats this also promising to do things that concern it's very hard to pick something that could destruct people from that the major talks and all the concerns that are offering were a couple of sound bites that became laughable as I went on strong and stable in coalition of chaos that's about the only kind of free when you think of the campaign that is all you're going to think about there are still going to combination of chaos by the sound of it. We don't know what we've got actually had this particular moment but the reason I also as the battle last resort the back of us all campaign co-chairs actually called this time around it was all about to resume a team to reserve it said on it and yet this is a real rejection of team to reserve rejection of trees and nobody wanted to be in a team and the end of it no so what do you think then she's got to say and when she stands up to speak this could happen some time between 10 o'clock it looks like she's not going to stand that it looks like she's not going to stand down I think which I. Like a good bit is to be. To myself and I think that's good for the country but she is in a very weak position now she went into this election she called an unnecessary election to try and improve standing and improve her negotiating stance and yet she must now be able to hear Boris Johnson at her back shuttling that knife knowing that any time he can plunge it between her shoulder blades and really push the Tories into a home break thing I think the idea of no standing down throw things to potentially another election which I don't think anybody thought they got the willful happening I think you. Are right I want to back America and what we want to. Live now you know what I think I might have to raise or you know weeks time when she goes into these negotiations in Europe they're watching across the Channel you know surely it weakens her position it doesn't mean you have position I part of the reason she went to this election was to kind of dilute the right wing of the Conservative Party so you get more kind of May wish type. Who support a kind of moderate why you sort of breaks it and now the the conservatives will be saying she doesn't have that mandate and so people like Boris Johnson David Davis could be lining up to kind of to make it much harder breaks and I could go on forever but then we've got the do you peak coming in to kind of support the conservatives and they are very interested in more immigration or more cross border movement because they don't want. Divided up sign and you know it's a very good point that the pm and there's so much was made of the idea that Labor could go and call it in the s.n.p. In the can 7 specially in 2015 it's such a big deal about I mean I. Put a lot an Eagle Scout used the past by the up was that every day with pictures of all examined and with Ed Miliband It's called Park it will live on the weakness that he's in the House of of and said I want the mandate from the country and she hasn't got it they also a dog's ational you're being dictated to by a tiny tiny. You know with a collection of 10 M.P.'s and Northern Ireland who may well be able to say a lot of the terms. Of what they want what are things I was going to just mention as well with the idea to resign or not resign or part of it might be that they go and so much that it's. About David Cameron calling the election in stand down and seemingly have to be Boris Johnson is going to stand firmly that he led the league campaign any they request they get so much hassle for not sticking by what they wanted to do props are part of the thinking as well they have to be seen to be taking some responsibility Ok we are talking about the results of the general election b.b.c. I love to get your take on the whole thing what you make of it you can give me a call 1642 double to double 5 double one you can text it all it's triple 3 star text message with the word. Taze dot studios at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. So we are keeping an eye on down the street and as soon as it looks like something is going to be said that we will bring about life to you. Conversation continue shortly. a general election what happens next I just remind you that to reason may is due to make an announcement give some kind of speech inside the next half hour so as soon as that happens we will bring that live to you in the studio this morning with me I've got Chris Lloyd who's the political commentator of the Northern Echo Katharine Armstrong the editor of looks magazine and David McMillan who is a b.b.c. Tease political reporter Catherine I mean what happens next then to Germany called in because Ok he's done far better than expected but he lost he lost but he was the biggest biggest swing things actually thing. Is popular so it'll be all the poll all the Labor M.P.'s will be the new best friend they'll have their you know they'll ship their allegiance one imagines and he will he will hang on I mean it's been quite inspiring to watch on his rallies even gauge young people new youth vote that's going to be a good thing for politics itself and we always talk about floating voters and the middle ground is where you win an election it's pretty clear that Chris is me on this occasion it's it's young voters and the previously nonvoters that came out this appears to created a new ground not not not middle ground he's found a new ground of largely young people haven't really. Noticed. Particularly was at the Jeremy Corbyn rally when he came to support you Jeffrey for the valley mayoral candidate c. And I walked into a room there are about 20250 Labor activists and you could feel the party completely changed in the last 2 years there were very very few familiar faces from the site from the 2010 election this was a New Labor party with a lower case and on new air and Coburn has attracted those sort of people basically fascinating to see if he doesn't get into power you have all of these young people voting for perhaps the 1st time and they're actually going to be down because he had very very specific targeted policies and they're going to voted for the reduction in fees but labor as you said have only got $260.00 odd seats and not going to be in a position to put those policies in action and so the young vote may having turned out suddenly find themselves not being listened to so what is it Catherine that your insight is like about Jericho when you think I think he meant me and I think he listens to them me doesn't even 8 questions he doesn't preach you know use the body language when he's in a crowd so he's almost Yeah I think it's almost. Common sense that and I think it's great that only you know. That you wish in faith thing but you know as the parent of it graduate with 30000 pounds worth of debt about thing on it yeah yeah yeah I mean if you bring I know I mean you know something like 40000 you know with a debt written off you're very very wealthy would I think I wonder Israel would probably get into there's not there yet he said you know he might be able to help us with mental process in the future but I wonder if because of the generational change in the way that people communicate it's changed so much this generation through don't have these preconceived notions perhaps of who you vote for or how politics works or what constitutes a politician I mean it could be the likes of ourselves our own generation we grew up we're told that the center ground is. As well politics is one of these of the things you need to do as you rightly say crises are actually creating new ground which is an alternative path to get success but it's one that's obviously done very well for him but the new ways people are communicating and maybe those things are all influences over because certainly seems like young people engage in politics and a completely different way and less occasion they've managed to go forward and actually influence something they may not have been successful in terms of getting their their mana let that but they have at least they can see hopefully that there can enforce them if they go out and vote they can make a difference and social media I think has been very very important in this election I'm far too old to really get the nitty gritty of it or. Very influence the shifting away from newspapers you know no of course not newspapers when you. Read a really influential That's one of the Somehow this front page saying put Jeremy in the corner young people you think you know not what they want to still getting information even if it is a digital based information from a from a trusted brand like the Northern Echo but the social media. Has been even more influential than ever in this election and talking to some fuddy duddy M.P.'s they've had real social media activity going on to attract the younger people being able to question things in a way that if they were just reading a newspaper they wouldn't comment with they they wouldn't. You know it didn't out back to do that with social media. And it's a new kind of engagement going on as well I mean we did a Facebook Live Hoskings where we got nearly 40000 people actually watching the Downton candidates having a bit of an argument and that's an incredible in gauge where usually a house things is held in a village hall with people in a couple of sheep turn up 25 to 10 to listen to b.b.c. Chris Lloyd they political commentator of the no the Necco Katharine Armstrong the editor of looks magazine a David Macmillan b.b.c. Political reporter. We should talk about what happened to the smaller parties as well you know the Lib Dems. You could argue had a disappointing role because you know you you might expect the 48 percent to voted to remain in the European Union you know expect many of them to vote leave them Catherine but they didn't and so implausible to break there to say oh let's have another referendum you know you can't keep changing it can you truly get the answer that you want so I think the whole. Notion was just balmy So we're going to 48 percent say voted to start yeah I mean we are accepting the result I think they would they shoot. The Democrats it was a one of the things that went against Liberal Democrats is that the conservatives obviously had wanted Rex it to be the key part of that and they concentrate so much bricks it to resume a pregnancy and focus much not but they can see that so much ground to labor that they then fell by things like us in fees and more money for the n.h.s. And other such topics I think people realize quite quickly there is a lot more to a general election than just this one vote and that probably didn't go so well for the Democrats haven't said thought if you'd offer them you know you would have accepted if you said we can keep your votes share the same but you'll get you know 5 or 6 ft 6 in piece of gold bought from you got to 12 Yeah from the previous one they've got the last not quite they've got Vince Cable but the might of thought was actually all key will concentrate will build just a little bit and go on from there when it's a cinch is Tim Farron finished. Vince Cable back in now sorry I mean the Lakers could he be the leader I mean well Jeremy Corbin has can written modern British political history in that we thought the point political leaders were getting younger and younger and and more and more kind of male model a school and he comes along with that shabby o.b. Ed and he must be at least $100.00 and he doesn't need so Vince Cable who's under 50 must have a chance I guess but I think. Just once it's been mentioned a lot it's well she's got a seat back in Glasgow so. She's a possibility too but I think maybe I mean 10 thought and said how great and part is that more than normal really instead of the shape other than some success in local government lation prior to the general election so you could see a change there I don't think to be in any desperate rush to do much so you can't failed to elect any of these. I finished Katherine you can't have to be I mean anything to achieve what they set out to achieve didn't like. It kind of well it's the pulling voting for them now I don't think they're very plausible the stage to reform is stalking the t.v. Do you know the name thing