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House, the president and his staff, appear to be very cognizant of the fact that this city is still very much in the grips of a terrible, terrible event that took place just a few days ago, anderson. Jim, just for claritys sake, i didnt hear Rex Tillersons press conference or statement earlier today. I know from what i read he called the president smart. But did he deny having called the president a moron . Reporter at that particular press conference, anderson, he did not deny that he called the president a moron. We do know in the last several minutes that the state department spokesperson, nauert, was talking to reporters in washington and she did deny that she said she talked to the secretary of state and the secretary of state told her that he did not call the president a moron. Now, that did not come from the secretary of state himself. But if you listen to what the president had to say just a few moments ago, at the moment it appears even though privately were told hes not happy about any of this, it does appear for the moment that he is satisfied from what he heard from the secretary of state earlier this morning. But abandnderson, another thing to be weighing on this president , on this white house, he cant just be throwing cabinet members overboard once a week. He just unloaded his health and Human Services secretary on friday over those private plane trips that tom price was taking. You cant necessarily have a situation where the hhs secretary steps down on friday and then the secretary of state is gone a week later. That does not bode well quh it comes to how the world views this administration and whether its in a state of constant turmoil. So that may be weighing in on all of this. That is obviously something that i would imagine officials inside the west wing are thinking about, that perhaps they have to weather this storm and then deal at a later date with these obviously very tense, not very warm feelings between the president and his own secretary of state. Anderson. Yeah. Jim acosta, appreciate that. As jim said, the president heading now to talk to Law Enforcement, to First Responders. Obviously to praise their efforts and meet with them. Sara sidners also joining us right now. And youve been talking to so many family members whove lost loved ones. You talked to three young people who lost their mother. Is that right . Thats right. To see the president obviously consoling people its one of the duties of the president , one of the roles of the president. But there is so much grief here. And i think for many of the people that ive spoken to, theres adrenaline that sort of gets you through the first couple of days. Theres the horror of it, the shock of it. Plans to be made. Funeral arrangements to be made. Waiting for your loved one to be able to even reclaim them and bring them home. But its often in the weeks, in the months ahead when family members then move apart and friends go on with their lives. The reality of what happened here sets in. Thats right. And i think when you start thinking about that, we had a really interesting conversation because i know a lot of people dont want to bring in politics to this. They really, really dont. They want to be able to grieve. The family i spoke to, the tonks family, they had not gotten the body of their mother back yet. Theyre still waiting for that. And they were hoping that today would be the day. But i did ask them, and they did talk to me a little bit about guns and what they thought about guns. And it was a really interesting conversation because it shows you the complexities of it. 14yearold son grayson, who was the most eloquent young man, sweet as pie and very close to his mother, he said you know what, if there were no more guns there would be no more war. And he liked that idea. But then his grandfather said, but the issue that we have here is that if there are no more guns, if theyre banned, only the bad guys will have the guns. Hes like its complicated, theres a lot of complexities in this. So it was interesting to see a generational difference between the two of them, and they were able to talk through it in such a way. But ultimately all they wanted to do was grieve their mother. And they are still in that shock stage. They really are. It has not set in yet. Yeah, i think for many families. Its still for many people its still unbelievable. Standing here just over the shorld theres a memorial of people still gathering. And over to the right you can still see at the mandalay hotel, you can still see the broken windows, the two broken windows where the gunman set up his position. So brooke, theres obviously a lot of healing still to take place not only for people who were directly affected but really for so many people in this city who are just shaken by what went on. For some time to come. Anderson, thank you. Well get back to you momentarily. Meantime, lets get back to the other piece of this, the breaking news in the investigation into this mass murder. Right now this woman is sitting down with the fbi. Her name is Marilou Danley. She is the gun mans girlfriend. And at this stage in the investigation she may be the only person who can shed any sort of light on how a 60something gambler and Real Estate Investor with absolutely zero criminal history came to commit the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History. Danley is now back from a trip to her native philippines where her sister her sisters believe she