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Atlanta, im George Howell. We will have those stories in a moment. First, were getting new video from the Regional Government of kurdistan that shows the u. S. Raid on an isis compound inside iraq. U. S. Special forces and kurdish fighters storm the compound on thursday in a mission to rescue hostages believed to be in danger of execution. A u. S. Soldier was killed during the operation. 70 hostages were freed but not the kurdish captives they were september in to rescue. That raid has critics raising questions about the u. S. Role in iraq. It was the first time the u. S. Forces directly engaged isis militants on the ground in iraq. Yet, american Officials Say the role of u. S. Forces is to train and assist the iraqis, not to engage in combat. Earlier, our john mann spoke with cnn military analyst and retired Lieutenant General mark perkily. He once served in that area. General, thanks for being with us. You know that area well and we can imagine this attack, planes, helicopters, bridges being bombed nearby, dozens of armed personnel from two nations go in and encounter an intense firefight. Whats your sense of what weve learned about it . Its a tough area, jonathan. This town is midway between the oil refinery and the capital of kerr kuck city. My condolences to the family of Master Sergeant wheeler. This is a tough area. Im sure they have been watching this area for intelligence and they obviously received it. I think the action that was taken this week was critically important and it had an operation had to be conducted very quickly to counter what they perceived as a threat to the lives the people being held in this community. Quite separately, theres a political issue which is the American People were told theyre not in a combat role in iraq. Journalists jumped on this calling this mission creep. If the government is saying one thing about what the men and women in uniform are doing but giving them something much more dangerous on the ground. Dont believe that. It is not mission creep. This is a special Operations Unit that has i saw that when we were there. Theyre very intense fighters. They want to take the fight to the enemy. I think this special relationship between our special ops and their special ops, really the intelligence it showed, there were enemy activity in this area, the potential that they were Holding Hostages assumed to be kurdish at this point meant that hey, we have to get them quickly. Indicators are that bad things are going to happen. Those decisions are made every day in combat. As they determined what the situation was, how they had to go after these forces, the special Operation Forces of the United States went with the pesh mur ga to provide them support for this complex and complicated mission. From a distance, a lot of Armchair General are saying this was a lapse because the u. S. Forces didnt know who the captives were, how many there would be. When they got there, they didnt find the captives they were expecting. Is that a small detail . It is not. But its also something that as you plan operations you try and get the most intelligence on the operation youre about to conduct. But thats got to be weighed against the requirement to act in some cases and in this case the requirement was act quickly. Because theres an apparent execution about to take place, so you can weigh all the intelligence you want, but sometimes the commanders on the scene have to decide when to decide. When the action has to take place to overcomminie implications that might be on the ground. Thats what they did in this case. When you talk about the number of people observed in the camp near that area and you see the number of captives that were there, im sure the u. S. Special Operations Forces says the pesh murg a can do it, but it will be complicated. They need american intelligence and backup and they they needed all those things. Thank you Lieutenant General. An interview earlier with our own john mann. The death of a u. S. Soldier in that raid is raising questions whether or not the u. S. Military returned to a combat role in that country but those who have been down this road before know the consequences all too well, like former british Prime Minister tony blair. In a new interview with Fareed Zakaria, he feels how the move may have helped isis come to power. Given, however, that Saddam Hussein did not prove to have weapons of mass destruction, was the decision to topple his regime a mistake . Whenever im asked this, i can say that i apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong. Because each though he had used chemical weapons ex tense tifl against his own people, against others, the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought, so i can apologize for that. I can also apologize, by the way, for some of the mistakes in planning and certainly our mistaken in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime. But i find it hard to apologize for removing saddam. Many people point to the invasion of iraq as the principal cause. What do you say . I think there were elements of truth in that. But i think weve got to be extremely careful. Otherwise, we misunderstand whats going on today in syria and iraq. You cant say those who removed saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015, but its important also to realize, one, that the arab spring which began in 2011 which also have had an impact on iraq today and two, isis actually came to prominence from the base in syria and not in iraq. That lead me to the broader point, which i think is so essential looking at policy today, which is we have tried intervention and putting down troops in iraq. Weve tried intervention without putting in troops in libya. And weve tried no intervention at all but demanding regime change in syria. Its not clear to me that even if our policy did not work, subsequent policies have worked better. You can see the full interview on Fareed Zakaria at 11 a. M. In london. Monday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern in the u. S. Tuesday morning at 9 00 a. M. In hong kong. Only here on cnn. Now, on to the war in syria. Russia says its air force is prepared to help the Free Syrian Army and other opposition groups fighting isis but theres a catch. Moscow wants the u. S. To help identify where the rebels are. Heres how Russian Foreign minister lavrov put it. Translator we are ready to provide aerial support to the patriotic opposition, including socalled Free Syrian Army. But its important to us to get in touch with people who are authorized to represent the groups that are standing against terrorism. The offer is being considered but with a good deal of skepticism. The United States has accused russia of using its air campaign to target rebels and civilians instead of isis. Al qaeda is also battling for territory inside syria, but its affiliate there, the al nusra front has been killed in quote, action. The group is not providing further details and there are conflicting reports on how al masri died. Some say he was killed by Syrian Government troops. Other report say that he died in a gun battle with kurdish rebels. This just in to cnn, an arab israeli man was spotted paragliding into syria late saturday. You see the map here. Israeli Defense Forces tweeted late saturday that the man was spotted from a watchtower. A spokesperson tells the ju Jerusalem Post that he was going to join the israel captured the territory from syria during the 1967 israel arab war. Israel approved a new security measure at one of the holiest sites for jews and muslims thats been at the center of recent turmoil. John kerry met with jordanian and palestinian officials on saturday before announcing this new proposal. He called it a potential