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Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets so we have a better picture of what is taking place inside of iraq. This will give us a greater understanding what isil is located, what it is doing, how we may better encounter this threat. Third the United States will continue to increase our support to Iraqi Security forces. I we are prepared to create joint Operation Centers in baghdad and Northern Iraq to share intelligence and coordinate planning to confront the terrorist threat of isil. To our new counterterrorism fund, we will work with congress to provide additional equipment and had adviser in iraq and are prepare order send a small number of military adviser, up to 300, to assess how we can best train and advise and support Iraqi Security forces going forward. American forces will not be returning to combat in iraq. But we will help iraqis as they take the fight to terrorists who threaten the iraqi people the region, and american interests as well. Fourth, raesent days we positioned additional u. S. Military assets in the region. Because of our increased intelligence resources we are developing more information about the potential targets associated with isil. Going forward, we will be prepared to take targeted and precise military action if we determine the situation on the ground requires it. The backdrop to the president speaking there today is this deadly surge as we have been reporting on cnn by these isis militants. Sunni, jihadists, honing in on the capital city of baghdad. As we get reports, thousands of civilians are homeless, fossed into makeshift refugee camps. Joining me now, cnns jim acosta, senior white house correspondent. Jim, we will get to your question of the president in just a moment. To be crystal clear, we are talking up to 300 military adviser. The president said advising iraqi iraqis. How exactly . It just so happens the Administration Officials are holding a background conference where they are lay thing out. I can give you some brandnew information on this. These officials on this Conference Call are saying that at first, they are going to be sending in several small teams of adviser about a dozen each to establish what they are calling these joint Operation Centers with iraqi forces. Your heard the president mention joint Operation Centers during his remarks in the briefing room. At this stage, what they are going in to do is really advising and consulting with the iraqis. This is not a combat role. This is sort of, you know, getting a lay of the land, surveying the landscape militarily as to what the iraqis are up against with respect to those isis forces. We are at the preliminary zwraj of this. One very interesting point that came up on the Conference Call, brooke. In a is you heard the president talk about the possibility of military strikes. You mentioned that a few moments ago. Senior Administration Officials said that air strikes, quote, discreet and targeted are still a possibility. Once had have the information but these officials said that they are not at the stage right now where they are preparing for those air strikes. So it does not sound like any kind of air strike is imminent at this point. It sounds like they want on go in right now and send the advisors in and get that lay of the land and then proceed from there. The other thing thats not been done, the u. S. Has not decided to have teams on the ground in iraq to call in air strikes. So thats something that has also been talked about, what could the adviser go in and sort of pick it out targets for warplanes flying over. They are saying thats not a decision that has been made at this point. One other thing. We want to point out. This question has been asked a lot. Wolf blitzer asked this question. Do these adviser coming in have the Legal Protection . That goes back to that agreement that the president said he couldnt get from maliki at tend of 2011. Thats why he did not leave a residual force behind. He said because maliki would not give the Legal Protection to u. S. Forces saying that on the ground in iraq, the senior Administration Officials saying these adviser going in, they are confident, have the Legal Protection from the Iraqi Government because after all they have been invited in by the iraqis. Lets get to your question. Really the followup to your question. Specifically to the president saying we pulled out and in 2011, you basically asked him, if he regrets not leaving any u. S. Military presence on the ground. What was his response . You know, i think what he did was really lay this out at the feet of iraqi Prime Minister al maliki. Squarely at the feet saying that it was maliki who said he who would not give the Legal Protection the u. S. Forces that would be necessary in the minds of this white house and this president to have forces stay beyond 2011. Here is what the president had to say . Do you left you left a residual force in iraq ra, any regrets . That was a decision made by the Iraqi Government. We offer a dash modest residual force to help continue to train and advise Iraqi Security forces. We had a core requirement which we require in any situation where we have u. S. Troops overseas and that is that they are provided immunity at the since they are being invited by the sovereign government there. So that if, for example, they end up acting in selfdefense, if they are attacked and find themselves in a tough situation, that they are not somehow called before a foreign court. Thats a core requirement that we have for u. S. Troop presence anywhere. The Iraqi