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Their theories. The big question, and i think, jeff, you said this, a reward would be pennies on the dollars. Exactly. Why isnt there a reward posted . A reward would be pennies on the dollar for what this search is costing. Thanks for joining us. Good evening. Its 11 00 on the east coast. 11 00 a. M. In malaysia. We begin with several pieces of information. Item one, the search zone is focusing on the southwest coast of australia. Item two, investigators tell us the path it took, the path caught on radar suggests the rout was preprogrammed to hit certain navigational points. Item three, the fbi is examining data from the captains home Flight Simulator. We have a lot to get to. First, because these developments have been stacking up day after day, i just want to take a moment tonight to try to get everyone back on the same page with what we know so far. It begins on the morning of the 8th, flight 370 takes off from kuala lumpur bound for beijing. The final stream from the Acars Data Reporting System is received on the ground at 1 07. Then at 1 19, the first officer utters first round, leaving Malaysian Air space, telling controllers, good night. Two minutes later, the Radar Transponder Cuts out or is turned off. Thai Military Radar is following it and between 1 21 and 1 28 a. M. Detects that left turn back toward the west and south. At 1 30 a. M. , air Traffic Controllers lose contact with the plane. Acars transmission does not happen. This what is believed to be flight 370 is tracked way off course. From there theres no solid information. We only know according to a Satellite Ping received at 8 11 in the morning, investigators say the jet turned north or south and flew into those two huge arcs of territory in open ocean. Investigators now are focusing closer on that southern route. Well talk to a u. S. Navy commander involved in that. A major development, one that everyone hopes will bring badly needed answers. More now from kuala lumpur. [ speaking Foreign Language ] reporter a mothers grief and frustration finally boiling over. Relatives of the missing passengers today storming into a normally subdued briefing room, demanding answers. After about five chaotic minutes, she and others are dragged out by malaysian officials. The malaysian government says they regret the incident, but the reality is neither they nor anyone seems much closer to solving the mystery of what happened to flight 370. Could a clue be found in the pilots home Flight Simulator . Malaysian Authorities Say data from the simulator was deleted on february 3rd, more than a month before the plane went missing. The fbi today saying it has sent a copy of the simulators hard drive to its Forensics Lab in quantico, virginia, hoping to recover the deleted files. The malaysian authorities also disclosed a tantalizing detail. They have new Radar Information about the planes path, provided by another country. What exactly it shows the malaysians arent saying. Meanwhile, operational crews are beginning to narrow their search, believing its more likely the missing jet traveled along the southern corridor, away from the heavily pop populated asian continent. Investigators say theyre focusing on an area roughly the size of new mexico, about 1600 miles off their southwest coast, using what information they know about currents and the planes possible last position to make an educated guess on just where it might be. We are going to talk to a u. S. Navy commander in that region. Kyung lah joins us. You were in the room with heartbreaking pleas from relatives of the missing passengers. Are they feeling that same frustration, that sense of just kind of anger . Reporter that anger and anguish, yes. Thats felt across all nationalities, all the families here. And while it is a mystery for the rest of the world, for them its very much about the loss of human life. This mystery about whats happened to fathers, sons, mothers, daughters. But as far as what that other woman said, calling the malaysian government liars, we havent heard that from the people who are malaysian citizens. Because frankly we havent had any access to them. As far as the chinese families, they absolutely feel that across the board, were hearing it out of beijing and here. They dont believe the malaysian government has been transparent at all. They feel they have botched this investigation. The government for its part, anderson, saying that the best way that they can help these families is to simply find the plane. Kyung, appreciate the reporting from kuala lumpur. Later on in the program im going to speak to the family of paul weeks who was on the plane and was on the way to a new job in mongolia. Hes an engineer. He actually gave his wedding ring and watch to his wife in case something happened. Im going to talk to his brother and sister about that. I want to bring in evan perez breaking the Navigation Story for us tonight. Some of this can get really technical, evan. Just to start with explain exactly what a waypoint is and what is significant about this information were getting. Think about your gps. You can enter longitude and latitude in your gps to try to direct you, navigate you to a particular place. Now in the sky for pilots, they also have to include altitude. So essentially its a place in the sky where a pilot can direct to direct an aircraft and the Computer System on board the aircraft to take the aircraft. And so the navigational systems on the plane essentially uses these five digit codes to direct where to take the aircraft, anderson. So explain the Breaking News on this tonight. What is new that we now know . Well, one of the things that weve