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Look at ll l lit mgitit ll ll l lit lullllll a Prime Minister to look at putting in place specific support up until the time that viable the opening is possible . Yes, indeed, mr speaker andi possible . Yes, indeed, mr speaker and i know how valuable the theatre sector is to our economy and being no doubt that my right honourable friend the secretary of state for dcms is talking line out of those sectors to ensure that we can help them and make sure they can go back ina them and make sure they can go back in a covid secure way. Now up to whole. Up to hull. What messages the primer is conveying by opening pubs before schools . She will understand we want our pubs to open in a safe way, she will also understand we want our schools to openin understand we want our schools to open ina understand we want our schools to open in a safe way. Before the summer open in a safe way. Before the summer break we open some classes. Alas, we are ahead of other countries in europe in doing that. There are other countries, as she will now, that are not opening any of their schools. But i must say i welcome the logic of what she is showing. If she is now actively going to encourage kids to go back to school, mr speaker, and stop the long silence of the benches opposite on this matter, that would be a great thing. Sir desmond swayne. Experts have been worked night and day to find the vixen when they have got it two straightaway allow spas and now bars to reopen. And when there are flare ups, will he resist there are flare ups, will he resist the temptation to return to collective punishment . That is a very good way of putting it. We want in so faras very good way of putting it. We want in so far as we possibly can, to confine our action to the localities where the flare ups have happened, but that is why it is so vital that eve ryo ne but that is why it is so vital that everyone listens to the balance of this guidance today, follows the guidance on two metres, and one metre plus, continues to observe social distancing and we will get this thing done. It is good news that people can start socialising and meeting in public again. But what will he do to make sure the destination communities such as the one i represent, brighton and hove, are one i represent, brighton and hove, a re extra one i represent, brighton and hove, are extra safe . There will be people who will be meeting and drinking in places like the seafront and in parks, where it will be impossible to get the names and addresses of every customer. There will be other pitch points were lots of people from various destinations will be rubbing against each other. What will he do in the absence of the promised act to make sure these communities are destinations for investment and not destinations for covid . I will be calling on local representatives, such as yourself, to show some guts and determination and champion their communities as venues for people to return to and to support. And i think that he can do that with confidence because we are introducing, as i said, a sensible package of measures that allows businesses gradually to reopen, whilst ensuring social distancing. Its that mixture, plus the nhs test and trace scheme, that i believe allows us to go forward. So that is the formula that i believe works. And as for the issue of putting names behind the bar or registering in restaurants, i do think that is something that people get. And as far as possible, as far as possible, we want people to do that. We want businesses to comply with that. We believe it would be very, very important for our ability to track back and stop outbreaks happening. Sol to track back and stop outbreaks happening. So i do think you should also encourage all his businesses to ta ke also encourage all his businesses to take the names of customers. I very much welcome the statement from the Prime Minister today but the Prime Minister will be aware that my constituents will not be benefiting from the measures announced today. The first minister of scotla nd announced today. The first minister of scotland is delaying scotlands release from lockdown. Does the Prime Minister agree that the first minister should share the evidence to justify why scotland is taking a different approach to the rest of the United Kingdom . Well, mr speaker, im grateful to my honourable friend. He has his finger on the pulse. I was earlier informed that the first minister of scotland was about to make a statement, as she has done several times before, uncannily similar to the one that i have just given. But if i am misinformed about that, i do think it remains none the less the case that the similarities between our approaches greatly outweigh the differences. The Prime Minister referred to support for local authorities. The Rhondda Valley has had three bouts of flooding during this period, very severe, including last week. Many homes have lost absolutely everything because i have no insurance and the local authority faces a bill somewhere in the region of £67 million. That is to repair culverts, drains, pumping stations and gullies, and to replace many bridges. In particular we have a landslide from an old coal tip, which is in danger of doing very significant damage if we cant move the 60,000 tonnes of earth. That is still a westminster responsibility. He may not have the answer now, but can he please make sure we get the £2. 