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As both parties split even further apart in congress how do we unite us again . Ill speak to two people known for their independent streaks and reaching across the aisle. Whats broken and what can be fixed . A rare interview with senator joe manchin and senator Lisa Murkowski. As the u. S. Braces for a potential war with russia, and they battle with racist atrocities, are they going to speak out . Plus legitimate political discourse. The Republican Party officially embraces the january 6 insurrection and censors two of its own for telling the truth. Does truth telling President Trump is wrong. Mean political exile from todays gop . Hello. Im jack tapper in washington where the state of our union is wondering if were about to emerge from a rough couple years. President biden is enjoying a week of positive headlines for the first time in quite some time. A january jobs report that far surpassed expectations, good news in the pandemic as covid cases and hospitalizations plummet. But the president s agenda is still mired in washington, d. C. Dysfunction. The president has had trouble getting all 50 democrats in the senate to support his plans, and support from republicans has been rare as the gop remains completely cowed in many instances by the shadow of former President Trump. On friday, the Republican National committee declared the events on january 6th, 2021 legitimate political discourse and censored the only two democrats against it, liz cheney and adam kinzinger. Just the day before, President Biden returned to one of the major themes of his campaign and his career, bringing americans together at the National Prayer breakfast, calling Republican Senate leader Mish Mcconnell a friend and calling for americans to put aside their differences. How do we unite us again . Unity is illusive, but its really actually necessary. Unity doesnt mean we have to agree on everything, but unity is where enough of us, enough of us believe in a core of basic things. Theres so much at stake. The division has become so palpable. Not everyone agrees its possible or even desirable to try to heal those divisions. Yet in a 50 50 senate in a bitterly divided country, bipartisanship is necessary for the nation to move forward, in the past several weeks weve featured bipartisan conversations on the show. This morning well take on the very idea of unity in an exclusive interview with two of the most powerful senators in washington, republican senator Lisa Murkowski from alaska, here for her first sunday show in five years, has bucked her party on issues such as health care and the Supreme Court, and joe manchin is with us, both here today for a substantive conversation on bipartisanship and whether that idea, which is both revered and reviled in politics is still possible. Senators murkowski and manchin, thanks for being with us. Great to be back, five years, wow. Senator murkowski, we have a lot to talk about. Lets start with the major bipartisan achievement of perhaps the last decade, and that is the infrastructure bill, the infrastructure law. How did that plan succeed where so many other previous attempts at bipartisanship have failed . And how is that a blueprint possibly for moving forward . It really came about because you had a small group of people something done rather than just send a message from our respective parties. We do that a lot around here, but a commitment to a solution, a commitment to getting to yes, and i think thats what we had with that small working group. It was four and four, expanded a little bit. But there was a goodfaith effort to work through the hard things. I think sometimes when the going gets tough, we just say thats too hard and we retrt the party messages. I think there was a recognition that the country needed something, the country needed a step towards healing. As the president just said in that leadin, how do we get to unity . Part of the problem we have, were not going to agree on things were a big country. So theres plenty of room for disagreement, but weve got to get to the place where we understand one another, and you cant get to understanding without listening, and i think what happened with that Bipartisan Group is we were listening to one another. You think about Infrastructure Needs for the country. I come from a state we dont have mass transit. I looked at the proposals we dont need to spend that much money on mass transit, but then i had to explain to them why, instead of surface transportation, i needed support in alaska for things like a marine Highway System when you have 80 of your communities that arent connected by road. I had to listen to people like mark warner and mark warner had to listen to people like me explain what goes on in our part of the country. We listened to one another, gained an understanding and said the country needs this. The country needs to know that we can get something done for the good of everybody, not for the good of our respective parties, but for the good of the country. So thats what we did. Youre working right now, both of you, on election reform. The previous efforts didnt get you didnt support changing the rules, the filibuster rules, although you supported the two election reform bills. Right now the electoral count act of 1887, theres ambiguity, its