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Narrowly congressman Keith Ellison for the top spot. But they perez appointed ellison as his deputy. Sparking words of praise from former president obama and words of caution from senator bernie sanders. Were going to have more on that in a moment. But first were learning more about communication between the white house and officials in charge of investigating President Trumps ties to russia. Cnn wars the first to reveal that the fbi and the white house reports contact between Trump Campaign staffers and senior russian officials and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said he had contact with the white house on this story and he engaged with reporters on it. I want to turn now to White House Correspondent athena jones. I want to go through the details with you on this. Before we go to that, we actually have some breaking news from President Trump. This is what he just tweeted. He said i will not be attending the White House Correspondents association din they are year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening. Break this down for us athena. I think there was a suspension this might happen. There were obviously this is an event where you have so many celebrities who go and you had a lot of them saying were not going this year. Because of President Trump and there was a, i think an open question about whether this event was going to end up being completely different than it had been in the past. Absolutely, brianna. I dont think this comes as a huge surprise, you talk about the celebrity saying they may not come. Also some of the big parties of that weekend, the host of the parties said they were not going to be hosting the parties. Were talking about a dinner taking place, scheduled to take place the end of april. Its a scholarship and awards dinner. A dinner that the preds, whatever president , has traditionally attended. The president traditionally giving a funny speech. Sometimes poking fun at himself. As well as the media. Thats generally the approach. But this is a president who said early on, i think that that speech at the c. I. A. , right after his inauguration, that he was at war with the media. We know that his chief strategist, steve bannon, has called the media the opposition party. And the president just in the last several days has been tweeting and talking about the media as the enemy of the people. So i dont think its a huge surprise that he doesnt want to be part of this celebration in some ways of the media. I actually just spoke in the commercial break with jeff mason, the president of the White House Correspondents association, he is rather busy right now as you can imagine, responding to this, but he is going to come out and be live on cnn as soon as he can. Athena i want to turn to russian now back to this topic. You have a committee official who says congress, who is saying that donald trump did nothing improper. Tell us whats going on. Thats right so weve talked about the cnn exclusive reporting from earlier this week that the white house chief of staff, reince priebus, talked with the fbi and asked the fbi to weigh in on the to try to knock down some of these reports about trump aides, Trump Campaign aides having contacts with russian officials during the campaign. The fbi refused to get involved. So the white house reached out to others, among them, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Thats chairman devin nunez. We have a statement from the Communications Adviser to the Intelligence Committee. I want to read what it says. It says chairman nunez did nothing inappropriate. He made inquiries into the allegations published by the New York Times and couldnt find evidence to support them. So he told that to multiple reporters. And then a white house aide asked if he would speak to one more. So he spoke to that reporter as well. Telling that person the same thing he told the other reporters. So devin nunez, the chairman standing by this, that there was nothing inappropriate. About him talking to reporters, of course critics disagree. Brianna . They certainly do. Well keep following this. Athena jones, lots of news breaking this weekend at the white house. Thank you. I want to turn back to the news we learned just moments ago. The president deciding he is not going to attend the White House Correspondents dinner. Joining me to talk about this is cnn political commentators, ryan lizza, the washington correspondent for the new yorke yorker. We have a former chairman of the Democratic Party in washington, d. C. Actually, no, we dont. Sorry, im looking at you guys, we have cnn political commentator, Alice Stewart as well, a republican strategist. So to you first, alice, what do you make of this . Maybe not the biggest surprise, athena jones said . Its not. Actually you look at how trump has expressed his opinions about the press over time. Its really not a surprise. You look at trumps tweet that you just referred to, i went back and looked after you reported this. The last tweet from the White House Correspondents association was yesterday. Just after the dustup with sean spicer bringing in certain Media Outlets back into his office and excluding cnn and the New York Times and politico, a handful of others. The Correspondents Association was very vocal about that. And said theyre looking into the matter and will continue to talk with the white house about that. So clearly theres some back and forth and frustration amongst the association that really represents all the press and the Trump White House. Look, im a former journalist, i have been in Political Communications for quite some time. I think its not appropriate to have an ongoing war with the press. I think the presss responsibility is critical in our critic society. Its important to have the check and balance of the press. Thats why theyre called the fourth estate. Keeping a close eye and being a watchdog for the public. On what happens in