Government and Prime Minister maliki declined to provide us that immune. But we can report, brooke, that at this stage, according to senior Administration Officials, they feel like they now have that Legal Protection to send in these special adviser, military adviser, that are going in. So, you know, how that plays out from here. Jim acosta, thanks so much. The detail from the Conference Call under way. We now have a guest that can help us understand what these u. S. Adviser, up to 300 of them, could find themselves facing in iraq. A marine squad leader who fought in the battle of fallujah who is now a fire fighter er ier i ee philadelphia, adam, thank you for coming on. Let me go back to the point we were making earlier. The distinction is key between calling these 300 americans going into iraq troops versus adviser and because bottom line, these are u. S. Military, correct . Correct. In my opinion, it is political semantics. We are calling them adviser now and instead of combat troops or boots on the ground. However you want to word it. We are talking about the United States navy s. E. A. L. S, United States army rangers. They are the most elite fighters we have. So if they arent going to be combat troops im not quite sure who the president is going to refer to as combat troops. Okay. Troops, adviser, what dangers, adam, might they face . They are going to face all the dangers we face when we were in iraq the first time. They are going to face same dangers our adviser faced in vietnam when they first went in there too advise before the war escalated there. And another issue i have is that we are we appear to be doing this, sending adviser in to show we are doing something without really doing much at all. I dont know what the president thought we were doing for the last eight years when we were in iraq. I personally had Iraqi Security forces attached to me and spent day after day with them leading them, working side by side with them and teaching them everything i knew about the patrolling and about room clearing and combat operations and how to kill the enemy. And they were receptive to that. They were receptive. What are we going to do today we dont then . I was worried about your confidence level. We are talking about the adviser. How about the advisees, the iraqis. You are confident in them . My confidence in them, i would say is split. I personally was very fortunate to have an Excellent Group of Iraqi Security forces with me. They fought very bravely and on more than one occasion, they almost tried to take the ball out of our court and into their own and said look, this is our country. This is our responsibility and this is our fight. We immediate to be the ones that handle this. On the flip side, i have friends over there who had the exact opposite experience where, you know, over 50 of the unit would desert at a given time and the first fire fight that would happen, they would drop their rifles and run. Im skeptical at best right now. Lets hope the advisees, the adviser, will be working with. You fought in the battle of fallujah. Truly historic fight to retake the city from insurgents. What are you peeling . As you see the enemy in charge of fallujah today. I feel disgust really. Not so much that they have control. I mean, thats absolute terrible. But what bothers me most is something that we fought so hard for, inch by inch, door by door, house by house, so much blood to take, kind of collapse and given back to them so easily without any kind of real resistance. I mean, i didnt think it would become mainstream america in this disney worldesque place. I didnt think iraq or isis or whatever organization is ask your currently going to take things over unopposed. Disgust. You echo many people had a spent so much time serving. We thank you for your time serve thing country. Thank you so much for coming on. Appreciate it. Absolutely. Thank you for having me. Coming up the main suspect in the benghazi attacks. On a ship back to the u. S. Still he is being questioned. Officials dont expect to have it easy. Challenges they face here in this interrogation. Also ahead, Donald Sterlings wife, have you heard . She asked a judge to protect witnesses from possible intimidation by her husband. What kind of threatening behavior are we talking about . We will discuss that. Also ahead, an injure ed man, 1 days in a cave. How did he survive . Stay right here. [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. Get the mercedesbenz youve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. 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He was challenged by Raul Labrador who is was kind of elected on the Tea Party Wave back in 2010. It wasnt a robust challenge. It was more of a challenge to make clear to the Tea Party Activists out there they were trying to plant the flag a little bit. It was expected mccarthy would win but noteworthy that he is a 49yearold who had only been in congress for eight years. Ironically, brooke, he won his really conservative district. He lives in bakersfield, california. Es a blue state. In a year democrats tack over congress back in wicks. He has million now, until his colleagues elected him, majority leader, the number three, House Majority whip. He had been the guy in charge of counting all the votes every time they brought a piece of legislation to the floor. And now hes moved up a spot and hes now taking his friend, eric cantors place. Kevin mccarthy will be the new House Majority leader. I hear all the activity in the buzz around you. Theres more voting happening. Correct . Will is more voting. Because now