written in such a way what sticking points are left . Where is that going . As lisa had said, first of all, youve got people who got together who understand each other, know each other and like each other, democrats and republicans. Thats how we came together on the other one. As youll recall, leadership broke down for five months. We had unemployment that was going to expire, we werent sure about the covid vaccine. All that was in doubt when we did the december bill, the bipartisan 908 bill. We did that because we said something has to be done. All we did was take the practical approach with friends who can talk to each other and look at exactly what the country needed, our states and the country, but the country first. We worked at it, broke down our groups, took what we had interest and expertise in and brought it all together. They took it from there, put it up and we voted for it. Jake, on what youre talking about right now, what really caused the insurrection . They thought there was an ambiguity, if you will, and there was an avenue they could go through and maybe overturn election, because there was. It was not clear when one congressman and one senator can bring a states authentic count to a halt, its wrong. Basically not protecting electors and you can change electors before you send them here after the election, all these things. This is what were going to fix. We have a group thats continuing to grow. Were 15 to 20 people that want to be part of it now. So do you think its going to pass . I think absolutely it will pass. There will be some people saying its not enough. There will be other people saying its more than what we should do or we dont need it. Well try to bring them all together and say this is what we should do because its what caused the problem and lets do that. If i can just interject here, to joes point, some are going to criticize it for not being enough. Others will say its too much. I kind of have said, were going to take the goldilocks approach here. Were going to try to find whats just right. Its not going to be just right for everybody, but will it be a step ahead . Will it be important for the country . Yeah. It will solve the problem that caused the problem. So Vice President pence on friday former Vice President pence addressed this talking about how he didnt have the ability to change the election despite some bad faith reading of the electoral count act. Take a listen. President trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. Frankly, there is no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the americ president. So i know you agree with that. And thats what youre looking to clear up and make sure theres no discrepancies. Is there anything else that youre willing to do in terms of preserving the right to vote in this country along with clearing up the electoral count act . This is where this group and as joe says, a growing group, is looking to explore. I think we have identified clearly some things within the eca, the electoral count act that needs to be addressed, the ambiguities that need to be addressed. But is there more we can do . This is where were seeking to find the common ground. I know for one, we want to make sure, if youre going to be an election worker, if youre going to be there at the polling booth, you dont feel intimidated or threatened or harassed. Protections for that, what are we doing to ensure that states have the ability to provide security for their elections. So were looking at application of the hava, the help americans vote act, which has been in place for a while now. Working with the Electoral Commission act to determine, all right, what more can we do in terms of safeguards safeguards to voting, ensuring theres an appropriate chain of custody once ballots are cast. So we are sitting down i think again as members in good faith to ensure that Election Integrity across all 50 states moves forward in a positive way. What weve seen basically, the courts have overturned some of the redistricting. That means the voters rights act of 1965, there are still parts that are very protective and good. What were looking at is how do we protect what happened in the insurrection that will never happen again, that people think they can overturn it, but on the other hand, how do we protect election workers with federal crimes in someone threatens them, intimidates them or e interferes with the election . What about attempts to make it tougher to vote . We want to keep this alive and talk. Every american has absolutely the right to vote and it should be protected by law, but its not written. This is what were looking at, if we can do that without infringing. Thats pretty common sense. The thing weve been talking about and i came up threw an idea out, and this is how we kind of discuss things. I said, since we dont want anybody telling alaska what your election law should be or West Virginia, the tenth amendment of the constitution, states rights, these are not federal elections. Dont you think the last election we might have had that wasnt in conflict would be 2018. If we said, okay, that will be the baseline for every state, whatever your elections laws were in 2018, that will be your base. Is that something you could go along with . This goes back to what i said earlier, lets listen to one another. I