been wondering is how the investigators know that the aircraft deviated from its course. We know there is some radar. But how can they know with certainty . We know that the investigators have discovered that the aircraft went to two specific waypoints away from the course thought was scheduled to go towards beijing. So what they believe this indicates is that whoever was doing this, whoever moved the aircraft off its scheduled course, specifically was directing it to these particular waypoints. Again, away from its scheduled course. If it was being manually flown it probably would not have headed to these waypoints, is that correct . Thats the understanding the investigators are looking at. Now when a pilot normally turns an aircraft using the yoke, they feel if somebody was manually turning the aircraft it wouldnt specifically go to these particular waypoints. So they believe this indicates perhaps that someone with some skill, someone who had some knowledge, entered these waypoints for the aircraft to go to these particular places. And then of course it disappears. It doesnt answer the final question that we all have which is who did this, why and where did the aircraft go after it disappeared, anderson. And when were these entered in. Evan perez, appreciate it. This seems like evidence pointing towards human intervention. The question was it pilots doing their jobs or someone up to no good . With us former cia counterintelligence expert and others. Im confused by these waypoints and what the significance of the idea of having these two waypoints is. Can you try to explain it . A waypoint really is a definition of the route in the sky. Thats something that somebody would enter in. Absolutely. But two particular different ones . We keep going back to there were two particular waypoints. I dont see where those waypoints came into play on this. I see the airplane might have been directed toward them. As a matter of fact, i looked on an En Route Chart to try to find the waypoints that allegedly they turned toward. I still contend that the waypoint they were headed for was a Diversionary Airport and specifically entered in by the captain. Thats conjecture. I may fall on my sword on that one. But i dont see where the Acars Machine could actually i know through our Dispatch Process where they would know exactly what was put into that machine. They just dont know. Thats not information they utilize or is helpful to them specifically. And jeff, the fact that this pilot deleted information from his simulator, you can look at it with a nefarious interpretation of that or hes an organized guy. Hes cleaning up his files. What do you make of it . We only have part of the information on that. In order to determine whether it was nefarious or not or benign we need to know the other part. That is were there other flights on that simulator that he didnt delete. So in other words, whats left on the hard drive of that simulator and what is absent on the hard drive of that simulator. If only selective routes have been taken out of it, only a portion of his experience on the simulator has been deleted, then that makes me raise my eyebrow and says i find it difficult to find a benign explanation for that. Les . I understand your point, jeff. But the way im looking at it is from the standpoint of maybe there was a flight that pilots are organized people. And they feel that maybe the hard drive is going to take too much room and they delete a particular flight. But on a humorous note it might have been a profile he might have been practicing for his recurrent training and just a profile because this is not the kind of thing you can really do. But he may have deleted it because he was embarrassed it didnt go well or something to that effect. Its open to interpretation. Mary, youve been involved with the fbi in these investigations. Are there circumstances where they couldnt retrieve the data because now the fbi and quantico willing be looking at it . Yes. In circumstances where they cant retrieve the data is in instances where someone has erased it and knows how to do it effectively. You dont just erase you overwrite it or destroy certain things. You have to not just erase it but take extra pains. That too might be very interesting to show how they have overwritten it or erased it or deleted certain things. When i was Inspector General we worked aviation crimes with the fbis aviation crimes unit. And we many times had to recover computer data. They were pretty good. So i would bet on the fbi. I think they will be able to get whatever was on there. I just have to believe theyre going to be able to see what those files were. Unless and i would be surprised to learn this unless this erasure was so good and competent it wasnt just erased but overwritten. How complex an operation is this . Might it take weeks or months . I dont think so, anderson. Youre talking about hours and days rather than weeks and months. Theyve got a tremendous capability. But remember just as in this case weve had countries who have been reluctant to share with us their Radar Information because it shows what their true capabilities are, the United States if they have information that tells us well no good will come of it, we cant help those missing by releasing this in such a way and show our capability, they may not do so. I would hope that they would err on the side of getting that information out there. But we too have to protect our capabilities. Mary, you raise an interesting point. That even if they cant find what the information thats been overwritten, the mere fact that information was intentionally overwritten can be meaningful. It depends what the erasure is. I guess i have