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Tell us more about the what it could be like in the United States senate over the next couple of weeks with the house managers releasing and filing with the clerk of the senate the document that is essentially the trial brief that is a road map for how they plan to proceed over the next couple weeks. And a lot of this is information weve heard before. Some of it is about the facts. Some of it is about the procedures relating to impeachment. And some of it is about the guidance from the framers of the United States constitution, the House Democrats summing it all up, essentially saying that this is a situation that is a nightmare or would have been a nightmare for the United States framers of the constitution. There is a lot of information weve heard before throughout the impeachment of the president , but theres also some reference to new information. As a matter of fact, one of the things the House Democrats talk about in their brief file today is about that report just last week from the gao indicating that in gaos view, the Trump Administration broke the law by withholding that almost 400 Million Dollar in aid from ukraine. Now, thats important. The house impeachment managers and lawyers working with them say because this is a clear indication that someone has said in plain language that there was a violation of law. The administration has said there hasnt been a violation of law. In fact, in their response to the managers brief, they put that in plain language, that there had not been a violation of law. Overall, this is more, as i said, back and forth. One thing thats very interesting ana is that the president s response to the House Democrats impeachment brief is much more political and accuses the democrats essentially of trying to overthrow or overturn the 2016 election. Back to you. Okay. Joe johns, thank you for laying it out there for us. Lets bring in our analysts to talk more about this Senate Impeachment trial and other political questions that are top of mind tonight. We have cnn political comment. Trump argues that it alleges no crime at all, let alone high crimes and misdemeanors. They cite as evidence ukrainian president zelenskis repeated denials he felt any pressure from trump or the administration. Your reaction . This goes to the socalled quid pro quo and that is that zelenski, the president of ukraine, would have understood that if he didnt investigate the bidens, he wasnt getting the military aid. Zelenski has said thats not true, he didnt feel pressure. However there have been many other documents that have been revealed since that one conversation that would indicate zelenski knew that is exactly what the president wanted. As a matter of fact, there were explicit instructions that the president wanted him to announce an investigation of biden. So, i think were seeing what the approach will be here on both sides. But the president doesnt really contradict the known facts. S. C. , i know youve had a chance to read through the documents filed by the legal team. Was it what you were expecting them to be making as far as the arguments . Yes and no. I think theres some interesting points in here. One graph i found interesting, they say the president s actions on that july 25th phone call as well as the april 21 phone call end in all surrounded and related events were constitutional, perfectly legal, completely appropriate, and taken in furtherance of our National Interest. That can sound like a lot of bluster. But our National Interest is a very interesting point to make. That is making a substantive point that what President Trump was asking zelenski to do was somehow in advancement of our National Interest. I think thats interesting. Other interesting point, they call this impeachment effort by the democrats illegitimate and a onesided process. As we all know, the white house stonewalled this investigative process. Theres that, plus the white house chose not to par tis tate. Exactly. It was by design. And by desire. So, theyre pointing out a lot of problems that will fly back, i think, in the face of trump and the white house for actually creating the conditions that the white house is now complaining about. Could i just add also just adding to what s. C. Just said because i agrow wiee with it completely. This whole dispute, what were seeing in the papers is theres not a big factual dispute about what the president did. It was obvious from that first telephone call transcript which was released that he was putting pressure on zelenski to do an investigation of Hunter Bidens involvement in the ukrainian company. And one side is saying thats clearly a crime, thats illegal. Thats what the democrats are saying. And the president is saying, no, thats perfectly legal. I have a right as president of the United States to pursue this element of American Foreign policy, fighting corruption in other governments. In fact, theyre saying and arguing that democrats from the house are trying to basically take him out at the knees, his ability to conduct foreign policy. Thats exactly right. And i think strangely enough at the end of this impeachment process, we may have both democrats and republicans agreeing factually with what happened but having a big disagreement about whether its an Impeachable Offense or criminal in any way. So, s. C. , whats your reaction to the House Democrats and their saying President Trumps conduct is the framers Worst Nightmare . I think theres a lot of evidence backing this up that thats exactly what they were worried about. Whats clear is the abuse of power in the president