Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170707 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170707

have clashed in germany as world leaders gather for the 620 summit of leading economies. before the summit, president trump spoke in dramatic terms of the need to defend western civilisation, which he defined in terms of religion, rather than democracy. he spoke of a range of threats, including islamist terrorism. in a moment, we'll hear from the protestors from across europe, angry because they feel leaders are failing to solve many issues threatening world peace. first, from hamburg, jon sopel. the famous port of hamburg, tonight a disembarkation point for anarchists, anti—capitalists, anti—globalisation protesters, and the leaders of the world's 20 richest nations. the protesters‘ stones and fireworks were met by police teargas water cannon. no such hostility when the president ventured out in warsaw this morning. not everywhere in europe would they chant donald trump's name so loudly or so approvingly. but with its populist anti—immigration government, this was politically the ideal place to come. and by dint of poland's history and geography, the perfect location too to deliver a message about the challenges facing the west. the fundamental question of our time is whether the west has the will to survive. do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilisation in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it? in the 1940s, the threat was nazism. this sculpture commemorating those who died in the warsaw uprising, the backdrop on which the president delivered his speech. today he identified the threat as islamist extremism, but he had another target in his sights too. we urge russia to cease its destabilising activities in ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes, including syria and iran, and to instead join the community of responsible nations in ourfight against common enemies and in defence of civilisation itself. that's the most outspoken he has been about russia and it comes on the eve of his eagerly anticipated first meeting with vladimir putin. but on moscow's interference in last november's us presidential election, something his intelligence services say is fact, the president again equivocated. it could very well have been russia, but it could have been other countries and i won't be specific. but i think a lot of people interfere. it's been happening for a long—time, for many years. then onto germany and what promises to be at testing summit, with disagreements over trade, immigration and climate change. the world's leaders aren't exactly welcome in hamburg. there are tens of thousands of protesters in the city, they dance to many different tunes but they are united in their resistance to this summit. then, after a peaceful afternoon, police moved into disperse them. within minutes, stalemate. this is now stand—off for a half an hour or so. the police in riot gear, water canon at the ready have been waiting here, holding back the demonstrators, who say they are not going anywhere. hard to say provoked whom but this is exactly what police feared. they say 8,000 extremists are targeting the summit, many of them armed with improvised weapons. the demonstration maybe over for now, the protests are not. we are shocked how the police is treating all the people and we saw how scared the people are. they are just doing theirjob but maybe a little sometimes too hard! this evening this city is uneasy, after all, the summit hasn't even yet gun. jenny hill, bbc news, hamburg. —— begun. let's speak to jon blaxland. let's speak tojon blaxland. he is at the astra are national university. thank you for your time. this could sound threatening to the gang. this could sound threatening to the gang--- this could sound threatening to the gang. —— mandatory. this could sound threatening to the gang. -- mandatory. the thing about the trump administration is that they speak in a belligerent manner and then we hear the secretary of defence, general motors, tried to rein it in. donald trump knows that really the rhetoric is not going to get him very much. —— mattis. whereas mattis knows that a massive escalation is in nobody‘s interest. there are options for additional sanctions, but that requires cooperation from china, and the rhetoric that the trump administration has been using with china has been mixed. so the meeting that donald trump will have with resident xijinping is going to be a significant one, potentially. 0f course, that is in a mix of a spectrum of other issues, because the protesting outside of the g20 summit is actually that is symptomatic of a tussle that is going to be happening inside the summit itself. the spectrum of issues that we are talking about here, we're talking about security, trade, climate... all of these things, and refugees. these are things, and refugees. these are things with which the united states under donald trump is not in agreement with europe, and on many of those issues, he is not in agreement with china or russia. so when we think about this in terms of climate, that is clearly a point of contention. donald trump is not a believer, it appears, contention. donald trump is not a believer, itappears, in contention. donald trump is not a believer, it appears, in that. contention. donald trump is not a believer, itappears, in that. so thatis believer, itappears, in that. so that is a point of concern. 