Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170415 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170415

country. his grandson, the current leader kim jong—un, could country. his grandson, the current leader kimjong—un, could carry country. his grandson, the current leader kim jong—un, could carry out his sixth nuclear test. we are in john yang. —— pyongyang. they sing. in north korea, the spectre of war looms large over daily life. these girls are singing about being soldiers... while, not far away, real ones crowd into a shrine to the country's founding president, general kim il—sung. these are scenes akin to a religious pilgrimage, but of course, in honour of a still ruling family dynasty who have at their disposal all of the myth that would rival any of the world's great religions. and as the country prepares to display its devotion at the anniversary of kim il—sung's birth this weekend, there's an awareness of the rising tension with america. translation: we should have the nuclear weapons. if we do not have nuclear weapons, the nuclear weapon of another country will fall on our soil. translation: it doesn't matter whether the americans make the situation on the korean peninsula tense. it doesn't matter. we feel safe because we have the great leader, kimjong—un. this week, the current ruler, kim jong—un, held this meeting where his late grandfather was honoured. he is also thought to be planning a massive military parade as a powerful tribute, and a message of defiance. children sing. this is a country where art and armaments are blended in singular purpose, to demonstrate to the watching world that its nuclear ambitions will not be stopped. john sudworth, bbc news, pyongyang. north korea's army has promised what is called ursula ‘s response. —— merciless. the appeal came just hours after america dropped a huge bomb ona hours after america dropped a huge bomb on a so—called islamic state militants in afghanistan. a powerful armada, in the words of president trump. this is the us navy's carl vinson carrier battle group, equipped with 90 strike aircraft and other weapons and diverted to the seas off north korea. mr trump is hoping it will intimidate that country's isolated regime into abandoning any further nuclear tests or long—range missile launches. china has warned of the imminent danger of a war being triggered on the korean peninsula, and north korea remains defiant, saying it's ready to respond to any attack with nuclear weapons. meanwhile, in afghanistan, the us has dropped an immense bomb, 11 tonnes of high explosive dropped on an isis tunnel complex in the mountains of eastern afghanistan. the blast was felt 30 miles away. the weapon used is called a moab, a massive ordnance airburst, also known as the mother of all bombs. this was its first time used in combat. this was the right weapon against the right target. we will continue to work shoulder to shoulder with our afghan comrades to eliminate this threat to the afghan people, especially the people of nangarhar, to the people of the entire region and indeed, the people around the world. local villagers confirmed that isis fighters had set up bases in the mountains behind them, and said the bomb had hit its target. but the strike was condemned by both so—called islamic state and afghanistan's former president. how could the united states use afghanistan as its ground for experiments, for testing weapons of mass destruction? president trump's targets now include three major problem areas for the us — afghanistan, syria and north korea. the massive weapon that the pentagon has used in afghanistan is intended to send a message to its enemies that "you're not safe underground". in syria, the trump administration will be hoping that last week's cruise missile strike will deter presdent assad from any further chemical attacks. but north korea is the biggest gamble. mr trump is hoping that sending this powerful naval armada offshore will deter any further nuclear tests. the question now, though, is can he manage three global crises simultaneously? it's very possible that if these three scenarios come together, syria, afghanistan and north korea, that it would overwhelm the policy—making capabilities of mr trump's administration, it will overwhelm the strategic planning capabilities of the pentagon and it would overwhelm the resource capabilities of the us military. but president trump and his entourage now feel they're on a roll, tackling head—on the foreign policy challenges the previous administration was unable to resolve. there is now the risk that ramping up the rhetoric could lead america into more conflict, or that in the absence of any swift resolutions, mr trump may simply turn his back on foreign adventures and focus instead on domestic issues. frank gardner, bbc news. so what we know about trump's strategies? donald trump has sent what he described is a very powerful armada, a naval strikeforce to the korean peninsula, they are there and standing by, just in case. that north korea intends to carry out a sixth nuclear test, donald trump in the past has used language like "it won't happen", and in the last few hours, he said that north korea is "doing the wrong thing, making a big mistake." remember this is a president that within the last week alone has shown that not only is he willing to act, he is willing to act without warning. consider that syrian strike just last week, he casually turned to the president of china over dinner, while remarking about how nice the chocolate cake is, he then turns around and says he sent 59 cruise missiles to syria. that