Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180805 09:00:00 : v

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180805 09:00:00

The latest news from around the world.
neighborhood rebuild after last year's fire wiped out nearly everything. welcome to our viewers here in the u.s. and all around the world. i'm natalie allen live to you from atlanta this is "cnn newsroom." thanks for joining us. venezuelan president nicolas maduro says he has survived an assassination attempt and now promises to find those responsible. mr. maduro says drones detonated explosives near him during a military ceremony. you can see him and his wife right there react to the first explosion. then there was a second, and soldiers broke ranks and scattered. video also shows bodyguards surrounding mr. maduro with shields and taking him off the stage. hours later, he addressed the nation again and he seemed unharmed. he revisited a conspiracy theory
of -- that has been going on for the last couple of years. of course, we'll have to wait to see the evidence to see what was really behind it. it is very possible that it could have been an attempt. there have been a couple of others this year. but also some people say it was, you know, something organized by the government in order to drum up support for it. the government does regularly make accusations of conspiracies from abroad and in this case, he's accused colombia and venezuelans living in the united states. there is a real attempt, that would certainly show how vulnerable the government is, because the situation is very untenable for most people living in venezuela. if the government -- if it was a made up event, if it was something that the government constructed itself, it also shows its vulnerability. for the dissatisfaction of life. they have announced a new
economic plan that will supposedly save the economy, but i think many outside economists do not have faith in that plan. so we are unlikely to see a dramatic improvement in living standards in venezuela very soon. >> another top story we're following here, sources close to the white house tell cnn that president trump is worried his family will get called up in the russia investigation led by the special counsel robert mueller. mr. trump is said to be especially concerned about his son don jr. though the president's attorney rudy giuliani denied that in a statement to cnn. even so, the president may have reason to worry. mueller has been looking into the meeting at trump tower that don jr. held with a group of russians during the campaign. if don jr. was lying when he told congress under oath that his father did not know about the meeting at the time, he could be charged with a crime. u.s. first lady melania
trump is defending nba star lebron james after her husband insulted the nba player for giving an exclusive interview to cnn's don lemon. a spokeswoman for mrs. trump praised james for his charity work with children and said the first lady was open to visiting the new public school james has opened in ohio. in a statement to cnn, the spokeswoman said, as you know, mrs. trump has traveled to the country and world talking to children about their well-being, healthy living and the importance of responsible online behavior with her be best initiative. her platform centers around visiting organizations, hospitals and schools and she would be open to visiting the i promise school in akron. well, that is certainly in sharp contrast to this dig from her husband friday night. he tweeted this. lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart, which
president, et cetera, et cetera, there is nothing dissuading his base from following him 100%. do you think that will continue to persist? >> well, there is nothing disseminating those people that show up at trump rallies, some of whom shout at journalists fake news from believing in trump. but the question is how many of those people are out there? we know donald trump's popularity ratings are roughly around the same, around about 40% as they have been since the start of the presidency, we know that democrats have about a 9 to 10% lead in projecting congressional races, so what does this base mean? i think you have to put this in wider context there is some people that will support donald trump come hell or high water, but the majority of americans either do not or are still making up their minds and that's going to be the narrative we see all the way to november. >> to the lebron james story and the president's attack on him
and cnn's don lemon via tweet. the president cedes over the media, constantly at war with cnn, yet apparently he's watching it. so what do you make of that and what do you make of his attacks here at lebron james and his wife, melania, being completely opposite of her husband on this? >> well, where do we start? i mean, partly it is a strategy. if donald trump has a strategy that is, look, he's going to make people support him or choose him over all these evil journalists at cnn, at other outlets and evil academics who keep pointing out the facts. but on top of that, look, let's be honest, his ego. he got really upset when lebron james told don lemon he would not sit down with trump, he would sit down with barack obama for a one on one. and then there is a third element, let's be honest here, what do lebron james, many players in the national football league, who donald trump have condemned, don lemon, and representative maxine waters who
trump uses as a punching bag, what do they all have in common? there may be a racial element here. >> also, it is interesting that melania trump differs from her husband, his intelligence over the russia investigation differs from mr. trump and ivanka trump was asked is the press an enemy of state and her answer was no. we're out of time. thank you for your insights. we appreciate it. >> thank you. we mentioned the owe owe rally and president trump's visit there. his political clout is on the line in that state. on tuesday as we mentioned, voters there go to the polls in a special election, the last such contest before the november midterms and the president is using his star power to energize his base, hoping to avoid losing another republican seat to a democrat. but, mr. trump dismissed the possibility of republicans getting crushed in november. here he is.