that kevin mccarthy, who is the House Majority whip, moved up, there is a race taking place as we speak. Another secret ballot for his job. This is really where the drama is. The reason is it is dramatic is not because maybe that the people running household names. They are not. It is dramatic because when you look at the rub within the Republican Party the fight for the heart and soul of the gop, it is being played out for this House Majority whip race. You have pea republican from illinois, the establishment type. And another republican who is from louisiana and the reason why this is important is because he is from a red southern state. And the whole push from a lot of the tea partybacked conservatives, another conservatives, they have been upset there hadnt been a red state, even southern conservative, at the leadership table. There is one other real quick. One other candidate who is from indiana. Because there are three of them and you have to get above 50 to be win, it is entirely possible there will be a second round. The third will drop out and then we will see who takes it at the end of the day. Right. The majority. Exactly. I got it. Dana bash, thank you so much. Here we have it. Kevin mccarthy. Thank you. Coming up, Donald Sterlings wife asked a judge to protect witnesses from possible intimidation by her husband. What may that entail . Thats coming up on cnn. How are things with the new guy . All we do is go out to dinner. Thats it . I mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great. What . Hes using you. He probably has a Citi Thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. So hes just racking up points with me. Some people. Ugh no, ive got it. The Citi Thankyou preferred card. Now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual fee. To apply, go to citi. Com thankyoucards [ squeaking ] [ water dripping ] visit tripadvisor hawaii. 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Cnn just obtained audio, voice mails, entered into court by shelley sterlings attorney. Let me bring in brian todd in washington. You can explain what was entered, these voice mails. Tell me what is happening in court. We have breaking news from the court. The judge denied shelley sterlings appeal. The judge said he will not issue an order protecting witnesses or keeping Donald Sterling or his attorneys from contacting witnesses saying it does not rise to the level of great and irreparable injuries to the party involved. That ruling coming out from the judge in Probate Court in california. This is in response to dramatic menacing phone calls allegedly from Donald Sterling to his estranged wifes lawyer and doctors. We have audio of one of the alleged calls from Donald Sterling on june 9. I believe this is one to a neurologist that examined him and declared him mentally incompetent. Take a listen. Monday, june 9, 3 12 p. M. This is Donald Sterling. I would like you to have your attorney and your Insurance Company call me at [ bleep ] you release my medical records of my head to a law firm without my permission. You came in and you purported to examine me and you never told me anything about it. You are nothing but a fraud and sxlir cheat. Im going to see that you lose your license. Sterling goes on to call the doctor a horrible woman and says that he is going to sue her. There is another voice mail that he left. We have a krans tript of that. Another doctor who examined him and declared him mentally incompetent. In the voice mail, which they say was left for the doctor on june 9. A man, they say, is sterling quote, im not incompetent. You are fing competent. Sterling called him, no voice mail, court papers, donald says sterling opened the call by calling him an expletive starting with an a and mr. Sterling shouted even louder and said in a menacing tone im going to take you out, odonnell, which i understood to mean that mr. Sterling was going to kill me or have me killed. That according to pierce odonnell. Cnn spoke with Donald Sterling, attorney bobby simini today. He did not deny sterling made those calls. He said, he was with sterl when sterling called his wifes lawyer, pierce odonnell, and said sterlding not threaten odonnell. All of this, brooke, can be brought out in a trial next month where shelley sterling is going to try to get this judge to back her 2 billion of sale of the clippers to steve ballmer. A big part of that trial will be a question of Donald Sterlings mental competence. Okay. That begins july 7. Thank you very much. Coming up, president obama stressing today that the future of iraq is in the hands of its own people. We will take you live to baghdad next for reaction. What the president said, the special statement. Also ahead, terror group isis wreaking havoc across iraq, pushing its agenda, social media. There is someone that has been tweeting secrets of the terror group, a possible former member of isis. We will explain the significance here. What has been revealed . Coming up. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. This is humira helping me lay the groundwork. This is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. 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Secretary of state john kerry responding to a question moments ago as far as the future of al maliki. The Prime Minister of iraq. Secretary kerry echoing the president. President obamas message earlier today when he said it is not our business to choose leaders. Above all, iraqi leaders must rise above their differences and come together around a political plan for iraqs future. Shia, sunni, kurds, all iraq writes must have confidence that they can advance their interests and aspirations through the political process rather than through violence. Again, that was the president. A little while ago, announcing he is prepared to send up to 300 military adviser into iraq to try to help iraq stop the onslaught of sunni militants. Before we push ahead, brief history. 