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This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. Im ben brown. As the United States posts another daily record for new coronavirus cases, President Trump finally wears a face mask in public. I think its a great thing to wear a mask. Ive never been against masks, but i do believe they have a time and a place. A £700 million plan for improvements to British Border controls at the end of the brexit transition period. Thousands of israelis protest against economic hardship, which they say is the result of the governments mishandling of the coronavirus crisis. A scottish pilot who contracted covid i9 in vietnam and was given just a 10 chance of survival is now on his way home. And its the final day of the first test between england and west indies. England are 170 runs ahead with just two wickets remaining in their second innings. Hello and welcome if youre watching in the uk or around the world. Do stay with us for the latest news and analysis from here and across the globe. President trump has appeared in public for the first time wearing a face mask, during a visit to a Military Hospital in maryland. The visit comes as the us declared a record 66,000 cases of infections in one day. Mr trump had previously refused to wear a mask in front of cameras. John mcmanus has the latest. An unexpected change of direction President Trump wearing a face mask in public for the first time. Although he recently said that he thought he resembled the lone ranger when he donned a face mask, he originally refused to wear one. I think wearing a face mask as i greet president s, Prime Ministers, dictators, kings, queens i dont know. Somehow, i dont see it for myself. The president s change of heart comes as covid i9 tightens its grip on the us. So far, there have been 135,000 deaths from the virus. With 3. 2 million cases, the us is the worst hit country, and the numbersjust keep on rising. Florida is one of those states struggling to contain the virus. After attempting to open in may, the state ordered bars to close again at the end ofjune. In arizona, there has been a steady rise in the use of artificial breathing machines in intensive care units. Its bars and clubs have also been closed again. While in texas, several hospitals say their coronavirus wards are at or near capacity. But in orlando, disney world reopened two of its four parks on saturday Magic Kingdom and animal kingdom. Decisions over face coverings are contentious in the us. Many of Donald Trumps own supporters regard it as a personal choice and not something to be imposed by the state, meaning their president is trying to tread a fine line. I think its a great thing to wear a mask. Ive never been against masks, but i do believe they have a time and a place. Other World Leaders are already leading by example, some more reluctantly than others. All eyes will now be on mr trump to see if his mask will be a lasting feature. John mcmanus, bbc news. The British Government is to spend more than £700 million on increased security and border checks, in preparation for the end of the brexit transition period at the end of the year. Therell be 500 new staff, and new inland border posts where existing ports have no room to cope with the extra checks that will be required. Heres our Political Correspondent iain watson. Dover is the busiest channel port. It will be on the front line of new customs regulations from the end of the year. When the brexit transition period comes to a close, new customs checks will be necessary, and where existing ports are too cramped, new facilities will be built inland. The uk will phase in its new system over six months. But eu countries will begin checks on our exports from january the 1st. Getting ready for life outside the Eu Customs Union doesnt come cheap. The government will spend £470 million on new customs facilities such as Border Control posts, and a further 235 million on it and staffing, including the recruitment of 500 more Border Force Staff. But government ministers havent said exactly when the new facilities will be ready. In a leaked letter, the International Trade secretary, liz truss, has expressed concerns about a lack of necessary infrastructure at uk ports, and she wants assurances from government colleagues that a new customs system here in the uk wont be delayed any further than july next year. Labour is accusing ministers of being complacent in their post brexit preparations, and the party claims theres a growing sense of chaos in government. But government ministers argue they are making an unprecedented investment to keep our border secure. Iain watson, bbc news. With me is our Political Correspondent nick eardley. The government saying it is an unprecedented investment. It sounds like a lot of money, £700 million. Do we have much detail on this . We know roughly where the money is going, 400 million of it will be that infrastructure and the rest will be setting up a new it system and bringing in new Border Force Staff to make sure the uk is ready for whatever comes at the start of next year. But i think some will be wondering why this is happening six months out from the end of the transition period. The government is clear that no matter what, there will be a new arrangement at the end of this year, with or without a trade deal, and are concerned that by having not having this in place sooner, by having not having this in place sooner, you are not by having not having this