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Great to have you with us. President trump being cautioned by democrats and republicans to layoff Robert Mueller, the special counsel. That is after the second straight day of the president mentioning the special counsels name twice. During a defensive and accusation filled weekend of tweets from the white house, these are the messages just today from the president. Denying collusion with the russians and attacking james comey and Andrew Mccabe, calling them liars saying mueller team has zero republicans even though Robert Mueller himself is a republican. The weekend tweet storm and mention of Robert Mueller by name have some dedeucing that the president is ready to shut mueller down. Two republicans in the senate say that would be a disaster. Well, as i said before, if he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of this presidency because were rule of law nation. Talking to my colleagues all along, it was once it goes after mueller, then well take action. I think that people see that as a massive red line that cant be crossed. So i hope that thats the case and i would just hope that enough people would prevail on the president now, dont go there. Dont go there. We have confidence in mueller. I certainly do. And then i think my colleagues do as well. So i hope that the pushback is now to keep the president from going there. And this just a few minutes ago from arizonas republican senator john mccain. He tweets special counsel mueller has served our country with honesty and integrity. Its critical he be allowed to complete a thorough investigation into the interference in the 2016 election unimpeded. Lets go to bore ris sanchez. The president had no Public Events and just returned to the white house after playing golf. What are white house officials saying about the president s evident frustration today . Well, at least one of them, ana, the director of legislative affairs is defending trump and his frustrations boiling over on twitter saying that the russia investigation has gone on for more than a year and cost millions of dollars and yet to conclusively proof there was collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. The president really making a shift here. Hes previously called the Russian Investigation a hoax and witch hunt but never gone after Robert Mueller or his team by name the way that he has this weekend. Hes essentially saying that theres bias within this investigation because as he argues, muellers team is full of democrats. There are a number of facts that really refute that idea for one, several of the lawyers on muellers team have prosecuted both democrats and republicans before, that is to say theres no partisan streak there. Beyond that mueller himself is a registered republican, someone who is both served in republican and democratic administrations and lastly, he still maintains a vote of confidence for perhaps the most important voice which is the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein who repeatedly said that mueller is acting appropriately and getting to bottom of facts without letting anyones personal political beliefs interfere in that pursuit of facts. Dp despite that many around the president and just yesterday his tourn john dowd has been suggesting perhaps its time for the investigation to come to a conclusion. I want you to pllisten to what mark short said. Theres a portion on there thats key at this point. Listen. Everyone in the white house has cooperated on this. What i have said, we have cooperated in every single way and paper they asked for and i think the reality is yes, theres a growing frustration after more than a year in millions spent in i think the president is expressing his frustration which is well warranted and merited. Every request made by the special counsel has complied. The question is will they continue to do that as we see the president become lets say more abrasive against this investigation while there are lawmakers out there as you pointed out that are calling for this special counsel to finish this investigation without being impeded without any interference whatsoever. Its something to watch for in the coming days. Boris sanchez at the white house, thank you. As the president attacks the special counsel, i want to bring in someone who knows him well. Cnn michael analyst Michael Zelldin a former special prosecutor and served at the department of justice. Michael, let me remind everybody what trump tweeted earlier today, why does the mueller team have 13 hardened democrats and big crooked hillary supporters and democrats. Did anyone think this is fair . And yet there is no collusion. As someone who worked closely with mueller, whats your reaction to that . I think its factually incorrect. Firstly, of course, Robert Mueller is himself a registered republican. The two Justice Department people that are involved in this investigation christopher wray, the head of the fbi is a republican and Rod Rosenstein is appointed by a republican to oversee this investigation along with mueller. So the three top people in the investigation all have republican next to their name. With that said, none of the people who are constant professionals are going to let their political orientation the outcome determine the decisions. So i think this is really a bit of a complaint by the president that has no merit that underlies it. If trump were to try to fire mueller now after the events of the past 48 hours and mccabes firing and president from attorney john dowd. Do you think mueller is taking steps to protect his findings. There