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Gaza and the israeli missiles, jets, and bombs flying into it. Within the past couple of hours, Israeli Forces hit a media complex in gaza city for the second time in two days. Over six days of the conflict, all too reminiscent of the ground war in 2008. At least 97 palestinians and 3 israelis have been killed. Neither side knows when, where, or how the other will strike, and that leads to heartstopping moments like this one live on cnn last hour with our frederik pleitgen. Reporter this town is actually a very interesting one because it is directly in the line of fire, especially from the very shortrange rockets and only yesterday what happened was that there carol, we have an alarm going off right now. Im going to have to seek cover. Were going to go over here. Lets take the came ra off the tripod. You go. You go, you go go go. This always makes me so nervous. Reporter you have to get down on the ground and wait for it to pass. Just hope it doesnt hit anywhere here. Theyre telling us to go inside the shop. Well stay here. All right. Seems like something impacted in the distance. Not sure how far away. Okay. The alarm stopped. It was over there . Okay. All right. I think we can get up again. All right. Are you still there, carol . We are still there and were nervous, fred. Youre sure youre not even wearing any protection. Are you okay . Reporter well, yeah, were fine. Were fine. Yeah, so it seems as though the impact was quite a ways in the distance, i would say a couple miles in the distance. There over in the sky you probably wont be able to see it here, theres an interceptor missile. Thats the iron dome. If you just saw the flash in the sky, that was a rocket coming out of gaza that was just intercepted right now. It appears as though at this point in time there is another barrage being fired from gaza into this part of israel close to the israeli border. As i was telling you, this town here on the border is one that does take a lot of fire very frequently. So this is really something that is very commonplace for the people here. Frederik pleitgen and our crew there hitting the ground just there on the border. New israeli attacks also carried out in the past couple hours on targets in gaza. Cnns ben wedeman is monitoring events this hour in gaza city. He joins us from there. Ben, we just saw Fred Pleitgen hit the ground, and i know its just as tense there in gaza city. What can you tell us about whats happening right now . Reporter well, right now its relatively quiet. We can hear the israeli drones overhead as we hear all day long, but, of course, just a few hours ago, in fact, 2 1 2 hours ago, we heard three large explosions, and this building behind me which you cant see because the electricity is caught off, got hit three times. In that building there are several things. There were the offices of a television station affiliated with the hamas movement. But one of those missiles we saw it sort of a plume of orange fire bursting out from the front from about the second floor, and we rushed to the scene. What we saw is the ambulance personnel were bringing out the body, very charred body, of a man who appeared to be quite life looks like, in other words dead, and he, were told, may be a member of islamic jihads military media office. He may have been the target of that attack. That attack left the building on fire and it took the Palestinian Fire Department quite some time to put it out. And, in fact, while there are a lot of journalists in that building, just about 150 to 200 meters up the road another strike came in hitting an empty field. So its by no means been a quiet afternoon here in gaza. In fact, referring to freds report from just over the border in israel, we did see the outgoing missiles. We saw five streaks of white smoke coming out from an area not far from here heading, of course, toward israel. Natalie . And ben so ben, what will it take for hamas to stop launching rockets at this point. 97 palestinians dead, the death you just described, so horrific. Ban kimoon calling for an immediate ceasefire. What kind of reception can he expect . Reporter just to update you on those the fatalities, according to palestinian medical sources, the number has now reached 100 dead, more than 800 wounded. Regarding hamas position on a possible ceasefire, they have a list of demands. They want the socalled siege of gaza to be lifted. Those are the controls over the borders of gaza with egypt and with israel. They want an end to targeted assassinations, an end to Israeli Military operations within gaza. Whether these and i spoke with one official from hamas today who told me that, you know, there are contacts with egypt, they are passing messages back and forth, but at this point he says he sees no imminent ceasefire popping up anytime soon. Obviously the palestinians, hamas, and fatah as well will pay proper deference to ban kimoon and any other official who wants to discuss this situation here, but really fundamentally the problem is between gaza and israel, and all those who come and try to help, if theyre just coming to visit, express sympathy