government. I think its critical and very important. But its not a mistake. Donald trump has been clear throughout the campaign and in the white house, that he does not have a lot of respect for the press. And continues to call them out and i think the comments about fake news and critical comments repeatedly is not appropriate. But this is something that he has always done from throughout the campaign. It energizes his base, every time he speaks, he did it just yesterday at cpac, it energize his base to have a war with the media. I dont see it changing. Unfortunately as were seeing, it just continues to get even hotter. Now we have the chairman of former chairman of Democratic Party washington, d. C. , a. Scott bolden with us. We appreciate you being with us. You hear this news, maybe not the biggest surprise, but do you think this is a big deal . Well, i think its sheer entertainment quite frankly. I think donald trump tries to play the media. And the media responds to it. Im not surprised its not going to the correspondents dinner. I mean the enemy of the people, the fourth estate, its covered and protected. The press is. In the constitution. This whole war against the media borders on the nonsensical and its really got to stop. What are we going to do . Were going to continue to cover him anyway. If cnn isnt goinger in. Unless you have a mediaout day and not cover him at all. Thats not going to happen. Whats going to be interesting is with the White House Correspondents dinner, what happens there. What entertainers come. What other politicians come . What they do as an alternative to the centerpiece for that event, with the absence of donald trump. Well have to closely watch and see what happens. Its going to be entertaining, no matter what. Maybe theyll have snl come and do a skit instead of donald trump being there. But sarah westwood, White House Correspondent for the washington examiner, maybe well find this out shortly. Because jeff mason from reuters, the head of the White House Correspondents association is about to come out with a statement from the association. Were going to talk to him live. I think now the question is, if the president doesnt go to this event, does it even happen . Well certainly the focus of the White House Correspondents dinner, part of it is supposed to be to celebrate the correspondents themselves and the work they do and the president s attendance was a way to put aside the adversarial part of the relationship and break bread together with administration officials, thats usually the purpose of the president s attendance at the White House Correspondents dinner. It will be interesting to see whether the Administration Sends another highprofile person in President Trumps place. Would we see Vice President pence come as a proxy for President Trump . Would we see another highlevel cabinet official make an appearance . And trump himself might stay away from the dinner . It will be trings trg to see if the administration wants to participate in it at allel or if President Trump has instructed everyone to stay away from the dinner to send an even more powerful message to show how the administration views its relationship with the media. That would be a really good point if someone else would come in his stead, and if they dont. Ryan lizza, youve gone to this event. Not we, but it has been nicknamed the nerd prom. Its this collision, even though, and sarah points this out. She says this is a chance for sort of the grudge to be set aside. Between the media and the administration. But has become this giant sort of show. Its almost this carnival where hollywood collides with washington. But the real reason for this is actually for scholarship winners, right . That is at its heart in some people would argue that that gets lost in it. So is it a possibility that maybe this just gets taken back to the real purpose for the White House Correspondents din centre. I think President Trump has done everyone a favor here by not going to the dinner. My own view of this, new yorker was not planning on going this year. Ive been a member of the White House Correspondents Association Since 2001. And been to most of the dinners since then. But that dinner, theres a moment in that dinner where everyone gets up and actually toasts the president. And i personally dont see how the White House Press corps can get up and toast a president that is calling us the enemy of the american people. Someone that in a speech at cpac this week, seemed to mock the First Amendment or reporters citing the First Amendment. This white house is at war with the press. And my own view is it wouldnt have been appropriate to have the president at the White House Correspondents association din they are year. So i frankly think trump did everyone a favor and made it a lot easier to make that decision. The White House Correspondents association, the purpose of that dinner is a fundraiser for its scholarship program. That is an extremely important. Its the, is the one event where they basically make all of the money that they need to run the White House Correspondents association. So they are in a little bit of a catch22, you can talk to jeff when he comes on. They need the dinner to fund what they do and what they do is very important work. And at the same time, the tradition is to have the president at that dinner. And yet this president does not have a healthy respect for what we do as journalists. So my own view is it would have been inappropriate to attend. And that trump has, has done everyone a favor by not going. The White House Correspondents association fights many occasions, and for access there at the white house. And theres an accountability that really ends with the White House Correspondents association speaking as this unified voice for the press there and what is such an Important Role. Im glad you pointed that out, ryan lizza. Thank you so much to all of you and we are awaiting a moment with the White House Correspondents