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I think it's everyone else C. I think everyone should have the right. Peace with God. Has this ticket with the same tank was something like that George's Interior Ministry said police had arrested 11 people during the protest the UN's top court has ruled that it does have jurisdiction to hear a lawsuit brought by Ukraine against Russia in a case which started 2 and a half years ago the government in Kiev accuses Moscow of violating un conventions by financing separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine and by discriminating against Tatars in occupied Crimea Ukrainian ministers were delighted with the verdict this is the world news from the b.b.c. Reports from northeastern Syria say a Kurdish man protesting against Turkish troops patrolling the area has died after being run over by one of the Turkish armored vehicles Kurdish villages have been throwing rocks at both Turkish and Russian forces that started patrolling the region last week the patrols are part of a deal agreed between Ankara and Moscow to allow Turkey to enforce in force what it calls a security zone along the Syrian border schools and colleges in the Indian state of the Pradesh have been closed ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on a disputed religious site in I idea the government has also blocked all roads leading to the site where an ancient mosque was destroyed in 1902 by Hindu zealots Hindus believe the site is the birthplace of the day of the ram and want to build a temple there the United Nations is warning that a massive infestation of locusts in Ethiopia could spread to neighboring countries such as Kenya Eritrea and Sadam the locusts are devouring almost $2000000.00 tons of vegetation a day over an area of about 350 square kilometers some farmers have lost all of their staple crop Teff the Ethiopian government has called for immediate action to deal with the problem. Some 30 refugees and asylum seekers in Italy are assuming a strikingly different role this evening in Rome taking the stage in the city's opera house in a production of Mozart it dominates it tells the story of a cretin King washed up on the shores of his native island after a storm on his way back from the Trojan War Jonathan pano a reporter based in Rome spoke to the organizers of the opera you're going to explain that these wants to be a metaphor to current tribes Taz and so migrants and refugees try to reach European sure some Italian sure many cases through these very thing jurors and often deadly journey through Rian and so it will be a tale or and survivors and at the same time also to hole. That's the latest b.b.c. World Service news below you're listening to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service with me I mean you're somebody that we begin outside a prison in Brazil the. That's where supporters of former Brazilian President Lula you know through the civil waited and cheered as he was walked out of jail he spent a year and a half in prison on corruption charges but was released hours after the country's supreme court ruled that convicts could stay out of prison until they had exhausted all of their appeals so he's free but he's not exonerated or South America correspondent Katie Watson joins us live from some Paulo in Brazil Katie this was quite a reception for a man in prison for corruption and this is a sign of just how popular president or former President Lula remains. I mean he came out of prison to Chancellor free Lula once again his supporters saying there was no evidence no crime in this is in connection to his charges of corruption money laundering over the purchase of a beachside apartment that he says was politically motivated he was framed by his political enemies and Lula is a man who certainly divides here in Brazil of course he was seen as a president who helped millions out of poverty he still has a massive following but he has plenty of to track to people who feel that he was as corrupt as any other politician despite promises of being better and in fact the kind of hatred towards Lula and the Workers' Party is exactly what propelled far right John Bolton are to the top because he is now president and president both are not 0 is a key rival of his as you say has there been any response from Mr Bowles or not or his administration he so far maned pretty quiet but his his sons have have commented on this I mean this is what's going to be interesting is this the release of Luda is going to strengthen the left now they have the leader if you like back in and has a voice I want Bill to run for political office because of his criminal record so he'll still be you know vocal but it could also strengthen the right because it's a reminder of exactly why people voted for both in are enough about kind of polarized nation I'm sure is set to continue here in Brazil so he's one of those polarizing figures but he is expected to get right into it given that way that he tweeted you know about his being freed and he tweeted himself in the gym doing all these sorts of activities it seems like he's sending out a message really plans to be very active. Absolutely I mean really stop it he has been active on social media with that subsea from the mounting his account he does done plenty of interviews in prison you know that he's not stopped being a politician even if he's not sitting on the vision well and suddenly he is the figurehead of the left his party and the figurehead full millions of people in Brazil but no doubt coming out of prison that voice a lengthy strong case he wants and in Brazil thank you one person is dead 2 are unaccounted for and more than a 100 homes have been destroyed as an unprecedented bushfire emergency continues into a 2nd day in the eastern Australian state of New South Wales James Morris is a spokesman for the New South Wales Rural Fire Service the problem on that they call the conditions is that we see embers blowing ahead of the mine a lot of fronts and I can actually land we were calling up to 10 and 12 kilometers ahead of the mine thought that the whole hours all live in this country could actually lab able to sight that we made them by deeply sheltering thought the hole in the lab that our frontal posture that something will have chosen to leave quite early but when we play nobly issued a warning it's been multi-celled imply penny Timms is a journalist with the a.b.c. Covering the fires I caught up with her just before coming on air there are still 6 fires and the sea level which is the highest level that they can get to and that means that they basically having a very concerning situation for these areas now this is in the north of the strike to kill a sort of the need and north along the coast of the east of Australia so this is where the real intensity is and as weather conditions they