as some are doing, thats not going to change the situation on the ground. As you just said, 800 wounded. How are the civilians Overall Holding up there . Reporter well, to a certain extent theyre accustomed to this. Gaza in one form or another has been a place where theres been fighting, clashes, protests, occupation going back decades. So people are accustomed to life taking some very unexpected and violent turns, and i spent a lot of time going around gaza city and some of its suburbs today, and on the one hand obviously the situation as they call it is something everybody is talking about. But there are some stores that are open. You see people out in the streets. Certainly not compared to what you would see under normal circumstances when the roads behind me would be lit and there would be full of cars and people out and about. People are staying very close to home. Schools are closed. Almost all businesses are closed. People are hoarding as much food as possible. The price of petrol has gone up very much. Basic supplies are still out there, theyre available, but, of course, the vour is that if israel launches a ground offensive, people will be stuck in their homes possibly for days. So theyre getting ready for that should that happen. Natalie . Ben wedeman for us live there in gaza city. Ben, thanks so much. Stay with cnn for more reports from gaza city and jerusalem. Anderson cooper is live tonight on ac 360, 8 00 eastern. This is cnn breaking news. And welcome back. Throughout the morning we have watched live here on cnn hamas launched rockets into israel while israel continues its assault on hamas in gaza. With no ceasefire in sight, there are concerns israeli troops may soon enter gaza widening this conflict. Were going to talk about that with cnns chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour in jerusalem joining us now. While israelis seem to be very supportive of the air strike sos far, would the israeli people support their troops moving into gaza . Reporter well, interestingly a poll done by the newspaper, pretty much a liberal moderate newspaper, says that while Something Like 84 of israelis, and i must say everyone we talk to and all the politicians do support the current air offensive on gaza, that number drops sharply if theyre talking about a ground war. That drops to about 30 . And i think, you know, thats something significant to consider. But more than that, i have spoken to Israeli Government officials who tell me today and wanted to manufactuemphasize to that israel is hoping that the diplomatic track proves successful. They always say if this doesnt, they are ready, theyve gathered their military, weve seen them station tanks and other armor outside gaza, and that they would be ready to, quote, pull the trigger. Their aim as they keep telling us, is to stop these rockets coming from gaza into israel, and a military person, a military official has told me they feel as far as israel is concerned that they have made a dent in the amount of rocket fire coming out of gaza. Ceasefire talks continue. We have not yet seen the result yet. Lets talk about the diplomatic track then. Talk to us about the prospects of egypt negotiating with hamas to at least stop the rocket attacks for now. Reporter well, look, its a very interesting situation because as weve been reporting and as weve said, this is obviously the first time theres been an Israeli Palestinian conflict in the postarab spring world. I think everybody, including the United States, was wondering what role egypt would play. Before, it could safely rely on egypt under president mubarak to really pressure hamas and the palestinians in situations like this to come up with a ceasefire and to cease and desist and also work with israel. There was a very close security relationship between israel and egypt. Now were seeing that egypt is continuing to play that role. Obviously in public israel has a much different stance than im sorry, egypt has a much different stance. Officials have come to gaza. They have publicly said theyre Standing Shoulder to shoulder with hamas and the palestinian people. Theyve called israels action acts of aggression, theyve called on it to stop, but they are also playing a very significant role and they are the key brokers now with israel, and as far as we know, theyve been sitting face to face with an israeli envoy to hammer out a ceasefire which includes hamas and all the other players in this region. So the u. S. Appears to be quite satisfied with what egypt is doing. U. S. Has said they dont want to see a ground war while constantly saying that they obviously support israels right to selfdefense. And christiane what about the palestinians on the west bank not aligned with hamas. What is the Palestinian Government saying there . Reporter well, you know, again, this whole situation is such an almighty mess that there is a very good question. The palestinians are divided. Youve got the Palestinian Authority that rules basically on the west bank not far from where i am which is separated from israel by the wall and you have hamas that rules gaza. However, in cases like this the palestinians