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Of go through what will happen in the next few hours, when they attempt to make their way to a u. S. Port of entry. Let me pack up just a little bitbit and show you what happened earlier today. They had a rally, some people actually climbed the fence, but did not cross, with immigrant advocates on the other side, a lot of them chanting, we are not criminals. In terms of what the atmosphere is, what the mood is, when you talk to any of those migrants inside, most of them have told us, were excited, its been such a long journey to get here, but theres also a lot of anxiety. Many are concerned that women could be separated from their children. I did check in with immigration officials, and they said they will only separate adults from the children only if there is some kind of concern for the safety of the child or if there is no proof that that child is the legal guardian. And on this side, we have federal police from mexico, i have spoken to them. They told me they have spoken to their counterparts in the United States. And for them, they say its important to make sure that these migrants are safe. So whats at stake here . Many of these migrants will tell you that theyre going to the United States to seek asylum, theyre from central america, most from honduras, for them this is about survival. They left honduras or guatemala because of some sort of threat that they felt, that is what they will tell you when you ask them guilt their journey. They were actually planning to go to a Border Center and seek asylum in the United States. Now the United States, the attorney general has already said that theyre going to be sending u. S. Attorneys to the border as well as extra Immigration Judges to make sure that those cases can be adjudica adjudicated, that they can handle this crowd. What you see right here are advocates, theyre not the ones who have turned themselves in. We are told this is a private meeting in which they are meeting with immigration advocates as well as attorneys. To right now, its just this sort of uncertainty, with so much at stake, as they wait to see what the Trump Administration will do when they arrive, what Border Patrol agents will do, in terms of the orders they have been given, we will know in the next few hours. Juliette is going to break down the National Security implications of all of this. You know, the president last night talked about caravan three different times in his speech. Hes trying to link it to his need and desire for more Border Security. Does this caravan have anything to do with the United States need for more Border Security . Reporter absolutely not, even the pictures are the proof of that, because essentially these are just about 100, 150 migrants, to put it in perspective, this is barely a blip in the amount of immigration we have in this country, seeking legal status, that is asylum status. That is what people have been saying a formal process through the department of Homeland Security and the department of justice. So the walls are not crumbling, the system is not broken, this is exactly whats tis pated, its just getting more media than normal. You mentioned the Media Attention that this is getting, and it seems like both sides of this argument are using these pictures to their benefit, the president trying to depict this group of people as Illegal Immigrants trying to sneak over the border, while the other side trying to show the human cost that some of these people are expending. Some people live nowhere near a border, so do they need to see these images so they can understand whats goingboardebo. Reporter President Trump seems to lump all these people into the same group, but there are many different types of people, agricultural workers, students who want to go to school. And donald trump admitted he had made some mistakes involving the enforcement of some immigration issues and there is a status known as refugee status, and its understood by law that people who are facing harm, you know, based on political persecution can actually seek asylum in the United States. They have to prove it, courts have to adjudicate it. And this is the way the system works so i think its important for americans to see the different types of migration that occur in the United States so they understand the impact of simply having a sort of, we need more wall mentality. As we have seen in new york and boston certainly, the immigration system has hurt our colleges and universities, has hurt tourism and so people should understand its a complicated border and different kinds of immigrants. You think the argument by some on the right, and the president and his administration in particular, these Asylum Seekers once theyre granted access to the United States live in some sort of an immigration limbo, they have to renew their status, they are always in that uncertain threshold of whether theyre actually citizens of the United States, or citizens of another country. Are reforms needed so people dont take advantage of that system . Reporter reforms may speed up how the status is 2kerdeterm, but its simply not true, that people dont plant roots here, but after a judge adjudicates they can stay, they can put down roots so part of where immigration policy ought to be is we are a country that accepts people, that might be religiously persecuted, politically purse cuersecuted. Its such a small number of whats happening a that there is a concern that the right and Trump Administration officials are manipulating this story line, which i think they are. The secretary of National Security sort of