to confess this. All of us who have Flight Simulators, you want to land, try to see if you can land. Most of us dont do it successfully. But you want to try to see if you can land at the weirdest places on earth. You want to see if youre really good. So just flying around the earth and seeing different places might not tell us much of anything. Thats what you do with like a microsoft Flight Simulator. Where they went, what was there, what wasnt there, whats missing, the pains taken to take it away, if anyone else was on the Flight Simulator. All those things. Im pretty confident if its there to be gotten that the fbi will get it. Theyre just so good at it. Jeff, the fbi is also were told analyzing the copilots computer. You see a number of sort of cumulative acts, operational acts. What do you mean by that . What i mean by that, anderson, is nothing significant in the crime or terrorism world happens without some planning, casing and the act itself if youre going to be successful. Those are the operational acts that lead up to a Major Incident or terrorism crime. Rehearsals on the Flight Simulator might be interesting to go back and see what other routes had this chap captain flown in the months and weeks prior to this particular incident. On the simulator you mean. Or in real life. What other trips has he taken. Why as a Senior Captain did he bid the Airline People will know what im speaking about that he bid this trip. Was this a good trip for a captain with his seniority or was this kind of a dog of a trip but he bid it . That could raise questions about okay, theres not a good reason for him to take this trip. There must be Something Else afoot. Mary, do you agree with that . Yeah. But theres a really important point, too. He makes a great point. Because just flying on the simulator we can all fly weird places on the simulator. But you would have had to have gone there to make the contacts. Because whats the point of knowing how to Land Someplace if once you get there you cant do anything with yourself, with the plane, with the plot. So there has to be more than that on the computer. There has to be additional contacts. By the way, since it was the copilot who spoke last and whose voice sounds normal, what we also want to know is much more information about him and is this how he spoke to air Traffic Controllers . Other people who fly with him need to provide a lot of information about him. Hes the only one we know thats living and talking when the turn is made. Again, though, mechanical anomalies is still very much at play for investigators. Thats something were going to look at tonight as well. Jeff beaty, good to have you on. Mary schiavo as well. Les abend will stick around. Two of his colleagues will join us. Well run through all the evolving scenarios investigators are looking at now, including some youve been tweeting us about. Tweet us using ac360. Follow me andersoncooper. Next intensifying focus off australia. Were going to hear from a commander in the u. S. Navys Seventh Fleet which has planes and vessels in the area. Later well dig deeper into the possibility of a fire on board and parallels to the crash of Swiss Air Flight 15 years ago. What can we learn from that flight that might be applicable to this . Well be right back. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. Gundyes n group is a go. Not just a start up. An upstart. Gotta get going. Gotta be good. Good . Good. Growth is the goal. How do we do that . I talked to ups. Theyll help us out. New technology. Smart advice. We focus on the business and they take care of the logistics. Ups . Good going. 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Its never too late to learn a Foreign Language go and smell the roses president obama weighed in today on the search for flight 370 and americas role in the search. Listen. We have put every resource we have available at the disposal of the search process. There has been close cooperation with the malaysian government. And so not just ntsb but fbi. Anybody who typically deals with anything related to our Aviation System is available. And so our thoughts and prayers are with the families, but i want them to be assured that we consider this a top priority and were going to keep on working. And chief among the hardest working people on the planet tonight members of the u. S. Navys Seventh Fleet in that Southern Search Area Off Australia On The Ocean and above it using aircraft that can detect almost anything. 26 countries involved. Cooperation according to the commander is mostly good. Though indonesia has refused to allow a number of Search Planes to go through the air space. Commander marks joins us now. Commander marks, i know you cant comment on reports about indonesia not allowing u. S. Aircraft to fly over air space today. But i want to ask you on this southern route, to you is that the most hopeful . Is that the most important area to search now . I think you just have to look at the areas that have been least searched. So we first covered the gulf of thailand. We completely saturated that. We moved to the andeman sea. We completely saturated that. Flying from kuala lumpur, we penetrated deeply into the bay of bengal. Thats from our side because the indians were flying over there, too. I think really its simply a matter of this Southern Area has been searched the least. So were out here and australia is out here. And at this point thats all you can do. You find the areas where you havent looked, where there may have been information that came from satellites whether thats military or governmental or commercial, and you go to those. And so thats what were doing. If you are able to find debris, does that