continue to evolve over the coming hours that is expected to continue at that very few level for those particular Pfizer around there the remains of one person has been found and that is in that area which has been very badly affected that was like had it inside a car so it looks like potential. That person was trying to get out of the fire front as that is upright and that was really nice area that really bore the brunt of the 5 yesterday which were absolutely catastrophic and quite back in their behavior as well the crews of right here in particularly these possible strata is in drought and as they did drought for quite a long time now it just means that the undergrowth is just like dry but the fires can spread so rapidly and it's led to this really unprecedented level of fire risk is the worst of it now over because initially we had heard it was dozens of fires and now you think it's down to 6 should that be taken as things are things are improving they're improving to an extent however what does what that means is there's actually 77 fires just in the south was in the state of the South was a line and 42 of them are uncontrolled except Ari's are at this a c. Level wallowed not because they don't change which of these conditions somewhat to some people however what it's done isn't so clear a lot of the fight a sort of start spreading to the east which is the coast and that means that a lot by a fan has actually formed as many areas going along that that Carissa certainly if you're in any of those areas around the north as New South Wales that's that's very concerned he stays stable in that area certainly the temperatures have dropped yesterday it was there are quite high temperatures in the mid thirty's around many pot the stylus that a great Celsius I and in today it struck out into the twenty's Hellas of the cruise conditions are just so dry it really isn't having that much of an impact. The Philippines says it's offering political asylum to an Iranian model who'd been stranded at Manila airport bother is all right Bihari a former beauty queen says the Iranian government wants Orbach to punish her for criticizing the authorities there so both you know sure have been following the story for us she was right. Back in the Philippines where she says she's lived for almost the past 6 years from a flight to to Dubai when she was stopped as she was as she was about to come through passport control the security officials there said that it's still unclear whether this weren't her come from the Philippines or from Iran but apparently she was accused again unclear of the exact accusation but to do with the salt some reports of surge and wasn't allowed back into the Philippines she felt this was a huge threat to her safety because if she wasn't allowed back in she would be sent back to Iran and so she put up a huge struggle over this and has ended up in a room in the airport the last 3 weeks making many appearances on social media to gather support around the world for her case asking for refugee status saying that with her outspoken criticism of the Iranian authorities the religious authorities that the whole system and its treatment of women in particular that she could face prison she could even be she could be executed so the Philippines have now issued that she did it a couple of days ago but they put the letter out today showing that she has been granted refugee status she will be allowed to work in the Philippines so very few restrictions on what what is unclear is whether she will accept this she's actually posted online that she hasn't that any reports that she's left the airport are false she wants full security and a safe place to stay seized she says that there could be people who would try to kill her in the Philippines now but she has such a high profile so bass you know sure I mean production of mudslides has just had its 1st performance in rooms gilded opera house no surprise perhaps when the stage version 30 refugees and asylum seekers appeared as extras it tells the story of a cretin King washed up on the shores of his native Ireland after a storm on his way back from the Trojan War or Europe regional editor dernier hard has more. Was storms and the fates. Small wonder that some of the migrants said it when they were story spoke to them some escaped Syria they're also Africans who risks to the perilous Mediterranean Sea crossing to European shores their extras in this modern production which even has orange life jackets strewn on stage. The migrants were recruited with the help of a Catholic humanitarian group a serial proposition perhaps but it seems a welcome 11 woman Bella bought when described how all her life growing up in Nigeria she dreamt of being an actress maybe the gods were smiling on her after all was jammed with that report and now John of the year with some of the stories from our news desk the government of Zimbabwe has fired more than 200 public sector doctors for taking part in the 2 month strike over pay they want their salaries indexed to the us dollar to protect them from rampant inflation she got New York are reports Zimbabwe's public health system is already under strain and it could get worse as more doctors face the axe $211.00 of them have been fired following disciplinary hearings this week another $300.00 are yet to appear that's a total of a 3rd of all the doctors working in the public sector the least paid owns less than $100.00 u.s. Dollars a month they say they can't afford to buy a Big Little loan transport to get to work in an unprecedented move European Union finance ministers have urged the block to phase out its funding of fossil fuel projects they called on the e.u. Financial arm the European Investment Bank and other global financial bodies to end their backing in a bid to reduce carbon emissions but some e.u. Countries including Germany Poland and Italy want funding of some gas projects to continue to help them move away from coal or nuclear power or for energy security reasons. The authorities in Bangladesh have ordered the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people from coastal areas as they are cycling is approaching from the Bay of Bengal operations the 2 major seaports and most reports have been shut down heavy rains of started ahead of the cycle which is expected to make a landfall on Saturday evening local time and President Trampas mocked the former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg who may be about to join the race for the White House speaking to reporters Mr Trump said that there is nobody odd rather run against them little Michael he went on to say that Mr Bloomberg didn't have the magic for the White House advisers say Michael Bloomberg has not yet made a final decision his fortune is a little Thank you Jonathan scientists from China and the u.k. Say they've come up with a way of