got criticized last thursday for focusing on 100 mymy migrants, its important for americans to understand, that theres a legal reason for allowing this kind of status, and for all we know, this status, that some of these people will not be granted it and thats why this system should work. Julieweuliannjulianne, thank perspective. As journalists and politicians were gathered in washington for a night of jibs and jabs, the president also taking a few shots at his favorite targets. The only collusion is the democrats colluded with the russians and the democrats co s colluded with lots of other people, they are very, very dishonest people. Fake news, comeys a liar and a leaker. If our Justice Department was doing the right thing, they would be a lot tougher right now on those people. He didnt stop there, the president also taking full credit for the north korea break through, they were chanting nobel. Audience nobel nobel nobel thats very nice, thank you. The president also giving a timeline for his historic sit down with north koreas leading kim jongun, saying the meeting could happen in the next three to four weeks, Boris Sanchez joins us from the white house. These details are starting to take shape. The details are still being ironed out, specifically the location, previously, there were a number of different possible destinations for this proposed meeting between kim jongun and donald trump to take place. The president announced on friday that they had whittled that down to two possible locations, still no indication of where the two leaders will meet, but certainly the positive rhetoric surrounding the Korean Peninsula in the last week, the shifting of the north korean time zone to match the south korean time zone. And trying to bridge that gap. Further one other thing that kim jongun announced that was noteworthy, that he would let in foreign observers to watch the dismantling of his nuclear facilities. Thats certainly being met with some skepticism by some in the Trump Administration, keep in mind back in 2008, kim jongil invited reporters to watch the destruction of some fours. Listen to what john bolton said. The North Koreans already agreed to this, they agreed to it in 1992 with south korea. And its also the case that they have lied about it and broken their commitments, thats why no one in the donald Trump Administration is starry eyed about what might happen here. But if they did make the decision to give up nuclear weapons, it would move much more quickly. Reporter north koreas Ballistic Missiles program, their biological and chemical weapons program. Americans that are currently imprisoned in north korea, as well as sanctions and a plethora of regional issues to discuss, all of that, cautiously optimistic. If this meeting does take place. Coming up, a russian lawyer saying she was closer to the kremlin that Previous Police closed. Stay tuned. People would stare. Psoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability van dam to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Never give up. See me. See me. Clear skin can last. 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If she did that, putin and the group said, you know, this trump is killing us. Why dont you say that youre involved with government so that we can go and make their life in the United States even more chaotic. Look at whats happened. Look at how these politicians have fallen for this junk, russi russian collusion, give me a break. Here to discuss is David Drucker and tim niftaly. Tim, i wanted to start with you, you talk about the president s lawyer who has obviously gotten into this conversation in a much bigger way, could this just be a ploy to sew even more chaos . This is in some sense the president recognizes, which he does only rarely, that Vladimir P Putin doesnt have u. S. Interests at heart, he actually works against the u. S. He has said he has been tougher on the tougher on the russians policy wise, than people give him credit for, given his relate trick, the fact that hes so unwilling to criticize Vladimir Putin the way he will criticize the chinese or nato. And his policies are a lot tougher than people understand. And in recognizing that trump may have turned the screws on this person, lets say the person in the meeting was actually closing ercloser to th that his campaign wanted to acknowledge all along and that putin has actually been meddling in elections and in the United States. It doesnt mean that thats why trump won, but its an acknowledgement, it has to be, that they meddle, theyre trying to meddle and you cannot trust the russians or putin, and perhaps it would be helpful if he was more critical. They werent involved then, they are involved now, something along those lines. And we also heard the president slam the russia investigation, saying theres no collusion, also bragging about how tough he is on russia. This is a line we hear over and over again from the president. But we hear it in front of a crowd like this, is this something that reallywor works h his base . What are you thoughts on the president s tone last night . I think he wouldnt use it if it didnt work with his base. I would like to address this issue of how the president s rhetoric is shifting. Because really, ryan, i agree with you, i think hes trying to have it both ways. On the one hand, he says the russia investigation is a witch hunt and its unnecessary. On the other, hes admitting that putin, Vladimir Putin has an interest in creating chaos in our country, so if thats true, why not investigate the role of creating chaos by the russians in 2016. Theres a basic contradiction