was sent by this shooter so she wouldnt interfere in her boyfriends plans of mass murder in las vegas. So well bring you any news that comes out of that interview as soon as we get it. Meantime, President Trump, as you well saw him, at the Medical Center there, now having met with some of the survivors and the victims and staff, you heard him say he would be heading on to talk to police and those heroes from such a tragic evening. Police have now released body camera video that captures the panic and the chaos as officers worked frantically to get people to safety and find that gunman. Were going to play you just a portion of it. But just to warn you, it is tough to watch. [ gunfire ] go that way. Go that way. Go that way. [ sirens ] theyre shooting right at us, guys. Everybody stay down. Stay down. Where is it at . [ inaudible ]. North of the mandalay bay. Its coming out a window. And in case you missed this, this was the moment these officers on the ground realized that the gunshots were in fact coming up from high above at the 32nd floor at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. We are also getting new video showing the widespread confusion in front of that stage. People running in all kinds of directions, not having any idea where they should be running or from whom they should be running. So with me now is brian todd, who is live in las vegas. And lets just go back to this girlfriend piece, brian, because she is sitting down. Shes being interviewed, interrogated, what have you, by police, by fbi. But its my understanding youre getting a little bit more information on the shooters stockpile of weapons. What have you learned . Thats right, brooke. Cnn was told a short time ago by a spokesperson for the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, atf, that Stephen Paddock bought 33 weapons, most of them rifles, between october 2016 and september 2017. That is according to an atf spokesperson who spoke to my colleague, kyung lah, a short time ago. So youre getting kind of more of a picture of his accumulation of weapons. Weve already been told by a Law Enforcement official familiar with the investigation that Stephen Paddock had been accumulating weapons over the course of at least 20 years. And again, more information about the weapons that were confiscated right after the shooting in three separate locations. The Mandalay Bay Hotel room, his property in mesquite, nevada, and also a property that he owned near reno, nevada. Law enforcement officials told us last night they confiscated 47 excuse me, 47 guns at those three locations. So youre getting this picture. His accumulation of the weapons. Also today, brooke, were told that his girlfriend, Marilou Danley, now has an attorney named matt lombard and that mr. Lombard is going to be issuing a statement later today. Well be waiting to hear what he has to say about the questioning of miss danley. As you mentioned, shes going to be absolutely crucial. Her sisters spoke to our cnn affiliate in australia. And talked about whether she knew anything about anything in advance about this attack. Heres what they had to say. She didnt know shes going to the philippines until steve said, marilu, i found you a cheap ticket to the philippines. Marilou danley is my sister. Shes a good person. A gentle soul. A mother, a grandmother. A sister. A friend. And i know that she dont know anything as well, like us. She was sent away. She was sent away so that she will be not there to interfere with what hes planning. The sisters saying that she was sent away by Stephen Paddock so she would not interfere with whatever he was planning. The sisters implying very strongly that she did not have any foreknowledge of what was planned. In another interview a brother of Marilou Danley spoke to another news outlet, saying that she told him forgive me, brian. Here is President Trump speaking with police and some First Responders. Theres really a lot of stories that are great heroism. Absolutely. Tremendous number of stories. But what the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police did is ive always known you guys. You really proved it. Hes a sick, demented man. Have they been able to find out anything else . Its a little bit soon. Still a little bit soon. We have a couple good leads. And were working our way through that. Were going to get the answers. There might be something there. The wires are screwed up. But there might be something there. Well, again, im going to say a few words to your group, but i just wanted to come in and say hello and congratulate you. I was a fan before this. You know that. Everyone in this room knows that. A big fan before this. And i guess if you can be more of a fan i guess im even more of a fan now. But you showed the world, and the world is watching. And you showed what professionalism is all about. Because that was about as fast Something Like that could take place for hours and hours and hours and you cant figure it out. You should be very proud, sheriff. Just a matter of identification. Officer hancock there at the end to your right there, he was the first s. W. A. T. Officer to engage the individual. And officer bitsfield there, the canine officer that assisted with that initial engagement. Officer morris and officer burke there were the two officers i described that were there and partnered with the security. They did a good job, didnt they . They did a good job. Now his option would have been try to do it himself, but if it doesnt work you wouldnt have