is a strong message that not only is he sending to china but he is sending to china's neighbours in north korea. he is trying to tell the world that there is a new sheriff in town, that there is a man in the white house who unlike his predecessor is willing to act and cross, when he said there would be a red line, and if anyone crosses it, he is willing to act on it. and of course we have seen the us deploying its naval force around the korean peninsula, it won't have gone unnoticed that it is a sensitive time to be doing that, even if as we are being told, the secretary of state is saying it is just routine. they are saying it is routine, but yes, they are in an area, a very sensitive area at a time when north korea may be perhaps preparing to launch its six nuclear tests. it can be not entirely by accident, but what donald trump's long—term strategy is when dealing with each of these foreign crises, is right now, it is unclear. what we are looking at is a president who is now giving more leeway to his generals at the pentagon, he also appears to be listening to them at the moment, he has surrounded himself by experts when it comes to military fields, he has surrounded himself with generals that he feels he trusts and whose advice he is listening to. but this is also a very unpredictable president trump. he is also a very avid twitterfan, said everything can change in 140 characters or less. in iraq, a military commander has said one of the highest religious authorities in the islamic straight group has been killed. apparently he died in an air strike on thursday evening in mosul. —— islamic state group. we have this report from the frontline. the prize is in their sight. the old city of mosul and its most famous landmark, the leaning minaret of the al—nuri mosque. this is where abu bakr al—baghdadi first appeared as caliph of the so—called islamic state. they still control it and most of what you can see. but for how much longer? translation: the mosque is now very near and soon we will advance. we know the enemy is weak and on its last legs. a visit to the front line, though, tells a different story. for the past few weeks, the iraqi advance has slowed to a crawl. resistance is still fierce. these federal police are surrounded on two sides by is and they are firing on their positions from here. snipers, is snipers, just about 100 metres from this position. and you can see the rounds, the is rounds, coming in here, fairly regularly. tens of thousands of civilians are still trapped, caught in the crossfire. much of mosul has already been turned to rubble. even in these deserted streets, recently secured, there is nowjust the debris of war. here, discarded is military uniforms and nearby, one of their many improvised bombs. but the enemy is not just hiding in the city. wejoined an iraqi intelligence unit hunting down is infiltrators and collaborators who have already escaped. now seeking shelter and avoiding capture in camps, living alongside the innocents of this war, who fled the fighting. how often do you do this? do you do this often? always, every day, every night. you are finding isis fighters in these camps? in the camp or some in his house, in mosul. everywhere. the extremists may be losing their grip on mosul but even if they are defeated, is won't have gone away. jonathan beale, bbc news, mosul. in other news:, buses carrying hundreds of villagers and fighters have left for rebel held ridges in syria, two of them close to damascus. it is after it deal was really —— was reached. the trump administration will not make public the white house visit records of who has visited the president and his staff. they say it will be kept secret for five years citing privacy concerns. secret for five years citing privacy concerns. barack secret for five years citing privacy concerns. ba rack 0bama secret for five years citing privacy concerns. barack 0bama disclosed 6 million visits. police in italy have arrested a mafia boss. sicilian concetta bonne coursey has been serving a life sentence for murder and drug trafficking. he was spotted preparing a barbecue outside a flat in tuscany. stay with us, still to come. a force of nature. why do — is making a triumphant return to old roaming grounds in canada. —— why the bison. pol pot, one of the century's greatest mass murderers is reported to have died of natural causes. he and the khmer rouge movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million cambodians. there have been violent protests in indonesia where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. traditionalist muslim leaders have expressed disgust. the magazine's offices have been attacked and its editorial staff have gone into hiding. it was clear that paula's only contest was with the clock and as for a sporting legacy, paula radcliffe's competitors will be chasing her new world best time for years to come. quite quietly, but quicker and quicker, she seemed just to slide away under the surface and disappear. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: as north korea commemorates its founding father, concern commemorates its founding father, concern is growing in the region that an act of defiance could lead to conflict. the us military says it was a tactical decision to drop a huge bomb on is hideouts in afghanistan, but as pictures emerge, questions are asked about whether it was a show of strength to the world. funeral prayers have been held in pakistan for a university student who was killed by a mob after being accused of sharing blasphemous content on social media. blasphemy is legally punishable by death in pakistan, but the incident has shocked many. a quiet, dignified funeral begins for a young student who is life was so brutally ended. mashal khan's father helped bury his son's badly disfigured body, offering prayers for the latest victim to be accused of blasphemy and brutally killed in pakistan. translation: in this country, there is no freedom of expression. they cut people's tongues. they have killed my son, and then laid the blame on him. i'm his father. he used to sit at home and talk lovingly about the message of prophet mohammed. mashal khan had been studying communication at a university in the northern city of mardan. yesterday, a mob of young men rushed the campus, accusing him of spreading blasphemy online. this is his dormitory. he had written philosophical quotes on the walls. from his window, he would have seen the mob as they came down the path, breaking into the hostel, looking for him. eventually, they found him here. they kicked him, they beat him, they hit him with sticks and they shot him. they dragged him downstairs and continued to beat him. all filmed on videos too horrific to fully show. even long after he was dead, they continued to attack his body. they wanted to assert his body in place, but the police took action, and his body was sealed and protected. the university has been closed indefinitely, and a number of arrests have been made. close to 70 people have been murdered in pakistan after being accused of blasphemy in the past 30 years. this incident has shocked many, but there has not been the level of outrage from government officials one might expect. translation: i want justice from my country, and i want it so that nothing like this happen to any other child. they didn't just attack my son. by doing it in the university, they challenged the state. so the state should ensure justice. mashal khan describes himself on facebook as a humanist. in solidarity, many have been sharing his writings online. some now seem particularly poignant. police in israel say a palestinian man stabbed a british woman to death ona tram man stabbed a british woman to death on a tram injerusalem. the attack took based near the old city where christians were gathering to mark good friday. the police and the security agency here have said that this was a 57—year—old man who lived in a palestinian neighbourhood of east jerusalem. now, they have said that he had been recently released from a psychiatric hospital, and suggested he had previous criminal convictions. so that may shed some light at the early stage of this investigation into what went on. in terms of the attack itself, we know that this woman was attacked on the city's light rail, the tram network, it was running a part of the line just outsidejerusalem's 0ld it was running a part of the line just outsidejerusalem's old city when this woman was repeatedly stabbed. christians around the world have been observing good friday. in rome, pope francis led a procession around the colosseum, as an egyptian family carried the cross. security has been tight at the former gladiators' arena, with tens of thousands in attendance. the canadian rockies are welcoming back some old friends who once roamed there freely but have not been seen in more than a century. by some were hunted to nearly extinction —— bison. when the bison comes, it brings with it not just the when the bison comes, it brings with it notjust the physical animal, it brings its spirit. the word for bison... when i was born, natives didn't have the vote. for saying that word, you would have read percussions. being beaten, being whipped. i don't think we will ever see those massive, massive, 100,000 plus herds again. having them back here as having come back home. i think we are now all of one mind. the future looks very, very promising. it is an absolutely unprecedented agreement between all the indigenous people in this area. without their support and traditional knowledge, and the advice and input that we received from them, this project wouldn't have been possible. the first nations people and the bison are from the same world, and we have similar challenges. we are both still here, and we are both coming back. after a bad week in the news for united airlines another story has surfaced of a passenger being stung by a scorpion on board a flight — and on the same day dr david dao was violently dragged from a united airlines plane. travelling from houston in texas to calgary — canadian, richard bell said that a scorpion fell from an overhead luggage bin onto his head. while attempting to deal with the potentially dangerous creature he was then stung on the thumb. luckily it proved to be a minor sting and as he describes he was very happy with how the airline dealt with the situation. we were on the plane about an hour, having dinner. and something fell on my head, so i grabbed it, and was hanging onto it. and then it... realised what it was, my neighbour was a gentleman from mexico, he said that as a scorpion. they are dangerous. i threw it on to my tray and went to grab it again, and that is when i got stung. it stung me on the farm, right next to my nail. it stung like a wasp sting in you, you know, something like that. the crew and everything was fantastic. they started calling the centre for infection control, and calgary was notified, ems was on the plane before we got off. the bad thing was we killed it and threw it in the toilet and everyone wanted to see it, because they wanted to know if it, because they wanted to know if it was dangerous or not. there are all sorts of ways in which we can be rather