automatically mean that you would be able to figure out where the plane went down if in fact the plane did go down in the water . Would you be able to automatically figure out based on tides and time . Great question. And the currents and the wind and the sea state plays such a huge factor. Being so long from that initial flight takeoff, its such a huge variable. So what we normally do in the u. S. Navy, when we come upon this situation we immediately launch a helicopter and we establish a Central Point where we think the last known contact was. Thats called a datum. So from this datum we calculate the currents and the winds. And that is why these search areas slowly expand. And so for what we usually do for a Search And Rescue you look at that first 72 hours. It can grow fairly big but within your helicopter range. Well, now that is completely a different scenario. And the current and the winds and the set and drift on there play a huge factor. We can track that slightly we can drop a sonar buoy and get a kind of a gps position that tracks the environmentals, but its such a long period of time it is certainly a huge factor. And really no one can say if a piece of debris started in one area where it is ten days later. This may be a dumb question, but are you still hopeful . Are you losing hope . With each day that passes by this gets more and more difficult. You know, this what is we train for. And our pilots, our air crews, even our maintainers on the ground, our mission is to fly these planes and to search. And the way i think of it personally is, each of those people on that aircraft, they have families associated with them and friends. And i know they want closure no matter what happens. And i know if it were me and my family id want the u. S. Navy out here looking and thats what were doing. Commander marks, im glad youre out there. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thank you. Incredibly difficult task right now. Digging deeper, i want to bring in a veteran of these kinds of things, david gallo coleader of the search for air France Flight 447 also retired Airline Pilot ron brown. David, you heard the commander there saying theyre searching off the coast of australia because theyve already basically thoroughly searched the northern part of the indian ocean. Do you basically just keep on expanding out until theyve searched the entire area the plane could possibly have reached given the amount of fuel it had . Anderson, we need to find some clue about where that aircraft is. We cant be mapping the entire indian ocean. And if that plane impacted the water, even came down gently theres going to be some clue. And the navy is well suited to be able to find those bits of that plane. Im hoping still with the families that its sitting on Land Someplace. But this is the way to exclude the ocean. David, its interesting though what the commander said which was that given the amount of time that has gone by, even if they find some debris on the water, that doesnt guarantee that theyll be able to pinpoint where the plane entered the water if in fact it did, correct . Right. Well, air france 447 it was five days. I thought that was a long time after the tragedy before the first wreckage was found. But it was two years, not continuously at sea but giving mobilizations and the like, two years before we found that aircraft on the bottom. So youre right. Its no guarantee. But you know what, theres some very talented modelers out there that can look at wind currents with models and then backtrack that information to try to find the location. And even if its not exactly right or if theres a lot of error in it it cuts down the search area. Could cut it down dramatically. Its important stuff. Ron ive been getting a lot of questions on twitter about this new search area. Maria asks, how busy is the flight path . Did the plane have enough fuel to get that far . As far as we know it had enough fuel. Hello, we have Breaking News now on the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370. The Australian Broadcasting corporation is reporting that authorities may have found objects related to the missing plane, and they are citing the Prime Minister tony abbott. Australia has been leading the search in the far southern reaches of the planes possible path. Were also hearing that the Prime Minister may in fact address Parliament Say thing is new and credible information. Its come to light from Satellite Imagery. Two possible objects related to the search have been dent tide. They have deployed an aircraft to inspect these objects. Three more aircraft will follow. Once those extra aircraft arrive, they will conduct an extensive search. Were being told that the task of locating these objects is extremely difficult right now. Australias Search Operations centered in the city of perth. Andrew stevens joins us from there now live. Andrew, what are the details that you have on what they may or may not have found. My mistake, we do not have andrew. But he has been covering this. What we have been hearing over the last few hours is that this search area has dramatically narrowed from an area of almost 3 million square miles, now down to an area about the size of the state of colorado, about 110,000 square miles. Still, a massive area, but we know that the focus has been on the southern arc, right at the extreme end of that southern arc off the coast of western australia. And apparently the officials managed to narrow down the scope of the search area, because they yielded a lot more information from the Satellite Pings, which the plane had been giving off every hour for about seven our eight hours or so. So what we know right now is that were hearing from Australian Authorities that there is possible debris related to this plane. 