only all right back you seem very strange to me because he says dismay that you know you keep up the guard dogs of yanks it yeah now that the recent an awful lot they can do that with they haven't gotten Ian Paisley who are like they haven't had any M.P.'s. Ever Going they had to turn coasting like they forced onto the country the biggest change in our political set up post-war with different without having any M.P.'s so should breaks it I'm going to go off the boil as they want it. Do in Nigel for ours have someone who's got a powerful enough voice to to resurrect them yeah and they can certainly for the conservatives think more so than Labor but if the conservatives I mean the party of government that has the possible resurrection of Nigel Farage Well you could take some of those you can't force off which And though it will help their progress in place look at your poll from memory I don't think you can say that's not the Scott within 502 I mean where play much everybody else they were being you know you've seen Labor majority has been extended or replaced so you think yourself of course you get from see how it will deny 3 weeks ago a few months ago i mean i Reports I was getting from Home Depot. True you get Party itself was in a in a pretty messed up way with people falling out with one another and it looks. Like there's been this theory about you keep it being a gateway drug to wards a conservative vote and it looks to people who have managed to kick the habit if you like and I've gone back to what they knew particulary area began back to back to labor rather than move on and be fixed and acknowledge that it lead us out believe me every time we can't can't take it back right now it's a lot to be pouncing on all the time so is it almost inevitable then that we'll see the return of Niger for us at some stage I think he'll make a decision based on whether he thinks he'll be successful or not I guess. You know he'll continue to appear on the t.v. And short l.p.c. And I think this is an American Media and a lot of stuff but suspect he will to some extent because it is what he thinks there's an opportunity opened up for him if it's not going the way he thinks it should he me. You know depends on what future they see because they well you know if they want him out to more than just a protest party despite the success of that part they've got to produce more than just Nigel Farage you know has got be more than just a one man show are by all means join and it's baby seat takes my power with a residual If you want to do a pass on a comment h one triple 3 start a text message with a red one from Jeff here who says morning Mike I'm team to reason I made it very personal against Corbin whilst extolling your own virtues it should have been about the party and its policies Jeff not the 1st person to suggest then that the conservatives run a negative campaign and they ran a threesome a campaign didn't based on her and it was difficult to know what. David was saying what the conservatives great policies were with labor they did defining themselves they did talk about nationalization for example as well as the student vote so the Tories were really. We running a very presidential campaign and one thought when I was one point I was looking at the campaign and obviously started off with reason is everything breaks as I was installing stable strong and stable today you don't have a I mean I think that how much and a 2 minute speech when he was like to tease me which had nothing to do the general election said strong and stable 4 times and. I thought they were going to have a lot of sheep not that the east thought it after this thing of they were talking to anybody on top of this it seemed that they were stunned the more the more interviews and I thought maybe what they'd done was the use the strong and stable thing to start off election get themselves some type of his impulses together she would then seek phaeton through but it didn't really happen and the only pulses the really came up with were ones who obviously got a lawful very negative publicity Ok tell me what you make of it all went technicals are 1614 double 2 double 5 double one no sign of Tereza my Yet as soon as she appears in Downing Street we will bring that speech live to. of the T.'s fly over crappy road on both the 66 and the 6 and 9 Watch out 3 middles before work on Ackland road that might slow down a bit on Malvern Dr Stanton where as well as some sample lights there and against a work taking place on stalks we rode up around Stanton where he had a group called We knew him restrictions in place on the bay 30 in 65 and restrictions on stilts we rode through ballots in the tempered eyes of the 68 for around Mowbray road Everything else is absolutely marvelous if you do spot anything we appreciate you call audible 301-2301 I want to keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b b c T's. Some ask and Gary Phillips and on b.b.c. T's the local street dance crew a said to represent the u.k. It one of the biggest competitions in the world to put it in perspective it's in a way the Olympics fall straight down so it's stream to millions while a role that you go over America in the ascii away from using a laser I think London yeah zigzag northeast of these areas where from audio it's miles back and the name of my last name makes me very proud to lead my crew from heart of Gary Phillips and we did from full on b.b.c. T.V.'s So we just chewing over the fallout of a general election result then. I'm sure know by now British waking up to a hung parliament and we're just waiting on to reason made and making some kind of announcement we think inside the next few minutes so as soon as that happens we will bring that live to you let's talk now to b.b.c. T.v. Richard Moss joins his morning to you Richard. Morning Mike and you were in Darlington last night when 2 now I mean that was certainly one of the seats to watch was in it it was yeah they conserved is really targeting Darlington thinking that had a good chance of winning it of course not to be in the end in the end Jenny Chapman the labor m.p. Here is still a Labor m.p. Actually increased her majority very slightly so the considers did increase their vote significantly but not by enough Labor's votes surged enough and fucked by even more the conservative vote to or to allow them to hold the seat and why do you think that happened then Amanda. Well I'm going to look across the region and I know the conservatives for the enough of you if you look to the northeast a couple of years ago and he said to the Conservatives are you going to win medals for South you to be 1st and 2nd 1st or 2nd in every seat in the northeast you have a high number of votes and you have done for more than 2 decades in the region that have said that sounds great but of course they came in with such huge expectations that when the Tees Valley Merril race the fact they were sky high in the polls and that led them to think they could win it down to they came close of course in Bishop awkward but also they start looking at 6 flights stopped to north they've majority of well over $8000.00 and I know they diverted resources from Stockton south into Stockton auth to try and win that seat because they were so convinced that Stockton south of course what happens they don't with the shift the voting stopped north at all and of course it stops in South the conservative vote flatlining effectively didn't go up very I very much labor surged and James Whatley m.p. Lost the seat so although you know if the threats of votes and share of votes that cause no better off than they were not cause feeds into his national situation where they slip backwards rather than being a situation where they hope to have got Chris Lloyd here from the not exactly Richard. Richard we were sitting next to one another of the I don't think count last night is very entertaining indeed so that you could vote who has just fractured in those all the idea that you could was a halfway house for people who previously voted Labor but we're now kind of kicking the labor habit and we're going to conservatives but it looks in our area if probably 7525 percent of them have actually gone home as it were back to the conservative back to labor and that probably explains how people for example. Yes I think I think you can sort of didn't get the majority of the u.k. Votes looking at constituencies across the Northeast they seem to do better in strong voting constituencies where they would more Ukip votes to harvest but you know I think some think go back to labor which should be helpful but also there was a surge in turnout there was higher turnout Now that does seem to be younger people . And you know you look at a state like the city of Durham for instance which has got a you know recently high number presumably of student voters and there was a bigger surge of the labor vote there than they were in other places also it's a state which looks as if it voted remain in the referendum So those kind of factors that sit in so you're some people did not move from the Ukip to the concert a straight way to what the conservatives failed to do as well as it seems to eat into the labor vote and that's what they what they hope to do to stop the campaign and what would have to look at them seems like don't it's. So. Went to conservative and I guess that's because of the that being quite a brick city sort of an area conservatives doing better in Labor held bricks real bricks in the areas than than elsewhere Yeah absolutely yes and you know I think had a good candidate there as well I think that you know is helps a very strong supporting candidates I don't think telling Darlington did as well there was a whole controversy about in the last few days of a campaign pledge and help they did have a good result in Bishop Auckland on the face of it but they wanted to win. And be sure they were very confident with their candidate in reporting the conservatives the thought that there is a local sheriff there James Wharton though he actually lead the conservative charge who are for a referendum on Europe and we are proud bricks and yet make using Li has been unseated there. Yeah I'm not think kind of it's coming to us again as well I think you know we have to say labor can do it because clearly a strong kind of local g.p. Played very well in terms of you know concerns of people having an instructor service if you see about the local n.h.s. About the local hospitals the services that are on offer across the parish and that seems to play well Mr Levy even striking a stop to Souths it was the conservative vote lifted in many seats across the region that didn't dance and it didn't push it off and it lifted the middle percent it lifted the red tide lifted in Middlesborough it did not lift her of the harbor to the top stops of sounds that was the work of the labor vote which did lift also in all those seats lifted even significantly more so clearly there was something going on particularly in the cities and you have to say you know that they took their eye off the ball the conservatives in the us you know what took it because if they were very confident of holding that right up to yesterday this would be the biggest shock to them that they ended up losing Richard we're certainly not in a stronger unstable situation at the moment is you see what could be your hunch that we might have another general election within the next 3 months. It's hard to see this situation lasting for 5 years isn't the best but seems to be the conservative front of my marriage with the with the Democratic Unionists from Northern Ireland. Going into the most challenging situations prime minister probably has ever faced you know since the 2nd World War This breaks that negotiations huge amount riding on it you know what does this tell you about what the British public wants from the banks and they go she says. And he promised if it's to reason or somebody else for having those negotiations it's very challenging and yes you have to feel that you know general election is probably not if you follow the way again for spending so this was not this was not supposed to happen fix the problems with every 5 years Richard