Such drastic and unprecedented means. Hes just trying to destroy the village. The most powerful person on earth doing the greatest damage possible to the oldest democracy on earth for the pettiest motive imaginable. Vengeance. Because he cant stand losing. Its pathetic, actually. I got to say. Did you see the press conference . The train wreck with Rudy Giuliani with the sweat and hair dye. Like, he was the the the conductor of this train week. Ne they took this one to 11. It was next level. Take a look. Rudy giuliani. There he is. I mean, we got to talk about giuliani. Can the producers from intervention, please, get in touch with his people and set something up . Legendary new york columnist once described giuliani as a small man in search of a balcony. Now, he is just a hot mess. The man once described as americas mayor appeared sweating with newly applied hair dye rolling down his face. It wasnt a press conference. It was a clown show, without any actual meaning or reality. Did you all watch my cousin vinny . You know the movie . Its one of my favorite law movies because he comes from brooklyn. And the nice lady, who said she saw. And then, he he says to her, how many fingers do i how many fingers do i got up . And she says, three. She was too far away. Because, see, there was only two. Thats the guy who is leading the president s efforts. Thats who is in charge. Only the best. Rudy giuliani. He is alluding to a complaint among several about observers being kept too far from the counting, which the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected two days ago. Now, here he is having started off talking about a case in michigan, which has already been rejected by the states court of appeals. Drifting into a baseless allegation about voting in philadelphia. If you lived in philadelphia, unless you dare thats an italian expression for stupid. Unless youre stupid, you know a lot of people come from camden to vote. Happens every year. Its about as frequent as getting beat up at a philadelphia basketball football game. It must have been hot in that room. I mean, this is where we are. This is where we are. These are the people. Yeah. This is where we are. He is talking about the old, legal doctrine of everybody knows. I believe it was first argued in the wellnope caknown case of f v. Keepers. Or here is how a member of the legal team answered questions about having evidence for his allegations. Your question about the process. Your question is fundamentally flawed when you are asking where is the evidence . You clearly dont understand the legal process. Meanwhile, the lady behind her, like wow. You know, i said it was a clown show. I apologize to clowns, im sorry. Youre better than that. Your question is fundamentally flaws when you are asking about evidence, she said . Okay. Yeah. Look. Im not a lawyer. Would you like a side of alternative facts with that, perhaps . Today was not a good day in court for the president s effort. Not that it matters because, as we said, he doesnt even expect to win. One court after another dismissed claims on the president s behalf. The latest today, arizona, pennsylvania, and georgia. Attorney sydney powell peddling a debunked Conspiracy Theory about voting software. The Dominion Software and the software that goes in other, computerized votingsystems here as well, not just dominion, were created in venezuela at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election. The old, blame hugo chavez maneuver. Hes been dead since 2013 but he had his finger on this one. Things got to bonkers that chris ke krebs, the official fired by the president tweeted, quote, that press conference was the most dangerous 1 hour 45 minutes of television in American History and possibly the craziest. If you dont know what i am talking about, youre lucky. But, wait, theres more. The president s effort is so pathetic that he is now also making efforts to get Michigans Wayne county, which went heavily for joe biden, to toss out results. Hes invited michigan lawmakers to the white house, according to a person familiar with the matter, presumably, to get them to approve a trumpfriendly set of electors, instead the one the voters chose. He hasnt received an intelligence briefing, that we know of, in more than a month and a half. Hasnt attended a Covid Task Force meeting in six months. He has not said a word about the quarter million americans who are now dead. Who have died of this virus. Has not mentioned the more than 1,800 who died yesterday. Nor, the 1,899 reported dead, so far, today. And now, we learn, its not even a matter of him caring more about a quarter million contested ballots than a quarter million lost lives. In fact, seems he cares about neither. He cares about nothing now, except, according to this source, taking revenge on those who called his 2016 victory into question. And making it hard for the winning candidate, this time, to do his job, which is serving the american people. Helping america make progress. Thats the best we can describe it, tonight. And perhaps, the worst that can be said about anyone who has ever held the office. Joining us now is gabriel sterling. Mr. Sterling, break this down for us. Did this audit change the margin of Vice President bidens lead over President Trump . Well, the think about that. A handtally audit. This is the largest handtally audit in the history of the United States. Its not about changing the final tally. It is about verifying the tally we saw on Election Night