in place sooner, you are not giving businesses enough time to get ready. Cabinet ministers have some concerns, as you heard and iains piece there, liz truss has raised concerns about smuggling and the trade period as this is phased in up to nextjuly. Labour are saying that there is increasing concern that the government isnt being honest about the level of preparation for this. This is ministers trying to say, we are getting this in place, he is a bunch of cash, we are going to make sure that this is ready, but to use that terribly overused phrase, the devil will be in the detail, and i suspect a lot of people are thinking, what is this going to look like, more than where the money is coming from. And we will be hearing more today about that immigration points system, tell us about that. We have a rough idea of how it is going to work. You will get certain points for the money you earn, for skilled jobs, for areas where there arejob shortages. You skilled jobs, for areas where there are job shortages. You will need 70 points overall and we dont know how that will be made up, but there will be schemes to help with particular sectors, so we will find out a couple of those, one is the health and care visa, so after the coronavirus crisis, the government will say, if you are coming to work in the nhs, we will make it easier and cheaper for you to come and settle in the uk. Likewise, one of the big concerns has been what is going to happen to graduates, because if you finish a degree or postg rad because if you finish a degree or postgrad or something, you are not necessarily going to get that skilled job that you might get somewhere down the line right away. Some fear that they wouldnt be able to stay in the country. There is going to be a bit of a grace period, two years for undergraduates, three yea rs of two years for undergraduates, three years of phd students, to make sure they have some time to work themselves up to those points that they need to stay in the country. But i think a lot of this, we have spoken so much about coronavirus over the last few months. I think the government is going to try and move back to focusing more on getting ready for brexit, and i think after a hiatus of a few months where brexit kind of went away, we are going to be talking about it a bit more. Thank you very much. And we are going to be talking a bit more in the next few minutes on the programme about that immigration points based system and how it affects universities in particular with the chair of the Russell Group, who was also vice chancellor of the university of glasgow, so stay tuned for that. Thousands of israelis have taken to the streets of tel aviv to protest against the governments economic handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Among the grievances, claims that too little has been done to help business owners, and when money has been promised, its been too slow to arrive. Rachel stanton reports. They turned out in their thousands in rabin square, known for its political rallies, wearing masks, but without observing social distancing. Unhappy with the governments economic handling of the coronavirus pandemic, many say they have been left without financial aid. I have a Catering Company that has been closed four months ago and i didnt have any event in the past four months. My Catering Company is working in the big Corporate Events and for the last four past months, i havent had one event and i need compensation from the government. Unemployment in israel has soared to 21 since march. The government promised to help those in need, but some feel it has been too slow. I came to protest against the Israeli Government that doesnt give us the money. We didnt work for four months during coronavirus. We didnt get any money. I closed my business, i fired all my workers, and we are all sitting at home without any money. And daily infection rates are soaring again. A partial lockdown in march crushed the covid infection, but since reopening there has been a new spike. Prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Neta nyahu to reimpose a series of restrictions. The government says those affected will get their money this coming week. Its not a minute too soon for those whose livelihoods have been put on hold. Rachel stanton, bbc news. Polands president ial election gets under way this morning, in a contest which is likely to shape the countrys future and its strained relations with the european union. The conservative incumbent, andrzej duda is running against the more socially liberal candidate rafal trzaskowski. More than 100,000 poles living in the uk voted in the first round of the election two weeks ago, according to the polish electoral commission. India has reported a record spike in coronavirus cases, forcing authorities to reinforce strict lockdowns across the country. In the last 24 hours alone, more than 27,000 people were diagnosed with the virus, bringing the National Total to more than 800,000. A high profile bollywood star, Amitabh Bachchan has also confirmed he is suffering from the illness. Freya coles report starts in the countrys most populous state, Uttar Pradesh and a warning, theres some flash photography. Alarm. Authorities sound their warning stay indoors to stay safe. Busy roads have been closed, the usual bustle of business has come to a standstill. It will come at a great economic cost, but many agree another round of lockdown is needed. Translation we have to live with coronavirus. We must exercise precautions like wearing masks, maintain space of 18 square feet around ourselves, using sanitiser. We have made all kinds of arrangements in the shops. Prime minister Narendra Modi has held urgent talks with health officials. The goal is to implement regional lockdowns where the infection rate is high. India is the third worst affected country behind brazil and the United States. Early lockdowns helped keep the virus at bay, but as soon as restrictions eased, cases have soared. Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan is the latest high profile celebrity to test positive for the virus. He told his fans hes in hospital, and his son has also been diagnosed. He broke the news to his 43 million twitter followers. Its been shared at a rapid pace and the well wishes have poured in. Bachchan is one of the countrys best known film actors. Hes been involved in 200 films. His diagnosis will help raise awareness of covid 19. Face masks are mandatory in many parts of the country. This diamond studded option has a price tag of almost us 2,000. Its fashion, but in the name of Public Health and safety. Freya cole, bbc news. Back to that story we were bringing you earlier. The British Government is preparing to release some more details of its new point based immigration system that will come into force next year once the uk has left the eu. International students from any nationality will be allowed to stay in the country for up to three years to help boost the uks economy post brexit. Lets get more now from professor sir anton muscatelli, hes chair of the Russell Group which represents 24 of the uks leading universities and vice chancellor of the university of glasgow. Thank you for being with us, and what you make of the system as far as universities . . Ithink it is what you make of the system as far as universities . . I think it is a great announcement for universities, and it will help show off the uk as and it will help show off the uk as a place for higher education. Stu d e nts a place for higher education. Students coming here to study will be able to seek employment here in the uk, and all the countries in the world that have had the schemes have done extremely well in terms of retaining talent. The government recently published its research and development road map, which has the possibility to make the uk the best country for Global Research in the coming years. If we know that we can get that rate up, that will drive up gdp growth and will also create 1 million newjobs. That depends on talent, and if we can bring the best talent, and if we can bring the best talent from around the world here and then retain it here, i think that will be a fantastic way to drive that growth through the rnd plan. How important do you think International Students are to britains universities and its economy . Hugely important. If you look at key sectors of our economy, whether it is manufacturing, Life Sciences or the creative industries, we know that talent comes from around the world, not only studies here but then settled here for at least a few years, adding to our economy and making a huge difference. And if we look at what is happening in the us where the administration is discouraging stu d e nts administration is discouraging students from coming in, that is a lost opportunity, because for many yea rs, lost opportunity, because for many years, silicon valley, Life Sciences in the us, has been driven by these first generation immigrants, these talented students that have gone to study in the us, and they are losing that. And i think what the uk government is doing here through the Global Talent visa is hugely important for us. Has the number of International Stu d e nts has the number of International Students at british universities declined because of brexit and then coronavirus, those twin effects . We havent seen a decline in the last couple of years. What we saw perhaps two or three years ago as a result of the gradual erosion of post study work, we saw students for instance from countries like india being less inclined to study here, more inclined to study here, more inclined to study here, more inclined to go to countries like canada, australia, indeed the us, but i think the Global Talent visa can ensure that students from around the world, whether from can ensure that students from around the world, whetherfrom india, asia, europe indeed, can still come here. Now that we see some of the detail of the scheme emerging, we can see whether it is enshrined in the statute books but at the very least we need some detail now after the announcement to see exactly how it will operate, because we need to be able to go out there and tell the world that we have this scheme with the extension for three years for phd students which will be world leading. And three years in your view is enough, is it . Ithink leading. And three years in your view is enough, is it . I think three yea rs view is enough, is it . I think three years is view is enough, is it . I think three yea rs is really view is enough, is it . I think three years is really good, and what we would like to see is perhaps after it is applied to phd students and if it is applied to phd students and if it works well, we would like to see it works well, we would like to see it extended also to masters graduates and undergraduates. If we can do that, that would put us in a very good stead. Thank you for talking to us,. Thank you. From transport staff to shop