thanks for joining us Richard Moss I want to face that Catherine. The general election within the next 3 months looking . Up and create like you know yeah well I mean you love it I think he loves it I never saw anything like it I mean I thought it was writing like not to like Yeah you're exactly live and see if we are all to go on we are doing bring different bridge to yeah in the election broke out she should you know you know. Also obviously that was held today in the referendum campaign and trying to stop myself from coughing fits on it or they may be of another election but for my health they were just concerned they're not before they make the decisions still it does for me just give me a couple of months that a cover 1st of all before if there is no night then yeah well I feel I need to commit to that and so I feel half of that so many of our colleagues have been up all night do that in the not just the what's 161 then I am still that got 315 this morning that but compared to other people did especially Michaela's on all all neighbors local I was mayor I feel I think an easy easy way Oh Ok just before we rounded this particular conversation we should talk about Scotland he wasn't a good night for the s.n.p. They lost $22.00 seats didn't they so he's not the end. 2nd Scottish independence referendum Well it appears to be for the time being at least I mean we just we were saying earlier on about how flux what a state of flux politics is and when that exit poll came out last night I couldn't believe. This ingestion that the conservatives were going to increase their majority but seeing the s. And p. Vote plummet like that from 50 odd seats to 34 it was predicted and that's just about where they've ended up and all the other main parties Labor and conservatives were both against a 2nd referendum so they now have the majority and I also think things are really charismatic politician and she she's nice to well she's not easy to listen to you know she isn't you know what you see is what you get and I think that she engage with a lot of people because of that I think there might be a case for looking at leaders and thinking maybe just get a bit overconfident into these may call in the election and probably the necklace start in saying you know the been so blatant saying you know the saying referendums on the cars probably don't need to do that and probably a better flight than the fact that maybe if he just held on if he'd let brakes it go on a while but if it looked like it was going to turn into a very bad situation they did a bit much stronger position instead he's making a cult or bluff in a way knowing that they're simply could never replicate what that 25000 because it was such an extraordinary result. As probably feel for Nicholas starting for that for the but they obviously feel for treason me as well so what do we think just briefly what I think to reason is going to cite in a few minutes time. She stood on the ticket of strong and stable government so very ironic should someone who stands for a strong and stable government site are going to plunge us into another period of instability and I'm getting at is right away so I think she's going to try and soldier on Catherine I think she's really likely to do that yeah I think she's probably weeping behind the door with them. But I think she will carry on yeah. And so on probably say you know all these people just made these commitments made rush decisions and then abandon the post and I'm not going to do that because I'm tougher than them she has one yeah she has one good point Chris Lloyd political commentator the no the Neckar Katharine Armstrong and it's a looks magazine on David Letterman b.b.c. Tease political reporter thank you very much. I love the. Way you this why play is a. Journey to. Our own where it's connected through you and it to. Me again about the issues she's. Going. To bring. They are. Going to bring. Her. Mother. She's. In. This town I mean she wants. There are the Beach Boys Good Vibrations the seas b.b.c. Taze keeping an eye out on Downing Street the scene mysteries are my. Mike's not speech make sound as my. We will bring it to you live even if it's during the 10 O'Clock News will break into the new spring 90. Because d.c. Agencies are. Proud as well. B.c. . I'm 95 of them on digital radio undermined this is b.b.c. Taiz It's 10 o'clock is Andrew McMillan the general elections ended with a hung parliament the conservatives have emerged as the largest party but Teresa Mayes decision to call a snap election to increase her majority has backfired with just one seat to be declared to have $318.00 M.P.'s 8 short of a majority Labor's made the largest gains taking an extra $29.00 states during the night Theresa May said Britain needed security but this morning she's been facing calls from some within a party to go the Conservative Party m.p. It's advice I think she can hold on I think one of the messages that was coming through in the election is we are about to begin the brakes at negotiations or having gone into a hung parliament I think to lose our prime minister would be pretty disastrous We are the largest party mover likely to form the government I think the reason may should attempt to do that but I think obviously things have to change and I think in particular I mean I hope that she will be a more inclusive leader and involve all wings of the party but the liberated Jimmy Corbin's repeated his call for Theresa May to resign and said it was pretty clear he had won the election we are ready to serve this country that is what we fought the election for we have done no deals and no pact with anybody and the reward can say a huge increase in our support because of the way we conducted the election and the comprehensive nature of the program we put forward Labor has ousted the conservatives from Stockton south but the Tories have taken middle school. South in East Cleveland a recount was held before was confirmed that Labor's Paul Williams had taken Stockton south from James Watton who had a majority of more than 5000 and held the seat since 2010 in Middlesbrough south and east Cleveland where Simon Clark beat Labour's Tracy Harvey by a 1000 votes Labor kept hold of regular hard pull down to Stockton North Middlesbrough Sedgefield and Bishop Auckland but only by a majority of 500 that both the conservative Robert goodwill he won his whip the sate but with of juiced majority and James Walton he was ousted from Stockton south have said the return to 2 party politics was a factor in the election results I don't think in the heat of the moment I'm able to pinpoint reasons that the seats are changed. More votes than I ever have here before but it just wasn't enough on this occasion we clearly saw a decline in the smaller parties and a redistribution of those votes to the big 2 to Labor and Conservative on this occasion it was just enough to get labor over the line this will reaction to come here on b b c t's throughout the day and there's more online at b.b.c. Dot co dot she Kate in other news Sterling fell sharply overnight after the election before recovering slightly but shares have risen in early trading in London a 41 year old man's been arrested on suspicion of robbery and Hardball it's after Premier store on Andrew street in hospital was targeted by a man last Thursday shops cafes and restaurants along Middlesborough Lynn thought Rhoda hoping to recover lost business after a fire closed the road yesterday lunchtime the fire at the bar and grill on the corner of Lynn thought road in Bedford Street was quickly contained Peter Cullen the owner of the fish restaurant the captain's table said he and his staff found it quite a shock. To be free and find out what's going on. Some momentum just built over a lot of people around 5060 people discovered in the. Game I'm sure will survive but the main thing is nobody been hurt auditions for the T.V.'s the voice of being held in Stockton later it's all happening at the music lounge on Yom lane to n.t.l. Have to be 16 years of all beef all day before the 1st of October they say yep. Disport in the middle of defend to bend Gibson says he's not thinking about his future at the moment Gibson is with the England squad ahead of tomorrow's World Cup qualifier against Scotland and Wednesday's friendly with friends Yorkshire will give a let fitness test of the ball at Ben called ahead of that county challenge match against some is that it gets under way at Taunton this morning and I'm going to day 2 of that division too much Kent in a strong position Paul Collingwood side a county 318 for 5 in their 1st innings with Collingwood unbeaten on 93 us this morning's with Abbey Judas today Brian spells in a few likely heavy isolated showers across the side County Durham and North Yorkshire light winds and highs of 18 Celsius that 64 in Fountain heights. Like weekday mornings from. Friday morning on the baby say my car with the b.b.c. Changes we continue to take in folks any comments about what's happened overnight with a general election so you'll have your 2 part of you'll have your say h one triple straight start a text message with the word chase mentioning once common in. Interesting observations to come out last night it looks like we've seen the the collapse of the smaller parties really does make. Those folks effect into the big to do so could it be the end of the smaller party scene a return to 2 party politics I want to talk about that could it be. That you know we're going to see all sorts of changes like the past week day and warnings from the b.b.c. . So just keep an eye on Tereza Mary she just appeared on Meet the television at the back of that is a clip from last night so as soon as he appears live all the steps of Downing Street that's where we expect her to be when she makes this announcement we will bring that to you we're also doing other things as well it is a Friday so we got 1st beat competition. Can you identify a song simply from its 1st Beatle are the ultimate challenge for music lovers everywhere and this week it sounds like this. That it was a big hit at the time with no clues at the moment let's even get it just on the beach alone. So what is that if you think you know. Start a text message with the words we're going to be talking about the voice being held locally going to be talking to. That process so what advice is he got for any other singers thinking of auditioning for The Voice and we're off to some posh bit later on. The outskirts of Darlington reopened after a $400000.00. That . Taliban. Ok so. That don't pay a. Kilo. 11. That don't impress me much but I was Shout out to Mark Sue and Bailey the spaniel text in from from Arkansas say we've just returned to Norfolk after spending a few days in North Yorkshire we listen to radio station most days thoroughly enjoyed the programs Well done thank you thanks very much the much appreciated thank you for taking the time to send that text at 1st debate continues then this morning been a Friday can you identify song simply by listening to its 1st debate this week it sounds like vase One is that Bobby no Whitney Fish says Well Mike it's going to be honky tonk women by the Rolling Stones it's not you know Lenny in Newcastle is it what becomes of the Brokenhearted by Jimmy Ruffin No I'm afraid to Rog and and Louise in sunny salt been suggesting Phil Collins and another day in paradise it's As they look in and then you know it's not looking too bad but we do have the closure of the tap transporter bridge in Middlesbrough the technical reasons so he can be using that today for the time being at least elsewhere actually Things not looking too bad we're heading of a bit of a queue on that some cut which way in dolling to and around the north gate roundabout but no sign of any real problems elsewhere a little slower on the gates roundabout these road and down around from day pass and the updates get in touch if you can the number here is a double 301230181 keep in Seaside County Durham North Yorkshire all number who've b.b.c. Sees. A b b c t's The proud to showcase local musician still for b.b.c. Music day this Thursday we've got a local before this playing live at the Georgian theater every hour throughout