here, and i believe he knows that, the president knows it. But what hes trying to do is, hes f ees trying to appease l followers, his supporters and if he didnt think it would have an effect, he wouldnt being do it. And what trump said about senator ron tester, the president talked about that as well last night. This is a high quality individual like they would love in montana. And tester started throwing out things that hes heard. Well i know thing about tester that i could say too. And if i said them, he would never be elected again. The question i had for you, david, as someone who really understands capitol hill, why is the president now using so much bandwidth defending his nominee when hes already pulled that nominee back . They did not vet Ronnie Jackson, and its clear as distinguished as his service has been, there were serious questions from republicans and democrats, but especially republicans about his fitness to serve in a Managerial Position as head of the va. President obama nominated someone from the corporate sector, who would bring business sense and fix it and failed. You had schhulkin in there, ande drew a lot of complaints. And this is a different job that Ronnie Jackson has been doing, it fell apart on the president. He takes these things very personally. I think whats interesting here, is that if he wants to make john testers life miserable in montana, i wouldnt rule out the president s ability to do it. As low as the president s poll numbers have been, there are states that have very high numbers, the key is what else do we find out about what was investigation. I think theres still a lot more for us to know here, one last thing, the president is the king of innuendo, the king of throwing out allegations, with no proof whatsoever. So he understands this game very well. To your point about that, we did learn more today, republican trey gowdy weighed in on some of the allegations. I dont think you Want Congress deciding if the prescribing of ambien. I dont know anybody less qualified to decide than a bunch of lawyers, hostile Work Environment would be some segment of the Veterans Affairs committee and house over150igsi. Doesnt it seem like we have spent a lot more time vetting Ronnie Jackson than we did before he was nominated . He happens to be the physician of the president of the United States. If he were in the private sector and he had withdrawn eand the nomination was withdrawn, but he actually is close to the president still, and thats why the issue is being raised. By the way, i mentioned about the tester story. I think it is really harmful for the president to engage in the i know a secret about this person, but im not going to tell you, and he doesnt want me to tell you, thats mccarthylike tactics. Tim and david, thank you both for your perspective, we appreciate it. Still ahead, the president says he could meet with kim jongun in the next three to four weeks, this as the north korean dictator says hes willing to jlet journalists in o witness the destruction of its Ballistic Missile program. Ent centers of america. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts with expedia, you can book a flight, hotel, car, and activity. All in one place. Everything you need to go. 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I think well have a meeting over the next three or four weeks, its going to be a very important meeting, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula of north korea. Denuke, denuke. But well see how it goes. And again, whatever happens, happens. North korea says it is offering to make concessions to achieve a deal with the United States, including shutting down its nuclear site and allowing inspections about journalists and experts and even suggesting it is willing to disarm if the u. S. Promises not to invade. Lets bring in eric miller, a Global Affairs journalist at the state department. What do you think is the catalyst for kim jongun proposing these concessions now . The guys 34 years old an he could rule north korea for the next 30 years and i think hes got a strategy. His strategy is to develop an icbm deterrent, and then have an icbm to deliver to the United States. I didnt ride in on a bale of hay yesterday, but under the best of the circumstances, you would think he would trade this nuclear deter reent away from nh korea, and this is going to be a very difficult and heavy lift and its going to require a degree of trust and confidence on both sides that just doesnt exist right now. What kim jongun is saying hes willing to do is disarm, as long as the u. S. Promises not to invade north korea and hes even going to let journalists and experts in to witness the destruction of the nuclear site. But we have to go beyond just his word, we have to have some guarantee. This is not going to happen in months or even a year, its going to be a long process in which both sides are going to have to take a series of steps to determine just how credible and reliability and willing both of them are at the end of the day. Skepticism runs high in this, the fact is its hard for me to understand, or even concede that this guy, kim jongun is going to give up all of his nuclear weapons, but if this is going to work, its going to have to be played out over time, its going to take several years, its going to involve north and south korea reconciliation and its going to involve a relationship between the United States and north korea. I helped prepare president s for five middle east summits, three of which failed, and the reality is, this is an unprecedented encounter. Theres no precedent in diplomatic history