are a couple of things, first we have to remember there is a code of federal regulations that governed the firing of the special counsel and those provide that only the Deputy Attorney general can fire the special counsel and can only do so with good cause found. Rosenstein has testified about this and said there is no good cause and he would resign before he fired mueller without good cause. So the likelihood is that if the president directed rosenstein to fire mueller, rosenstein would resign in protest and we would have another saturday night like massacre where Archibald Cox resigned, rather than carry out nixons orders. Constitutionally that creates a huge problem for the president. I dont see its going to happen. With respect to mueller, i dont know that hes really needing to protect himself against being fired because if hes fired, ana. , the investigation does not end, it gets carried on by a new appointed special counsel. Thats what we saw in watergate, they fired Archibald Cox and new special counsel carried on through the conclusion. Doesnt that depend on what congress does . Doesnt congress have to appoint a special counsel . No the special counsel is appointed by the attorney general and thats still Rod Rosenstein because attorney general sessions is recused. It if they fire mueller, he appoints a new special counsel and the new special counsel has to consider whether or not the firing of mueller without cause fits into the mow sayic of obstructionist behavior. This is a very bad strategy and i expect ty could be has told the president this over and over again. What john dowd is doing is beyond my understanding. Do you think muellers investigation has weakened in any way because of mccabes firing . No, in some respects it may actually strengthen the allegation that the president is endeavoring to interfere with the investigation. Remember mccabe is a witness to the question of whether or not whether the president asked flynns resignation to be let go by comey, comey apparently told mccabe about that. Mccabe wrote memoranda about that and had meetings with the president. He wrote memoranda about it. An effort to interfere with mccabes testimony may actually be hurtful to the president s leg standing vis avis a tampering case. With respect to collusion, i dont think its relevant. What about the fact that sessions says he fired mccabe because it was of the recommendation from the office of professional responsibility within the fbi as well as the office of the Inspector Generals report that essentially mccabe misled investigators. How does he play as a well now . Well, a couple of things about that. First of course, we havent seen the findings of the oig. We dont know what the Inspector General said. We dont know what the basis for the recommendation from the office of professional responsibility was. So without knowing the facts that underline the recommendations, its hard to make a conclusion whether it was appropriate recommendation or not an appropriate recommendation. We can only see the process by which he was let go which seems unseemly at this point. Thank you as always. Okay, ana. I want to bring in my panel to discuss everything that happened in the last 48 hours. Joining us, cnn political commentator and former Trump Campaign adviser steve cortez and columnist for the Huffington Post and usa today curt bardella, does it appear the president is setting the stage to get rid of Robert Mueller. I think hes pretty much telegraphing it, if rosenstein doesnt end the investigation and fire mueller, hell be next and be the one to be fired. They tried to walk that back 20 minutes later. The message is clear thats what donald trump wanted out there. The explicit attacks against mueller on twitter, thats exactly what hes thinking. I dont think theres a whole lot of cloak and dagger going on. Its pretty straight forward what trump wants to happen here. Lets listen to what trey gowdy said about trumps lawyer calling for the russia probe to end. To suggest that mueller should shut down and that all he is looking at is collusion, if you have an innocent client mr. Dowd, act like it. Russia attacked our country. Let special counsel mueller figure that out and if you believe as we found theres no evidence of collusion, you should want special counsel mueller to take all of the time and have all of the independence he needs to do his job. So steve, that being said, why does the president keep attacking mueller if he is truly innocent . Right, well, he is innocent and i disagree with that premise though from congressman gowdy as much as i admire him. In america and in any advanced law abiding country, we cant say okay, heres the investigation lets find the crime. There is no crime. Theres no collusion. So we cannot empower a panel of investigators and lawyers to try to find and perhaps in my opinion, manufacture a crime. Thats the way things are done in third world countries, not the way we do things in the united states. So what makes i think Robert Muellers team would be manufacturing a crime . Well, im glad you asked. What would make we think that . Peter strok and lisa page they are not part of muellers team. But they were. As soon as he found out he got rid of them. They were there was no crime more than that, even more importantly than that, how about james comey writing an exxon race memo of Hillary Clinton months before the investigation had even concluded before she herself and most of the principle people in the case had been themselves investigated. What it tells us is and what we know, Robert Mueller if he were an honorable man