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She covered a lot of ground. Reintroducing herself, referencing the history of the moment, her motivations for running and going after donald trump. It is with humility, determination, and boundless confidence in americas promise that i accept your nomination for president of the United States. Reporter Hillary Clinton, drawing a sharp contrast with Donald Trumps vision for america. Dont believe anyone who says i alone can fix it. Those were actually Donald Trumps words in cleveland. And they should set off alarm bells for all of us. Really . Alone can fix it . He is for getting every last one of us. Americans dont say i alone can fix it. We say well fix it together reporter repeatedly slamming trump. We heard Donald Trumps answer last week at his convention. He wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other. He is betting that the perils of todays world will blind us to its unlimited promise. He has taken the Republican Party a long way from morning in america, to midnight in america. Reporter questioning his judgment. Imagine if you dare, imagine, imagine him in the oval office, facing a real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Reporter knocking trumps understanding of the issues. Much. Now, donald trump, donald trump says and this is a quote, i know more about isis than the generals do. No, donald, you dont. You didnt hear any of this, did you, from donald trump at his convention . He spoke for 70 odd minutes, and i do mean odd. And he offered zero solutions. But we already know. He doesnt believe these things. No wonder he doesnt like talking about his plans. You might have noticed, i love talking about mine. Reporter clinton also using her speech to praise Bernie Sanders and reach out to his supporters. I want you to know, ive heard you. Your cause is our cause. Reporter hoping broaden her base with all voters. I will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who vote for me and for those who dont. For all americans together. Reporter clintons daughter chelsea introducing her mother. People ask me all the time how does she do it. How does she keep going. Amid the sound and the fury of politics. Heres how. Its because she never, ever forgets who she is fighting for. Reporter the nominee herself, acknowledging the history of the moment. Standing here as my mothers daughter and my daughters mother. Im so happy this day has come. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between. Im happy for boys and men, because when any barrier falls in america, it clears the way for everyone. After all, when there are no ceilings, the sky is the limit. Reporter as the cleanup continues here in the convention hall, the Clinton Campaign bus tour is about to get started right here in the city of philadelphia. It will make its way to harrisburg and then on to a couple of stops. The all important Battle Ground state of ohio. Carol. All right, joe johns, reporting live from the floor of the convention. Come on home, joe. Its time. Thanks so much. You bet. See you soon. With me now, political analyst, john avalon. Democratic strategist, Robert Zimmerman. Mickey kahn, a radio host and Platform Committee member. She was also a big supporter of Bernie Sanders. And amy cremor, chair of the super pac, welcome to all of you. All right, robert, im going to start with you. Good morning, robert. Good morning. Clinton was not the poet. She campaigned in pros. It was good enough . Actually i think it was particularly powerful and moving, because she was true to herself. I think that is what really defines a great speech. The authenticity of it. You saw a woman who was i think aed awed by the historic moment and believes deeply in public service. What was most important to me is it was a speech and a convention of optimism, a faith in america, and a very dramatic difference from the trump convention. And what that represented. Mickey, i couldnt help but notice what hillary was wearing. Shonda rhymes produced that video. She also produces and writes scandal. There was Hillary Clinton dressed in all white, like a white knight. Thats a good point. You know, we were, excuse me voice, there was a lot of yelling this weekend and chanting. We were on the floor in new york, both robert and i were no inn new york abtd video was powerful. It was story telling. Even as a Bernie Sanders supporter, the delegation felt, the Bernie Sanders delegation felt it was a strong video. There were moments, obviously, where there was disagreement. There are a lot of sanders supporters who felt like they were shut out of the process of the convention. And it was really great to hear that hillary, the secretary, mentioned the sanders supporters, and that she was listening to them an hearing them. Were looking forward to seeing how shell implement some of the reforms, yonbeyond the Platform Committee. In light of the scandals of the wikileaks, a lot of the supporters are reluctant to jump on board and she cannot win without sanders supporters. She mentioned Bernie Sanders specifically. She mentioned Bernie Sanders specifically in her speech. Yet there were still boos from the bernie or busters in the crowd. Was it appropriate . You know, there were definitely some people are frustrated. We have understand that Bernie Sanders delegates for the most part, they were organizing their community. They were representing their communities. Theyre raising money off of go fund me pages, and sharing hotel rooms with three, four, five people, they would the expectation that they would be debating the platform and rules initially as they were promised, take it to the convention. When that didnt happen, the sanders delegation decided not to submit minority reports and debate, i think they were frustrated. It wasnt a lot of there wasnt an opportunity to express their voice. It will be a grieving process, it will be frustrating. But it is on secretary clinton reach out to them and get on the ground and feel the pain theyre feeling. This is a completely different segment of the democratic naepa that needs the swing states. She needs young people to get out there and organize. If i could just point out that not only did the sanders contingent agree with the clinton community, the clinton supporters on the platform and do a joint platform, but i think you saw between Bernie Sanders, very powerful word, elizabeth warrens words and an overwhelming majority according to cnn poll are coming together. Now the challenge before is, not just to unite a democratic party, but Hillary Clintons Campaign Reach out to republicans and independents, because the challenge right now is standing up with a message to unite our country against the dangerous neophyte that donald trump represents and his conduct. I think go ahead, carol. I want to talk about the change in the air and the world of politics right now, because ill pose this question to you, john avalon. In this election of change, Hillary Clinton embraced her past. She said i am not one of those people, and then she added, i sweat the details. Is that a good strategy . Well, i think she had to acknowledge however gently that, you know, she has a problem in terms of honesty and trustworthiness as weve discussed many times. After a quarter century in the public eye. So she had to acknowledge that in order to transcend it. The other move she has to deal with, and she took steps today address last night, populous anger, donald trump, Bernie Sanders, using a lot of the same rhetoric about a rigged system, special interests, big money, thats a tough passion for Hillary Clinton to tap into, because she has been a mainstay public life for so long. The key line, the most important sentence is when she said the Economic System, the problems in the Economic System reflect problems in our democracy, that democracy isnt working well, and therefore, our Economic System isnt working well. With that, she is able to put the focus on a lot of peoples frustrations on that wrong track number on the division and dysfunction in washington, on the ideology and extremism and divisiveness. Thats where it needs to be, because she can say im a pragmatic progressive, im con if i dent. Th confident. I can address your concerns rather than screaming about them. The other thing i want to get into and ill address this to you, amy, Hillary Clinton is enthusiastically playing the womans card, the moment on stage when Hillary Clinton hugged her daughter, i think that really resonated with many women. Donald trump still has a woman problem. So how does he combat those images . Well, carol, i do agree it was a very moving moment when chelsea and hillary were on stage. I even teared up. Probably most women did and maybe even some men. Last night was historic. But the fact of the matter is, hillary