Association President , jeff mason. Of reuters, to talk to us about this new development and what its going to mean for the association and for the dinner and the relationship between President Trump and the press corps. Plus this ahead screaming mad, supporters of congressman Keith Ellison lash out after former labor secretary tom perez wins the battle narrowly to lead the Democratic Party. Now President Trump is weighing in. And town halls gone wild. Angry protesters target more republican lawmakers in their home districts. One congressman now saying these events diminish democracy. Were live in the cnn news room. Im back get to the chopper hasta la vista, baby. Mobile strike download and play now. Free, from the app store. We cant stay here why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger. And you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. The Democratic Party has a brandnew elected leader. American mr. Tom perez. Former labor secretary tom perez, who got the most votes from delegates gathered this weekend in atlanta. The press immediately named the man who trailed him not far in votes, congressman Keith Ellison as his deputy chairman. Because we were always united in our values. And well always continue to be united in our values. And we are united in our love for the Democratic Party. Our love for the diversity of the Democratic Party. Our love for the robust discussions that occur in the Democratic Party. And this just a few minutes ago, a tweet from President Trump. He writes congratulations to thomas perez, who has just been named chairman of the dnc, i could not be happier for him or for the republican party. Cnns ryan noebls is in atlanta where the dnc delegates are gathered this weekend. So it sounds like not quite the most sincere congratulations there. But it actually sounded like donald trump had been rooting for Keith Ellison and to peg the more liberal wing of the Democratic Party as its leadership. Really as its face, right . I thing theres an argument to be made there, brianna. Certainly if ellison had won here, it would signal a bit more disarray, with at least the democratic establishment that they lost control of the party. And may in a position where they need to start from square one a bit more than they do with the election of someone like tom perez. But you know, perez and ellison came right out of the gate firing, you know, you remember that during this campaign for dnc chair, Keith Ellison actually called for the house to begin impeachment proceedings on donald trump. He felt there was enough evidence there to begin that process. Now perez was asked if he felt the same way. He stopped short of going that far. But he did say that hes going to be keeping a watchful eye on these investigations that are starting to pop up in the congress. Take a listen. You cant have the attorney general who was out on the stump for the president , doing that investigation. Thats disrespectful to all foxes, to call it will fox guarding the hen house. And we have to make sure that it is fair if the tables had been turned and Hillary Clinton had won the presidency, with the help of donald trump, with the help of putin i confuse putin and trump, because theyre so similar and the help of all this hacking, the republicans, how many benghazi hearings did they have . 15 . This would have been articles of impeachment filed already. I think you got a glimpse there into the type of attack that the democrats might be starting to maybe get on the same page with brianna on a number of different fronts. First invoking the treatment that Hillary Clinton got from House Republicans during the benghazi phase of her time. As secretary of state. And perhaps saying they should treat donald trump the same exact way. But that also the fact that theyre going to point out, that there needs to be an independent look into this investigations, involving the russian hacking. That its not just enough for the trumpled through Jeff Sessions, Justice Department to do that. Thats going to be a big call for democrats i think over the next couple of weeks and months, to try to get as independent a look into that situation as possible. Brianna . And perez said at first, he said you dont hear republicans calling for a special investigation. That actually is not true. He wept on a little later to say its good to hear some republicans saying it. Because what you know, you know this, ryan, darrell issa, republican is now saying actually its not appropriate if you have Jeff Sessions or even his deputy, who is just a political appointee, to do this. He said there needs to be a special investigation, but you know, is that something that were hearing a lot from republicans . Because it seems like that gives them cover to say this is something we need to look into. But i dont know how widespread are we hearing that from . Youre right, brianna, there are some republicans calling for a special prosecutor. But there isnt a lot of republicans calling for that. And you know, issa won, and mccain and Lindsey Graham have toyed with that idea. Maybe not going that far. I think the desire is to have as independent of an investigation of this through the congress. The Intelligence Committee starting that process right now. But you know ranking democrat mark warner is a little bit concerned about the way that richard bird from North Carolina is conducting himself in that process. So its really a matter of how independent republicans can look at this situation, as we see as to how the whole thing plays out. You know democrats are going to try to take advantage of any crack in the situation. And expose it and tom perez demonstrated that here today. I always want to point out in these moments that it was a special investigation that bill clinton acquiesced to. That investigated the whitewater land deal initially and then ultimately led to his impeachment. So can you see some of the reticence there on the part of the white house. In that regard. Our ryan nobles in atlanta, great reporting in atlanta. Republicans under fire, protesters storm town halls to rage against gop lawmakers on everything from President Trumps tax returns to obamacare. One congressman says scenes like this quote, diminish democracy. Details, ahead. Man proper etiquette is essential for every social occasion. So the the broom said, sorry im late. I overswept. [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. And while its okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. Try the name your price tool from progressive. It gives you options based on your budget. Uhoh. Discussing finances is a big nono. What, im helping her save money shh men are talking. Thats it, im out. Taking the meatballs. Thats it, im out. We danced in a german dance group. 