at least in public stand shoulder to shoulder and the Palestinian Authority has said that, look, we have to stop what they call the israeli aggression. At the same time senior members of the Palestinian Authority have gone to gaza to talk to hamas. I have spoken to one of them, and he tells me that he believes hamas is serious about trying to achieve a ceasefire. Of course, both sides, israel and hamas, have their bottom lines or at least their demands, and the question right now is has both inflicted enough pain . Do they feel like they have at least shown to inflict enough pain to claim some kind of victory and to be able to get off . Is there an exit ramp they can get off now or do both want to inflict more pain . Both certainly dont want to call cry uncle or say theyre surrendering. This is the very tricky part of the negotiations to try to figure out a way that satisfies both sides and hopefully, i know most people in this region dont want to see it expand into a ground offensive. Absolutely. Christian ape amanpour. Stay with cnn throughout the day and evening as we follow the violence in the middle east. Israeli president shimon peres will join piers morgan tonight at 9 00 eastern. Is year. So why exactly should that be of any interest to you . Well, in that time thereve been some good days. And some difficult ones. But, through it all, weve persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. Like the transatlantic cable that connected continents. And the panama canal that made our world a smaller place. We supported the Marshall Plan that helped europe regain its strength. And pioneered the atm, so you can get cash when you want it. Its been our privilege to back ideas like these, and the leaders behind them. So why should our anniversary matter to you . Because for 200 years, weve been helping people and their ideas move from ambition to achievement. And the next great idea could be yours. Its clear from the surveillance film there was never a protest. You basically think it was put out there because they didnt want to have the direct conversation about this being a terrorist attack . You think i think until you hear a better explanation, thats the only conclusion you can reach. On september 25th at the United Nations the president said a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the muslim world. I mean, even on the 25th after it was wellknown this was an Al Qaeda Affiliated attack and not a spontaneous demonstration, there still was this ob fuss skating. What has concerned me is really the politicalization of a Public Statement that was put out by the entire Intelligence Committee which susan rice on the 16th, who was asked to go before the people and use that statement did. Lawmakers still with plenty to say about the september 11th attack on the u. S. Mission in benghazi and the obama administrations response. Well, now that the senate and house intelligence members have heard from former cia director david petraeus, albeit behind closed doors, we know this indisputable fact. The cia knew the attack was planned and launched by terrorists affiliated with al qaeda. Thats according to petraeus testimony on friday. But two months after the attack, so many questions still remain. The answers to which have a lot of implications to u. S. Security. Which is why we want to bring in congressman adam schiff who serves on the house Intelligence Committee. Congressman schiff, thank you for joining us. Its a pleasure. You were there for petraeus testimony. What did we learn from that hearing . What did you learn from that hearing . Well, we learned a few things. His testimony and the testimony of the prior day of the acting director set out a minutebyminute, hourbyhour chronology of what happened at our diplomatic post. We also learned from general petraeus that in the putting together of these talking points, there was no effort to politicize them, no effort to spin them, no interference from the white house, and you would think that that would have ended the conspiracy theories that continue to be propagated, but, unfortunately, it hasnt, and my concern is, frankly, were taking our eyes off the ball which really ought to be the hunt for those who were responsible, tracking them down, and bringing them to justice. But i think we had a pretty clear presentation about exactly what happened. We also got good information about why they got it wrong in the beginning and while theres been a lot of focus on the fact that general petraeus said it was terrorism at the time in the early aftermath of the attacks, the general and the Intelligence Community also said that there was a protest at the diplomatic post and there wasnt. So they got that wrong. And we cant ignore that, but at the same time i dont think we should attribute some kind of malice to that either. A lot has been made of the obama administrations talking points, of course, especially from u. N. Ambassador susan rice who has gotten a lot of heat since then in the days after the attack. Lets listen. Our current best assessment based on the information that we have at present is that, in fact, what this began as was a spontaneous, no