5 million very swiftly so we can do that work very quickly . We dont wa nt do that work very quickly . We dont want another aberfan. The right honourable gentleman is absolutely right. Iam honourable gentleman is absolutely right. I am aware of those risks. We are working with mark draper and the Welsh Government on those problems. Welsh government on those problems. We are putting 4 billion into flood defences. One thing i think we will be able to do, real problems of unemployment, getting to work while putting in flood defences in the future will be an important way of driving job creation. Thank you, mr speaker. My right honourable friend will know that many people have been unable to attend routine hospital appointments throughout the lockdown and the reasons for that are many and the reasons for that are many and varied. Will he tell me moving forward , and varied. Will he tell me moving forward, as the lockdown eases, what measures can be put in place to support hospital trusts as they work ha rd to support hospital trusts as they work hard to catch up . And can he tell me if he will work with me to secure an upgrade to scu nthorpe if he will work with me to secure an upgrade to scunthorpe hospital, needed and now more than ever before . Well, i congratulate my honourable friend on the way she represents her constituency. We will do whatever we can for scunthorpe. I have no doubt it is one on one of my right honourable friends lists, the secretary of state for health. We are investing record sums into the nhs, the biggest ever cash boost for the nhs. We are going to do a0 new hospitals. That remains undimmed ambition. If anything we are going to double down on our ambitions for the nhs. She should watch this space, particularly as regards scunthorpe hospital. To Greater Manchester with debbie abrahams. Thank you, mr speaker. Mr speaker, published evidence indicates indoor environments pick up more than 90 of the virus around the world. The close of the contact and the greater the length of contact for greater the length of contact for greater the risk. Sage has said the evidence, it is inappropriate to reduce social distancing at this stage of the infection, typically over a thousand new covid cases a day. Rather than the Prime Minister making decisions behind closed doors on unpublished evidence, why wont he publish his exit strategy and wait until the test and isolate system is fully operational . Im grateful to the honourable lady but i mustjust grateful to the honourable lady but i must just repeat grateful to the honourable lady but i mustjust repeat what i have said to the house several times now, that we will be putting the argumentation about the change in the two metre rule, the infection in the two metre rule, the infection in the two metre rule, the infection in the two metre rule, the one metre plus rule, in the libraries of both houses. And i must say that im not at one with her in her view of nhs test and trace. I think its a massive achievement by this country. It started to work better and better. I think it will be indispensable to oui think it will be indispensable to our future think it will be indispensable to oui future success. Thank you, mr speaker. The operators of pubs, hotels and restaurants in england would be feeling considerably relieved by the prime ministers statement today, but that relief will not be shared in wales. Hospitality is an enormously important part of the economy and yet at the Welsh Government have yet to make a statement of their own. This of course is legally the consequence of devolution but the practical consequence is to spare despair and frustration. Can my right honourable friend say what work the government is doing with the devolved administrations to secure a more uniformed approach as we depart from the lockdown restrictions . Well, mr speaker, i should have said to the right honourable lady opposite, and ijust say to my right honourable friend, actually, we are in daily contact, oi actually, we are in daily contact, or very, very regular contact, with all the devolved administrations. We are in much more lockstep than you might think. On the particular matter of hospitality in wales, i hear him loud and clear. I think that point will also be heard loud and clear in cardiff and we look forward to hearing further announcements. If people are to take advantage of the lifting of these restrictions, they must have confidence in the judgment of the Prime Minister and those around him. He must surely realise that recent events have done some damage in that regard. If he wishes to repair some of that damage, will he end of the much ridiculed quarantine period for people coming here from overseas . Speaker, first of all may i apologise to the right honourable gentleman for last week mistakenly believing him to be someone who wa nted believing him to be someone who wanted to break up our United Kingdom. I unreservedly withdraw that aspiration. I know that he and i want to keep our union together. But i must say to him on the quarantine issue, i do think that its very sensible for this country do have measures in place to protect oui do have measures in place to protect our population from vectors of disease coming back into the uk from abroad. That is the right thing to do. May i assure the Prime Minister that there will be a warm welcome for his measures today in rugby, not only from the pubs and restaurants, but in particularfrom only from the pubs and restaurants, but in particular from the town centre traders. Right now, in order to accommodate two metres social distancing their works on the way to provide an unwelcome one way system and the removal of on street parking. The very welcome move to one metre on the ath ofjuly it means that these measures will no longer be necessary, and it will be easierfor longer be necessary, and it will be easier for customers longer be necessary, and it will be easierfor customers to longer be necessary, and it will be easier for customers to get into our town centre and spend money with our fantastic local retailers. Well, i would certainly encourage customers to go to their fantastic local retailers in rugby and im delighted these measures today obviate the need for the course at one way system that he describes. We do welcome this restriction easing up. For a number of businesses across my constituency, along the south bank, including hospitality, leisure and culture, they will see this as i step