game changer. Cnns report. The agreement to put 24hour surveillance on the compound is designed to put an end to disturbances on the compound. The compound is very much at the start of the tensions here in jerusalem, israel and the west bank and has remained april very sensitive spot for the israelis and palestinians. Jordan played a big role here since theyre custodian of the compound. Kerry came into the meetings with president Mahmoud Abbas and Jordans King Abdullah optimistic. Is sound like hes still cautiously optimistic. Today i hope we can begin to turn the page on this very difficult period. We have to join together in calling for an immediate end to violence. We must stress the importance of avoiding provocative actions and rhetoric, and we must work cooperatively. Its the only way to go forward is to work cooperatively to restore calm. Kerry says there will be more meetings in the coming days between jordan and israel to work on the arrangements for surveillance and work on the tensions that have been prevalent here. It has been quiet here. But that quiet remains very fragile. Warren lieberman, cnn, jerusalem. Still to come, mexico, it has weathered the worlds strongest hurricane but there are still worries. Top u. S. Democrats, they spent the day in iowa on saturday rallying support at one of the biggest rallies of the campaign season. The story straight ahead as cnn newsroom continues. Nonetheless, george, lots of people still being rescued from their swamped automobiles. Karen maginnis, single dollar and still making a profit. That story ahead as this broadcast continues around the world this hour on Cnn International and cnn usa. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. Save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep back to our viewers here. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. The headlines were following this hour. Mexico appears to have dodged a bullet. The worst hurricane recorded in the world, patricia. It made landfall as a powerful category 5 storm but quickly fell apart. So far, no major damage reported. The remnants are expected to make flooding worse in the u. S. State of texas. Look at those images there. Some areas had already gotten more than 20 inches or about 50 centimeters of rain in the past few days. Russia says its air force is ready to help the Free Syrian Army and other opposition groups fighting isis. Theres a catch. Moscow wants the u. S. To help identify where those rebels are. The u. S. Accused russia of targeting rebels and civilians instead of isis. Israels Prime Minister agreed to set up a 24hour surveillance at a holy site in jerusalem. The temple mount as its referred to by jews or noble sanctuary as its known by muslims, has been a hotspot of violence in recent weeks. British Prime Minister tony blair says hes sorry for mistakes made leading up to the invasion of iraq. He tells Fareed Zakaria about what overall, the country is better without them. A contentious threeweek long conference of bishops at the vatican ends with recommendations regarding catholic divorceees and gay marriage. 2 3 of the Senate Fathers agreed catholics who divorced and remarried may rejoin the church but only after working with a priest or bishop to determine the individuals full integration. Not much changed regarding gay marriage. But the Senate Document saying gays should not suffer discrimination but that there was no foundation whatsoever for samesex marriage. Cnns vatican correspondent Delia Gallagher joins us with more. Delia, talk to us first about this decision to allow divorcees to return to the Catholic Church. Its significant. Reporter yeah. Absolutely, george. This was a difficult one from the start. Pope francis wanted to bring together bishops from countries around the world to talk about issues facing them regarding the family. What the bishop discovered is whats important in one country for families is not the same in another country. One of those topics was the question of divorced catholics, which is a big issue for european bishops and perhaps american bishops. But the african bishops said polygamy is important for us. They had a plethora of issues to deal with. One of the most divisive being divorced and remarried catholics. Currently, if youre divorced in the Catholic Church and not received an annulment and remarried, the church considers you in an adulterous situation. You cannot participate in a lot of the things that the church does, for example, you cant be a god parent or you cant read at mass. And you cant receive communion which is a sign of your full participation. Some of the bishops were looking for a way and theyve got it in the final document allowing divorced and remarried catholics to participate fully in the church. The other bishops against it said its in the bible, we cant change the doctrine. What the final recommendations have come up with, there could be a way called the internal forum to speak with a priest, to make an exception for certain situations because they say not all divorces are the same. You could have a partner who has been left, who has been abandoned and therefore, would not be culpable in a situation so should be allowed to participate. Theyve left the door open to try to find ways on a case by case basis to allow certain divorced and remarried catholics to participate. They havent said everybody can come back to communion, but theyve put it on the tablg, back to pope francis, remember theyre only recommendations. No final decisions are made until the pope pronounces on it. On the question of gays and lesbians there was some thinking there might be change in the language toward gays and lesbians, because currently the Catholic Church in their catechism says the homosexual orientation is objectivelily disordered. Some of the bishops said that language is too strong, we need more welcoming language. In the final document, george, the bishops reiterated the basic teaching of the Catholic Church, that yes there is respect for gays and lesbians, but as you mentioned, they do not equate gay unions with marriage no changes on gay marriage but divorcees allowed to return to the Catholic Church with some restrictions it seems. These are only recommendations. Delia, thank you for your reporting live in rome for us this hour. Leaders in ten countries are holding a mini summit in the coming hours in brussels. The European Commission chief called the meeting to discuss the flow of migrants along the west balkan governments are expected to come up with action plans for thousands of people camped out, waiting to move into northern europe. Indonesias president is set to visit the United States. Hell meet with u. S. President barack obama on monday and his visit comes amid a range of geopolitical tensions in southeast asia. Climate change and trade are expected to be discussed as well. He will travel to the west coast of the u. S. To meet with executives with Companies Like apple, google and others. Its the first president ial visit for the leaders of the worlds Third Largest democracy. Now to a medical story that has drawn strong reaction. Drug maker has said its taking on a notorious 750 pill with another alternative. A lifesaving drug. So far its cheaper, its just 1 and the company says it can still make money. Kyung lah takes us inside the controversy. This is the markets answer to price gouging. How much is each pill here . Each pill is 99 cents. Just under a buck a pill. Compare that to this pharmaceutical company. It was 18. It was 18. You took it to 750. When he rose the price 1,000 a month ago, outrage followed. The Hedge Fund Manager became an internet pariah headlined as the most hated man in america. A new icon of modern greed and big pharmas biggest expletive. Ska really defending his price hike that helps people with compromised immune systems, pregnant women and children. We can take the profit and put it back into research for this disease. He still hasnt lowered the price something he promised to do four weeks ago. He wont tell us why he hasnt. Too small amount of patients use it. His company was the only pharmaceutical selling this drug. That got if you can sell it for a dollar a pill . How much does it cost to make this . Thats a good question. Its less than a doll haar a pi with the drug outrageously priced, they sense a market opportunity. A chance to help the patients that ska really outraged with a close cousin of the pill. Why not make more money . Isnt that what your companies are about . Theres a point of inflexion if we try to push the limits and collect more money, we go against everything weve stood for as an organization. To get affordable reform lagss to patients in need. Inprim is is still a for profit company. 