Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170808 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20170808

against pyongyang's missile and nuclear weapons programme. the un security council voted unanimously at the weekend for new sanctions, which aim to reduce north korean export revenues by a third. at a summit in manila, a spokesman for the regime sought to blame the us for the rising tensions. translation: is our nuclear possession a threat to the world orjust a threat to the united states? we want to make it clear that the worsening situation on the korean peninsular as well as other nuclear issues were caused by the united states. we're firm that we'll never place our nuclear and ballistic missile programme on the negotiating table and won't budge an inch on strengthening our nuclear armaments. a north korean government spokesman. our correspondent in south korea, rupert wingfield—hayes, has had rare access to an american military base on the border. a relic of the cold war on the last cold war frontier. just after dawn, i'm riding the chase car as a us spy plane heads out on a classified mission. the pilot will climb to 70,000 feet and from there peer deep into north korea. our mission is to provide the capability for our leadership to see what's going on before anybody else. we are up there every single day to deter the north koreans from deciding one day they can get away with something. from across the border tonight, fresh threats. north korean state tv warning the us it will pay 1000 times for its crime of imposing new economic sanctions on pyongyang. meeting in manila with china's foreign minister, the us secretary of state again called on pyongyang to return to the negotiating table. the best signal that north korea could give us that they are prepared to talk would be to stop these missile launches. you know, we have not had an extended period of time where they have not taken some kind of provocative action. despite supporting the latest sanctions against pyongyang, china has not completely abandoned its old ally. translation: the international community demands north korea abandon its nuclear weapons programme in order to maintain the non—proliferation treaty. but north korea considers it is under military threat. that is also a security issue. here in south korea at the 51st fighter wing, they continue to hope for the best, while preparing for the worst. everybody we've spoken to here agrees that another conflict on the korean peninsula would be an utter disaster for everybody. that hundreds of thousands of people would die. but they also say the best way of stopping it happening is to be ready, and that's why these guys practise and practise and practise, so that kim jong—un knows if he tries to attack the south there will be an overwhelming and immediate response. i hope that north korea calculates correctly and realises that, so obviously everyone on this side, and i believe north korea does as well, no one wants war. everyone wants deterrence to work. should deterrence fail, though, we have to be ready to go. as these a10s roll down the runway for another practice flight, they're just 48 miles from the north korean border. the same distance as london to brighton. and south korea, the enemy, is never far away. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, 0san airbase, south korea. rex tillerson‘s next stop on his asia trip is thailand. the secretary of state becomes the most senior us official to visit thailand since the 2014 coup. 0ur south—east asia correspondent, jonathan head, joins me from bangkok. it has been seven months of erratic policy towards asia. this is important, this visit. it is important. it is a potential gains for the trump administration because relations in thailand have been low since the coup three years ago. to be honest, i think relations would have turned anyway or been upscaled because the military has been there so because the military has been there so long and thailand is a very old ally of the us. us has been dismayed to see thailand move towards china and buy more weapons from them and be more diplomatic towards them. but the donald trump administration with its lower emphasis on human rights and shared values is in a better position to do that with a more transaction —based approach. what is interesting is rex tillerson‘s visit to asia has suddenly shown an almost coherent interest in the region from the trump administration we have not seen before. we have relied on his own feelings about china with his somewhat confusing thoughts about the region. north korea has concentrated minds in washington and rex tillerson have got his lead. getting southeast asian countries back with the us is now a priority not just for back with the us is now a priority notjust for longer term reasons but because the us cannot get what it wa nts because the us cannot get what it wants north korea just from china to be china disagrees with the us on north korea. the ten asean countries together have diplomatic weight and they have taken china's league so far. —— lead. now we have engagement. north korea will be at the top of the conversation with rex tillerson. china always was a central power in asean. so was thailand, but it has had diplomatic robinson. they want thailand to welcome the us back as a close military partner. thank you very much for that, jonathan head. and now we will round up some news. 22 people have been injured in a bomb blast in the pakistani city of lahore. officials say the explosive device was planted in a fruit truck and detonated while the vehicle was parked. no—one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. some of the 22 victims are seriously injured. local hospitals are having difficulty treating the victims because of a power cut. the malaysian government has announced it wants to stop the mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers. parliament is expected to back the measure put forward