has a trust problem. She does not have integrity or trustworthiness, at least thats what the American People think. I dont know how you get past that. As far as the women problem goes, you know, women are going to vote on issues that matter to them and hit close to home and that safety and security for our families in our nation as well as jobs in the economy and health care and education, those are the four top issues that women are concerned about. And Hillary Clinton represents the status quo. She is trying to present herself as this agent of change, but she represents the status quo. I mean, we all know how long she has been in public office. She has got 100 name i. D. Look at the hug she came out and gave president obama after he spoke. I mean, i think looking at that, people looked at that hug and it was moving, but at the same time, it meant that she was going to be four more years of the obama administration. And so i think she has a real problem. The last thing i would say to that is, you know, you say that donald trump has a problem with women, well, you know, if Hillary Clinton is doing so much for women and children, this why dont she have more support of women. That comes down to women are really focused on trustworthiness. She has got tremendous support among women voters. At this moment of time, i think 70 of women support her. She does have support of women right at the moment. But panel, stay with me. Were going to talk about more stuff after a break. Still to come at the newsroom, the father of a fallen Muslim American soldier, a take down of donald trump. The earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . A bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called. The machine. It changed computing forever. And its been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. And shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember thats all i crave. E thats where this comes in. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. And that helps put my craving in its place. Thats why i only choose nicorette. Youll never have to fear a tight parking space. In parallel and perpendicular spaces, the car can steer itself right in. Introducing the 2017 ford fusion with enhanced active park assist. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. Trouble can pop up anywhere. The ford fusion can detect a pedestrian, alert you and if you dont brake, it can brake for you. Introducing the 2017 ford fusion with precollision assist with pedestrian detection. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. Faith patriotism and law and order. You think republican, but last night, the flag waiving, troops and police were decidedly democratic themes. We must choose hope. Every american in uniform, in the white house, or at home. Usa. But the most powerfully emotional moment, an angry grieving father who lost his son in the iraq war. This is kahn, awarded the purple star after losing his life in the iraq war, his father, khizer. Our son, had dreams too of being a military lawyer, but he put those dreams aside. The day he sacrificed his life to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Hillary clinton was right when she called my son the best of america. If it was up to donald trump, he never would have been in america. Donald trump consistently smears the character of muslims. He disrespects other minorities. Women, judges, even his own party leadership. He loves to build walls, and ban us from this country. Donald trump, you are asking americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you have you even read the United States constitution . I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words, look for the word, liberty and equal protection of law. Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery . Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending United States of america. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one. And the crowd went wild. So lets bring back our panel, john avalon, amy cramer, and radio host, ben ferguson. Amy, when you were watching that last night, youre trump supporter, what went through your mind . Well, carol, it was moving. Any time youre listening to a grieving parent, it is moving. And i thank him for his sons sacrifice to our nation. I think the unfortunate thing is, right now, were sending more troops to iraq and syria because of the vacuum that weve created there. Butt things he said, amy, about donald trump, he said donald trump sacrificed nothing and no one. And he should visit Arlington National cemetery. Look at the graves there. And the many names carol, i understand that. Is that fair . Donald trump is in support of our troops. He thinks the troops dont get enough for from their commander in chief. Thats a fact. He is focused on the troops for quite a while now. It is actually why the military times did a recent survey in 2 1, troops support donald trump over Hillary Clinton. Thats important here. You know, i mean, our troops, theyre over there fighting for our liberty and freedom, and any time we lose an American Life, it is one American Life too much. But lets talk about the rule of law. At what point did anybody bring out the rule of law and following the rule of law at this convention. No one did. Wait, lets democrat cric National Convention but he brought up the constitution, carol. Thats a rule of law. And what about kate steinle and the benghazi victims, why didnt Hillary Clinton have their parents there last night . I think thats a very important question that needs to be asked. Should Hillary Clinton have had the parents of others there as amy suggests . Let me say this first. My thoughts and prayers are with mr. Kahn and any parent to lose their loved ones, i dont criticize him, because his anger is something i hope we never experience. But the politics of this from putting him on stage, i think this is a very bad move. I think the question could be asked of Hillary Clinton, have you ever gone to see the soldiers of benghazi who gave their life, when you lied to their parents about them being killed, because of a Youtube Video to cover up your incredible incompetence. She has never been to their funeral, to their grave sites. It opened up to that attack. There is one other big issue. And that is this. Donald trump would not have banned this young man from being in this country. That is extreme for him to say that. There is a problem with immigrants that are coming in this country, and we dont know let me interrupt you. You said the benghazi parents. Did the republicans do that at that convention . Didnt they politicize a mothers grief . They allowed a mother to grieve and tell the truth about how Hillary Clinton systematically lied to her face and told her no one lied to mr. Kahns face. He didnt die because of a coverup of Hillary Clinton on the night and the anniversary a tell the world it happened because of a Youtube Video that was not the cause. John, is there a distinction there . There is an enormous i want to hear from john a avalon. This is a conscious attempt by our friends on right to distract what was a devastating indictment. We can have a seventh Benghazi Commission if they would like, but at some point, it is not relevant to this mans grief and this mans larger point. This election is about a choice between open and closed. Here you have muslim family, who lost a son in the military, and it speaks to when he pulled out the constitution, the values that we say we uphold, the equal application, equal protection under law, and if these families dont feel respected, if they feel disrespected, the reason it resonated, and im going to quote a republican strategist, john weaver, who ran the kasich campaign. I will take the america of mr. Kahn over Donald Trumps divisive vision of donald trump everyday. It is an inclusion where ever no, no, lets deal with total reality here, people. There is not enough respect for the full diversity of the United States, and the vision of donald trump. For which is expressed in the muslim ban and you can say it is regional, but we all know what it is reacting to. If this family feels unwelcome, their Constitutional Rights are not being respected by the republican nominee, thats a problem, that they need to recognize and own and address. Carol, im going to i want to let Robert Zimmerman here, because he is the clinton supporter on the panel. He should have his fair say. I am a clinton supporter, but most of all, i am a proud american. And the kahn family spoke about the tragic loss they suffered, it is a story that all americans can respect, and relate to and feel. It rises above partisanship. I think what is most important here to bring up is that, what, mr. Kahn was referring to is not just a democratic message. Weve never seen more general speakup in