0n trade, we have the us that has been the leader of the world trade organization, and has historically been a front runner on trade, it now being protectionist. and europe and japan are now coming up with a trade agreement that is almost shaming the united states by comparison. they could be clear ramifications for the united states trade woes. the biggest concern is in security. and you touch on it. it is notjust north korea. that is a big point. but it is not the only issue. what happens with syria will... the talk at brett allison has made about some kind of deal with russia coming about, the rhetoric from donald trump would suggest that that is not all that likely. —— racks to listen. —— robert alvarez heredia. what we have heard him say in poland suggest it is not very warm to russia at the moment, partly because of domestic reasons in the united states. so there are conflicting messages they afford the g20 summit. here is hoping that something constructive comes out of us, giving the leadership that we have seen, particularly from angela merkel and a manual micron. it will be interesting to see how much xi jinping can influence things in a positive light, as well. thank you for joining positive light, as well. thank you forjoining us, professor. let's weekly round up some of the other menus for you. —— quickly. weekly round up some of the other menus foryou. —— quickly. —— main news. the world health organization has issued a stark warning that the sexually transmitted infection, gonorrhoea, is rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics. in a study of 77 countries, the who found cases injapan, france and spain where the infection was completely untreatable. british counter—terrorism police in manchester say they believe salman abedi, who carried out the suicide attack in the city in may, was not part of a larger extremist network. but officers say other people might have been aware of what he was planning, and they want to question his younger brother, who is in custody in libya. the chinese hospital treating imprisoned nobel peace laureate, liu xiaobo, says his condition has worsened. the dissident was diagnosed with late—stage liver cancer in may. he was imprisoned on 2009 on charges of inciting subversion against the state, after he helped to write a petition calling on political reform in china. -- petition calling on political reform in china. —— imprisoned in 2009. authorities in mexico say at least 28 inmates have been killed in a prison riot in the coastal city of acapulco. three other people were wounded. security officials said the fight was between rival gangs. it's the latest example of an upsurge in violence that has made 2017 one of the bloodiest in mexico's recent history. greg dawson reports. as police prepared to enter the prison with protective clothing and bright shields, they provided a small clue as to the level of violence happening inside. it was in the early hours of thursday morning when some inmates in the maximum security wing broke out of their cells and began fighting. victims we re cells and began fighting. victims were stabbed and beaten to death. local reports claim some of the dead we re local reports claim some of the dead were decapitated. bodies were strewn across the kitchen, the prison yard, and the conjugal visits area. this most brutal attack in one of mexico's most violent cities. the prison is supposed to be heavily overpopulated, with over two dozen inmates. as relatives of the inmates got word of what was happening, some taut down the security fence to try and reach love ones. a spokesman said the fighting was triggered by a permanent feud between rival gangs within the prison. acapulco used to be mexico's most popular beach resort. that tourism has given way to vicious gang warfare, and it is now ranked one of the most murderous cities in the world. the timing of the riots has been embarrassing for the riots has been embarrassing for the mixing government, who are hosting the us department of home secretary. the trump administration has a ready made its concerns about security in mexico clear. —— security. this is likely to only add fuel to that debate. it isa it is a project that is two decades in the planning. but european and japanese scientist said their mission to mackerel finally leave the launchpad next year. two spacecraft will travel the nearly 80 million kilometres together, but then separate on arrival to conduct their own studies in temperatures above 400 degrees c. here's our science correspondent rebecca morelle. a mysterious world, mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, and the closest to the sun. covered in craters, towering cliffs and ancient volcanoes, until now, it has been little explored. a major new mission is set to change that. this is the spacecraft cold bepicolombo, named after a famous italian scientist. it has taken nearly a decade to build. it is only when you get up close that you really get a sense of the size of this huge piece of kit. and this is a spacecraft built to withstand extremes. to get to mercury, it has to travel towards the sun, and that means dealing with intense radiation and heat. 0n the surface of mercury, temperatures can reach a50 celsius, and that's hot enough to melt lead. its launch will take place next year. this is probably one of the most challenging missions we have ever undertaken. it's the long journey to get there and then we have to deal with heat when we get close to the the sun. but mercury is a tiny, enigmatic little world, which has so much to tell us about the formation of our solar system. bepicolombo's journey will take seven years, arriving at mercury in 2025. once it's there, the engine will be jettisoned, and two spacecraft will separate. they will work together to give us our best ever view. we'll see its features in incredible detail, and peer inside to solve the mystery of what lies at mercury's core. this is the instrument we built at the university of leicester... british scientists have developed x—ray cameras for this mission. we're going to be the first people on the planet to see this data coming back from mercury. we'll be the first people to see x—ray images of mercury's surface, which is going to tell us about what the surface is made of, and it's going to revolutionise our understanding. the spacecraft will soon be packed up, ready for its long journey. and while it will be sometime before we get the first results back, scientists say the will be worth it. rebecca morelle, bbc news, the netherlands. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: living the high life — the restaurant in los angeles that's recreating the experience of aviation's golden age. central london has been rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. police say there have been many casualties, and there is growing speculation that al-qaeda was responsible. germany we will be the hosts of the 2006 football world cup. they pipped the favourite south africa by a single vote. in south africa, the possibility of losing hadn't even been contemplated. celebration parties planned in all the big cities were cancelled. the man entered the palace through a downstairs window and made his way to the queen's private bedroom. then he asked her for a cigarette, and on the pretext of arranging for some to be brought, she summoned a footman on duty, who took the man away. one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. education is the only solution. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: police in germany have clashed with protest is world leaders gather in hannah burke for the g20 summit. —— hamburg. as he arrived in europe, president trump called on the west to defend itself against the threat of islamist terrorism. let's stay with the g20, and a warning from the former prime minister of australia who helped to shape the summit into the gathering it is today. in a bbc interview, kevin rudd says the world is entering a dangerous phase. i think there are two levels of risk. one is the geopolitical risk level. we've seen what's unfolding on the korean peninsula, with the new environment, with the testing for the first time ofan icbm. in us—russia relations there is now an increasing incidence of russian and us military aircraft having near misses or near incidents, either in the baltic or across the middle east. and then thirdly uncertain trajectories now again from a different source of tension in the middle east. finally, geoeconomics. we now have the deep pressures which now exist on the future of free trade and if we end up in a trade war through tariff action and counter tariff action, that's bad news for growth and bad news forjobs. the american and russian presidents will have their first face—to—face talks on the sidelines of the g20. for the most part they think less of him now than when he took the oath of office six months ago. in fact, a cossack community in st petersburg who had made him an honorary member, has since rescinded. steve rosenberg has more. are you disappointed in trump? yeah. are you disappointed in mr trump? every time he says something he wa nts to every time he says something he wants to improve relations with russia he is accused of being a russian strood —— stooge. china's aircraft carrier has arrived in hong kong as a show of force in be contested south china sea. it entered hong kong waters from the south and will stay for two days. earlier this week 2000 people from hong kong queued for hours to board and visit. it is the one of the world's most enduring aviation mysteries, the pioneer amelia earhart‘s disappearance. now a photograph is opening the possibility she may have ended up on the japanese martial islands and died as a prisoner rather than in a crash. some claim the picture taken in the 1930s shows the picture taken in the 1930s shows the payet and her navigator fred noonan sitting on a wharf after they went missing. let's speak with rick gillespie, who has researched the disappearance of amelia earhart for almost 30 years and leads the international group for historic aircraft recovery. welcome — what do you think?” for historic aircraft recovery. welcome - what do you think? i think it's incredible that something this silly has gotten as much attention as it has. it is always dangerous to hype a new allegation like this days before your television special and give people time to come forward with the information that completely debunks it and that's what's happening. it is a tribute to her i suppose that people care so much, isn't it? that's exactly what it is. fill us in on that, why issue significant in so many people? she was such an inspiration when she was alive. she was so famous. didn't hurt to be married to one the finest promoters. she really was a great personality and an inspiration. and she died at the height of her fame ina very she died at the height of her fame in a very mysterious manner. and then there were different theories about what happened to her and the controversy about that keeps her legend alive. and over the years it has become this iconic mystery. it is an addictive detective story, trying to figure out what really happened to her. so a lot of people are happened to her. so a lot of people a re really invested happened to her. so a lot of people are really invested in various theories and there are still people, although it has been debunked for yea rs although it has been debunked for years that she was captured by the japanese. and here we go again, probably because we live in an age of conspiracy theories. so in a nutshell, in a couple of nutshells, what is wrong with that picture? well, first of all, if this is amelia earhart, captured and in custody of the japanese, where are the japanese? there are no soldiers in this picture! this is a picture ofa in this picture! this is a picture of a bunch of people standing on the dock. it is an office of naval intelligence photo taken at the headquarters of the japanese in the marshalls, so they were curiouser about it. and the label on the photograph says that is where it is. it doesn't say anything about amelia earhart. nobody is acting like they are guarding everybody. everybody is just hanging out on the dock. the person that they claim is amelia earhart has her back to the camera, you can't see herface. if she is a woman. we know she has a lot more hairthan woman. we know she has a lot more hair than amelia earhart had at that time she disappeared. we've got lots of good photos of her at the time. the guy they say is fred noonan absolutely doesn't look like anything like fred noonan. if she was captured by the japanese they