99 krepts a pill is still their Facebook Page flooded with support. Bravo, heroes. Patients call in with emotional thank yous. Thank you. Thank you for saving lives. Does greed have to be the rule when it comes to pharmaceuticals in america . Absolutely not. Cnns kyung lah reporting there. He said its not a threat to us. I think that its a publicity stunt and i hope this company has the best of luck. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Still to come, south korea is struggle with a slowing economy. Thats taking an extra toll on the what was once a powerhouse of growth, south korea is now struggling with its economy and its taking an extra toll on an already vulnerable segment of the society, the elderly. This small shop is all this woman has. She hasnt seen a customer in two years. Translator i feel that my generation is being forgotten she says. I worked really hard and been so diligent but somehow i ended up here. Here living alone among the stock with barely enough money to feed herself getting more and more depressed. Translator i tried to kill myself next to my husbands grave. Someone discovered me and i survived. Its a situation her social worker says is all too common. The elderly suicide rate is the highest among developed nations. This is the generation that helped rebuild the economy from the ruins of the korean war. Now about half of south koreas elderly live in relative poverty. Pastor wong runs this mobile soup kitchen every saturday. He blames the problems on the slowing economy. And he says the old social structure where children look after their aging parents has broken down. Translator i think theres a growing number of homeless elders because sons and daughters and our government are not taking good care of them, he says. South korea has only had a Pension System for less than three decades. The government says because of that, some are being left behind. Last year, more benefits were extended to the poorest of south koreas elderly, but they still only receive under 200 per month. Many agree thats simply not enough. The population here is aging. In just 15 years, a quarter of the people are expected to be over the age of 65, putting enormous pressure on the economy and forcing more to join these food lines. Kathy novak, cnn, seoul. Argentina is a nation also struggling with a stagnant economy. In just a few hours time, citizens will head to the polls there to elect their new president. Cnns diego takes a look at some of the economic challenges the next leader will face. Argentinas inflation is among the highest in the world and nobody really knows the rates. Why . Because many experts challenge the accuracy of the governments and most analysts believe its somewhere between 15 and 25 . But this isnt the countrys only challenge. The main problem this administration leaves behind is an economy thats been stagnant since 2011. It doesnt grow. It has serious investment problems. Investments fell in the last few years and this complicates and affects its job creation capacity. Argentina faces another risk. Brazil, its largest trading partner is in trouble. Id say brazil is going through two problems. One is a Higher Exchange rate. The reality values. This makes brazilian importers spend more to buy one dollar. Therefore, its harder to sell our exports in brazil. Our exports should decrease and furthermore, theyre in a recession. The countries meltdown at the beginning of the century is still an ongoing story. 1. 5 billion worth of bonds are still in defaults. Creditors have taken the country to court in new york demanding a full payment. Reporter the outgoing president has had a hard line against International Creditors and refused to negotiate. This will be a major challenge for the next administration, but at the same time, if the question is settled, it will be a hope for incoming investment in the current headwinds. Diego, buenos aires. Guatemala, they head to the polls to choose their next president and april comedian seems to be in the lead in the president ial runoff. Jimmy morales faces sandra torres. The former president sits in jail over a bribely scandal. He resigned under pressure but denies the allegations. Youre watching cnn newsroom and still to come, new zealand fans are celebrating again not only as their rugby team is headed back to the world cup finals, it could make history if they pull off a win. That story. Enhance the experience. So why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more . Vuse digital vapor cigarettes. 4 new flavors to awaken your senses. Vibrant berry, cool mint, smooth crema, and aromatic chai. Our proprietary blends of the highest Quality Ingredients deliver superior vapor and taste. Vuse. Unrivaled taste satisfaction. Two points. Thats all that separated the teams in saturdays Rugby World Cup semifinal match. And in a come from behind victory, that could have historic implications. The defending world cup champions from new zealand beat south africa. In turn securing their spot in the finals. The all blacks defeated the spring bucs 2018. New zealand is hoping to become the first team to win backtoback titles. Theyll play the winner of sundays australia argentina matchup. A lot of people will be watching that around the world. The new film, steve jobs is having a wide release debut in the u. S. This weekend. Jobs was the visionary behind apple computers, the iphones, ipads, many of the things we use every day. Aaron sorkin some say got the subject wrong. Some of the folks who know steve jobs have loved it and then theres the other folks saying this isnt the steve jobs we knew. I had the opportunity to speak to to sorkin and he opened up to me a little bit about trying to research this character of steve jobs and what getting it right in that portrayal meant. Theres a difference between what you do journalism and what i do. My obligation is to create something subjective while yours obviously is to be objective. If youre writing about real people, obviously, you cant make things up. If there was something i knew to be true, that would be damaging, say, to steves widow or to steves children, i wouldnt do that. Im not looking to hurt anybody. So i want to get it right in that sense. You take a hippocratic oath and say first do no harm. But there is a difference between a photograph and a painting. And this is a painting. You have these really touching moments in the film, then you also had these moments where steve jobs comes off as really unkind were you worried about the portrayal . No. I went with the information that i had. Walter isaacsons book. Just wasnt authorized. It was requested. Steve gave him complete access. He was given instructions by steve and lore even not to whitewash anything or pull any punches. And between the book and the sort of the First Person Research that