making artificial rhino horn that indistinguishable from the real thing the team from Oxford and Fudan universities are hoping the fake or into pope curb the illegal trade in Rhino products which threaten the species with extinction Here's the newsroom's Olivia Newton. RAHNI populations have been devastated by poaching with the demand for their horns in traditional Chinese medicine where it's believed to be enough for disease but now scientists say the found a way to destroy the market by flooding it with fakes that developed to believe printmaking the fake horns combining bundles of horses with a tacky so substance the result they say is a whole not looks and feels like the real thing even under a microscope but there has been some skepticism about whether this would be effective conservation charities warned it could inadvertently stimulate the market for a new horn they say it's more important to face some anti poaching measures and attempts to reduce and. Olivia Newton if you've been on Twitter today you may have seen the hashtag k.f.c. Proposal which has been one of the top trends online today it's a good news story which started in South Africa but has gone viral across the world the newsrooms we're going to air has more a beautiful beaches sunset or a mantic walk in a park or maybe some of the settings that come to mind when he think about a perfect proposal but what about k.f. Say Well one man in South Africa did just that surrounded by plastic red chairs and a portion of fries he got on one knee and popped the question to his north fiance what she gladly accepted smiling and laughing as other customers cheered and took pictures the moment was caught on camera and has gone viral across social media with millions of views and the hashtag k.f.c. Proposal it has also led to an appeal by k.f.c. South Africa to find the happy couple who have not been identified and since then well it's become a fast food fairy tale with individuals and companies offering to provide make up transport and even their honeymoon Morgan they're a reminder of our main news now the former president Brazilian Brazil's Lucy now saluted the Silver has been released from jail to a rapturous welcome from his supporters and have been clashes in the Georgian capital Tbilisi as far right protesters tried to stop the screaming screening of an Oscar nominated film about gay love that's all from us here in the newsroom. Well sport now from the b.b.c. With me Colum Harrison coming up in the next 10 minutes Watford when at last to move off the bottom of the Premier League table in England we have news of another world title for one of Paris sports wheelchair greats and big wins for England and Australia in the latest t 20 cricket internationals we start with football and what for off the bottom of the English Premier League table they beat fellow strugglers nor City at Carrow Road to know the score and that was their 1st victory of the season still failed to the edge of a penalty or a chance left on a channel already stuff he scored with their children or it was a package. 7 that is a stooped cross by telephone and then a back heel volley from 0 injury grade makes it no average still what true to what for by the way finished the game with 10 men Christian Camp As Sayliyah was sent off after 65 minutes for a 2nd book about offense that result takes what for up to 18th in the table ahead of Southampton on goal difference and one point ahead of Norwich who are now bottom in Spain rail saucy it out of back on top of the Premier League after a one all draw with leg in as me come Marino scored a soffit out but they were denied all 3 points when news of illness or equalized of the visitors rail sorted out or a point clear of Barcelona and Real Madrid but both of those teams have 2 games in hand in Germany Hoffenheim came from behind to win to want to Cologne you're going to Cardia scoring the winner with a penalty in stoppage time and in Italy Francesco computer scored twice as a swallow beat belong 31. Staying in Italy the manager of had us of our own or even your tickets as apologised to Brescia striker Mario Balotelli that after initially denying the player had been to racially abused by Verona supporters but the Italian striker has also come under fire a little closer to home as Germans Springs the fallout continues from a very controversial fixture that took place last weekend the former Italy international Mario Balotelli was racially abused by Verona supporters cheering his breast scientists who won defeats there on Sunday Well now some of his own supporters at Brest have called ballot arrogant Now this has come from the press who say this does not mean that certain chants are legitimate or acceptable nor are or Verona fans racists and Italian football's difficulty in dealing with abuse aimed at players from the stands this season really shows no signs of going away at present and ballot Brescia players home to to Reno on Saturday 12 gold medals were decided on day 2 of the world power Athletics Championships in Dubai on Friday finish wheelchair sprinter Leo Packer tarty was among the winners and not for the 1st time as Ed Henry reports from Dubai it was nothing short of excellence over $100.00 metres in the most keenly contested wheelchair classifications The t $54.00 saw those with the most functionality and the greatest speed and fastest off the ball once again was Les OPEC a tarty of Finland world champion now for a 4th time the world record holder has matched his tally of Paralympic gold over the distance his compact a man took a tire defended her title from London as well doing so even more convincingly than packets hearty but neither of them can claim for World Championship golds in a row Canadian wheelchair racer Brett Lakatos can in his classification the Paralympic gold medalist world record holder was perilous. Once again on to tennis in the Fed Cup final takes place this weekend with Australia hosting France in Perth the French are hoping to win the event for the 1st time since 2002 but you have to go back to 1974 for the last of Australia's 7 wins actually box to place Caroline Garcia in the opening singles rubber on Saturday and at the end of a year in which she won her 1st major the French Open became world number one thought she would love to end Australia's 45 year Fed Cup drought it's been an incredible year really has I feel like you know each time that I felt like I've broken through some of my goals we've set new ones more out of writing to those as well so it's been a really special year myself my Taman And I think that the most important thing now is I get to come back here to pass back to Australia or imply nationally and set up and play for our nation to try and win a Fed Cup which is going to really special same success doesn't come round often in Tennessee it's been 45 long years