the a premeditated response to of what had transpired in cairo. So how did that happen . How was that accurate at the time . If we know that this was in fact a premeditated, not spontaneous occurrence . Well, we dont know the degree it was premeditated. Thats still something thats under investigation. How much advance planning was there or was this planned within 24 hours or the same day. So thats a question we still have to the get to the bottom of, but the important point in terms of the ambassadors statement on that sunday talk program is she was using the Intelligence Communitys best estimate. At that time when she appeared on the sunday talk shows, the Intelligence Community still believed that that began as a protest, that, yes, there were terrorists and extremists involved, but that it began as a protest. So i dont see how we can fall the ambassador for using what the Intelligence Community said was their best assessment. In fact, in my view if she had deviated from that, if she had departed from what the Intelligence Community said they thought took place, then she would have been subject for criticism for ignoring what the Intelligence Community was saying. But as it was, very got it wrong. It took time for them to get it right, and, in fact, i think they really didnt get it right until we got some of the Video Evidence from the scene. Right. Do we know who removed references of terrorism from the talking points . Well, we know that during the interagency process when it was circulated among a dozen or so different agencies, that rather than disclose al qaeda links to some of the extremists who were present, they used the more generic term of extremist. General petraeus made it clear that that change was made to protect classified sources of information, not to spin it, not to politicize it and it wasnt done at the direction of the white house. That really ought to be the end of it. But it isnt. So we have to continue to go around this merry go round, but at a certain point when all the facts point in a certain direction, were going to have to accept them as they are and move on. Congressman adam schiff, we thank you. Thank you. Ambassador susan rice is seen as a possible successor to secretary of state hillary clinton. Several top republicans, including senator john mccain, have said they would block rices nomination because of her initial comments on the benghazi attacks. Well, like david petraeus, his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell has kept a low profile since their affair was exposed, but broadwell and her family are now back home in charlotte, north carolina, returning last night. This is their first day home in ten days. Until now weve only seen fbi agents carrying large boxes of classified documents from broadwells home. Her husband, scott, told our affiliate wsoc he had no comment but would be making a statement sometime soon. 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Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Throughout our lives. One a day mens 50 is a complete multivitamin designed for mens Health Concerns as we age. It has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. One a day mens 50 . [ male announcer ] its that time of year again. Medicare open enrollment. Time to compare plans and costs. You dont have to make changes. But it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. And check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. Open enrollment ends december 7th. So nows the time. Visit medicare. Gov or call 1800medicare. President obama is in cambodia this hour, the last stop on a visit to southeast asia. Hes holding talks with the cambodian Prime Minister and the leaders of japan and china and attending two summit was regional leaders. Mr. Obama flew to cambodia from myanmar, first u. S. President to visit the country also known as burma. Among his events, a meeting with Opposition Leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Like president obama, a nobel peace price laureate. Suu kyi was held under house arrest for 15 years for leading the struggle against burmas military dictatorship. But the violence in the middle east has also demanded mr. Obamas attention. Jessica yellin is traveling with the president. Reporter it was in thailand the president gave his first public remarks on the violence in israel and gaza standing by israel. Theres no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. So we are fully supportive of israels right to defend itself. Reporter and he put the onus on hamas to make peace possible. It starts with no more missiles being fired into israels territory. Reporter but thats not the focus of this trip. Less than two weeks after his reelection, he jetted halfway around the world to southeast asia. President obama says this is no accident. Reporter the trip is meant to strengthen trade and security alliances and counter balance chinas growing influence. The dramatic highlight . A visit to myanmar, a country long under military rule. Now undergoing a democratic transition. In a speech encouraging the nations reforms, he used his own identity as proof it takes time