>> they're talking about this blue wave. i don't think so. i don't think so. maxine waters is leading the -- maxine. she's a real beauty. maxine. a seriously low iq person. seriously. maxine waters. >> that was the attack as you can see on maxine waters that scott just referenced in our interview. she is a democrat, an african-american woman and frequent target of mr. trump's insults. boris sanchez was traveling with the president in ohio. >> reporter: president trump making his way to just outside columbus, ohio, on saturday, to the 12th congressional district to campaign for a special election candidate that is in a dead heat with a democrat, troy bolderson running against danny
o'connor in a race that should not be this close. frankly we wouldn't be talking about the 12th congressional district were it not for president trump, as it has been ruby red for decades. president trump won it by 11 points, but a recent poll shows that the two candidates are in a virtual tie, a 1 percentage point difference between the two. president trump came here on saturday to try to prevent a blue wave that many have speculated is headed to congress in the november midterm elections. now, president trump spent the majority of his speech touting his agenda, success in the economy, and bashing his enemies including democrats and, of course, the media. the president did mention the russia investigation, yet again calling it a hoax, and pushing the idea that the united states has to be prepared from cyberattacks from a lot of different actors. listen to this. >> we got to stop it. we got to stop meddling. we got to stop everybody from attacking us, but there are a lot, russia's there, china's
there, hey, we're doing well with north korea, but they're probably there. we got to stop everybody. >> there was also an unexpected guest here for president trump's speech. former communications director hope hicks, who, of course, resigned from the administration in february, white house officials say that her presence here should not signal a return. essentially telling cnn that it doesn't mean much more than just a friendly visit. boris sanchez, cnn, traveling with the president outside columbus, ohio. funerals in zimbabwe have begun for those killed in post election violence as the opposition refuses to concede. we'll have the latest for you coming next on that story. plus, firefighters in portugal battling a dangerous wildfire as much as europe continues to swelter in intense heat. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel.
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that they haven't done so yet. and this weekend there were funerals of those killed in the violence that broke out last week after this disputed poll. the president-elect said he welcomed the opposition taking their dispute to the courts here in zimbabwe, but there are growing calls in the region and in the continent for the opposition to concede defeat. but so far this dispute continues, leaving this country in a potentially difficult limbo as it tries to move beyond years of economic stagnation. david mckenzie, cnn, herare. a hurricane is turning toward hawaii. hurricane hector is a category 3 storm. while it is over 1,000 miles away, hawaiian officials are urging people to prepare emergency kits. they recommend stocking a minimum of 14 days of food, water and other supplies. elsewhere, more than 700
firefighters are battling a forest fire in southern portugal, two villages were evacuated when flames erupted saturday and ten water carrying aircraft were deployed. iberian peninsula has been experiencing near record high temperatures, extreme heat wave has been stifling much of europe. it has been deadly and also brought drought and fires from greece to sweden. it just seems like these are the pictures we see over and over again this summer. ivan cabrera is here with more. >> we have been seeing it in california, incredible with the heat wave and now portugal as well. it was only last year in portugal where we had fatalities of 100 people because of those brushfires. so they are sending basically man on deck here, talking about temperatures that once again have been reaching the mid-40s. this is the number here, 48 degrees, that doesn't sound like a big number to the u.s. but that's 118.