had the information maybe, right . Right. He did the right thing . He did. We relied on him for the information. Thats really great. So everyone else behind the press there were integral in saving neutral lives. The gentleman right to your left, that firefighter right there was off duty watching the concert and remained and saved several lives. I think its important for its important for you to know that every Single Person in here was instrumental in lifesaving measures. And these two young ladies here were our dispatchers. Theyre probably the most important people in the room. Calm and strong and sharp. If you ever have the opportunity to listen to the radio traffic, these two young ladies are amazing. Decided to go to college. [ inaudible ]. And a margarita. Every Single Person in that room helped save lives sunday night. You just heard the sheriff. That was police, fire, First Responders sitting around that semicircle with the president and the first lady as he was thanking them, congratulating them, saying he was obviously a fan, to use his word, of the heroism on display. Keep in mind several Police Officers were killed in that mass murder sunday night there at the mandalay bay haute until las vegas. And even included some of the young women, the dispatchers, talking about having to be cool and calm under pressure when all hell is breaking loose on the ground. Art roderick is with me. Hes our cnn Law Enforcement analyst. And just to see a scene like that, trying to put myself in the shoes of the Police Officers and the firefighters, the heroes sitting there with the president of the United States, what did they want to hear in those sorts of situations . In this type of situation you want to hear support from the president. And thats exactly what the president did. I mean, you had anywhere from dispatchers and the initial Law Enforcement officers that respondsed. It was good to hear the kind words from the president. And that always bolsters exactly whats happened. This is what he needs. Hes gone and visited the victims. Hes visited the First Responders. And i think thats a very good thing to do to help bolster because these people are all running on adrenaline right now and still havent been able to sit down and take a look at this situation. Let alone sleep or when they try to sleep. Its impossible. I want to ask you about this girmfriend whos being interrogated, or questioned i should say, right now. But quickly on the reporting from kyung lah and the fact that we know the shooter accrued 33 firearms, mostly rifles, between september of 16 and october of 17. For people who just dont know guns, i mean, when youre accruing again, he had no criminal history, apparently passed the background checks. Is there not some alarm that goes off . Do separate gun shops not talk . When someone starts accruing weapons in that number, is that okay . I mean, you would think there would be alarms going off. But no, because he spread his purchases around to several different gun shops. And its not only the weapons that he accrues but also the modifications he made to those weapons, which means he had to go somewhere and practice or had to have knowledge about how to modify those weapons. Some of those weapons that i saw are set up for an expert or a sniper, they were set up based on those types of modifications and he had to have some knowledge or training in order to do that. Do you think Gun Shop Owners in this country are trained to hear what a virtually fully automatic weapon would sound like . And that would send off alarm bells at a range . It would. Sometimes you can go to some ranges and they have automatic weapons set up there for you to try and use. So its not unusual to find automatic weapons at the gun range. They usually have an experienced individual with you while youre firing that weapon. But no, thats not unusual. And the 12, you know, bump stocks that he bought, thats a lot. That is a lot. One more quick question. On the girlfriend, shes being questioned by the fbi. What are shes lawyered up. What are the key questions . I mean, from a Law Enforcement perspective we want to find out what the motive is. The motive is the key here. We know he meticulously planned this over what sounds like a full year. I mean, thats a lot of planning to go into this. Not only to take care of the girlfriend, make sure shes away, transfer 100,000, but to purchase the weapons, purchase the mod fick augss on the weapons but also to pick that particular location which is far enough away to cause panic within that crowd and we know theres a lot of injuries of people just trying to get away. Art rodr thank you so much. On the investigation piece. We continue to hear these voices and share these stories of not only the victims but the survivors. And coming up next well talk to a man who bonded with a total stranger at the concert sunday night and saw her hit by gunfire. He stayed with her and stayed in Constant Contact with her family. Their story is coming up next. 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, so we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. You can even see how well youre sleeping and make adjustments. Does your bed do that . The most amazing part is they start at 699. Thats 200 off our queen c2 mattress during our fall sale. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Whyoure not thinking clearly, so they called the Fire Department for us. I could hear crackling in the walls. My mind went totally blank. All i remember saying was, my boyfriends beating me and she took it from there. And all of this occurred in four minutes or less. I am grateful we all made it out safely. People you dont know care about you. Its kind of one of those things where you cant even thank somebody. To protect what you love, call 1800adtcares were expecting to see President Trump meeting with Police Officers very shortly. Survivors continue to share their stories, what happened here in las vegas. Its our hope that this tragedy will be defined by the incredible acts of heroism and friendship that we continue to hear. This next story is a remarkable example. Michelle vo was attending the Harvest Festival alone when she met Cody Robertson at one of the venues bars. They became friends and watched the performances together that night. About 20 yards from the stage when the gunshots rang out, a bullet struck michelle in the chest. Her sister, kathy, described her infectious kindness. She was really, truly beautiful, inside and out. Are and she had this bubbly, infectious personality. And its so magnetic. If you anyone who has been lucky enough to meet her would know that she made it so easy and fun to be around her. She had that natural ability to make that you in her presence, you just felt like the best thing. You just wanted to spend so much time with her. Cody, who met michelle that night, was in contact with her family after she was shot and spent hours searching for her at area hospitals, where doctors eventually delivered the news that of course no family wants to hear. Cody joins us now from columbus, ohio. Cody, thank you for being with us. I know its a hard thing to talk about. But i just think what you did, i mean, its so emblematic of what were hearing from other people, who in many cases risked their own lives. Tell us what happened after michelle was shot. Well, first of all, thank you for having me on. Obviously, its been a rough couple of days. But after she got shot it was about the second round of shots. Wed heard the first ones. We thought they were fireworks. We turned to the right. Just thought it was part of the show. Like many other people around us. And then when the second rounds came out she got hit and then immediately fell. Right after that i dropped down as well. Thats when the music stopped. Everyone either started dropping down or hiding, everything like that. I turned to try to cover her up. And when the shots stopped, me and a person next to her on the other side, we turned her over, saw that shed been hit. And at that point it was basically just survivor mode. Tried to evacuate. Where we were standing was right near the metal barriers in the middle of the stage that the artist could walk down from the stage on. Interact with the fans. And from that point we scaled those and, you know, basically took her out the back entrance, of one of the house of blues bar. From there after id helped some other people also scale that same metal barrier i came to find they were doing cpr on her. And at one point we just picked her up and tried to rush her outside. I know the storys been circulating about the white pickup trucks that people were driving. And we ended up putting her on one of those. You know, they said they were taking people to the hospital. And that was the last that i saw of her. Me and the other individual that i was with, who unfortunately i wish i knew his name, but we turned to each other and said lets go help some more people. So we went back in. You went back in. To try to help anyone we could. Yeah. Just get out. Yeah. We went back through the house of blues, which was it seemed like a metal structure. You could hear some of the bullets hitting it. And we just tried to pull anybody we could to safety. And a little bit after that the shots stopped and then we just tried to get to as many people as we could. Went to other people. Tried to help them out, see where they were hit, if they were just hiding, tried to get them up and help out. We started taking metal fences and pulling them over, using them as stretchers to put people on and evacuate. We just tried to help out as many people as we could as fast as we could. We werent the only ones. There was 30, 40, 50 other people that came running back in. And i understand you were also looking for michelles phone and you actually were able to find it and eventually call her family. Is that right . Yeah. What had happened, her purse was by where they were doing cpr on her. So i grabbed that, and then i left, and we had exchanged phone numbers about an hour before the incident happened. And i just tried calling it to see if somebody would answer. And thankfully, somebody did. They were up at planet hollywood. And so i immediately started walking up there. And as i was walking, thats when i texted my group of friends that had called me multiple times to check in, see where i was. I let them know i was okay. And then i sent a text to my mom, my brother, and my sisterinlaw. Just said i was okay. Then i went up to planet hollywood, tried to find the phone. Thankfully the person who had grabbed it just gave it turned it over right away. Then i took off for the nearest hospital. Went over to i think it was desert springs. And unfortunately, they were on lockdown, they were only accepting victims or anybody that had anybody wounds or anything. And i sat there in the parking lot for a good two, three hours. And thats when there were several messages on her phone that came up and a couple calls, and her brotherinlaw, jeremiah, had