6,000 b. C. An idea, they gave up wandering and between two rivers they declared they were home. Built shelters and grew crops and traded among themselves and started keeping records. History, as it were. Fast forward through the millennia. After world war i, that spot where human first established roots began a country we now know as iraq. Its boundaries drawn not by its own people but rather by european diplomats. The scant regard on the fact that their newly minted iraqis develop ad long history of fighting each other. Saddam hussein, you may recall, frightened iraqis so much so that for most of his 24 years in power, they suspended their mutual hatred but since his overthrow at the hands of u. S. Forces, iraq, despite strenuous efforts by the u. S. , is back to trying to settle its ageold score. Bob bobby gosh, welcome for joining me. I want to i wanted to have this smart segment on the current claim but also lookings at history. It is true iraqs troubles started perhaps even p end with the map that was drawn after world war i. Would you agree . Well, yes. It is suddenly true that the british and french drew maps all over the middle east. Ing in fact, all over the colonial world that if you look back and make no sense at all but lets not forget, there are many countries created with that whimsical map making. That held together pretty well. And dont have the kind of problems iraq has. It is not simply a question of bad map making that brought iraq to where it is today. It is also succession of poor leaders and two very devastating wars. One against iraq iran and then, of course, more recent war against the u. S. And coalition forces. And then terrible government after the war by the person who is now Prime Minister, al maliki. It is part of a continuum of extremely poor governance by over a millennia. You mentioned al maliki and mentioned leadership. Again, i go back. The 100 years after the european established iraq and established the government and established rules. And it is still happening. The outside powers, wrought side forces, trying to make the rules for iraq. The white house is saying, you know, it wants a new leader there. It is saying that between the lines. The white house is not alone. There are plenty of people much closer to iraq. In its own neighborhoods saying the same things. In a democrat, it is hard to think of a democratic country where a leader loses large amounts of territory to a terrorist group, thounz and of his people die and his soldiers give up the battle and run away and that leader still stays and most democratic countries that leader would have in shame and humiliation been either would have either resigned from government or would have been driven out of government by his own political party. It is astonishing maliki is still Prime Minister of rock. The longer he is Prime Minister of iraq, he is a divisive figure. He is not, to use the words after the former president , he is not a uniter. She a divider. How can you guarantee if ultimately maliki goes away who could are there names being loan out . I havent read any, whether it be sunni, kurd, shia, who could lead the country as a uniter. Yes. That is very much a problem. It is clear maliki is not the right man for the job. Who is . Thats much harder. The one 2345i78 had a keeps coming up is the predecessor. He does not prove to be adept either. What seems to be very clear and seen similar situations in other parts of the world, in a situation like this when the country is in danger of being ripped apart you immediate some sort of a National Coalition government. It brings together all political movements, all political schemes under one common banner. If you are lucky then you have a charismatic statesmanlike leader in the mid whole can rule. If you are not lucky, at least if you have all parties under a common pen you have the different groups talking to each other politically. In iraq, you plainly dont have that. Maliki refuses to talk to the sunni political leadership. Never mind the terrorists. The sunni political leaders. He is he had a sunni Vice President and issued an arrest warrant against him. The Vice President had to flee the country. Heres not a way you include people. Thats how you push them away. You have to imagine the white house is evaluating and watching under al maliki every dawe. Thank you so much for joining me. Now to this terror group in iraq, isis, considers itself a state. It appears the socalled government has i a leaker. It appears. Take a look at this article from the daily beast, calling someone is spilling isis secrets on twitter. It is about the account which has been revealing insider details for more than the last six months about isis covert alliances and leaders and more. Who is behind the account . Joining me is david seagal, army veteran and reporter at the daily beast. Jacob, welcome. Thanks for having me. Who is this person or persons and is what had individual is claiming via twitter actually carried out . Nobody knows exactly who is behind the account. It is an anonymous account. Clearly it is not a disinterested party. It is not somebody looking to just object the truth. Isis probably most likely somebody who belongs to one of Isis Islamist rivals. Likely in