Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20200224 :

BBCNEWS HARDtalk February 24, 2020

One of americas most high profile and outspoken lawyers in hardtalk. Welcome to hardtalk. I am stephen sackur. In the United States all citizens are equal in the eyes of the law. But having money and power seems to help if you need legal difficulties to disappear. My guest today, Alan Dershowitz, is one of americas most high profile and outspoken lawyers. His long list of past clients includes claus von bulow, oj simpson, Jeffrey Epstein and, yes, donald trump. Alan dershowitz joined the and, yes, donald trump. Alan dershowitzjoined the legal and, yes, donald trump. Alan dershowitz joined the legal team arguing for acquittal in the Senate Impeachment trial. He is a skilled lawyer. Has he used those skills wisely . Alan dershowitz in miami, welcome to hardtalk. Thank you so much. Let me start by taking you back to the 25 year old Alan Dershowitz. I believe you were the youngest ever tenured law professor at law school, Harvard University law school. I invite you to think about what the young idealistic Alan Dershowitz would think of the legal career to have had since then. Do you think he would be proud . He would be surprised. I grew up as a poor young man in brooklyn and my mother wanted me to have a little law store in the neighbourhood where i help people who had automobile accidents. Obviously i have had a very different career. I think he would be very proud. He would say, look, Alan Dershowitz represented everybody without regard to politics. He did half of his closer cases pro bono, free, he represented people nobody has ever heard of who are locked up in prison oi heard of who are locked up in prison or mental hospitals or places in the soviet union and other places around the world. He lived his life com pletely the world. He lived his life completely by principal on the basis of non partisan issues stop he represented bill clinton when he was impeached and then he represented donald trump when he was impeached, he supported Richard Nixons Civil Liberties at a time when he was impeached. He never let politics intrude on his views of the constitution. Yeah, ithink 25 year old Alan Dershowitz would have been as proud as 81 year old Alan Dershowitz is looking back at his career. Lets get to the representation work you did on behalf of donald trump. You believe, lets leave aside the legal questions around the impeachment trial, but do you believe donald trump abused the powers of his office in the way he approached president zelensky of ukraine and the favours he sought . Of the 45 president s we have had in the United States, a0 of them were accused of abusing their power from George Washington to thomasjefferson to Abraham Washington to thomasjefferson to abra ham lincoln to washington to thomasjefferson to Abraham Lincoln to barack obama. If abuse of power were the criteria for impeaching a president , we would have had five president s who were impeached. Abuse of power is in the eye of the beholder. I certainly dont approve of any president using his office or his power for electoral advantage, but virtually every president has done it. President s always have one eye on the public good and one eye on re elect ability, particularly during theirfirst term. Re elect ability, particularly during their first term. That was true of every present i have worked for. I want to be clear of all of this. Your contention is that abuse of power, and you didnt actually tell me whether you think trump is guilty of it, but i assume that from your answer, doesnt matter whether he was guilty or not. As far as you are concerned it is not an impeachable offence. It matters a great deal. It matters to tell me who to vote for. But it doesnt matter in terms of the criteria of impeachment. If abuse of power where the criteria, it would be so open ended, indeed james madison. Is surely depends on the nature of the abuse, and we saw all of the evidence. Presented by the prosecution in this case, powerful evidence which pointed to the fact that mr trump was prepared to compromise a key Us National Security partnership in pursuit of personal political ends. Too Many Americans in many constitutional scholars, there is no question that rises to the level of a high crime and misdemeanour. For me, it doesnt matter at all. I dont think that abuse of power is ever a it area for impeachment because that would bring us impeachment because that would bring us to the british system where a chief executive serves at the will of parliament and madison, when the constitution was being passed, rejected that so we dont want to have the british system, the parliamentary system. All you need isa parliamentary system. All you need is a vote of non confidence and the president would serve at the pleasure of the legislature. We rejected that system. The us did not accept parliamentary democracy. It isa accept parliamentary democracy. It is a republic, and in a republic, the president serves until the elect does throw him out of office, which could happen of course in the next eight or nine months. It is up to the people to decide whether the president abused his power, not a majority of the house of representatives or two thirds of the United States senate. The reason we require two thirds is because we dont want the president to be able to be impeached unless there is widespread bipartisanship or to his removal, which we dont have. It was a strictly dozen vote except for a one senator, senator romney, a former student of mine who voted for impeachment on abuse of power. There wasnt even a simple majority for removal. You shouldnt confuse political sins with impeachable offences. It certainly ended up being deeply partisan, i grant you that. Let me quote you the words of a legal