called. And i answered and unfortunately had to, you know, tell him the news that she was hit and i put her on a truck and i didnt know where she was. You know and i know you went from hospital to hospital you went from hospital to hospital to find her. Yeah. I kept calling all the other hospitals around the area to see if they had anybody matching her description. Because i had her identification her purse and her phone, there was no way to really identify her. Tried calling the 800 numbers. We couldnt get through to anything there. So it was i had no way to contact her, to figure out where she was. Eventually, i talked to an employee there at the hospital. They were very gracious. And everything that theyre doing. And they brought me in, talked to one of the Police Officers, explained the situation. They looked and tried to find all the patients they had there at their location. And she wasnt there. They wanted the purse and the phone. So i handed everything over, exchanged my contact information, gave them a point of contact with the family members. And then i left. I walked out and i called jeremiah back, and gave them the the point bypoint breakdown of what had happened. You know, let them know that i still didnt know where she was. At that point i walked all the way back to my hotel, the luxor. And by the time i got back there, jeremiah diel reached back out to me again. So he was pretty sure that she was up at sunrise. So i took my cowboy boots off, put on my tennis shoes, jumped in a cab and went up there. And just waited. Went up to the front desk, gave them a description of who i was looking for. At that point i had jumped on her Instagram Account just to get pictures. Took screenshots of them. So some point of reference. They kept trying to ask for a name, but i figured there wasnt going to be a name because she didnt have any identification. Yeah. Its . And eventually they its incredible that you were willing to not only help her but continue for her familys sake to go from hospital to hospital. And i know thats where you eventually found her. Kody, weve got to take a break because i know the president s about to speak, but i just want to thank you for what you did and for talking with us about it. Thankfully, there are a lot more people like you than there are like the person who did this. And that made all the difference on sunday night. Thank you so much, kody robertson. Weve got to take a quick break. Any moment the president is going to be speaking with Police Officers. Well take a short break and bring you that live. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. [ applause ] all over the world theyre talking about it. The real professionalism. Governor, thank you very much. Senator, thank you very much. We appreciate it. Hes more famous than anybody. I dont like being famous. Great leadership. We wanted to explain earlier, this is our Department Operations center. The benevolence of the federal government, we were able to fund it. So this is obviously in the bottom of the Police Headquarters and this is where we did all our operational decisions throughout the event. It will be stood up for probably another week. Right . 24hour basis. And all investigative leads, everything you can imagine funnels through here. This is where actually its joining forces. So we have all the department of Public Safety representation here along with Emergency Managers and the hospital system, the First Responder medical system and everything as you can imagine during a crisis. So we can speak with one voice. So thats the important piece. A lot of these folks are not supposed to be in here. [ laughter ] but these are all people who were instrumental in the success of our critical incident. And they will also be part of our success for the continuance of the investigation. So i think its important for you to see what your leadership is providing you. Well, i can tell you on behalf of our country, our great, great country, we want to thank you. You have been a real inspiration. This is a rough time, but if you didnt get up there so quickly it could have been worse, could have been a lot worse. And we just want to thank you. The whole world has watched and theyve seen professionalism like you rarely see. So i just want to thank you all very much. Appreciate it very much. Thank you. [ applause ] start pushing back this way. Again, this was the second scene weve seen in just the last couple of minutes of the president and the first lady standing, surrounded by the heroes in las vegas. The Police Officers, the sheriffs, the sheriff deputies, firefighters, the women working the radio on dispatch on sunday night. And just reinforcing just a huge thank you to them, keeping in mind some of those Police Officers and departmenties lost lives in the midst of the carnage on sunday. As far as the investigation is concerned and the fact this girlfriend of the shooters is now sitting down with fbi, we need to talk about that. Ive got cnn counterterrorism analyst phil mudd with me, who worked in the cia, advised the fbi, whos the perfect voice in all this. So lets start with this girlfriend. So she was off is, when this mass murder took place, she was off in asia. She has now been brought back to the states. She landed in l. A. Some time ago and shes sitting down with the fbi. How did they even begin with her . I want to box her. I dont trust anything she says. Its not that i think shes lying. Its that ive got to affirm whether shes a good witness. At this