Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20201121 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20201121

welcome to you our viewers in the united states, canada and around the world. this is "cnn newsroom." ♪ covid-19 is spreading so quickly across the united states that one million americans have tested positive in just the past week. friday set a new u.s. record. more than 195,000 new cases in a single day. the country is now approaching 12 million total cases since the pandemic began. the number of people admitted to hospital for treatment has skyrocketed to the highest levels yet. medical facilities are feeling the strain. among those who recently tested positive, another member of president trump's immediate family, his eldest son, don jr., also rudy giuliani, a special assistant to mr. trump and the son of personal attorney rudy giuliani. with thanksgiving days away, the cdc is once again urging americans to wear face masks. more than half of all cases being spread are dodge so by those who are asymptomatic. cnn's alexander field has more. >> another major step towards a vaccine. phaser applied for approval of their vaccine which means the first doses of a vaccine may be as close as three weeks away and some of the most high risk americans, like health care workers, could receive both doses of the vaccine by early january. >> we're seeing a lot of enthusiasm about the vaccine, particularly among health care individuals like nurses and physicians. >> the cdc will meet monday to prioritize how vaccines are distributed. new cases are up 25% in a week. more than 187,000 cases reported on thursday alone. >> the country is on fire with this virus. now we're heading into thanksgiving and christmas. it's a recipe for disaster. >> the institution for health metrics and evaluation raising its estimate to 470,000 deaths by january 1st. the number goes to 658,000 assuming they don't use a mask mandate. >> we like our freedom. we're not going to listen to someone tell us we can't go see ow brother or family and friends. >> this is following a 55% cases in a week. in new york, one of the early epicenters of the crisis, the looming question, how soon could there be new limits for bars, restaurants and businesses. one of the biggest epicenters for the crisis today, the midwest. cases have tripled since dr. deborah birx visited last month. >> when i'm out and seeing them without masks indoors, it really worries me. i mean, i'm worried for their health. >> dr. anthony fauci worried for families all over the country is warning again that cases are likely to explode after thanksgiving. >> you take a look at your family and you say, do i have a person there who is at a severe risk of a negative outcome if they get infected. >> thanksgiving celebrations are now limited to members of your own household. >> it's a very difficult decision to make to not travel, but you can't hear from all of these health care workers and not think, you know, i really have no business doing that or, you know, making it worse for anyone. >>. >> before the vaccine can end up in everyone he's arm, the cdc would still have to sign off. what is key to know is after those first doses are received, it still takes a full 28 days between that first dose and the time that you achieve protection from that vaccine. in new york, alexandra field, cnn. canada has been struggling with a new wave of covid. so worrisome, in fact, that now its biggest city is tightening restrictions. starting monday, toronto and the suburban peel region will go into a 28-day lockdown. schools will stay open, but outdoor gatherings will be limited to ten people and most retailers will only be able to offer curb side pick up or delivery. >> if you are planning to see friends this weekend, maybe don't. if there was a birthday party or a gathering you were thinking about doing, don't do it. even with all the sacrifices canadians have been making over these past ten months, we are going to have to really tighten up once again. >> joining us to speak about the covid crisis is dr. durani, an emergency medicine resident at the texas health center in san antonio. thanks for joining us. cases have been rising across the country in the u.s. texas has been particularly hard hit. we are dealing with people who thought covid wasn't real or wasn't a big deal and now finding out otherwise. what are you seeing? >> yeah, exactly. we are in a dire situation. we have been seeing an exponential increase in cases. and unless we make some drastic changes, we're going to be seeing some exponential death rates. we are seeing death rates catch up. i actually worked an emergency medicine shift this evening and around 7:00 or 8:00 p.m., got an alert on my phone. everyone did. there were beeps going off and it was from the san antonio health department saying that we reached the highest peak of case necessary a single day since july. that was our previous record high. so that is a really humbling figure. seeing all these numbers going up, knowing what is to follow, and unless we make some big changes in how we are interacting with each other, we will see these numbers for months and weeks to come. >> what is it like when you are dealing with these patients who are struggling and who might have been in denial about this very disease? >> yeah, it's tough. a lot of times people will give me a blank stare thinking covid can never happen to them. but disease doesn't discriminate. it treats everyone the same and we truly need to give it st respect that it deserves and take the precautions that are necessary. we are really at a point, unless we make some drastic changes, the numbers aren't going be headed in a direction that is going to be kind to us. >> so staffing and hospital capacity are two issues i'm hearing about quite often from those on the front lines. how are you being affected in the emergency department and how is the lack of staff and capacity, you know, possibly affecting the patients' health? >> absolutely. so a few things. one things that happens is patients don't get rooms up in the icus and the medicine floors as quickly as they should. so our nurses and our physician