since it's trying to hold the Fed Cup the hungry are you to the bright that you're Yeah I think all of us are extremely hungry it's taken us probably 2 or 3 years to try and get ourselves into this position and now it's about coming out and enjoying it this weekend playing he country to finish off the year for everyone is going to be really really special cricket now in Australia thrashed Pakistan by 10 wickets to win the 3rd t 20 international in Perth and clinched the series to know Pakistan batted 1st off of the home side won the toss and the labor to 106 for 8 from the 20 overs in reply when Frank should turn on Beacon 52 when David Warner was 48 as the Australians reach that target without losing a wicket and with more than 8 overs to spare the 2 sides face each other in 2 Test matches later this month elsewhere the t 20 series between New Zealand and England is now level after a new one the 4th match by $76.00 runs in Napier. Smashed in and beaten 103 and shot a partnership with 182 with his captain would Morgan as England made 241 for 3 from the 20 overs the highest ever score in a t 20. Well in reply New Zealand were bowled out for just 165 Matthew pockets in the pick of the England bowlers with 4 for 47 but government was the man of the Match for his No 103 not out from just 51 balls the fastest t 20 century binding the batsman he works so hard to get to this level you know you score a lot of domestic runs in one of ours a 2nd feisty fighting to get here so to be able to do it at the international stage and to score runs it's all that hard work you put in it it comes off as that relief when you when you finally reach that milestone don't know if I should scream or just become that you know and it was nice to do it more games without it having malaise especially in the 5th and deciding t 20 International is in Auckland on Sunday on the golf and Tiger Woods decision to pick himself as a wildcard for next month's Presidents Cup was certainly made the headlines over the last 24 hours or so Woods will Captain E.O.'s say against an international team led by Ernie Els in the biennial team event which takes place in Melbourne this year a golf correspondent Dina Carter says Woods decision makes sense given his form but playing captain's aren't usual. 1st one since Halo when $9094.00 that's the only other occasion that the Presidents Cup has had a playing captain for the American team of course taking on the rest of the world but Europe for this but given the fact that Wood says the reigning Masters champion has come back from his latest surgery which was a nice surgery and came straight back to the one in Japan that proved fitness it proved form he's number 7 in the world reigning Masters champion you couldn't ignore him in that playing capacity I think the only slight surprise is that obviously it's a jewel role that will ask an awful lot of his resources he's only human resources through the course of the week of the Presidents Cup and that will mean that he'll have to rely more heavily on his vice captains and a and also on the team that without Tony Fein I with a guy I would lend at Patrick Ray though that's the name that's got some tongues wagging is that the right decision do you think I think it probably is that have been flickers of signs that a bit more form from Patrick treaty of course was right to cut part of Tiger Woods in France just over a year ago and that was a very unsuccessful partnership but Reed has always been known as Captain America apart from that the defeats that he suffered with Tiger Woods he has a brilliant match play record especially playing for the United States so I think it made a lot of sense but it's really interesting when you see the make up of this team that could be no argument over the selections of fi now in Woodland the u.s. Open champion but it does mean the likes of Jordan Spaeth and Ricky Fowler are not representing the United States I think you would have got very long odds on that at the start of this year on golf correspondent in Carter talking to Holly Hamilton staying with golf Austria's Matteis far bleed to the halfway stage of the Turkish open and Tallia he's 12 on the par one shot clear of a group of 4 players that includes the former. Masters champion Danny Willett the reigning Turkish Open champion Justin Rose is a further shot back on 10 under par Roza courses but had to win the event for the 3rd year in a row for the right back throughout the day but for now that is your latest World Sport from the b.b.c. This is the b.b.c. World Service and with news of the next World Book Club Here's Harriet Gilbert who had been reading a novel about a man frantically trying to rescue not only his marriage but his family last summer a short time before my son was due to leave home for college my wife woke me in the middle of the night up to his address selling author David Nicholls about us I think I wanted to explore the politics of a family and what it feels like in a family when there's a tug in a particular direction and marriage has run its course Douglas I think I want to leave I was inspired by real couple No it wasn't there was very gratifying when the book came out that a lot of people said I know. This is us thanks especially to this month's guest David Nichols thank you really pleasure to talk to thank you for your world picked up with David Nicholls at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash world big club Hello welcome to the b.b.c. As well Business Report not guilty never really convicted set up all along that's the argument from the legal team representing former Brazilian President Lula as he walks out of jail but is he done with from politics also today we'll explore all the key issues in Spain's election this weekend and 3 years after demilitarization will meet the Punjab factory owners struggling to weather India's economic slowdown but we'll start with our news summary. B.b.c. News with Jonathan Izod the former Brazilian president Luis in arceo Lula da Silva has been released from jail after a year and a half behind bars the left wing icon was greeted by thousands of flag waving supporters outside the police station in the city of quality where had been held on Thursday the Supreme Court overturned the requirement that convicted criminals go to jail while their appeals are heard a Spanish court has authorized the extradition to the United States of a form of an as well and general who headed counterintelligence under President Maduro and his predecessor Chavis who go cover how was arrested in April at Washington's request hundreds of far right protesters in Georgia have clashed with police in the capital Tbilisi as they tried to prevent screenings of an Oscar nominated film about gay love the Swedish Georgian film and then we danced has angered ultra nationalist groups and the Georgian Orthodox