stage were 3, 3 1 2 days in. I have a lot of data. For example, i have things like text and email messaging. Is she talking to the boyfriend since she went overseas . Are the volume of calls or texts changing over time . Can i get into emails to see if i can get content . That is, what are they talking about. So i have a whole variety of information about her and about her relationship already. And im going into that room and im saying, what can you talk to me about how you spoke with him in the past week, what the frequency was . One of the things im doing is to see what she says, whether what she says accords with the data im getting, whether theres agreement. Because you know the answers. You start with the simple questions to see if shes forthright. Thats right. And plays along. Or you catch her in a lie. Thats right. And if you catch her in a lie or to use your phrase box her, in then what . Weve got a couple of options here. Option one is i presume shes lawyering up. Do i have a hammer on her already . Lets say and i doubt if this is true, theres content in the email traffic that suggests shes complicit. Huge hammer. Thats a whole different ball game. Im going to guess that doesnt exist. Theres some middle ground here. I mentioned to you earlier its something you call white socking. Which means which means what . Youre going in and saying this person smells dirty, i dont think shes cooperating, im going to look at other issues. Other hammers. Theres an immigration problem. She didnt come clean on her tax records. In some Law Enforcement worlds white socking means im going in and saying theres nothing wrong with this Police Officer but hes got a uniform violation, hes got white socks on, so im going to go after him on that. Im looking for some way i can get leverage on her in the room in the event i dont have a hammer and i dont think shes cooperating. So we dont know a lot about her. Weve heard the sisters and they said one thing, that they think he sent her away to asia to be away when he committed this mass murder. We dont know. Thats coming from the Single Source from the sister. We know she lived with him. We know that i dont know how long she lived with him but presumably she was there through the course of the year. According to kyung lah, reporter, catching up all the firearm information. He accrued 33 weapons over the course of september of last year to october of this year. So presumably if youre living with a man who keeps accruing weapons one would wonder are you asking questions . Why are you buying all these guns . Its not just accruing weapons. Think of all the dimensions. You can almost think of it as a net around a human beings life. Think about if she lived with him, if she had interaction with him every day, of the amount of information around his life that we know as investigators and that we can use with her. That is, not only do we know hes acquiring weapons, hes also acquiring these stocks, presumably altering the weapons. I presume hes out practicing at some point to get expertise. Hes also involved in things like online activity. Did she ever witness any of that . Hes emailing her, phoning her, texting her. Is that changing over time . Is the dynamic changing . I get a whole picture of your life based on Digital Information that im going to use in the interview with her and theres one final piece that will evolve. Im talking to 100 other people at the same time. How are they adding to that dynamic of her life and how does that accord with what she says . What are the discrepancies . We know shes lawyered up, shes got this criminal defense attorney in los angeles. Theyre supposed to release a statement later today. Well see what that says. For now phil mudd, thank you as always. Thank you. Now to this. A u. S. Marine caught in a mini war zone, his words, unable to fight back as a sniper takes aim at people simply enjoying a Country Music festival. The unarmed marine veteran did the only thing he could. He stole a truck, drove it into the gunfire, and took the most critically injured to the hospital, saving more than two dozen lives. That hero is with me now. Taylor winston, thank you so much for being with me. And thank you for your service. Thank you for your service to this great country. Take me back to sunday night. You were out dancing with your girlfriend and you start hearing these shots. Everyone keeps saying we thought it was a rote r r from a helicopter or fireworks. What did your instincts tell you at that time . Initially it did sound like fireworks. Its pretty common at these festivals and shows. But the second burst sounded a little more familiar and i was more concerned and looking around. But there was no indication by the crowd or staff or anyone that anything was wrong. And moments later the nird set of shots rang out. Thats when jason ran off stage. And i knew it was really serious and stuff was going down and bad things were going to happen. And thats when all the chaos broke out and he everything unfolded. So your instinct was im going to go find a vehicle and try saving people . I wouldnt give me that much credit. Initially . Im going to give you that much credit. I was just as scared as anyone. I was telling people keep their heads down and just to try to get away from the sound of the gunfire. People getting hit a couple of feet away from me. Looking over my shoulders, trying to get out of there, people were just dropping. It was quite terrifying because you cant defend yourself at all. You dont