have shared some things about issues related to chain of custody when youre in a state like alaska where, again, how you move those ballots from a tiny Little Village that may be shut down by weather. The only way to move them is by small airplane and there isnt one coming for four days. What do you do . Until she tells us that, what is she talking about . Lets listen to what you might be able to come up with. You might notice that joe and i were two that were working on the john lewis Voting Rights act to see if we couldnt get you were the only republican that was willing to listen. Weve got to be able to count around here, too count to ensure that we can do more than just come together in good faith and good will and get some good ideas on paper and say we like this, but if we dont have the votes to make it happen, it doesnt happen. Need to get to 60. How were going to do that is working together. Youre guilt by association before, now youre guilt by conversation. Were not worried about that. Were still talking, still trying to throw ideas off of each other. We have a lot of republicans that like some of the things were talking about. That might have some concerns they bring up. We have to understand their concerns. They have to respond to their constituency. We respect each other. You have to work at this. This is not easy because basically everything is pulling you apart. Were fighting against everybody pulling us apart to bring us back together. I want to ask you one nonbipartisanrelated question before we take a break which is build back better, is it dead . Is there any opportunity for it to come back with your support . The build back better has been presented over, what, the last seven, eight, nine months. That bill no longer will exist. Should there be parts of it, you want to talk about different things, i think the president said there might be certain parts and this and that. My biggest concern and my biggest opposition, it did not go through the process. Whether or not lisa votes for it being a republican, she should have an opportunity to have input. It should have gone through the committee. These are major changes. Those changes should be a hearing, there should be a markup and then youll have a better product whether your Friends On The Other Side vote for it or not, but they have to have input. We could work on energy and climate if we went through the committee. You were on the committee together. I want to talk about that in one second. Stick around. We have much more coming up, including Senator Murkowski running for reelection. I am here. With age comes more. Get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. A powerful. 05 retinol thats also gentle on skin. For Wrinkles Results in one week. Neutrogena®. For people with skin. I lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. With the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. I like that the Ww Personalpoints Plan is built just for me. Download the ww app today for a 14day free trial. Psoriasis really messes with you. Try. Hope. Fail. No one should suffer like that. I started cosentyx®. Five years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. 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Were back with republican Lisa Murkowski of alaska and senator joe manchin of West Virginia. Senator manchin, you did something very unusual in 2020, you crossed party lines and endorsed republican senator Susan Collins of maine for reelection. I cant help but notice im endorsing my dear friend Lisa Murkowski. Alaska could only be so lucky to have her continue to serve them. Thank you. She knows i feel that way, too, very strongly. Its hypocritical to work with a person day in and day out and when theyre in cycle, youre supposed to be against them because they have an r or d by their name. If these are good people ive worked with and weve accomplished a lot, why in the world would i not want to continue to work with them . Theyve been my dear friends. We get a lot accomplished and i think the country has fared better working together than not. Stevens and inouye, would go and campaign in stevens from alaska and inouye from hawaii would campaign for each other. Yeah. Its a weird time for partisan politics. I dare say its a little weirder for republicans. The rnc on friday censured cheney and kinzinger because theyre participating in the investigation into january 6th. In fact, they accused kinzinger and cheney of engaging in the persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse. You tweeted yesterday that description is just plain wrong, we cant allow a false narrative to be created. It must be uncomfortable to be a nonrigidly partisan person during this period. During this period, yes. But it can be uncomfortable it can be uncomfortable when you say im not going to align myself neatly with what the party is saying just because the party is saying. Youve got to be comfortable enough in who you are and who you represent and why youre here. Im not here to be the representative of the Republican Party. Im here to be the representative for alaskan people, and i take that charge very, very seriously. So when there is a conflict, when the party is taking an approach or saying things that i think are absolutely wrong, i think its my responsibility as an alaskan senator