and that is what is shown here with very little variation. When you say very little variation, what do you mean . Well, when you do a hand tally, you are comparing it to what the computers counted on Election Night. And essentially, we all know that computers are always going to be more accurate than human beings. In fact, most hand tallies have, according to most studies, about a 1 to 1 and a half percent deviation. And a. 0099. So verified on Election Night, biden has the most votes, at this point. We are looking to get certification tomorrow. Then, the person who comes in second, in this case, looks like it will be President Trump, has the right to request a recount, since he is in half a percent of former Vice President biden. Just to be clear, did you find any evidence of widespread fraud or irregularities, like the president and his legal team and his allies have been alleging . One of the things you are looking for is to make sure the items you see on the paper, on the ballot, that they match what the computer said. So, human beings looking at these things because, as you know, one of the big complaints is these machines somehow flipped votes or did stuff. They didnt. At least not in georgia. We proved it. We did this hand audit. And it shows the outcome we saw on Election Night, the same we saw this time. And essentially, its the exact same even with the human being having a hand count of that. The georgia secretary of state announced the news in a press release which ended, quote, because the margin is still less than. 05 , the president can request a recount after certification of the results. Do you expect that his campaign would do that . Or have they already done so, i guess, i should ask . They havent done so because they legally cant until we certify, which will be some point tomorrow. And listen. They have every legal right to ask for recount. They have every legal right to go to court. As we saw today, they have gone to court twice in georgia. I think, one, they pulled the lawsuit. And one, was dismissed today by a trumpappointed judge. So they have legal remedies. They have due process. We are a nation of laws, not of men. They have every legal right to present evidence. But the final outcome is what we anticipated in terms of what we saw on Election Night. It is proper and correct. The machines did their job. And the will of the voters of georgia our job is to execute the goal of making sure we have fair and honest election in this state. And just so i am clear. Assuming if if the Trump Administration decides or the Trump Campaign asks for a recount. How would a recount differ from what you have just completed . What we did was a hand tally, which is basically when you have thousands of audit teams, together, looking at each ballot individually. Under election board rules, recount, in that case, we will be using equipment again. So all counties, they will create a test deck of ballots, a mix of between ballotmarking device, which is our computergenerated ballot. And a handmarked ballot. And they run those through the scanner and say, yes, this is what we expected to see. The scanners operating appropriately. They clear those off. And then, they literally will run all 5 millionplus ballots through those scanners to get a true recount of those ballots, one more time. And that would be the final version of of of the ballots that were voted. And approximately, how long does that, if that was to be requested, how long would that take . Well, we never done one before so this is kind of New Territory for us. I mean, we just did a hand rekounr recount in ten days which was amazing lift. Our counties did amazing work. They really staffed up and did it right. We did the math. We can do about 50 ballots a minute on each, individual scanner. Theres about a hundred or about 200 of them in the state. We will probably redeploy some of the scanners to smaller counties. The law is on the. 5 , they can request it within two business days. So since were going to be certifying tomorrow, they have until tuesday to make the request. Of course, thanksgiving is next week. So depending when the request comes in, we can start monday, we can start the following monday. Gabriel, really appreciate your hard work and everyone in the state. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank those counties. The real hard work. Thank you. Appreciate it. As promised, dana bash is here. Along with cnn election analyst, rick hasen. Dana, your reporting is President Trump knows hes lost but is delaying the inevitable out of revenge. Explain what you have heard. Right. Well, a source who is in contact with the president says that, what the president knows is that, in his heart of hearts, is that he will not win. We have heard that from other sources as well. But what this source added was that what the president is saying, pretty explicitly, is he feels that the democrats, when the president won in 2016, tried to make his win illegitimate y t the russia investigation and dossier and everything that went along with it. So, he is using their playbook. Thats his thinking. I use the word payback. Thats not what my source used but there is no other way to put it. That is what the president is doing. One of many reasons why he is continuing to not allow the biden transition to get funds. To get briefings. And also, much more destructively, continuing to call the Election Results fraudulent. Where there is no evidence, as you showed, with your opening with