for full democracy to take hold. I stand before you today as president of the most powerful nation on earth, but recognizing that once the color of my skin would have denied me the right to vote. And so that should give you some sense that if our country can transcend its differences, then yours can, too. Reporter and the president made a symbolic visit to the home of former political prisoner and democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi. I would like to say how happy i am to receive president obama in my country and in my house. Reporter with him, secretary of state hillary clinton. He said this is their last official trip together as she plans to leave the state department. I could not be more grateful, not only for your service, hillary, but also for the powerful message that you and Aung San Suu Kyi send. Reporter the president spending the balance of his damond in cambodia. The president , the white house advises, is being regularly updated on the situation in israel and gaza by his National Security adviser and secretary of state clinton. , who we are told are in touch with their counterparts inform france, egypt, the u. N. , and qatar as well as turkey, all nations that have influence in the area and could help to deescalate tensions. Jessica yellin, cnn, traveling with the president. Could help t tensions. Jessica yellin, cnn, traveling with the president. Questions . Anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating . Yeah. One Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. Approved [ female announcer ] live the regular life. Phillips. We are keeping watch in the middle east, of course, with the rockets still flying out of hamascontrolled gaza and the israeli missiles, jets, and bombs flying into it. Within the past couple hours, Israeli Forces hit a media complex in gaza city for the second time in two days. Over six days of a conflict all too reminiscent of the ground war of 2008. At least 100 palestinians now, that number has gone up recently, and three israelis, have been killed. We have barely let the dust settle from the recent election but it seems like its already beginning again with the buzz surrounding senator marco rubio of florida. He made a trip to the caucus state of iowa over the weekend which fueled a lot of speculation over his plans in 2016. Yes, folks, were talking about it already. Cnn Political Editor Paul Steinhauser joins me from washington. First of all, is this not nuts that were talking about this . Arent you supposed to be on vacation with everyone else . Yeah, i really do need a vacation but youre right. Natalie, it never really ends. With nun election ending, the next one begins. Rubio is definitely a rising star. Hes wellloved by fiscal conservatives, Tea Party Types as well. Hes getting a lot of attention because of also his push on immigration reform, getting a lot of attention. Id say hes one of a dozen republicans who may be think being running for president in 2016, but of all those, hes the only one so far since the election actually gone to iowa. This was a dinner for iowas republican dinner and a fundraiser as well. As for 2016, here is what rubio said. Look, lets just address right up front the elephant in the room because anytime anyone makes a trip to iowa people start speculating about what youre going to do in the future. Let me just be blunt, i am not now, nor will i ever be a candidate for offensive coordinator for iowa. Rubios people tell me he agreed to this well before the election when he was campaigning for mitt romney. Iowa, of course, holds the first contest in the you a cuss and primary calendar. Thats why theres so much attention but we have three years and two months until the next iowa caucus. Well start the countdown now. Speaking of the republican party, mitt romney still catching a lot of flack for his recent comments that he lost the election because president obama offered gifts to africanamerican and hispanic voters. A lot of that criticism coming from his own party. Who is weighing in now . Yeah. The late toast weigh in now is newt gingrich. Of course, the former House Speaker ran against mitt romney for the nomination and became a backer of romneys in the general election. Take a listen to what he said on the sunday talk shows. I just think its nuts. First of all, its insulting. This would be like walmart having a bad week and going the customers have really been unruly. I mean, the job of a political leader in part is to understand the people. If we cant offer a Better Future that is believable to more people, were not going to win. Gingrichs name is added to a long list of republicans who have been critical of romneys comments. The key for mitt romney is when will he come out and talk about the comments and i guess, you know, tell his story of what happened in the election . It would be nice to hear from him. Paul steinhauser, thanks, as always, paul. Well, it may have escaped your notice, but were in a pretty active period in the solar weather cycle, and we have pictures to prove it. We also have cnn meteorologist chad myers to tell us whats going on. I learned a new term. It is solar