i did, theres no question but that he was a difficult and complicated man with a temper who would express his displeasure in ways that werent always comfortable for the people he worked with. I can only imagine all the time you spent trying to get into his head. What did you learn about the real steve jobs by trying to create this character of steve jobs . I think the biggest thing i learned about steve jobs is that im never going to know who steve jobs is. Hes just much too complicated. And so i just knew pretty early on that there was no point in trying to write the steve jobs story in trying to write a biopic and trying to get all of him into a twohour movie. So this movie has a much narrower lens and as a result, i think its pretty exciting. Im interested, ive covered tech for years. It really certainly didnt seem like a hollywood cared about technology when i started covering it back in 2009. There seems to be this fascination with silicon valley. Hollywoods fascination. Why is that happening now . Thats where the stories are. Big stories. Some of these companies, whether apple or google or yahoo or as big, if not bigger than governments, so we want to tell these stories. Any other tech figure youre interested in potentially giving the sorkin treatment and turning into a hollywood blockbuster . Any hints you can give us it. The sorkin treatment. I think they dove under their beds. Im not really a tech guy. I think its more of a coincidence that ive written two movies about tech titans. Its more of the human stories that i was interested in than the machinery and the technology. Fascinating interview there. Aaron sorkin speaking about the new film, steve jobs. Legendary actress, Maureen Ohara has died. Her long time manager says she died in her sleep from Natural Causes on saturday at her home in idaho. The acclaimed actress starred in dozens of films during hollywoods golden age. In a career that ran from 1939 through the 60s. Her notables include miracle on 34th street and the quiet man. She appeared in a number of westerns and was the favorite costarve john wayne. Maureen ohara was 95 years old. We end the show on that note. We thank you for watching this hour. Im George Howell. Ill be back after the break with another hour of news from around the world. Youre watching cnn. The worlds news leader. Dramatic new video showing u. S. Forces in their Deadly Mission to rescue hostages from isis in iraq. Details just ahead on that video. Hurricane patricia, the storm dissipated over mexico, but it may yet add some major flooding to parts of the southwestern United States. And the vatican. It seems to be loosening its stance on divorce and remarriage. Well have a report from rome where a mass is marking the end of a threeweek long summit. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im George Howell. Cnn newsroom starts right now. We begin this hour with that new video from the Regional Government of Iraqi Kurdistan that reportedly shows last weeks raid on an isis compound inside iraq. U. S. Special forces and kurdish fighters stormed the compound on thursday in a mission to rescue hostages believed to be in danger of execution. A u. S. Soldier was killed during the operation. U. S. Officials say 70 hostages were freed but not the kurdish captives they were sent in to rescue. For more on this, lets go to the senior correspondent, Nick Payton Walsh live near the syrian border. Nick, what can we learn from this video . What does it tell us . Reporter welsh as far as we can see, we only have the edited version to corroborate this. It does appear its from the helmet camera. You see what must surely be one of the kurdish fighters on that mission which was supported by an advise and assist Smaller Group of u. S. Commandos. It doesnt appear to corroborate much of what weve heard. You can see a long stream of what must surely be prisoners emerging. They were in familiar dress. What would potentially be the sunni arabs it is a staggering look at how the raids are undergone. At one point, i think i hear an american voice which gives you an idea of how close to the front of this some of the american advisers actually got. We know, of course, the proximity to the fighting, of one Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler from oklahoma, it did cost him his life. Thought to be potentially when they were choosing trying to move through a compound wall and detonat detonated, he was caught in fire there. It shows the extent of the fire they received from what seems to be isis you cant see them but you can hear the level of crossfire going on there. You see isis flags as well and there are moments when you obviously understand how complex and lengthy will be. They have 17 men to pull out of that area. You can see at one point, theyre physically having to search them one by one to be sure within their midst they dont have potentially any isis fighters or god forbid a suicide bomber in their midst as well. A very complex task. This video released by it must surely be the kurds. Suggestion of how the kurds want to perhaps corroborate whats put out. This seems to do that for the most part. Its hard to see in its entirety whether this footage began and ended. George . Nick, again, this video does show u. S. Military engage in an operation in iraq. Maybe hes having trouble with nick pat on walshs signal. Nick, thank you. The raid has raised new questions about whether the United States has returned to a combat role in iraq. But those who have been down this road before, they know the consequences all too well. In a new interview with Fareed Zakaria, former Prime Minister tony blair says hes sorry for some of the things that happened and helped isis come to power. Given that Saddam Hussein did not prove to have weapons mass destruction, was the decision to enter iraq and topple his regime a mistake . Whenever im asked this, i can say that i apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong. Because even though he had used chemical weapons extensively against his own people, against others, the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought, so i can apologize for that. I can also apologize, by the way, for some of the mistakes in planning and certainly our mistaken in our understanding of what would happen once you removed the regime. But i find it hard to apologize for removing saddam. I think even from today in 2015, it is better that hes not there than he is there. When people look at the rise of isis, many people point to the invasion of iraq as the principal cause. What do you say . I think there were elements of truth in that. But i think weve got to be extremely careful. Otherwise, we misunderstand whats going on today in syria and iraq. You cant say those who removed saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015, but its important also to realize, one, that the arab spring which began in 2011 which also have had an impact on iraq today and two, isis actually came to prominence from the base in syria and not in iraq. That leads me to the broader point, which i think is so essential looking at policy today, which is we have tried intervention and putting down troops in iraq. Weve tried intervention without putting in troops in libya. And weve tried no intervention at all but demanding regime change in syria. Its not clear to me that even if our policy did not work, subsequent policies have worked better. You can see the full interview on Fareed Zakaria at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time in the United States, 11 a. M. In london. Tune in for cnn special report long road to hell, america in iraq, monday night at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time in the u. S. Tuesday morning at 9 00 a. M. In hong kong. Only here on cnn. Russia