wasteful as a society — even, it seems, when it comes to toilet paper. a few weeks ago, we reported that parks in china have introduced a new high—tech solution to stop people using too much. arrun soma explains how it works. in beijing, at the temple of heaven, it is the porcelain palace that is getting all the attention. in one of the most private of places, you are being watched. after years of people using too much toilet paper, thrown thieves sometimes stubbing it into their bags, authorities have rolled out facial recognition technology to stop people pilfering paper. translation: through these two lenses at the front it creates a 3—dimensional model. after analysing it, it will give the electric machine pulse, so the machine will start working and provide paper. this will save paper and stop wastage. it is convenient, because i don't need to pull it out. but you will only get 170 centimetre strip ata time, will only get 170 centimetre strip at a time, and you will have to wait nine minutes if you want more. this man says, for most people, it is a bit slow. if they need the toilet urgently. fair point, but he goes on to say that it is actually pretty useful. and then there are those unmentionable moments where one needs, well, a lot more. a park spokesman says there are staff on hand with extra paper. after all, desperate times call for desperate measures. after some teething issues during the trial, the cleaner here says the new electronic dispensers have solved the problem. they have gone from replacing 1a rolls a day to just four. the gone from replacing 1a rolls a day tojust four. the ratings i read on. it seems the authorities think the idea is flushed with success —— the ratings are in. now to the movie trailer that's sent star wars fans into a frenzy. i only know one truth. this clip released on the internet is the first look at the latest star wars film, the lastjedi. it follows on from the force awakens, and will feature the late carrie fisher. the trailer was unveiled at a star wars celebration in florida, and amassed thousands of views online in just a few minutes. now, reach out. hello. rain for some of us on good friday. for very few of us, though, on saturday. it is an easter weekend of up—and—downs. cool throughout. there are some sunny days — saturday will be one. there are also wetter days. for some of us, the rain will come back on easter and into easter monday. we'll start with saturday. a cloudy start across parts of southern england. it will brighten up. sunny spells, from the word go, elsewhere. it is quite a blustery day across the northern half of the uk. some gales across parts of northern scotland. the showers will be most frequent coming to northern scotland. snow on the high hills. there will be a few showers in northern ireland and into northern england as well. it will be breezy, so there will move through quite quickly. for the rest of england and for wales, we will see very few showers. just one or two — for the vast majority it will stay dry. not quite as windy in the south. but it is a cooler, fresher feel wherever you are, especially in the breeze. through the day, the showers will come into scotland, most frequently to the north. wintry on the hills. one or two for northern ireland and northern england, but very few for the rest of england, and for wales, where it will be largely dry. those temperatures down compared with good friday. 1a degrees possible in london, only nine in glasgow. for most of us, we will be around 9—12 degrees, with the wind making you feel cooler. bear that in mind if you areheading into the scottish hills and mountains. wind chill will be a factor. there could be some snow showers as well. wintry conditions, so be prepared. going to saturday evening, it will be chilly. many of the showers will start to fade away, so we're left with a mainly dry saturday evening, but watching a weather system coming in from the atlantic for part two of the weekend. that is for easter sunday. there is a risk of some snow into the scottish highlands, and into the pennines, too, as the wet weather pushes across east anglia, the midlands, and wales, leaving southern england dry. some uncertainty about the position and timing of this weather system. so keep watching the forecast during saturday if you have got plans on sunday, easter day. those temperatures around nine to 15 celsius. for easter monday, showers, most frequently down the east coast of the uk, where it will be windy. but there will be sunny spells around, too. once the cloud clears away on monday night, it is looking frosty, and we've got some very chilly nights for this time of year coming up next week. the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm ben bland. north korea has accused the united states of putting the korean peninsula at risk of thermo—nuclear war — by sending warships to the region. speculation is mounting that pyongyang is about to conduct a sixth nuclear test — and promised a "merciless" response to any provocation. us commanders have insisted that the huge bomb used against so—called islamic state in afghanistan was the right weapon for thejob. afghan officials say there were no civilian casualties, but 36 is fighters were killed — however the group has denied suffering any losses. buses carrying hundreds of villagers and fighters have left four rebel held villages in syria — two of them close to the capital damascus. it is hoped more than 30,000 people will be moved under the deal. now on bbc news, it's time to click. this week, fighting crime before it happens. and keeping warm in the arctic.