the Rudy Giuliani and Company Press conference. Yeah. Im wondering how the president views giuliani and this legal, you know, team, i guess they are. You know, the press conference. These fruitless rabbit holes. Things are just you know, in courtroom after courtroom, things are being rejected or tossed out. Or the lawyers stepping down or taking back, you know, withdrawing their cases. The president wants somebody out there fighting for him. And the president wants somebody out there going down whatever rabbit hole they feel comfortable doing. And Rudy Giuliani is pretty much the only one left, who will go down those rabbit holes. And have the kind of press conference he had today, with the few people who were standing by him. Other lawyers who have a lot more credibility with election law are nowhere to be found and there is a reason for that, anderson. Rick, i want to read something that you wrote earlier today about the president s efforts in michigan. You said, this is very dangerous for our democracy, as it is an attempt to thwart the will of the voters through political pressure from the president. Even though it is extremely unlikely to work, it is profoundly antidemocratic and a violation of the rule of law. Its inexcusable. Does it become even more dangerous for a dmemocracy, the longer this goes on . Yeah, i think so. I mean, certainly, the president has every right, as any candidate does, to bring legal cases and to challenge results, if there is a reason to challenge them. But weve now gone you know, were were coming up closer to the deadline for when everything has to be certified. They have produced no evidence. In a filing today, in pennsylvania, for a preliminary injunction where you are supposed to provide your evidence, they said wed like to bring in an expert. But they didnt provide any any expert, yet. Theyve got nothing, legally, in the hopper that plausibly is going to show fraud, plausibly is going to show any problem in any state. So, what they are trying to do now is a naked power play. The idea is were just going to try and get these state legislatures to just announce an alternate slate of electors and declare trump won. And the longer this goes on, not only does it danger the transition, in terms of covid and all that. It undermines peoples confidence in the fairness of the process. There are millions of people now who falsely believe that Voting Machines are being manipulated. That biden is cheating. That its some large conspiracy. Its just really deteriorating the whole environment, in which we have our democratic process take place in. And, dana, i mean, perhaps most i dont know. Its not surprising, i guess. But but i mean, you kind of expect the president to do, you know, this kind of stuff. This is from his playbook. All these republican senators. Standing by. Being party to it. And and squoort of, you k, sagely nodding their heads and saying yes, yes. Yes, we must look into i dont think we fully understood, as a country, how vulnerable our system is to manipulation. Because, you know, tom friedman has pointed out and others, that its large its often based on norms, not something, necessarily, that he is cod fifd in law. Based on norms. Based on shame. And and and leaders not wanting to be shamed. Not wanting to be the one or the ones who break those norms that that are the pillars of this democracy. And youre exactly right. We we are seeing that deteriorate, right now, in a pretty big way. And theyre not just nodding their heads. They are enabling this president , in a very big way. Now, when you talk to republicans privately, what they say to a person is what i reported that the president says. They know he is not going to win. But there are several reasons why they are continuing to nod their heads and to enable him. The most important, from from their point of view, is power. And by power, i mean, they want to keep control of the United States senate. And there are two outstanding races in georgia. That is not going to happen until january 5th and they dont want to do anything to make the president so mad that he will either, you know, kind of throw a tran trum aantrum and say im to go help republicans in georgia or even undermine republicans in georgia. Yeah. But doesnt it give them too much credit . Because after that, after that january 5th date, their next excuse is, now, were just terrified of the base. Were just terrified of all the president s supporters so we still cant talk. Still, cant speak out. Youre exactly right. Thanks so much. Coming up next. With the white house strategy i mean, you cant call it strategy. The white house careenin careeningforward movement it will attempt to be. Later, bill gates on new vaccines and how to bridge the gap between now and when they become widely available. And what he thinks the next few months look like. A lot of great information from bill gates, coming up. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. 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In the time since, about 120,000 more americans have now died of this. You were there today. I know you had wanted to ask the Vice President about the transition. President elect bidens team. How did that go . We had a lot of questions for him. But at the end of it, after they came out and everyone made their presentations, the Vice President turned and left the room. Even though, we had plenty of questions. Here is a little bit of what it looked like as that was coming to an end. And you can s