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5 00 a. M. On the u. S. East coast. First to iraq, the battle to retake that nations second largest city from isis. The Iraqi Military now advancesing on a town just north of mosul. This is believed to be the closest that Security Forces have gotten to that city. Within the past hour, weve learned that the military has launched a large scale offensive to retake the city of qaraqosh. That is about nine miles to the east of mosul. So far, they have killed at least 50 militants and have raised st iraqi flag. The u. S. Secretary of defense, ash carter, is also in baghdad for a surprise visit and getting an update about the battles that are taking place. We get the latest this hour from cnns arwa damon live in iraq following the story. Good to have you with us. What can you tell us about these new pushes by the iraqled forces . Well, it certainly is bringing them closer to, of course, what is going to be the main and most difficult battlefield, iraqs second largest city of mosul. And they have been encountering the closer theyve been getting to the city itself on the different. Fronts an Even Stronger resistance from isis. The organizations best weapon are these suicide car bombs that are sometimes laying in wait when they think theyve cleared the city, all of a sudden a vehicle comes careening to their positions theyve set up and isis has shown abilities to launch attacks elsewhere, citing the city of kirkuk. There were fierce battles there yesterday and still fierce clashes going on. But to give you an idea of what the front line looks like, we were down with the Iraqi Special forces who are with the counterterrorism unit as they advanced on the christian town of batalah. Attack helicopters swoop overhead and fire. A truck bomb is dead nated by forces on the ground. Thats whats left of it. 25yearold Corporal Mohammed yasser says as we push forward. His humvee has been hit so many times, he can barely see through the bullet proof glass. When we finish lebraiding mosul, im going to ask for me sweethea sweethearts hand in marriage. He dreams of the future, but now has to focus on surviving the present. A bulldozer barricades side roads. To defense against one of the biggest ongoing threats, suicide car bombers. Its one of the ways that isis was mounting its weapons, firing at troops as they were coming down. Were with the Counter Terrorism divisions special forces. The men are tired. They have been fightinging nonstop since isis swept through iraq more than two years ago. But morale is high. Theyre now just 20 kilometers from mosul. The forces have been pounding this area. This is the front line and being this close to the fightinging, one cant help but to think, but to wonder about the fate of the civilians who potentially might be trapped inside. Thankfully, it seems there are none. The vast majority fled this peaceful christian enclave two years ago. Thats when we were last here, just after isis captured mosul when yusef and his friend tried to pretend that everything was normal. When 22yearold mariana swore that she would stay even if she was the only one left. It was a tranquil sanctuary. This shattered community, this shattered country has already suffered so much. Staff sergeant d can ahran doesnt tell his wife and four children hes at the front. He does not call them to say goodbye before heading into the fight. What would you tell your wife and children if you could call them now, i ask . God willing, i will return home when we have liberated all of iraq families, he responds. But lebraiding the land is only the first part of the battle. And, george, part of the challenge, of course, of liberating the land is part of the civilian population. Upwards of 1. 2 Million People still believed to be trapped inside mosul and the United Nation reporting about 550 families were taken from villages outside of mosul, positioned in areas in the city where there may potentially be Coalition Air strikes. We are hearing from an iraqi intelligence source that around 248 men and boys were executed for trying to resist isis efforts to force them and their families to be human shields, george. Its terrifying to hear about this news of these excuses happening. These civilians also are caught up in the middle and obviously the efforts to try to have supplies in place for them as they try to escape mosul. Arwa damon live for us in irbil, iraq. Thank you for the reporting. We wish you safety and those teams and well stay in touch with you. And when it comes to iraqi and peshmerga fighters, they arent just battling forces on the ground, they are also up against bomb dropping drones in the skies as our own Nick Paton Walsh reports. 