even know where its coming from. Once we got to the fence line we were just trying help as many people over the fence as we could. Once we got myself and my girlfriend over, our friend was still stuck on the other side. We were yelling at him to get over the fence. He was telling us to go because he wanted to grab some of our other friends. And just at that moment is when i realized we really needed to do something and i started looking around and i spotted the dirt lot with the work trucks and i assumed one of them would be a shared vehicle and hopefully have some keys in it. Luck turned out. That was the case on the first vehicle i checked. We got in and drove toward the festival and just started looking for anyone critically injured to load up and take to the hospital as quickly as possible. There was no ambulances or First Responders there. Every minute is somebodys life when theyre bleeding out. Hang on, taylor, im still back on the first truck you try. There happen to be keys in it. And you then take this truck and drive it back toward where these bullets are flying . Correct. How many people i felt a lot safer in a vehicle. You did. How many times did you go to the hospital . And do you have any idea how many people you tried to save . Estimated, between 20 and 30 people. Ive been kind of talking with the hospital and theyre trying to confirm numbers, but they know ive brought in a lot of people. Theyre saying i was the first one to bring in any of the victims. Im just happy to get them there. There are so many people helping out that stood up to the occasion, im just glaz there were so many good people out there to help others that were in need. Have you had a chance at all to speak to anyone you took to the hospital . Im sure they were total strangers. Have you reunited with anyone . I havent had that opportunity yet, but i know were in contact with some of them via social media and stuff, and were trying to line up some meetings with them to just give them a hug and thankful i could help. It will be quite nice just to see their face and know theyre okay. Can you tell me about this benefit youre involved in tonight, taylor . Yes. Stonys las vegas, stonys rock and country over in town square is going to be hosting a free benefit concert. Some of the artists from the festival will be there performing as well as many others. Its just 100 donations to the cause and help the victims. If youre in town, come on out and celebrate an emotional life and celebrate those lost and those hurt and all the family and friends in need. I wish i were in vegas. If i were id be there right with you. Taylor winston on behalf of america. Thank you for all that you did. Thanks for having me, brooke. Thank you. Taylor winston, hero there in las vegas. Again, a reminder. The president of the United States has now met with survivors, victims families, police, fire, ems. He is set to speak formally there from las vegas any moment now. Hi, im the internet you know whats difficult . Adulting. Hi, guys. Im back. Time to slay no,i have a long time girlfriend. You know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . I have no idea. 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As just all hell was breaking loose in las vegas as a result of this madman taking to the 32nd floor at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and wreaking havoc and terror in the lives of far too many americans. 22,000 people were at that music festival. 58 at least have been killed. And we know at least 515 others were injured as a result of that. So with that said, we are talking a little about gunshot injuries as we wait for the president. So well go to dr. Amy goldberg, an expert in treating gunshot victims. She works in the trenches, removing bullets for 30 years. So now trauma chief and chair of the Surgery Department at Temple University hospital in philadelphia. Dr. Goldberg, thank you so much for being with me. And as we wait for the president , heres my question. And guys, if we have some of the photos of the guns the shooter had been using from his hotel room. This is my question. From the perspective of a trauma surgeon, when you see victims in the er, how do you begin to treat that . So i think what we all do when we take care of patients such as these, we use the training we all have, and believe it or not ignore what we see and Pay Attention to the abc, airway breathing and circulation. And thats the training that all of us have had in how we take care of patients and what will kill patients first. I read a piece where you were pro filed and said its possible for a surgeon to get distracted from the wrong wound. Most dangerous dont always look the worst. Explain, least. Thats the point. These kind of injuries and bullets cause devastating outside injuries to the patients and it can be distracting to see them. These are almost like military injuries that we are not used to seeing in the civilian population. So we have to ignore what we see and just take care of the patients airway and are they breathing and what is the Blood Pressure and stay on the path how we take care of the patients regardless of what their injuries are. Dr. Amy goldberg, thank you so much. We do need to listen in here to the governor of nevada speaking ahead of the president. I also want to thank the people across the country for the out pouring of support and generosity. Its unprecedented in our history. Makes us feel like we are not alone and gives us strength. Briefly, i attended a candle