he would have recused himself early on. Merely if only because he is a best friend and confidant of james comey, thats alone enough to we know rosenstein who was selected by Jeff Sessions appointed Robert Mueller and when he was appointed, there were a whole lot of republicans who were cheering that appointment because he served as fbi director under a Republican Administration he himself has been known to be registered as a republican. But theres beyond that, there is evidence of crime that the mueller team has uncovered. There are three people who are in trump circle who have pleaded guilty. There was also of course the 13 russians to crimes unrelated to the Trump Campaign. No, no, the 13 russians that were indicted were directly related to Russian Election meddling and he laid out in the indictment exactly what they uncovered was done. So this is an investigation that speaks to the bigger issue of exactly how russia meddles in the election, no . Right, listen, russia meddled in the election, i have no doubt about that. As americans, whatever party, we need to deal with that issue. By the way, among many nations, the chinese meddled and a lot meddled and we need to address that. Its important. Lets be clear on this, manafort and gates were indicted for nontrump related activities, things that predated their involvement in the Trump Campaign. Thats very important. Theres still no evidence whatsoever of collusion from the Trump Campaign and the reason theres no evidence, it simply didnt happen. How long do we allow this panel, this inquiry, which has become in many ways an inquisition to instead of investigating the crime, we have an investigation searching for a crime. How long can they search for a crime . Is it endless . Heres the other thing look, some of these past federal investigations have lasted for years, including the ken starr. Republicans werent crying foul when that landed the president in hot water. I would. Let me bring you back in, curt, because at the top of the show i played sound of graham and jeff flake warning trump against firing mueller. Listen to what other republican senators said about the possibility of firing mueller. Would it bother you if the president ordered the firing of mueller . You know, i wouldnt advocate it but would never have advocated for the appointment of a special prosecutor. I dont see the president firing him. The white house has said ten times maybe more that they are not going to fire Robert Mueller and want to finish the investigation. So i dont even think thats going to be necessary because the president is not going to fire him. Curt, are you considered republicans would retaliate if trump moved to fire mueller . Absolutely not. You can see theres a certain amount of denial setting in that republicans are hoping beyond hope that they dont have to deal with this at all and hoping that trump didnt fire mueller or rosenstein doesnt end the investigation. Thags the last thing they want to deal with in this toxic Political Climate they are trying to navigate. Trump will do whatever he wants to do. I dont think anybody knows one way or the other from day one to day two what hes going to wake up and decide to do or tweet or whether someone will lose their job finding out over twitter. Its anybodys guess and that uncertainty and crippling the republicans right now and part of the reason they are in such bad shame as they look towards november. I need the last word in just 15 seconds. Sure, ill say this, while mueller is a chasing wind mills out there in america the country is prospering and this is a ridiculous attempt to distract from that wonderful reality, the country is getting safer and more prosperous. Sure didnt think that thank you, good to see you both. Your facebook data in the hands of a firm with ties to the Trump Campaign, that may have been later given to russia. The details ahead and later as p a cnn exclusive to a new battlefield between the u. S. And russia, the arctic. Well take you insign an american submarine hunting to to attract military power. Youre leave in the cnn newsroom. Starship feat. Iconapp woo yeah its good its refreshing. This is what our version of Financial Planning looks like. Tomorrow is important, but shes only seven once. 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Sup lady bacon fruit, there it is but we can guarantee that youll get the best price when you book with us. Holiday inn express. Be the readiest. Facebook is facing serious scrutiny after reports that data from millions, tens of millions of its users was apparently used for political purposes before the 2016 election. In Massachusetts Attorney general is now opening an investigation into facebook and data firm tied to the Trump Campaign this after a New York Times report that a Cambridge Analytical used personal data from 50 million facebook users without approval. Facebook suspended the company for violating policies and now launching an internal investigation. Cambridge analytic a denies wrong doing. Lets talk it over with Matthew Rosenberg for the New York Times and cnn security analyst. How did this happen and exactly what is the allegation here . So this happened in 2014, Cambridge Analytica founded by merser and steve bannon. They wanted what theyve been promised by the people this company that they could build them a tool that could map the personality of every American Voter and you could predict their behavior that way and message them. They needed data to do that. They went out and got this facebook data. They paid an outside researcher to set up an app. It was really simple. You would take a personality questionnaire and log on the app and it would scrape all of your personal information and that of all of your friends and would you get a payment code and get paid for taking the questionnaire. 