by the prime minister. more than 650 people have been executed in malaysia since 1990 two, the majority of them for drug—related crimes. a team of 15 volunteer firefighters on the italian island of sicily have been accused of fraud. it's alleged they claimed state payments for putting out fires that they themselves had started. some have also been charged with arson. they, or theirfriends and relations, are said to have called the emergency number to report these fires and other non—existent ones. germany will start sending asylum—seekers back to greece. the policy was on hold because of a ruling by its constitutional court. but the european union's dublin convention states an asylum claim should be processed in the country where the migrant first entered the eu. berlin says it's asked athens to receive nearly 400 people so far. venezuela's parliament, which is dominated by the opposition, has rejected the sacking of the chief prosecutor by the country's new constituent assembly. parliamentarians say they only recognise luisa 0rtega in the post. she claims she lost herjob because the government wanted to stop her investigations into allegations of corruption and human rights abuses. the organization of american states has asked luis moreno 0campo, former prosecutor at the international criminal court, to become a special adviser on crimes against humanity. he told the bbc‘s laura trevalyn how he will carry out that work. the issue is, is their rape and injuries committed systematically? they have to be committed by a group following a policy. that is one topic. the other topic is the killings and demonstrations. the third issue is who would be responsible allegedly for these crimes? generals, individuals? the last question is venezuela conducting these proceedings? nicolas maduro has sacked his own attorney general. is that a sign of something going wrong? my plan is to bea something going wrong? my plan is to be a facilitator of the process and the expert evaluation of the situation. your appointment by the organisation of american states is a sign ofjust organisation of american states is a sign of just how organisation of american states is a sign ofjust how concerned they are about what is going on in venezuela. he is affirming that. because he makes thisjudgement, he is affirming that. because he makes this judgement, he wants me impartially to have a more fair process. but also making a change in the dynamics of the conversation. to pass some resolutions, you need 16 countries in agreement. president nicolas maduro is not going to like your appointment, nicolas maduro is not going to like yourappointment, nosing nicolas maduro is not going to like your appointment, nosing around in crime is potentially committed. in 2006 i rejected a case against venezuela. i try to follow the rules. he will have a chance to present his arguments, send people to present those i commence. we have afair to present those i commence. we have a fair process. —— arguments. hugo chavez was a leader who signed the treaty. luis moreno 0campo, thank you very much forjoining us. thank you. the model who was kidnapped from the uk has returned to the uk. a polish man has been arrested. held captive inside this isolated italian farmhouse, the bizarre and elaborate kidnap allegation centres on how 20—year—old model chloe ayling, from south london, was duped into leaving the uk for a photoshoot in milan. once inside this fake studio, she is said to have been snatched by three men and injected with the drug ketamine. unconscious, she was bundled into this bag, placed in the boot of a car and driven away. while chloe ayling was held captive in this house behind me, the police statement says she was tied to furniture, a chest of drawers, whilst the kidnappers tried to sell her on the dark web and then raise a ransom. the hideout is surrounded by abandoned houses with only one person nearby. three weeks ago, chloe ayling finally fled her captors but stayed in italy to help investigators. she is back in the uk and the details are only now coming to light. i've been through a terrifying experience. i feared for my life second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. i am incredibly grateful to the italian and uk authorities for all they have done to secure my safe release. italian authorities say she was freed after being driven to the british consulate in milan by this man, lukasz herba, a polish national living in the west midlands, now charged with kidnap and extortion offences. but there are conflicting reports about this case, why chloe was seen shopping with her captor before she was freed. she was told that she was going to be sold to somebody in the middle east for sex. she was told that people were there, watching her and ready to kill her if she tried anything. so she thought that the best idea was to go along with it and to be nice, in a way, to her captor, because he told her that he wanted to release her somehow and sometime. milan, the world's fashion capital, has always been a draw for aspiring models and unscrupulous agents are not uncommon, although this rare case has shocked and baffled italian and british police, now working to piece together exactly what happened. gavin lee, bbc news, milan. much more to come for you on bbc news, including this. a new no—confidence vote for south africa's president, and this time, it will be a secret ballot. the question was whether we wanted to save our people, and japanese as well, and win the war, or whether we wanted to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men. the invasion began at 2am this morning. mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. and we call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all the iraqi forces. 