speaking out for alaskans to just speak the truth. I think thats hard because we seek protection in our lanes over to the right and over to the left, and that gives you company, but is that really why people sent you here . Is that really what they want . I dont think people in alaska want that. I dont think people in West Virginia expect that. Yeah, its harder. It is harder. The easier thing to do is go along to get along. Or just keep your mouth shut. Keep your mouth shut. You know what . Thats not why were here. Were here to do some hard things, and sometimes the hard things are to say i want to get something done rather than just follow the messaging from our respective parties. Lets try to get something done. I dont think politics was designed to be comfortable, but it sure as heck wasnt designed to be miserable, okay . Its almost turned into a miserable situation because common sense and civility, collegiality, all the things you think should go with it and youve heard about, were working like the dickens. We have to work harder now to be together, work on things together, buck our leadership at times. Weve been very fortunate, our leadership, Chuck Schumer, he understands what were trying to do. He said, if you can get something done, do it. Ive talked to mitch. Mitch is supportive of things were doing now. Basically they understand. I think they all want us to work together. Like i say, it should not be miserable. Im not going to be in a miserable situation when i have good friends i can work with. Now youre under fire not the same thing, obviously, youre under fire for not changing the filibuster rules. Bernie sanders says he supports a primary challenge to you and senator sinema. Schumer hasnt said hes endorsing you. Weve talked about that and everything. Chuck and i were talking the other day. I said, chuck, the best thing to say, i would think, in a situation like that theyre going to support. In no way, shape or form will Mitch Mcconnell or Chuck Schumer not support their caucus. It just doesnt happen. Now, with that being said, i would have said, you know, sometimes you tell me, jake, i want to be for you. I can be for you or against you, what helps you the most. In chucks situation, i can be for or against you, what helps you the most . I dont put stock in that. Ive been running since 1982. Ive never run unopposed. Ill be there for you, joe. Are you going to endorse me . If hes running, ill endorse him. See, there we go. Have you talked to President Biden about build back better in any way forward, a smaller bill . Weve had a conversation but really didnt get into that. Right now our main concern is to get a budget. You want a Budget Bill First . We have to get the Budget Bill First. We just talked in the military, we had a secured meeting, the geopolitical unrest we have, especially with ukraine and russia and all the nato allies and the military was there. They were asked pointblank, what challenges do you have if we stay with the cr, continuing resolution. Were working off of basically the last year of trump administrations budget. They need help. They want a budget. President biden right now is trying to decide who hes going to nominate to the u. S. Supreme court. Im wondering how important it is, you think, for him to pick somebody that can definitely get bipartisan support. He doesnt necessarily need it, right . For instance, theres a candidate, possible candidate from South Carolina who Lindsey Graham has said very positive things about. Its an opportunity, i would think you would think, for him to put his money where his mouth is. Exactly so. It goes back to his words at the prayer breakfast. How are we going to unify . What is it that we need to do . One of the signals he can send is putting forth a nominee for the Supreme Court that will gain a level of bipartisan support. When i say a level, i think it has to be more than just one because as much as that is, it does not necessarily mean you have that broader support. Not just Susan Collins or you. Seriously. There are many, many exceptionally wellqualified African American women who could move forward into this position. Mr. President , im asking you to look through those critically and not pick the one that would be to the furthest left, but to pick that one, that individual who will enjoy some level of bipartisan support. Do you have someone in mind . I think that sends a signal to the public that maybe, maybe the courts are not as political as the legislative and the executive branch. Right now the country is starting to believe theyre losing faith in their courts. Theyre looking at them as nothing more than an adjunct of very partisan. Elected bodies because of the partisan nature. Demonstrate bipartisan support. Everybody thats been mentioned so far is extremely qualified, either one of the three major candidates. They can all do a very good job. They have the background and experience to do it. I was the governor, so i named judges in my tenure as governor. Theyre very independent. They may not philosophically come where you are on certain issues, but that doesnt make them less qualified. The bottom line is look for the person that has the upbringing to make them a wellrounded candidate. You look at the makeup of the Supreme Court, i think Justice Childs from South Carolina, that Grassroots