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Testimony before congressional investigators, they say he told the Senate Judiciary committee that he personally had not had any contact with wikileaks during the campaign. He also said he could not recall anyone else on the campaign having contact with wikileaks. The Senate Judiciary Committee Earlier this week published a letter in which they say specifically that Jared Kushner not only received an email detailing his contact with wikileaks, but then forwarded that as well. That letter signed by Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Grassley also claims that Jared Kushner failed to provide them with certain key documents they requested. Some of them specifically pertaining to wikileaks. The attorney for Jared Kushner abby lowell put out a statement saying senators are asking Gotcha Questions. Heres what he told us. This is a classic Gotcha Question. Mr. Kushner was asked if he has contacts with wikileaks. Gucifer or d. C. Leaks, and he said no. He said he didnt know of any such contacts from the campaign. From all i have seen, his statement was accurate then as it is now, in over six hours of voluntary testimony, he asked all questions put to him and demonstrated there had not been any collusion between the campaign and russia. The attorney for Jared Kushner also saying that all documents have been requested by the committee were turned over. Seems like theres a dispute about what documents they requested. That may mean as you said that Jared Kushner will head back to capitol hill to testify once more. Those are the congressional probes into russia and the Trump Campaign and perhaps obstruction of justice issues. Theres a Special Counsel investigation, boris. A prominent member of trumps inner circle is about to be interviewed by muellers team. What can you tell us . Reporter that would be hope hicks. She has been a long time confidant of the president , served from very early on in the campaign all the way to his aministration. Shes now White House Communications director. Shes arguably the closest person to the president thats going to be meeting with Robert Mueller. She was also there for key moments that youre almost certain he is going to ask about, specifically the crafting of the response on Air Force One when it was revealed after months of denials, donald trump jr. Met with russians during the campaign. Hope hicks is expected to meet with Special Counsel before the end of the month. Appreciate that. Thank you. A lot of news to talk about with the panel. Joining us to discuss, crime and justice reporter, contributor, staff writer, and cnn legal analyst paul callan. Nondisclosures, omissions seem to be a pattern for Jared Kushner. We know he left off that meeting with the russian lawyer on the Security Clearance form. Theres now an email chain on wikileaks, russian back door overtour, communications with Michael Flynn that the Senate Judiciary committee is asking about. Yet kushners lawyer says he has been completely cooperative. Do you agree . He has. Abby said theyre asking Gotcha Questions. In the press, we use that term. A lot of people dont know what a Gotcha Question is. It is a question designed just to embarrass somebody in the political system as opposed to legitimately get information. Lowells contention is they complied to the specific requests given for relevant documents. He also says technically Jared Kushners answer was accurate because he said i did not conclude with the russian story, nor did i know anyone that did. That would include don junior. He would say the Communication Don Junior had with wikileaks or with the russians didnt constitute collusion. Thats how the defense will shape up from that standpoint. All of that technical wording, you dont see legal trouble for Jared Kushner. No. To make a Perjury Count or obstruction of justice count, you would have to show intentional act to deceive congress and this is close enough to the line it would be a hard Criminal Charge to prove. Yet both leaders of the Judiciary Committee seem to have a problem with kushners response to some testimony and the document request. Could this have impact on kushners Security Clearance . Well, you know, his Security Clearance remains unresolved as far as we know going on ten months now because the forms were not properly submitted to include his contacts with foreigners, not just the russians, but all foreigners. So theres been a series of hiccups in his disclosures which have obviously made it harder for investigators, people adjudicating his clearance to reach a conclusion. I am not sure this additional omission if indeed was an omission to the congressional committees would be a factor that people adjudicating his Security Clearance would weigh. Theyre looking at he, jared, is somebody thats of interest to the investigation by the Special Counsel. Theyre interested in why he did not disclose certain things, and obviously they have been interviewing people. The interplay between Security Clearance and Mueller Investigation is sort of unclear to us how one may be impacting another or whether theyre completely on different tracks. Clearly theres an issue we dont have visibility into the reasons holding up that clearance. President trumps communication director Hope Hicks We Know will be interviewed by Special Counsel, Robert Muellers team. We know shes one of his closest, longest serving aides. What could she know . I think boris said it when he talked about her. She has been by the president s side quite some time. What we know based on some reporting that we have done, theres a lot of interest with her around the Air Force One meeting where they were crafting the statement regarding the meeting, donald trump jr. s meeting at trump tower. The New