workers, there are many people who have kept the uk running throughout lockdown. But that has often put them at risk. Dozens of bus workers are known to have died with coronavirus its one of the professions that has been hardest hit. 0ur transport correspondent tom burridge has been speaking to the relatives of two of those who lost their lives. The tributes to arnie naylor and reg halstead two of more than 50 bus drivers killed by coronavirus. At the moment, i am grieving. Its going to take a long time. And hes going to be really missed. Having to lose somebody like that, and be away from them is one of the most heartbreaking things. It was typical of both men to keep working, even when furlough was an option. When the furlough came, he didnt even put his name forward, even though he was at risk, with diabetes. I have a big regret that i didnt just tell him to stop working. It just wasnt worth it and it never will be worth it. I wish i could go back in time and tell him that. People like arnie and reg made essentialjourneys possible as the virus spread. But covid got them both. I spent his final half hour with him, so they let me be with him while he passed. Which was traumatic, to say the least. Yeah, we couldnt even give him the funeral that he deserved. Danny 0hanlon remembers what it felt like to drive at the height of the pandemic, when many measures to protect drivers werent in place. Very, very nervous in fact. You know, getting up in the morning and thinking, oh, ive got to go out and drive, and am i going to feel, you know, are people going to come up to me, talk to me . You are wanting to try and avoid any situation like that that you could. For a significant period of time, drivers were riding around without any sort of protection. 0llies dad reg fell ill with covid in early april. I believe he took his own hand sanitiser in, in his work bag, and he didnt have a mask or any access to a mask. He believes his dad was let down. One of the things that my dad took an awful lot of pride in in hisjob was his responsibility to look after the people that he worked with. Its a travesty that the company werent able to do the same thing for him. Reg, in the yellowjacket, worked for arriva. The company described him as a popular and hard working man and said his death was a massive blow for everyone at his depot in southport. Arriva said it always followed the governments Public Health advice, and the safety of employees and customers was its overriding priority throughout the pandemic. For arnie, a drive past in his hometown of chorley. His wife yvonne wonders why face coverings werent compulsory in england earlier on. It does make me sad when i see the buses now and they are all in masks and i think, why did you not do that before . Why did you not say no, you cannot get on the bus unless you wear a mask . Bus drivers did a vitaljob during the pandemic, but many, like reg and arnie, paid the ultimate price. Tom burridge, bbc news. An Airline Pilot from North Lanarkshire who contracted covid 19 in vietnam and spent more than two months on life support in a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City is on his way home. Doctors gave 42 year old Stephen Cameron a 10 chance of survival, in a country that has recorded no official coronavirus deaths. Alexandra mackenzie reports. He had only recently arrived in vietnam to work as a pilot for vietnam airways. Stephen cameron is thought to have contracted covid 19 on a night out in Ho Chi Minh City at the end of march. The case attracted much Media Attention because in vietnam, the number of coronavirus cases is below 400, and there were no registered deaths. The 42 year old from motherwell spent more than two months on a ventilator. There were few critical patients, so he was treated by the countrys top clinicians. But stephen, whose face has been blurred in this hospitalfootage, had multiple complications. My friend craig was told by the Foreign Commonwealth Office i had a 10 chance of survival, so he planned for the worst. So he gave up my apartment. He started to do things that you would expect somebody to do if i was coming home in a box. However, after ten weeks, doctors woke him from the coma and he dared to think about home. The odds say that i shouldnt be here, so i can only thank everybody here for doing what they have done, and i go home with a happy heart because im going home, but a sad one because i am leaving so many people here that i have made friends with. Stephen is on the road to recovery. He lost weight and muscle strength and suffered fatigue and depression. There was also a debate about who would pay the medical bills. But he is now on his way home and an emotional reunion is expected with friends and family in motherwell. Alexandra mackenzie, bbc news, glasgow. Since George Floyds death, street artists have been painting his face and the faces of other victims of Police Racism on walls and shop fronts across cities in the United States. George floyds picture and his last few words have been painted in bold white letters on a hoarding in palm springs, on an abandoned old building in milwaukee. And in denver, colorado, these local artists are painting the faces of people they believe still need to getjustice. 