opposition to Donald Trumps policies for making us less safe or for that matter, the republican chairman of homeland security, mike mccall, who said the trump temporary ban on muslims would become a recrootir recruiting tool for isis. Mr. Kahns son served our nation and we look at how donald trump in response is diminishing his role and his rhetoric according to some of our generals is making us less safe and becoming a recruits message for isis. Carol, carol, can i Say Something . Really quick, with all due respect. There is one thing youre missing, youre paymentsing with way too broad of a brush. The majority of people who do wear a uniform do not trust Hillary Clinton with their lives and her judgment, specifically because of her actions and her the things that she has said about our American Military. There is a reason youre getting thats a partisan talking point. Youre getting beat badly because the men and women in uniform do not feel that Hillary Clinton has their back and if she do screw up with a Foreign Policy issue. Carol why they died. Carol, i have to Say Something. The reality is the republicans hold on. Republicans have the traditional support of the military. It might be slightly a bump, but the underlying conservatism of the men and women in the military. Thats an issue that the democrats have to address. Dont pin it on Hillary Clinton. They did a commander in chief night with military men and women, making the case that donald trump cant be trusted. That cant be deflected away simply with polls. When mr. Kahn said what have you sacrificed, thats a personal question, that really should resonate with military families especially those in arlington. Carol i want to wait, wait. Okay, amy, i want to get you in, but please be fast. Im waiting for a live News Conference out of florida. This is what ill say. All of these families have sacrificed, the benghazi family, military families have all sacrificed. This isnt about those families. Had this is about the next commander in chief were going to choose. I am a mother and i have a real problem with any other mother that can look a mother in the eye and lie about why in hell her child died. Thats a real issue. All right, i have to leave it there. Carol, carol. I have to leave it there. We have to talk about this, there are disturbing developments in the state of florida. Governor rick scott is talking about it. Four people have come down with the zika virus by locally infected mosquitos. The Blood Donor Program has been stopped. Lets listen to the governor. Miami dade and broward counties. And the Florida Department of health believes that active transmissions of this virus could be occurring in one small area, in one small area, miami dade county. It is just north of downtown. This area is about one square mile, and dr. Phillip will give the exact location a little later. One of these four cases involves a woman, and the other three cases involve men. They are all active zika cases, and have not exhibited symptoms to be admitted to the hospital. Again, all these cases are located in south florida, here in orange county, central florida, there are no active investigations into local transmissions. Testing of mosquitos in this area has been happening in this area where the small area for about two weeks. While no mosquito traps have tested positive for the zika virus, the department of health is aggressively testing people in the affected area to ensure there are no other cases of this virus. So weve not, as weve tested mosquitos, we have not found any mosquitos that weve tested through the traps that have the zika virus. The department of health will share more details as they become available. If you live in the impacted area and want to be tested, i urge you to contact the county health department, which stands ready to assist you. The surgeon general, Celeste Phillip is here, and she can give you more information. We have the capacity to test for zika virus, and 259 people antibody ds. Weve tested 3,229 people across the state. If we i need more test kits, we will immediately request them from the cdc. Since the first travel related case in february, florida has taken an aggressive approach and committed state and local resources to combat this virus. At the beginning of february, i directed the department of health to issue a declaration of Public Health emergency for the counties of residents with travel associated cases of zika. This list of counties has grown as new cases are announced. There are now 29 counties included in this declaration. Dr. Phillip and i have hosted multiple Conference Calls across the state to discuss their ongoing preparations and ensure they have all the resources they need to fight the spread of the virus. I have met with federal leaders in washington, d. C. , and have spoken with hhs secretary, Sylvia Burwell and d dr. Tom friedman and tabletop ex sear ises er sizes and done other things. Ive written to dr. Barack obama for preparedness items across our state. I used my executive authority to allocate 26. 2 million in state funds for zika preparedness, prevention and response in florida. Following the confirmation of the first confirmed case of microcephaly in the infant born in florida, i called in the cdc and florida professional, and that mother did not contract zika in this country. So we called on the cdc to host a call with Florida Medical professions including ob gyns to discuss their neurological impacts and what precautions new and expectant mothers should take. Weve reached out toairport and port directors to ensure they have the resources they need and zika preparedness round tables across florida counties. I will continue to be in constant communication with state and local leaders. As of now, 28 counties have received funding to combat zika. The department of health is continued to work with counties to make sure they have the resources they need. Now that florida has become the first state to have a local transmission likely through a mosquito, we will continue to put every resource available to fighting the spread of zika in our state. It has become clear were going to break away, but you see disturbing news out of florida this morning. With me on the phone, dr. Sanjay gupta. How concerned should we be about these people who are infected with the zika virus by mosquito in florida . Well, i will tell you that in some ways, weve known for a while that this was likely to occur. The zika virus, they live in the United States. Weve known that for some time. And im sorry. Im just traveling to salvador, carol, so there are people around me who are also going to think we know that this was likely to happen. The same mosquito carry dengue, but in very sort of isolated p the climate is similar to where weve seen zika in south america. So again, this was expected. We just didnt know when it was likely to occur and it has occurred. I dont think it will mean that will will be widespread out breaks in the United States, but something theyll keep an eye on. South florida well, here is thats the biggest concern. Here is the thing, sanjay, the fda has asked all blood donations stop in parts of florida. That sounds serious. You know, thats exactly right, and it is a precautionary step. Theyve been doing a few things that are pretty interesting. One is the blood donation. And one is the samples theyve been going doortodoor, looking for evidence for inspectiinfect. They want to protect the blood supply as much as possible. Theyre going to screen it and make sure that people who are at risk for zika with travel to countries arent bringing it back. The blood is still screened, carol. I want to make that point. Regardless of whether youve traveled, been to one of these countries, the blood is still screened. Thats going to be the most important step. All right, sanjay gupta, thanks so much. If youre just joining us, the Florida Department of health is conducting an investigation into a possible nontravel related case of the zika virus in miami dade and broward county. The governor said theyre investigating illnesses in at least four people. And for right now, the fda has asked all blood donations to stop in parts of florida. Of course, well continue to cover this story. Ill be right back. To truth on the label. When we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. And we leave out corn, wheat and soy. For your pet, we go beyond. One San Diego Police officer is dead and another in the hospital. But he is expected to survive. Following surgery earlier this morning. The two officers were shot during a traffic stop late last night. Cnn paul rankamis in live in los angeles. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Let me give you the timeline on this, according to the San Diego Police chief, shelley zimmerman. They say the two officers were responding at about 11 clok last night and all of a sudden, they make the stop and they must have known something was up immediately, because they requested emergency cover. Then the other officers come to the scene and they find these two officers have both been shot in the torso. One of those Police Officers puts the most seriously shot of the two officers in his vehicle, races him to the hospital, but that officer dies. As you pointed out, the second officer, the police chief tweeting out not long ago that that officer is expected to survive, exclamation point. There is one suspect in custody. They found him in an open area, or a ravine not too far from there. Theyre not sure if there is a second shooter or suspect involved. Very emotional moments today, this morning, in san diego. The police chief, you could see she was visibly shaken, swallowing hard and described what it was like to have to go and knock on the fallen officers familys door. It is a wife and two children, who survive his shooting. Lets listen. There is nothing that prepares you to do that. It is extremely difficult. You can imagine early in the morning, when a chief knocks on the door of the family member. Reporter and the suspect, again, described as a hispanic male, adult. They will have a press conference a little later this morning, carol, to tell us more about this shooting. Both these officers, by the way, were part of a gang suppression unit, and the chief stopped short of calling this any sort of ambush for now at least, carol. All right, paul, reporting live for us this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, one word, economy. Who has the plan that will win over voters. Its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the c300 for 379 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Callinall providers. Rs. All selfmotivated selfstarters. Drive with uber and put a dollar sign in front of your odometer. Like this guy. Technically im a cook. Sign up here. Drive a few hours a day. Make 300 a week. Actually its a little bit more than that. Thats extra buyyoustuff money. Or buythemstuff money. Calling all early risers, ninetofivers and night owls. With ubera little drive goes a long way. Start earning this week. Go to uber. Com drivenow seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. Vicepresident ial nominee, tim kaine is opening up about Hillary Clintons historic nomination. Earlier today, he spoke to alisyn camerota, and what he said to clinton when he walked on stage last night. What he said to her, as i walked out and when we, you know, first clasped hands in front, i said it is a great country and you just made it a lot greater. Those were the words i said to her. Secretary clinton had to follow some impressive speakers and speeches, obviously president obama spoke, vicepresident biden. Michelle obama. How do you think her speech compared . You know, i thought the speech was really great. Not only did sheaf have to fol a lot of tough speeches, but it set such a contrast with what we saw in cleveland last week. The Cleveland Convention was dark and depressing, and she said it was midnight in america. Her speech was morning in america. The everyday struggles that people have, but the fact that we dont have a single issue in this country that our people cant tackle, because we have the greatest pool of just human resources, human capital, human talent that any nation has ever had. So i felt like it was fundamentally very upbeat, but not upbeat in generalities. She has a set of very concrete plans around things like career and Technical Training and debt free college, job investment. Protecting and expanding health care. She went into those in detail. You know what she said, some people say im too focused on details, but if it is about your kid, it is not a detail. It is a big deal. It was very true to her. Senator, how about that muslim dad of the fallen soldier, who talked about his son and had the constitution in his pocket . Do you plan to use that dad on the campaign trail . Alisyn, you know what, as you asked me that question, im getting goose bumps on my arm. That was probably one of the most moving events of the entire four days when he talked about his son. I have a boy in the marines, so when i hear somebody, it really grabs you. He looked in the camera and basically addressed donald trump directly and said you have sacrificed nothing. Remember, donald trump is a guy who calls the American Military a disaster and even makes fun of p. O. W. S like john mccain, but when he pulled out that constitution and held it out, said, donald trump, i dont think youve read the american constitution, and if you want, ill lend you my copy, that was just an absolutely electric moment in the building. And i suspect it was electric for everybody watching it on television. Tim kaine and Hillary Clinton wasting no time this morning. They hit the campaign trail. In pennsylvania today. Theyre of course going after the blue collar vote. Last night, Hillary Clinton made the case for her economic plan. Political anchor of time warner news errol lewis. Good morning. Good morning. Errol, clinton had embraced a prograessive insurance tug iviv. She wants to expand social security. Will that resonate with moderate voters . I believe so. The approaches she was using is one that worked for her husband and that has worked for democrats for quite a long time which is sort of a go down a laundry list of interests and sort of promise each group what it is theyre most interested in. There was a big push during the entire convention around the rights or the needs of the disabled. Theyre talking about funding alzheimers program. Something that doesnt get a lot a lot of attention. You can go county by county. Theyre trying to scoop up millions and millions of voters. Talk to each of those voters with a plan. Empathetic connection in part to sort of offset some of the issues theyve had with voters saying they dont trust you. The story over and over again, this campaign, this party, is to say you may not like us, but weve got something that could be of use to you and we care about you and thats why you should vote for us. Karen, mrs. Clinton also made no bones about how she would pay for these things, right . She said, im going to raise taxes on the rich. She just came right out and said it. Is that wise . She didnt go into too many details to how she would pay for all the programs she was proposing beyond wanting to raise taxes on the rich and close Corporate Tax holes. I think the real contrast she was trying to strike was with trump who got criticized for not offering any specifics about how he would create jobs, how he would help working people. Clinton spoke in much more optimistic terms. I think her goal last night was to lay out specific plans, but she didnt talk too much about the details of how she would pay for them. With those plans, she even jokingly mocked herself about how she likes details, she likes plans, and shes prepared, shes qualified and shes going to have specific plans and policies that will actually help people and shes not just talking in broad jen ralts we hear from trump. Clinton and kaine are in pennsylvania today, in ohio tomorrow. She talked about bad trade deals too. Then again she was for ttp. Before she was against it. How can she effectively sell that to spectacle voters . I may be biased because i sat near the california, where they kept holding up signs saying no ttp. It seeps to me pretty clear that Hillary Clinton is backing away from her support of ttp, a set of treaties ultimately she helped negotiate. Shes a free trade democrat. She had been for her entire career. Shes changing, shes evolving her position, putting caveats into her support saying if i cant get this or if its going to hurt jobs, ill pull the plug on it. That to me is in effect signaling to voters that shes willing to throw the whole thing overboard in part to take an issue away from donald trump, in part because she may have been persuaded by Bernie Sanders. Its been politically more of a headache than she wants to try to vote for. I dont like ttp chances under president clinton if she should win. Thanks to both of you. Still to come in the cnn newsroom, which party walked away with more viewers . You want to make your enamel sure to protect it, you want to have it for life. Consumption of very acidic foods can wear away your enamel. Your tooth is gonna look yellower, um more dull. Nobody wants to have yellow looking teeth. I recommend pronamel toothpaste because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. Its gonna make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. Its such a wonderful combination, its pro enamel, its good for your enamel, its a positive thing. The numbers are in and with bragging rights at stake for now, well, who won the Big Convention ratings race . Brian stelter is here. Donald trump asked people not to watch Hillary Clintons speech. He sent out an email saying dont watch hillarys speech, donate to my campaign instead. Right now, its too early to call. Its too close to call. Too soon to tell. Kind of like Election Night in america. Trump had 32 Million Viewers this time last week for his acceptance speech. The early overnights are basically the same for clinton so we wont know for sure until earlier this afternoon. Either way, what an important night for Hillary Clinton. Her Biggest Forum yet. There were moments where it really did humanize her. I thought the balloons falling, her reactions to the fireworks on stage, it was kind of made to be gifd, made to be memed. Lots of people are going to be watching this speech on youtube and watching in the days to come. It looks like clinton and trump republican basically tied. Over the whole four days . Over the first three days, the democrats had a clear advantage over the republicans in the ratings rate. Well see about night four. Maybe that tell us something about the polls. On monday, well start to see those postconvention polls and see if clinton got a bounce. Well see. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Good morning, im carol costello. In just a couple of hours, Hillary Clinton returns to the campaign trail, bearing the mantle of her party and embracing her new spot in history. Just moments after being introduced by her daughter chelsea, clinton accepted the democrats nomination. She becomes the first woman to headline the ticket of a Major Political party. So, my friends, it is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in americas promise, than i accept your nomination for president of the United States. Hillary clinton hoping for the same kind of bounce that propelled her husband to the white house nearly 25 years ago, and knowing she has to tamp down the negatives that have dogged both parties. Im so happy this day has come. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between. After all, when there are no ceilings, the skys the limit. I want to thank Bernie Sanders. Bernie, your campaign inspired millions of americans, particularly the young people who threw their hearts and souls into our primary. You put economic and social justice issues front and center where they belong. And to all of your supporters here and around the country, i want you to know ive heard you. Your cause is our cause it i will be a president for democrats, republicans, independents, for the strugg struggling, the striving, the successful. For all those who vote for me and for those who dont. For all americans together. Clinton reaching out to the armies of young voters mobilized by Bernie Sanders and now angry at the whole process. She returned to common themes, that Republican Donald Trump is reckless and divisive. Our countrys motto is e pluribus punim, out of many, we are one, will we stay true to that motto . Well, we heard Donald Trumps answer last week at his convention. He wants to divide us from the rest of the world and from each other. Hes betting that the perils of todays world will blind us to its unlimited promise. Hes taken the Republican Party a long way from morning in america to midnight in america. He wants us to fear the future and fear each other. Well, you know a great democratic president Franklin Delano roosevelt, came up with the perfect rebuke to trump more than 80 years ago during a much more perilous time. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. With me now to talk about this historian and professor at princeton university. Cnn political commentator and Hillary Clinton supporter sally kohn. And katrina pierson, National Spokesperson for the Trump Campaign, welcome to all of you because i know youre all exhausted. Its been a long week. I should be asleep right now. I totally get that because i kind of am too. Sally, what did voters learn about clinton that might change their minds about her . I can tell you what i learned. I think fairly informed voter. Im sure some people on the internet disagree. I thought i paid quite good attention to Hillary Clinton. Shes in the political world for most of my life. I did not know about the work shed done in arkansas around school desegregation. I did not know about the deep relationships that she has formed with disabled children, with, you know, 9 11 survivors and, by the way, and we saw not just Hillary Clinton talking about it, we heard from them the authenticity of what she has meant in their lives and how she has fought for them behind the scenes quietly steadfastedly over time. I really have to say i was i was impressed. Interesting. So mark, clinton mentioned donald trump at least, what, 22 times. Yes. She talked about him a lot. Yes. Why go there that much . Well, one, its a great way to engage the audience. That speech was filled with great content. Not the best rhetorical delivery of the week. One of the ways she engaged the audience was using the perfect strawman, donald trump. Hes lowhanging fruit. She wants to contrast herself to the donald. Hillary clinton still has to present the case shes qualified for the office. No one is more qualified. Whether we like her or not. Shes qualified. She keeps beating the drum of her qualification and showing that donald trump is not qualified by that same criteria so i think its important to remind voters of just how absurd the comparison should be, of donald trump to anybody else. Jillian, what i was struck by, there was a lot of talk of mothers and daughters. Hillary clinton and her daughter. I think that was an emotional moment for most women. There was a lot of talk about how mothers mattered in politicians lives. You usually dont really hear that. Well, theres obviously two reasons. The most obvious is this was an historic moment that i think people are forgetting the first female nominee of a Major Political party. And that is a reminder of that to voters, how important it is. Obviously, its an ongoing effort to humanize her, tell us a story about who she is. The moment she looked at chelsea right before speaking i think was very emotional and i think many people could relate to the mother looking at the child at such an historic point in their life. Katrina, when you saw that moment, what went through your mind . Well, absolutely, it was emotional. And i think thats what this last four days was about, is trying to pull at peoples heart strings, because there really isnt any substance there. To answer your first question about what did the audience learn about Hillary Clinton, absolutely nothing. Because what Americans Care most about according to all the polling is that is she a liar, did she criminally misuse her email and expose National Security secrets. Is she going to do what people want. Were talking about the transpacific partnership. She was booed 18 times and was drowned out by chants. She answers none of those questions in her speech. The Trump Campaign before we get to you, sally, because the Trump Campaign has already come out with an ad blasting Hillary Clintons convention. Lets watch. You heard the speech but behind the glitter lies this stark truth. In Hillary Clintons america, things get worse. Under her dishonest plan, taxes keep rising. Terrorism spreads. Washington insiders remain in control. Americans losing their jobs, homes and hope. In Donald Trumps america, people are put back to work. Our families are safe. The American Dream achievable again. Change okay, sally, so okay, so two things. First of all, donald trump is actually running on fear and doom and gloom. So that adds a little ironic. By the way, Economic Policy analysts have looked at his policies and said under him the economy would get worse, let alone the state of world affairs. This is the other thing i want to say to katrina. Ive checked. So far that ive seen. I havent seen any reports of falsehoods in Hillary Clintons speech. Whereas donald trump, according to politico fact, only tells the truth 19 of the time, his speech, which he promised the American People the truth, his speech at the rnc was filled with lies. Too many to shake a stick at. So this constant trying to label Hillary Clinton she set forth a positive optimistic patriotic and true vision for the future compared to Donald Trumps doom, gloom, fearmongering, hate and lines. I think the contrast is very clear for the American People. I have a slightly different the contrast is the well, carol has to may i respond to that . Thank you. Yes, yes, you may. The contrast is reality here. The dnc opened their convention but the mayor of baltimore who called essentially for civil unrest in the city. Just today, another Police Officer was killed. The dnc adopted a resolution supporting