the day you can come down to Stockton and watch the bands for yourself or you might even see Bob Fisher presenting his often enjoy life from that I'll be joined by some very special guests and there's going to be a blue clock unveiled celebrating a piece of Teesside musical heritage all the bands to. In part a coming together to record a special b.b.c. Music Day song which I'll play for you at the end of the day it's all part of b.b.c. Music Day This is Day b.b.c. These so I spent a night of surprises in this morning we still got more questions than answers really following that general election result one of the biggest shocks locally was felt in Stockton south where labor's Dr Paul Williams ousted the conservative James Wharton Well I spoke to the constituencies new m.p. Earlier this morning about his new role and why it's not the only member of his family he'll be celebrating this weekend and I started by asking him if we don't always been quietly confident that he would win. We really didn't know what I tried to do is to have as many conversations with as many people as possible in churches mosques or peoples homes schools and I've been out in the streets every day for the last 5 weeks. I've tried to have a really tell a story about who I am what I believe in on social media as well and I just try to run the best campaign that I could and feel. Really privileged and would like to thank all the people in Stockton South who decided to place their trust in me yesterday and vote for me social media played a really important part this time in getting that young voter out I think so. I thought people 5 weeks ago thought people are going to ask the question Who is this person and so I made a series of short films saying who I am what I believe in and with my position on some really important policy areas like I like on health education looking after older people and those people that I've been interested that wanted to find out more have been able to watch them and follow them. But I think politics should be about this it should be about having conversations with the public in gauging I've also tried as much as possible when people ask me questions to respond to them and I want to be really responsive member of Parliament for everybody within Stockton south so this is a big change for you now isn't it because clearly you know until this point you've been a g.p. So what's going to happen next you have done different things with my career I. Have been a g.p. Up in a hospital doctor but I also spent quite a lot of time doing volunteer work leading health service in health services in Africa as well. I'm going I've got a lot to learn I've got I have a new job it's a start but I but I also have a responsibility to my old jobs as well and I'll need to make sure that I I did. With my partners how we continue to provide care for my patients so will you continue somehow that with the surgery was James Warren has learnt and I'd like to thank James actually for all the work that he's done for the people stopped in South but as James has learned you can get elected as a member of parliament but the great thing about our democracy is that people can vote you out as well and I'm relatively young I'm 44 years old and I would like to be able to work as a doctor again if I were elected out if I would if I didn't win reelection as a member of parliament in the future but I need to keep my license to practice so I'm going to be a full time member of Parliament but in my spare time I will still have to do a few sessions as a doctor in order to be able to keep my license to practice I think I would want to lose that So when will you do your last shift as a doctor I don't know I haven't so I got the result was announced at 2 o'clock this morning and I need to have a discussion with my partners on a partner in a practice when I joined the partnership they they always knew that this was a possibility but it only became a reality a few hours ago and I think I'd like to talk at the talk about it with them 1st before him before telling the patients what we're going to do given that some voters had doubts about germy call being as leader of the Labor Party what was going through your mind that over the past few weeks about about German Corbett Well Jeremy Corbyn led the production of a brilliant manifesto and actually almost all the conversations that I've been having with people on the street have been about things like making sure we protect funding for primary and secondary schools people really like the idea of free childcare 30 hours a week for 23 and 4 year olds pollution of university tuition fees now it's a challenge because people locally who voted for Labor people nationally haven't been clear about about who they support those are things that I really passionately believe in and I'm going to be fighting for them but I recognise that it's going to be a challenge because Labor don't have a majority government so should labor stick with germy Corbin as their leader. He's shown himself to be really really tough personally with a lot of a lot of attacks from a lot of different directions and I think he's done himself and the party real credit you wouldn't go in for a change of leader then because already people are sort of saying Well Ok he did well but he lost so we need a new leader and people are mentioning the word the name Yvette Cooper I think actually the biggest problem that the country has at the moment is that we have a prime minister who called an election to try and increase the amount of stability in the country but we've actually ended up with a less stable situation so I think the person that we ought to be asking that question about this morning is not Jeremy Corbin But the reason I have to do you know that I'm off to actually go spend a little bit of time with them with my kids I've got a a 2 year old and a 5 year old and I've been running around trying to meet people in Stockton south for the next few for the last few weeks and I think. We've got a 5 year old's birthday party to organize for tomorrow so my my family are going to be my priority over the weekend Congratulations once again thank you Dr Paul Williams then who is now the m.p. For Stockton Southie ousted conservative James Wharton interesting conversations going on then about Jeremy company did incredibly well do this no doubt about that people saying that he improved during the course of the campaign and increasingly people warmed to him in the ways he said what he said but at the end of the day he lost. So what would you do would you stick with Jeremy Corbyn or would you be looking to change the leader. One name is being bandied around at the moment is Yvette Cooper So is she more capable of winning for labor than Jeremy Corbin of to get your views on that and it could be of course that all the parties all the political parties could be getting a new leader over the next few months we still await this speech from to resume a initially we're told that she probably would stand down a position was untenable but all the signs are now that she's going to do nothing of the source. The Beatles think I'll buy me love Have you ever considered entering one of the television singing competitions the likes of x. Factor or the voice I think people generally consider the voice to be the more serious of the 2 competitions Well the rotation for the voice locally so we'll talk more about that in a few minutes time around we will get some top advice from somebody who has been through the whole process you know the whole spinning chairs think so that's coming up inside the next 5 minutes Keep the comments coming through about what happened overnight with the general election resulting in a hung parliament Terry in Billingham He says the conservatives have quite simply lost the plot and they announce an election then tell lots of their loyal voters they're going to take money off them says Terry impelling a. I'm in the cold but you can see. I don't believe you. Seem. To. Keep saying all. Out just. Own. House man and. Come. Not. Saying you can't. Keep. Down. Was. The music. God sees me standing out to skew. Cold Why do you. Say. And. Using my. Talent Scouts dancing on my own and if you've always dreamt of being a singer tonight could be the start of your journey to stardom I T.V.'s talent show The Voice is holding open auditions at the music lounge in Stockton tonight to find the region's next James Arthur or Amelia Lily and one person knows exactly how nerve wracking it can be as counter from billing a former Labor swap a day job for a return to education at Stockton Riverside college and now he's hoping to go on to stage Korea on the last series of The Voice again the judges his rendition of Aerosmith I don't want to miss a thing in the blind auditions it was absolutely fantastic there's no doubt about that have a listen to this. And can't. Is live on the line to is not welcome to the show Catherine Morland and I did you decide to go for the Voice stand and not the x. Factor. They asked that they expected that marketing I mean obviously when I went out with a voice I went out to a few people who could actually sing welcome just like call out to the likes of honey j. And module act so yeah so the voice is the most serious competition really Yeah definitely yeah so what advice then would you give to somebody thinking of going along to these auditions to let. It Happen ever because I love the songs you know you can sing. So obviously the Moslems the country costs and you know it but you have your strengths and what songs you go to so obviously that's going to benefit you just going with a no mind I mean it's good publicity like it's good exposure for us it's good experience also good it's stressful so it's big hard work and ups and downs because it isn't the most will cost a definite step if we were to win yeah so how does it work the just just take us through it thank our to you you arrive what happens next. What about the blind auditions Yeah now at the decisions that will be happening tonight then what will go on. I'm not sure the talent scouts came to college they may. Presume it's just not Mike Well Mike Mike saying that it is as far as I know yeah so I'm guessing he just called 'd it a truck be prepared confident and just get into everything yeah but take more than one sound then because you know just the something you think is your best isn't necessarily the one that they want to hear. You have to play of a few selections songs to do. Just a dish to showcase your voice the best Obviously he arrange. Dynamics the voice. For to so you've got a selection Yeah and if people are nervous What do you tip for coping with. One really sticks out what you want it is just going to go and do your thing and hopefully some of you get some of the end of it so you just gotta try and stay composed READY no you don't go for it yeah and then when you got to the main show they knew you were clearly very successful at the audition stage what was that like . Like I've ever experienced obviously the pressure of up in the 4th quarter. And having the live audience. Of the family rock and if it's something you want to do you've just got to get out there and give it your best and what you see you know on the edited show on the t.v. Is an accurate representation of what it's like. For emotion in the long silence before you start singing is definitely back on the sleeve for a while when I'm going to. Be intense. And how is it changed your life thank God. It's just give me more 'd exposure for nothing and. The confidence of gave me a lot more experience. So now I'm just currently working on my set to go suck a can of Coke obligates lined up. Saying rock festival come to my on the 15th of July I say it's way better than. A cherry knife they say take. Just helps push your career where you want to go really with your exposure and get more work and soon as you say that you know you've been on the voice then immediately goes Oh yeah definitely I mean your videos are on You Tube forever so if you ever want to gig can you sing if you got the videos. Videos or a new chips of the people and just go and have a look on You Tube or people might come across your new chip