s response because its exactly what ken starr alleged bill clinton had done. Now, that was dismissed and they didnt get to do the abuse of power. But its what democrats are now suggesting republicans, donald trump, did as well. And donald trump is trying to insist that shouldnt be part of it. But i think democrats are right. Its that abuse of power that the framers were really concerned with. And ive asked people on my show. Im sure you have too. Ive asked republican lawmakers, if a democratic president does this down the line in, you know, the next four, eight, whatever, however many years, are you going to defend him . Are you going to think its okay . And of course they all say sure. Im sure thats not true. Im sure that wont be true when a democrat does it. But because trump did it, its okay. I think thats a really dangerous precedent. Paul. S. E. Mentioned one of the lawyers thats part of the impeachment saga thats part of the president s legal team ken starr. I just wonder about the reason he put this team together. Is it all about being made for tv, because if it is, made for tv courtroom dramas are one thing. Arguing in a Senate Chamber in an impeachment trial is another, no. I think its true. The president has focused on those lawyers for more than that reason. Starr was the solicitor of the United States in the clinton impeachment manager. Hes had a lot of television and incourt experience. Alan dershowitz is a constitutional lawyer, life long professor at harvard law school, and Everybody Knows who he is. Maybe he makes for good television, unlike some of the democratic lawyers who nobodys ever heard of. Its like hes putting together a Reality Television show about impeachment with characters that everybody will want to see on television. This is the way the president operates. He got elected president using this strategy, and he may think he can beat these impeachment charges by doing what has worked for him in the past. I want to get this extra reporting in. We have a source close to the white house saying President Trump has appeared distracted by the impeachment trial telling people at maralago he cant understand why he was impeached. Why are they doing this to me, the source quoted trump as saying repeatedly. Whats your reaction . I think to pauls point, he sees himself as a character in these mellow dramas. And the character he most likes to play is the victim. And he is the victim of this quote unquote witch hunt. And if hes not playing a victim, hes playing the bully. Its one or the other. So, in this one, he takes turns. Hes played the bully in this saga. And right now hes playing the victim. And i would be alarmed if he werent distracted by this. Its the biggest thing that can to a president other than taking the country to war. He should be distracted. He should take this seriously. Just because he might be acquitted does not make this meaningless. Its meaningful. I hope hes taking this as seriously as we all are. Yes, indeed. S. C. Cupp and paul callahan, great to have you here. Lets talk about the senate trial. Join us more on what to expect, cnn contributor allen fruman, a hands on participant in the impeachment of bill clinton. Allen, when we think of clintons impeachment trial. We think of two names Monica Lewinsky and Kenneth Starr. Monica lewinsky couldnt help weighing in on twitter. She writes this is definitely an are you fing kidding me kind of day. Have you been having flash backs as well . Its nice to be here, ana. Yes, ive been having flashbacks. The impeachment of the president of the United States is about the most solemn thing that can happen under our constitution. The senate is attempting to treat this trial, at least i hope the senate treats this trial with the seriousness, the solemnity, and the dignity that it deserves. We will not have a Monica Lewinsky, but we do have a Kenneth Starr. But Kenneth Starr is a very competent attorney. And so i see no problem whatsoever in adding him to the president s defense team. He certainly knows his way around go ahead. Sorry. I didnt mean to cut you off. I want to ask you more about the legal team that hes assembled because again as we were just discussing, he wants a legal team, weve been told, a tv legal team. As courtroom dramas goes, a courtroom is quite different in terms of the setting that theyll be facing. Its not a courtroom. Its the senate, right . Yes, it is. So, give us a sense of what that should be like. All the senators who are seldom in attendance when the senate is in session are required to be there. And for the most part, they will be there. This is the senate in a very different setting from its usual somewhat casual approach to legislation. Again, this is a very solemn situation. Senators are listeners. They are both jury and court. And they are there to listen to the arguments both by the house managers and then by the president s counsel. And i believe that the dignity of the proceedings will be enhanced by the presence of the chief justice of the United States. I know that the senate is on trial. I belie the senate will acquit itself well. I make no predictions for the accused here. But the senate, i believe, will take this very seriously. And walk us through a little bit more about what we can expect and how its different than the hearings we saw in the house on impeachment. Senators are there to listen. The case will be made first by the house managers. And they may really not be interrupted by senators. The house managers make their case. They are followed by the president s counsel. And under the impeachment rules, the house managers get the last