lied vigil last night at the university of nevada, it was an impromptu event, over 1,500 people showed up on short notice. We all held candles. We all hugged one another. We held hands. And we held those flames out in front of us to show tribute to the victims and their families of this horrible, horrible event. And at that moment, despite how dark and cold it was, i saw and we all saw that the greatest darkness cant put out the smallest light. And we collectively felt for the first time the first pangs of hope. We saw that despite the sadness and grief all around us, that we are resill enlightenmeient and are pulling together, yes, we are hurt, and hurt badly but not broken. We have seen generosity on a scale that is unprecedented in nevada history. We know that we will never, ever forget this horrific event. But we will march forward as a family, giving each other comfort, support, and love. The future is going to come one day at a time. We all have a choice how we are going to live each day. We must be glad. We must be good. We must be brave. And we must have faith. And we will emerge as a stronger, kinder, better state and nation. So god bless the victims and their families. May they give them peace. God bless our great state. And god bless our nation, greatest nation on earth. And with that, im very privileged and honored to introduce the first lady and the president of the United States. I personally want to thank them on behalf of all the people of nevada for taking the time to come out here and provide us their support and their comfort and Everything Else that they are going to bring to us. So with that, ladies and gentlemen, id like to introduce the president of our great nation, donald trump. Thank you. [ applause ] thank you very much, governor. We really appreciate that. And ill tell you the people of nevada and the extraordinary city have shown the world their incredible character, courage, and resolve. Nevada really is a very, very special place. Im honored to be here today at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department in the company of heros. Thank you to our police, our firefighters and to our First Responders, and of course to sheriff lombardo. Incredible job youve done. May or goodman. Hello, mayor goodman. Senator heller, thank you very much. Senator cortez. Majority leader. Where is kevin, majority leader . Kevin mccarthy. Adam lack salt, automatic of the great congressman we have with us today from both parties. And on behalf of the grateful nation, we thank each and everyone of you in Law Enforcement. In the depths of whorror we wil always find hope. The mass murder fills americas heart with grieve. America is truly a nation in mourning. I visited the hospital earlier today where many victims are still recovering from their wounds. And we ask god to ease their suffering and to speed their healing. We pray for the recovery of the injured, and those injured officers, who bravely threw themselves into danger when duty called. And we grieve the loss of the Law Enforcement personnel who were killed in this vicious attack. Many families tonight will go to bed in ha wora world that is su empty. The people they so dearly love were torn away from them forever. Our souls are stricken with grief for every american who lost a husband or a wife, a mother or a father, a son or a daughter. We know that your sorrow feels endless. We stand together to help you carry your pain. You are not alone. We will never leave your side. Here at the police department, we remember one of our own who died this week. Charles heartfeld. He was a very special person. Officer was a proud veteran, a devoted husband, a loving father. His death is a tragic loss for this police force, for this city, and for our great nation. We struggle for the words to explain to our children how such evil can exist, how there can be such krcruelty and suffering. But we cannot be defined by the evil that threatens us or the violence that insights such terror. We are defined by our love, and courage, in the darkest moments what shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. That goodness is our lighthouse and our solace is knowledge that the souls of those who passed are now at peace in heaven. Here on earth we are blessed to be surrounded by heros. As one eyewitness recounted this week, while everyone else was crouching, Police Officers were standing up as targets just trying to direct people and tell them where to go. The officers were standing up in the line of fire to help those in danger and to find out where those horrible shots were coming from. Words cannot describe the bravery that the whole world witnessed on sunday night. Americans defied death and hatred with love and with courage. When the word and the worst of humanity strikes, and strike it did, the best of humanity responds. Parents and spouses used their own bodies as shields to protect their loved ones. Americans dashed into a hail of bullets to rescue total strangers. Joining us today are many of the heros who were here during that horrible moment, that horrible night. Including Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officers Tyler Peterson and tana girl lay, and civilianer ron stocker. Officer peterson was on the second day of the job when the shooting began. I just visited him in the hospital. Within minutes he joined a group of officers rushing between flying bullets to clear the fair ground and save lives. Officer

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