prominence. Im not going to split hairs. Everybody knows these things as solar flares. Thats what weve called them for 75 years. Now we know they are kor theyve been separated. We used to call it an offensive play, now its a sweep, a trap, a wishbone offense. Still the same thing. The sun is still active. Were in a big period of an 11year cycle. There was an amazing shot out of the sun friday night and another one four hours later. All of this hydrogen, plasma, and stuff flying out of the sun. The pictures are really cool but they didnt interfere with us back here on earth. When you see the pictures like this, thats a good thing because its shooting out the side or we wouldnt see it in that direction. So its shooting somewhere out into space. Space being a 3d model. You have to see it like a bubble coming at you. If you see the sun, then you see this solar prominence coming out as a big bubble from the sun, you know its coming directly at the earth. This was going out the side. It was a beautiful thing to look at tp somebody out there, mars, pluto, somebody, go the a bunch of solar plasma. Were okay. Speaking of nasa, a couple Unsung Heroes from the Space Program are getting some attention. Ive been down there and seen the worlds slowest crawlers. Tell us about it. And my son is 8. He could have any hot wheels car that you can get. What does he want . He wants a crawler. He should get within of those. Its the coolest thing. They now have bigger engines, can carry these space launch rockets and the orion rockets. They werent large enough to move these things. Thats how fast this thing can go. Thats like full throttle moving along the ground from the Assembly Blog over to the launch pads and now there are two and now they have much bigger engines and they can move 900,000 tons or whatever the number is, 9,000 tons. Its big enough to do everything we need it to do. Hans and franz are their names. They have gas guzzler tax, too. Well talk about that. Nasa estimate in half a century of service those massive crawlers have crawled more than 3,000 miles and while they have set lots of records, fuel economy isnt one of them. Each gets 42 feet to a gallon of diesel. K45d chad is going to get his son one for the holidays. But you still have to go to the gym. The one and only, cheerios more now on our top story, the fighting between israel and hamas. Both sides are ignoring International Calls for a ceasefire as the death toll mounts. So far 100 palestinians and 3 israelis have been killed since this latest fighting erupted last wednesday. For the civilians on both sides now caught in the cross fire, daily life is terrifying. Here are two views on what its like, one from an israeli father, the other from a palestinian emergency official. Its a safe room. It has thicker walls and its more or less blast resistant. Its got metal windows and metal door and this is where the children are going to be sleeping tonight. As a human i am crying, i cant do anything for him because i know hes died now, you know . And you cant imagine if its yours baby, how do you feel . Why . With no sign of a letup in the fighting, israel continues to warn it may order troops into gaza if hamas does not stop its rocket attacks. It has to work. Make just one someone happy and when its a toys for tots child, well, what could be more important . So this year, every hasbro toy donated to toys for tots will be powered by duracell. Happy holidays. Duracell with duralock. Trusted everywhere. At meineke i have options. Like oil changes starting at 19. 95. My money. My choice. My meineke. My money. My choice. When we got married. I had three kids. And she became the full time mother of three. It was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. Those years were crazy. So, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isnt anything on the schedule. 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Well, it tastes great [ male announcer ] boost has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones, and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a delicious taste. [ dietitian ] now, nothing keeps mom from doing what she loves being my mom. [ male announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. It has been three weeks since sandy ripped through the northeast, and today more signs of normalcy in new york. Were happy to say. For the first time in three weeks, cars, not water, are flowing through the brooklyn battery tunnel, which is a critical access point between Lower Manhattan, brooklyn, and staten island. This was both tubes just a few weeks ago before crews pumped out nearly a mile of floodwater, but while life gets back to normal for some, for others the recovery is slow and painful, and that is where Community Pastors are stepping in. Sarah hoy gives us an indepth look at their efforts. Reporter its thanks and giving for pastor. More than two weeks after Superstorm Sandy ravaged the east coast, residents still need the goodwill of others. As fast as it comes in, we giver it out. Rirjts on the front lines are relief efforts are churches most affected by the storm. Truckloads of donations are arriving at