30 militants sustained attack against key security and government buildings. Seven of them dead, many casualties. Sort of a way i think of suggesting isis will strike where it was. The violence continuing around mosul itself. As we saw ourselves yesterday, isis able to use drones both to spot the positions on of those attack them but deliver explosives of tense, bloody times on those front lines. Day four and perhaps the biggest push yet. From the north into the plains around mosul. Trying to dislodge the determined and deranged remnants of isis. The peschmerga back with staggering air power. But our common sight of American Special forces through the pentagon says are advising, not assaulting position on the front of the attack. The work was slow. Destructive. Begging the question what becomes of the wreckage under new masters. Suddenly, in the sky, a hail of bullets. Theyve spotted a drone. Tracer rounds dance around it and finally take off its nose. Isis used them to spot target for artillery, even drop small bombs. This one tumbles down. Its wreckage picked over. Its still unclear whose it is. Yet progress down the road is agonizingly slow. This is the source of so much fighting this morning, but still full of isis and, in fact, weve heard the peschmerga listened to those militants this morning discussing how they should wait with and only launch a counterattack once the peshmerga are inside. They were killed by a mine and others injured by clashes when they flank the town heading left across bare b farmland. Isis still here, haunting the dust, pushed back moments earlier. We reached one unit penned down on a hill. They say the drones observing them, but also dropping tiny bombs on them. Like grenades. Rocket after rocket lands. Over the hill, there is fiercer fighting. And still, the rockets come in. Exposed, trudging through land turned arid. The United States identifying the casualty there reported yesterday as chief petty officer jason c thats basically a dmining squad. Weve seen ourselves, so many American Special forces and Armored Vehicles often going in with the first group of peshmerga in territory. The white house admits they are in harms way. But it is clear that this will be long and bloody. Nick paton walsh fort us report. Thank you for that. As major fighting continues in both iraq and syria, one neighbor is watching and worrying. Turkey has accepted hundreds of thousands of rev ewe dwees for iraq and syria. The government has been demanding a seat at the table when it comes to military operations that are taking place against isis. Following the story this hour, ivan watson is with us. Lets talk about turkey sharing a border with those demanding a voice in this fight. Thats right. There was a very public disagreement, argument, basically, between the turkish and Iraqi Governments after turkey insisted that it might be part of this operation in mosul. And then the Iraqi Government fightinging back saying this would be an infringement on iraqi sovereignty. What we saw on friday unfold here is that the u. S. Defense secretary paid a meeting here to try and shore up support to help resolve some of these differences between different American Allies in the region in the middle of this critical and deadly battle taking place in mosul. After that meeting, carter told journalists that it appeared that there was an agreement in principal for turkeys future participation in the mosul operation but that the practicalities still had to get sorted out. Now, why would turkey be so concerned . Part of it is that it has taken in millions of refugees, mostly from syria, but also from hundreds of thousands of refugees from iraq. Mosul is considered to be a largely sunni muslim city in the north of iraq that turkey has long standing historical and cultural ties with. The turkish president , air due want sees himself as a protector even though the Iraqi Government, the see use it dominated government has vowed that will not take place. So these are part of the tensions here and some of the concerns that the u. S. Defense secretary was trying to address this who. And he has since made a surprise visit to bath to then talk to iraqi counterparts as this mosul battle unfolds. George. So thats the situation with turkey. Ivan, id also like to talk to you about whats happening in aleppo. The civilians that are caught in the middle of all this. Id like to show our viewers here and around the world this map of aleppo. This is a city that is surrounded by various forces. You see rebel hd controlled areas around that you see Regime Forces and kurdish forces, humanitarian situation in the middle of that city has got to be dire for people who are just unable to escape. What can you tell us, ivan, from your discussions about people, about whats happening in aleppo, about the people in the middle, and why many of them havent used humanitarian corridors to escape. The siege of aleppo and those just punishing deadly air strikes that the russian military, that the Syrian Government has been carrying out over the course of the last two months, it has, fortunately, calmed over the the course of the last four or five days since the russians and defined a unilateral ceasefire and allowed populations trapped inside to come out. The United Nations has declared that its simply not safe to evacuate wounded civilians through these humanitarian corridors, no matter what the russians and the Syrian Government may say. And the residents weve talked to inside have indicated the same, some saying they would like to leave, but they simply dont trust the Syrian Government to escape to Syrian Governmentcontrolled areas. So youve got a standoff there. But fortunately, at least for four or