270,000 people took the questionnaire and downloaded the app. That totalled more than 50 million user profiles being scraped. So their Friend Networks were scraped. So why . Why would Cambridge Analytica go there. What was the root of this mission . It needed the data to create this technique or analytical tool to predict voter behavior. Whether that worked is another huge debate. But Cambridge Analytica says it did and they called it psy psychographicic, helped trump win the election is what they claim. How much insight did they get from the information pulled from facebook . I dont think anybody would be too shocked, its birth date, place, name, where you live and everything you liked. That was really importante eimp. This is data that at one point had been public but by 2014 was by default private but your friends could see and thats why the app could see it. And facebook eventually stopped allowing this kind of access but at the time when they did was legitimate, they told users it was for academic research. Were taking this for academic research. They werent, they were taking it for Political Data firm that wanted to use the powerful new tool to reshape american culture. But there was an academic researcher who was involved in this scheme of sorts as you uncovered in your reporting. Explain that and the broader connection to russia. So, his name is alexander, a Cambridge University academic. He had kind of learned of this technique for scraping facebook data from colleagues of his at the Cambridge University psychographic center. They believe they could predict a lot about your personality from your facebook looks. Koegen is russian american and hes had an appointment also at st. Petersburg university. We spoke to him. He kind of laughed off the allegation he was russian, saying ive also taken grants from the American Government and from the British Government and chinese government, but Cambridge Analytica itself has russian connections that are difficult to explain that we dont fully understand. In the summer of 2014 when its collecting this facebook data on 50 million americans, certainly luke oil, a Russian Oil Company that has some ties to putins inner circle, shows up and wants to at a about voter data and consumer data. Luke oil doesnt have real presence in the u. S. Its not clear what they wanted there. Also their Parent Company Cambridge Analyticas Parent Company, says weve never had business in russia but it has. We have promotional literature that shows maps with russia marked off the place where it says clients. How interesting, then it leads aus all to wonder, does this new information give a better sense how Cambridge Analytical fits into the Mueller Investigation. Its a tougher call. We know mueller has asked for all of Cambridge Analyticals document related to the Trump Campaign but the Mueller Investigation is a tough one. Exactly what they want and what they are doing at any moment, is often a mystery. So we know they are looking at it and know british lawmakers are looking at Cambridge Analytica and their role in brex it. Exactly where they are going remains to be seen. Fascinating report. Thanks for sharing with us. Thank you. Everything seems to move faster in the trump era, doesnt it . Its starting to have an impact on the Federal Reserve. Allison kosik has more in your before the bell report. The first Interest Rate hike of 2018 is coming. The Federal Reserve meets this week and investors are betting theres more than a 90 chance of a rate hike. New fed chief Jerome Powell will hold the first News Conference following the meeting. They are hoping for clarity on how many more times the fed will raise rates this year. Tomorrow treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin meets with g20 ministers in argentina. President trumps tariffs on steel and aluminum imports will be a big topic of discussion. Many countries are expected to ask mnuchin for exemptions and the antitrust case of the decade blinz this week, at t and the Justice Department square off in federal court over the 85 billion bid for time warner, parent of cnn. They argue it will hurt consumers by limiting choice and raising prices, at t argues it needs the merger to compete with amazon and netflix. It could change the future of deals in the media industry. Thanks, alison, a cnn exclusive report from the front line of the new standoff between russia and the united states. The arctic. Fire, two one well go on board an American Nuclear submarine facing off with russias military melting ice in the arctic, giving the kremlin a path to war . Lets begin. Yes or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Fenext up ferias newy. Glam grunge haircolor. Ultrasmokey, cool gray shades feria has pure dyes live in color. Live in feria by loreal paris. Sometimes you need an expert. I got it. 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Jim sciutto got extraordinary access to see how they deal with potential threats under the ice. The commander of nato forces said this week that Russian Submarine activity around the world is at levels not seen since the 80 aegs during the cold war and one place taking place is in the arctic as the ice melts the russia and u. S. And other powers see the potential for oil exploration, new sea routes and new ways to project military power and thats why the u. S. Navy is there now projecting u. S. Military power. Stand by. Tube one. Ice pick submarine. 