13 days now or 12 days now they have been searching for this missing flight. And now we have what could be credible evidence of debris floating in the water. Of course, there are still many unanswered questions, what is that debris, how far has it floated. Richard quest is standing by in new york with more on this. And so richard, could this be the break that everyone has been waiting for . Oh, absolutely. You have to put it in terms that its unlikely that the australian Prime Minister would be holding a News Conference if there wasnt a high degree no one is going to say, and i suspect hes not going to come out and specifically say because there would have they have have to retrieve the debris and ensure that there is a very high degree of certainty about it, but bearing in mind the aus t l australians in the last 48 hours took over the searching down in the South China Sea sorry, the south indian ocean. Enormous number of assets have been deployed, including the uss kidd which sent its planes to the western coast of australia for that very purpose, john. They said it would be easier for longrange search to search out of perth rather than being stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean. So its fascinating tonight that the australian Prime Minister is going to make this press statement, floating debris believed to be potentially from Malaysian Airlines flight 370. We have had this sort of news before, just a week ago with the chinese photographs, the satellite photographs. But im supposing that there must be a fair degree of certainty or at least confidence in what theyre finding. We understand that Prime Minister tony abbott of australia has spoken to his malaysian counterpart about this news which we are now getting to us here at cnn. That two possible objects have been found. Richard, sorry to interrupt, but this does not mean that this is where the plane went down because this debris could have floated quite a distance. In the number of days since the incident happened, absolutely. But one thing i do know is that the oceanographers will not only have done the models of where debris would have floated but they would have gone further and written specific models for this area. So they will now be thinking the, we know the time, we know the water temperature, we know the winds, we know the prevailing weather during the last week. They will be factoring that in, the oceanographers, and they are extremely experienced at being able to take that information and work out roughly where the debris will be. Now how far, if youre asking me how far could that debris have moved over the last ten days, i dont know. But if you look at the map that were seeing at the moment and you interpret where the route of the aircraft was, and what could have happened in the last 10, 12 days, then you start to see why the australians believe that there is a strong level of confidence. And on one other point, in the last days or so, more and more people have come to the conclusion that it is the south china sorry, the south indian ocean, i beg your pardon, the south indian ocean which was the more realistic of the two paths, not the northern path or western path up towards india and kazakhstan. Richard, what we are hearing is that the debris was detected by Satellite Imagery. A very similar situation to what we had with the chinese satellites about a week or so ago, detecting that debris off the coast of vietnam. That turned out to be a false start. But a lot of people were talking back then this was very large debris to be spotted by a satellite. So i know were speculating here, but is that going to be a similar situation now, that this will be large pieces of debris because it has been seen by a satellite. The problem with the chinese pictures, almost from the moment there were many of us, myself included, that hoped it was correct. But quite quickly, experts on the 777 said because the chinese last friday the chinese put out a statement which they actually said how big the pieces of debris were. They said they were 70 x 70. Quickly, experts of the 777 said there is no single piece of the aircraft that measures those dimensions. So that hugely assisted them in discounting that relatively quickly. Im assuming whoevers satellite they have used in this situation, theyve done exactly the same process. Theyve locked up the debris. They measured it with a high degree of certainty. We have had debris from the moment this incident happened. We had a table drum richard, sorry if i may interrupt. We have Andrew Teastevens on th line now. Hes covering this story for us from perth where the search on the australian end has been based from, perth is the state capital of western australia. Andrew, very early stages but it is coming from the Prime Ministers office. They are deploying assets to try and inspect this debris from flight 370. What else can you tell us . Thats right, john. At this point we have to be very cautious. What we can tell you is that the australian stateowned Media Operation here is saying that tony abbott, the australian Prime Minister is telling the house that two pieces of debris have been spotted in the Southern Indian ocean. He says that they could possibly be related to mh370. Certainly at this stage, not saying definitely. A plane has been diverted from its earlier search area to the destination where this debris is believed to be floating. That is due to be on the scene around about now, john. And we understand another three aircraft have already been dispatched to that same area. At the moment, what we can see is tony abbott is being