five days, that part of the city has not been bombarded by the russian and Syrian Government aircraft. There is fear that any hour now, the air strikes could begin again and weve also talked to civilians inside saying that even though theres been this unilateral ceasefire, there have been no deliveries of humanitarian aid into this besieged area so that there are still Major Concerns about just access to food with, again, after this twomonth siege. The george. Ivan watson, live for us in istanbul, turkey. We appreciate the reporting today. Thank you. Still ahead here on cnn newsroom, the race for the white house and the republican candidate for president , donald trump, facing serious competition in a state with a long tradition of voting republican. Now theyre looking toward this man. That story, ahead. What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tv character taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. Two, please. man it was his turn to buy the next round. It just happened to be during. crowd cheers . A huge pick six. A play so big, years from now it will be known as simply the pick. Its a shame, but its also a badge of honor all true fans must endure. So sprint proudly, my friend, because we get you. And like you, courtyard is all about the game. Ive heard it all. Eat more fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know try laxatives. Been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. Vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Welcome back to cnn. Im here with meteorologist derek van dam to talk about this typhoon that slammed into eastern china and continues to move inland. This is a serious situation. It began in the philippines as a category 4 and then slammed into china as a category 1. But it created a monstrous scene there, which youll see with this video coming up. There have been 22 named storms so far this season in the western pacific. The season lasts basically from may to october and over 7 billion u. S. Dollars in damages from these 22 collective storms. And here is one of them. Typhoon heima making landfall in the guangdong province. Coming up over the costal barrier and those cranes getting whipped around ferociously. Look at this, as well, the image behind me. If youve traveled to hong kong, you know this is a scare sight to see. Very few pedestrians, very few cars traversing the roadways on friday in the Central Business district. It looks like thats good news because people really did heed the warnings ahead of typhoon haima. That versed the South China Sea before making its second landfall as a strong category 1. About 100 kilometers to the east of hong kong, but hong kong felt the effects of this storm. In fact, they saw so much rain in the month of october, we nearly, in fact, surpassed quadrupling our monthly climate logical average rainfall totals. Were at 550 right now. We typically see about 100 millimeters of rainfall throughout the month of october and we see that sharp decline and typically in rainfall totals as we head into october, november and december as they classify that as the dry season. Now, you can actually see the remnants of typhoon haima, which is a depression can, by the way, really starting to on disburse rainfall further and further to the east including shanghai. By the way, there are over 750 Flights Canceled at the Hong Kong International airport. You can imagine the Snowball Effect that has into the weekend. So doublecheck your plans. Take a look at this. Climate Prediction Center and noaa issued their temperature outlook. Below average for the north and above average precipitation for the northern rockies, as well. Ill leave you with this image because i am a snowboarder myself. Youll appreciate this, i think, fwornlg. The First North American ski resort is open in the u. S. And that is rapahoe basin in colorado. Those are the first people on the chairlifts. Those guys are happy, too. It will be a little warmer in those places that we like to go and ski. Thats right. Which is not good news for skiers and snowboarders. We can only cross our fingers. Thank you so much, derek van d dam. Americas choice 2016 hacked emails posted by wikileaks show bad blood between Hillary Clinton and the former u. S. Vice president al gore. In the emails dated last november, top clinton aides discuss gores refusal to endorse her campaign. This marks the latest batch of hacked emails that u. S. Officials say most likely comes from russia in an attempt to influence the u. S. Election results. Wikileaks says it will continue also to are release emails. Donald Trumps Campaign team says he will reveal what they call his Closing Argument on saturday, a blueprint for his first 100 days in the white house if he is elected to be put of the u. S. The republican president ial candidate said friday that he would lay out his plan during a speech in gettysburg, pennsylvania. Trump didnt offer specifics, but Campaign Aides say he will present the key ten principals driving his candidacy and will share more details about his policies. Trump has some unexpected competition in a u. S. State that has a deep tradition of voting republican. Its the state of utah where republicans hold the