100 years old, and still full of vigor, vitality and enjoyment of life. no other king or queen in british history has lived so long, and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that she has achieved this landmark anniversary. this is a pivotal moment for the church as an international movement. the question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. this is bbc news. our top story: north korea has said tough new un sanctions will not stop it from developing its nuclear arsenal, as it angrily rejected proposals for negotiations. more now on the increasing tensions in the korean peninsula. anthony ruggiero was a us advisor to the six—party talks on north korea's nuclear programme and is with the foundation for defence of democracies conservative think tank. he joins us now from washington. the two to two u. what do you make of the sanctions? what you make of north korea's response? of the sanctions? what you make of north korea's response ?|j of the sanctions? what you make of north korea's response? i think these are strong sanctions that have these are strong sanctions that have the chance to make a real impact with north korea. north korea's response was not surprising. i think it was equally interesting that north korea made it clear they are not interested in negotiating their nuclear missile programmes. options are nuclear missile programmes. options a re pretty nuclear missile programmes. options are pretty limited, aren't they? everybody seems to accept that war would be catastrophic all—round. it seems pretty clear pyongyang is trying to separate the us from south korea, wash the us off the south korean peninsula, but so does china? right. when you look at negotiations, those have really failed. we have tried those as many times as we can, and each time the north koreans have really strong us a long and got as many benefits as they can. when you look at iran, we haven't strong —— we have strong sanctions on iran, and that has never been tried with north korea. right now it is us sanctions working with our allies, which could really get us to the next level. where do you think this goes next?” get us to the next level. where do you think this goes next? i think right now the trump administration is going to see if russia and china implements these resolutions. the interesting thing is that there were nine north korean representatives designated in this resolution. four of them are in russia and five of them are in china. it is pretty clear what is going on with north korean sanctions. the question here is really weather moscow and ageing are ready to implement the sanctions. people, including mr trump, have wandered openly if the north korean leader is crazy. do you see a strategy in pyongyang? north korea, for a long time, has wanted a nuclear weapons. i know that people talk about the us hostile policy, but they have wanted a nuclear weapons will be for the right war or the axis of evil. north korea has been working on the weapons part of the programme for 30 years, and the nuclear part of the programme for longer them that. they want to be recognised as a nuclear state, and they see these negotiations is a step in that direction. on tuesday south africa's parliament will hold a vote of no confidence in president jacob zuma, and this time it will be a secret ballot. it will test the unity within the governing african national congress as senior figures are increasingly critical of their leader. the decision was made by the speaker of the south african parliament. at least 50 members of the governing african national congress would have to vote with the opposition in order to remove mr zuma, who has been implicated in a number of corruption scandals. the bbc‘s nomsa maseko has the latest from cape town. the move took many by surprise and injects a new element into the proceedings in parliament against president jacob zuma, where the anc has always enjoyed a healthy majority. this decision is therefore in the best interest of the country. the speaker is required to guard the procedures of this house and to ensure that the outcome of this very important vote is credible. the secret ballot was seen as the best option for members of parliament to vote without being intimidated and the call for a vote of no—confidence president jacob zuma was initiated by opposition parties after the president sacked nine members of his cabinet in a controversial cabinet reshuffle in march, which saw the country being economically downgraded. it's a choice between whether you spend... you're with jacob zuma or you stand against jacob zuma, it's as simple as that choice, you stand in the interests of south africa or you don't so i think tomorrow many parties will have communicated to their respective parties saying with confidence they want to come to vote in support. we are convinced the anc members will do the right thing. it is now an opportunity for them to demonstrate that they too are tired of corruption which is happening in this country. hundreds of people who marched outside parliament have welcomed the move. i'm here in support of my fellow countrymen and... because, every person counts and that's what we're trying to say, that it's notjust about one person and we need to think about the greater good. i'm not surprised she decided in favour of secret ballot because that's democracy at its best. but the question, though, is will anc mps help president zuma keep hisjob or show him the door. the president of kenya has appealed for the nation to remain united, regardless of who wins the general election on tuesday. in a televised address uhuru kenyatta called on voters to reject intimidation and violence. his long—standing rival, raila 0dinga, has raised concerns about vote—rigging. he said the deployment of more than 100,000 members of the security forces was meant to intimidate voters. today marks 200 days since donald trump took office and it seemed a good time to check in with some of his supporters in the business world. far from wall street, it's the owners of restaurants and lumber yards in states like wisconsin which helped put him over the edge. so what do they think of his performance