and staff are stretched thin because we are trying to take care of these critically ill patients. but at the same time, we are getting new patient that's are critically ill. the other thing we are facing now is that back in the summer and spring, we had surges in various pockets of the country. so, for example, we were able to mobilize physicians to texas when needed, to new york when needed, because the other parts of the country were doing okay. right now,er seeing record highs across the nation. so that ability to flex and have that capacity simply isn't going to be there this time around like it was in the summer and spring. >> so this is obviously very depressing to hear. tell me about how they're the same and how they're different and sort of what that will mean practically for those of us who will get them eventually. >> so they're the same in the fact that they use mrna technology. i like to explain it to people that it's an essential code. mra is a code that gives your body instruction to make a protein. that protein is the same protein that is on the outside of the covid virus. so your body learns then how to cope with that actual vie was. that is going to kind of determine what areas of the country they can go to and what the transportation methods and capabilities are, but all in all, it's a great day for humanity and scientists and volunteers who took the risk of being the initial test subjects for these vaccines. i think now that we see and feel that light at the end of the tunnel, it's important to focus on the health effects of the country. each life that we lose is that much more painful because we're almost there. so i urge everyone to focus on hand hygiene, to focus on wearing a mask, to avoid traveling during the holidays and hunker down and focus on the fundamentals so we can get to the rest of the 2020 and 2021. >> a great and important note to end on. thank you so much, doctor. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. top michigan republicans met with president trump at the white house. ahead, we'll hear what they said afterwards about the election and how they plan to handle it. stay with us. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. a livcustomizeper iquickbooks for me. okay, you're all set up. thanks! that was my business gi, this one's casual. get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. every minute. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free heart failure handbook. call today or go online to visibly fades the dark spots away. new neutrogena® rapid tone repair 20 percent pure vitamin c. a serum so powerful dark spots don't stand a chance. see what i mean? neutrogena® they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. ellel michigan's lawmakers are vowing to follow the law. the president summoned the state's top republicans to washington as he tried to gain support for denying joe biden a victory in that crucial state. here in georgia, the president suffered another important defeat with that state certifying biden's win. >> the campaign, which i won, by the way, but we'll find that out. >> tonight, president trump denying reality and for the 17th consecutive day, diving questions while he tries to upend the democratic process in a desperate bid to stay in power. in a brazen move, president trump inviting republican lawmakers from michigan to the white house before the state certifies its election results which currently has biden leading by more than 100,000 votes. trump calling this 11th hour meeting, that the white house says is routine. >> this is not an advocacy meeting. there will be no one from the campaign there. he routinely meets with lawmakers from across the country. >> white house officials are considering a similar invitation to republican lawmakers in pennsylvania. before that state certifies biden as the winner on monday. despite trump's efforts, today georgia is one step closer to certifying joe biden as the winner of its 16 electoral college votes with local republican officials making clear there was no fraud. >> numbers don't lie. as secretary of state, i believe that the numbers that we are presented today are correct. >> with lawsuits fizzling out and state by state fights hitting dead ends, tonight the leader of trump's legal team sidelined. rudy giuliani, who originally planned to be in today's meeting forced to cancel because of exposure to covid-19. his son, andrew, an assistant to the president who was at yesterday's off the rails news conference announcing on twitter he tested positive for the virus. despite surging case numbers around the country, the white house is desperately spinning trump's refusal to concede. >> something that i would note is just we talked a lot about transfer of power and the election and it's worth remembering that this president was never given an orderly transition of power. headquarter headquarter called trump to concede hours after he was declared president-elect. president obama invited him to the white house just days later. and during his inauguration, trump said this. >> every four years, we gather on these steps to carrie out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power. and we are grateful to president obama and first lady michelle oh bomb ma for their gracious aid throughout this transition. >> while a few republicans are speaking out, senators ben sass and mitt romney saying the president is hurting the nation with romney writing, quote, it is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting american president. most republicans remain silent. >> friday's appear yangs in the briefing room is really a rare moment in the white house. this is the first time we have president trump in about a week the. and looking forward, the president to this point only has two public events still on his schedule. first the thanksgiving turkey pardon at the white house and then the unveiling of the white house christmas tree. boris sanchez, cnn, the white house. >> in the meantime, joe biden is pushing ahead with his transition. as arlett saenz reports, it happened on a special day. >> president-elect joe biden and democratic leaders are presenting a