governors office, both senate seats and every congressional district. So the question is this. Why is donald trump in daker of losing utah . And were not talking about losing it to Hillary Clinton. Cnns Phil Mattingly has more. Donald trump has a very real utah problem, largely because of this man, evan mcmullen. Our campaign is a threemonth president ial campaign. Havent heard of him . Youre not alone. In a year where candidates like jill stein and Gary Sullivan have made waves, hes a campaign stop. Hes in position to win utah. People like to say that utah is a republican state. Or a deep red state. I say that its a principled conservative state. For trump, trailing in the polls and with an extremely limited path to 270 electoral votes to begin with, its a major headache, but its one that has been percolating for months, now appears to be peaking. A drive through Salt Lake City produces political yard sign after political yard sign, yet no hint of the president ial race. Its a reflection captured in the polls of the general disgust with the tone of this race and one with roots in the states dominant mormon faith and its gop leaders who have been kruled trumps fiery and deeply offensive rhetoric. Im going to use some tictacs just in case i start kissing her. Revelations about crude remarks. Im out. I can no longer endorse donald trump for president. Theres no possible way i vote for Hillary Clinton, but these are abdomen wore end. Or outright denounce the candidate altogether. We knew all along, as did many americans, that donald trump was the type of guy who would talk about women the way dein that tape. Enter mcmullin, a utah native, practicing more mom, former cia officer and capitol hill staffer. What he lacks in National Profile hes made up for in increasing momentum in the state, steadily creeping up in the polls for months, trumps tape has sparked a moment for mcmullin and his running mate, mindy finn, one that has them leading in the state according to one recent poll. What theyll tell us is youre offering a glimmering of light the in what has been a sea of darkness in this election. Mcmullins goals are twofold. First, open the door to this exceedingly unlikely scenario. And weve said that if the race is very, very close between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, we could win a state or two ask block them both and take the election to the house. But second, and given recent polling most importantly for mcmullin and fin, create an alternative to those turned off by trump. If Hillary Clinton is dominating donald trump, what the outcome here in utah and other states doesnt matter quite as much. Were saying even in that case, stand on principal, stand for what you know is right. Stand for the kind of leadership you would like to see in this country and lets build from there. A lot to talk about here. Joining me now live via skype from washington is cnn politics reporter eugene scott. Eugene, always a pleasure to have you. Lets talk about this situation with the state of utah. Trumps troubles there, it has been 52 years since that state supported any nominee other than republican. This would be significant if utah did not go for the republican. It really will be a big deal. As you mentioned, it will be history making. But i think its important to realize that utah voters have not been on the trump train for a while. You remember that senator ted cruz stay won that state in a primary and we have seen that gradual lack of support increase following the videotape where donald trump discussed how he handles women within the conversation with billy bush. Also, eugene, i want to talk about this situation with Hillary Clintons email troubles, these hacked emails from john podesta and this latest batch talking about the u. S. Vice president al gore. This constant drip as we get close to election day, eugene, does this hurricane Hillary Clinton significantly . Are there any smoking guns so far . It doesnt seem to be. At this point, its just mainly for voters interests at this point. Nothing is coming out that has made her have a significant decrease in the polls for voters. Nothing has come out that has been a smoking gun. But that certainly has not kept the Trump Campaign for criticizing Hillary Clinton and the emails and trying to create mistrust in her and what she could do as a president. No more debates to be had, eugene. Its just down to these candidates hitting the trail, doing their best to get those lastminute, those independent or swing voters. But when it comes to women voters and donald trump, from what we have seen from the last debate performance, does he have a problem with women voters and will he be able to overcome that . At this rate, it honestly does not appear to be something he can overcome. With each week, there seems to be something coming from the campaign. The most recent example was the nasty woman comment lodged at Hillary Clinton. Whether or not he can get more surrogates who can get with on the trail and encourage fewer women voters to leave his support remains to be seen. But honestly, at this point, it looks like a demographic that is lost but its still early and perhaps we shouldnt call it yet. Shouldnt call it yet, for