on the right direction. But it will still be hard for them. Businesses need to see that detailed guideline now. Research by the federation of Small Businesses shows the vast majority of Small Businesses say they will need to make changes for this to work, but there will be significant cost attached. What can the government do to support small restaurants, cafes, hairdressers and other Small Businesses employing ten or less people, whose Balance Sheet have been so impacted over the past few months . They need to make those necessary judgments to make months . They need to make those necessaryjudgments to make their staff and their customers safe. Well, mr speaker, businesses have been eligible for £25,000 in grants. We have had 11 Million People supported under the coronavirus Job Retention scheme. The huge amounts of money, the 26 billion in bounce bank loans alone. We will support businesses large and small for the duration of this crisis. Of the best way to get all the hairdressers and all these businesses back on their feet as fast as possible is to make sure that we continue to press the virus, keep it under control. Keep the incidents down. And that we will go forward. Our vision for the country is to try to back to normality for as many as possible, as fast as possible. I warmly welcome my right honourable friends statement. Im looking forward to dropping into the pub in york on the ath ofjuly, which has been a great virtual hub of the local community in recent weeks. We represent a large number of people to work in the creative industries. Although todays announcement is very welcome, there are many parts of that industry held back and will inevitably be for some time. Can i write Harbour Front as your me that he and the chancellor and other managers will continue to look at ways to ease the pressure on what is one of our most essential sectors . Mr speaker, my writable friend is a great champion of those industries. And i have said two colleagues already, doing a huge amount to engage with them and support them. Chris stephens in scotland. Thank you, mr speaker. The Prime Minister in his statement says he is keen to get people back into work, but we have also seen the benefits of home working, particularly at hmrc, with staff going the extra mile to support business through these schemes. But the Prime Minister will be aware that hmrc have now launched a massive redundancy scheme which could affect 2000 staff. What message does the Prime Minister send when he believes people to get back to work, but Government Departments want to put people out of work . Mr speaker, i think that people have to work from home if they can. That remains the guidance. Of course, its up to employers and employees to decide whether they need to get back to work, to the workplace, to do their jobs. When it comes to the hmrc and the sad redundancies that he mentions, i will certainly look at that. Although i think that obviously it is also important to cut the cost of government. Thank you very much, mr speaker. It will not come as a surprise that i wholly endorse the Prime Ministers announcement on the end of the hairdressing hibernation. And thats been made possible by the change to the social distancing rules, which will help hundreds of thousands of businesses across the country. To help those businesses further, when my right honourable friend look at reducing vat and National Insurance contributions for employers, so we are not just cutting contributions for employers, so we are notjust cutting hair about cutting taxes . I will certainly look at all such measures but i do not wish to anticipate anything that my right honourable friend, the chancellor, might say. The Prime Minister will be aware, im sure, of the then un hull which isa im sure, of the then un hull which is a research venue. I did note that he talked about the task force in his speech. When will this task force to reports . How quickly can we get the aquarium open . In the meantime, any look at providing them extra specialised Financial Support . Or can he look. She has heard what i have to say. We will do everything we can to get all sorts of venues opened as soon as possible, make them covid i9 compliant. Im sure we can get that. People and businesses across hartford and stored were rightly welcomed the Prime Ministers announcement. Will my right honourable friend agreed with me that we should also continue to support the development of new technologies and those already in use, such as apps and codes, which will help many companies, especially in the arts and technology sectors, to benefit from the measures he has outlined today . Absolutely, mr speaker. And again, i can rely on the incredible ingenuity of the arts sector, in fact, the incredible ingenuity of the arts sector, infact, every the incredible ingenuity of the arts sector, in fact, every sector, the retail, hospitality sector, to use technology to bank the changes and to make further progress in taking our country forward and letting this country bounce back. Thank you, Prime Minister. I work the statement. Thank you, mr speaker i wa nt to statement. Thank you, mr speaker i want to thank the Prime Minister for a welcome statement. It would be much better maybe if he was Prime Minister we have a plethora of Small Businesses in brighton. Ive just spoken to our lgbt businesses and they are keen to get open. But if they are worried at the moment that the follow scheme has closed for a new entrance coming this month, and will allow part time working. But wont tell our people to come off followed to see if the business is viable and then for them to be put back on. Will the prime i consider some flexibility for side a two week trial and then for them to be put back on furlough for the remainder of furlough, so businesses can try out of the water . Otherwise many will stay shut completely and that would be a disappointment. hope actually that businesses will recognise that