York Times was working on the story, getting ready to publish. A statement was being crafted. She was prepsent. It could be thats what mueller wants to talk to her about. Could be other things, the koeccomey firing. She could serve as witness to key decisions the president has made. It is not clear she was part of any team making the decisions, but certainly she could be a witness to the people sort of witnessing what theyre doing, how theyre coming to make some of the decisions. As we know, one of the Things Mueller is investigating is obstruction of justice by people within the white house. She could be a witness to any number of those things. I would assume theres a method in terms of when you bring somebody in to testify, even if you have your list of who you want to talk to, you want to gather information in some cases before you bring them in. What does this tell you about where they might be in the investigation, now that theyre at that point where hope hicks will be talking to them . Mueller is methodical in the investigation. You can see a large circle around the white house, then he started to move in closer and closer to the real insiders. Thats where hes at now. Hes at the people right around the president. Frankly, you dont know whats going to happen when you get that close. Ill give you an example. In the nixon proceedings, impeachment proceedings, they interviewed alexander butterfield, staff member that worked in the white house, they found out about a Taping System that nobody knew about before, so you never know whats going to come when you get to the insiders running the white house. Thats where mueller is. I think his investigation is focused, moving quickly, and i think there will be a lot of stories come out in the next couple of months good or bad for the trump administration. Adam, the other person we learned Robert Mueller wants to talk to is rock goldstone, he helped arrange that meeting in june, 2016. Apparently he agreed to talk to mueller. And kushner, paul manafort, they were all at the meeting. What may goldstone know that no one else knows . Why is he so important . I think mueller, i think we all want to know why he included in his email to donald trump jr. Saying the russians are offering incriminating information on hillary clinton. Where did he get that language . Did somebody instruct him to put that language in that email . Obviously thats something that the investigators very much want to get to the bottom of. In addition, why is he volunteering to come. I think the reason he is making himself available is that he wants to appear publicly, maybe genuinely he is trying to be and appear cooperative. This is a strategy that you see from the white house as well, from Jared Kushner. It is a strategy to try to dispel the idea that theres an effort to hide anything. So by volunteering and making himself available without needing to be a subpoena is one way to try to dispel, tamp down suggestions something more nefarious is going on. He is going to try to clear the air. Whether that does clear the air, we have to wait and see. Attorney general Jeff Sessions cracked a joke about the russia investigation. Lets listen. I just was thinking, is ambassador kislyak in the room before i get started here . Any russians . He is there before a friendly crowd, but is it risky for the Attorney General to be making a joke of this, especially on the heels of that testimony that he had earlier this week when he couldnt seem to recall a whole lot when it came to the questions about russia and his connections. Ana, when i heard that, i chuckled, i think most of us did. The reason he made that joke is because he was at a hotel where there was intelligence back last year indicating that there may have been another meeting there with the Attorney General and kislyak. He had to actually answer questions about it and he has denied it. There was maybe some different takes on what exactly went on at the hotel, but there was intelligence that indicated there may have been a third meeting. He has denied it. In fact, the fbi director, former fbi director comey when he testified after he was fired, it was asked this question of whether sessions had another meeting. He wouldnt respond to it. He did at some point address it in closed door sessions. Like you said, i think it is risky given how serious some are taking this investigation. The mueller investigators take this serious. Yeah, it is sort of risky, perhaps somewhat funny, but for an Attorney General who is still continuing to ask questions, to have to answer questions about his contacts with russia, certainly not the most appropriate time to make that joke. You know, ana, who would think we get to the point Jeff Sessions is funnier than al franken. Thats where it has gone at this point. All right. Thank you. We appreciate all of you. Coming up, President Trump takes a swipe at al franken for Sexual Harassment. Is this tricky territory for him considering this . Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. And travel baggage. Another member of trump cabinet facing questions about private jet flight, why he didnt document this. And the tech worlds dirty underbelly. A former worker opens up about the bro culture, including a kink room where women had to clean up underwear. You wont want to miss this. Okay folks lets get the lady of the house back on her feet. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks. Yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Fullbodied. Tmobiles unlimited now includes netflix on us. Thats right. Netflix on us. Get 4 unlimited lines for just 40 bucks each. Taxes and fees included. And now netflix included. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Everyone deserves attention, whether youve saved a lot or just a little. At pnc investments, we believe youre more than just a number. So we provide personal Financial Advice for every retirement investor. It is the issue turning the white house into somewhat of a glass house. President trump throwing stones at democratic senator al franken for his Sexual Harassment scandal while calling attention to his own silence on republican roy moore, not to mention his own controversial past with women. The president seized on the photo released by a woman that says franken groped her, forcibly kissed her more than a decade ago. President trump tweeted the al franken picture is bad, speaks a thousand words. Where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 while she sleeps. More than a dozen women accused the president on the record of assault and harassment. And of course theres this. When youre a star, they let you do that. Grab them by the [bleep]. You can do anything. To all that, the president has said this. Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. I want to bring in someone that literally wrote the book on political optics. Josh king is the author of off script. And with us, lynn sweet, Washington Bureau chief for chicago sun times. Thank you both for being here. Josh, were you surprised the president would go after franken . Not really. This is a person who will seize on any particlar news at any particular time and try to draw attention to himself. If you look at the time stamp of the two tweets, first one comes at 9 06 00 p. M. Thursday night. These are not normal working hours for a president. You can imagine donald trump on the second floor of the white house, probably watching your competitor, watching the top of the news wrap, getting this smart idea in his head that he should take on a person who has been a tough critic of himself, al franken, and send those tweets. Theyre sent in quick succession. Theyre the normal kind of trump bullying, trying to take the upper hand. When you point out in the quick package at the top of the segment, he is a guy in a glass house throwing stones with 12 or 13 accusers of his own. And the fact that you and i are sitting, having this segment now on a Saturday Night after he did that on a thursday night is testament to the idea that it is not that good for him to have what is now three days of news cycle questioning his judgment on sending a tweet like this thursday night. He hasnt addressed the roy moore situation. Exactly. And thats part of it. He is talking al franken, and three days later, still talking about it. On the franken story, done junior tweeted this. Is it still alleged when theres a picture . Could that logic be applied to his fathers access Hollywood Tape . Of course. I dont know why don junior wants to start up. Al franken put out a statement, called for Ethics Committee investigation of himself. He didnt deny the reality of the photo or anything that the woman, a los angeles broadcaster, said. He also had to take it. A lot of democrats also condemned what he did, including fellow senator from minnesota, a amy kobishar. It goes to what sense does don junior have wasting time doing this when it will of course trigger more discussions of what his father said, which is on videotape, which you just played. Sometimes i think you need a psychiatrist and psychologist here to talk about this more than journalists or former advance men to understand why somebody would do something that ends up it seems that brings up stories of their own past poor behavior, or in the case of donald, his fathers. It certainly created more questions for the White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders who was asked how frankens case differed from the president. Senator franken admitted wrongdoing, and the president haept. Thats a clear distinction. Can you make that argument, a year ago trump lined up bill clintons accusers at the president ial debate and said believe these women. Josh . You know, it wasnt a wise move back then and for President Trump to be talking about al franken thursday night wasnt a wise move a year later. Sarah sanders friday in her Press Briefing did her best jto deflate this situation. One who admitted to it, one who didnt. Were probably a year away from mid term elections. President trump will be asked about this repeatedly between now and then. I think al franken to be sure our facts are straight. He didnt necessarily admit fully to the allegations, the kiss in particular. He said i remembered it differently. And the picture is proof of something that was inappropriate. The Sexual Harassment debate is bigger, it revived questions about the behavior of former president bill clinton with democratic senator Kristin Gillibrand saying he should have resigned over the lewinsky affair. I asked clintons former Chief Of Staff about that statement. Lets listen. My only judgment with regards to president clinton is that he more than paid the price for what he did. The fact that he went through Impeachment Process as president of the united states, the House Of Representatives voted for articles of impeachment, the senate did not, but the mere fact that he went through an Impeachment Process as president means that there will always be a shadow on the legacy of his presidency. From my point of view, i think hes more than paid the price. Lynn, has clinton paid the price, have democrats had a reckoning on what happened in the clinton era, can we in effect move on . Thank you for asking. I covered this extensism. I covered Theism Peechlt and trial. People out there, if you want spicy reading, please google the Ken Starr Report that came out the summer before. You can get nice bedtime reading. This is some of the most humiliating information about a sitting president you could ask for. Theres a lot of