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Alleged abuse against his first exwife went public. His second exwife and an exgirlfriend have also come forward, accusing him of hurting them physically and emotionally but President Trump made no mention of the women, as he gave his First Response to this growing scandal. We wish him well. He worked very hard. I found out about it recently and i was surprised by it, but we certainly wish him well. Its, obviously, a tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the white house. We hope he has a wonderful career and hopefully he will have a great career ahead of him. But it was very sad when we heard about it and certainly hes also very sad. Now he also, as you probably know, he says hes innocent. I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that hes innocent. So youll have to talk to him about that. But we absolutely wish him well. Lets start there. With me now, cnn chief Political Correspondent dana bash and political analyst deplogloria b. You have the president there wishing his form er staff secretary well and made no mention of the women. He portrayed him as a victim here in many ways and said he has proclaimed his innocence. By not mentioning the women, the president seemed to be buying it. And we know that this is a president who, himself, has been accused of being abusive or being a sexual predator and has denied it himself and so i think these words are pretty careful from him. And that is that he generally believes that these men are being framed by the women. And i think you can hear that in the way that he spoke. Look, its clear that he had a great relationship with rob porter. So did a lot of other people in the white house. But the president of the United States came out today and portrayed rob porter as the victim in all of this. Watching the president , dana, reminded me of hearing the whole, he says hes innocent, reminded me of all the times we listened to the president support the accused child molester roy moore. Uhhuh. Speaking up and supporting, i believe him, roger ailes, bill oreilly and now, fill in the blank, rob porter. We rolled that tape, i was on tv as we were watching it and my reaction was just, you know, shock. Your reaction was spot on. Well, because i was reacting like gloria just did and you are, in the world of normalcy and what our expectation the world of expectation, basic expectation. And you are exactly right, brooke, that that speculation should be different at this point based on the history of the way the president deals with allegations against people he knows and also against himself. However, here is why one would thivg this could be different. As great as rob porter was at his job, as close as the president got to rob porter, because he was around him all the time as staff secretary, meaning he was handing him papers all day long, hes not as close to rob porter as we are with hope hicks, who we reported has been in a romantic relationship with rob porter. And one of rob porters exwives was on cnn saying based on her experience and the experience of the other exwife and apparently of the girlfriend that he was most recently with before hope hicks that hope could have been next. If that is not enough to think about the real victor potential victor alleged victim i know. Nobody aside from his own daughters and own flesh and blood that the president reveres and feels as close to professional at this point than hope hicks. That is just im having trouble wrapping my mind around that. And what about a presses of the United States not showing any concern that somebody who was handing him all of these classified documents and perhaps reading some of these classified documents and spent so much time with him, as dana points out, why not some concern that this person should not have been in the job that he was in and why not some sense of outrage that we need to get this system fixed and figure out which people can be around me and not around me because tess a matter of National Security. And i happen to be the president of the United States. And the man who is a gatekeeper, general, National Security 101, all the security clearance issues so many questions. I want to get to another piece of breaking news, staying with you ladies. Speaking to white house chief of staff john kelly. Raising questions within the walls of the white house, according to new reporting, just off the presses of the Washington Post. Josh dosse is with me on that. You talk about this senior staff meeting that the chief of staff had today at the white house saying what to them . In the early parts of the ca. Even tried to convince him to stay on staff. As the fallout has grown, as President Trump has gotten upset, others have gotten upset, he changed his statements. On wednesday night, he said he was shocked by the allegations, even though we and others have reported that he knew about the allegations from us. Then he told us that he moved rob porter out within 40 minutes of finding out that the allegations were credible. It stunned a number of aides in the meeting and people around the president. They were present for all of kellys conversations with porter. They were aware of these statements, knew what he was doin doing. Its in total contrast from what weve been told publicly and by the white house. Now hes saying we take Domestic Abuse seriously, we moved within 40 minutes, he was terminated. The facts do not support that. Public facing statements, the white house has told the American Public do not support that. Revision of history, many in the white house believe. Brooke, i could just say, according to sources who ive talked to, just to kind of bounce off that sentiment, people i talked to are saying theres great, deep frustration. Never mind as a transparency