we re was captured by the japanese they were kind enough to give them both a change of clothing because amelia earhart didn't have a show like that and fred always dressed in a dark shirt and dark slacks, not all in white. and i could go on. one of the most interesting things that has just recently come to light his friends over at the daily mail claim that they have had this photograph since a year ago and so that is when it really came to light among people who know about such things. the daily mail said they went a step further and they did research in the us national archives and found that this photograph is one of a batch of photos that was labelled" post—i9 40". we know that this won't end the speculation but it is very interesting. thank you. nothing will end the speculation. it is going to live on. rick gillespie. for a lot of people, air travel can be a bit of a chore. delays, queues, cramped conditions and food that often leaves a great deal to be desired. but once upon a time it was very different. travelling by air was exotic and exciting. ah, those were the days, luxury at 14,000 feet. smiling stewardesses, businessmen in suit and tie, a different age. which you can now relive the pan am experience in la — a restaurant designed to look like an airline. i actually had a lot of vintage menus from my days travelling pan am, so i picked my favourite one and i went to a caterer and got them to replicate the eact detail. that includes cheateau brion, carved at your table, chicken and peppercorn sauce, oh, and a vegetarian option — this is 2017, after all. and the chance to buy duty—free. it is the most brilliant experience, it really is. people of my age — old — we lived this, you know, we went through this. and it is gone. the airlines don't do what they used to do, pan am was the best and they always created the very best service. to operate the exit doors, simply push the door open. laughter mile—high entertainment, so to speak, at ground level. but it isn't cheap. their first—class tickets will set you back nearly $700. and, when you get out, you haven't travelled an inch. that la restaurant recreating the golden age. thanks for watching. it was a very warm day on thursday across england and wales, in particular southern and south—eastern areas, with a top temperature in london of 32 celsius. in fact, a number of stations in the greater london area saw 32 degrees and it was pretty hot as well further north, but the heat across northern england broke down in spectacular style with some severe thunderstorms, we had reports of flash flooding and also some lightning damage across yorkshire and into lincolnshire. now, those thunderstorms will continue to rattle away off into the north sea, and then for most places it should be a dry end to the night. thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain, though, pushing into northern ireland and western scotland, it's going to be a very warm and muggy start to the day once again across the south, particularly the south—east. only a little bit of cloud around for the south—west of england, into western wales, but a good deal sunshine for the midlands eastwards and look at those temperatures to start the day, around 20 degrees. further north and there will be thicker cloud. for north—west england into scotland and northern ireland, like i mentioned, there will be some light and patchy rain around so a dismal morning with temperatures here at 8am around the mid—teens celsius. through the day it looks like that cloud across western areas will tend to move in eastwards and any clear skies tending to infill from cloud, so a cloudier afternoon that what we saw on thursday, so that means not quite as hot. still very warm, though, in the south—east with 27 or 28 degrees. a rather low 20 further north and high—teens celsius in scotland and northern ireland. it means for the tennis at wimbledon on friday that it will be a bit more comfortable for the spectators and for the players with highs around 26 or 27 celsius and sunshine coming and going. a fine end to the day on friday, but we look to the west to this area of rain, which will push in towards wales, light and patchy and will affect mainly western areas. this weather front is responsible for it. as we head on in towards saturday it will bring a cloudy, damp day to central areas, northern ireland, through northern wales and into northern england, the rain not amounting to that much. to the north of it, largely dry with sunshine and there will be sunshine across southern areas, but generally speaking a cloudy day and a cooler one across the board. top temperatures 2a degrees. looks like temperatures rise a bit again as we head on towards sunday and that's because we pick up some thundery air again off the near continent, this area of low pressure could introduce some heavy showers to southern parts of the country, maybe the odd thunderstorm, and this weather front brings outbreaks of rain to scotland and northern ireland. but in between a slice of drier and brighter weather and again quite warm in the south—east. this is bbc news, the headlines: german riot police and demonstrators have clashed in the city of hamburg, on the eve of the g20 summit. police have used water cannon and pepper spray, as masked protesters clad in black threw bottles and stones, and started several fires. more than seventy officers have been injured. in a speech on his arrival in europe, the us president, donald trump, called on western civilisation to stand united against what he called the "menace" of radical islamic extremism. trade, climate change and the threat posed by north korea are also expected to dominate the agenda at the g20 summit later. the mexican authorities say 28 inmates have been killed in a fight in a prison in the coastal city of acapulco. three more people were wounded. security officials in guerrero state said the fight had been between rival gangs. police said at least four prisoners had been decapitated. now on bbc news, it's time for thursday in parliament.