say. Throughout all of this, senators usually remain silent. The oath, the proclamation made by the Senate Sergeant at arms, commands everyone to remain silent on pain of imprisonment. In the clinton trial, each side, the prosecutors, the house managers, and then the president s counsel were recorded 24 hours to make their arguments. And then the order provided for 16 hours of questions by senators. Under the impeachment rules, senators submit their questions in writing. They submit them to the chief justice, and the chief justice reads the questions. So, even when senators get to participate, their voices arent heard. Now, one could argue whether not hearing senators voices adds to the dignity of the proceedings. You could get people arguing on both sides of that. But for the most part, the senators are not the stars. Also on procedures, senators arent allowed to speak during testimony which you just mentioned. But Electronic Devices will be barred from the Senate Chamber and restricted in other areas of the capital, including for journalists inside the Senate Chamber. Journalists are prohibited from approaching senators in halls and around the Senate Chamber. What do you make of the restrictions that have been put into place for this impeachment trial . I do find the restrictions somewhat curious. I know i worked at the senate in the advent of the iphone ipad era. When cell phones and ipads were prohibited on to the floor of the senate. And woah be the one who went up to the senator on his or her ipad. I saw the restrictions and thought to myself, theres one thing senators can agree upon, they dont want to follow these restrictions. Thats interesting. So whos making these restrictions . Who would make these if both party as agree they are bogus . Well wait and see. Well see. Alan fruman. We appreciate your expertise and insight on this historic moment. Meanwhile, we have breaking news across the pond. Prince harry and Meghan Markle are giving up their royal titles and going without government funding. Well have details on the deal they made with the queen next. If you live with diabetes, why fingerstick when you can scan . 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Sorry hes a baby antiaging secret my derm just let me in on her little glycolic acid. New from Revitalift Derm intensives 10 percent pure glycolic acid serum. With our highest concentration of glycolic acid in a serum. Resurfaces skin to visibly reduce dark spots starting in just two weeks and reduces wrinkles for a more even skin tone. Powerful results. Validated by dermatologists. Theres a reason dermatologist love it. New revitalift glycolic acid serum. From loreal. Were worth it. You have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength of advil. What pain . After expressing a desire to step back from their royal duties, it has been decided that prince harry and Meghan Markle will leave their royal lives almost completely. The queen announcing today that the duke and duchess will no longer use their royal titles, his and her highness, or carry out royal duties on behalf of the queen after this spring. Her full Statement Reads following recent conversations i am pleased that together we have found a construct skpif supportive way forward for my grandson and his family. Harry, meghan, and archie will always be much loved member of my family. I recognize the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life. I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the commonwealth, and wond, and am particularly proud of how meghan has so quickly become one of the family. It is my whole familys hope that todays agreement allows them to Start Building a happy and peaceful new life. Here are the exact terms. They will no longer receive public funds. Instead, Prince Charles plans to finance them. They will also repay the multiMillion Dollar renovation of their residence and start paying rent. They will keep their private patronages and associations. However, harrys charity and e vick tus games, that doesnt count. A royal expert victoria arbiter join us in new york. I want to go back to the statement from the queen. What stands out to you . I think it was deeply personal nature of the statement. The british monarchy is dripping in formality. That was very much about reiterating that the queen is acting as head of state but also as a grandmother. She needed to find a solution that was going to really satisfy the wishes of harry and meghan but also that was going to be acceptable to the british public. I think this statement hit all the right marks. I want to bring in kate williams. Kate, the queen mentions the scrutiny the couple have been under. Shes had such warm words for meghan. Is there a sense that the queen could have put out a Statement Like this over the last couple of years . Yes, i think thats an important point, ana. As you say, this is a very personal, very warm statement. The queen complimenting meghan, how quickly she became part of the family, talking about the scrutiny which i have to say really jumped out to me. The royals dont normally talk about press scrutiny and intrusion. They just ignore it. Heres a moment in which the queen is saying they have been under scrutiny. We saw this personal statement from the queen last week. I think Going Forward the monarchy are going to have to realize that sometimes ignoring it, its too much. There was a survey done today actually in the United Kingdom about newspaper coverage and it found out that huge amounts of the coverage, 72 of the coverage of meghan, was usually negative. And this is a really high amount its incredible