united front. >> thanks for coming up. we've got a lot of work to do. >> the incoming white house team huddling for the first time with house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer with covid-19 top of mind. we are discussing a lame duck session, the pain of a pandemic. >> but biden has yet to meet with mitch mcconnell. >> they've been very kind to have these conversations and talk about ways they can work together going forward. >> the democratic confab is the latest attempt to show that president-elect biden has hit the ground running as president trump tries to challenge the election results. >> while the president and his allies are ripping at the fabric of its democracy in any way they can, the fabric is not tearing. it's holding firm. >> house democrats are demanding the gsa provide a briefing on the delay as the pressure campaign ramps up. >> it is totally mystifying that the gsa refuses to make the statement necessary for the transition to happen in an orderly fashion. they've been sort of trumpan from the start. >> the president-elect is forging ahead, announcing more key positions. biden revealing it's already decided on one key post, treasury secretary. >> you'll soon hear my choice for treasury. >> with exactly two months before his inauguration, biden turned 78 years old today, on path to become the oldest u.s. president in history. >> and president-elect joe biden's team is making a major fund-raising push trying to raise money for its transition efforts. it sent an email to its grassroot supporters saying without ascertainment from the gsa, they need to raise transition funding themselves. biden's team right now cannot access millions of dollars because of the fact the gsa hasn't declared biden as the winner. cnn wilmington, delaware. >> to analyze all this, i'd like to invite amy pope to join us. as you just heard, michigan lawmakers saying they'll follow the law. georgia certified biden's win as well as losses for the president's legal time in arizona. what's next? >> there aren't many paths left for the president. this is really political theater sending a message to his base. it may be that he's setting himself up for a run in the future, it may be that he's setting himself up for a run in the future. but no matter what he is, trying to keep the spotlight on him, make sure he's the center of attention and he's not ready to give that up yet. >> literally fewer than a handful of republicans have been willing to call out the president or challenge him in any way. you've worked in the senate. what do you make of things there? >> they are holding on to their base. they're nervous about alienating people who voted for trump who still genuinely believe the election was stolen. at some point, once those votes have been certified, once the electoral college has been officially called, then there isn't much room for them to go and they need to look to the future because there are serious challenges that they have to face as a congress. >> that says a lot about president trump's enduring power after all this going forward. i want to know what generally the effects of all of this is on democracy. i see a lot of headlines which have variations of trump is salting the soil of democracy. he said the fabric is not tearing. it's holding firm. is it? >> the good news is the institutions are functioning as a check on the president's power. the fact that the courts are hearing and dismissing the claims when there's no evidence to support them, the fact that we have at least some members of congress demonstrating that ultimately they're going to go along with whatever the vote shows. what i think is heartening is the fact that republican legislature, both in georgia and in michigan are demonstrating that they're going to follow the rule of law. so it's not great, let's be honest about that. it's not wonderful to have the president of the united states calling into question the outcome of an election when there is absolutely no evidence of fraud. but at the same time, everyone around him is toeing the line. that's what matters in the end. >> everyone except republican lawmakers. now, i want you to have enough time to answer this just from your background. i want to get to this. i imagine those in the kremlin will be looking at all of this and remembering their hands. what effect could all of this turmoil have on our safety domestically and how does it help the country's adversaries abroad? >> i recently saw a youtube video and the message was ignore our human rights abuses, ignore disappearance of people, you, too, have your own human rights abuses and we can overlook those and work together as allies. that is a damaging message to suggest that the united states is in the same category as governments that are known to disappear people, known to have no due process of law. that is a message people can point to when they're saying you don't really want democracy, look at how chaotic it is, people fail to adhere to its own basic tenants. and for a number of reasons, that is the real damage that's happening in this place. >> all right. very sobering note there. thank you very much for joining us amy pope from london. >> thank you. europe is battling a dangerous second wave of the coronavirus vaccine on the horizon. we'll find out how countries across the continent are planning to distribute it once it's approved. and a little later, we'll go to saudi arabia for the g20 summit and find out what the saudi foreign minister thinks the u.s.