in the sci-fi genre. - and after the first season of "star trek" martin luther king met with nichelle nichols. and she told him that she wanted to quit the show. so martin luther king said no, you can't quit. - he says, "you have the first non-stereotypical role on television for the world to see. this is not a black role and it's not a female role and you've got it." - nichelle nichols, her character as uhura gave us whoopi goldberg, i think it gave us levar burton. so it gave us black actors who were in this sci-fi genre. - i'm glad to hear it. - i actually came into "star trek" in the "next generation" and so levar burton was the primary representation there, geordi la forge. - that is not right. i was certain that-- - geordi la forge and lieutenant commander worf really were the brothers in outer space. - well everyone's very curious about you.