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Also this lunchtime rbs reaches a £200 million settlement with investors who say they were duped into handing billions to the bank during the financial crisis. And scientists discover the hottest planet 650 light years from earth, its even hotter than most stars. And coming up in sport on bbc news englands cricketers hit new zealand for six, as they chase a place in the semi finals of the champions trophy. Good afternoon and welcome to the bbc news at one. The third man who carried out the deadly attack on London Bridge has been named as 22 year old Youssef Zaghba who was of italian moroccan descent. Italian media are reporting that he had been stopped by the authorities last year as he tried to travel from italy to syria and that italian authorities had tipped the british off about his movements. His identity has been revealed after Scotland Yard defended its decision to downgrade an inquiry two years ago into one of the other attackers 27 year old khuram butt. They say there was no evidence at the time to suggest he was planning an attack. 0ur correspondent paul adams reports. London bridge and Borough Market today. Rain lashed tributes and streets still closed. More details emerging about those responsible. Two of the attackers were named yesterday. Khuram butt and rachid redouane. But today brought a third name, Youssef Zaghba, an italian born in morocco. According to an italian newspaper he was known to the authorities there who tripped off british officials about his movements. That raises questions about what the authorities here knew about what the authorities here knew about these dangerous men. According to the press report, Youssef Zaghba was prevented from travelling to syria last year. Did officials at Mis Syria Last year. Did officials at mi5 know this and what kind of watch list was he on . Questions have been asked about khuram butt. He was even filmed in a documentary about extremists. The police knew about him, but didnt think he represented an imminent threat. These are the black flags of islam. This one is actually the flag of the islamic state. But one of the other faces in the documentary was a man now a member of so called islamic state. In 201a member of so called islamic state. In 2014 under investigation, he jumped bailand in 2014 under investigation, he jumped bail and travelled to syria with his wife and children. He is thought to have appeared in several is videos. Given these connections, what more should have been known and done about the plotters in london . have no doubt that they will be looking into if there were lessons to be learned, what went wrong, did they know about this man, did they and im sure in due course they will let us know what went on. But clearly there are questions raised which are not unreasonably journalists and members of public are asking. One day the whole world. Many of those featured in the documentary were members of a banned grouchlt one of cofounders was jailed in 2015. One of his followers, khuram butt, was known Beyond British circles. He was a memberof the group Beyond British circles. He was a member of the group going back some years. I was one of the chief. Radicalisers and recruiters here in the United States from 2007 until my arrest in 2011. He was on our radar and he was an active members inside of our communication platform. In london, the flowers and the questions keep coming. The police have made one fresh arrest, but 12 people detained since start have already been released without charge. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sandford is outside new Scotland Yard in central london. What more do we know about the third attacker that police have named . Youssef zaghba is an italian citizen, but he is of moroccan descent and was born in fez. He had a moroccan father and an italian mother. He lived in bologna for some time. But he had been living in the uk and travelling between london, where he was living here, and bologna in italy. Italian journalists who have good Security Sources are confident that Youssef Zaghba was detained as he tried to leave italy on his way to sirja. Syria. That was in 2016 and the same sources are telling the italian Journal Ichss that there was an informal contact with the british authorities to tell them what had happened, that Youssef Zaghba had tried to travel to syria. What the british authorities are saying is Youssef Zaghba was not a subject of interest, either for the Youssef Zaghba was not a subject of interest, eitherfor the police or the security service, m15. So the question that we will answered is why was he not a subject of interest . If this informal contact did not work, or was there an assessment made that he did not need to be made a subject of interest . That is the Searching Question that will arise out of the naming of the third of the men who carried out this attack on saturday. Thank you. At 11 oclock this morning a minutes silence was held across the uk for the victims of the London Bridge attack on saturday night. Today the third victim was named as 28 year old kirsty boden an australian