places of worship at pastor connies Coney Island Gospel Assembly where rnkts are flocking to get their hands on much needed supplies. We got it. We got everything inside. Reporter the outpouring of support along side the constant flow of people overwhelms pastor connie. Its hard to see the people suffering. Its hard to see the children cold. Its hard to see people who had what they needed have to stand on the line and we try to do everything with dignity because that could have been me. Rirchlg in the days after sandy slammed new york city, two pastors serving the mained near the transformer explosion at a coned plant in Lower Manhattan quickly mobilized using social media to help with hurricane relief. With their neighborhood back on its feet, the past ors continue to mobilize volunteers and donations that keep coming to serve the citys hardest hit areas. So what youre doing today, you are the hands of god. Harley riding pastor rick delrio who works with at risk communitieses he is touched by all of the help. What we saw was that the good of people responded. It was one of those times like after 9 11 where everybody came together to help one another. For the areas where the storm never ends and where frustration is high, pastor guy waskell from Trinity Church says to keep the faith. He would try to see thats part of the reason why its so important to me to do my job and to steward these resources it other people because theres still people stuck in the 23rd floor of highrise buildings and no one is coming to them. Pastor sharon at hope nyc church in South Ozone Park queens is busy overseeing her warehouse brimming with donations sent her way by pastors delrio and wasko. She says the faith communitys response to sandy has played a major role helping residents pick up the pieces. I cant stress enough the impact that the church has had. You know, weve been able to serve every community because in every community there is a church, and theres a church that knows the need of the people. Theyre not just there for today or for two weeks. They have been there for years. They will be there for years even after everybody else, when the government has pulled out, the church will still be there. Reporter sarah hoy, cnn, queens. And to find out more and help those affected by sandy, go to impact your world at cnn. Com impact. Well, cnns wolf wlitser spent part of this day in the israeli city which is also very near gaza at a popular hamas target covering this conflict in the middle east. At the moment he is in jerusalem. He joins us now live and, wolf, i know that you have spoken with envoy tony blair. What are his thoughts about how a truce can be achieved overseeing escalation in this conflict . He thinks theres a chance that there can be a truce, an initial truce, but it has to be followed up by serious efforts to really resolve the israelipalestinian process. He has been working on this as the representative of what they call the quartet for a long time. He is under no illusion its going to be easy. One thing he was intrigued by was a recommendation from john mccain, something i have been pitching myself about for a while that president obama named former president bill clinton as a special middle east envoy given his history with the israelis and palestinians. Tony blair thought that was a pretty good idea if the president of the United States was inclined to do it, but lets see if anything gets off the ground as far as a ceasefire is concerned to begin with. Natalie. It will be interesting to see if bill clinton got in the mix there. Does israel fear recriminations, wolf, of a ground assault which it saw in 2008 . Israel is very worried about what would happen not only to its own troops, but what would happen in gaza because you go into a densely populated yak liar gaza and armored personnel carriers. Its going to be ugly. Theres no doubt about that. They want to avoid it, at the same time they want to end these rockets and missiles coming into israel. Its not an easy decision for them, and i suspect theres a limited amount of time before the Prime Minister makes up his mind together with his cabinet what he is going to do. All right. Wolf blitzer for us live many jerusalem. Well hear more from you, wolf, on the situation room coming up at 4 00. Thank you so much. Wolf blitzer. To our team of correspondents that we have there in the middle east throughout the border in gaza city and, wolf there in jerusalem along with christian amanpour. Well continue to follow developments. We have learned in this hour the casualties have gone up in gaza city now some 100 are dead. 800 people are injured in gaza city. Three israelis are dead as well as the fighting continues. Well have much more as we continue here on cnn. We also saw one of our correspondents fred plankon there on the border between israel and gaza having to hit the ground. That gave us an indication he was live when that happened. That certainly gave us an indication that this is ongoing and, of course, evening is approaching there in israel, and thats when so often there seems to be even more of

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