ways to punish somebody for behavior. Resignation might be one. In the case of bill clinton, all the women you just showed, and i want america to know, it is not like no one has heard from them, it is a president who will as you more than, i dont know if more or less a price, but he paid one. All of the women from paula jones and everyone had their stories told. There was great interest in talking to them. We could disagree if stories were favorable or not, but there was enormous coverage of what they accused president clinton of, and in a lot of detail, including details of what he did, where and what with monica lewinsky. If you think this hasnt been litigated, it has been, and it is worth talking about if he should have resigned or not, but it is not as if he did not pay a price. This is what we have gotten from the president himself on roy moore. Should roy moore resign, mr. President . Do you believe the accusers . Should he resign . Josh, reporters shouting questions, the president walking away. Youre a former advance man, you know this is going to keep hatching. How do you handle it . Well, ana, those questions were asked of the president in the diplomatic Reception Room thursday. This was the Big Read Out Speech from the asia trip, he had been speaking about 30 minutes. And the pool is escorted into the room to be able to witness these remarks. Theres no way to get out of the scene like this without ducking the questions as he did. The president may put out a statement on the asian trip that was in the graft of statements that said if these allegations are true, moore should step aside. Since then, so Many Republican colleagues qualified that answer by saying he should step aside. The president hasnt yet done that. I think he walks a thin line between upsetting his base who he thinks would not want him to criticize or withdraw his support of roy moore and trying to get out of dodge basically without answering questions. It is difficult to know how many more days he could avoid being on camera, being asked this question. Sarah sanders answered many times it is for the voters of alabama to decide but sometime soon the president is going to be on camera in a situation like this, asked that question in a way he cant walk away and will have to answer it. The election is a few weeks away, not until december 12th. Theres time for more questions to come forward. Interesting to see if he changes his response. Thank you both so much. Thank you. Another woman comes forward with allegations against Senate Candidate roy moore. How are alabama voters reacting to this . The moment we walked in, it was full on assault. He was very, very flirtatious. And it might be hard to handle but like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Eatin good in the neighborhood. A heart attack doesnt or how healthy you look. 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His knee might have been touching my knee. His hands were not on me, just like maybe his knee was brushing minor something. And then when it was time for us to leave, my mother had got up and left the room to go out the door. When she was going out the door and i proceeded out, he just grabbed me from behind on my buttocks and squeezed it really hard. I remember thinking i was so ashamed. I felt humiliated in that moment. It took everything out of me. Despite the growing list of accusers, moore is vowing to stay in the senate race. Nick valencia has the latest from alabama. Nick . Reporter ana, this has been a difficult week for the republican Senate Candidate in the face of Sexual Assault allegations. However, he and his campaign remained defiant. Earlier this week we saw Faith Leaders come to the defense of moore saying his character is being assassinated, that he is being framed by the gop establishment. They went so far to suggest the Washington Post which initially wrote the story paid women to come forward. The women for their part say they waited nearly 40 years to tell their stories because they felt at the time of the alleged incidents, no one would listen to them. Earlier today, we heard from Faith Leaders in birmingham to convened to say they believe roy moore is a danger to the state of alabama because of his policies and principles. It is unlikely that any of moores accusers can prove he Sexual Assaulted them 30 years ago. A point the former judge knows well. But even, and this is critical, particularly for the media to hear, and where we have to stand as christian ministers, even before these allegations made National Headlines it was clear that moores policy agenda endangered children of alabama. Perhaps moores biggest supporter, his wife who was joined by 30 or 40 women saying they personally know moore and the accusations leveled against him dont speak to the character of the man they know. Kayla moore said she and her husband are in a political fight and that the battle will continue to go on. Theres no sign of moore withdrawing anytime soon. All right, Nick Valencia in alabama. Thank you. Flying high on the taxpayers dime. New allegations against Interior Secretary and why it could be a problem for the president who promised to drain the swamp. I. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Its called broccoli of cheddar soup. Ve . I loved it, but it was like, honey, i am way too decadent for you so i came up with o, thats good a new line of Comfort Soups with a nutritious twist. We replaced a hunk of this. With velvety butternut squash. If i hadnt told you, you wouldnt know. 