182. The uss Hartford Los Angeles class Nuclear Submarine readies to fire. Tube one. Tube one. In an instant, a twoton 20foot long torpedo speeds towards an enemy submarine. Target acquired and destroyed. Operations in progress. The hartford is training for its primary mission hubting and killing enemy ships and submarines. But these exercises which cnn has given exclusive access to are taking place in the harshest sea environment in the world. Under the arctic ice. Vertical surface, vertical surface. Stand fast. Its arena where even surfacing requires enormous power and skill. 5 degree up angle,. 23 upper velocity and increasing. We were on board with the full force the 6,000 tons. Impact. We just broken through two feet of arctic ice. The north pole is this way, russia is this way and alaska this way. And a mission like this is all about sending a message. The u. S. Navy can operator wage war if necessary in the harshest environment in the world. The arctic is the newest and most daunting front in the expanding global competition between the u. S. And russia. These five and a half million square miles are under an intense battle for dominance as the ice shrinks and opens new oil exploration. New shipping lanes and crucially new pads to wage war. We are well aware that we are in a Great Power Competition environment. And the arctic is one piece of that. Great power competition and principlely about russia and also china. They are two of the great powers that are trying to catch up with us as fast as they can. Spacex, taking on new urgency. A british submarine joined for first time in a decade. Refocusing on a mission dating to the cold war. What is our primary mission to be able to leverage our offensive weapon like a torpedo against a threat. Theres been a shift in emphasis in our ability to do that. Operating under arctic presents unique challenges with no access to gps navigation, limited communications and dangers from below and above. 55 feet. Ice keels as long as 150 feet extend down from the ice sheets. Americas biggest challenge however comes from russia. The Russian Military is assembled an arc of steel along its arctic coast comprising dozens of military bases ports and air fields and it is building and deploying faster quieter and more capable subs of its own. In every case, they are trying to get faster and better at what they do and integrating technology into the platforms and really set them on a ramp to where if we dont continue to do the same well find ourselves in places falling behind. For now Navy Commanders maintains a technological advantage. Yeah. Subs like the hartford are virtually invisible and silent to enemies allowing them to strike without warning against targets below and above the surface. These are two of the four torpedo tubes but you can launch more from a subthan torpedo. Vertical launches and you can also launch unmanned under water vehicles and drones becoming more of a focus in this navy and some submarines like this equipped to send out seal Team Delivery vehicles as well. These subs designed to project power in many, many ways. Russian and enkrisingly chinese submarines are Getting Better at doing the same. Is the navy becoming more reliant on subs as a platform . We expect submarines will be able to get to places and conduct action where other units may not be able to right off the bat. Were going to need the submarine force to kick the door in and other forces to flow behind. Thats a firm message to audiences in moscow and beyond. Submarine duty is difficult duty, they will go out for six months deployment at sea may come to the surface for just six days or ten days. But they do that difficult service silently. Silence is really a focus for them, that is how the u. S. Navy projects power under sea. The saying is on scene but unseen, able to get to places like the arctic without being detected and thats an advantage they have over many of their adversaries around the world. Ana . Jim sciutto, thank you for shedding light for us. Coming up, a pennsylvania teen missing for two weeks found in mexico with a 45yearold man. The details on her abductor next. Whoamike and jen doyle . Than i thought. Yeah. Time for medicare, huh. I have no idea how were going to get through this. Follow me. Choosing a plan can be supercomplicated. But it doesnt have to be. Unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. Including the only plans with the aarp name. Well that wasnt so bad at all. Thats how we like it. Aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. At crowne plaza, we know Business Travel isnt just business. Theres this. A bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is what we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. Crowne plaza. Theres so much goodness it makes us feel alive. It illuminates our world and connects us to each other. With transitions® adaptive lenses® youll live the good light. They block uv rays. Plus they help protect from harmful blue light. Both indoors. And out. Enjoy life more comfortably. Enjoy life more richly. Live the good light. Find an eyecare professional at transitions. Com the frantic search for a missing 16yearold pennsylvania girl is now over. Amy yu who vanished two weeks ago with a 45yearold married man has been found safe unarmed by mcancun. They now believe the teen willing list ran off with him. Where is this girl now and what are we learning about the circumstances of them going to mexico . Amy is with her family in pennsylvania, allentown area, shes safe and sound. The affidavit of probable cause says