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I believe that when the president misstates, as for example will you support a bipartisan investigation of the trump administrations dealings with Vladimir Putin and russia . [ cheers and applause ] im not sure that an investigation, which would take up an awful lot of bandwidth in the congress is those scenes that you just watched, is what republicans have been facing at town halls across the country here in recent days. I want to bring in cnns sarah againham. Shes joining us live. There have been more town halls today. I understand. What are we, what are we hearing from those, sarah . Thats right. Brianna. We seeing a wave of anger at town halls across the country in the last couple of weeks. Making for some pretty contentious moments, and just this morning, republican congressman gary homer was booed in his home district regarding the question of climate change. Take a look. So why are you doing this science is not decided on it. [ crowd booing ] its moments like these, brianna that are making some lawmakers reconsider Holding Town Halls at all. New york congressman peter king said on friday he wont hold town halls if theyre just going to devolve into quote a screaming session saying that angry town halls trivialize and diminish democracy, but its not just republican who is are backing off the traditional meetings with constituents. Some democrats, particularly those in states that went for trump in 2016, who are in vulnerable positions, up for reelection in 2018 are also shying away from town halls. To avoid possibly contentious situations. And theres another reason that some democrats might want to hold off on a town hall right now. I talked to one political strategist about why. I think they are avoiding stepping on the antirepublican story. Because it is the republican town halls that have become very controversial. And its video clips from those town halls that have made it onto the national news, night after night. So if, if a democrat has a town hall and it turns messy, that steps on the story. That makes it a bipartisan story. Probably less interesting or less potent politically. So you heard that stepping on the story. They, its a little bit of a strategic move. Now to be fair, many are Holding Public events, just not the Traditional Town halls. For example, senator john tester in montana opted for a Facebook Live town hall. Which is more controlled environment. Democratic strategists are telling me that the Traditional Town halls are just simply too risky right now. They see no upside in putting these lawmakers in positions where an exchange with an angry protester could end up going viral. And were watching it here on cnn. Yeah, we sure are. And you know the ones, moments that go viral, they have the kralk to do it and the ones who dont, they dont have the moment that goes viral. Thats how they see it, sarah againham, thank you so much. Youve been following this so closely and we appreciate it. We have a quick programming note. Cnn is going to host a town hall with senators john mccain and Lindsay Graham on wednesday march 1st at 9 00 p. M. And our lovely chief Political Correspondent dana bash is going to be the moderator, it will be a great event, tune in to that. A new, darker chapter into the white house war on journalist. The White House Administration banning certainly journalists from the briefing room. Trump said he will not be attending the White House Correspondents dinner, youre live in the cnn news room. Weve done well in life, with help from our advisor, we made it through many market swings. Sure we could travel, take it easy. But weve never been the type to just sit back. Not when weve got so much more to give when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise mattress firmness . 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So just to conclude, i mean its a very sensitive topic. And they get upset when we expose their false stories. They say that we cant criticize their dishonest coverage, because of the First Amendment. They always bring up the First Amendment. And i love the First Amendment. Nobody loves it better than me. Nobody. Well joining me to discuss the relationship between the news media and the Trump White House is cnn media analyst bill carter. The author of the war for late night leno went early and television went crazy. And cnn political commentator, alice student, a republican strategist. Bill to you first, some people look at this and say whatever, reporters, the president isnt going to your big party that you throw every year. But this is, a data point in a bigger trend, i think. Which is just that theres this big divide and that the press is being demonized by President Trump in ways that you know, hes being dishonest himself about some things when hes talking about the news being fake and that reporters are lying. And that theyre making up sources. Well its an extreme position that hes taking. Republicans always criticize the media. This has reached the point where its over the top, actually. Any story thats critical of him now becomes fake. And i think the fact that hes bowing out of this dinner. The dinner has