restaurant. Or to watch the show so it could possibly Yeah so what is your dream and Carter you know well do you like to get to. Just wanna make music and play music for people appreciate it go for narrating Whatever happens happens for me and I'm quite happy to play music of the following table come say may. Not enough to make the 2nd make an impact on table with a performance that's fine yeah I've heard rumors about you wanting to to get a stage career if you can. Just anything in the industry I mean it's just become a job well it's a big a lot. From a young age still to they always will so I'd rather just be in this area in this failed and. You want to do really you know going to move to London then you're not going to leave as well but the plan next you have also this is a really you know you'd like to yeah yeah they say it all happens down yet I think there's definitely more competition but I think it's more of a show you tell nice so you're just going to go there do what you do really yes a weapons Well we wish you the very best to look out thank you very much indeed for that thank you very much but I feel it by so many others cancer wish him all the best he's been through the whole let voice process and he stopped keeping his don't expect to sing the song that you want to perform it's a bit like you know on the x. Factor is no one's ever got another one you know Simon Callow waves his arms around is not that of a young of the one so have at least 3 songs ready at the Voice stand holding auditions at the music lounge at 8 o'clock on a 1st come 1st served basis not tonight under eighteen's are permitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian so if you go in alone Good luck. To Let's just enjoy. This game. Just. Let's get. Let's get drunk I just can't just let. Go. It's. Going to play. Down payment on a player down. The Player. That . The Devils got to. Be a. Good. Player. The player doesn't. Just. Load. It. 21 minutes to 11 Good morning this is my baby seatings the Jacksons blame it on the Big 8 so just a few minutes ago we were wondering how long it's going to be before all the parties the political parties could possibly have a new leader Ukip adeptly going to have a new leader soon because Paul not all has just announced his resignation as the leader of you Kipps and it's breaking news this morning Paul not all has just an out and I was his resignation as leader of Ukip right let's talk next then to Mike Hill who is the new Labor m.p. For Hartley Paul good morning to you Mike good morning. I can hear the. Excitement in the voice I thought you'd be asleep at this point Mike to be honest. You know it's been a long nice and early morning obviously over the couple of hours sleep that's about it Well congratulations 1st of all and how people as we know from previous conversations appeared to be one of those constituencies where lifelong Labor supporters said they were going to vote Conservative or heartbreaks it so what do you think happened in the end. I think. The price got it wrong about how little I think they misjudged how little pay for my campaign was from the start a positive campaign about the people of that sound about their enthusiasm you know about the concert everywhere when talking on the doorsteps they were every day bread and butter issues Mike you know one big mistake the make for example was thinking they could go in there and saw red flags that nobody wanted soft pretzels those that she was job for when the referendum came and went so what is I mean you've been talking overnight about getting rid of the negativity in Hollywood what do you mean by. The page to me as a one about the sound that there was a kind of negativity about the place to play political and otherwise to be honest with you and it seemed to be artificially didn't reflect in the conversations that I was up in with the wonderful people of the sound feel it sound. Very very strong they have good aspirations they loved the sound and they got real strong communities and I just finished a class and room with a and waved the flag for how little and killed how little were based on those wonderful people communities and I'm really really proud and really proud. To people participate in the democratic process is more she stated they came out in droves across the wards across the Holter to participate in a very very very proud to do with us so what is your priority going to bring and from a town like. Well the privacy is as I've always said and pledged is to is to strike the corner for the take told it's absolutely on Briggs It's a look after their interests to change change the investment is much needed working with the Metro match to get the money in this company from Europe for the next 2 years and when the very conservative of course my cred cannot be progress of course no because I fleshed I will I will work with everybody across the place to defend public services in how little to build a powerful space to get jobs and that's what the job pays all about and that's my mandate particularly around the n.h.s. And social care we need to get money into that sound it's a wonderful wonderful wonderful talent and we need to fight off like the Westminster and what about Jeremy Cobain's performance in the end I mean clearly people have warmed to him vote he lost. Well I mean it was a shock campaign a lot of energy went into that Jeremy grew stronger and stronger and the more people listened so you can be on the spin of the media the more they are on the stuff that they needed to look at our manifesto commitments and our pledges wish that Mr Lay would take full on the doorsteps you know how many of our pledges actually you know. Still in the minds of people are saying they really really did I think it was a manifesto for hopefully Alymer is the kind of conversations I was having on the dull stuff acknowledge the normal way when when a party loses a general election they change their leader do you think Jeremy Corbyn will hold onto his job. I think. I think that Gerry Coughlin shown true strength and hope and has been a good champion and people will warm to him Look at all the thousands of people sent out to the rallies young people in particular I don't think Jeremy called is going anywhere a sign soon Michael congratulations once again I'm going to get some sleep like. Sometimes or. R.-k. Is the new Labor m.p. For the pool Mike Hale there is no doubt when you take a look what he said to drill down into will like the numbers and start crunching the but it's young voters and previous nonvoters from the balance of this general election you know people will normally sites the undecided it's the middle ground it's the floating voters you need to get to if you're going to win any election not necessarily the case this time it's the people that never normally voted but came out this time that seems to have made the difference if your attacks make a 23 start a text message with the word taste I'll play 1st debate again shortly the ultimate challenge for music fans everywhere Can you identify a song simply by listening to his 1st by. Unknown Nick likes playing that. Even if you ask me all the time yeah I knew at the end of Hunt's example if you make your way away from the way when I am junction 59 around Dharm road that is looking rather slow as you make your way towards that Cota Mandeville a little bit of slow traffic around there the only other problem really is the closure for technical reasons of the transporter bridge in Middlesbrough elsewhere at the moment at least things do seem to be moving quite well but something gives a go to Ghana Brizard over 301230181. Keep in Seaside County Durham That's a stereophonic said b.b.c. Taze have a nice day it doesn't look as though the to resume a announcement is going to happen any time soon of course we were told it could happen sometime between 9 and 10 and it's now 7 minutes to 11 so it looks unlikely that that speech is going to be made but we'll keep in touch with that keep in touch with developments if anything happens in Downing Street we will bring that straight to you however there are other developments closer to home as we announced just a couple of minutes ago some breaking football news the former Leeds United boss Gary monk has been offered the middle spread manager's job by the chairman Steve Gibson So we're just getting more information on that for you at the moment and more on my in a couple of minutes. And . It's Friday morning. Breaking for more news in and amongst all the general election told the former Leeds United boss Gary monk as being offered to the middle managers job instant reaction from summariser fall during Madison morning. Bike and I guess the the key word there is he's not necessarily accepted. Yet. You know at the obviously the level of the show in the intention of bringing Gary in it's down to him Well let's a blues on holiday. It's down to him humming to turn the job down I think he will be in on wise because he is a good job he's got a good Chapman and the forms will be made to squad I think for the championship is pretty good and he just needs one a few players in that got a good chance of bouncing back so why do you think they've gone for Gary monk. Asia is enthusiastic now play with Gary itself comes a nice guy. In management at Swansea thought he was he was very you're looking at Swans he put it Lee He's done a really good job in the Leeds fans with a really solid same goal so I think he's young and. Not common money just an English for common manager saw Think knows what divides between pace and then moving close to me I wasn't really bothered who comes in Rod's want to see this club progress along as he's bounced back into the style of the school and with Gary if he takes the job I think it's a good appointment Yeah it's a poison a bit of a poisoned chalice now. It's a good job it's a really good job you've got a child before you but a chairman that will talk Yeah the key the key is to target good stocks you know I think you'd be under pressure if you don't have a good stopping the product lines expect to a good start and make a is now to stop building you know this this being so much uncertainty regarding who's going to come in in the gallery to has decided come in he's got to get his hands do it he's got to really get stuck into the job and and make sure the players it comes to the top because he has to sign players 'd about the ones that we've already got positions that need to be filled possibly bank gives him a deal even possibly in a loose and hard to come in certainly the forward side of all clear has to improve So 'd he's going to is going to look to do I'm trusted just to be in and what you think the average fan will be thinking I think they'll think it's a good appointment you know I think a lot of things were divided between pacing and Nigel Chrisman gallery mode because they were 2 of the fall from the 1000000 plus. I think of the I think that we please I think the bottom line is now just want to see some activity at the football club don't want to see clear is coming in the football club obviously the b. If you're clear as possible even got from from our point of view we just want to see decent clear is being approved water to come into the football club that's going to make our squad that's a heightened than anything to you know we'll be looking for the season certainly and the fact that he's coming in from late could not be an issue. There's no issue at all Ha think it's Leslie's because of the unsaid Legion I told you last and only they were absolutely devastating leave him because he was building you know e.c. They built a squad that was that was putting up a morsel Unfortunately the last few weeks of the script all about in a play off place course it was nor Darwin the circumstances what he did at least he's done a really good job so he's going to die for a player yeah I don't think they'll be I think that leaves bonds will be a little upset but I think the part of farms will sort of be we're going to end and enjoying it and as I said before the key is to have a really good start and he Dorce you know he'll be worship at this football club nail thank you very much indeed for that bit