0ne artist, Damon Lamar Reed in chicago, told us more about his work. If you dont break the chain, then who will . Why i came up with the word chain, because that chain is something that restrains and at the same time a chain is also a cycle, so it kind of had that double meaning. All that is saying is that this cycle, you know, of racism, systematic racism, whatever you call it, this cycle continues and its a cycle that needs to stop. Now, in the area that i did the piece in, the majority of the people you see are actually white people. So this piece is not even really meant for black people, even though i want black people appreciate it, but its meant for anybody who has kind of been a part of that racism and its speaking to them. You know, theres a popular quote. If i want to make a change, then i have to start with me. Street art, public art. You know, its a very powerful tool. And i do believe that art does dictate life. You know, it can help shift culture. It can help change the narrative. It can help ignite that fire that people need. And it helps connect people. Now to Sichuan Province in china, and a potential sports star of the future. This two year old boy has been practising his basketball skills and hes really quite impressive. You can see how hes able to hit his shots straight through the hoop, though it is a bit lower than usual to accomodate his small stature. Hes also a talented dribbler. You are watching bbc news. Hes raised over £30 million for britains nhs, had a number one single with michael ball and been given a knighthood. You all know who were talking about now of course, its captain sir tom moore. Well, now he can add being a member of the england football squad to his long list of achievements. David beckham has named him an honorary captain of the lionhearts, an initiative honouring inspirational people whove gone above and beyond during the pandemic. Lets take a look at what happened when david met sir tom. David. Captain sirtom, thank you for having me here today. I am very excited about meeting you and it is a real pleasure for me to be down here to personally say thank you and also to present you with a little present from the england team. Very kind of you, and i am delighted to receive that honour from you, especially from you. Thank you very much indeed. Captain sirtom, now captain sir tom, now a member of the england lion hearts. Darren bett has the weather. Hello there. Theres more sunshine to come through the rest of the day, and its probably going to be a warmer day than it was yesterday. For much of the country, weve got High Pressure still in charge, keeping it fine and dry. The fly in the ointment, this weather system coming in from the atlantic to bring some rain towards more North Western parts of the uk. But most of the cloud that well see today may well be high cloud, a bit like this. There may be some patchy fair weather cloud here and there developing as temperatures continue to rise. Weve also got more cloud across the Northern Isles of scotland. Sunshine turning a bit hazy for northern and Western Areas with that high cloud coming in and the cloud thickening from the west to bring some rain in from the atlantic into Northern Ireland during this afternoon. Temperatures here probably making 19 celsius, though, towards the east coast and 20 around aberdeenshire and the murray firth. Temperatures 23, possibly 24 towards the south east of england where itll end dry and sunny. But weve got that thickening cloud coming in to bring some rain, notjust into Northern Ireland, but into scotland early in the night. That will then tumble its way down into northern parts of england and north wales. A lot more cloud around tonight, so its going to be quite a bit warmer than its been for the past couple of nights, temperatures typically 11 or 12 celsius. But tomorrows weather could look rather different. Theres much more cloud coming in for a start. This patchy rain mainly running into the hills of north west england and wales, perhaps heading a little bit further south. To the north weve got quite a cloudy air stream, some showers around too, but some sunshine here and there, particularly eastern scotland, 19 or 20 celsius should feel quite pleasant, actually. The higher temperatures are towards the south east of england at east anglia, where well start to see a bit of rain towards the end of the afternoon. That, of course, on that weather front there, that will clear away by the time we get to tuesday morning. By which time therell be another one sliding in from the atlantic, heading towards Northern Ireland. For most of us, though, in between two weather fronts, its going to be generally dry. The air is going to be cooler and fresher, mind you, temperatures will be lower. Weve got a few showers here and there, probably not very many, mind you. The sunshine may be rather limited, a fair bit of cloud around on tuesday and the cloud thickening to bring some rain and drizzle towards Northern Ireland, especially later on in the day. And temperatures are back down to where they were at the start of the weekend in scotland, Northern Ireland, 16 or 17. High this time of only 20 celsius in the south east. It wont get an awful lot warmer over the week ahead, but theres really very little rain at all, most places will be dry. Limited sunshine, a fair bit of cloud. This is bbc news. It is just it isjust gone it is just gone half past nine. The headlines as the United States posts another daily record for new coronavirus cases, President Trump finally wears a face mask in public. I think its a great thing to wear a mask. Ive never been against masks, but i do believe they have a time and a place

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