many reasons to criticize. The dinner has become a sort of excessive show. But it has a little of the quality if you cant fire me, i quit. Because you know i think a lot of people would have dropped out of this dinner, would have protested him, the language that hes been throwing at the press. And also i think following obama, who has been brilliant at these dinners, he would have gotten a lot of criticism. That would not be his crowd. He likes to have his crowd at rallies. He likes to have sort of paid applauders when he goes to various things, he would not have been well received. The whole thing would have been fraught for him. This is sort of snowflaking to back out of this. Alice, i know youve been critical of donald trump and his message for the media. This would have been a tough thing for him to go to, right . Because hollywood is so prevalent at this event. Hollywood generally speaking, the vocal parts of it, dont really like donald trump. Vanity fair was saying were not going to have this party we normally have. And you had a lot of people who certainly feel they dont have respect for donald trump. Theyre not going to come even to show respect to the institution. So maybe of the presidency. So maybe this isnt a surprise . Its not a surprise. Weve already had many of the news outlets as you mentioned, indicate theyre not going to have parties for whatever reason. And a lot of it is because a lot of the bigger parties attractions for people were because celebrities were there, hollywood types were there and theyre not coming clearly, those in hollywood, the left, those on the left, arent supportive of donald trump. But you have to go back to the campaign. When donald trump first campaigned, he has always been critical of the media. This is not anything new, he truly believes when something is whether is factually accurate or not, he is always going to speak against the media. That is simply what he does. Because whether its factually incorrect or he doesnt like it, thats whey does. It energizes his base, thats something that he will continue to do. And that being said, today we had several stories about russia again leading the headlines, many stories on russia. The democrats are having a good day with tom perez being elected the chairman of the dnc. Good news for them, not great news for the administration. And donald trump crazy and smart like a fox. Throwing Something Else out there that distracts from these other two headlinegrabbing stories. And now the media is talking about this. I know you said hes always felt this way about the media. Now hes calling the media the enemy of the people. Do you see this as an escalation . Do you see this as something that could while it energizes his base, how do you feel especially with your background. Were you a former broadcaster. You were a reporter in arkansas. What do you feel about what this does im not talking about the dinner. Im just talking about the general environment between donald trump and the media. What does this do for the democratic process. Big picture here clearly as you indicate, this energizes his base, they like seeing the enemy. And every trump event ive ever been to, that is clear, you can cut the tension with a knife. That being said, the media has a very Important Role in a free, democratic society. They are the fourth estate. They are there to be a check and balance and be the eyes and ears of the public on whats going on in the government. And whats going on with our elected officials, keeping them open and transparent. A critical part of our society. And they need to be allowed to do the job theyre doing. Unfortunately with some of the things that were currently seeing, some of them as we saw yesterday, some of them being excluded from a briefing in a set of gaggle, that inhibits the media to do what theyre here to do, thats unfortunate. Hopefully there will be conversations and things will smooth out, iron out. I think its important for there to be a check and balance on the administration. I think facts are extremely important. That goes for those in the administration, elected officials and with the media. So i think both sides can really come together and hopefully find a Little Common ground. Lets hope we may be hoping and hoping. Alice stewart, bill carter, thank you so much to both of you. President trump is going to make his first address before congress this tuesday. Can you see the speech live. And of course as there always is, is the opposition response this year the democratic response and reaction from across the country. This begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Well be right back. By switching to geico. I should take a closer look at geico. You know, geico can help you save money on your Homeowners Insurance too . Great geico can help insure our mountain chalet how long have we been sawing this log . Um, one hundred and fourteen years. Man i thought my arm would be a lot more jacked by now. Im not even sure this is real wood. Theres no butter in this churn. Do my tris look okay . Take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice. So nice, so nice. St. Croix full of pure vibes. So nice, so nice. St. John a real paradise. So nice, so nice. 