reported by the Australian Broadcasting corporation, those two pieces of objects have been found, and the possibility is that they are from mh370. Andrew, weve had this situation over the last 24 hours or so that theres been this new Radar Information coming from the pings which were given off hourly by flight 370 and with that Satellite Information they have managed to narrow down this search area. So describe the area that they have been looking at, which is where it appears that these objects are. Yes, thats right. I mean, it has been narrowed down significantly, given the fact that the malaysians only 24 hours ago saying they are putting equal emphasis on the northern and southern corridors, which is a combined area, roughly the size of the Australian Land mass. The southern corridor, they have narrowed their search down to that. So within that, there is a zone of 300,000, which they are focusing on at the moment, john. We dont know why specifically they are focusing on this area. It is being reported that they have Satellite Intelligence from the u. S. And also from australian satellite sources, as well. Obviously, satellites and radar is an important instrument. [ indiscernible ] more so there is a Satellite Surveillance Facility in the center of australia, which is jointly operated but effectively run by The Americans. We dont know what Satellite Information is coming from there. Certainly its been established from our u. S. Sources the southern corridor has been a more likely Search Target based as well on the simple process of elimination, given that the northern corridor where it consists of at least 11 countries, some of which have very significant radar and technology, such as china, nothing has been seen or reported certainly from the northern corridor. So the u. S. Has been deploying assets along the southern corridor and helping australia with the search. Andrew, stand by. For anybody just joining us, this is the breaking new. The Australian Broadcasting news is quoting that the Prime Minister is saying two possible objects related to the search for flight 370 have been identified by satellite in the Southern Indian ocean and right now a Royal Australian air force plane is heading to excuse me is heading to that area to try and find establish exactly what this debris may be. Other planes are heading there, as well. We know that the meshes are there, new zealand also has planes and assets in the region. But it is the australians who are taking the lead in all of this. I would like to go back to Richard Quest right now. Richard, we had a very similar situation to this about a week or so ago. We were just talking about it just a short moment ago when they did find debris on the Satellite Image by the chinese. Turned out to be nothing. This seems a lot more substantive. Okay, do we have richard . Okay. Im sorry, richard has gone to work the phones to try to find out more about what were dealing with. We still have Andrew Stevens on the line with us right now. Okay, one moment, please. So andrew, we were talking about this area. Were also looking at a situation that this is a very remote part of the world and its also a very deep ocean. So if there is debris on the surface, theres the possibility there could be a lot of debris below the service with a lot of challenges trying to get there. Absolutely, and also we need to take into account the currents and tidals, so any debris thats on the surface will have moved significant distances, perhaps hundreds of kilometers from the zone where that debris may have been found. So a lot facing the searchers, again the fact that some places in the indian ocean is 7,000 meters deep and the average depths is around 4,000 meters. So there is enormous problems and challenges still facing the searches. Its also key to note that the devices which are triggered when a plane crashes into the sea, will send out Distress Signals for about one month. So were about halfway into that one month. So there is a time limit on locating this aircraft. [ indiscernible ] so huge amounts of challenges for the search parties, but we cant rule out how significant this latest news is, because we have gone from an area of 2. 2 million square kilometers down to what could be a significant sighting in the southern ocean. Resources are now being focused in the southern ocean, in this area of the southern ocean. So just to recap, we do know that an orion aircraft is expected to be on the scene where the Satellite Images picked up two pieces of debris. We dont know with any degree of certainty if they are related to the plane, but an orion is due there about now. It is 11 45 in the morning here in perth and three more planes dispatched. So we should get some better understanding of exactly what is there. We have Andrew Stevens on the line with us in perth. We have Richard Quest on the line in new york. I would like both of you to stay with us. We do have i would like to read that statement once more in case you are joining us that we have from the australian Prime Minister. This is what he told parliament a short time ago. New and credible information has come to light for the search of flight 370 in the Southern India ocean. Information based on Satellite Imagery of two possible objects related to the search have been identified. A Royal Australian aircraft has been diverted to inspect the object and due to arrive about now. The statement reads, three more aircraft will also follow and conduct a more expensive search. The task of locating these objects is extremely difficult. The Prime Minister has spoken to his malaysian counterpart. That is what were being told. The Prime Minister has said to the house just a