Church reports from northeastern Syria say a Kurdish man protesting against Turkish troops patrolling the area has died after being run over by one of the Turkish armored vehicles Kurdish villages have been throwing rocks at both Turkish and Russian forces schools and colleges in the Indian state of Pradesh are being closed ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on a disputed religious site in Iowa ancient mosque there was destroyed in 1902 by Hindu zealots the authorities in Bangladesh have ordered the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people from coastal areas as a severe Cyclon is approaching from the Bay of Bengal and officials at least 13 coastal districts were in the path of the storm the United Nations is warning that a massive infestation of locusts in Ethiopia could spread to Kenya Eritrea and Sudan the locusts are devouring almost 2000000 tons of vegetation a day over an area of about 350 square kilometers some 30 refugees and asylum seekers in Italy have been cast as extras in a production of Mozart's dominate at the opera house in Rome and tells the story of a cretin King washed up on the shores of his native island after a storm b.b.c. News. I welcome fagots Nicol here the B.B.C.'s World Business Report Brazil's former President Lula the Silver has been freed from jail a judge ordered his release after the Supreme Court ruled that convicted criminals should go to prison only once they've exhausted all appeal options as he's known was the favorite to win last year's presidential election but was put in jail after being implicated in a major corruption scandal scandal was known as Operation car wash it was initially centered on the state run oil company Petrobras but billions of dollars in bribes are subsequently uncovered and dozens of high profile business leaders and politicians were jailed shouted votes and out of from the other end of the political spectrum visibly little or one in the 2018 election John Watts is the spokesman for the as legal defense team he should never have been in jail from the moment he walked in he was put in against the law we have been fighting for this been highs and lows for the whole of those $580.00 days the whole tame just didn't want to believe it could happen because we've had so many days where our hopes have been dashed but it was quite clear when the Supreme Court in Brazilia ruled 5 to 6 in favor of changing them all back to how it was that it was only a matter of time for Lula to be freed right so when you say he was put in against the law in fact it wasn't against the law at the time because the law said at that time mandatory prison time when you lose your 1st appeal what they now said is that you should have as many appeals as it takes you right now that's absolutely right but you have to ask the question why was the law trying to our argument has been that the more was changed entirely to drive a political agenda through the legal system to stop President Lula from running in the 2018 presidential election that is our argument and that's the argument that we made to the Supreme Court. And that is the argument that we made to the United Nations Human Rights committee's basic human rights have been violated throughout this process and opposition has always been clear Brazil has a problem with corruption but how you fight corruption is as important and corruption has to be seen to be fought fairly Sokol carwash operation was politically biased from the very beginning at no point in the whole prosecution was any of the defendants in i.v. Who were offered basic legal rights and it was designed entirely to stop the former president from running in last year's election and then that then takes a question why is president of Somalia and the former trial judge and now Justice Minister. Why have they now today decided it's time to release president who not only answer was given by President also not himself he said in a speech only today he funked surgery for the process of the carwash operation and thanked him for everything he did to get him to become president because without the carwash operation and without the misuse of law for political purposes that excluded President Lula Bosso now would never have been president and he still excluded from now on his deal with by that you're having a criminal record say well you seem to respect expunge that now well it's important to understand Brazilian law so Brazilian law is the only only country in the world with an reformed mediæval European law it's actually comes from for French and German legal systems so actually under the Brazilian system he actually has not been found guilty because you're not guilty until you know you've been out of all of your pills and all the Supreme Court has said is that you can in effect have pretrial detention but it was all it's a so we're we're simply that's the case we took to the United Nations that's the case they agreed with us on. Take issue with that assertion that you're not guilty until you've run out of Appeals I mean there are plenty of court cases far less elevated than than a national or former national president where somebody is convicted of a crime and they may or may not get off on appeal but that conviction stands surely no the only exception in Brazil is murder trials on that basis so the Brazilian government was forced to change its process to meet its international legal obligations and they've only done that for murder trials you can't compare the Brazilian system to any other legal system around the world it is just not the same if you want to compare it you have to look to 15th century Europe Ok so that's the question about expunging his record is that possible the criminal record yes we are we have to go through all of the legal processes and if the appeals find that there is no case to answer which is of course we believe passionately is the case then he will not be convicted so you know what does the future hold it's it's difficult but you know I suspect President Lula will return to his rather modest house on the outskirts of some power line I suspect he will be a political force in Brazil as f'ing stands he can't stand as a political candidate but stranger things have happened in his own Well another fundamental issue to use that phrase is that it seems to be victor's justice and who's to say that if. Or a like minded politician were to take over then the all these rulings get flipped again and the ball Sonera people around on the receiving end so this could happen very slowly to a political opponent followed up with the case we're making is it must not happen because what is happening is not partisan what is happening is an attack on basic human rights and basically all rights and our case from the beginning has always been about that and not about politics. That's John Watts spokesman for the