Support i will predict that the person, whoever he chooses, i think will get a majority of votes, 60 or more. Youre somebody for whom diversity is important. Are you the first woman senator alaskan history . Yeah. So i notice that you havent criticized President Bidens idea that he wants to nominate an African American woman for the position given the fact there hasnt ever been one seriously considered. Some of your colleagues have really attacked that point. They have attacked it. I think we need to look at this critically and recognize that you have a court that, over its history, some i dont know if its 110, 115 Supreme Court justices. You look at the pictures a lot of white male faces. You said it. So how we make sure that, again, our court is representative of the country, and so i want to make sure that the president nominates an exceptional candidate, an exceptional individual, and i would be honored to be able to support an exceptional African American woman. I think basically the court should represent the makeup of our country. Its time for this. Its absolutely time. Big picture, this is the last question for both of you. What are the forces that are Making Bipartisanship difficult and how do we change the Incentive Structure in this country . Let me start with you on that. The things that are making it difficult, i think, are outside groups that basically say, its an either or proposition. If you cant get as much as we want on Voting Rights, then were going to smack it down. If you cant ce to if you cant do it our our way with the violence against women reauthorization, were going to key vote it. Were going to make this an either or proposition. So what happens is you have messages that are wholly partisan that are not able to get the support that you need. Its okay to recognize that somebody on the other side of the aisle might have a good idea that could be incorporated into what we have done. It might not be the best idea, but its a good idea. If it builds that support, lets allow it. We have this sounds like common sense. First of all, jake its what we tell our kids. Im not a washington democrat. Im a good old West Virginia democrat. I like all my West Virginia republicans and we want to get those we represent. We have a lot of friends who arent stereotype washington republicans. There are alaska republicans and all different republicans that represent a state. Never forget where you came from, who you work for, your purpose for being here. Ive always said this, i want to make sure i take care of my country. Im an american before im anything. Im an american first. Im so proud of my country and the opportunities ive had. Im also here to do a job for the people of West Virginia. Theyre my employers. Senator manchin, Senator Murkowski, thank you for being here. Really interesting conversation, and there are probably a lot of people feeling more hope for washington. In alaska, go vote for susan susan in maine, lisa in alaska. Thank you, both, i really appreciate it. Well, well, well. Look at you. You mastered the master bath. You created your own style. 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Youve accused the Chinese Government of committing genocide against the uighurs. At the opening ceremonies a Uyghur Athlete helped light the olympic caldron. How did you see that move . Did you agree with those who saw it as basically president xi giving a middle finger to the International Committee . As youve noted, jake, weve made our position very, very clear on the situation in china. This is not business as usual. We know that a genocide has been committed there. Weve called them out on it. The president has called them out on it. Weve made clear that Crimes Against Humanity are willing are being committed in china. So it is important that the audience that participated and witnessed this understand that this does not take away from what we know is happening on the ground there. Youve reported it regularly on your network, and others have reported this. We have to ensure that we continue to raise these concerns that are occurring in china at the moment. How did you interpret the fact that one of the two athletes that lit the torch was from, at least according to the Chinese Government, the Uyghur Community . Well, this is an effort by the chinese to distract us from the real issue here at hand, that uyghurs are being tortured, and uyghurs are the victims of Human Rights Violations by the chinese, and we have to keep that front and center. Speaker pelosi said on friday she fears the safety of any u. S. Athlete who might speak out against the Chinese Governments Human Rights Abuses. Do you also fear that american athletes are in danger . We support our athletes and we think our athletes are there to perform in the areas that they have been preparing for for four years, and we would hope that the chinese would not take any actions, but i will be clear that our goal is to make sure our athletes are safe, and were doing Everything Possible to ensure that. Can you reassure u. S. Athletes that theyre safe and their Freedom Of Speech will be protected . I can reassure u. S. Athletes that the United States government will be standing with them in china, and we will be there to protect them. Are you concerned at all that the rest of the world might look at