now is the moment to get going, to get their valued staff back on board, to get them back working again, doing what they want to do, what they love doing, and i have no doubt that all the bars in brighton have every reason to be confident, provided we do this in a sensible way. And i think everybody, i think everybody in the house understands the balance of what we are trying to do today. I hope everybody can join together in expressing that balance to the public. Heading to lovely lancashire with mark menzies. Thank you, mr speaker. It is lovely lancashire. Mr speaker, can i welcome the measure of the Prime Minister has announced today, which will be a real boost to the visitor economy. Other members have invited the Prime Minister to come for a drink to his constituency. Can he come here to get his haircut . While he is here he would have an to realise why it is levelling up agenda gives the green light to projects such as the m 55 link road, which will ensure the local economies are connected and well served four years to come . Mr speaker, not sure i can wait until i get to filed to get my hair cut, but i will tell him certainly that his appealfor the n i will tell him certainly that his appeal for the n 55 i will tell him certainly that his appealfor the n 55 link road is welljudged. And has been heard by the government benches. Of course you should look forward to the further steps in the infrastructural revolution that will be under way. Heading over the border to Greater Manchester with lucy powell. Thank you very much, mr speaker. Her dresses, restaurant and pubs in manchester were warmly welcome the announcement. If he doesnt mind, i wa nt announcement. If he doesnt mind, i want asking to join announcement. If he doesnt mind, i want asking tojoin me announcement. If he doesnt mind, i want asking to join me for a announcement. If he doesnt mind, i want asking tojoin me for a drink in one of them. He will be aware though that 80 of the more than 3 Million People that work in hospitality and leisure are currently furloughed. So can he tell me how he expects businesses like james, night clubs, theatres and others that have got to remain closed, how they can contribute towards that follow scheme at the beginning of august without causing mass redundancies . Mr speaker, that is why we have set up the various task forces we have, to ensure that we work with everybody in the sector them to reopen as fast as possible ina them to reopen as fast as possible in a covid compliant way. That is our ambition. Thank you, mr speaker. This announcement will be warmly welcomed by the hospitality sector, which makes North West Norfolk a stunning place to visit. But does my honourable friend agree that h u nsta nto n honourable friend agree that hunstanton and honourable friend agree that hunsta nton and other coastal areas and offered me to benefit from investment so they can bounce back for the long term . Yes indeed, mr speaker. We are going to be doing a huge amount for coastal communities that have been left behind, as he knows. But one thing i think we can all do now is ensure that we set out all do now is ensure that we set out a very positive and welcoming message for coastal communities around the uk. Now is the time, folks, to have a staycation in the uk. Hunstanton or elsewhere. Mr speaker, the Fastest Growing languages are mandarin, chinese and latin american spanish. And the diversity within hornsey and wood green is a real strength. But my question is serious. What personal steps will be Prime Minister take to stop black and minority ethnic communities getting covid, so we can save more lives in the next few months . It has been a really tragic few months for my constituency. Well, i think the honourable lady. And shes absolutely right to raise the point that she does. And what she will have heard is that want enhanced greater testing and more immediate testing, more efficient testing, for those high contact groups. Over the last few months you have seen black and minority ethnic people very, very substantially represented in professions which have been exposed to coronavirus, and we want to make sure we help immediately by targeting those groups with extra testing. But i think there are more lessons to be learned for the future. That is why we have set up the commission we have and we will be drawing further conclusions in due course. Wigan will rejoice, mr speaker, but i want to thank the expert you have guided us to thank the expert you have guided us through this crisis. Wycombe. When information is incomplete, when information and knowledge is uncertain, experts disagree with one another. For the sake of the public and the government and the experts themselves, with my right honourable friend to take a meeting with me and a scholar in the field of expert failure, to discuss how things can be done better in the future . think i know roger, and i would be very interested to hear what he has to say. But i must say, i think that the guidance from our scientists has been incredibly valuable. It has helped us through the period. But be in no doubt, the decisions that we have taken, the decisions we have taken, have have taken, the decisions we have ta ken, have been have taken, the decisions we have taken, have been decisions that we, as government, have taken and which we ta ke as government, have taken and which we take full responsibility. Mr deputy speaker, mr speaker, i have many leisure facilities, large leisure facilities, in my constituency. They could open now. Gymnasiums, swimming pools and even an outdoor light. But a very fair there have been lumped in with smaller facilities that would find it difficult to open. They can open now, meeting social distancing regulations, whether it is two metres or one metre. How long will they have to wait for the task force to enable them to open . Mr speaker, he makes a very powerful point. Im sure that kind of point would be echoed in