of breaking news that the amount is in by the way on b.b.c. Taste Bara much summarizing a bit of breaking news the former Leeds United boss Gary monk has been offered the Middlesbrough manager's job by the chairman state gets an accounting text reaction already to that one triple straight start a text message with the word tease is a good a good offer on not to get Garry Monk. Because decent agencies are. Proud of where. The b.b.c. To. 95 percent on digital radio and online deceased b.b.c. Tazer to 11 o'clock his Andrew McMillan some news is just coming in that the b.b.c. Understands the middle part chairman Steve Gibson's offered the vacant manages job to the former Leeds United boss Gary monk it's understood that several candidates have been interviewed 38 year old monk left Leeds a man after being unable to reach an. Agreement with the new owner he managed the city in the Premier League between 2014 and 15 before guiding leads to a 7th place finish in the Championship last season we'll bring you the very latest as soon as we get it here on b c t's and you can read more on the b.b.c. Sport website. The snap general election called by to reason may in April has ended with a hung parliament with over one seat declared the Tories have 318 seats short of the majority Labor's gained 29 seats with 261 M.P.'s The b.b.c. Understands that trees may has no intention of standing down and will try to form a government she's Juta meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace at lunchtime there are reports the conservatives are in talks with the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland which won 10 seats the chairman of the d.p. Morrow was asked whether his party would support the conservatives in Parliament. The prime minister she cautioned. After making better than expected gains the Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn edged Mrs May to stand down saying it was clear he was the real winner of the election and that he was ready to serve There's also been calls within the Conservative party for Mrs May to step aside the former Tory chancellor George Osborne said there was a question mark over her leadership personally I don't see how she can survive for the long term Now whether she thinks she should be at the helm for the coming period Britain begins its present negotiations that's going to be a judgement they can serve to Parliament body which I'm not a member of for a living anyone seriously thinks that the reason is going to be leading the Conservatives into the next general election deeply Depaul not all has resigned after his party won no seats in parliament he said the election a common enough chin time and needed to be relaunched for a new era Andy McDonald was reelected as the Middlesbrough m.p. He says to reason I will face serious questions from inside her own party this is got to go down as well the most full hardy decisions of any sitting prime minister to trigger a general election can. These circumstances puts the governing party if indeed they are there in medical a party in a weakened position here the big shock was that the Conservatives lost the Stockton South seat to labor and gained Middle East Cleveland in Stockton South James Wharton lost his 5000 strong majority to Dr Paul Williams The m.p. For Middle East claimed is the conservative Simon Clark in Richmond soon Aquitaine his seat for the conservatives as did Robert goodwill in Whitby and Labor kept all of the other seats across the b.b.c. Tees area this fall reaction on the b.b.c. Website in other news a 41 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of robbery in hospital it's after premised on Andrew street was targeted last Thursday mosque leaders on Teesside say they've had a huge response after offensive graffiti was sprayed onto their walls as a result thought to be Muslim Association is holding an open day tomorrow to welcome all members of the local community to ask questions and to clear up misconceptions sport and as you've heard around the b.b.c. Understands the middle part chairman Steve Gibson has offered the vacant manager's job to the former Leeds United boss Gary monk it's understood that several candidates have been interviewed and 38 year old monk left leads in May We'll bring you the latest as soon as we get it he whether now is with Abby she has today Brian spells in a few likely heavy isolated showers across Teesside County Durham and North Yorkshire light winds and highs of 18 Celsius that 64 in Fountain heights. Weekday morning sun So what is to resume my planning to do next that I we were told initially there was going to be an announcement made in Downing Street that has never materialized so what we're going to do we're going to link up live with our reporter Mark Kelly who's in Downing Street for as hopefully we'll do that inside The conservatives the biggest party we've got a hung parliament as far as the conservatives were concerned they said definitely was not in the script the whole idea of calling a snap election was to increase the majority going into those negotiations instead that Gamble has backfired then we were told that to reason I was going to make some kind of announcement at 10 o'clock this morning that has not materialized we have a reporter live in Downing Street far as a good morning. I am I go in on a lot of people like me standing around speaking to a lot of people like you. Waiting and waiting and what we think is going to happen next is that series in May at about 1230 is going to go and see Her Majesty in Buckingham Palace we believe there has been some arrangement some deal not careful and not sure entirely how to choose my words to describe this is also uncertain the moment for some going to deal with the Democratic Party the d.p. Of Northern Ireland now they were 10 seats overnight so there is a suggestion that they might be able to give bolstering numbers if you like to Theresa May basically taking a back up to where roughly where she started before this whole election was called to attempt to boost her numbers which has gone so spectacularly wrong now the questions hanging though are what exactly this deal with d.p. Would it be would it be coalition would it be a form or would it simply be an agreement on an issue by issue basis we don't know not least because the d.p.p. Themselves are saying the situation is all very messy and they're saying they haven't come to any formal deal as things stand and may not be able to tell us more till this afternoon they're meeting for talks we believe right about now so all eyes to the palace at 1230 the moment and whatever trees may may or may not say when she gets back but this doesn't leave her in a strong position going into the brakes at negotiations does it and and the reason she called the snap election was due to actually bolster her position indeed time and time again in the election campaign she spoke how every vote for her and her team she put an awful emphasis on it being about her she put it as time time against James saying a vote for her was every extra vote strengthening her hand in the negotiations for brakes it's now I guess technically speaking she did as a party get more votes the vote share went up biggest number of votes the Tories got since 1902 but it went up massively equally for labor Gerry Corbin their highest share of votes since 1907 the big sort of wow result for Tony Blair so their share went up to the sort of cancelling out the Tories. So. Sarees amaze left having made such a play about how this is about her personally her leadership strength in her hand to go into negotiations in Brussels and clearly by her own metric her own measuring system that hasn't been the case things will therefore get very difficult in Parliament she might be looking to get support from the u.p.a. Remember she won't on some very thorny issues or break necessarily have support from our own party there will be people willing to rebel I mean Ken Clarke people like him they're not going to change their minds or start voting for bits of breaks that they don't believe in so I think this is going to be very tricky and that is b. Fall might we even broach the question of things that aren't to do the brakes it's things like education policy reason may not have a majority of English M.P.'s necessarily because you're not the d.p. The Scottish M.P.'s that she has while they were be able to vote on matters of education issues like that so. Her billeted to government could be very compromised in so many ways that well might we could have a conversation like this in about 56 months time yes another general election Benchley they could be another want I mean I want to. Do you get a sense of of people within the Conservative Party circling at this point you know wondering whether by perhaps my trim out in the ring to topple or was late I. Think there might be at least one or 2 people who are a bit cheesed off. To say the least Yeah this is not good for treason may more than one person has used words like toast in these parts in the last few hours I think it is clear that Theresa May will face a bit of a backlash to say the least from the members of her own parliamentary party made her an acceptance speech in Maidenhead was talking in terms of wanting to provide stability in these uncertain times as some are talking well as she whether she will be happy. Just try and see through the early days of coalition. Of the brakes in negotiations before maybe some some of the leadership challenge that there have been calls for her to go the been calls slightly softened the suggestion has to consider her position from the likes of a superior own M.P.'s very much a pro remain remember though. It is going to be difficult to reason may he was seeking not just a mandate from the British public but a mandate from our own party because he had run at the last general election to be prime minister she was the home secretary back then it was David Cameron's win if you like this was meant to be her when in tossing her validating hasn't really come to feel like that this morning. Thank you very much indeed our next stop booking a palace 1230 by the sound of terrorism is due next we will keep you posted 1642 double to double 5 double one is the number to call if you want to talk about the events overnight Never a dull moment the drama continues and will continue because the job keep you posted b.b.c. Gary Phillips news here with all the news between 4 and 6 the south to. Greg with the update on the roads. In the middle where 1st of all the transport to bridge it remains closed because of the ongoing technical problems out on the main recent leading the a one m. And the n 1900 traffic is on the move in Durham looking quite slow at least his road at the gates around about and somebody traffic in dying to the north road on the outbound side or so ya made as well according to the traffic Center's quick reminder roadworks on the way. To be 1365 he wrote some temporary traffic lights for a few weeks Stainton specs and delays if you count daters to call then 330-123-0181 keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move. To. Cover so much going on this morning some breaking football news and of course the fallout from the general election result we did say we're going to take you to the Raby homes on the outskirts of Darlington for some posh nausia dollars reopened after a $400000.00 pound revamp Welden our place it's only one of only $22.00 places in the world to have 2 Michelin stars we're going to tell you more about vats our own Monday show now between $9.12 because we've got so much going on including some break in football news Rob law from b.b.c. Sports joins me now because Gary monk then has been offered and that's the key word all the job at Middlesboro Yes nothing's set in stone yet he's been offered the job that doesn't mean that he is Middlesboro his next manager as yet we understand that there may be an announcement later today bought as of yet middles Brest still without a manager all we know is that a job has been offered to Gary monk the former lead United boss but nothing accepted from his end as of yet now we've just been talking about when he seems to think this will go down