and constitutional expert reflecting on impeachment from some 20 and more years ago. An impeachable offence certainly doesnt have to be a crime. If you have somebody who corrupts the office of the president and abuses trust and pose a danger to our liberty, you do not need a technical crime. Do you know who said that . Yeah, it was me, iset crime. Do you know who said that . Yeah, it was me, i set it because at the time i was representing bill clinton, who was accused of an actual crime, and so the issue of whether you needed a crime was not before the American Public. I simply hadnt done all the research necessary to come to the conclusion i have come to, and i came to a conclusion two years before i ever represented President Trump that you did need criminal type behaviour akin to treason or bribery. After all that is what the constitution says. In the 19th century close close to the time of the framing of the constitution, the waiter Constitutional Authority was on the side of needing criminal type behaviour or an actual crime. I thought i think you need an actual technical crime but you need a crime like act that is akin to treason or bribery. The criteria is treason, bribery. The criteria is treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanours, and in britain, a misdemeanours, and in britain, a misdemeanour at the time according to blackstone, was a crime. So i am right today and my view is more informed today that it was in 1998. You certainly change your view, that is for sure. Lets move on to one other. That is what scholars do. We change our view is based on the research. Just one other point on the impeachment and the way you framed it. You said if a president does something which he believes will help him get elected, and that be in the public interest, well then that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment. It seems to give the president licensed to do almost anything in the name of getting himself re elected. To do almost anything in the name of getting himself reelected. No, because in the sentence before i said that, i said if he commits a crime or anything criminal, if he is motive is corrupt or if he gets a kickback or get any personal financial benefit, than he could be impeached. What happened is cnn wrenched out of contacts that statement. The statement was made only in the context of quid pro quo. What happened is i was asked what if there is a quid pro quo and i said a quid pro quo alone is not enough. Foreign policy is always conducted with quid pro quo. That very morning icame with quid pro quo. That very morning i came from the white house where the peace plan for the middle east was unrolled in the peace plan was full of quick quota the israelis. If you dont stop settlement activity, we will cut funding to the palestinians, if you dont stop terrorism, we will cut funding. Quid pro quos are not illegal. If there is anything illegal, if the president benefits illegally, that is an impeachable offence. The president cant do anything but he can do anything legal within his power, and just because he wants to be re elected, that doesnt turn a legal act into an impeachable or unlawful act. That is what i said, but it was wrenched out of contacts. If you read what i actually said, you see i didnt see say the president can do anything. Many bigger illegal brains and mine listen very carefully to what you said and concluded that you were very far out of line. They didnt. No, they didnt listen carefully. Hang on, you dont even know what i will quote. Renato mariotti, a respected former federal prosecutor said Alan Dershowitzs view of what constitutes an impeachable offence is like Climate Change nile. No one agrees with his views. That is ignorant. What happened is he didnt see what i actually said. He agrees with what i said. Every scholar agrees with what i said because what isaid agrees with what i said because what i said was if a president acts within his authority, acts entirely legally, the mere fact that one of the considerations in the back of his mind is his own re elected ability, does not turn an otherwise lawful act into an unlawful act. I challenge any scholar or non scholar to disagree with that statement. That is what i said. What he did was he lied about what i said and he turned me into a climate denier obviously our support Climate Change, iam denier obviously our support Climate Change, i am a liberal democrat. I voted for hillary clinton. I will continue to vote liberal democrat. It might political opponents and those with what the impeachment deliberately distorted what i said, wrenched it out of context, rated a strong man and then attacked the strong man and then attacked the strong man. There is a lot more to come so strong man. There is a lot more to come so i dont want to stick on this. One final thought on the impeachment and the aftermath. What do you think the acquittal of donald trump, and lets face it, the possibility of his re election, would you have alluded to, does that say about americas view today about the importance of legal probity and truth telling . I think it is very important. It says that the American Public in the United States senate follows a constitution. He never should have been impeached. There was no grounds for impeaching him. The house vote to impeach him was unconstitutional. The rule of law prevailed. Madison and hamilton would be very proud of the fact that the United States senate rejected this impeachment the way it repeated rejected the impeachment of bill clinton. The trump administration, which continues and is seeking re election. Using trump represents a sort of symbol of legal probity in the United States given what we have seen the United States given what we have seenin the United States given what we have seen in the last few days