looter defense team Thanks Jim for coming in to the w.b. Our studio the economic fortunes of Spain are in the balance on Sunday 37000000 Spaniards had to the polls for the 2nd time in just 7 months and once again the fate of Catalonia and separatist claims loom ever larger 5 potential leaders took part in the final t.v. Debate and the pollsters a warning for what it's worth that the poll may not produce a definitive winner bunch of candy here state now reports on the election that no one in Spain really wants then I mean you know man has not the man or the man on the everybody has anything that you can only have the Magnusson agreement in Libya clashing over Catalonia and a lot more besides no less than 5 major candidates and the pollsters warm that none of them may garner enough votes to govern alone Spain's politics are fragmented and fractious its business is long for stability but it may not get it the story so far is that the acting socialist prime minister Pedro Sanchez can't amass enough support to govern so he's called this election to try and break the political gridlock Well it's now that it starts to get complicated with those 5 contenders in the race so let's bring in the B.B.C.'s reporter in Madrid Guy Hedgecoe So Guy just tell us why this such an era of candidate some what's going on with this election this time over the last 4 or 5 years we've seen new parties arrive on the political landscape for example Paul there most on the left sooner than last further to the right and also the far right vox and matters of split the electoral landscape it means that it's no longer a 2 party system and it makes it much more difficult for any one party to form a majority and for any one party to actually form a government now I know you've been asked about in particular looking at some of the economic issues that might help decide the election that's right I went went out on the streets of Madrid earlier. Speak to us about the state of the economy. A. Santos and the owner of Louis meet tropical fruit we're struggling in this sector because there is so much competition there are a lot of us in the bigger stores make it very difficult for us but I think things will get better after the election we had a huge drop in consumption between 20082011 but things are holding up and it seems that people are getting by what economic measures would you like to see after this election. I'd like to see those of us who are self employed get a fairer a deal more help for pensioners social missions like that we need more support for the Social Security system. Because it has the that was least Miguel Santos in his shop in the vent neighborhoods of Madrid and I also asked people shopping nearby how they felt about the economy at the moment in Spain nowadays on the news they are saying that we are going to. Crises again a recession I think I don't know how to feel about it because we just left we are going again maybe because. We have. I feel Ok I feel that the Spain is a place that if you are a worker if you really work hard you will find a job we are going to have far like Russia again. She saw I think that we must improve our level for example in the brain. Or improve the premium level because if we don't we call for a war. Than the last one shoppers in Madrid who will be voters at the weekend I must say Guy those Spaniard sounded pretty gloomy is that the kind of year. Saw in reaction to the economy in this election Well I think there's a certain amount of uncertainty at the moment the political opposition has been very much highlighting those reports of an international economic slowdown and talking about Spain's apparent slowdown and they're saying that that suggests that Spain is possibly sleepwalking into the kind of economic crisis that we saw almost a decade ago when it had that terrible double dip recession now the opposition to back going up points to certain economic indicators they say g.d.p. Is not growing as fast as it was a couple of years ago job creation has flattened out the car sales have dried up rather So they say that there is evidence to show that the economy is not far in all cylinders but I spoke to Economy Minister Nadia Kalvin and she said that Spain is in a much better position now than it was a decade ago to face a kind of extra an all shock like an international slowdown we are reaching the pre-crisis levels of employment without a housing bubble the real estate sector building sector represents around 6 percent unemployment now where it would rise it was around 13 percent before the crisis we have a current account surplus and financing capacity visit is the rest of the world inflation is subdued and we continue to gain competitiveness and for him internal external markets Spanish companies continue to gain competitiveness. So all these elements mean that the growth pattern of Spain is much more sustainable there's a slowdown of growth of course in line with international slowdown in the Spanish economy is slowing down but still with very robust growth rates this parish economy minister. Well let's go back to Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid in talk. One of the biggest issues in this election the claims of the Catalan separatists in the north east of this is all proving pretty divisive isn't it for the economy it's kind of Spain's breaks it in a way yes it is in a way because it is so divisive the region's capital Barcelona has been rocked by weeks of protests that the times have turned violent since the Supremes court jailed 9 Catalan pro independence leaders back in the middle of October say hundreds of thousands of prone to Penn's cartoons are being taken to the streets since then there have been some quite violent scenes and that has become a huge concern for the Spanish government was so Guy How is this question playing with voters what have the main candidates been saying they would do about the ambitions of the separatists Well it's an extremely divisive issue and certainly it's seen as an issue which the political rights has really focused on to the extent that this it's become so the dominant issue of this campaign parties on the right so you've got the popular party see that analysts and also the far right Vox have been very vocal about this and very vocal in urging prime minister Pedro Sanchez to take a much tougher line and indeed we've been talking to one of the leading lights in the Vox right wing movement even Espinosa and this is what he had to say Catalonia and separatism in Spain is a big issue and one that we need to deal with we need to continue to prosecute those who are having criminal behaviors whether they're in power or just helping other politicians and then the other thing when you do this is very difficult is really step wishing the preexisting good relationship between cabins responder's Catalans have been