we can breathe a sigh of relief this record, i think, is safe with athens. we're not going to get to the upper 40s, which would be 118. but we have been and will continue to be in the mid-40s. that's hot enough. that's 100 plus degrees, we're talking 110 degrees, 104. you get the idea. 40 to 45 where we should be in the 20s and 30s. that's not going to be the case. this is where the fire is. southern portugal there, you see the temperatures, not going to be cooperating with fire-fighting efforts with temperatures into the 40s. relief on the way as we have been talking about this pattern will begin to break down finally. orange, midlevels of the atmosphere, that's dry air. all that air is sinking, compressing, a ing compressing, as it does, it heats up big time. a couple more days, still far away, but look at the numbers and the different colors here, from 40s to 30s to 20s, from
100s to temperatures in the 70s. that's going to be a huge difference. not so much in madrid, but even there temperatures are ticking down. not like lisbon, going to fall back in the mid-20s tuesday, wednesday and thursday. the rest of europe, not looking bad with temps in the 20s and 30s. it will warm up across central europe. let's talk about hurricane hector in the eastern and pacific. a brand-new advisory from the national hurricane center, now down to a category 3. when i spoke to you last hour, it was a cat 4. it has peaked basically. and we're dealing with winds of 125 miles an hour. i say we, but really nobody, it is in the middle of nowhere here. we'll widen the shot and see 1300 miles away from the hawaiian islands. will it make a pass of the islands? yes, that will happen. as far as what kind of impact we're talking about, just too far out. you have to hang out here with us and keep checking back as forecasts will likely change over the next several days. there you see the cone, and as you know, natalie, that cone could move further south that would be great.
but if it moves a bit further north, then we have to pay attention to hawaii why the emergency officials have been telling folks to get ready just in case. that's where we have the volcano as well. >> yeah. >> they need this. >> they don't need it. >> not at all. >> ivan, thank you. we'll get back to all of these fires that we keep talking about. california is getting federal disaster relief to help shasta county where the massive carr fire continues to burn. what started nearly two weeks ago as sparks from a flat tire has now become the sixth most destructive wildfire in california history. it has consumed about 141,000 acres or 57,000 hectares. they have contained 41% of the fire. look at the aftermath there. as 17 large wildfires continue to rage up and down california, we want to pause now and revisit a santa rosa neighborhood that is in the wine
country that was completely wiped out. you may remember by a fire last year. our dan simon talks with some people still rebuilding from california's most destructive wildfire. >> reporter: the tubs fire last october left an endless trail of destruction, the worst wildfire in california history, it destroyed more than 3,000 homes. almost half of them in one neighborhood, coffey park. >> it is like wow. just can't -- you can't put words to it. >> reporter: we met john weber and his wife jodie last fall as they walked through the charred debris of the house they lived in for 30 years. what has been the most overwhelming aspect to all of this? >> everything is gone. everything is gone. it is unbelievable that a fire could destroy a whole subdivision. >> reporter: but now ten months later, coffey park is on the rebound. the ashes and twisted metal have
been removed and one by one the houses are being rebuilt. hundreds of homes are currently under construction, with hundreds more slated to begin over the next few months. no one really knows how long it will take for the community to fully recover, but the quiet scenes of wreckage have been replaced by power tools and heavy equipment. >> i kind of prefer this to the dead silence. it was just eerie, like, surreal. >> this was a dining room. >> reporter: we met john at the same spot, where soon construction workers will break ground on his new house. the story of coffey park's resurgence perhaps could be an inspirational one to the community of redding, california, now grappling with another historic wildfire. more than a thousand homes there destroyed. for the people there feeling totally hopeless right now, what do you tell them? >> reach out to your neighbors, friends, family.
comfort each other. reassure each other. >> reporter: what really helped, he says, is his neighbors formed a support group called coffey strong to talk about rebuilding their lives and their homes. >> setting aside time to mourn, to be sad, cry, go ahead and cry, but group together with your friends and neighbors and you might be able to pull some strings from them. >> reporter: simple yet meaningful advice from someone who has been there. dan simon, cnn, santa rosa, california. north korea calls recent moves by the united states alarming. could the optimistic glow after the trump/kim summit be fading? we'll talk about that coming up here in a live interview. why a minority group is leading massive protests against the government. we'll go live to israel for the latest. you're watching "cnn newsroom."