-sourly relationship will look like with biden in the white house. with so many changes, do you know if your plan is still the 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guess news theood new the optimism isn't shared across europe. >> it's a mixed picture. tough restrictionses towards tend of last month and the beginning of this month. now they're start to go bare fruit. in france, for example, new units are down. so it's headed in the right direction. the government spokesman yesterday said they're not about to lift the restrictions just yet. in other countries, it's a little bit the same in germany, italy and spain. the benefits of having a tough lockdown are starting to show. so at the moment, it's good news. the other thing that's very positive here, and i think the people are looking forward to is the approval of these vaccines out there. turpan union has been negotiating contracts with the various vaccinemakers and they have a contract with pfizer. they're still in negotiation wes moderna. basically, they believe they'll have approval for the use of those vaccines somewhere around mid-december or around the 1st of january. and then it's up to the country themselves to decide how the vaccine should be distributed, who should be getting them first. >> so we're going to bring in anna stewart in london. some good news in england. not so across the uk. what can you tell us? >> cases do appear to be leveling off, particularly in england. however, it's early days. there is absolutely no letup when it comes to restrictions. last night at 6:00, scotland had restrictions approved on over 2 million people matching the lockdown we have here in england. nonessential shots being told you can't mix with households and a ban being given. now, kim, this is the very first of its kind. a lot of attention to it also because it seemps a fairley flawed plan in terms of a travel ban. there is no board ek her struct but also the exemption list for this travel ban are really quite exhaustive. you can stillel travel from scotland into england to feed an animal, to donate blood for other health reasons. enforcement on that one is not too he. the first minister said they would be short and they would be sharp. currently, the uk is a big patchwork of different rules and different restrictions. we know number 10 downing street is now in talks with wales been a lot of focus this week, also, on the vaccine and when that will be rolled out. >> thanks so much, anna stewart in london. appreciate it. >> authorities in south australia say a six-day lockdown of the entire state was based on a lie. a man told officials he contracted covid after picking up a takeout meal from a take out shop. so they ordered businesses closed until the state's population of 1.7 million to stay home. investigators later learned the man worked at the pizza place and lied to contact tracers. >> i am fume background taing as of this individual. they have put our whole state in a difficult situation. >> so the lockdown will end tonight and the man who lied won't be punished. coronavirus cases are soaring in south dakota. so after the break, we'll speak to medical staff from one hospital about the issue. stay with us. proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. coronavirus cases in south dakota have been skyrocketing since the summer. just this week, the sate has had one of the highest per capita rates in the. gary tuchman visited one hospital where patients and staff are struggling with an avalanche of cases because some people don't even believe the disease is real. >> are you going to be okay if i set you up a little bit? >> sure. >> keith sugden is very ill. the 88-year-old has covid-19. he's in the hospital in rapid city, south dakota, a state with an explosive increase in cases. >> people help me so much. thee days has been rough. it's improved. >> this is an intensive care area, and everybody knows things are likely to get worse. dr. shenkar kura is the state's hospital of affairs. >> i am very scared for the state, for my family, i for my neighbors, sometimes for myself. this is the truth. >> there is concern that as cases continue to increase, it will be difficult to maintain staffing levels. >> as recently as july, there are 5 cases in this hospital. today, there's 85 cases of covid in this hospital. >> i get to go home to my family and see my daughter and my parents and everybody and some of these people don't make it out of here, unfortunately. >> for keith sugden, things are touch and go. >> it's been a great life. these tears in my eyes are happy tears. they're not sad tears. to know that -- how many people really care. you kind of got to wondering once in a while. >> 90% right now. so remember to take those deep breaths in your nose, out your mouth. >> a few days ago, tom massa felt achy. now he's extremely sick, receiving high levels of oxygen. >> how are you feeling right now? >> a little anxious. >> you have good care here. >> the care here is excellent. >> one of the nurses treating tom moved from florida to south dakota right around the beginning of the outbreak. >> i haven't got it yet. >> it's scary, isn't it? >> yeah, it is. >> what do you say to people who don't take it seriously, covid? >> well, i don't know if i can say this oshts, but i believe because of the whole covid situation was a failure from the top government leadership to the state government. they didn't deal with it. they needed to listen to the experts and stuff. >> my people are happy. >> the governor of south dakota has refused to encourage her residents to wear masks or social distance. so south dakota hospitals are taking it upon themselves to try to keep people safe. >> some folks don't even believe this disease is real. >> here in south dakota? >>y. misinformation is one thing. that leads to misguidance. but there's a group of people who think i will not do this. i will do what i want. >> my father, when i was a kid, he poked me and he says, you know, everybody has troubles and you have to help them if you can. and i've done that all my life. >> and now people are helping you, keith. >> they are, they are, thank god. >> the governor of south dakota had a news conference this week. there's zero indication of any change in her philosophy. she has a public service announcement and she said we've done a good job fighting covid-19. but the numbers don't lie. south dakota is a beautiful state, but it's in a bad place right now. cnn, rapid city, south carolina. >> nic robertson sat down with saudi arabia's foreign minister. just ahead, we'll go live to the first annual g20 summit. stay with us. ou are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. understanding how to talk to your doctor about treatment options is key. today, we are redefining how we do things. we find new ways of speaking, so