nurse who worked at guys and St Thomas Hospital by London Bridge. Her family say she died after running to help others during the attack. There are also grave concerns for a 21 year old australian who has been working as a nanny in london. Sara zelenaks family say theyve had no news of her since saturday. Daniela relph reports. Bell tolls. At London Bridge where an attack changed so many lives, they came to remember. At the headquarters of London Ambulance service the mayor of london stood with those who worked so hard to save lives. And silence in manchester, a city that shares the pain of recent attacks with london. Around britain, people paused to reflect. The silence was about remembering the victims. They now include kirsty boden, a nurse named today as another of those killed. In a statement herfamily another of those killed. In a statement her family said these stories of those killed and injured are still emerging. For those looking for loved ones, the wait it unbearable. Sara zelenak, an australian, has not been in contact since saturday night. Saras beautiful. She is the girl next door. She is a very special kindred spirit. She is one of those people who doesnt drink, do drugs, do anything wrong. She is amazing and she is 21 years of age. These are painful days, as so many families face the trauma that a Terror Attack brings. Well, questions continue to grow about how the three attackers slipped through the net. This morning the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, said the government would be looking into what they knew about the men, as our political correpsondent leila nathoo reports. After London Bridge the second Terror Attack to punctuate the election campaign, security now at its heart, questions for the conservatives about the whether the government missed a red flag over the third man involved. We will be looking at exactly who these characters were, what we knew about them earlier on and you know i have worked with them closely, the security services, over the last eight years and i was, when i was mayor. They do a fantasticjob. If there are lessons to be learned, of course we will learn them. But it is vital theyre allowed to get on with their work and properly supported. Theresa mays record as Home Secretary for six years during which Police Numbers fell by 20,000 is now under scrutiny, claims the cuts have made us less safe. The conservatives insist more money has gone into Counter Terrorism and armed officers, but in the capital a warning that continuing to pair back budgets is unsustainable. Under a renewed theresa may government after the cuts to police, we would have fewer Police Officers and all the experts tell me one of the ways we Counter Terrorism is by fantastic police in the community. Members of community of all backgrounds, report Spell Swrens To Police Officers intelligence to Police Officers and they pass it on and it helps keep us safe. So fewer Police Officers means we are in more danger. Labour is promising more police, more staff for the security services. The argument from the Opposition Parties that those whose job it is to protect us need more resources not more powers. It is not that dont have the ability to track people, but because of cuts made in police and Intelligence Services over the years, that we dont have enough pairs of hands and eyes to track people and bring them tojustice. Pairs of hands and eyes to track people and bring them tojusticem the final days of campaign, parties are still vying for votes. But with tackling terrorism now top of the agenda, theyre tackling terrorism now top of the agenda, they re competing tackling terrorism now top of the agenda, theyre competing on who can be trusted to deal with the threat. 0ur assistant political editor, norman smith, is in westminster. The Prime Minister is focussing on brexit today trying to move on from Police Numbers but how difficult is that issue proving to be . It is difficult. In part because it stops theresa may getting the election back on to the agenda that she wants, namely brexit. It is difficult because Police Numbers is personal to mrs may. She was Home Secretary when the numbers were cut by 20,000. It cant be blamed on anybody else. It is difficult too, because it is a straight forward issue for voters to understand. It issue for voters to understand. It is not like complicated arguments around the social care cap. What compounds theresa mays problems is the intervention by the mayor of london, warning these are notjust historic cuts, but these are ongoing cuts and the met will lose up to 40 he says of its force over the next four years. More than that, while mrs may and tories are comfortable taking chunks out Ofjeremy Corbyn and diane abbot, questioning their commitment to tackling terrorism and whether they support shoot to kill, much harder to dismiss sadiq khan. Because they have praised his response to the london bombing and today theresa may criticised donald trump, saying he was wrong in the tweets about the mayor. A that means theresa mays attempts to get back on to brexit today, bringing Boris Johnson in from the cold to bang the