says its its air force is prepared to help the Free Syrian Army and other opposition groups. There is a catch. Moscow wants the u. S. To help identify where the rebels are. Heres how Russian Foreign minister lavrov put it. Translator we are ready to provide aerial support to the patriotic opposition, including socalled Free Syrian Army. But its important to us to get in touch with people who are authorized to represent the groups that are standing against terrorism. The offer is being considered but with a good deal of skepticism. The United States has accused russia of using its air campaign to target rebels and civilians instead of isis. Russia also says it wants syria to prepare for president ial elections and according to reuters, syrian leader Bashar Al Assad hes ready for that. Were joined from moscow with more on the russian push for diplomacy. Nick, russia made no illusions about the fact that its backing the Syrian Government here. What is behind this move . Well, we also have Sergei Lavrov saying the government doesnt, if you will, discriminate between the opposition in syria, the patriotic opposition, that is, and Bashar Al Assads interests. Saying its essentially playing with an even hand inside syria. But its also said its come into syria and it is supporting Bashar Al Assads forces on the ground with an air campaign. We also heard today from the russian state media quoting the Free Syrian Army as saying that they dont want this help, this offer of air support that russia has offered them. What they are quoted as saying, as though russia should stop bombing the Free Syrian Army br they can consider that kind of offer. Weve heard as well from state the parliamentarians returning from a trip to damascus having had meetings with al assad and others and quoted al assad as saying he would not be opposed to running in the president ial elections if the people of syria wanted it. This really isnt from his perspective, something particularly new. But i think when we analyze it in the perspective that russia is approaching this and russias position has been it should be up to the people of syria to determine their future, i think were beginning to see more pieces of how russia sees the syria puzzle and problem Going Forward and president ial elections would be one of those things. It would be up to the people of syria to decide on their future leader. That is one of the foundations or corner stones if you will of the geneva communique. An effort to bring peace to syria. Were back to talking about what we were talking about at an International Diplomatic level several years ago. Clearly, from what weve seen on Russia State Television here, less of the military bombardments inside syria yesterday compared to the past weeks or so and much more talk about dip lem si. Thats where the shift seems to be going. Al assads role in that, a part of that process. It seems gaining greater prominence. George . Nic, is there any late reaction from other countries involved in the war on syria in this concept of the president ial election . I think there is a general agreement that its down to the people of syria to determine their future. The question is when do you get to that point . Do you have to have an end to the fighting in syria . That seems to be russias position right now. That is generally accepted as being a good time and place to hold elections. You cant hold elections if half the country is under fire and they cant get to polling stations, you cant in that context, the context today where isis has a large amount of territory. Where there is fundamental differences still is what role Bashar Al Assad should play. The general the perception outside, lets say, from turkey, lets say from saudi arabia, the principal players here. Assad must go. How he can be standing there saying that if the people of syria want him in the president ial elections, thats something thats going to fly in the face of what were hearing from saudi arabia and turkey and others at the moment as well, george. Nic robertson live in the capital. Thank you so much for your reporting and breaking down very complicated issue there. Thank you. Al qaeda is also battling for territory inside syria, but its affiliate there, the al nusra front has been killed in quote, action. The group is not providing further details and there are conflicting reports on how al masri died. Russian state media say he was killed by Syrian Government troops. Other report say that he died in a gun battle with kurdish rebels. Mexico came out relatively unscathed after being hit by the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the world. On saturday, the nations president enrique pena went to the city of manzanillo to survey the damage from Hurricane Patricia. The storms winds knocked down structures, power lines and uprooted trees. Officials say there was no major damage reported. The city of Puerto Vallarta, a tourist area on the coastline was predicted to bear the brunt of this storm but there was no major damage there either. Schools are expected to reopen on monday. Our john voss has more from mexico. Rs a little more than a day after bracing for a worst case scenario, Puerto Vallarta like many communities on the Pacific Coast of mexico, life is returning to normal. Thats not to say that patricia went quietly into the night. There wasnt the devastation so many feared. More than 3,000 homes were damaged. Thousands of areas of farmland impacted and thousands remain without electricity. When the storm hit as many as 230,000 people lost power. This is a remarkable outcome, though, especially considering patricias strength before making landfall. Wind up to 325 kilometers per hour. Mexicos president was in the storm zone on saturday looking at some of the damage and he thanked Emergency Responders and praised the preparation and that is why he said there was so little damage. But there was also a good amount of luck involved here as well. If we look at where the storm made landfall south of here of Puerto Vallarta, north of another major city, manzanilla, that was an area sparsely populated. Patricia then moved inland, headed towards the mountains and weather experts say the mountains essentially shredded the storm and why it lost intensity so quickly. Airports and road have reopened, tourists returned to hotels and residents back home after thousands were evacuated. Shops and misses removing the boarded up windows and so many people grateful that the worst never happened. John vause, cnn, Puerto Vallarta, mexico. It was one of the biggest hurricanes on record. It was not only surprising for its intensity but how quickly it disappeared. Karen maginnis has an update on whats happened to the storm system. Is it really is amazing to watch this seeming innocuous storm mushroom into this astounding hurricane, category 5 and now we have a remnant area of low pressure across northeastern mexico. Some of that moisture is going to be tapped into texas over the next couple of days. In the meantime, from Puerto Vallarta to manzanillo, who are the rainfall reports. We have expected much, much more in the way of rainfall potential for mud and landslides. Now a little bit of that leftover moisture is getting caught up with a system in mexico. Arklatex, texas, louisiana, arkansas will see substantial rainfall over the next 24 hours. But take a look at this out of texas. Just to the south of dallas, so much rainfall that the Railroad Tracks were dislodged or displaced. This train car tipped over. There were two people, two employees of Union Pacific and it tipped overment they were able to get out safely. What happens as we go into the next 24 hours. As the disturbance shifts further to the east but staggering amounts of rainfall just to the south of dallas, lots