sure. We have to wait until november 8th to see what happens. Those candidates doing their best to get those lastminute voters. Eugene scott, live for us in washington. Eugene never sleeps. Hes always here for our voters to give perspective around the world. Thank you for your time. Thank you. This is cnn newsroom. Still ahead, the president of the philippines stunned the world when he announced his country would separate from a longtime ally. Is he now walkinging back those comments about the United States . Well tell you what hes saying, ahead. Audi pilotless vehicles have conquered highways, mountains, and racetracks. And now much of that same advanced technology is found in the audi a4. With one notable difference. The highly advanced audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. You are watching cnn newsroom. Its always good to have you with us. Im George Howell with the headlines were following for you this hour. The Iraqi Military has launched a large scale offensive to retake the key city of kirokush about nine miles to the southeast of mosul. The military says it has killed at least 50 isis militant and it has destroyed some equipment. Were getting word of advancement on another town just to the north of mosul. Iraqs Prime Minister is offering extra Security Forces into kirkuk. 175 kilometers or about 170 meals to the southeast of mosul. This comes after isis mill at that points attacked police stations and Kurdish Security buildings in that city sparking gun battles. It is thought isis may be trying to divert iraqi forces away from mosul. Tear gas could have caused evacuations of the London City Airport on friday. Officials say they found a can of cs gas spray which might have been discharged accidentally. Authorities are investigating whether a passenger got rid of the canister before checking in. Mexican authorities have arrested a possible mastermind behind the disappearance of 43 students. The former police chief of the city of iguala has been captured after two years on the run. Officials are now hoping Felipe Flores vasquez could help the prosecutors. It is believed the students were handed to a gang, they were then killed and their remains tossed into a river. Were continuing to follow the story out of london. Tear goose could have caused the evacuation of that citys airport, the London City Airport friday. Officials say they found that can of cs gas spray. Well continue to follow that if we hear more information from officials about what happened. Moving on now, the president of the philippines, rodrigo due tear take appears to be walking back comments that he made about his country possibly separating from a longtime ally. The United States. In beijing thursday, mr. Duterte seemed to suggest that he would receiver military and economic ties with the u. S. But at a News Conference on friday, he insisted that will not happen. Its not severance of ties. Severance of ties, you cut the diplomatic relations. I cannot do that. Why . Its in the best interest of my country that we maintain that relationship. Why . Because there are many filipinos in the United States. Or americans of filipino ancestry. Why . Because the people of my country is not ready to accept i said separation. What i was saying was separation of a foreign policy. Cnns will ripley was at a News Conference with president duterte. He said one thing. Hes now saying another. What more can you tell us about what seems to be damage control and the fallout from it . And we saw that damage control, george, happening from officials here in the philippines even when president duterte was still in china, saying the philippines doesnt intend to walk away from any of its long standing treaties from the United States. Yet the antiamerican rhetoric from the president here continued. At one point, he told american officials that they could go to hell. Its language that is very troubling for some filipinos, but others are on their president s side. A slice of americana in the middle of manila, serving up burgers, fries and friendship between the u. S. And the philippines. I announce my separation from the United States. A 70year bond, the New Philippines president duterte seems ready to exchange for tourism, hones from china. The new antiamerican rhetoric doesnt sit well with him. I am very disappointed that he wants to cut the ties with the americans and enter into a relationship with china. He doesnt understand why duterte is so willing to overlook chinas aggressive claim to most of the South China Sea. A recent poll found most filipinos have little trust in china and much trust in the United States. So by pivoting towards china and away from the u. S. , the philippines populist president seems to be out of sync with many of the people who got him elected. Near one of the philippines largest Roman Catholic churches, a marketplace full of dutertes demographic, usually more than happy to speak about their president on camera. The silence, a sign of the divisive tone of dutertes presidency. Locals say anyone who openly criticizes duterte is swiftly and sometimes viciously attacked. What do you think when he says he wants to separate from america . I dont think so. This Street Vendor