the Organization Black Lives Matter which continues to push for more unrest against Police Officers so if thats doom and gloom, we call that reality. Hillary clinton has a record. She talked about Immigration Reform. She talked about criminal justice reform. She talked about trade reform. She was on the front lines of all of these policies. The democrats can go out there and talk about the were fired narrative from a television show. Millions of people really were fired and lost their jobs because of nafta and will because of ttp, and americans know that. Okay. A couple quick things, katrina, i disagree, the black lives Matter Movement has not called for actions against Police Officers, just to clarify what do we want, dead cop, when do we want them, now what is that . They didnt say that. That is not a claim that came from the organizers or the charter of the black lives Matter Movement. You may disagree with the movement, thats fine, but what you said is not true. Let me finish because i didnt interrupt you. She didnt address benghazi, emails. Just to put it in context, thats not uncommon at conventions. He didnt talk about his family situations. He didnt talk about his tax returns. I think thats a normal pract e practice nobody died, nobody died, thats a difference. Please let me finish. You are the perfect trump surrogate. Youre doing what he does. Lets not bully each other. The last thing thats important is someone who comes from the left, Hillary Clinton absolutely sounded like patriotic exceptionalism. Thats an interesting move for the democratic party. The democrats sounded like republicans normally do. I found it to be an interesting contrast. Oh, absolutely. Were going to talk about that. I want to get to m. J. Lee because she has some breaking news happening. Im going to pose that question to you, julian, next, so be thinking of a great answer. Okay, so i told you before that hillary and her running mate will go on the campaign, will be in pennsylvania and ohio. Their first stop is a noon rally in philadelphia. M. J. Lee has a closer look at that. Hi, m. J. Hi, carol. Now that the festivities are over, Hillary Clinton and tim kaine are getting to work. They start a bus tour today. Starting here in philadelphia, driving through the state of pennsylvania, driving through state of ohio. This is a really oldfashioned way of campaigning of course and why are they doing this right now right after the conventions, they know that this is a great way to make a personal introduction to voters. The bus tour allows her to meet with voters in smaller settings and really get to talk to people would may feel like they dont exactly know who Hillary Clinton is or who tim kaine is. Now, a big part of their message over the weekend is going to be about the economy. We heard Hillary Clinton say in her Convention Speech last night that she plans to make the biggest investment in good paying jobs since world war ii. Tim kaine was asked about his vision for the economy. And what he plans to do with Hillary Clinton the first 100 days of the administration and heres what he said on new day this morning. First priority is going to be a significant growing jobs in this country. In the first 100 days, go heavily after major job investment. I was a may, did a lot of Economic Development deals. So for example, we can build roads, airports, bridges, ports. I think a lot of people in the country understand that we need to upgrade our infrastructure. When Interest Rates are low, its easier to do it. It puts people to work. Its a double win. You put people to work right now but then you raise your platform for economic success in the long term. That will not be the only piece to this 100day job push. Secretary clinton talked about last night other components, you know, things like raising wages through an increase in the minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, investments in the skills, not just college, not just free college, but also pathways to apprenticeships and trades. Were visiting some great Manufacturing Companies in pennsylvania today and ohio tomorrow. But the first 100 days is going to be about jobs and an economy that works not just for a few but for. Everybody quickly, how do you convince Bernie Sanders supporters who did not seem to want to go gently into the good night at the convention that you are progressive enough for them . Because thats their question. What i said to them the other night, i talked about bernie in my speech. They started to chant bernie, bernie, bernie. I said, hey, look, we all feel the burn and none of us want to get burned by trump. I think they understand after hillarys speech last night the way she laid out what shes going to do on jobs and a whole range of progressive views from Immigration Reform to you cant be a propublic safety president and be in the pocket of the gun lobby. She led on a number of areas. Climate. The need to tackle climate issues, building on the work that president obama has done that are just right in the core of what progressives believe, what Bernie Sanders supporters believe. Now, carol, over the next few days, were going to see exactly why Hillary Clinton decided to go with tim kaine as her running mate. Shes been clear all along she wanted to choose someone who she felt confident could actually take on the job of the presidency and had extreme competence. The other thing she has emphasized, she wanted to choose someone she felt extremely comfortable with. I was in miami when she announced him as her running mate. You could feel the energy between the two of them. So this is something that were probably going to see over the next few days, campaign in these smaller settings. Tim kaine, the campaign hopes, will be able to talk about her character and vouch for her character. The campaign understands that she right now has a problem with trust when it companies to the issue of trust and honesty and they believe kaine is somebody who can speak to that. We heard him say i trust her, so this is an implicit message from tim kaine were going to be hearing this weekend. M. J. Lee reporting live from philadelphia, thank you. Still to come, so how do you think donald trump is responding to a string of dnc attacks . He says hes going to hit back literally. Well talk about that with our panel next. Squuuuack, lets feed him lets feto the sharks sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. 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Use gum® brand for healthy gums. Softpicks®. Proxabrush® cleaners. Flossers and dental floss. Gum® brand. Will donald trump hit back hard against dnc critics as promised as he hits the campaign trail today . The latest democrat to launch a blistering attack on trump, Hillary Clinton herself who questioned whether her opponent has the temperament to be president. Imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Trump gets his first cleanse to respond. Thats where cnns Jeremy Diamond is. Good morning, jeremy. Good morning, carol. No sooner had Hillary Clinton finished her speech last night to the Democratic Convention than donald trump immediately took to twitter and his campaign took out a statement slamming Hillary Clintons speech last night. His tweets varied from topic to topic. One of the first ones he put out was hillarys refusal to mention radical islam. And he continued also with another tweet saying no one has worse judgment then Hillary Clinton, corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. A number of other tweets also went out from donald trump last night and continuing this morning as well and donald trump also put out a statement yesterday in which he slammed Hillary Clinton for essentially giving a speech that described the country that is not the america that he sees. Thats very similar to the statement that donald trump put out before the night before the convention, when Vice President biden went after trump. Trump did not go after individual speakers at the Democratic Convention from the previous night. Listen to a little of what he had to say from his rally yesterday. I was going to hit them i was all set. Then i got a call from a highly respected governor. Hows it going donald . I said, its going good, but theyre really saying wad thi is about me. A very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard, his head would spin, he wouldnt know what the hell happened. So as you can see, donald trump showing a little bit of restraint. Saying he got a call from a governor. We assume that might be christie, close with donald trump and regularly gives him political advice. Donald trump so theyre resisting a little bit to attack. Today well see him going after Hillary Clinton just as he didness tweets, certainly not restrained there. If yesterdays any indication, the statement his campaign put out, then his words on the campaign trail today as well, carol. Still to come, are all these attacks just a preview of the months and weeks ahead . You betcha. Well talk about that next. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. 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You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Good morning, im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. Breaking news to tell you about. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee con firming it has been hacked. Manu raju is on the phone with new details. What can you tell us, manu . Yes, thats right. After the Democratic National committee was hacked by allegedly from Russian Hackers which act, as thousands and thousands of dnc emails. Youll recall those emays were later revealed by wikileaks. Caused major turmoil within the democratic party. So much so that Debbie Wasserman schultz the chairwoman of the dnc had to resign and just as the Democratic Convention was starting this week. Now we have learned that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee which is our political arm for House Democrats also has been the subject of a hack. Now, what the Campaign Just put out a statement saying theyve been advised by investigators this is similar to the incident at the dnc. Now, we dont exactly have we dont have a lot of details about what kind of record that these hackers have accessed, but it raises the possibility that alleged Russian Hackers may have gotten much, much broader swath of records then we originally thought. Whether these are released somehow, theyre leaked, it could have another Major Political effect right in the middle of this hugely contentious election year. So the Committee Said the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said theres an investigation, that its ongoing. Theyre still awaiting results. Cooperating with federal investigators. Its been hacked which is another let me stop you because i want to make it clear, i know you dont know what kind of records were hacked but what kind of records might have been hacked . What are we talking about here . Well, if its similar to the dnc, it could be private emails. Emails between congressional leadership and members of congress, emails between donors and operatives. Emails between aides and reporters. We dont really know. But it could be all sorts of communication depending on the sweep of it. Again, we dont know. Theyre saying this is similar to the dnc, then its potentially similar in nature, the types of records these hackers may have accessed. More disturbing information about cyber hacking into the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. All right. On to last night and Hillary Clinton because she came out swinging at donald trump. Now hes hitting back this morning. In addition to a new ad, mr. Trump is tweeting up a storm, quote, crooked hillary said i couldnt handle the rough and tumble of a political campaign. Really . Just beat 16 people and am beating her. Trump was not happy with the retired marine core general john allen either who had this message for voters. The stakes are enormous. We must not and we could not stand on the sidelines. This election can carry us to a future of unity and hope or to a dark place of discord and fear. I tell you without hesitation or reservation that Hillary Clinton will be exactly, exactly the kind of commander in chief america needs. I know this. I know this because i served with her. Trumps response, quote, general john allen who i never met but spoke against me last night failed badly in his fight against isis. His record equals bad never hillary. With me to talk about this, my panel, jillian saleser, sally kohn and katrina pierson. So julian, i will start with you. So general allen is very well respected. Hes a very well respected general among the troops. The military newspapers have done stories, glowing stories on him. Will this hurt trump . I think National Security can hurt donald trump. People think republicans have a lock on this issue and its not true. Since george w. Bush, we saw the republican advantage on these kinds of issues erode. Hillary clinton has immense experience in this field. Sure theres the email scandal. Theres controversy over handling isis. But she brings to the table a record in dealing with this. That is striking contrast to the current republican candidate. And this is a vulnerability for donald trump. There are questions, what does he actually know, what does he understand . In the next few weeks, especially when it comes to day time, he is going to be under a lot of pressure to prove his credited dentials one of the lines was donald trump maligns our military. Donald trump is now telling this general, who led in the fight against isis, that he was an unmitigated disaster essentially. So is there danger in that for donald trump . There is danger. I think youre right, this is absolutely spot on, any area which requires expertise is an area of weakness for donald trump. Actually, when you look sally of course laughs. When you look at postterror attack, people are looking at donald trump. Strengths among voters, it actually is National Security, fight against terror. Whether its reasonable or not, where the challenge comes in is expertise and nuance. With regard to the general, i think youre absolutely right. I think at some point Donald Trumps shtick does wear thin. Oftentimes with americans, who have a romantic idea about the military. Its one thing to say i disagree with you, its another thing to say a general is a disaster, particularly when youre never been what is donald trump saying . Is he saying the generals in the fight against isis are a disaster . Well, id like to first point out that barack obama had zero experience when he was first elected thats a bad thing, right . That the American Public knows the difference now between the military and the military industrial complex. Donald trump supports the military and the troops. While Hillary Clinton and the war mongers support the military industrial complex. When we look at what Hillary Clintons record is, particularly in the middle east, we now have isis. Because the United States has been invading foreign countries, taking out leaders, leaving vacuums for isis and other entities to flourish and now theyre here on our shores. Donald trump knows we have to get that under control and we cant do that by Hillary Clinton posting up the same failed reform, say things like we have to work with our allyings. Where has that been for last 15 years . So donald trump supports the troops but not their leaders . Looking at the general speak at the republican convention, there are several generals who disagree. You have those who will tell you the truth about readiness, about financing, about meeting so general allen is a war monger . So it seems katrina is saying the troops who dont support donald trump, donald trump thinks is a liar. Lets be clear, donald trump said that he knows more about isis than the generals. Lets be clear. The builder reality tv show, you know, he knows more about isis than the generals. Now, we can talk about the fight against isis. We can talk about how they are actually losing ground. We can go into all of that. On this, we can disagree. Thats fine, thats healthy. We should talk about the military industrial complex. We should talk about drones. On this point, let me be clear, as clear as we can be, and i hope all should be, that this general and every general and every rank and file officer, every troop, every enlisted man and woman in this country does things that i am not brave enough to do that katrina i dont believe is brave enough to do and certainly donald trump has not been brave enough to do in his whole life and i would never, and we should never, challenge their patriotism and disparage them in that way. That is un no one is challenging anyones patriotism. Theres more than one general. Lets be clear, donald trump was speaking about generals specifically out there promoting more war under failed policies. There are hundreds of generals this administration fired because they didnt want to go along with what this president wanted to do by broadcasting what we were going to do, where we were going to be and when we were going to do it. Theres more than one general out there. If donald trump sides with those generals, we have to get strong, we have to be tough but how many generals, katrina, have spoken in favor of Donald Trumps politician when it companies to fighting isis . There arent many. This is an area if you watch the rnc i did, i saw one. Hes losing support not just with military but many National Security experts from the republican establishment are breaking with the Republican Party over this issue. So its a big vulnerability. Its not just