really. So, i do actually think that the palace, perhaps, they hoped it would go away. They thought if they ignored it, it would go away. And perhaps it might have been helpful to back up some of prince harry statements about the press intrusion. This statement jumped out. It really is the queen saying this is part of my family, stop the speculation, stop saying all these things. There have been cruel things said. Stop saying all these things. We love them. We want them to be happy. And everyone pull together and try to give them this happiness. Its interesting. You talk about things going away. We know in this case their titles go away, but it doesnt change the fact that prince harry is still prince harry. Hes still a member, a blood member of the royal family. Do you think, kate, that the press will change the way it covers this couple . At least the press there in the uk . Youre quite right. Hes choosing not to keep his title. Hes choosing not to use his title. Hes got it. Lots of people are saying to me is the queen going to take away their titles as happened to princess diana. She was divorced. Its different. Harry will always be a chance. He will be called harry duke of sussex. People have been asking me is he out of the succession. No, hes number six. Archie is number seven all as it was. Certainly Going Forward it is going to be different. And there are certain amounts of restraints that are applied to members of the royal family. And they may get more privacy. Theyve chosen canada, chosen north america because they feel there will be more privacy. Theyve suffered under this press invasion, the speculation, the comments. Certainly i think it will be a different kind of press scrutiny, more of a celebrity kind of press scrutiny because they are not, as the queen says, working members of the royal family. Theyre really much more like internationally famous people. And harry and meghan are megacelebrities. The whole world wants them. The fact theyre no longer working royals, does that mean we wont see them at some of the traditional events, the tripping of the colors or things of that nature sf. I think we will see them at tripping the color. Thats the queens annual birthday celebration. Thats where we see all hands on deck with the royal family. I think harry and meghan will follow the model of Peter Phillips where he appears on the balcony, his children are front and center. I think one of the trickier ones is remembrance sunday. Harry has devoted himself to the welfare of veterans. He is a committed former military man himself. I think if he wished to show up, he would need to be on the balcony. He loses his military role, right . He loses his ceremonial military role. If harry were to be on the balcony, that would be such an enormous distraction from the veterans they are honoring. I would be surprised to see harry at remembrance sunday this year. Whos to say they wont be there next year after people get used to the new normal. Kate, some place blame on meghan for this decision but harry gave a telling statement in 2017. According to news week he said is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen . I dont think so. But we will carry out our duties at the right time. Looking back, is this decision to step away all that surprising . You are right. Theres been some, you know, people blaming meghan. I have to keep saying no, no, cant blame meghan. I think this is harrys choice. Its really he always found the royal role very confining, very restricting. Hes always found it very difficult. He struggled under the scrutiny. The only place he felt happy was serving in the army and doing active service in the army. Much to his distress, his position in afghanistan was revealed by a magazine in australia and that was the end of that. He always felt struggling to find his role. Hes not the future king like william. Its different. And so you do when you start looking at it see earlier moments in which he said im not happy. Im not happy here. That interview youre referring to absolutely saying who would be monarch . Who would be in the royal family. So, simply i think definitely britain needs to take a hard look at itself because a woman of color has married into the royal family and frankly shes being chased out with this speculation, sexism, racism. At the same time, i think that harry has felt as if hes struggling to find a role. And when his wife is made so desperately unhappy, i think he feels why should i stay for this. Our thanks to victoria and kate. Dont forget to watch our special royal rebellion harry and meghan tonight at 9 00 p. M. Coming up, President Trump tries to awe his donors with minute by minute details about the strike that took out irans military commander. Sir, they have approximately one minute to live, sir, 30 seconds, 10, 9, 8, then all of a sudden, boom. Theyre gone sir. Cutting off. I said where this this guy . Great question, no. But it can help you pick your room from the floor plan. Can the hilton app help us score . You know, its not that kind of thing, but you can score free wifi. 