short time ago in the australian capital. Richard quest is on the line with us right now. We know, richard, there are a lot of assets in this region, including the most advanced sub hunter that The Americans have, the p8. No doubt that will be deployed in some manner to look at this debris . Oh, absolutely. They will be sending everything theyve got and a great deal more over to find this. The fact that the Prime Minister now, look, john, youre much more of a student of australian politics than i am. But the fact that the pm chose to make a statement in the house, new and credible information is the phrase he uses. Not just we found some debris, but credible information. Based on Satellite Imagery of objects possibly related to the search. And listen to this, following Specialist Analysis of this imagery, two possible objects have been identified. Now, im guessing the phraseology there was, he doesnt say we found two objects and were looking to identify them. He says the objects have been identified. So im starting to come to the conclusion that the Prime Minister wouldnt make such a statement to the house if he didnt have a very strong view that this was not only credible, but had been interpreted and accepted. Okay. So were now at the stage where after 12 days of what has been a very frustrating search, possibly the biggest search ever for a missing civilian for a missing airliner. We now are at the position where the Australian Aircraft is over the area where two objects have been identified and we are awaiting official word. It is pretty much my understanding, that that plane is there and that it is due to arrive back in australia, on australian soil in about four hours from now. No doubt if there is any information to come from, this it will be radioed back. So we should find out exactly what may or may not have taken place or been found rather in that search. But at this stage, as you said, richard, this is looking to be by far the most promising lead that we have had since this began. And it is also a reflection, i think, as Andrew Stevens was just reporting from perth a moment ago, of the number of assets being deployed. When the Royal Australian air force were given the job of searching the south indian ocean, they took at it with gusto in the sense they were very honest about it. They made it quite clear that this was a huge task. Adding to australias own very sophisticated ability, remember, it was the Australian Air investigation that investigated the Engine Explosion out of singapore. They have enormous experience in their own right doing searches. You know this better than i will, john. As a maritime nation, as an island, albeit a continent, australian has exceptionally good maritime searching abilities. So what the Prime Minister says, look, i cant say it is and i cant say it isnt. But having done this long enough, you get a feeling of what might be happening and the pm speaking to the house in that way is very strong, credible evidence. Absolutely. Richard, stand by for us. I would like to go back to Andrew Stevens. Andrew, it was just yesterday that the australians were saying that this search of this area could take up to weeks and now they have narrowed it down to what could be a matter of hours. In fact, we are expecting some kind of statement from Prime Minister tony abbott maybe in about 25 minutes from now. I think the key here is the information and where its coming from. This is Satellite Information, so the physical search in the absence of any specific information about pin pointing areas by satellite, which have taken several weeks, even though it has been significantly refined as we now know, it still would have been several weeks to comb that area. Now, though, Satellite Information, we dont know where thats come from, but it is very sophisticated satellite operations, operated jointly by the australians and the u. S. In central australia. So the information obviously coming from satellites, that allows them to pinpoint this area and as richard said, given the number of false starts here and the fact that the malaysian government has taken so much criticism, tony abbott is going to be very hesitant to say anything that he may have to backtrack on. So at this stage, what hes telling the house is very significant. Remember that there are currents, we are 13 days into the search. So whatever debris seen there, it will have moved considerable distances from a crash site. So theres still a lot of work to do. We just need to underline we dont know whether this debris is linked. It was a false start with the chinese last week, which turned out to be nothing. S okay. If you are just joining us, the news is now coming from the australian Prime Minister that significant objects have been identified in the Southern Indian ocean. He released this information just a short time ago to the australian parliament. This is what he said. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has received information based on Satellite Imagery of objects possibly related to the search. Following Specialist Analysis of this Satellite Imagery, two possible objects related to the search have been identified. We must keep this in mind, the task of locating these objects will be extremely difficult, and it may turn out that they are not related to the search for flight mh370. Nevertheless, i did want to update the house on this potentially important development. Okay, that was the australian Prime Minister tony abbott addressing the lower house of the house of Parliament Just a short time ago. Richard, what was notable there, and understandable is that word of caution coming from tony abbott that this may not actually turn out to be anything, but it seems at this stage that it might just be. Indeed. Tony abbott, now we heard a little bit more. He has given a caveat to it, that it might not be 370. So hes i dont use the word, i would never say this about a Prime Minister, that hes hedging his bets, but the fact that he made the statement, he didnt have to make a statement, john. He could have just simply put out a press release. The Royal Australian air force could have put out a statement. The maritime Search Authority could have just put out a statement. He says its credible. He says its confirmed or satellite has confirmed the objects. Im guessing and assuming having looked at this for some time that they have very they have got a very realistic view that this is what theyve been searching for. Let us be clear, it would be a blessing that they have found something in the south indian ocean. But this would really just be the beginning of the next part of the whole process. So in other words, we find more debris, work out the back workout where the debris may have come from using currents and temperatures and slowly start to see if you can find the bigger debris field. What we know, john, is the debris field, and theres always something on a plane that floats. The life rafts, the seat cushions. Part of the wing, part of the tail. The moment they find a sizable debris field, and there should still be something there, they are very much closer to finding the aircraft itself. And lets just look at some of the politics of how this played out. This is cnn Breaking News. Im don lemon in new york. And the Breaking News is that new information is coming from australia being reported by the Australian Broadcasting company that two objects possibly belonging to that missing flight 370, two objects have been found off the coast of australia. David suchi, who is a former faa safety investigator, this appears to be a Significant Development, the most Significant Development weve had so far. Very much so, don. The report says, credible information. How long has it been since we heard that . This is verbatim, the Prime Minister of australia says, new and credible information has come to light in relation to the search for Malaysia Airlines flight mh370 in the Southern Indian ocean. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has received information based on Satellite Imagery of objects possibly related to the search. Following Specialist Analysis of the Satellite Imagery, two possible objects related to the search have been identified. I can inform the house that a Royal Australian air force orion has been diverted to attempt to locate the objects. This orion is expected to arrive in the area about this time. Three more aircraft will follow this orion. They are tasked for more intensive followup search. Were also hearing there will be a Press Conference coming from sho shortly. The information is coming from the Prime Minister. It is almost midnight here in the United States eastern time, and its almost noon in perth, australia. I want to go now to mary schiavo. She is standing by now. Again, this is a very Significant Development. I dont think australia would be doing this if they didnt think there was some importance to this, mary. Oh, i agree. I am sure they realize how important, even if this is the wreckage, even if its the very first piece, the clue also tumble forth, was there a fire, an explosion, do they have the pitting p pitting patterns. The evidence can finally start, and most important they can take where the pieces are, reverse the current track, find out where the currents have led over the past 12 days, and then start in earnest the search for the block boxes. Australia now saying that they believe they have found two objects that are significant here that may be related to the missing Malaysian Airline mh370. That plane vanished on march 8. Its been missing now for 13 days without a clue. They found two objects in the Southern Indian ocean. A p3 ship has been directed to this new destination and three other aircraft are being dispatched, as well. Again, it is almost midnight here in the u. S. Eastern time and noon in perth, australia, where this is very close. M lets go to cnns Richard Quest. Australia released information saying they were going to expand their search off their coast and now were finding this. Lets remember what the Prime Minister of australia said in the house of parliament. He said the Australian Maritime Safety Authority has received Satellite Imagery of objects. Now, listen to this. He says he calls this credible, tony abbott says its credible, and he says, two possible objects have been identified . Does he have stronger evidence that they are from 370 . We know now that aircraft are heading over in that direction. The pm has warned that retrieving those objects will not be easy. But this, don, is you dont get a Prime Minister standing up in the House Of Commons or the Houses Of Parliament in australia and using words like that. He caveated it by saying it may not be anything, but this is the best weve had so far, don. This is the strongest lead. And Richard Quest, we want to hear from the Prime Minister just a short time ago. Listen. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has received information based on Satellite Imagery of objects possibly related to the search. Following Specialist Analysis of this Satellite Imagery, two possible objects related to the search have been identified. Thats the australian Prime Minister speaking there at the House Of Representatives just a short time ago. Richard quest, stand by. Mary schiavo, stand by. Everyone stand by

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