submitted to 40 years of nationalist ideas into education system and the media and public television and just all across the board where they live in a changing people's minds doesn't happen quickly one of the things we do. Take a stand on whether we want to keep having political parties one of them are Spain playing in the democratic game and Russia we want to do it most nation in the world don't allow separate is part and especially to explain has no reason to allow this continuous illegal activity going on in our territory if you want to play in Spanish parliament if you want to run for his best part then you should accept the fact it's fine it's constitution it's a single nation of the can't be broken up that was even Espinosa one of the leaders of the right wing Vox party so where does that leave the us a ruling party but they haven't really been able to rule probably have a but the socialist what's their line on the Catalonia Well it's a very difficult one for President Sanchez the prime minister on the one hand he's trying to fend off these demands from his rights to take a much tougher line but in Catalonia itself the preowned independence movement is sort of claiming that he's part of this repressive state operator so he's trying to walk the line between the pressure of those 2 sides so he's taking this this line whereby he saying that the forces of security the forces of law and order have to be respected but he's not going to intervene he's not going to introduce direct rule at least yet as far as he can help it and we know well this is important Catalonia is economically significant isn't it I mean it's the wealthiest region of Spain and I know you've been getting an angle on that from Economy Minister Yes that's right Catalonia as you say that is a very big economy Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia it's a huge tourism a hub not just for Catalonia but for the whole of Spain now the economy minister now you know told me that the recent unrest was indeed a concern but not just because of the material damage that is being caused by these recent protests the political instability the legal uncertainty and social unrest that we have sitting at the linger for the last 2 years has been that. The Catalonian economy suffices to to see that Catalonia is currently growing below the Spanish average whereas Traditionally this would have been one of the mottos of growth in our country the violence that we have seen these last weeks although very focused and not directly with a large impact in terms of that with not a material direct impact obviously is not positive in terms of the image of Catalonia doesn't create a positive environment for investment and job creation consumption growth that's the economy minister of Spain and now. So as we wrap this up guy if indeed none of these 5 gets enough votes to be declared the winner what happens with regard to the horse trading and who would work with who to try and form a government we saw back in the spring in the summer the relations on the left between paracentesis socialists and his most natural ally Paul there really turned very sour they couldn't agree on forming a government so it looks much more difficult for there to be a you know and I also doubt left wing governments in the wake of this election to what a lot of people are talking about now is the possibility of the socialists trying to form a kind of grand coalition with the conservative Popular Party now at the moment neither side is talking about that neither side seems to want to acknowledge that possibility and it would be unprecedented if we saw that because those 2 parties have never worked together on a national level our man in Madrid Guy Hedgecoe well for many there is another worrying aspect of campaigning in Spain mounts are phenomenal already seen in the United States in the u.k. And in many other democratic countries it's the feeding of internet sites and social media exchanges like what's up with misinformation false news and manipulated content Clara Jimenez is a leading Spanish journalist. Who heads Mel Dita a nonprofit Spanish news organization which is focusing on stopping misinformation through fact checking she told me about some of the law is being spread in the Spanish election campaign over the past few weeks what we do is we monitor what's up through our community it is our community who sends out whatever they've see that is going around there what's private groups so there we can fact check it for them what we've been seeing is a lot of misinformation on immigration a lot of misinformation on got the loonier from both sides and then we are seeing a lot of misinformation saying that the election has been tampered with and this one is the one that preoccupies as the most because if people start believing they're actually were people choose when they go to vote is true we have a huge huge problem are many people voters aware that this is going norm and perhaps more importantly if they are very caring for it giving them a particular point of view they happen to agree with I think that more and more citizens are aware of misinformation going around and trying to affect the election varies obviously a huge percentage of the society that still needs to get their fact checked the information that it's not reaching them but I do think that that has become part of the. General conversation so if we look back to the other elections on this one people are are aware of misinformation being used to try to influence their vote people often say that the Internet doesn't do nuance it doesn't do complex arguments it only does rather straightforward arguments in here the voters are choosing between 5 candidates with subtly different views so I'm guessing this is contributing to voters' funny very difficult to decide who they want to vote for. I mean I think that I would agree with the statement of the Internet being black or white but I think that happens to politicians on political discourse Anyhow it is difficult because some of them say all white and some of them sell black head anyhow that they're also simplifying their messages out a lot they are trying to show that there's only one thing you can choose you can either choose an extreme right wing government or an extreme left wing government and in v.n. That's not going to happen in any of the cases because what we've learned in the past 4 elections is that politicians need to agree on specific policies if we want to have a government what they are trying to tell citizens is that it's either one thing or the other when in the end they're going to have to agree among themselves and to compromise and that's what you call fact checking clever human is from the Nigel's extended pre-election report results of course in the b.b.c. World Service from Sunday this time yesterday we were talking about