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Audio obtain bid cnn shows President Trump recounting minute by minute details of that strike during a fundraiser last night at his florida estate. President trump described watching remotely as soleimani arrived at Baghdad International airport and his military officials counted down the final moments of the iranian generals life. Boris sanchez joins us from West Palm Beach florida. What else are you learning . Reporter President Trump revealing details about this strike against Qassem Soleimani that we hadnt learned before, going into detail in a way that Administration Officials had previously not. The president telling these high dollar donors that soleimani was a terrorist. He did not go into detail, though, about the justification for the timing of this strike that wed heard from Administration Officials previously that there was an imminent and impending attack on u. S. Interests in the region by iran. The president , instead, simply saying that soleimani spoke negatively of the United States, that he was a terrorist on a list asking rhetorically, quote, how much are we going to listen to about his criticism of the United States. And then, as you said, the president went into excruciating detail about watching this drone Surveillance Footage and listening to a military official describe the final moments of soleimanis life. Listen to more of what the president told supporters last night. Sir, this is from, you know, cameras that are miles in the sky. Theyre together, sir. Sir, they have two minutes and 11 seconds. No emotion. They have 2 minutes and 11 seconds to live, sir. Theyre in the car. Theyre in an Armored Vehicle going. Sir, they have approximately 1 minute to live, sir. 30 seconds, 10, 9, 8. Then all of a sudden boom. Theyre gone, sir. Cut him off. I said where is this guy . Last i heard from him. Then we have breaking news. But we got hit hard and he deserved to be hit hard because he was bad. He killed many, many thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, but thousands of americans. You know, you hear the president there sort of making light of this strike. The president also referred to the strike against the former isis leader Abu Bakr Albaghdadi saying he died screaming and ranting, something that military officials have yet to corroborate. The president joked about that too, about the dog conan, saying he got more credit for than than he did. Thanks. Coming up, thousands of people marching for women, including the wife of president ial candidate andrew yang who made a disturbing allegation this week. We have new details next. snoring whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. S here to help. 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Talk to your advisor or consultant for investment risks and information. Talk to your advisor or consultant mom vo we got a subaru to give him some ato reconnect and be together. And once we did that, we realized his greatest adventure is just beginning. vo welcome to the most adventurous outback ever. The allnew subaru outback. Go where love takes you. Today at the womens march in new york, evelyn yang, the wife of democratic president ial candidate andrew yang spoke openly about being sexually assaulted in 2012 by her own doctor. She called it a privilege to share her story. It is a great, great privilege to have a public voice, and i didnt want to waste it. So, you see, for me, the theme of this march, to rise and to roar, is its very personal. As terrifying as it was to share my story on a national stage, i had to believe that coming forward would help me reclaim by voice and help others reclaim theirs. For evelyn yang, the personal has indeed become political. Speaking out about Sexual Assault is often the only way victims can push back against a system that too often looks the other way. Cnns drew griffin has more on the doctor who allegedly assaulted evelyn yang while she was pregnant and how he got away with abusing other patients for years. The indictment reads like the ac acts of a serial sexual predator. Women who were forcibly touched, orally violated. The alleged perpetrator, a respected obgyn accused of assaulting his own patients. But dr. Robert hadden served no jail time for his crimes. He cut a deal with the d. A. s office in new york and pleaded guilty to just two charges. He lost his medical license but doesnt even appear on the public sex offender registry, to his accusers, a sweetheart deal. Theres clear evidence of a pattern of bad behavior by the doctor, a lack of institutional courage by his employer, Columbia University, and a lack of willingness to take the case seriously by the manhattan District Attorney. Everyone did the best they could to make it go away. Melissa hock stater is one of the dozens of accusers suing hadden. The lawsuit accused him of unfettered access to female patients, many as young as 15 or 16 and that he had been assaulting women for decades while some staff, coworkers, and even patient chaperons looked the other way. A nurse tried to send out a warning in the early 90s but was told to be quiet. Hadden was known as a shark around the office. One patient was told she had a medical condition. 32 women and counting say they too were victims. Not a day in prison. Nothing. Does that make sense to you . No Community Service no. Fine. No yajail time. He seems to have e areceived an early paid retirement. Why . He worked at colombia university. Got away with it. Got away with it. Its like being slapped in the face and punched in the gut. The d. A. s office is meant to protect us, is meant to serve justice, and there was no justice here. Evelyn yang, the wife of democratic president ial candidate andrew yang described her own experience to cnns dana bash. She says her assault could have been prevented because hadden had been arrested before, and Columbia University knew it. In june 2012, police were called to his clinic after a woman reported being assaulted in an exam room. Despite the arrest, hadden went back to work. Patients werent told the obgyn they were seeing had been accused of sex crimes. And in the weeks that followed