multiple ways around the country today, as people look at apparent inconsistencies. All i can say is we will work as fast as we can with him, with the james and three swimming pools that he mentions to try to get them into a state where they can open as fast as possible. Thank you, mr speaker. The two major social distancing rule is meant only 1596 social distancing rule is meant only 15 of tube passengers are able to travel. This will now go up to 25 as the one major restriction comes in. In the event of that demand exceeds that 25 of supply, and the r number continues to fall and ppe is being used, will the Prime Minister look again at the distancing rules to ensure that our economy and our customers can move around . Absolutely, mr speaker. Of course, it remains the case that, the guidances you should avoid public transport if you cant. If you must use it, then you should wear a face covering. I think that is the right balance at the moment. Going to scotland, kirsten oswald. Thank you, mr speaker. The Prime Minister isjust spoken thank you, mr speaker. The Prime Minister is just spoken about making difficultjudgments. It minister is just spoken about making difficult judgments. It was minister is just spoken about making difficultjudgments. It was his judgment not to sack dominic cummings. Cani judgment not to sack dominic cummings. Can i ask the Prime Minister if his judgment extends to understanding the damage that did to confidence in englands Public Health messaging, and the consequences of that for peoples lives . And what his judgment now of how he can repair that damage . Mr speaker, i must say that in spite of the kind of comment that we have just heard, i have been overwhelmingly impressed and fortified by the common sense of the british people who have heard are who understood what to do. One statistic that shows the power of the Community Spirit in this country at the moment. 87,000 people have been contacted by nhs test and trace and have voluntarily agreed to self isolated to prevent the transmission of the disease. That is a fantastic thing. The people understand what to do. They are doing it. With their common sense, the common sense of the british people will get us through this. Last week i spoke to hospitality and tourist businesses in my constituency who have worked extremely hard to implement social distancing measures. They are desperate to get back to work. Can the Prime Minister please continue to work closely with the devolved administration in wales and ensure that wales joins up with the rest of the United Kingdom . In particular will encourage the Welsh Government to scrap the five mile rule . Im grateful to her for to scrap the five mile rule . Im grateful to herfor her to scrap the five mile rule . Im grateful to her for her point. The house will have heard what i have already said on that matter. But we will continue to work very closely with our colleagues in wales and across the country. Now we are moving to one metre plus, which as i understand it only applies where two metres is not possible, what does the Prime Minister say to all those businesses who have expended considerable sums in order to comply with two metre guidelines . Can they stick with two metres or move to one . Mr speaker, that is a matter for yourself, to establish how you wish to proceed, though i would of course encourage as much progress to be made as possible. As for businesses, the guidance is there. It is being published later today. I hope they will take advantage of it. And that it will make their businesses much more manageable. I welcome this statement. My constituency is were my constituency is were my constituency is were my constituency is in the top 10 for hospitality in this country. Almost 9500 are employed in it. Many local authorities are looking to use streets and pavements for cafes and other hospitality businesses. That is something i support. Does my right honourable friend agree that councils should be encouraged to use available spaces to have the hospitality sector reopening, whilst of course ensuring social distancing. Yes, mr speaker. He is totally right. This is the moment for ingenuity. I hope councils will be broad minded and creative. There is plenty of space to be found. We are now going to south wales withjessica found. We are now going to south wales with Jessica Worden jessica morden. Welsh councils are reporting a shortfall of around 170 million in the First Quarter of this Financial Year due to the crisis, so its clear we are going to need the uk government to step up and provide more funding to Welsh Government to ensure we dont see big cuts in services when they are needed most. With the Prime Minister committed to this . Well, it is up to the Welsh Government to spend money properly, but be in no doubt of this government continues to commit sums to help all the devolved administrations. As i think our friends from the snp will now, we have already contributed 3. 7 billion extra in barnett consequential is for scotland alone and we will continue to support every part. I am sure will continue to support every pa rt sure will continue to support every part of the United Kingdom. I got covid 19 on the same day as my right honourable friend the Prime Minister. Yesterday, iwas right honourable friend the Prime Minister. Yesterday, i was given a free test by a company run by military veterans. There is a huge number of us to have had this disease. If we can identify us and make sure we are in those statistics, does my right honourable friend agree we can move faster and more efficiently forward . We have got to get tested. I am delighted to see him looking so well and having a great recovery. He is completely right. At the moment, one of the difficulties the country faces is it looks as though about six or 7 of the population have been exposed to the population have been exposed to the virus

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