a record breaking down Wall Street with traders responding extremely positively to a possible positive outcome of the u.s. China trade talks so how did trading go on Friday let's catch up again with Chris at f.t. And financial If Uli this morning the stock market tumbled because President Trump tweeted that they were not necessarily going to be or they would not roll back all of the tariffs in the face one deal and it was reported as president tweet will not roll back tariffs so we were down by the realization that we very likely will roll back some of the terrace is the news we need and I think it very nicely illustrates how traders are approaching this trade question they know we're not going to get a stupendous. Steele they know we're probably not going to have dramatically better business conditions with China but what they want is to ability they want the sense that us China trade has stopped deteriorating and it does look like we are on track to achieve that so why is it so volatile when a trade is going to take I don't know a more mature attitude to just wait for something to happen either way or is it simply the algorithms that the reading the news and driving the curve the answer to that Fergus is that it's tough when you're putting your money on the line because once a final deal is announced the markets are going to reprice very quickly and I imagine equities around the world will be significantly higher and because of that I just don't think anyone feel safe sitting and higher Lee on the sidelines when a deal could be announced any day Chris left him financial history essence the Indian government introduced its demon a Ties ation policy in which you remember 500 rupee and 1000 repeat notes with about 7 and 14 bucks respectively where withdrawn from circulation they were made illegal and that has hit a lot of small cash dependent businesses many analysts now believe it's helped contribute to India's current economic slowdown I don't know Day Mukherjee reports from the Punjab. I'm going to Glee in Louisiana in the Indian state of Punjab and look Yano is significant for being known as the knitwear capital of India where the country's wounds are supplied from. At the moment I'm standing in one of those factory units here and I can see around me piles and piles of woollens half made clothes made sweaters I'm trying to avoid them as I walk I can see a handful of workers here who are a stitching. It's the worst has seen in his 40 years of making it with a combination of factors a slowing economy competition from cheaper imports and the lingering effects of the government's Cash ban have all hurt his business he tells me how if I had visited his factory 3 years back I would have seen happy a workers and him smiling a lot more what a low Good days since early winter employment has fallen but 30 to 40 percent of the cash flow stopped and people were afraid of doing business even in direct competition with China but now they have captured the entire market he is one of the 12000 manufacturers in the network hub of Louisiana in Punjab small businesses like he is known as the unorganized sector in India are struggling to stitch their businesses back together at a time when the economy is growing at 5 percent its lowest in 6 years but economists like Professor Uttam Kumar are convinced it is much worse the details of the government do that only for the organ I think is not factoring in the norm I think going to declining but if you pick the order and I doubt that Indian economy would be negative than positive growth Oh you know thought of it going through the very very crowded so it would have been a good market here in New Delhi and it is one of the most popular markets which attracts thousands of customers every day from all income brackets what's really interesting here is all the shopkeepers here very catchy slogans for low cost. I was saying I can get a one shot for just $100.02 shirts for $200.00 the one thing that really stands out is how everything is in cash small businesses in India contribute nearly half the country's g.d.p. And employ more than 90 percent of the work force experts say unless the government takes steps to address the concerns of this sector it leaves shopkeepers with little to do except count the cost of the slowdown. That report from Punjab ending in New Delhi closing up of the week the Dow Jones $27681.00 a buy for them this is the b.b.c. World Service where each week for big name musicians discuss what matters most to them making music music satisfies me like nothing else because it is really for our full and it just makes me so happy to get out my face every day is just such a beautiful way of articulating what's on my mind and on my heart. Music life at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash music life. And in 60 minutes the real story would discount my Tech this week we're talking about pollution in India especially the fake small and hitting the capital Delhi that has had a severe impact on people's lives could the widespread reaction be the timing point when India begins to clean up its environmental acts this is the b.b.c. World Service the world's media. Hi I'm Rory Catherine Jones and on today's tech tent we're in the Republic of Ireland's taking a look at the big influence this relatively small country has when it comes to global technology we talked to Ireland's data protection commissioner on how she plans to reshape the relationship between the tech giants and their uses We have 21 large scale investigations open. 11 of those are into Facebook or Facebook related companies. Plus I find out why Dublin is still a favorite city for startups and I joined economists and comedians in the city of Kilkenny for the 10th annual Kuiken on expectable cryptocurrency is one of the topics on the agenda my special guest today is the economist Peter Antonioni one of the festival's guess because and I'll be joined from London by the journalist Jamie Bartlett join us all after the news. This is the b.b.c. News Hello I'm Jonathan Izod the former president of Brazil Luis in a little the Silver has been released from jail after the Supreme Court voted to end the rule requiring convicted prisoners to go to jail after losing their 1st appeal rule is fighting against a 9 year sentence for corruption president also narrow has not commented on his release Katie Watson reports. Was you know who turned his name can achieve that to an emotional crowd free moola They've been singing people keen to witness what is a momentous day for Brazilian politics for Lula supporters this feels like vindication he's a politician he stirs emotions and those who back him feel this is been a political witch hunt from the very beginning there's no guarantee Lou who remained free forever he may not win there.

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