the position that the Biden Administration is taking when it comes to the diplomatic boycott of the olympics and think that the moral protest cant be taken as seriously as it should given that the Biden Administration has been less vocal about Human Rights Violations elsewhere, for kpamp, example, in yemen when the u. S. Continues to provide maintenance for the saudi f15s used to bomb civilian populations in yemen despite President Bidens pledge to end that. Civilian populations in ye despite President Bidens pledge to end that. Jake, our commitment to human rights are unquestioned. We joined the Human Rights Commission on day one rejoined the Human Rights Commission on day one or announced our rejoining the commission. Human rights are front and center in our foreign policy. We dont play down Human Rights Violations anywhere in the world including in yemen. Ive had a number of meetings in the Security Council where weve raised our concerns about Human Rights Violations being committed by all sides. How seriously can that be taken given that a saudi pilot might drop a bomb from an f15 in yemen killing innocent civilians and then land the plane and there is the u. S. Government there to help them provide maintenance on that very plane . We call out those efforts. Let me be clear, there are Human Rights Violations being committed in yemen on all sides. We are dealing with a force there, the houthis who have not taken into account any efforts to protect the rights of people who are under their own protections supposedly. So, again, this is a situation where were working constantly to address any issues related to civilian injuries and violations being committed of human rights of everyone in that country. The world saw President Xi Meet with russian president Vladimir Putin this week at the olympics in a show of unity, amid tensions with the u. S. , china and russia committed to deepening their countrys strategic coordination in order to have a, quote, farreaching impact on the world. What might that mean to democracy, to Freedom Worldwide if this russiachina Partnership Strengthens . Weve seen that Partnership Building up over time. It says to all democracies in the world that we have to redouble our efforts to protect democracies and to protect attacks on democracy wherever they may happen. So this meeting of president xi and President Putin i think reinforced our resolve that we have to continue to fight for democratic values, whether its here in the United Nations or in ukraine or other places Around The World where we see such attacks happening. Do you think president xi is watching the u. S. And Nato Response to russias aggression towards ukraine to determine whether or not china should move even more aggressively on taiwan . I think of course hes watching it. We saw in the Security Council on monday china side with russia in the efforts to block the Security Council from having a meeting to discuss the situation in ukraine. So their partnership certainly is one weve seen building up over time, and i was not surprised to see this meeting with President Putin take place during the olympics. But as it relates to taiwan and china, we are committed to protecting the security and supporting the security of the people of taiwan while at the same time our policy has always been to recognize the onechina policy. If china is making efforts toward taiwan because of what they see happening in ukraine, these are two different types of situations. General milley and Secretary Blinken and other top Biden Administration officials briefed lawmakers, informing them that u. S. Intelligence estimates putin has assembled 70 of the Military Personnel and weapons he needs for a fullscale invasion of ukraine. That intelligence suggests if russia does decide to invade, kyiv could fall within 48 hours. Tens of thousands of ukrainian civilians could be killed. How likely do you think it is that this invasion happens . Were still working to discourage the russians from making the wrong choice, of choosing confrontation. This is the reason we held the meeting in the Security Council on monday last week to have the russians hear a unified voice from the vast majority of members in the Security Council that they should pursue a diplomatic solution to their security concerns. Well continue to work on a diplomatic solution, but at the same time, we know that the russians continue to prepare, and we will be working to address the security issues. The pentagon says that four civilians were killed after isis leader Ibrahim Al Hashimi al qurashi blew himself up. Civilians on the ground say the civilian death toll is higher and that some civilians appear to have been killed by u. S. Weapons. Is there a commitment by the Biden Administration to investigate this discrepancy and release all the facts to the public . As you know excuse me the military is still in the process of doing an afteraction review of what took place on the ground, but we know that terrorists such as this organization use civilians to protect themselves. It is clear, its been done before, that there were civilians on the ground. President biden made clear to our military that he wanted to do everything to protect those civilians, which is why we put troops there instead of using what would have been easier which would have been an air attack. So, again, were still reviewing the situation and we will share that once the review has been completed. Madam ambassador, thank you for taking the time to talk to us this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you very much, jake. The world has disturbing information about an olympic host country but chooses to hold the games there, anyway. This has happened before. Is historyepeating itself . 