where even his loyal attorney general, william barr, seems to be talking about resignation because he says Donald Trumps approach tojustice Department Issues including tweeting out on ongoing cases makes hisjob impossible. What i said was, and i still say that the decision by the senate to acquit him reflects the rule of law. Whether or not you think donald trump is a good president or donald trump represents positive approach to the rule of law, that is up to the voters and they will decide that in november, and we will see what the voters believe in a democracy, the democracy decision is made by the voters, not by the United States senate. I am voters, not by the United States senate. Iam happy voters, not by the United States senate. I am happy with the situation, leave it to the voters, let them decide and let impeachment remain only as an extreme remedy when there is a bipartisan national consensus. Lets move on to other aspects of your very long career. As we have orally discussed. You were involved in the defence of oj simpson back in the mid 90s, when he was charged with murdering his ex wife, nicole brown. After that casey reflected with these really interesting words. You said when defence attorneys represent guilty clients, as most do, most of the time, their responsibilities to try by all and ethical means to prevent the truth about the clients guilt from emerging. You stand by those words today . Of course. I learned that from british barrister named braun. I learned from many british barristers and it is an old tradition that comes out of Great Britain. If you are a defence attorney, you represent the guilty, the innocent and everybody in between. Yourjob is to get the best outcome for your client, the prosecutions job is to get the best outcome for the prosecution. We have an adversarial system, the cases decided by a jury or a judge. The role of the defence attorneys to advocate as strongly as possible for his client whether guilty or innocent or in between. Mostly we dont know whether our clients are guilty or innocent at the time we took the case. I took the oj simpson case because he was facing the Death Penalty and i always take Death Penalty and i always take Death Penalty cases because i am strongly opposed to the Death Penalty. Returning to your actual words where you said defence attorneys represent guilty clients as most do most of the time, this isntjust one or two. Thank god for that. Would you wa nt to two. Thank god for that. Would you want to live in a country where most defence attorneys defended innocent people . That would be iran, china, it would be the former soviet union. It is not Great Britain and the United States. In both of our country s most people charged with crime are in fact guilty. The reason thatis crime are in fact guilty. The reason that is the case is because defence attorneys like me zealously defend the guilty along with the innocent. That is the way we prevent the government from charging too many innocent people. That is the way the system works. But of course, you are notjust a gifted lawyer, you are also a human being with a moral compass and a conscience, and when you reflect on your long career. Conscience, and when you reflect on your long career. Let me answer that, please. Let me answer that. A priest and a doctor are also moral people, and a priest will not turn away somebody who is a sinner. A doctor will not refuse to treat somebody who is a criminal. We have oui somebody who is a criminal. We have our responsibilities to a very important system of justice, our responsibilities to a very important system ofjustice, and so yes, as a human being, sometimes it is very painfulfor yes, as a human being, sometimes it is very painful for me to know that iam is very painful for me to know that i am representing a bad person, just like my daughter in law is an emergency room doctor in a hospital, and she sometimes treats terrible, terrible people. And my uncle is a rabbi, and he sometimes administers too terrible, terrible people. Thats the way the system works, and its a very important system, and a good system, so i will continue to defend the guilty and the innocent alike. Are there any clients you regret taking on . Yes, Jeffrey Epstein. I regret having ever met him, because it caused personal grief and anguish in my own life when i was falsely accused by a woman i never met and never heard of of having a sexual encounter with her. So i regret having metJeffrey Epstein, but i dont regret, once i met him, having defended him. Thats myjob. I met him, having defended him. Thats my job. I wouldnt met him, having defended him. Thats myjob. I wouldnt defend. The people i dont defend, i dont defend people who are career criminals, whosejob it is to commit crimes. I dont ever want to be a conciliatory to a crime family. So i dont represent drug dealers, i dont represent drug dealers, i dont represent drug dealers, i dont represent terrorist, i dont represent people who are in the mafia, i dont represent people who have escaped justice and our fugitives consigliere. I let the crime itself determine who i represent. We dont have much time andi represent. We dont have much time and i do want to ask some questions as well as listen carefully to the a nswe rs. As well as listen carefully to the answers. Why did you take the epstein case . You obviously had a friendship of sorts, a relationship with him going back years, but it was clear by the time you represented him in his 2005 case in florida that he was being accused of very serious sexual offences. You very serious sexual offences. You very aggressively defended him, and succeeded, it should be said, in getting a lenient sentence, a nonprosecution agreement, it was called, with prose

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