question for the white house and the president and the presidency and people closest to him but just as a place to go to work that theres great frustration that the guy who is in charge in the white house chief of staff may be in this meeting this morning but in a formal way also last night in a memo to all staff has not taken accountability. Just the opposite. Face saving. Im told that he wanted to make sure that people knew that he was misled by rob porter, which might be true. According to our reporting it is true that he was given such a contrast what the court of Public Opinion seem ed to think that john kelly first walked in the white house, career military order, take no bs. Now you have this john kelly lets all remember back. Let me go back. Women on that list. Remember this . When i was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred. You looked upon them with great honor. Thats obviously not the case anymore, as we see from recent cases. Dignity of life was sacred. Thats gone. Religion. That seems to be gone as well. How about women are still sacred . Gloria, its so interesting to hear him say that. Knowing what we know now, his world view of women versus men. Mcgahn and porter had conversations about this, as we know. The question is and dana and i were reporting the day this broke that kelly knew in the fall that there were holdups. The question is, hes telling people he didnt know very much, that he knew there was a holdup. But kelly and mcgahn are close and mcgahn knew. Its incredulous to think that there wasnt a conversation about it and rob porter, who is very slick, could talk himself out of it, why nobody really bothered to take account of what the women were actually saying here. I think thats a big problem for women in this white house. Josh, does john kelly have a job next week . Our indications are, yes. That could obviously change in a second, as Reince Priebus learned, he was stepping off an airplane and pushed out via twitter. The president is a material man and certainly has been bragging about john kelly. Fundamental question here is with the russia investigation, all these unfolding developments who would the president replace him with . I dont know that there are people begging down the door to get in line to take this job. I think the president is certainly frustrated at times with john kelly. My reporting on it is that he is on the verge of pushing him out. Again, that could change any day of the week. Could i add one thing to that, brooke . Yeah. As josh was saying, he goes off about anybody in his office and he had been doing it more and more about kelly. Remember, he barged into that offtherecord meeting kelly was having. Not by accident, but because he was frustrated by some things kelly was say iing to the press. Having said that, until this exploded, deplora was told, i was told it was unlikely that kelly would be replaced any time soon because of the understanding from the oval office that chaos is not their friend, such swift change for so long. Unclear how much that has changed and will change with every little bit of piece of information that we learn about what john kelly knew and also, as josh reported, how hes handling it right now. He was the omb director. He gets politics. He gets policy. And hes somebody who the president seems to like very much. And here is the other thing. There is no he gets politics, as dana says. One of the knocks against kelly is that he doesnt have a lot of and that theres been a lot inside the chief of staff operation and you dont have someone who was schooled in politics, for example, and how he has handled this. I want to end with so we dont forget who the president forgot in all of this, dana, you mentioned jenny willoughby, porters second exwife. She was on with anderson, incredible interview. She talks about the conversation she had with porter over this blog post. I read it yesterday, why she stayed married, right . And still i stayed. So this is what she said. Can you say what he wanted i dont remember the exact wording but it was something along the lines of the post does not accurately depict my marriage and there were some other things associated with it. That just didnt feel right to me. Because it does accurately depict my marriage. And another thing that he wanted me to say was that i had taken some liberties with this therapeutic post, which it was for me, that i had taken liberties with that therapeutic post. And when i thought about it, i didnt. The things that i said were factual statements. It does sound like he was asking you to deny what you had he was asking me to downplay it. He was asking me to emphasize more the relationship that he and i have now as opposed to what i experienced in our marriag marriage. How does that speak to what was going on the last couple of weeks in the white house . If you take the white house, the place were talking about this out of it, which is not easy to do, everything youve been doing segments on this, so much reporting on this, brooke. This is classic. In this case alleged Domestic Abuse situations because rob porter insists did not do any of this. Classic in that they have rage and allegedly do what they do to the people they love and then they backtrack. Thats exactly what she described and then they try to cover their tracks. That is especially true with somebody who has such goodwill because of his demeanor in the workplace, because of his demeanor with the president in this case, with the people on down, people ive talked to and im sure you both have as well, who really, really liked rob porte porter. Dana and gloria, thank you so much. Josh from the Washington Post thank you. Just ahead here on cnn, it is a stunning image. You have the Vice President of the United States sitting mere feet from the sister of the north korean dictator. Seating snafu or something more . Youre watching cnn. And lasts for up to 12 hours, with zicam extreme Congestion Relief and zicam intense sinus relief. For colds and allergies, get your better back with zicam nasal sprays. You might be missing something. Y healthy. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. 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Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. What do you think . I think its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Vice president mike pence and the sister of kim jong un seated feet apart. Seated in the same viewing bok as kim yo jung. Pence and the sister did not interact at all. Pence did know in advance that the North Koreans would be seated nearby. The Vice President is only a portion of this significance. Kim is the first person from north koreas ruling family to cross the border into south korea since the 1950s. And then this moment here, kim shakes hands with the president of the south korea, despite the onslaught of threats from the north just in the last month. Joining me now, cnn global affairs, gordon chang, author of Nuclear Showdown north korea takes on the world. What do you know about this whole seating situation . They were in the same box, president moons private box. The Vice President knew this was going to happen, as you said. He wanted to sit with president moon and japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe, the three allies together, to show the kind of steadfastness against north korean aggressions. There was a lot of speculation all week about whether Vice President pence would meelt with members of the delegation. He didnt rule it out. He was coy all week. He said well see what happens. He wasnt looking for pleasantries. Thats why he didnt speak to kim jung uns sister or kim yong nam. He said if im going to talk to the North Koreans at all this week im going to deliver a tough message. Lets face it, the opening ceremony, in between the fireworks, dragons and all the dancers is not really the time to do that. They were sitting there. It might be an opportunity tomorrow for them to talk. We really dont know. But, you know, the fact that the North Koreans are there, very significant. But, you know, as far as the Vice President and the Trump Administration is concerned, this is a Charm Offensive thats going to be kind of one and done. This isnt going to further north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. Thats why the Vice President , this week in asia, has really been trying to deny the North Koreans what he calls a propaganda victory. So, he has been going to japan, going to seoul, demonstrating the u. S. Military and economic pressure against north korea today. He met with some north korean defectors, visited a memorial to that ship years ago that was torpedoed by the North Koreans. Really trying to counter that north korean Charm Offensive with what he calls the truth, with what he calls the most tyrranical country on the planet. Elise, stand by me there, seoul, south korea. Gordon, turning to you. Apparently the blue house, south kren president ial residence, an original seating chart, kim sister and exactly behind pence. You see the picture and theyre a little farther away. Would you surprised to see them, though, still so close . No. President moon of south korea wants discussions between the North Koreans and the americans. So, therefore, theres been a lot of seating plans where the two are together. For instance, at the reception before the opening ceremony. Yeah. Kim yong nam, head of nominal state, was seated at the table with pence. Pence blew off dinner. That disrespects the host. Reason thats important, the host in this case is south korea, a staunch and critical american ally. So, that was not good diplomacy on the part of pence. We know that, again, other gestures from the south, president moon having this lunch with the kim sister tomorrow and the kim sister will extend an invitation to pyongyang of the south korean president. What do you make of these extraordinary gestures from the north to the south . Were in sort of the third of the four stages of the north korean play book. First of all they ignore south korea, then a bold overture, new years address by kim jong un, demand for concessions, which is where we are now, and then tantrums. Kims are trying to create a situation where they demand things from south korea, south korea wants to give them to the north but because of u. N. Sanctions theyre going to blame us. Im getting tired of south korean president s always going to pyongyang. The leader of the north korean state, if he wants to have dialogue with south korea, they should come down to seoul. They never do it. They dont do it because they think traveling to seoul would be a sign of weakness. They would rather have the south koreans exhibit the weakness. Come to them. Gordon, thank you very much. Lets get you back to our breaking news today. Pretty stunning remarks from the president of the United States. This is his first Public Statement by alleged Domestic Abuse by his former aid in which he defends the guy and doesnt mention any of the women or their allegations whatsoever. Well discuss that farther. Also, while you were sleeping, congress pulls an allnighter and republican senator rand paul is the one who keeps all of his colleagues awake. See what happened on the floor, ahead. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. 