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The head of the American Olympic committee had an idea involving helene mayer who was then living in california. Here is an Associated Press story from march 1936 that shows the successful results of his plan. Quote, despite a tendency in some quarters to rock the boat, official germany has banned racial or religious discrimination in athletics, the famous girl fencer of jewish extraction, helene mayer, has been welcomed back home and named to represent germany in the olympics, visiting jews whether athletes or spectators will be safer from indignities here than they would be on any New York Subway during rush hour, unquote. Then you see the subhead there, no antisemitism. Yes, im talking about germany in 1936. I tell you about helene mayer and how she served as the way the nazi German Government could pretend in 1936 to be something other than the monsters they were because the Chinese Government seems to have learned from her example. On friday the torch for the beijing Olympic Games was lit by two athletes, one of whom was a crosscountry skier for the chinese team, a woman whom the Chinese Government says has ancestral roots in the ethnic muslim minority, the uyghurs. The uyghurs, a minority in china, who are oppressed, who are tortured, who are interned by the Chinese Government in the jinjang region. The Chinese Government forces them to be sterilized. The Chinese Government is committing genocide against the uyghurs. Its an accusation the Chinese Government denies, of course, despite clear evidence of their atrocities, so clear that the u. S. And other countries are currently diplomatically boycotting the beijing Olympic Games. So helene mayer in 1936 and this athlete in 2022 are being used to serve the same purpose. Now, the governments are not fooling anyone who is paying attention, but their roles in the olympics allow the folks who are willing to put their morality on hold, the Avery Brundages of the world, to pretend otherwise. Weve seen this play out before. The embarrassing Double Standard that the nba and hollywood, for example, regularly display when righteously calling out injustices here in the u. S. While selfcensoring about Chinese Government atrocities. Weve covered this before and we will continue to do so the way american corporations ignore literal genocide and forced labor in the pursuit of chinese cash. It is disgusting. Take the cocacola company. Cocacola last year criticized a restrictive new Voting Rights law in georgia. Cocacola has not spoken out about chinas Human Rights Abuses even as cocacola cosponsors the Olympic Games in beijing along with many other major american companies. In july cocacolas global Vice President for human rights told congress, quote, we apply the same Human Rights Principles in the United States that we do across the world, but then before the senate he declined to answer this do you believe that the Chinese Communist party is committing genocide against the uyghur people . We are aware of the reports of the State Department on this issue as well as other departments of the u. S. Government. We respect those reports. They continue to inform our program. We respect those reports. They continue to inform our program. Im not sure which is worse, ignoring the Human Rights Crimes or as some nations seem to have decided, to care more about chinas investments in their countries than this genocide. Because while the u. S. And a handful of other countries are diplomatically boycotting these games over human rights issues, the vast majority of the world, including majority muslim countries, indonesia, iran, pakistan, the uae are refusing to boycott the games, taking a stand against the crimes against the uighurs. Corporations lusting after chinese cash. The competition for who is most helpful to chinese president xi in his desire to pretend the genocide is not going on, to pretend the Crimes Against Humanity are not going on. Thats a Competition Rivaling the Competition Among the athletes. Let the shames begin. And tomy sit exclusively with the new german chancellor olaf scholz after he meets with President Biden on the lead. Fareed zakaria is next. I will see you tomorrow. With the new personalpoints program, i answer questions about my goals and the foods i love. I like that the Ww Personalpoints Plan is built just for me. Download the ww app today for a 14day free trial. Three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. Pedialyte powder packs. Feel better fast. This is gps, the Global Public square. Welcome to all of you in the United States and Around The World, im Fareed Zakaria coming to you live from new york. Today on the program, the west watching warily as putin and xi appear to get ever closer. Might this relationship, a china russia axis form the basis for a new global divide . I wi

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