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Hello , Assault , Bad Press , United , North Korea , Passenger , Scorpion Sting , Midair , Drama , Catlike Airlines , United Airlines , Father , Capital , Military Parade Due , Troops , Kim Jong Un , Country , Grandson , Test , Kimjong Un , Pyongyang , John Yang , War , Life , Spectre , Country S Founding President , Soldiers , Ones , Shrine , Pilgrimage , Girls , Kim Il Sung , World , Course , Myth , Family Dynasty , Disposal , Honour , Religions , Translation , Us , Tension , Birth , Awareness , Devotion , Anniversary , Weapons Of Mass Destruction , Doesn T , Nuclear Weapon , Soil , The Americans , Korean Peninsula , Situation , Great Leader , Ruler , It Doesn T Matter , Message , Defiance , Meeting , Grandfather , Military Parade , Children , Tribute , Art , Bbc News , Armaments , Purpose , Ambitions , Army , John Sudworth , Bomb , State , Ursula S Response , Appeal , Ona , Islamic , President , Armada , Eastern Afghanistan , Militants , Words , Seas Off North Korea , Carrier Battle Group , Strike Aircraft , Carl Vinson , Us Navy , 90 , Donald Trump , Attack , Tests , China , Regime , Missile , War Being , Danger , Mountains , Isis Tunnel Complex , 11 , Weapon , Bombs , Blast , Mother , Ordnance , Airburst , Combat , Moab , 30 , People , Region , Target , Comrades , Threat , Shoulder , Nangarhar , Fighters , Villagers , Strike , Both , Bases , Isis , Testing , Ground , Targets , Experiments , Use , Syria , Pentagon , Problem Areas , Enemies , Safe Underground , Three , Administration , Presdent , Attacks , Gamble , Cruise Missile Strike , Scenarios , Question , Crises , Offshore , It , Capabilities , Military , Planning , Risk , Foreign Policy , Roll , Entourage , Rhetoric , Conflict , Issues , Resolutions , Adventures , Absence , Frank Gardner , Back , Strategies , Strikeforce , Case , Fact , Thing , Language , Making A Big Mistake , Dinner , Cruise Missiles , Chocolate Cake , Warning , 59 , Man , Sheriff , Neighbours , Predecessor , White House , Town , Who , Cross , Anyone , Red Line , Force , Secretary Of State , Routine , Area , Six , Strategy , Peach , Accident , Generals , Experts , Leeway , Military Fields , Everything , Advice , Characters , Avid Twitterfan , 140 , Iraq , Military Commander , One , Frontline , Authorities , Mosul , Air Strike , Prize , Sight , Report , Islamic Straight Group , Most , City , Famous Landmark , Caliph , Al Nuri Mosque , Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi First , Enemy , Mosque , Story , Front Line , Visit , Legs , Advance , Police , Snipers , Positions , Resistance , Sides , Crawl , Firing , Two , 100 , Position , Rounds , Crossfire , Civilians , Tens Of Thousands , Streets , Uniforms , Much , Debris , Rubble , Collaborators , In The City , Wejoined An Iraqi Intelligence Unit Hunting Down , Camps , Fighting , Innocents , Capture , House , Camp , Everywhere , Won T , Extremists , Grip , Jonathan Beale , Hundreds , Buses , News , Ridges , Rebel , Capital Damascus , It Deal , Public , Visit Records , Privacy Concerns , Staff , Secret , Five , Bonne Coursey , Visits , Sicilian Concetta , Barack 0bama , Ba Rack 0bama , Mafia Boss , Italy , 6 Million , 0 , Murder , Drug Trafficking , Life Sentence , Flat , Stay , Barbecue , Tuscany , Bison , Grounds , Pol Pot , Return , Murderers , Nature , Roaming , Natural Causes , Canada , Protests , Deaths , He Led , Movement , Khmer Rouge , Cambodians , Indonesia , Playboy , 1 7 Million , Paula Radcliffe , Magazine , Time , Contest , Leaders , Offices , Sale , Hiding , Clock , Disgust , Muslim , Sporting Legacy , Competitors , Surface , Founding Father , Headlines , Concern , Decision , Hideouts , Pictures , Blasphemy , Mob , University Student , Pakistan , Show , Funeral Prayers , Strength , Content , Questions , Social Media , Mashal Khan , Many , Death , Incident , Student , Funeral , Quiet , Body , Son , Prayers , Victim , Freedom Of Expression , My Son , Tongues , Blame , Home , Prophet Mohammed , University , Old City , Yesterday , Of Mardan , Campus , Communication , Men , Dormitory , Window , Quotes , Walls , Path , Hostel , Sticks , Videos , Place , Action , Government Officials , Arrests , Outrage , Level , Number , 70 , Justice , Child , Nothing , Writings , Humanist , Solidarity , Facebook , Woman , Ona Tram , British , Israel , Tram Injerusalem , Security Agency , Christians , Neighbourhood , Gathering , East Jerusalem , 57 , Light , Terms , Convictions , Stage , Investigation , Attack Itself , Psychiatric Hospital , Line , Part , Tram Network , Outsidejerusalem , Light Rail , Family , Security , Arena , Gladiators , Pope Francis , Rome , Led A Procession , Colosseum , Some , Friends , Attendance , Rockies , Extinction , Word , Animal , Spirit , Natives , Vote , Herds , Percussions , Beaten , 100000 , Mind , Agreement , Support , Wouldn T , Nations , Input , Knowledge , Challenges , Scorpion On Board A Flight , Richard Bell , Plane , Scorpion , Head , David Dao , Luggage Bin , Thumb , Creature , Calgary , Houston , Texas , Airline , Something , Neighbour , Gentleman , Tray , Nail , Mexico , The Farm , Centre , Wasp Sting , Infection Control , Crew , Dems , Toilet , Ways , Everyone , Sorts , Toilet Paper , Parks , Temple Of Heaven , Beijing , Arrun Soma , Porcelain Palace , Attention , Places , Paper , Technology , Recognition , Thieves , Bags , Model , Lenses , Electric Machine Pulse , 3 , Stop , Wastage , The Machine , 170 , Point , Bit , Centimetre Strip , Nine , Times , More , All , Needs , Lot , Hand , Measures , Park Spokesman , Ratings , Dispensers , Problem , Trial , Cleaner , 1 , Four , Movie Trailer , Star Wars , Success , Idea , Fans , Frenzy , Truth , Thousands , Look , Internet , Trailer , Awakens , The Lastjedi , Star Wars Film , Florida , Star Wars Celebration , Carrie Fisher , Views , Reach Out , Easter Weekend , Rain , Downs , On Saturday , Though , Parts , Easter , Elsewhere , The Rain , Southern England , Sunny Spells , The Word Go , Showers , Chills , Snow , Northern England , Half , Gales , Northern Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , Rest , Cooler , South , Majority , North , Feel , Breeze , Temperatures , London , Glasgow , Wind , Factor , Wind Chill , 12 , 9 , Weather System , Weekend , Snow Showers , Conditions , Atlantic , Weather , Forecast , Timing , Uncertainty , Easter Sunday , Scottish Highlands , Pennines , Midlands , East Anglia , Plans , Celsius , East Coast , 15 , Frosty , Cloud , Warships , Response , Speculation , Thermo , Nuclear War , Ben Bland , Group , Commanders , Weapon For Thejob , Provocation , Civilian Casualties , Losses , Officials , 36 , Villages , Deal , It S Time , 30000 , North Korea On Parade , Straw Strength , Bomb Attack , Forces , Top Stories , Stories , Tensions , Forces Surround Mosul , Impact , Crime , Keeping , Arctic , 7 ,

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