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Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. Lets take a quick peek at the big board. Down a few points. Its been an up and down day after a few big plunges this week. It has it on pace with the 2008 crisis. Now minimal losses at the moment. Numbers all over the place. Obviously its about to close. Very volatile week. Hour and a half to go before that closing bell. President trump is calling the new budget he just signed a big victory on twitter. It doesnt address immigration but does increase spending caps by 300 billion for the military and domestic programs and lawmakers were forced to pull an all nighter just to get it all done. Senator paul essentially refusing to allow a vote because of his staunch opposition to how much the spending bill is against the deficit. It all started with senator rand paul, objecting, time after time, to calls to hold the vote. Is there an objection . Madam president . Senator from kentucky. Reserving the right to object. Is there objection . Mr. President . Senator from kentucky. Reserving the right to object. At some point, senator paul did find time to devour a big mac and fries and then back to more objecting. And the senate vote on the motion will concur. Is there an objection . Mr. President . Senator from kentucky. Reserving the right to object. Is there an objection . Mr. President . Senator from kentucky. Reserving right to object. Seems like a lot of work for a 3 trillion deficit. Doesnt it . Is there an objection . Mr. President . Senator from kentucky . Reserving the right to object. 1 trillion republican deficit. Multiple objections from the senator from kentucky. I dont know why we are basically burning time here while the senator from kentucky and others are sitting in the cloak room wasting everybodys time and inconveniencing the staff. Ive made them angry. Theyre very upset with me because ive made it difficult and we have to be up late tonight. And theyre angry that im point ing out their hypocrisy. 30 minutes later they go into recess until midnight effectively shutting down the government. At 12 01, theyre called back with a timely prayer from the chaplain. This midnight hour, show us your greatness. Give wisdom to our lawmakers. Remind them how brief their time on earth will be. Just after 1 00 a. M. , the voting begins. Senator cory booker. And some other senators clearly ready to go home. Im so tired. Are we done . 1 50 in the morning, the budget finally passes the senate. And now its the houses turn. Here we are, 3 30 a. M. , 3 1 2 hours after Government Shutdown once again. At 3 40 in the morning, im a little surprised that some of our colleagues wish to reprise history. So be it. Gentle lady from california is recognized for one minute. Do i get eight hours of sleep . Sometimes i think the speaker thinks hes speaker of the white house, not the speaker of the house of representatives. And that we should have the opportunity we should have the opportunity oh, i touched a nerve there, i hear. The gentleman from wisconsin, speaker of the house, is recognized. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I will be brief. [ applause ] we will solve this daca problem. Once we get this budget agreement done and with that more than 12 hours after the saga started, the house finally started voting. And still democrats stalled, forcing republicans to go on the record first before they would cast their votes. I just want to underscore, that was not a normal vote. That was very tense. That was quite a standoff. Phil mattingly, 5 32 in the morning. There you have it. Coming up all eyes are on the white house and specifically the chief of staff john kelly and this fallout over the rob porter scandal. New allegations about the retired generals past deventdly raising questions. Those details coming up. [birds chirping] one, two, here we go im alive, im alive im alive, im alive im alive, im alive this is what it sounds like whoaohoh, im alive alive gives you more vitamins and minerals than leading brands. Im alive, im alive because when you start with more, you own the morning. Alive your only worry. Ty Customer First guarantee. Will be how to drink this monstrosity. Get help with hotels, free twentyfourhour flight changes, and our price match guarantee. Travelocity. ® wander wisely. ™ its abor it isnt. Ence in 30,000 precision parts. Its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians. Or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. 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If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. President trump may be standing by his white house chief of staff john kelly but kelly may be in the hot seat for standing by rob porter. According to the times, kelly appeared as a witness for a marine who was courtmartialed for Domestic Abuse and he wtestd that the marine was a fine individual. I know youve written extensively about this marine, todd shane tomko. General kelly spoke up on behalf of. Tell me first exactly what this marine was accused of. Thats right. Its interesting to see how the charge sheet evolved. Originally he was accused of abuse of sexual contact. That later got downgraded to an unduly relationship and then conduct unbecoming an officer. You can see he exchanged Text Messages with a junior marine, female corporal, calling her fun, sexy and intriguing. There were a lot of red flags and then there were some civilian charges at one point that were eventually withdrawn. There were a lot of red flags for this officer. So what was the relationship between general kelly and this officer, for him to come in as his character witness . What did he say on his behalf . This is particularly fascinating. General kelly is not in tomkos chain of command at the time and doesnt know him well. Basically knows him socially and knows his reputation as a war fighter, deployed a bunch of times and basing what hes saying on that. I think that tells us quite a bit about john kellys character. He thinks its very important to go to bat for people who are sort of down and out, who he believes, you know, have