drum for brexit, all those attempts seem to be increasingly, well, it is a struggle to focus attention away from the issues of security and Police Numbers. Thank you. Rbs has finally reached a £200 million settlement with investors who say they were duped into handing £12 billion to the bank during the financial crisis in 2008. The rbs shareholder action group, which brought the lawsuit, represents 9,000 Retail Investors and 18 institutions. Its understood that they have informed the high courtjudge that they have accepted a cash offer. Our Business Correspondent andy verityjoins me. Explain what this claim was all about . It all goes back to the crisis in 2008. Rbs is running low on there is decides it wants to raise £12 billion from its shareholders. You hand over £12 billion in cash, and we will be a better institution for the future. The shareholders say they were not told of Vital Information aboutjust how rotten rbss finances were. And we all know what happened a few months later, it has to be bailed out by the taxpayer. Those shares, which have been worth £2, had sunk to about 12p, so they had lost about four fifths of their investment. Thousands of those people were, among others, former members of staff at rbs. They were very aggrieved. They brought this case. Bank said they would defend it vigorously. I have got a quote from ross mcewan, said the bank would ta ke ross mcewan, said the bank would take this to court, the issues would be set out in court rather than by settlement. That was in 2014. Clinic ina bank settlement. That was in 2014. Clinic in a bank has changed its mind and decided to make a decent offer to the shareholders who were claiming they had been misled. And now, the shareholders have agreed to settle. Our top story this lunchtime. The third London Bridge attacker is named 22 year old Youssef Zaghba was living in east london, but it is reported that the authorities here had been tipped off about him by italian officials. A minutes silence was held across the uk at 11 oclock this morning for the seven People Killed and the Dozens Injured in the attack. Common at1. 30, we common at 1. 30, we are at London Bridge to find out how londoners are coming to terms with the weekends Terror Attack. Excuse me, it isjust so Terror Attack. Excuse me, it isjust so senseless so, two days to go until the General Election, and throughout the campaign, weve been taking a closer look at some of the key issues in the debate. Today, with the help of our specialist editors, we are focusing on brexit. 0ur europe, business and political editors explain the challenges that may lie ahead for politicians and for you, the voters. The first thing the new government has to do on brexit is to choose a chief brexit negotiator. They then need to come here to brussels and agree with the eu how often theyre going to meet, what theyre going to talk about, and which order. The eu is very clear about its priorities, it says there will be no fee to talk about trade negotiations until there has been progress in three key areas. Money how much britain owes the eu in outstanding financial commitments. People the eu wants to pinpoint the exact rights of european citizens living in the uk, and british citizens living in the eu after brexit. And ireland how to avoid reintroducing a hard border between the republic of ireland, which is in the eu, and Northern Ireland, part of post brexit uk. Of course, britains new government will almost certainly have their own ideas about the choreography of brexit talks. Whatever happens, they will be judged on the quality of the brexit deal they get, not from the brussels perspective, but in the eyes of british voters. A pretty quiet day in the city behind me, and in fact in this election, it is one where the voice of business has been strangely silent. And yet, on some of the Biggest Issues brexit, immigration, regulation, taxation these are issues that fundamentally affect the way business and the wider economy works. And yet some Business Leaders feel the politicians arent speaking to or listening to them. The conservative party, for example, wants to intervene in Energy Markets thats a departure for them. The Labour Party Want to see a sharp rise in corporation tax. The lib dems would like the ability to reject any final brexit deal, and parties in Northern Ireland are worried about what the imposition of a land border with the eu will do to peoples working lives. In the past, most parties wanted to portray themselves as business friendly. But since the financial crisis and a series of big corporate scandals, that is much less true. Put simply, on regulation, on taxation, on immigration, what businesses want is predictability. But with brexit negotiations just around the corner, that predictability is going to be very hard to deliver whatever the Election Result, another reason perhaps that business feels that no ones listening. What people want from brexit isnt what will make up every Single Member of the publics mind, but it is important, because its the main reason that theresa may called this election. And its important because both of the main parties