of high water rescues with people stuck in their cars unable to get away and corsicana where that train wreck occurred, they have seen in some instances 20 inches of rainfall. Over the last several days. George, back to you. As karen was saying. The remnants of patricia set to cause more trouble in the u. S. State of texas. All exits on an interstate leading to downtown houston are closed because of high water. You see it right there. Many roads in texas are underwater and authorities are warning drivers to steer clear of them. Some residents near galveston were told to evacuate. Still to come, after three weeks of debate, catholic bishops are bringing their historic meeting to a close at the vatican. Theyve made Big Decisions on catholic divorcees and the issues of gay marriage. You see live images from the vatican where the meeting wrapped up. A live report is ahead. Plus Police Use Tear gas on antigovernment protesters in montenegros capital. More on that ahead. Leaders in the middle east have agreed to take steps toward curbing violence in jerusalem. It centers at one of the most contested and revered site. Cnn newsroom continues after this. The beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. 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These are live pictures from the vatican where on saturday new recommendations were announced regarding catholic divorcees and the issue of gay marriage. After a threeweek long conference of bishops, 2 3 of them agreed catholics who divorced and remarried may rejoin the church but with stipulations. Not much has changed regarding gay marriage. The Senate Document saying they shouldnt suffer discrimination. More on this, lets turn to Delia Gallagher live in rome on the catholic senate. First of all, to point out, niece are only recommendations but no change when it comes to gay marriage. Thats right. There was some indication last year that the church might want to soften their language towards gays and lesbians. They currently call it disordered. Some suggested they might be able to change that language. In the final document issued yesterday, they did not address that issue. They reiterated that the Catholic Church respects gays and lesbians, wants to accompany families who have gay and lesbian members. As you say, is not equating gay unions with marriage between a man and a woman. Basically restating what the traditional catholic teaching on that is. Interestingly, yesterday the cardinal of vienna told us that the bishop felt that the question of gays and lesbians was too delicate to get into considering the political and cultural context of the question in the Different Countries pointing to one of the problems of this senate. You had 270 bishops from 120 countries around the world all coming together to talk about what were some of the mine priorities for them. There were different priorities considering the Different Countries they came from. Interestingly, yesterday the pope in his Closing Remarks to the senate said that the Catholic Church should not be a church issuing condemnation but should show mercy. That is probably the lens through which we should look at this report. Because on one of the most divisive issues on the question of divorce and remarried catholics, the bishops did allow some leeway there. Theyre making recommendations to the pope to say previously and the current teaching is that if you are divorced and you have not annulled that first marriage and in a second relationship, a second marriage, they consider that adulterous and therefore you cannot participate in many of the activities of the church such as being a god parent, reading at mass and reading communion. Some of the bishops were pushing for a little more leeway in whats called the internal forum. Some of the marriages could be looked at together with a priest, the couple examines their conscience, looks at the particulars of their case and the priest or bishop could make an exception. The bishops have made that recommendation to the pope. Again, any decisions on that are going to be made eventually pope francis himself, george. These are only recommendations. Is there a next step and when could these recommendations become a final dictate . Well, the procedure in the past has been that the pope received the recommendations from the bishop and then issues what is called an apostolic exhortation or his definitive document on where he wants the church to go. It is not clear yet whether pope francis will actually write that document or if he will let the recommendations sort of roll on for a little bit and be further discussed because there has been a lot of debate, particularly on that question of divorce and remarried catholics and the bishops, you know, in this final document vote paragraph by paragraph. They have to have a 2 3 majority to approve the paragraph. The question of divorce and remarried catholics only just slid by with a majority vote. The pope doesnt have a full consensus yet from the bishops on that particular question. So we may or may not have a final document from the pope. He may let it go on a little bit further. Hes starting this year of mercy in november which he wants to be kind of the overriding theme for welcoming people who have been excluded back into the church. So well have to wait and see, george, whether the pope will come out with a definitive statement on these recommendations Delia Gallagher live for us in rome. Thank you for your reporting and context on this. In a couple hours time, people in argentina will head to the polls to elect their new president. President Christina Hernandez did he kerch ner cannot run again this year. The ruling power is expected to stay in power. In guatemala voters head to the polls to choose their new president and turns out a comedian seems to be in the lead in the president ial runoff. Hes Jimmy Morales facing former first lady. The election comes as the former president sits in jail over a bribery scandal. He resigned under pressure last month but denies all allegations. A second weekend of violent protests in montenegro on saturday. Police fired tear gas to break up thousands of protesters who marched on parliament in the nations capitol. Theyre demanding that the Prime Minister step down and that the country hold elections. They accuse the Prime Minister of corruption, but the government rejects the accusati accusation. A car plows into a crowd of spectators, turning a festive parade in the you state into this scene much horror. The story ahead. Later, were getting new video of one of the world aes most mysterious magss, cuba, letting unmanned vehicles be flown across the sky. Breathtaking images to show you as this broadcast continues on Cnn International and cnn usa. cole alright, now that we have merged with cableworld, we are so excited to hear your big ideas on how were going to take on directv. 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The longlasting quicker picker upper. From cnn World Headquarters in atlanta welcome to our viewers around world and in the United States. The headlines were following in hour. New video reportedly shows thursdays raid on an isis compound inside iraq. U. S. Special forces and kurdish fighters stormed the compound in a mission to rescue kurdish hostages. A u. S. Soldier, though, was killed during that. The remnants of Hurricane Patricia are set to make flooding worse in the u. S. State of texas. Some areas have gotten more than 20 inches or about 50 centimeters of rain in the past few days. Right now, exits on an interstate leading to downtown houston, theyre all closed. Russia says its air force is ready to help the Free Syrian Army and other opposition groups fighting isis but theres a catch. Moscow wants the United States to help identify where those rebels are. The u. S. , though, is skeptical it has accused russia of targeting rebels and civilians instead of targeting isis. And this just in to cnn. An arab israeli man was spotted paragliding into syria late saturday from the israeli held golan heights. It was tweeted late saturday that the man was spotted from a watchtower. A spokesperson tells the Jerusalem Post the man was headed to join a militant group. Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian Teen who attempted to stab Security Officers at a west Bank Checkpoint on saturday. The incident is just the latest in weeks of violence that now has led israel to approve a new security measure at one of the holiest sites for both jews and muslim. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry met with jordanian and palestinian officials on saturday before announcing this proposal and he called it a potential game changer. Cnns boren lieber man has the story. The agreement to put 24hour surveillance on the compound is designed to put an end to disturbances on the compound. The compound is very much at the start of the tensions here in jerusalem. Israel and the west bank and has remained a very sensitive spot for israel is and palestinians. Leaders accusing each other of trying to change it status quo. The unwritten agreement supposed to benefit the compound. Jordan played a big role here since theyre custodian of the compound. Kerry came into the meetings with Mahmoud Abbas and King Abdullah cautiously optimistic. It sounds like hes still cautiously optimistic. Today he hope we can begin to turn the page on this very difficult period. We have to join together in calling for an immediate end to violence. We must stress the importance of avoiding provocative actions and rhetoric, and we must work cooperatively. Its the only way to go forward is to work cooperatively to restore calm. Kerry says there will be more meetings in the coming days between jordan and israel to work on the arrangements for surveillance and work on the tensions that have been prevalent here. It has been quiet here. Relatively in jerusalem and the west bank. But that quiet remains very fragile. Warren lieberman, cnn, jerusalem. In the state of oklahoma, four people were killed and 44 injured after a car plowed through a group of spectators at a homecoming parade on saturday in the city of stillwater. The home of Oklahoma State university. The 25yearold driver has been arrested on suspicion of driving while drunk. He will make a Court Appearance on monday. The University President calls it an incomprehensible act. The Oklahoma State homecoming parade is probably one of the most wholesome, happy events in the country. To have it fouled like this and these victim, this terrible tragedy, we reach out and embrace the victims and their families. Chambers was the driver. One of the victims was a 2yearold boy who died of his injuries at the hospital. Now to the u. S. President ial race. They made their pitches in iowa at the Jefferson Jackson dinner. Bernie sanders, Martin Omalley and Hillary Clinton took the and addressed the crowd. Its an early test so see who will grab support ahead of the Iowa Caucuses in early february. Just 99 days away. Sanders took the stage first and declared he would win the election without the help from independent fundraising groups that are known as super pacs. They said that in this day and age you cannot win a campaign unless you have a super pac. Unless you go unless you go to the millionaires and the billionaires and you beg for money. The stakes are especially high for the vermont senator. Hes seven points behind frontrunner Hillary Clinton in the latest iowa polling. Senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny was also at that big event and he has more from iowa. Fireworks in the president ial race. Democratic rivals descending on iowa, 100 days before the first votes of the 2016 primary. Hillary clinton seizing on the star power of katy perry. Fight on, 2016 is right around the corner. The political power of bill clinton. In his campaign trail debut. Ive never been the warmup act for katy perry before. But im well aware i am the warmup act. The biggest week yet of the democratic president ial race ended in iowa where clinton had plenty of company and competition. Senator Bernie Sanders has become a democratic star of his own. His campaign chartered a plane to fly over their dueling rallies. Calling for a revolution before marching side by side with his followers. This is a march which will end up in a year when you will join me in the white house. A festival of politics coming to a full boil at the Jefferson Jackson dinner, a marquis event for democrats. It was at this dinner eight years ago where illinois senator barack obama jumpstarted his president ial campaign. If we are really serious about winning this election, democrats, then we cant live in fear of losing. Sanders said history could repeat itself. About eight years ago, all of the political experts talked about how another democratic candidate for president just couldnt win. He was unelectable. You remember that guy . Whats his name . Oh, its president obama. Sanders presented himself as a principled progressive talking about iraq, gay rights and wall street reform. I will not abandon any segment of American Society just because it is politically expedient at a given time. Former maryland governor, Martin Omalley said it was time for a new generation to lead. New leadership or the same old battles of our past. Actions or words. Do we want to get things done or do we just want to keep kind of shouting past each other . But clinton argued her experience makes her the partys strongest nominee. Its not enough just to rail against the republicans or the billionaires, we actually have to win this election. In iowa, clinton has an edge in the polls. But sanders is capturing the enthusiasm a sign this democratic race is not yet settled. With 100 days remaining before the Iowa Caucuses, Hillary Clinton is clearly in the democratic drivers seat. She spent more time talking about republican rivals than her democratic ones. But Bernie Sanderss followers are still looking for a primary fight. Jeff zeleny, des moines, iowa. Youre watching cnn newsroom. A pricey lifesaving drug is getting competition after causing international outrage. Coming up, the company says they can sell a similar pill for a single dollar. They can still make a profit. Plus, new stunning news from the sky over cuba. One of the worlds most secretive countries. The images are ahead. Welcome back. Now to a medical story drawing reaction. Imprimis pharmaceuticals announced its taking on a notorious 750 pill with another alternative lifesaving drug and this is far cheaper. It sells for just 1. The company says that it can still make a profit. Young la takes us inside the lab and the controversy. This is the markets answer to price gouging. How much is each pill here . Each pill is 99 cents. Just under a buck a pill. Pair that to turing pharmaceuticals. It was 18. It was 18. You took it to 750. When he rose the price 5,000 a month ago, outrage followed. The Hedge Fund Manager became an internet pariah headlined as the most hated man in america. A new icon of modern greed and big pharmas biggest expletive. Shkreli on fox business channel defending his price hike that helps people with compromised immune systems, like hiv and cancer patients, pregnant women and children. We can take the profit and put it back into research for this disease. Shkreli still hasnt lowered the price of daraprim, something he promised to do four weeks ago. He wont tell us why he hasnt. Only a 100,000 patients use it. Too small amount of patients use it. His company was the only pharmaceutical selling this drug. That got Imprimis Pharmaceuticals thinking. If you can sell it for a dollar a pill . How much does it cost to make this . Thats a good question. Its less than a dollar a pill. With the drug outrageously priced, they sense a market opportunity. A chance to help the patients that shkreli outraged with a close cousin of the pill. Why not make more money . Isnt that what Drug Companies are all about . Theres a point of inflexion if we try to push the limits and collect more money, we go against everything weve stood for as an organization. Their mission is to get affordable reform lagss to patients in need says imprimis. Its still a forprofit company. Opening bell this summer. 