Related Keywords

Solar System , Riot Police , Protestors , Donald Trump , Summit , Western Civilisation , Terms , World Leaders , Threats , Democracy , Terrorism , Germany , Economies , Religion , Range , 620 , Issues , Leaders , Europe , Tonight A Disembarkation Point For Anarchists , Hamburg , World Peace , Jon Sopel , First , Port Of Hamburg , World , Protesters , Stones , Nations , Fireworks , Police Teargas , Anti Globalisation Protesters , Water Cannon , 20 , Everywhere , Hostility , Name , Place , Poland , Location , History , Government , Dint , Geography , West , Question , Message , Will , Challenges , Values , Cost , Confidence , Civilisation , Face , Citizens , Courage , Respect , Desire , Borders , Russia , Threat , Speech , Warsaw Uprising , Extremism , Islamist , Nazism , Sculpture , Target , Sights , 1940 , Defence , Most , Activities , Regimes , Support , Elsewhere , Enemies , Community , Syria , Ukraine , Iran , Something , Fact , Meeting , Intelligence , Eve , Vladimir Putin , On Moscow S Interference In Last November , Us Presidential Election , Services , Lot , People , Countries , Trade , Disagreements , Testing Summit , Climate Change , Immigration , City , Afternoon , Resistance , Tens Of Thousands , Tunes , Stand Off , Stalemate , Half , Riot Gear , Demonstrators , Whom , Anywhere , Extremists , Many , Protests , Demonstration , Weapons , 8000 , Little , Bbc News , All , Summit Hasn T , Gun , Jon Blaxland , Jenny Hill , Tojon Blaxland , Astra Are National University , Gang , Administration , Rhetoric , Manner , Thing , Secretary , General Motors , Nobody , Interest , Escalation , Options , Mattis , China S , Trump , Sanctions , Resident Xijinping , Cooperation , One , G20 Summit , Course , Tussle , Spectrum , Potentially , Mix , 0 , Security , Things , Climate , Agreement , North America , Refugees , Thatis Believer , Point , Contention , Concern , 0n Trade , Protectionist , Leader , Trade Agreement , Japan , Runner , World Trade Organization , United States Trade , Comparison , Ramifications , Woes , Deal , Issue , North Korea , Talk , Kind , Syria Will , Brett Allison , Robert Alvarez , Heredia , Leadership , Reasons , Messages , Angela Merkel , Light , Let , Manual Micron , Xi Jinping , Professor , Some , Menus , Warning , Round , News , Antibiotics , Sexually Transmitted Infection , Study , Menus Foryou , Gonorrhoea , World Health Organization , 77 , Abedi , Injapan , May , Officers , Who , Extremist , Suicide Attack , Infection , British , Cases , Network , Counter Terrorism Police , Spain , France , Manchester , Dissident , Planning , Liu Xiaobo , Custody , Condition , Brother , Hospital , Chinese , Libya , Nobel Peace Laureate , State , Reform , Petition , Mexico , Liver Cancer , Subversion , Charges , Authorities , 2009 , Inmates , Acapulco , Fight , Rival Gangs , Security Officials , Violence , Example , Bloodiest , Upsurge , Prison Riot , Three , 28 , 2017 , Prison , Level , Clue , Greg Dawson , Protective Clothing , Bright Shields , Area , Fighting , Cells , Victims , Bodies , Dead , Wing , Death , Visits , Kitchen , Prison Yard , Cities , Relatives , Attack , Happening , Word , Two , Gangs , Love , Taut , Ones , Security Fence , Feud , Spokesman , Popular Beach Resort , Riots , Tourism , Department , Mixing Government , Gang Warfare , Timing , Home Secretary , Concerns , Add Fuel , Spacecraft , Mission , Scientist , Project , Japanese , Launchpad , Debate , It Isa , Mercury , Planet , Arrival , Rebecca Morelle , Studies , Closest , The Sun , 80 Million , 400 , Volcanoes , Craters , Cold Bepicolombo , Towering Cliffs , Extremes , Sense , Kit , Size , Piece , Italian , Temperatures , Heat , Surface , A50 Celsius , Lead , Radiation , Journey , Launch , Missions , Engine , Formation , Bepicolombo , Jettisoned , 2025 , Seven , Mystery , Scientists , Instrument , Detail , X Ray Cameras , Features , Data , Peer , Core , University Of Leicester , X Ray Images , Understanding , It , Results , Restaurant , The High Life , Aviation , Experience , Stay , Golden Age , Terrorist Attacks , Central London , Series , Los Angeles , The Netherlands , Speculation , Hosts , Casualties , Al Qaeda , Football World Cup , 2006 , Possibility , Hadn T , Vote , Celebration , South Africa , Man , Queen , Child , Window , Palace , Way , Bedroom , Pretext , Cigarette , Pen , Book , Teacher , Footman On Duty , Solution , Education , Headlines , Islamist Terrorism , Protest , Hannah Burke , Risk Level , Interview , Risk , Levels , Prime Minister , Phase , Bbc , Australia , Kevin Rudd , Time , Misses , Military Aircraft , Testing , Incidence , Incidents , Middle East , Environment , Icbm , Baltic , Russian , Us Russia Relations , Korean Peninsula , Pressures , Trade War , Free Trade , Tension , Tariff , Bad News , Source , Trajectories , Growth , Geoeconomics , Forjobs , Presidents , Part , Talks , Sidelines , Cossack Community , Oath , Member , Steve Rosenberg , St Petersburg , Six , Relations , Aircraft Carrier , Stooge , Strood , South , A Show Of Force , Hong Kong , South China Sea , Amelia Earhart , Mysteries , Pioneer , 2000 , Photograph , Picture , Disappearance , Prisoner , Payet , Fred Noonan , Crash , Martial Islands , 1930 , Rick Gillespie , Group , Wharf , 30 , Aircraft , Recovery , Silly , Attention , Allegation , Information , Television Special , Inspiration , Isn T , Tribute , Height , Personality , Fame , Promoters , Didn T Hurt , Theories , Detective Story , Controversy , Legend , Age , Conspiracy Theories , Nutshell , Nutshells , Couple , Here We Go Again , Soldiers , Dock , Label , Photo , Picture Ofa , Headquarters , Bunch , Marshalls , Office Of Naval Intelligence , Person , It Doesn T , Everybody , Guarding Everybody , Say Anything , Photos , Woman , Guy , Camera , Back , Hair , Lots , Herface , Change , Show , Didn T , Shirt , Clothing , Dark Slacks , Anything , Claim , Friends , Go On , Daily Mail , White , Batch , Won T , Step , Research , Us National Archives , 40 , Bit , Conditions , Nothing , Chore , Delays , Air Travel , Queues , Travelling , Smiling Stewardesses , Those Were The Days , Food , Tie , Suit , Feet , 14000 , Pan Am , Eact , Airline , Caterer , Option , Peppercorn Sauce , Table , Chicken , Cheateau Brion , Chance , Airlines , The Very Best , Service , Entertainment , Ground Level , The Door Open , Exit Doors , Haven T , Tickets , 700 , 00 , Northern England , Temperature , Stations , Number , Thanks , Watching , South Eastern Areas , Greater London , Northern Wales , 32 , Thunderstorms , North , Places , Lightning Damage , Flash Flooding , Style , North Sea , Lincolnshire , Yorkshire , Cloud , Rain , Northern Ireland , Outbreaks , Western Scotland , South East , South West Of England , Morning , North West , Midlands Eastwards , Areas , Infill , Skies , 8 , In The South East , 27 , Tennis , Spectators , Highs , Players , Fine , Sunshine Coming , Wimbledon , 26 , Weather Front , Sunshine , The Rain , Pressure , Showers , Continent , Country , Parts , Board , Looks , Odd Thunderstorm , 2 , Weather , Slice , President , Fires , Bottles , Pepper Spray , Seventy , Menace , Agenda , Islamic , Prisoners , It S Time , Four , Globe , Viewers , Gang Fight , Terror Attack , Stories , Another , My Name , Mike Embley , Making The Joint , European Japanese Venture , Parliament ,

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