syria. Probably the news up front. It is somebody whose intent is to smear isis and by smear, i dont mean point to the groups brutality but to smear it in terms that would undermine it to other islamist followers. That is the perfect segue because what was in your piece, the obvious question of why, why is this person what are the motivations . Whoever is behind the tweets, isnt motivated to an allegiance of truth or the idea liberated and spoken to power. Like a mafiso complaining that his fellow hitman failed to play by the rules, it is not the murders that bother wikibaghdady. The complaints of the formation of isis and its split from the news front which ask the Al Qaeda Affiliated group in syria. And this is actually really something that goes back to isis involvement and the syrian civil war. They had always been in iraq and originated in iraq. It was not until they got involved in syria that they gained the strength that allowed them to pull off what they had been doing in iraq now. In the course of fight in syria, they ended up alienating other jihadi groups, other groups that they once had alliances with and there has been a back and forth effort on twitter, Information Operations from various factions, seeking to discredit one another and what they have been been doing, among other things, was pointing to some of the baathist tieins isis. Being saddam husseins party. Right. So an Arab Nationalist party and by pointing to those ties, it was seeking to discredit the religious authority and the credentials that isis had by suggesting that highlevel level inside isis was bad or pointing out those ties. As it turns out, isis to talk over the second largest city in iraq. Months and you will spread as quickly as it has due largely to the fact it is not acting alone. It is part of a broader sunni coalition. It certainly involves baathist groups. While this sect seeking to discredit isis, it clearly didnt work even amongst perhaps a receptive audience in the jihadi community. Isis has only gotten more popular. More popular meaning all this traction. Much because of the propaganda. War front documentation they have been putting out on the meat. Jason seagal from the daily beast. Thank you so much. It is an interesting angle, this whole story playing out in iraq. Thank you. Coming up next, the main suspect in the benghazi attacks on a ship back to the u. S. Is being questioned right now. We will talk live to an interrogation expert what could be happening on board this ship. Yoplait whips it is so good for whipping up a little treat. So i can reach ally bank 24 7 but there are24 7branches . Im sorry im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . 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I heard some experts say that this ship may travel very slowly, as slow as it needs to, so this guy talks. Whats the first thing as an interrogator you try to do . Well, the first thing is establishing some kind of relationship or rapport in getting to what are his primary motivations . Whats his subjects primary motivation. Now not just for a case like this individual, khatallah, but when it comes to combating terrorism cases or criminal realm, something you touched upon from my experience going back to before 9 11, there is but a pine line between socalled intelligence interview and criminal interrogation. I know for me and partners for the u. S. S. Cole operation, it was about the actionable information that can be used by planners, to disrupt plots and come up with battle plans. Something that you mentioned, though, before, about a tactical battlefield interrogation, though. It is different by degree than interrogation in this type of setting. This type of setting, you know all along that this guy is going to trial. To build a case. Right . Thats right. Absolutely. But think in terms of the jointness here. And this seems to be a really peckive hybrid approach where you have special operation forces, fbi elements and u. S. Intelligence community combining for the snatch and grab to have the subject in custody. What happened in benghazi, of course, critically important. Both for intelligence purposes and then for the elements of the crime when it goes to court. But rest assured right now in the early phases, as long as hes talking, it is going to be about intelligence requirement. If you are sitting lets imagine you are on this hip and facing khatallah, at what point as an interrogator do you know have you him . He is going to talk. That is a good frame of reference. Even in the most productive cases, rarely is there ever a breakthrough where the subject says, okay, you have me. Whatever you want, get ready, it is usually more of an incremental approach based on how the rapport and relationships are going. Tapping into those things that most motivate the subject and using information that hes giving to determine whether it is truthful, validating and vetting, Building Trust and Building Confidence and some of the bestlaid plans experienced interrogators know they may have to change on a dime if the plan is not working. There may be even a situation, too, where you are you can be be certain that some of the best interrogators in the business are there and that if it is just not clicking with the team, they may bring in others to have a more effective approach or different approach. Whats the biggest mistake an intear gator can make . Not coming up with the information. Not coming out with the information. Thank you so much. As we learn more about the story, love to have you back to talk about that. Coming up next, world cup fever. Key american player will miss sundays crucial game against portugal. But happening right now p. The game between england and uruguay. We have live fan reaction from where else, a public, of course. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. Of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. We do it all for this very experience. [woman] thats good. I know right . Gevalia. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. 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A Spokesman Says there is hope he can return at some point during the tournament. Right now, i can tell you that england taking on uruguay in a crunch game. Each looking to rebound from opening match losses. Richard roth joins us live from the blind pig pub in new yorks east village. This is my favorite time every four years, the glisten, twinkle in your eye talking world cup, richard. Take it away. Yeah, well that twinkle sometimes occurs elsewhere in new york. During this world cup, its very exciting. Uruguay did, england, 10 uruguay at the half. Ive got english supporters, dean and paul. What did you think of Wayne Rooneys performance and englands performance . Were getting beat so not very good. But rooneys good, man. Like everyones bashing rooney. Hes not having the best of game but theres nothing wrong. England is not knocked out but obviously a loss would put them in a really bad position headed to the last final group game. Paul, what do you think . Most certainly. The only thing to be said is once more into the breach, dear friends. Ill fill this pitch with our english debt. Shakespeare in the park is further uptown. English fans have gotten a little bit used to losing lately. A lot of high hopes the last world cup. Only win was 1966. What do you think . Is this over again . Are you used to losing already . Im afraid im a little bit used to it. Two years before i was born. Im a middleaged man. This is a problem. We have to solve it. You sound english, man. Youre negative, man. Only 1nil halftime. Just a television reporter. By birth, were negative. Does it is hurt luis suarez played in england for liverpool. Playing against for our five of his mates right now. Hes going to score. You dont mind its him. No, we need to score than than hes going to forward. Hes a great forward. Its happening. Its happening. England come on, england i just met these men. Anyway, ill see them further in the back im sure. Brooke, back to you. Richard roth, a man who has covered the United Nations for many years. I love it when you talk soccer. Good luck to those teams. Serious news, getting breaks is news from the cdc. Up to 75 employees may have been unintentionally exposed to anthrax. Our medical team on the story. Well talk to Elizabeth Cohen after a break. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. And now telcos using hp Big Data Solutions are feeling the love, too. By offering things like onthespot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98 . No matter how fast your Business Needs to adapt, if hp Big Data Solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. Make it matter. Humans. We are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. Call. 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The man at its its center the joe han strapped to this stretcher and hoisted, winched and squeezed through the belly of the bavarian alps. Translator i have the pleasant duty to inform you that the injured cave explorer has safely arrived at the click clinic. We have reached the main goal, to get the patient the appropriate emergency aid that is appropriate for his condition. Deep inside these mountains is a vast network of tunnels and chambers largely unexplored. The whole complex means thing and its germans deepest cave. The 52yearold experienced cave explorer was 1,000 meters underground when he was injured by falling rocks, suffering trauma to the brain. One colleague stayed with him wrapping him in three sleeping bags to keep him warm and dry in near zero temperatures while the third member of their team went for help. And so began a complex operation involving International Teams from across the alps. 200 rescue workers inside the cave alone who repllayed the patient slowly painstakingly along the narrowest of sharps past water falls and up vertical climbs to safety. Up at the entrance to the cave high in the mountains, helicopters brought him food and equipment. The whole area sealed off to other air traffic to make sure nothing interrupted the mission. Rescue workers were clearly emotional at the successful outcome of such a technically complex mission. Translator i saw an hour ago when my people came back down from the mountain how the strongest guys who are not easily shaken who have been in the cave for days had tears in their eyes when the moment came. Mission accomplished for the more than 700 involved in an epic tale of man versus mountain. Diana magnay, cnn, berlin. Thank you. Were finally getting information on break is news i mentioned. The cdc saying 75 employees have been unintentionally exposed to anthrax. They say that exposure was after proper safety procedures that they were not followed. Jake tapper has more on that right now on the lead. Jake . Anthrax. The word itself just sounds scary. How did dozens of government scientists, trained to handle anthrax end up in possible dangering . Im jake tapper. This is the lead. The breaking news. As many as 75 scientists working for the u. S. Government now being treated for exposure to anthrax. How did such a lethal bacteria get t

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