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Our investigation has been delayed, mary kendall wrote in a memo by absent or incomplete documentation for several pertinent trips and Review Process that failed to include proper documentation and accountability. Among the trips drawing scrutiny, flight to Virgin Islands in march where he attended a republican fundraiser, went snorkeling at a monument. A trip to Montana In May where he attended a political rally, spent a day and a half at his home. In general, journey to meet with the hockey team in las vegas, owned by a political backer, before taking a chartered plane. Even though he spent almost 73,000 this way since taking office, zinke is making no apologies. I would like to address in the words of general schwarzkopf a little bs on travel. Reporter zinkes staff says part of the problem is Paperwork Mess inherited from the obama administration. Inspectors investigation is not done and they issued this memo in hopes of addressing the matter. Still, several other Cabinet Members are also being scrutinized. One has already resigned over questions about what in some cases looks suspiciously like private travel on the publics dime. Keeping them honest. Thank you. Shocking stories of Sexual Harassment in Silicon Valley rgs including one worker that says her office had a kink room. Silicon valley has a dirty underbelly and that is that women are viewed as the people that clean up underwear and do the dishes. Right, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . What pain . Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. Tmobiles unlimited now includes netflix on us. Thats right. Netflix on us. Get 4 unlimited lines for just 40 bucks each. Taxes and fees included. And now netflix included. Everyone deserves attention, whether youve saved a lot or just a little. At pnc investments, we believe youre more than just a number. So we provide personal Financial Advice for every retirement investor. The leader in student loan refinancing. From hollywood to the world of media to capitol hill and beyond, the issue of Sexual Assault and harassment is dominating the National Conversation now. Were talking about it on tv and online, the metoo. We investigate this issue in the tech industry, including one Silicon Valley startup sued for a culture of Sexual Harassment and sexism. That included a space in the office called a kink room. We had a room at the office that was called a kink room. We had a kink demo in there before i started. Anybody that attended our event would very much know theres an bed, it wasnt like an office party, it was a party. So people probably used the room for god knows what. Did you ever have to come in and clean up the party . Most definitely. I would at times find underwear in that room. Reporter you had to clean up underwear from your party. That is the truth. Silicon valley has a Dirty Undertruth and that is that women have to clean up underwear and do the dishes. It was generally known that i as General Manager that i did the dishes. We had a male General Manager before and he did not do that. That being said, people would help me but it was very much my role and it was very much distinct to me and not necessarily the General Manager role. What a revealing interview. What happened with this company . For me, i look at it and it was a perfect storm. Ive spoken to the upload founders and they said it wasnt just the women that did the dishes, its the role that they had but everyone pitched in. Im thinking, its 2017 and were having a conversation about women who say they had to clean up underwear and condoms from parties and it was a startup. The idea was to make Virtual Reality cool so they would throw these parties. And down the road, it took a lawsuit, a woman named elizabeth, who is not really allowed to speak about it because its been setstled. Daisy said she was the one handed the lawsuit when it came in. She said it wasnt until i saw it all in writing that i knew it wasnt okay, what happened there. This is where we get into the idea of the metoo movement. You see other victims of Sexual Harassment coming forward and sharing their story. I think thats what spurred it. And personally having covered tech for so many years, i started thinking of some terrible techs axts an investor me at weird hours. And its not okay. Its not okay. I think culturally, societally, we sometimes have brushed over this sort of treatment because its somewhat socially acceptable or is considered normal and what has been exposed is, wait a minute, this shouldnt be normal. And yet we also hear from people who say i was afraid to come forward because of the potential consequences. Is anything be done in the tech world to help embolden these women to come forward without the fear of what that could mean for them in their professional lives or personal lives . This is where its interesting because its a real problem in tech but tech can always provide a solution. Theres actually a Company Launching in the next couple of weeks called all voices. You have a vp, Claire Schmidt and a woman named susan fowler. She was an ub are engineer who spoke out against uber and it shed light on sex i aism and the creating a tech tool to let people know about Sexual Harassment. Well see how that works out. You want some kind of solution because its really difficult to come forward because women, all sorts of people, feel retaliation for speaking out against Sexual Harassment. Real quick, you are also are hearing from men regarding this metoo movement. Sure. I was at a tech conference. Tell me what someone wont say out loud. A lot of people said we dont want to take meetings after a certain hour, this is a witch hunt right now. We have to find a better way to bring it forward. Thank you so much. And the special mostly human my mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb. Oralb. Brush like a pro. honking beeping were on to you, diabetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. 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