for an american president sitting down with an avowed enemy, leading an opaque regime to try to figure out a way to deal with the issues that are existential. At least were not talking about the opposite, which is a step toward war. If this president wants a deal and i think his advisors have to Work Together to achieve that. Lets talk about the Iran Nuclear Agreement for a minute. National security advisor john bolton has said that the deal could expyre ire in two weeks ie president doesnt renew it. The president has said this repeatedly, his views on the nuclear deal have been consistent and unvarying since the campaign of 2016. We saw the french president try and convince President Trump to remain in the deal, is there any clahance that the u. S. Remas a part of this deal with iran . Its really hard to see right now. Merkel, macron, none of them, and may, the four of them, the fourth being President Trump, disavow his campaign pledges and endorse what was his predecessors singular most important achievement. If youre the United States of america, you have a chance to offer two kinds of conversations to the president. First conversation, mr. President , i hate this deal just as much as you do. But theres plenty of time to kill it. Lets wait 120 days, dont do anything to jeopardyize what the real problem is, dont give the russians and chinese an opportunity and dont give kim an excuse, if hes looking for one, to walk away because hes going to accuse you of not keeping your word. I would argue that conversation is in the national interest. And then theres pompeo saying we need to get out of it now. We have to send a strong message to kim jongun, there will be no more creative amambiguity, eith he gives up all his nukes, or there are other options he can per sue. There are two conversations, ones in the national interests, one is in mr. Trumps political interests. We appreciate you being with us today. Always a pleasure. Up next, a new report says that President Trump iss ignorig gop warnings of a blue wave in the 2018 midterms. Well be right back. Helped put a roof over the heads of hundreds of families, hes most proud of the one hes kept over his own. 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Dont hold back. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. Hello. Lets go for a ride on a peloton. Lets go grab a couple thousand friends and chase each other up a hill. Lets go make a personal best, then beat it with your personal better than best. Lets go bring the worlds best instructors right to you. Better yet, lets go bring the entire new york studio live. Lets go anytime, anywhere, with anyone whos willing. And lets go do it all right here. Ready to go . Peloton. President trump returned to Campaign Mode at a rally in michigan last night. The president went on a tirade against the media and several of his other favorite targets. He also spent time firing up his base in the hopes they head to the polls in november and prevent a blue wave from kicking republicans out of office in the 2018 midterms. We got to win the house, and you know what . Were going to win anyway. But were going to win the house. Were going to win the house. Now, historically, when you win the presidency, the person that wins, the party that wins does poorly in what they call the midterms. And the reason is, i guess you take it easy a little bit, right . Something happens, i guess its 93 , 94 of the time. This is over a long period of time. You know what . You get kplcomplacent, we cannoe complacent, we got to go out and we got to fight like hell and we got to win the house and we got to win the senate and i think were going to do great in the senate and i think were going to do great in the house. Because the economy is so good. The economy is so good. Here to discuss the midterms, representative karen bass, shes a democratic congresswoman from california, a member of the House Foreign Affairs and judiciary committees. Congresswoman, thank you for joining me, we have been hearing a lot of talk about this blue wave in november. Yes. How confident are you that democrats will take back the house . I am very encouraged and very excited. I can tell you over the last couple of days, i attended a rally in orange county, an area thats been very republican, a group of women organized an effort there to turn out the vote. Today this afternoon, sunday afternoon, i was at resistance boot camp where there were a couple hundred people represemi a number of different ourselveseourselves organizations. So the level of activism for every level of government gives me encouragement. There is a long time between now and november, but i feel very good about the energy that is out there now i want to play some sound for you about how governor john kasi kasich, he was talking about the midterms, hes of course been very critical of they fellow republicans, but he thinks you democrats have a problem going into november as well. I dont know what theyre for, theyre just counting on the republicans boung s bouncin foot out of bounds and theyll win that way. I believe it could be a big year for democrats, but the left wing is dominating them, just like the right wing is dominating the republican party. Its an amazing situation. I have talked to a lot of democratic advisors and it depends on who you talk to what the overriding message is in the republican party. What do you think is your partys message other than just being the anti trump party . I dont believe, especially in all of these elections you have seen around the country, that trump has been the primary message. If you look at the election