you're never out of touch. it's seeing someone's face that comforts us, no matter where. when those around us know us, they can show us just how much they care. the first steps of checking in, the smallest moments can end up being everything. there's resources that can inform us, and that spark can make a difference. when we use it to improve things, then that change can last within us. when we understand what's possible, we won't settle for less. the best thing we can be is striving to be at our best. managing heart failure starts now with understanding. call today or go online to for a free hf handbook. just hours from now, the g20 summit will be getting under way hosted by saudi arabia. but this year, the coronavirus pandemic is forcing them to meet online in a virtual summit. so let's turn to nic robertson in riyadh. what can we expect during the next few days? >> well, you read the headlines here in saudi arabia. they're hugely proud to be hosting this, albeit virtual. inspire the world. this is the few they're taking saying cross into the future. which really is the saudi -- itself as a country that sees itself transforming, its economy, its outlook, its perspectives, its people over the coming generations. so these things match up, hosting the g20, but the biggest issue is coping with the pandemic. that's why this is virtual. and the headline on this paper is the sort of answer, if you will, and i think you may have the picture there, as well, of what to do if you can't get the leaders together in real space and realtime. well, you project a big picture of them on the front of one of the beautiful old buildings here in riyadh. that's what the saudis have done. it isn't just about confronting the issues that come in the future and the economic fallout. the saudis are confronting their own diplomatic situation, if you will. they had such a close relationship with president trump. and i put that and this issue of changing leadership in the united states to the minister of foreign affairs. we discussed the topic. this is what he told us. >> how do you expect things to be different with the united states earn president-elect biden? >> we have a bipartisan relationship with the united states that with every passing decade, it has groan stronger, broader and deeper. we deal with the president of the states as a friend. president-elect biden has been in the senate for 35 years. he was vice president for eight years. i don't expect there to be a major change in america foreign policy. >> but he says it's going to be tough on saudi arabia. >> i believe that what people say in their campaign often doesn't translate when they're in office. president trump said things about saudi arabia and we were the first place he visited while in office. >> and you would be okay with the negotiations to be reopen with iran. would you need a voice involved around that table in some way? >> we will be discussing these matters with our friends in the new administration. i believe our position with regards to the jcpoa and that with the rest of the world is clear, the sunset provision and expanding the inspection else mechanism and dealing with terrorism and dealing with the ballistic missile program. what we really want is we want to make sure iran never is able to obtain a nuclear weapon and we want to make sure iran changes its agreesive behave and its support for terrorism. >> and this weekend, mike pence is coming to saudi arabia. there are reports that they are designated as a terrorism ornd. is that a good thing? >> we have designated them as a terrorist organization. >> is that what mike pompeo is going to come here and do? >> when you launch missiles at civilians, that's terrorism. when you use child soldiers, boys who are 10, 11 years old and put them on the front line, we believe that's terrorism. we believe this will put pressure on t-- >> so that's a yes, mike pompeo comes, announces this -- >> i can't speak for the secretary of state. >> and president biden might not do that. >> that's really internal u.s. issues that i am not in a position to get into. our view has been they are a terrorist organization and they should be designated as such by every country in the world. >> so that is a big issue in the region here. what happens, does this designation land on the huthis, the banks in the country, it can have a tripling effect on the people of yemen. we now understand president trump is going to speak. we've seen him before in previous summits vetoing language on the final communique. his handling of the pandemic at home is not viewed well around the world. so is he going to weigh in for or against? and how is he going to handle the fact that he will be speaking virtually to a roomful of people who have leaders who have already spoken and given their congratulation toes president-elect joe biden? >> we'll see whether the president lays in the diplomatic land mines for the incoming biden administration. thank you so much, nic roberts, in riyadh. >> that wraps this hour of news room. i'll be back in a moment with more news. please do stay with us. today's ways of working may work differently tomorrow. but you can work out anything with comcast business. get fast, reliable, and secure internet on the nation's largest gig speed network. flexible tools - like wi-fi you control. voice solutions that connect you from anywhere. and expert advice here, here, or even here. be fast. be flexible. bounce forward with comcast business. get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just $64.90 a month. plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. switch today. ♪ the u.s. food and drug administration is asked to authorize the first coronavirus vaccine for emergency use. then, michigan republicans, hold firm to the rule of law and uphold election integrity after their meeting with president trump. and joe biden forges ahead with his transition, focusing today on covid-19 economic relief. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to you, our viewers here in the united states, canada and around the world. i'm kim brunhuber, this is "cnn newsroom."

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