pretty well with most fans yeah I think that's that's fair to say I think it was widely understood that the 3 main candidates for the job were Steve Agnew which didn't go down too well with the fans when he had the run of games towards the end of the season Nigel piece in and Gary monk those were the 3 men running for the job and it had been quite quiet and I think a lot of Burra fans have been sort of getting a little bit worried because it's starting to draw in the summer now and a few fans think in kind of expected Middlesborough to make an appointment by now that hasn't happened we know that Steve Gibson is very thorough in his work and he won't appoint somebody on a whim he does his homework a mix sure that he makes the right decision because this is a big appointment for medals. You know going back into the Championship they need somebody who knows that league and can can get the team back into the Premier League that's the aim Steve Gibson said it at the end of the season to b.b.c. Sport he said the aim is to court smash the championship and get the team back up so Gary monk did very well with Leeds last season narrowly missed out on the playoffs and I think it will be a popular appointment somebody who knows the league play is good football and is widely thought of in the football world as a good manager a good appointment if if he says yes yes and that is the key you think you would say some rain. I mean some people it's makes is that some people see it as a bit of a poisoned chalice but then other people throw you know you've got a great chairman in Steve Gibson and that's the main thing in especially for somebody like Gary monk who coming from Leeds United there was a lot of trouble and it's why it's been widely spoke about in the football world football fans know about it when you talk about Leeds United and the trouble they've gone through Massimo Chile nor the former or in or who had sanctions against him against him and the club left right and center during his time there he's now gone under a rod resign he comes in is the new owner says that he wants to keep Gary monk mix assurances to him and Gary Monk says no I want to go somewhere that's a bit more stable and up and down the country people talk about Middlesbrough and one of the 1st things they say when they talk about medals for football club is the got a great chairman of it there is any such a group we give anything to have a chairman like that a local chairman somebody who's invested in the town and in the club and I think that for Gary Monk will be a massive massive fact if he decides to join Middlesbrough I think it would be a tempting offer because Steve Gibson has said they'll be money there he'll back he's manager there is a lot of work to be done don't let's not beat around the bush with that there's a lot of that needs to be done in terms of recruitment the harmony of the dressing room needs bringing back. And. I think it would be a really attractive offer for Gary Monken something that he'll look at and see with the history of the club the history of Steve Gibson giving his manager money and time and the main 2 important factors any manager wants and will think yeah that is a good shot that is a good opportunity for me to further my career and you know get back into the Premier League because he was in the Premier League. And when he was sacked a lot of question marks and around that a lot Swanzy fancying how to minute this is a manager who is you know it clearly has the players on side the fans on side and the decision was made and the last one the fans were disappointed about which I think speaks volumes about the man himself because you know a lot of money does get sacked and you have the fans going why you know that it's very rare that that happens but yeah I think it would be a very very attractive offer for Gary Monken something that he will definitely definitely look at and consider strongly but in terms of prepping for the new season the clock is ticking and it is the 9th of June that's it and that's that's the thing and that's where the worry comes in I suppose from Burra fans in the bar fans that we've spoken to he's the hasn't been in the point yet and all the teams are starting to get players. Players and have a list of players and you know pre-seasons around the corner as well so there's a lot that needs to be sought out in a short space of time but at this moment in time we must stress the job has been offered to him he hasn't signed anything it's not confirmed all we know Middlesborough have offered the job to Gary monk he has yet to accept it that could change though all throughout that there Rob Thank you Rob More from b.b.c. 2 sports. Things. So. Staying you know. It all makes and no more sad songs Good morning this is my pirate baby c.t.s. We're just dealing with the fallout really of the general election result overnight if you're just waking up and he just carried around and he's not hurt there was not a landslide conservative victory and in fact we have a hung parliament and let's talk to our political commentator and good friend of the show Neil Clark welcome male Good morning like this was what I think yeah they said to me was not in the conservative script was it not at all that I was on your program 3 weeks ago I think if he were really talking about the toy manifesto in the social care proposals then but the time the tour writing that we are in the polls you know that was a key turning point if anything last night the toys lost in sport which is a seat with a high school level of elderly in the country so I think that they want expect and there's quite a few Is that the you know that story to the elderly vote for granted they talked about taxing winter fuel payment a couple of campaign she would go and that cost them. Delia I think it was arrogance really they thought they were so far ahead in the polls they could afford to do things like Yeah so I've got a text here from from somebody sign exactly not the count of the stand you know why to resume I would call an election to to increase a majority but then announced that they were going to kick over to the teeth Absolutely I think Nigel Davis the former Tory m.p. Was on the television he said he said that yes he made the analogy of the Tory campaign being a lot of liner and it was going well well up in the polls and I deliberately data was an iceberg because what happened I think it was a case of arrogance and said at the time they thought they had it in the bag and they could get away with unpopular policies that point because they thought that labor was so far down they hold the underestimated germy called it and I don't know sure lots of times to say this guy here is teach winning the election Well they haven't won last night it is a victory of sorts because poll 40 'd percent for labor that's an incredibly high poll when you think of all the opinion polls and that's the almost up in the Tony Blair territory in 1970 and he seems to have dominated by mobilizing almost people that would never normally vote absolutely got the youth vote out I mean that type of the important we haven't got the the forces the sticks in yet but it seems that was a very high you thought the turnout was very very high in a lot of seats and I think that you saw it was very important people who didn't vote before perhaps because they use didn't turn up so much in the in the referendum I know in the 25th election but Jeremy studies got up and down the country how many miles of the covered He's been everywhere and he's galvanized the sort of course the Labor Party policy on scrap intuition faces helped I think it was a vote winner and apart from that of course he's also benefited from pension is a sizeable chunk of pension is seen not to voted Tory because as I said because of the 2 unpopular policies in the manifesto However I read like he still lost he did he did well but out there last but Willie Willie hold on to his job is leave that. I think it's got to Mike I mean even even some of the strongest critics of Blair of course in a saying he has to stay now because clearly look at the vote Mike Ed Miliband got 30 percent of the vote as a lead in 2015 called in his race that to 40 percent. And he's come very close I mean I mean you know we could still still get a Labor government depending on what happens of the day you pay a minority government so he's taken labor to the brink of power and how do you know who knows how long this if the Tories are Maisie's going to Buckingham Palace now if he she can to form a government with the support the the u.p.a. And all that on but there are maybe one or 2 majority want to do you piece you know who knows how long that government could last so the idea that coping could go and I would leave because I think you know he's done very very well whatever you think of him before and this is a great result for labor they've actually made lots of gains everybody was saying before and this is going to be colonies label is going to lose lots of seats yet they have lost the seats the Northeast of course we know the anti side want to say that and and some others too but they made big gains as well where you wouldn't expect it to places like kind of debris for instance in Kent. And so I think the Jeremy call being whatever you sort of into for how you got to admit he's played a blinder here people say they the younger voters I've talked to say he tells the truth and that's what I like about journalist politicians we must just briefly talk about the small apologies it was a bad night for the Lib Dems for Ukip I'm for the s. And pay and Paul little of course is has resigned in the last few minutes as the leader of Ukip I finish now well it's really hard you could Wasn't it because they basically got they wanted that they were party to my raid on that for was complaining for bricks and they got Brecht's it out to 50 percent off so what else were they were about really they didn't have any distinct policies or anything else really and it's fascinating wanted you to vote might not go that was very significant to a lot of pundits thought it was a given that the older you get votes will go to the Tories in seats where you can work standing but in fact Labor got a large share of that and I think that's because Jeremy Corbyn quite wisely committed his party to break that I think he had not done so just what the Lib Dems did I think that there has been this halting of the progress that kind of support saying about 62 percent of people want to go ahead with Bracks now nothing of significance to. Brooking the Tory majority because you keep those votes went to labor as well as a conservative joins you a question portal stood down not too far off was all hinting that he be coming back it all depends what happens next regarding Rex it because if Rex is blocked by parliament or we're going to get a very soft bricks it and was sold to increase the appeal of Ukip again want it so it all depends how well the next few days are gone and what kind of coalition we get what kind of government we get the s.n.p. Lost 21 seats does not know a 2nd independence referendum on that I think it does because the high watermark for this s.m.p. Wasn't it 2 years ago when they got 50 odd seats they were always going to lose seats this time I think there is an appetite for 2nd referendum I think that was a mistake by Nicolas sturgeon the Unionist parties to be conservative exploited that they were saying look hang on we had a referendum in 2014 you're saying let's have another one and you made a promise that we would have one for next generation if you like I think that was a mistake so I think that has been knocked on the head but i still the largest party might know something that the s.n.p. Did quite well really down the largest boss in Scotland he was just you know compared to 2015 they always though if he could take a hit and do believe them have a good night or not very very likely quest or mission they want a Western Abingdon from the Tories they want a support from the Tories they want back from the Tories so they did very well in quite a few seats but they did very badly in the Northwest for example they lost Southport and they also made gains