so far — and what are they hoping for next? here's a taste. the businesses in the hudson area did vote for president trump and i think it was a sense of confidence that they would have, that certain policies, certain reforms would take place. the idea was great, it is just that it has not worked. i think there was an expectation that some of those things would get past, lowering the cost of premiums, particularly for business owners. tax reform. which many people had been hoping for fork why some time. it is all speculation right now. i think that is what i come back to. it is helping create optimism, because even speculation about some of the changes that are being proposed is giving us some hope there is going to be some change. when president trump is talking aboutjobs, change. when president trump is talking about jobs, jobs, change. when president trump is talking aboutjobs, jobs, he is actually talking and sending a message to maybe some different parts of the country than necessarily our region. where labour isa necessarily our region. where labour is a real factor, that is where we are running into some issues. we delay the opening of a restaurant because we couldn't find people to work. fantastic as nurses, they have had to close their doors, not from a lack of business but from a lack of people to actually do the work. lack of business but from a lack of people to actually do the workm seems to content ticked the administration's viewpoint of immigration needs. —— contradict. any of our client organisations depend on immigration for their labour force. —— many. depend on immigration for their labour force. -- many. without them serving and cooking and bussing, without them doing all the jobs they do, i would without them doing all the jobs they do, iwould not without them doing all the jobs they do, i would not level to function as a small business in this country. and 82—year—old japanese woman has proved creativity has no age limit. she spotted a gap in the games market and created an up especially for players over 60. the game is inspired by a traditional dolls festival. it is ready had quite a response. finally, we leave you with this stunning footage of a lunar eclipse. the phenomenon was visible in many parts of the world on monday night, delighting sky—watchers. eclipses occur when the earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow. a second full eclipse will occur on august 21 over north america — the first of its kind in nearly a century. and there's plenty more on all of today's main stories on our website, you can also download the news app. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter. i'm @bbc mike embley. well, no sign of summer for tuesday, or indeed the rest of this week. it's going to be very mixed. it was certainly quite mixed on monday. this was yesterday. some sunshine there in cambridgeshire. we also had some rain at henley—on—thames in 0xfordshire. tuesday will be no different. a real mixed bag on the way. brollies at the ready. you can see how extensive the cloud is right now across the southern half of the uk. through the night, rain from the south—west across the midlands into lincolnshire. even here there could be downpours and cracks of thunder. in the north it will be clearer. quite a stark temperature contrast tonight. these are the towns and cities. look at the rural spots. six degrees in southern scotland, even in the sheltered glens, barely above freezing. tuesday's forecast. we are close to an area of low pressure in france, to the south of us. those of us in the south are quite close to that so this is where most of the downpours will occur. in the morning, some rain i think across the midlands into the north. scotland and northern ireland will be fine, with sunshine and the odd shower. the clouds will really get going across the south during the latter part of the morning into the afternoon, and we're in for some downpours. downpours means we will have sunshine, downpours, then sunshine again. a real mixed bag across the south on tuesday. most of the heavy downpours are in the south—east, east anglia, eventually into lincolnshire as well. lighter rain across northern england. better for cumbria, belfast, glasgow and edinburgh. the lowlands of scotland might end up with a fine, sunny day. feeling pleasantly warm as well. how are we doing compared to the rest of europe? not too good. 20 degrees in london and paris, we match 0slo. most other major centres are quite a bit warmer than that. moscow at 23. let's have a look at wednesday. that low pressure that was across france, remember, has actually moved to the north. quite an unusual direction for a low pressure system to take, tracking from south to north. usually they go like that, this one's going south to north. we're still closer to the low there, across east anglia and the south—east, so again, downpours in store on wednesday. look at wales. wales, northern england and scotland are in the clear, in for a fine day, but the weather will turn unsettled in other areas and i think some of us will get some rain towards the end of the week. bye— bye. this is bbc news. the headlines: the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, has just arrived in thailand. he's the most senior american official to visit the country since a military coup there three years ago. north korea has said it will not stop its nuclear programme despite sanctions cutting their exports by a third. while the us has downgraded relations with its oldest ally in asia, china has become more active in both politics and business. venezuela's opposition—led parliament has rejected the sacking of the chief prosecutor by the recently—created constituent assembly. luisa 0rtega said she lost herjob because the government of president maduro wanted to stop her investigations into corruption and alleged human rights abuses. now it's time for hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk. i'm stephen sackur.