two, of those patients would become his next alleged victims. Evelyn yang was one of them. Can you imagine the audacity of a man who does this, continues to do this after being arrested . Its like he knew that he wouldnt face any repercussions. The doctors arrest was voided. He wouldnt be charged with any crime for another two years while the d. A. s office investigated. Hadden hired a powerful attorney. She had donated to vances Political Campaign and worked on his transition team. Both she and the new York District Attorneys Office claimed the relationship had nothing to do with the plea deal, but the original recommendation for hadden to serve at least four years behind bars would be reduced to nothing. The d. A. s office even agreed to lower haddens sex offender status. He wouldnt appear on the sex offender registry though he was convicted of a felony. He had great lawyering and even brags about the win on her website. He was getting off with a slap on the wrist, basically. Its yet another case raising questions about the manhattan District Attorneys Office already under scrutiny for failing to prosecute Harvey Weinstein in 2015 and asking a judge to lower Jeffrey Epsteins sex offender status. Melissa hoff stader says its a pattern of white powerful men getting sweetheart deals. I dont see it any other way. You see a lack of willingness to do an investigation, look at the employer. You look at the details of the plea agreechlt theyre painful. Its very painful. Manhattan District Attorney cyrus vance declined cnns request for an interview, instead sending a statement saying our primary concern was holding him accountable and making sure he could never do this again. With we regret this resolution that is caused survivors pain. He fighting the allegations made against him. As for Columbia University medical center, not a single answer to any of cnns detailed questions about the possible cover up in this case. Only a statement saying the allegations are abhorrent and they deeply apologize to those whose trust was violated. Drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. Wow. A state of emergency is in effect after a number of White Supremacists are under arrest ahead of a planned gun rights rally. Why the fbi is saying theres a, quote, fair sense of worry about that rally, next. Those darn seatbelts got me all crumpled up. Thats ok hey, guys hi mrs. Patterson. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Sorry. 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I spoke with a source at the Virginia State Police Department who says over 24 hours there has been an increase in threats towards Law Enforcement. It is troubling consider just how anxious people are here ahead of mondays lobby day by the virginia citizens defense league. Theyre worried this event would be hijacked or a management at the very least for extremist groups. Weve seen steppedup security measures, you see this wrought iron fence. Early this morning i saw a woman with a toddler who was going through some very thorough screening. Theyre being serious about this because of what the governor calls Credible Threats of violence on monday which is why early this week we saw him announce a state of emergency announcing a temporary weapons ban on State Capitol grounds. This h this has angered progun the first time in about a quarter century its been controlled by democrats. They passed three gun control bills which angered gun rights supporters. Things like limited gun purchase to one over 30 days as well as allowing locality to say ban guns in public areas. Thats why theyre showing up here on on monday to release. Fbi even expressing concerns. You had reported earlier about the supported neonazis that have been arrested this week. They dont want what happened in charlottesville to happen here. Nick valencia, thank you for that reporting. Theres a new merest and fatal respiratory illness spreading around china and east asia that now threatens to reach around the world. We have details on the steps being taken here in the u. S. To prevent its spread. Thats next. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultracoating. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Get powerful relief with pepto bismol liquicaps. As your broker, ive solved it. Is complicated. Thats great, carl. But we need something better. 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Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. Right now the u. S. Centers for Disease Control is taking extreme steps to top a deadly mysterious virus from entering the country. Screening Airline Passengers entering the u. S. From wuhan. An outbreak of a previously unseen virus has already killed two people and thats in china. Also sickened at least 45 others. Passengers are being checked for fever, coughing, and difficulty breathing. The screenings are under way at airports in los angeles, san francisco, and new yorks jfk. You are live in the cnn newsroom. Thank you for staying with me. Im ana cabrera in new york. Now a busy evening for washington, d. C. We have the First Official look at how President Trumps legal team plans to attack the charges that led to his impeachment. Late this afternoon two things happened that are key to the Senate Impeachment trial that gets moving on tuesday. First we have the house managers formally transmitting their trial brief, why the house believes the president should be removed from office. Shortly after that, a strongly worded, very aggressive response from the president s impeachment lawyers. Its a letter that

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