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i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom" live from atlanta. i'm natalie allen. here are our top stories. venezuelan president nicolas maduro is blaming an international right wing plot for what he calls an assassination attempt. officials say drones detonated explosives near him while he was giving a speech on saturday. you can see here many people running from that. he's accusing the outgoing colombian president of being behind the apparent attack. the colombian government denies any involvement. the kremlin named american
martial arts actor steven segal as the new special envoy. the ministry of foreign affairs says segal will promote u.s. and russia relations through cultural and youth exchanges. the actor became a russian citizen in 2016. 11 of the boys from thailand saved from a dark flooded cave are honoring their rescuers and the one who died trying to reach them. on saturday, they participated in a traditional buddhist ceremony in memory of the man. the boys and their soccer coach wrapped up nine days of training as monks. melania trump is defending lebron james after her husband insulted the nba star for giving an exclusive interview to cnn's don lemon. a spokeswoman for mrs. trump jam praised james for his charity work with children and said she was opening to visiting the new
public school that james opened in ohio. mrs. trump broke ranks with her husband after cnn anchor don lemon used her be best hash tag in a tweet. lemon was responding to this dig from the president. lebron james was just interviewed, mr. trump tweeted, by the dumbest man on television, don lemon. he made lebron look smart. which isn't easy to do. in that interview, james was very blunt in his criticism of the president. here's a portion of what he said. >> you've heard what the man in charge -- you've heard what the president said about marshawn, about steph, about, you know, it seems like it is -- >> kaepernick. >> kaepernick, men of color who have means and a platform. what is up with that? >> we'll start with that's all wrong, it is not up, it is down. for him to, like i said, use sports to kind of divide us is something i can't -- i can't sit
back and not say nothing. >> you tweeted about a couple of -- you tweeted about -- you tweeted about when steph curry, he call him -- you called him a bum because he -- steph said i'm not going to the white house. >> he already said he wasn't going and he tried to use it after that to say well, you're not invited. you can't uninvite me to something i already said i'm not going to. we know steph curry, model citizen, great kid, comes from a great background, great family, great father, so many kids, white, black, hispanic, all different races, love what he's doing and rightfully so. there is no reason for anyone to ever attack him, you know. and that's -- i felt that. >> whenever there is something, like he's in trouble, he can't wiggle his way out of something, he'll bring up the national anthem thing and kneeling or standing. do you think he uses black athletes as a scapegoat in. >> at times. at times. and more often than not.
i believe he uses anything that's popular to try to negate people from thinking about the positive things that they can actually be doing and try to just get our minds to not be as sharp as possible right then, just to, you know, from kneeling, football players kneeling, look at kaepernick, who was a protesting something he believed in, and he did it in the most calm fashion way possible, very respectful, did all his due diligence, knowledgeable about it and everyone knew why he did it, look at the nfl players still kneeling, look at steph, look at marshawn lynch, you look at all the instances where he's trying to divide our sport, but at the end of the day, sport is the reason why we all come together. >> what with you say to the president if he's sitting right here? >> i would never sit across from him. >> you would never. you wouldn't talk to him? >> no. i sit across from barack, though. >> former nba great michael jordan also came to james' defense. the president in his tweet also
said, i like mike, presumably referring to jordan. but, jordan fired back, through a spokeswoman saying, i support lebron james. he's doing an amazing job for his community. north korea is pushing back against u.s. diplomacy. u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo shared a handshake with his north korean counterpart. this after the foreign minister was given a letter from president trump to deliver to north korean leader kim jong-un. let's talk more about the developments with kenneth choi, international editor for the newspaper, he joins us now from seoul, south korea. thank you for being with us. we appreciate you joining us. first of all, let's talk about north korea, not happy with the latest comments from the u.s. calling it alarming. here is what the north korean foreign minister was referring to, the u.s. secretary of state
mike pompeo said this saturday at the asean summit in singapore. >> we have seen reports that russia is allowing for joint ventures of north korean firms and giving new work permits. if these reports prove accurate and we have every reason to believe they are, that would be in violation of u.n. security council resolution 2375. i want to remind every nation, that supported the resolutions, that this is a serious issue and something that we will discuss with moscow. >> is there any reason for the u.s. not to encourage the continuation of sanctions on north korea from what we know about what they are or aren't doing? >> actually what the u.s. is doing probably the right -- staying on the right course because north korea hasn't given up really much about the nuclear dismantlement. north korea sent the 55 remains of the u.s. soldiers in the
korean war. it has -- the icbm launching pact, the nuclear facilities, but these are peripheral compared to the actual nuclear dismantlement program. so far i think north koreans are trying to push how far they can push around president trump and see how much room they have because right now they're pretty dire about their economic revival. and economy is not going anywhere, the sanctions are still put in place, they have been trying to struggle the oils and so on. and all these things shows how serious situation they're in on economic terms. so on a political terms, with the nuclear dismantlement program, they're trying to push around and see how much room they have and try to buy more time as much as they can. their number one priority is to get the end of the war declaration, which, i think, you
know, should come after they at least give up some sort of -- the list of the nuclear facilities in north korea, the list of north korean nuclear sanctions and so on. there has to be a concrete evidence they are actually moving into this dismantlement program, otherwise u.s. is on the right course and -- >> a catch-22. they want that declaration now. the u.s. and its allies are saying no way until you make some concrete steps. then there is the new independent report that came out this weekend, that indicates north korea isn't making any moves in the right direction, flouting sanctions, continuing the nuclear ambitions. so with that news, where does that leave north korea trying to convince otherwise that it is cooperating? >> well, north korea has been doing this for the past 25, 30 years. here we go again. they have been coming out and they turn around and do different things.