worries the president s words could hurt her country. Poverty, crime and lack of infrastructure continue to plague this nation of 110 million. Ian saying hes proud of his president for taking a stand against the u. S. , even when duterte used vulgar language to describe president obama. What do you think when he using language like son of a whore when talking about the american president . I have nothing against that. It doesnt matter what you say, but its how he is it. Hes just being real. Are you aware he could provoke other countries be being so real . It doesnt really matter. Its about standing up for your people. The same people who stand to win or lose from dutertes risky power play between the worlds super powers. Will ripley, with again, joining us live. It was interesting to hear the opinions of people about the president that they elected to office. But lets also talk about his unscripted, many times ding rogtory comments that are made. What can you tell us about your experience, to be in that hall, in that News Conference and to ask questions of president duterte. It was very interesting being in the room last night, george, and seeing and experiencing how people react to president duterte. It was overwhelmingly the Filipino Press core. These are people that listen to him say a lot of things. In the course of one answer about the european union, he used the f word, the b word and the a word all in three different sentences. Then he kind of gave almost a little smile and the room broke out in laughter. Its almost as if people are so accustom to this language that they think hes joking. One person gave me the analogy that hes like the crazy uncle that says something at the dinner terrible and everyone looked down awkwardly at their plate. At one point a female reporter asked her a question and he said hold on a minute, i want to look at her. Keep in mind, people do admire very much his popularity ratings are very high here, above 80 , close to 90 . They admire the civic programs that he has championed. They think hes work to go crack down on crime and corruption in this country. But he has essentially given Police Officers here a license to shoot to kill without trial and hes accused of having death squads in the city where i am now. Certainly a controversial figure here. Controversial, indeed. Will, thank you for the reporting. At least 70 people are dead and 300 others injured after a packed passenger train derailed in cameroon. Rescue workers pulled dozens of people from the overturned cars. That train was traveling between the capital city and cam b roans economic hub. It is still unclear what caused this accident. Eight extra cars were added earlier to that train to accommodate extra passengers. The countrys Election Council halted a petition to halt the president. Venezuelas court says many signatures on the petition were fraudule fraudulent. The opposition claims this deepens the crisis that country is experiencing. It could be one of the biggest mergers of the decades. We will tell you who is in talk toes buy time warner. Stay with us. Watch the weak side ah, the time honored tradition of yelling out your own plays and opinions. Want some . Im on a cleanse. Its four days of vegetables and raw food 54 is the mic sure, no one on the team can hear her but does that stop her . Check out of it not one bit. And much like coach hindsight over here, courtyard is all about the game. Eight men in the box is that a good thing . Not if we run the ball its not welcome back to news room. Im George Howell. There are reports that at t is in talk toes buy time warner. That is the Parent Company of cnn. Theres speculation a deal could come as soon as this weekend. Brian stellter has more on what could happen if this deal goes through. This could be one of the biggest media mergers of the decade. Were talking about at t, one of the biggest wireless providers in the United States, poeshlgly coming together with time warner, the Parent Company of cnn, hbo and warner brothers. Right now, neither sides is commenting on these talks, but according to the wall street journal and bloomberg, these talks are now very serious and a deal could be struck as early as monday. According to the journal, there is a desire to get this done by monday morning because at t is concerned about other potential bidders for time warner. So let me unpack whats going on here. A couple years ago, Rupert Murdoch made a bid for time warn warner. He made an 85 a share bid for time warner in the summer of 2014 which was rejected at the time. Now, senior sources back then indicated there would be interest in other bidders in a couple of years. And now here we are, a couple of years later. And time warner is at least unofficially on the block, up for sale. The time warner ceo, jeff bucus, is reportedly a willing seller at the right place and what we dont know is what the right price could be. Time warner stock was trading around 80 before these reports on thursday. It is bummed up to closer to 90 as of friday afternoon. Presumably a bid from at t would be somewhere above that 90 price range. Time warner owns a number of cable can channels. It is a pure play Video Company meaning what it provides