the relationship was a secretive relationship. But it all came down yesterday at 10 30, they were in mexico near cancun. He was arrested and many agencies involved homeland security, u. S. Marshals, also the local police department. But he is now according to Allentown Police department in the custody of miamidade in florida. There will be an extradition proceeding and hell fight it. But the families were friends through church. She had known him for at least five years since she was 11 years old and the families had gone on vacation together to amusement parks together, hes married four children. But she was being let out of school with him going to school and she had signed paperwork at school saying he was her stepfather. And the academy, its lee high Valley Academy in allentown, pennsylvania, confirmed that ten times he had taken her out of school in the last few months. But then it was on march 1st that she disappeared and never went to school. He disappeared and she took with her personal identification jewelry and money. He took personal identification that was the last time his wife saw him. But his wife subsequently found out he had taken 4,000 out of their account. Wow. And a married father of four. Yeah. Unbelievable. We dont know if theres going to be federal charges. Theres a state charge now of interference with a custody of a child but federal charges we dont know yet. Stay on top of it for us, thanks, jean. Just ahead, we are the forgotten people. Those the words of a heart broken widow in puerto rico. Beyond her grief is anger. Anger that six months after Hurricane Maria people there are still dying as a result of the storm. Her story next. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. More than half of our community have discovered their irish roots. Which means your smiling eyes might be irish too. Order ancestrydna and find the surprises in you. Just 69 through monday. Get your kit today. The roasted core wrap. Belly fat. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. 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She blames Hurricane Maria for wiping out the islands power at least 120,000 customers still dont have power nearly six months later. The night her husband died, months after the storm, miriam says their generator ran out of gas, leaving her home without power for the machine her husband needed to breath. His grave is one of many this year. Cnn identified at least five deathes from 2018 identified by families, doctors or fun role homes as related to Hurricane Maria. Among them, salina santiago. His family tells us he died of heart attack in the parking lot of the clinic waiting for the clinic to open. The mayor says after maria the town cant afford to run the once 24hour service. Carmen rodriguez martinez, her family tells us she died because she didnt have power for the machine she depended on for oxygen. Dr. Torres listed Hurricane Maria as contributing factor on her deather istivecate. Is maria still killing people . Yes. Yes. Im sure this case is not an isolated case since there is no electrical power in many cases that would accelerate the end of the life of that persons. Cemetery workers tell us the number of deaths have doubled since the storm pointing to dozens of graves they believe are related. Graves that cemetery workers tell us will not be getting a head stone any time soon because families cant afford them after maria. Notolios family paid 4,000 for his funeral. Still owes 1,000. To qualify for assistance from fema the death must be certified as hurricanerelated. But puerto ricos list of certified deaths hasnt changed since early december. The official death toll stands at 64, even though the governments own death statistics in 2017 show an increase of at least a thousand more deaths after Hurricane Maria compared to the previous two years. The puerto rican government has now ordered a reveal of deaths since maria. Dr. Torres says the elderly and those with complicated Health Conditions are too vulnerable to resist the challenges brought on by maria. So just last week. Just last week they had a death. Do you think you will have to write maria again on a death certificate . I dont discard it. In my opinion, yes. Thats hard it hear. Is it hard to say . It is hard to say, yes. Even harder to accept. That six months later it wasnt a normal death. It wasnt. Maria is still destroying lives. Leila santiago, cnn, puerto rico. Coming up, the president , on a twit are tirade today for the first time attacking Robert Mueller by name along with the department of justice. Now fired fbi director james comey. Former Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe. Could this back fire on the president . Well discuss, next. Why use three skincare products when you can use one that works . New garnier 3in1 moisturizer with 96 naturally derived ingredients. One, use it by day to hydrate. Two, at night to nourish. 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During a defensive and accusationfilled weekend of tweets from the white house, these are are the messages just today from the president denying collusion with russians. Attacking former fbi officials james comey and Andrew Mccabe calling them names. Calling them liars. Saying the mueller team has zero republicans. Even though Robert Mueller himself is a republican. Now the tweet storm had very rare mention of Robert Mueller by name has some analysts dedeucing that the president is ready to shut mueller down. At least two republicans in the senate say that would be a disaster. As

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