so it remains to be seen. that's why the experts in the u.s., experts in south korea, dealing with north korea the past 30 year, they have been keep saying that, you are to see something with a concrete evidence that north korea is actually moving into this nuclear dismantlement program procedure. otherwise, you have to stay put. and right now it seems like north korea, they infused the -- they are not even -- they didn't even have a formal with secretary pompeo and so on, this indicates they are trying to push how far they can go and when they're put in a corner, they probably come out and say, okay, we will try to do something. >> you've covered this for quite some time. what do you make of north korea that we're dealing with now. is there anything new here? is there any serious refreshing attitude that you can see from north korea?
>> well, the only refreshing new attitude i see is that they are exchanging letters with president of the united states. that's the only thing that is different from the past. and my opinion, you know, whatever they're doing, it is sort of inconceivable for them to give up nuclear program, unless they get security guarantee. but, again, as you said, catch-22. and north korea has been violating all these things before. and we have seen all these. and, you know, we believe that north korea must come out with something different this time, other than last time, because president trump is not a conventional american president. he's very unconventional and there are a lot of tactics he can do with very unconventional manners. so the time is not on north korea, the time is on us. and i think north korea should realize that, you know, even though it seems like president trump is eyeing on the november election next year, but that's not really the time set for the
north koreans. north koreans, they have to come up with some sort of concrete plans to dismantle the program, relatively short period of time. because if they don't do it, we'll be really -- >> they are dealing with an unconventional u.s. president to be sure. so we'll continue to watch the dynamics play out. hope for the best there. kenneth choi, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. israel's new law sparks massive protests in the streets from a minority group that is usually considered loyal to the state. we'll have a live report about it coming up. can be relentless. tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
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for a seventh day, students take to the streets of bangladesh, the protests beginning after a speeding bus ran into a group of teenagers last sunday, killing two of them. since then, students have blocked streets and brought traffic to a stand still in the c capital, dhaka. police fired tear gas and used batons to try to disperse the crowd saturday. more than two dozen protesters were injured by police. israel is facing the biggest backlash yet over a new law declaring the country a jewish state. the druze minority led a massive protest in tel aviv on saturday, demanding that the law be rescinded. they say it downgrades them to second class citizens. prime minister benjamin netanyahu denies the law
infringes on their rights. oren lieberman joins us from jerusalem. what are their chances of convincing mr. netanyahu otherwise? >> reporter: well, prime minister netanyahu said at the weekly cabinet meeting he would appoint a special ministerial committee to find ways to work with the druze community, but he did not say he's willing to change the law itself. now it is important here to clarify what the problem is that the druze have with the law. it is not that israel is a jewish state. they have supported that. they share support, the issue is that the law makes no mention of minorities, the druze, equality, democracy, or minority rights. and that's why they say they feel second class citizens and that is criticism we have heard from many who have criticized this law as being some of the harshest criticism called this law a racist law. what the druze want is some sort of amendment to the law that acknowledges their commitment to the state and gives them equal
rights specifically within the law. it is because they haven't had this yet that they organized one of the biggest protests, the biggest protest we have seen against the law. tens of thousands of protesters led by the druze went to tel aviv central holding mostly israeli flags and the druze flag. whenever there was a point made by one of the speakers that the crowd agreed with, they would shout equality and that gives you a sense of how much anger there is and what specifically their anger is about. now, it wasn't just druze protesting here. israeli -- israeli mayor of tel aviv said, this is paraphrasing his quote, he said before this law, israel was a jewish and democratic state. following this law, he paraphrasing, israeli citizens are not treated equally. that's the problem what critics see as the pro be with thblem w.
netanyahu in follow-up meetings with the druze, the meetings fell apart, much of the anger very much on display on saturday night. it is important to note that the druze are only a small subset here. less than 150,000 druze live in israel. but they participate in every aspect of israeli society, from the military to israel's parliament and they're supported from across the political spectrum here and that is why their protest here is so poignant. >> we'll see where this leads, oren lieberman, thank you very much. a red tide is poisoning florida's gulf coast and killing thousands of marine animals. we'll tell you what authorities are trying to do to stop the deadly tide coming next here. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel.