expertise, its temperament. Thats what Hillary Clinton was talking, temperament matters in Foreign Policy. You can get angry but you also have to contain yourself. When you have him saying he wanted a hit democratic speaker, its going to raise fears about what would he do with leaders i agree 100 , people who tend to know a lot about things tend not to support donald trump on these matters. But i think its a bit trouble some to paint donald trump as this war dove and Hillary Clinton is the war monger. Hillary clinton absolutely supports hawkish policy as does president obama. Thats one of the reasons why, again, i support the green party. But Donald Trumps policy is to blow isis up. He talked about enhanced interrogation this week. This is all practice of war morning everything. Of hawkish policy. Donald trump does say perhaps we shouldnt be so friendly with everyone. One of the people he doesnt want to be friendly with, our nato allies. One of the people he talked about cozying up to is russia and putin. Its a bizarre Foreign Policy. You say under clintons regime as secretary of state, we saw al qaeda emerge. Again, thats not true. Al qaeda emerges from, you know, excuse me, yes, isis emerged out of al qaeda in iraq which emerged out of a set of political moves that happened before president obama and even somewhat before president bush. But largely this terrorist issue starts with george w. Bush, the current arrangement were talking about. Its a bit untrue to blame this on Hillary Clinton or obama. The last word, then i have to go, katrina, go ahead. I agree with mark lamont hill, surprisingly, hes absolutely right, this started before obama. I must be dreaming. This started before bush. This started when bill clinton allowed Osama Bin Laden to get away and here we are today. We were doing so well, katrina. Thanks to all of you. I appreciate it. Julian, mark lamont hill, sally kohn, katrina pierson. Clint and her daughter, the mother daughter hug resonating with millions. Well talk about that next. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Its here, but its going by fast. 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Castile was shot to death by a Police Officer on july 6th after a traffic stop. His girlfriend broadcast the aftermath of that shooting on facebook live. Well bring you any updates as we have them. Back to politics now. History is made but Hillary Clinton cannot afford to bask in the moment. Shes campaigning in pennsylvania. For women who have long fought for a woman in the white house, the sight of clinton walking out on to the stage dressed like a white knight will be something theyll tell their daughters about. Im so happy this day has come. Im happy for grandmothers and little girls and everyone in between. After all, when there are no ceilings, the skys the limit. Douglas brinkley is a president ial historian. He joins us this morning. Hi, doug. Good morning to you. Good morning. So the hug, the hug between clinton and her daughter chelsea. Some women said that moment really resonated with them. Why do you think that is . Well, because Hillary Clintons been in the public eye for so many decades. We often forget theres this behind the scenes side of her, a loving mother, somebody whos a grandmother. Everybodys always liked chelsea. Shes always handled herself with an incredible amount of dignity and poise in public. There it was, how proud of the daughter must be of the mother to be shattering that ceiling we heard about all week, making the skies blue for not only chelsea but for chelseas children or daughters in the future. It just rained history last night. Everybody there will always be able to say they were there. Really the biggest moment in womens history since susan b. Anthony era. Seeing the men in the family sitting in the audience looking at the women on stage was just different. Well, it is different. You know, ive heard throughout the week people like shirley ch chisolm being mentioned. Those women are already footnotes. Hillary clinton is the nominee of a major party. So it was an awe inspiring evening. She shell get a great bounce out of it. And then its back to fist fighting all the way to november. So lets talk about that, douglas. Because so much has changed since 2008 when hillary ran the first time, right, when pundits were talking about the difficulty of debating a woman. Remember joe biden was coached on how not to appear condescending when he debating sarah palin . Let me take our viewers back. Can i call you joe . You sure can. Thank you. Thank you, gwen. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Welcome to you both as we have determined by a coin toss. The first question will go to biden. Sarah palin tried to show joe biden off guard. She knew she was a woman. She knew she was inexperienced in national politics. Can you imagine that happening on stage today in 2016 . No, no, carol. I just finished watching last night in cleveland, lock her up, lock her up, you know, the kid gloves have been thrown away, you know, donald trump is a master of invektive, of barbs, of putdowns. Your show this morning since youve been on youve showed some of trumps tweet. It was considered gosh up eed raise lewinsky and the scandal, thats no longer gauche. Part of the parity, theyll take on the parity of the bloodsport of politic also. Interesting, douglas brinkley, thanks. Confirm the first locally transmitted cases of zika inside the United States. Im in vests and as a vested investor in vests, i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. 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While some have been careful to point out their requests are not about me personally or my office, they see this suggested route as a way to engender the Publics Trust and confidence in how we arrive at our decisions relative to a grand jury and whether to bring charges in this case. I have spent much of the past two weeks contemplating these requests and concerns expressed by members of the community and i have come to a conclusion. When our county residents elected me county attorney, they entrusted me with upholding the laws of our state and the values of our community, and i took an oath to do so. That is what i signed up for when i took this job. I understand that there is distrust of the system and some may question the ability of prosecutors to hold Police Accountable when we rely on them to present cases to our office. However, if i handed this case off to any other person outside of the duties and authority of my office, i would not only be abdicating my responsibility but additionally creating additional mistrust. A standalone special prosecutor would not be beholden to any these values or obligations and would fail to provide the legitimacy this case requires and deserves. With every decision i make in this case, i am firmly committed to upholding the interest of justice, public transparency and ensuring the absolute integrity of this case. I believe the most Important Role of a chief prosecutor is to ensure the Publics Trust and confidence in the Legal Process it therefore, in light of these considered, i have chosen to incorporate a special prosecutor into our team to provide independent perspective, bolstered by the authority of this office. I have not come to this decision lightly. Nor do i expect that this decision will satisfy all of the concerns raised by some members of our community. In determining whom to appoint, it was important for me to select someone who doesnt have any connection to Law Enforcement interest in Ramsey County, someone who doesnt have any personal or professional connection to this case who has not publicly weighed in on any aspects of it and who can remain fair and impartial. Someone who has extensive legal experience and background who fundamentally understands the complex challenges ahead of us and who will help ensure faithful adherence to the law and in the pursuit of justice, someone who is competent fair and ethical who will bring fresh eyes and an independent perspective all right, you heard the Ramsey County prosecutor saying hes going to appoint a special prosecutor to help in the investigation in the death of philando castile. Of course well be covering this throughout the day in the newsroom and beyond. At this hour after a break. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. I accept your nomination for president of the United States. She never, ever forgets who shes fighting for. Donald trump, you have sacrificed nothing. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with no clear weapons. Hillary clinton will be exactly the kind of commander in chief america needs. Americans dont say i alone can fix it, we say well fix it together. Hello, everyone, im kate

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