that happened in pennsylvania and other places, people have localized the issue to what is happening in their district. If its health care, if its jobs, if its the environment, all of these races have to be local and i believe they are. I know the democrats overall feel that we certainly have a better deal, we have a better deal in a lot of different areas, but each race is local based on the constituents there. Well, you heard the president at that michigan rally, he obviously feels pretty confident that the republicans can hold the house in november. And theres a report out in the New York Times that goes into some detail on that. The president talks about rej t rejecting the warnings of the republican that they could lose the house, it says, quote, if mr. Mcconnells warning was not enough, mark short, the white houses legislative liaison, used the denver inner to offer starker assessment. The gops House Majority is all but doomed, he said, but mr. Trump was not not going to happen, he said at different points during the evening, shrugging off the grim prognosis according to multiple fisk mult department of the republican challenges in what is likely to be a punishing campaign year. Congresswoman, do you think the president doesnt understand how his presidency has possibly motivated his opponents to head to the polls in november . I would encourage the president to maintain that perspective, thats just fine. If he thinks theres not going to be a problem in november, and he continues on the course that hes doing right now, i think thats very helpful. I think he made the commitment that he was going to bring the country together. And he has done that, he has brought the country together, what he doesnt realize, though, is that hes brought the country together in opposition to him. Now you have people working on issues together like they never have before and i think thats a very positive thing. And at the end of the day, what trump cares about is himself. Congresswoman karen bass of california, thank you for joining us, enjoy the rest of your sunday. Thanks for having me on. Still to come. Some of the big names are back in the headlines, but are the 80s making a come back . Find out, next. With expedia, you can book a flight, hotel, car, and activity. All in one place. Everything you need to go. 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Cosby, ava, trump, the names streaming across the headlines today could very well be pulled from another decade, a decade of opulence and excess and resure jen resuresure negligeresure sur sur surgen tshs conserve tichlt. Some of the recent newsmakers found that many were relevant in the 1980s. A couple of reasons for that, a couple of course, that fondness of that era, but for other cases and other figures from the 80s, well, theyre back in the news, expe except not for the right reasons. It was 1984 when america grew to love and laugh with bill cosby. Were here to say goodbye to lamont goldfish. Reporter on the sitcom the cosby show he brought a this time as a convicted sex offender. Cosby, one of several figures in events from the 80s making a real appearance in cultural and political discourse, before coming become, donald trump was known as a real estate giant, riding a wave of success through the 80s. Even donald trump may not have imagined where that ride down that escalator would take him. Then there are the sights and sounds of 80s pop culture. Reporter roseanne is back on tv, this time tackling political themes. On the run way, designers rolled out 880 al 0s inspired fashion, power shoulders and bannana cliffs. And here we go again with abba. On friday, the Swedish Pop Group announced theyll be getting back together to record at least two songs, the first since 1983. Its tough to say if that chance will pay off in todays music market. And we would be remiss if we did not mention star wars as well continues its saga this year. And we also spoke to a culture critic who told us there could be Something Else at play, they told us those of us who were children in the 80s have become adults, influencers and now could be at play at least when it comes to the pop culture part of the 80s that is at play again. I count myself among those children of the 80s, paul. I enjoy seeing the 8al 0 al 0s back in a big way. Now to this weeks cnn hero. According to the cdc, the one doctor take action in and out of the hospital. I dont like pronouncing people dead. Its probably the worst thing that i have ever had to do. I want to preserve life. When i see patients that are coming in with violent injuries, when something looks like you from your neighborhood, a lot of this stuff really hits home, you realize i dont want this to happen anymore, what do we do about it. To find out how dr. Rob gore is working do end violence in his community, go to cnn heroes. Com. While youre there, nominate someone you think should be a cnn hero. Thank you so much for joining me, im ryan nobles for fredericka whitfield. The news with dana bash starts after this quick break. This is the ocean. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. 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Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Its 5 00 eastern, 2 00 in the afternoon out west. You are in the cnn newsroom. Im dana bash in washington in today for ana cabrera, hundreds of people, including some entire families, right against the border separating the United States and mexico. And making a loud and powerful statement. They want to be let in and they want their voices heard

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