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>> reporter: a toxic algae bloom is encroaching on southwest florida, and it is being described as the longest running red tide outbreak since 2006. so what is red tide? it is harmful algae bloom. >> we're on the inland side of boca grande now and it doesn't get any more sad than this. you have manatee decomposing. >> reporter: the number of dead fish, manatee and sea turtles continues to climb as the red tide outbreak extends along the coastline. it is killing sharks and other marine life. the toxins on the shoreline can cause itchy eyes, coughing and respiratory problems in people who come in contact with the algae. and make some shell fish unsafe to eat. the smell is so strong, locals say, it is simply unbearable. >> the stench is awful. awful, awful, awful. can't breathe, need a mask. >> reporter: on wednesday, governor rick scott directed the
state's environmental agency to give lee county $700,000 to kill the algae and remove it from various areas in southwestern florida. the money is part of an executive order issued last month. >> i still get frustrated with the federal government they have not been a great partner because hopefully, you know, if they funded all the projects that should be funded like the state has been doing over the last seven and a half years, some of these things may not have happened. >> reporter: how long will this last? in a case like this, which lasted more than nine months, it could go a year or more, making it very difficult to control. rosa flores, cnn, miami. >> what a sad story there. we're going to end with this one. we all deserve some pampering every once in a while. we have pampering for elephants for you. elephants in india's compound national forest are spending seven days at a rejuvenation camp to help them stay fit and stress free. look at that. they're given taily massages and
healthy meals. the spa treatment is designed to give them a much needed break from their daily chores, which includes patrolling the national park. don't they deserve it? so cute. thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen. for viewers in north america, "new day" is up next. for everyone else, stay with us for "erin burnett out front." i'll be right back with the headlines. thanks for watching.
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Gas , Citizens , Benjamin Netanyahu , Protest , Class , Tel Aviv , Rights , Cabinet Meeting , Prime Minister , Chances , Oren Lieberman , Jerusalem , Committee , Ways , Druze , Problem , Equality , Democracy , Minorities , Minority Rights , Mention , Commitment , Want , Amendment , Tens Of Thousands , Anger , Flags , Flag , Crowd , Sense , Speakers , Mayor , Quote , Wasn T , He Paraphrasing , Jewish , Pro , Critics , Meetings , Much , Display , Subset , Thblemw Netanyahu , Saturday Night , 150000 , Military , Spectrum , Parliament , Israeli Society , Red Tide , Florida , Tide , Leads , Thousands , Killing , Animals , Authorities , Gulf Coast , My Day Ou , Buty , Stelara , Everywhere , Crohns Disease , Remission , Cancer , Studies , Dosing , Immune System , Hospitalization , 8 , Problems , Have , Headaches , Needs , Skin Growths , Sores , Seizures , Confusion , Vision Problems , Reactions , Crohn , Signs , Brain Condition , Ingredients , Outbreak , Algae Bloom , Southwest Florida , Running Red Tide , 2006 , Algae , Side , Fish , Boca Grande , Manatee Decomposing , Toxins , Sharks , Coughing , Coastline , Shoreline , Sea Turtles , Eyes , Manatee , Smell , Rick Scott , Contact , Stench , Shell Fish , Awful , Cant Breathe , Locals , Money , Executive Order , Part , Directed The States Environmental Agency , Areas , Lee County , 00000 , 700000 , Projects , Hopefully , Partner , Seven , More , Rosa Flores , Miami , Elephants , Stress , Pampering , Rejuvenation Camp , Indias Compound National Forest , Spa Treatment , Break , Massages , Meals , Chores , National Park , Detaily , Everyone Else , Headlines , Don T , North America , New Day , Erin Burnett Out Front , Watching ,

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