99 krepts a pill. Thats profit enough they say. Their Facebook Page flooded with support. Bravo, heroes. Patients call in with emotional thank yous. Thank you. Thank you for saving lives. Does greed have to be the rule when it comes to pharmaceuticals in america . Absolutely not. Cnns kyung lah reporting there. As for shkreli, he told fox news, there is not a threat. This is not a threat to us. I think that its a publicity stunt and that i wish this company the best of luck. But i have faith in our team and our competitive standpoint. Now i want to show you cool images over cuba. These are images thanks to drones. These drones are getting new views over the nation that had not been seen before. A group of engineers convinced cuban authorities to let them fly drones over the secretive nation and we have more on the footage. The filming of a music video in havana. The crew get a little help from above. You dont see this very often here. Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones are virtually nonexistent in cuba. The islands secretive government isnt a fan of flying cameras. Intels tourists and visiting journalists they cant bring them to the island. For the first time, a group of cuban techies building their own drones received permission to fly them throughout cuba. The results have been breathtaking. Translator everyone, cuban or foreigner, as soon as they see the video, they say, the first reaction is always the same. Wow. Theyre allowed to film hotels and attraction toss promote the growing tourism industry. Their cameras have captured and until now unseen cuba. Images from above of a 1950s classic car traveling down the havana sea front. Residents of old havana watching life go by from their apartment balconies. The tile rooftops of a small colonial town in the cuban countryside. Pilot Alejandro Perez de la cruz shows the first models that they brought from china or they themselves invented. Translator we experimented with different propellers and motors he said. It took us years. Years of research paying off as clients line up to have them filly vents like this concert on the sea front. For those who have figured out how to maneuver the red tape of Aerial Photography, the view is worth the hassle. Cubas drone pioneers says the translator these are times to challenge ourselves. To try new things he says. Thats what were doing. Next they say, they want to organize and exhibition of Aerial Photography to be shown in other countries. So more people can see the drones eye view of cuba. Patrick ottoman, cnn, havana. Very cool. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Still to come. Halloween is just a week away. Have you got your costume redd i . If you dont, we look at the more popular costumes ripped from the headlines. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. Thats 5 extra gigs for the same price. So five more gigs for the same price . Yea, allow me to demonstrate. You like that pretzel . Yea. 50 more data for the same price. I like this metaphor. Oh, its even better with funnel cakes. But very sticky. Get 15 gigs for the price of 10. And now get 300 credit for every line you switch. Now at at t like limiting where you earn bonus cash back. Hings. Why put up with that . But the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. Real simple. Im talking easy likea walkinthepark, nothingtoworryabout, manthatfeelsgood simple. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Its a simple question. Whats in your wallet . Try align for a nonstop,ive sweettreatgoodness holdontoyourtiara, kindofday. Live 24 7 with 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the undisputed 1 ge recommended probiotic. Youre looking at ecstatic new zealand fans. Celebrating as their reigning champs head back to defend their title and potentially mark their place in rugby history. On saturday, the all blacks defeated them in a lows match winning just by two points. Final score 2018. New zealand is hoping to become the first team to win backtoback tight ms. Theyll play the winner sundays australia argentina match. Its almost halloween. Pretty cool costumes have hit the store shelves. Jeanne moos has a look at some of the best and some of the worst. Halloween adventure. Adam and eve costume. You can pick up props ranging from snakes to wings to hearts. But if your heart belongs to topical costumes look at it. Isnt it great . It is great. How many did you order . I have about 48. Trump is outselling. Hillary is old news. And this is is what the media is calling sexy donald trump for the ladies. Yandy. Com sells lingerie but branched out to halloween costumes. The video blew up over this. They introduced the pizza rat costume. Rat ears, tail and Pepperoni Pizza pockets. The number one best selling costume is the blue black versus white gold dress called what is the color. Peta is selling costumes. This is cecil the lion. As you can see, hes getting revenge on dr. Palmer. Its a tongue in cheek way to provoke discussion of trophy hunting. You know, be the talk of the party. Price, 140. The lions share goes to fund petas causes. Who needs a costume if youve dressed your baby up as the pope. Other ideas, movie popcorn or spaghetti and meatballs. If you happen to be pregnant, turn your baby bump into the perfect pearl with a magic eight ball. Halloween mainstays tend to be mundane. The bread and butter are vampires. Everybody wants to be a vampire and everybody wants to be a zombie. Whats a kid want to be . Disneys on the inside of it that you blow on it and it unravels. You cant get better than that. There are those who would probably argue that people who dress up for halloween theyre losers. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. So youve got some options there. Before we leave you today, lets look up to the stars. Scientists discovered an extremely rare type of star system. Its in the tar ant la neb la. Some 160,000 light years away from us. Theyve found two very large two very hot stars. So close theyre actually touching. The centers of the two stars are just 12 million kilometers apart. But their surfaces actually overlap. In this artist impression, you can see a bridge of stellar material between them. To give you an idea of the scale here, their combined size is about 57 times bigger than our own sun. The stars could be headed to a dramatic ending either combining into one giant star or remaining apart and eventually collapsing into a pair of black holes. But that image, wow. The things that can happen out there. We thank you for joining us for this hour of cnn newsroom. Im George Howell in atlanta. For our viewers in the United States, new day is next and for other viewers around the world of quest starts in a best of quest starts in a moment. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Yet gentle. But even theyll tell you, dawn helps open. Something even bigger. Go to facebook. Com, dawn saves wildlife. Find out how the Little Things you do, can make a big difference. At t and directv are now one. So get ready to laugh here and cry here. 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