a good reputation and are worth defending. The question is, how deep is he looking before, you know, standing up for these individuals . And that question could be applied to the Current Situation of the white house. Thats absolutely right. Given the situation there, given the reporting that, you know, he knew months ago that this accused Domestic Abuser, whose position kelly, you know, had elevated, was in the west wing, inches from the president , someone with this interim security clearance and just given the allegations and given what you reported on with this courtmartial, what, just two years ago, whats the biggest commonality, to you . You know, i think its this perception. This is a good, solid, upstanding guy. I know him by reputation. In this case, he actually worked with this individual, porter, and im going to defend him, no matter what that takes. Ive actually been in two different courtrooms where john kelly has spoken up for a defendant, who is not in his chain of command but who he thought was worth fighting for. And in the other case, it didnt involve a victim of any kind. But you have to wonder how deep is he digging . In this case just recently allegations have surfaced with shane tomko of misconduct, sexual abuse of children going back 15 years. So, this is deep into his marine corps career, before any of the other stuff surfaced. And it raises huge questions. It does. Its just as important to have the big picture, as you said, that is telling of the character of the man. Hope, thank you so much with military. Com. Thank you for coming on. The president did say today he believes his chief of staff only recently found out about the can accusations against rob porter, but given the Media Coverage you have to wonder how solid is the chief of staffs future in the west wing. Let me bring in chris whipple, author of the gatekeepers how the white house chiefs staff define every presidency. Thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. You said john kelly has doubled down on all of trumps worst instincts. What do you mean . Do you remember when speculations were so high . Very high, military man, take charge. The expectation was this would be the grownup in the room, the moderating flounce who somehow would rub the rough edges off of donald trump. He has turned out to be exactly the opposite. He has turned out to be the guy who doubles down on all of trumps worst instincts. We know now after a year that donald trump has no idea how to govern. He doesnt know the difference between campaigning, demonizing and dividing, and governing, which is building coalitions. A chief of staff is supposed to help president s figure that out. And time and again, general kelly has simply reinforced trumps partisan instincts. From the moment he stepped up to the podium in the White House Briefing room and attacked representative kelly with a false story to calling everybody in congress idiots to insulting the dreamers. Kelly has really done a disservice to the Trump White House. You told me in commercial that you had talked to two former chiefs of staff, two former republican chiefs of staff, who had all been watching this, as folks at home have. What have they said to you . They say they find it inconceivable that you would have a staff secretary who is really, you know, along with the chief of staff, the socalled honest broker of information for the president. Every decision has to be teed up with accurate and often classified information on every side. Its inconceivable to the chiefs of staff i spoke to that you would have a guy in that position for a year without a security clearance. Its just unheard of. Talking to so many people on tv about this, its a National Security issue, right . Some reporting a reporter is coming up next hour who is saying that kelly recently has wanted to fire anyone who hasnt been able to pass to get that full security clearance yet case in point, someone who has been in the white house for a year, inches to the president , goes with him to davos and has this security clearance. A bunch of misogynists in the white house, people are saying, who didnt care about this. Another thing is you have people in the white house with no codes of conduct and no rules. Rules are for everyone else but not our guys. When general flynn lied about his conversations with the russians. That wasnt an issue until it leaked, right . There seems to be a code here in the Trump White House that you may be, perhaps, you know, abusing, battering your wife but until theres a photo of a black eye, no one is talking about it. If youre one of our guys, youre one of our guy. Chris whipple, thanks so much for coming by. Thanks for having me. 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Defreeze had some belief that theyre so rich they must have a safe. Hes demanding to know where the safe is, you know. Of course, theyre flummoxed. We dont have a safe. He has no idea were kidnapping his fiance. He was scared. Joining me now, chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin, executi executive. He kidnapped patty hearst. Hes the guy . Grabbed her and took her out of the house. He has never talked on camera like this before. Total blast from the past story. Why is this so interesting to you today . Incredible window in an amazing period in american life. When the country was really coming apart. The 1970s, there were 1,000 political bombings a year in the United States. Think about what that means. And, you know, february 4th, 1974, that was the kidnapping. And it was in the middle of that. But also its a personal mystery and drama. Did patty hearst join with her captors or was she a coerced victim for the year and a half she was with him . That mystery remains fascinating to

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