have had to spell out what they would do and what they would seek to achieve. As we enter the biggest change in our country for decades and decades. Whats been difficult, though, for voters, both labour and the tories are relatively reluctant to give us too many of the details. The lib dems and snp in contrast have been much more explicit about what they would like to see. But for the two main parties, it is probably the Biggest Issue of all. Theresa may thinks she is on safer ground with the public when shes talking about brexit. She wants this to be a contest about who do you trust to do something difficult, who do you trust to get and secure a good Dealfor Britain against 27 other countries . But for the labour party, they know, and in the closing days of this campaign they know they have to say more about Howjeremy Corbyn would handle it. And their pitch to voters is they would put jobs first, peoples livelihoods first, rather than the tories, they say, would seek to achieve. The latest meet on the issues surrounding brexit from our europe, business and political editors. One of the most important issues for voters is the nhs. But the problems the National Health service is facing are complex. 0ur Reporterjayne Mccubbin spoke to two health workers, and asked them which party they think has the best ideas for solving them. In a training hospital in bradford, two people who love the nhs. How do you do, ashlynn . Im gordon mcclellan, recently retired consultant orthopaedic surgeon. Two people who agree the nhs needs help. Im a 33 year old Junior Doctor working in cancer medicine. But who disagree about the best way to help this patient. The current government is cutting the nhs budgets on an historic level. Thats not true, though, is it . It absolutely is. Please. It is not true. Sustainability and transformation partnerships, planned to close or merge one in six a es across the country. The real amount of money actually being spent on the nhs is going up and up and up. Delayed transferw, delayed discharges, the numbers are soaring. Its unbelievable, the crisis in the community. People died in my day, too, and it was as heartbreaking for us as young doctors and young consultants, as it is for you today. But the way in which you are unable to get people home, where they want to be, is entirely the fault of the last labour government. What youre failing to recognise, gordon, is that Waiting Lists went dramatically down, mortality went down under the labour government. Weve lost 50 of our beds, inpatient beds, since the 80s. This obsession with Hospital Bed Numbers is utterly unfounded. Its history. The patient wants to be at home. They do not want to be in a hospital bed. So, opening more and more Hospital Beds is not the answer. Go to manchester. Theyve taken over the whole of healthcare from general practice, community care, the lot. Manchester Health Service managers dont go whingeing to whitehall, they sort it out in manchester for manchesters people. Ask manchester what their deficit is, ok . There are huge, huge problems. Youre talking about devolution. Youre basically devolving responsibility for a crisis. The party i trust most to sort out the problem with the nhs now are the conservative party. Without any Shadow Of A Doubt because they are trying to bring the control and administration, and delivery of care, back to a local level. They absolutely cannot be trusted. Jeremy hunt cannot be trusted. He has overseen a humanitarian crisis. What i am seeing from the labour party, fund it properly, staff it probably, look at the pfi bill, none of that were seeing in the conservative party manifesto. Everything is not going to be fine with the nhs. I work in it, i see it everyday. This election will be about whether or not the nhs exists in five years or not. 40 years ago, i felt very much the way ashlynn does about the nhs. I was very worried about its future, but 40 years later, the british people have made the nhs work. They will always make the nhs work. It is an issue which divides, but one which affects every one of the electorate. 0n 8thjune, they will decide in whose hands the nhs is safe. The latest polls ahead of thursdays General Election show the conservatives lead has narrowed against labour. But in the last six weeks, how have the polls changed . And which marginal seats will be the key battlegrounds that decide the result . Jeremy vine has been taking a look at this, and how it compares to the 2015 Election Results. Well, do come into our election studio, and let me show you first the result in percentages of the last General Election. So, here we go. 2015 it was, and you can see the conservatives winning on 38 . If they get the same percentage this time, they will have won again. Labour on 31 they could improve from that, gain seats, and still not win in 2017. The liberal democrats, way down on 8 , and ukip on 13 . Awful lot of ukip voters there. Well come back to that injust a moment. If we go back a year, before theresa may called the General Election, this is the story. So, the conservatives dominant in the polls and dominant for the whole year, all the way through, leading labour by quite some distance, as you can see. You see why theresa may called the election 43 to 27 . But the Story Changes if we look at the polls since the calling of that General Election. So, week one to week six, here we go. All the way through we go, have a look at what happens to this conservative lead, see the way it narrows, see the Wayjeremy Corbyn takes the conservatives to within 8 , according to the polls. And by the way, look at ukip and the lib dems how far down they are here. The fascinating question is, if there were millions of ukip voters last time, and theyve been dislodged, which parties have they gone to now . Really interesting. 