is news Ask Entertainment through television and through the internet. Thats something very valuable to Companies Like at t, google, apple and others. At t very specifically has a huge wireless business, but wants to own more of the content that people consume through their iphones and through other devices. Thats why at t is making this effort right now and Companies Like apple are keeping a close eye on it. They could very well enter this fray, try to make their own play for time warner in the hours and days to come. Back to you. Police say a white powder that was sent to Hillary Clintons Campaign Office in new york has tested negative for harmful substances. It was then sent to her Brooklyn Campaign headquarters, which was then evacuated. Four staffers were examined by doctors. All are okay. Police are also investigating this incident. People around the world are closely following the u. S. Election and some are drawing a comparison between donald trump and the president of nigeria. Our david mackenzy has more on that. At the weekend market in the of nigeria, Ibrahim Mohammed has followed every u. S. Election. He says business and politics should not mix. Trump is a business person, he says. He learned how to trade. Hes a trader. If he wants to be a politician, he should learn politics. As for trumps sexist comments, mohammed has a unique suggestion. If trump wants to say he doesnt respect woman b, he should go and divorce his wife and marry a man like him. Here in nigeria just like all around the world, people are focusing on the american elections and theres parallels. Recently, president Mohammed Bahari says said his wife belongs in his kitchen. He woman should not eduma says nigerias first lady shouldnt comment on politics, but Hillary Clintons place, she says, is in the white house. For the first time in the history of america, a woman is coming out and positively to represent not only the women folk, but anybody who is democratic in nature. We did find one trump supporter. He supports trump. It is not right. Two supporters, in fact. Austin says one president clinton was just enough. Who do you think is going to win the elections . I give it to trump. Abujr sits in the north and christian side. He says trumps talk of banning muslims is just that, talk. Still, god willing, he says, Hillary Clinton will defeat trump. Some say god is exactly what America Needs right now. Pray for them. David mackenzy, cnn, nigeria. He says lets pray for us. November 8, that will be the day this election is decided. Still ahead, he has movie star looks, bright green eyes that some say are hypnotic and now a tea seller in pakistan has fans around the world. Well introduce you as cnn newsroom continues. Newsroom continues. Sthoo down came the rain. And clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. Luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. Water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. He got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. His sleep number setting is 25. Call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. In pakistan, a tea seller is burning up the internet and hes winning fans all over the world. Robin kerno has this story for us. To overnight internet sensation, ashad khan was catapulted to fame after a photographer posted this shot on him on instagram last sunday along with the caption hot tea. The photo went viral, generating thousands of likes, shares and comments with many admirers swooning over khans good looks and eyes. Since this morning, girls and boys are coming and showing me the picture and taking pictures of me. Khan says hes nationalered, but a little baffled by all the attention. I was very happy, but i didnt know how this happened or who took the picture or how it went so far. So i got quite worried. It was all very baffling. All the attention has paid off for khan. In less than a week, hes landed a modeling contract ask theres talk of a possible film career. Sfwlt i havent thought about movies because its not been done by anyone in our family. If i can find some clean, honorable work, i will certainly do it. And thanks to social media, he may never have to serve another cup of tea again. From tea to the internet. We thank you for joining us. Im George Howell at the cnn center in atlanta. For ow viewers in the United States, new day is next. For other viewers around the world, the best of quest is next. Thank you for watching cnn, the worlds new leader. The highly advanced audi a4. Every time i travel, its the moments that are most rewarding. Because if you let yourself embrace them, youll never forget them. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. Join or link accounts at members. Marriott. Com. Remember, folks, its a rigged system. Thats why youve got to get out and vote. Youve got to watch, because this system is totally rigged. Make no mistake, but doing that, he is threatening our democracy. We still have a path to 270 through several different ways. We will win. We will shock the world. This is going to be brexit plus. We know in our country the difference between leadership and dictatorship. Wave bunch of babies

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