in Scotland and of course we lost Nick Clegg the liberal Dems. 2010. Government and so it's very very mixed with them they go about 14 m. People think cable back and so what last night shows really was a mighty regional variations could've been sky will be the next leader Well possibly I mean a lot to inform is going to lose last night and one point he got in by 770 Saturday time very tight so going to cable I think is a big hit to I don't know if the infernal stuff because you know he's. Reason to be well in difficult circumstances in the mistake they made was to overestimate just how many people wanted to go back on Grex it because they you know they were pushing the line some of them let's say we have a 2nd referendum that went down too well but they have as you say they've done well in certain parts of the country I think that I should stay on Probably but I think cable you know is a big hits and even a play a big part in Parliament for them. Thank you very much and they gave Mike but my political commentator Neil cock b.b.c. . One. Whose. Jobs. Lol lol. Election chat today and let's talk to the new conservatives and pay their middles for South and East Cleveland Simon Clark good morning Simon Good morning Michael you are very well after graduation thank you very much indeed have you been to bed yet I have had about 2 hours sleep so I'm back to states like I'm talking here and that again but not necessarily much more than that of those that are a long and draining night I'm delighted with the result and very grateful to everyone because that's just me so why did you wait well as always there's a whole range of factors I think the local campaign we fought and I'm incredibly grateful to the great team who supported me in recent weeks highlighting issues like a margin call like transport needs Cleveland like the fact that we need to do a much better job of selling Teesside both at home and abroad and getting a positive narrative out there rather than a lot of the negative one but then there's also the national specked which is that . People in the southeast leave and I. Absolutely determined that we should see blacks at a level that we should see that promise honored and someone who believes passionately in even your opinion. You know thrilled at the chance to make sure that we actually make a good reality off of that decision yet you must be a bit concerned about the way the national picture is playing out right now it looks like you know the conservatives then are are hoping to be propaganda do you pray while it's obviously been a very long day and a night I want to see exactly what form the new government takes but it's fair to say that you deal with the hand that the electorate gives And as I say from the my part and I to the base of the campaign that I was able to control in effect here in Little 2003 even went so well. We did have a very difficult night across a large part of the northeast I feel very very deeply for James Wharton in Stockton south he was an exceptional constituency member of parliament and so dedicated to making Teesside a better place to live and work and truly other fantastic chances he didn't he didn't unfortunately when. I'm delighted to be able to answer my own constituency of the working class out every day to justify the state that people placed in me and want to think went wrong Simon you know the whole reason for for the snap election on terrorism I used part was to increase our majority and it backfired Why do you think there have been more people of those said in huge numbers for the Conservative party last night and for the very positive an important program that we set out you're talking the total conservative a check and has to tell you Blair and Margaret Thatcher their respective peaks what we also saw was a very high share the vote for the Labor Party I think by analysis they were promised all things through man. That was very difficult to come by because there was a lot of free goodies been handed out I think some pretty irresponsible costings I'm glad that our. The Conservatives have emerged as clearly the largest party after last night but that we've fallen fractionally short of a majority are other sailers going to have to pay some discussion next week. About how we go forward from here unclear but we can we are close enough to the line that we can make something work and what is the 1st thing you're going to do. As the entry for all of middle without any sleep well the very 1st thing that I will be doing is sitting down with ministers are to make sure that we get the support and investment that we need and there's going to be a whole range of discussions because obviously it was that they wanted to be to ministers across a whole range of departments so people that public transport about things like the Martin Crowe but then you know talking to health ministers about what we can do to better support our local n.h.s. Employment ministers to how we can make sure that the side is you know that we see that as a very strong force in unemployment that's been happening ever are 7 years strengthened we've now got a region lower unemployment than London that's a great platform but clearly we all know that there's much more to do so it's hard to single out at this point which would be my 1st meeting it's 3030 say that I've got plenty of options but I want to follow up on Simon congratulations once again thank you very much like and thank you to everyone who voted for me and only those who didn't because I'll be working for everybody as I wanted Simon Clarke amuse me new conservative m.p. For Middlesbrough south and east Cleveland well b.b.c. Reporter Louise Hobson has been to his constituency in gives bread to hear how people there have reacted. Disappointed I don't like to be. Right. I'm not sure what I'm up to this week in the I think you know it would go and if I said live. At what I was worried about the. To the n.h.s. And to children the skills things I just think it's just when it does things that we're going to have to just west say surprise that people in the area. Yes I am because of for one reason the foxhunting I'm quite surprised people didn't want me still as conservatives if you could talk a bit from a manifesto and put it that. It would have been ideal but. Everybody's taxes. So that's very good for the you know. Basically you know labor wasn't being doing anything for the town at all. We knew we needed some better representation Well some breaking news now Jonathan are not has resigned as m.e.p. For Ukip so local in our part of the world for you get more to follow on that in the news or. We can weather on the way out of. The I won so looking Ok so far Mike and the traffic on that the a $66.00 is coping well around metals for and indeed the strange going over the pan However we are heading over as far as Appleby on the a 66 day spent so much slow moving storm because from time to time having to and from the apple the course fan which is on the way and middles for the transport bridge remains closed because of technical issues and a quick reminder the right works are in the way still in the area the 167 in one place is not far from the a one I am into changing junction 59 if you can of data she welcomes call in 183-301-2301 extension 81 keep in Seaside County Durham and North Yorkshire on the move b b c t. We've got a lot of time for our 1st beach competition this week. How are you I'm very well thank you I know a little bit of sunshine state. It's a bit cloudy in Middlesbrough at the moment but it's been sort of come and go and I'll give you that you know so there is some sunshine on the way we'll get the forecast in a moment I know you love the 1st debate competition replay the 1st day of the song totally I'm very good at I know you are your beginnings of a bet so can you get this one here this is this is from the late 1970 s. . Or is not not my here are not going to get squandered beta radio airplay. Do it again is it likely I want to say law after all something that nowhere close I'm afraid to remove from you know you could be here till Monday. Is the sun going to shine. Not on Saturday on the phrase stuff today is definitely staying indoors we're going to see some very heavy rain Sunday looks a little bit more promising and then as we get through to next week it would uncertainty look so that we could start to think that actually feels like summer because this week it's been a very wet and very windy house in it today it's a bit of a break yes this is a fair bit of cloud around but it's bearable cloud so we'll see some breaks and some decent brightest any spells but we could also see one or 2 isolated showers a few of which could be on the heavy side but they will start to Eastern this evening so we'll see some light sunshine lighter winds and it will feel quite pleasant with highs about 80 degrees then the showers will die away overnight we'll see clear skies briefly however thick cloud will arrive from the west through the early hours the winds will strengthen and we'll see rain arriving by dog so overnight temperatures not going to like 12 or 13 degrees what with all the wet weather that will be arriving so it's more than a breezy day a very strong southerly wind so it will feel quite mout But yes we'll see this rain continuing for much of the day it will be fairly persistent and will turn heavy at times as well the heaviest I think Cross western parts but the rain should start to ease later in the evening and then every night into Sunday should state mostly dry that was that is up for a decent day on some dice really spells a few isolated showers but I think it'll stay fairly breezy feeling a touch cooler as well but as we head through to next week there is a bit of uncertainty but it looks as though pressure will build from the calm was so we could see a spell of more settled and more Center thank you very much obviously we can't thank you I'm very intrigued now as to who is to what the song is. The idea is probably not to close now but tonight it is a problem yeah yeah I think. Nice try now all right now keep us in Time's running. So here's a man who always gets my vote Bob fish Oh you're very kind Mike thank you yeah I think I hold the balance of power I think yeah I think it was able to make deals put it that way me a kick out of many bodies we have got on the program. I think a legendary guitarist on the show today if I went to you Mike. There you go 1st beat me back to the shadows again with that no no. I'm not very good at this are my the animals house of the rising you won now you point out yes we have the man who played it on the program today Hilton Valentine founder member guitarist with the animals is joining us live today he's coming back to his native North East a week tomorrow to play the Georgian theater in Stockton and he's on the line from Connecticut today he's in the States these days fascinating fellow I think with a strange and beautiful career and he's made a couple of albums in recent years that very much go back to his skiffle roots so we're just about all of that with Hilton violent side of the animals fame on the show today will do time of our lives as well to Mystery years for you to guess we will want full on about all kinds of bits and pieces I'm open to suggestions today consider it an open forum I will be listening never miss a very killing toms with 12 to for. You. She was keen. To see. Some time. Was. But. Downhill Sometimes When We Touch and what a busy morning thank you for being in touch thank you for any guesses on the 1st spate this week which sounds like this guy in Middlesborough says anyone can fall in love by a need to tell Boston. Not worry can friends That's What Friends Are For a number of people saying is it starve Eastenders if we do that no it's not Bob in Hemington Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison and Duncan in red car reckons it is Phil Collins and Sassoon Dio I'm afraid you're all incorrect so i bt this week we're back on Monday morning at 9 o'clock sorrow. Was this. My. Birds. And. Beasts. You. Know that's. The flavor. Let's. Sleep. With posts and she. Was smiling and. You claim. To.

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