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Toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. Ask your doctor about oncedaily toujeo®. President trump using be a appearance at cpac to tout his crackdown on undocumented immigrants, lets listen. As we speak today, immigration officers are finding the gang members, the drug dealers, and the criminal aliens and throwing them the hell out of our country. And we will not let them back in. Theyre not coming back in, folks. It is just the latest comment from the president to make the immigrant community fearful and thats actually driving some to build an underground network of safe houses to hide the undocumented. Cnns kyung lah taking a look inside. Pounding, sanding, laying the groundwork at this secret home in los angeles. How many families would be it would be about three families that we can host here. This pastor walks us through one safe house for the undocumented, running from immigration officers. An underground network. Essentially what youre doing is youre trying to hide people. Is that right . Thats what we need to do. As a community. On the other side of l. A. , another safe house in this mans home. Were not naming him or telling you where he lives. Because of whats at stake. Its hard as a ju not to think about with all the people who did open their doors in their homes and take risks to sa sa safeguard jews in moments where they were vulnerable. This is beyond sanctuary churches. Weve seen at this Colorado Church offering refuge for an undocumented woman. Federal agents dont enter religious houses. I donald j. Trump faith leaders believe it will change under President Trump. Private homes fall under Fourth Amendment protection and need a warrant before authorities can enter. Something sort of like this. Reverend zach hooper says faith groups across Los Angeles County could hide 100 undocumented immigrants today and that number could soon be in the thousands. People will be moving into a place so that i. C. E. Cant find them. So they can stay with their families, so they can be with their husbands. So they can avoid being detained and deported. The idea comes from leaders across all faiths in los angeles, days after the election pledging opposition to trumps immigration orders. Not going to stop until we get to the place that god is telling us to. People had may not agree with you would look at what youre doing and saying, youre simply aiding and abetting the violation of federal laws. Ill speak for myself. I feel convicted that i answer to god. At the end of the day. Like thats who im going to see when i die and i hope that you know we can live up to our, i hope we can live up to who we are. Pastor valien temp is cleareyed about the risk. Were trusting in god that he would help us guide us to make the right decision. It doesnt mean its an easy choice. Theres some element that i dont totally know what the consequences are. But the moral consequences for me if we dont act this is a moment not to be standing idly by. And there will be, we should talk about ahead, some glitz and gold and probably some political speeches if past is prologue with these oscar dinners. The favorites for the top awards coming up, youre live in the cnn news room. Ork it deserves. Verizon. mic thuds uh, sorry. Its unlimited without compromising reliability, on the largest, most advanced 4g lte network in america. thud uh. Sorry, last thing. Its just 45 per line. Forty. Five. cheering and applause and that is all the microphones that i have. vo unlimited on verizon. 4 lines, just 45 per line. With not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Well, the daytona 500 is kicking off the nascar season tomorrow. If youre looking to get closer to the action, in charlotte, North Carolina, visitors can suit up and experience the thrill of racing firsthand. Welcome to charlotte. This is nascars headquarters. The nascar racing experience is our program where people can come out, take a ride or a drive in one of these stock cars here at charlotte motor speedway. A lot of people say its kind of their bucket list to come out here and when you take that ride, you can really feel the banking and the speed out here at the racetrack. Skblits real important that you wait for your instructor. Our customers are a little nervous coming in but after we put them through the training, we instruct them through the radio. Almost every rider or driver has a huge smile on their face. A lot of the background of stock car racing comes from this area. I think we all drive a car that some of our vehicles are pretty mundane. Getting in a car like this just makes you feel alive. Sometimes you capture the moment. And sometimes, it captures you. Marriott now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. Join or link accounts. My name is jamir dixon and im a locafor pg e. Rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Tomorrow the red carpet will be rolled out for hollywoods biggest night, the 89th annual academy award. Stephanie elam takes a look at the favorites to bring home oscar gold. Reporter musical romance, family drama and extraterrestrial life all competing for oscar. La la land tying all about eve and eye tithai it atitan nominations. Some people think that maybe Hidden Figures could eke out in the end but i think in the end la la land will prevail. Emma stone is up for best actress. Return winners meryl streep and natalie portman. But stone is the frontrunner. Emma stone has essentially won every single award you can win. The race for best actor, however is tight. Andrew garfield, ryan gossling, but the momentum is with Denzel Washington and casey affleck. Everyone will be on the edge of their seat. Do you know who is hosting the oscars . Ill give you a hint, hes touching your face. The lalate night host will emcee the oscars for the first time. Stephanie elam, cnn, hollywood. Stephanie elam, thank you so much for that. We have more on todays breaking news. The dnc pick as new chief as the democrats struggle to launch a united effort against President Trump. While President Trump launches a new attack against the media and says he will not attend the White House Correspondents dinner. You are live in the cnn newsroom. Machines dont have emotions. But the rare few can inspire them. The new lc. The new ls. The new lexus. Experience amazing. We cant stay here why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you. Charmin ultra strong. It cleans better. Its four times stronger. And you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. I wanti did my ancestrydna and where i came from. And i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Im Michael Smerconish with

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