0k. The map tells the story of the Election Result in 2015. Here it is 650 parliamentary constituencies, each one an individual battle between parties. So, ill show you the conservatives first, in blue. And look at the way they wash over england, all the way down the south west, devon and cornwall, for example. Different story for labour, though, their seats much more densely packed in the cities. So, smaller seats, lots of people in them. Manchester, liverpool, birmingham, newcastle, sheffield, leeds and so on. They serve labour very well indeed. The liberal democrats had a terrible time in 2015, with only eight seats. They will be looking to improve disastrous if they dont. And the Snp In Scotland had the night of their lives. There they are bathing scotland in yellow, with 56 out of 59 seats. Lets not forget the other parties, the welsh nationalists, the greens, the parties in Northern Ireland. But in the end, this election surely comes down to what are called the marginal seats, the ones that were closest last time. Here are the top 120 marginals. Now, these are the seats that labour need to win. If the conservatives can hold onto the blue ones here, theresa may is almost certainly back in no 10. Jeremy vine with the latest from our election studio. A two look at some of the other stories now. Australian police say theyre treating a siege in melbourne as a terrorist incident. The perpetrator was shot dead after killing a man and holding a woman hostage at a block of flats. Three Police Officers were wounded during an exchange of fire at the end of the standoff. Several arab countries including saudi arabia and egypt are closing their airspace to planes from qatar as a diplomatic row intensifies. Six states have now cut off all ties with the country, accusing it of supporting terrorism. The qatari government denies that, and has called for an honest dialogue. The head of British Airways Parent Company has blamed human error for the Computer Problems which caused chaos for Tens Of Thousands of passengers over the bank holiday weekend. The Chief Executive of iag, willie walsh, said an engineer had disconnected the power supply to a data centre and then reconnected it without following the correct procedure. And finally, its the hottest planet ever discovered and hotter than most stars, say scientists. Its Callecd Kelt 9b and its surface is believed to reach temperatures of 4,300 celsius. The Research Team at Ohio State University say it is twice the size ofjupiter, and 650 light years from earth. With me is our science correspondent rebecca morelle. And it was found with a relatively basic telescope . Yeah, the telescope actually has the fantastic name of being called the extremely little telescope. They were able to find out about it by looking at the light from it. I first out about it by looking at the light from it. Ifirst spotted it in out about it by looking at the light from it. I first spotted it in 2014 but they were so surprised by what they were seeing that they could not quite believe that it was actually a planet. That is why it has taken until now for them to actually come out. As you said, it has got this scorching Surface Temperature of 4,300 celsius. The reason for this is because it all gets extremely close to its star, which is also very big and very hot. It takes just two days for the planet to warp it around its star, which means a year on this planet is just two days long. This has some side effects. 0ne long. This has some side effects. One problem is, the radiation from its star is so intense, it is actually stripping away the atmosphere of this gas giant. If it is made entirely from gas, it means it will evaporate to nothing. Thats one problem. The second problem is its star. It is a type of star which is extremely brilliant but has a brief life, millions, rather than billions of years. As the star ages, it will get bigger. So the planet will probably get entirely engulfed by it. So, the future prospects for this extremely scorching world dont look too fantastic. Rebecca, thank you very much. Talking about scorching, right now, anything but that, louise lear. . Scorching, right now, anything but that, louise lear. . Yes, summer has abandoned us can we have had some very unusually strong winds across england and wales today. So, it is stormy, and on top of that, we have had some heavy rain as well. It is the combination of heavy rain and

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