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Military Threat , 51st Fighter Wing , 51 , People , Way , Everybody , Hundreds , Conflict , Worst , Thousands , Disaster , Practise , Korean Peninsula , Guys , South , Response , Kim Jong Un , War , Everyone , Deterrence , Side , Fail , Runway , No One , Practice , Flight , Distance , 48 , Bbc News , Thailand , Rex Tillerson , Official , Coup , 0ur South East Asia , Senior , Enemy , Trip , London To Brighton , 0san Airbase , 0 , 2014 , Bangkok , Seven , Administration , Relations , Visit , Policy Towards Asia , Gains , Three , Military , Human Rights , Emphasis , Values , Position , Region , Approach , Interest , Visit To Asia , Countries , Lead , Minds In Washington , Feelings , Thoughts , Southeast Asian , Priority , Notjust , Term , Back , Reasons , Cannot , Wa Nts , League , Weight , Engagement , Ten , Conversation , Top , Power , Asean , Diplomatic Robinson , Military Partner , 22 , Bomb Blast , Pakistani , Responsibility , Victims , Some , Vehicle , Device , Fruit Truck , Attack 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Africa , Japanese , Well , Invasion , 2 , Surprise , Bush , Life , Enjoyment , Vitality , Vigor , Withdrawal , Iraqi Forces 100 Years Old , 100 , Queen , Mother , King , British History , Vote , Movement , Church , Split , Negotiations , It , Story , Proposals , Arsenal , Fun , Anthony Ruggiero , Democracies , Advisor , Foundation , Defence , Six Party Talks , Six , U , Think Tank , Impact , Options , Programmes , Ground , Aren T , South Korean Peninsula , Benefits , Iran , We Haven T Strong , Level , Allies , Thing , Representatives , Russia , Nine , Trump , Resolution , Ageing , Five , Weather Moscow , Four , Strategy , Hostile Policy , Axis Of Evil , 30 , Confidence , President Zuma , Direction , Part , State , Step , Members , Decision , Speaker , Figures , Unity , South African Parliament , African National Congress , 50 , Many , Move , Number , Latest , Corruption Scandals , Element , Nomsa Maseko , Cape Town , Procedures , Outcome , Option , Call , Choice , Saw , Opposition 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, Market , Iwould , 82 , Game , Phenomenon , Players , Footage , Lunar Eclipse , Monday Night , A Traditional Dolls Festival , Sky Watchers , Delighting , 60 , Stories , Eclipse , Bbc Com News , All , Eclipses , Shadow , First , Earth , The Sun And Moon , August 21 , 21 , Mike Embley , Most , Abc , News App , Twitter , Rain , Sunshine , Rest , Summer , Cambridgeshire , In 0xfordshire , Henley On Thames , Cloud , Brollies , Half , South West , Downpours , North , Midlands , Southern Scotland , Cracks , Thunder , Contrast , Cities , Spots , Glens , Freezing , Towns , Lincolnshire , Pressure , Forecast , Tuesday , France , Sunny Day , Clouds , Shower , Northern Ireland , Afternoon , South East , Lighter Rain Across Northern England , East Anglia , Lowlands Of Scotland , Glasgow , Cumbria , Edinburgh , Belfast , Centres , Feeling , Europe , Moscow , Paris , 23 , Pressure System , Tracking , Look , Store , Areas , Weather , Clear , End , Fine Day , Wales , Northern England , Headlines , Bye 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