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Listening to. Our Polo Sandoval is there. Outside the event. You mentioned earlier this would not be a Campaign Style event that weve come accustomed to for the president. He used this forum to his advantage, to try to underscore some of the accomplishments that hes proud of, that he is boasting up. Absolutely, fred. Do interrupt me if the president resumes his remarks. What were seeing is his attempt to put a face to what he believes is a success for his legislation 37 inside that venue, it seems to be working. Charlene thornton wrote a letter to the president not expecting a response. And here she is today, one of the people who have been invited to be part of this roundtable that is discussing several issues. The main focus that tax reform legislation. Shes already feeling the positive effects of that legislation. Its an opportunity for the president and his supporters. Writing this or at least taking this victory rap months later. It wasnt just about commerce or business here. The president pivoting to other issues hes made i hate to interrupt, lets listen in to the president right now. They dont want the wall, were going to get the wall. Even if we have to think about closing up the country for a while, were going to get the wall, we have no choice. Jim has been there all the way. Hes highly respected in washington, just a respected person real when i knows what it is to go out and make a dollar, spend a dollar, understands business understands what were doing in the country. And understands what it takes to make America Great again. I give jimmy full support. Maybe you can say a few words. Thank you, mr. President. Thank you and welcome back to ohio. Its great to have you here. The first time i met you were candidate trump. And i told you i was with you then and ive been with you every day since. Its true. I created 1500 jobs, employed over 3,000 people. Im still a cpa, and i understand what this tax law does. I was so happy when the president said were going to cut taxes for americans. As i travel the state, i hear that all the time from Small Business owners. Im happy to hear these stories. Working here in ohio. Everywhere from key corp who raised their minimum wage to smuckers who gave everybody a 1,000 bonus. All these things. But you know, its not the Big Companies either. Because the small companies, the little companies are doing just the same thing. 7 person business gave bonuses to their employees. Small business, we have the First Federal Community Bank in dover, thousand dollar bonus. Its working but you know what the greatest story is, when i walk into a restaurant and somebody walks up to me and says thank you. Thank you because i got a couple extra hundred dollars in my check last month, and now i can put a little more away for college, or put a little more away and pay off my car loan. These are the stories that are working. This is why im so proud to be sitting here with the president and knowing that we together were able to put a tax plan together with his vision, and get it passed. Thank you for being here. I have to say, i just looked at the numbers, and jims doing really great. Hes got a great shot at doing it. Hes been a fantastic congressman, and i expect youre going to be an even more fantastic senator. Go out, get your vote and help jim get it done. Thank you. Tony, would you say a few words . Mr. President , i want to thank you for inviting us today. Really truly honored to be here. As the president continues to listen to guests there talk about how they have benefited from the president s vision as it pertains to tax cuts and the job scenario, i want to bring in Nathan Gonzalez and tim niftali. The president has been weaving back and forth between tax cuts, he even touched upon the opiod crisis and then hes mentioned border walls, imgragts a number of times. You know, tim. I guess this session is to taught what the 3rez has seen as real accomplishments, he also seems to be very focused on work yet to be accomplished, particularly as it talks about immigration and border control. And listening to the president there saying, and we have the quote there, we will build a wall, even if we have to close up the country. What does he mean . Well, i think he wants to show strength, i think despite the fact that experts on immigration and the opiod crisis, two different things, but there are overlapping issues, i have said that building a wall is not going to do much if anything to stop the flow of Illegal Drugs into the country. He still tries to link that in the minds of americans, he knows what a big crisis the opiod challenge is in this country, and so hes desperately trying to link that to the wall and say somehow that the two are should be supported by congress. Congress doesnt want to support the wall, they understand its a waste of money. I want to make a point about how targeted the appeal was today. Its very interesting, very interesting to hear how the tax plan has affected americans, its good its important to hear that. Its also interesting that nobody talked about wage levels or wages. Everybody talked about 1,000 bonus, which was very helpful and much appreciated no doubt. But i wonder what happened to all their wages, i suspect nothing. In a year there wont be another bonus. These Companies Might be making more money. But are wage levels going to go up, in effect the real problem in middle america. And most of america, is that our wages are stagnant and have not really kept up as they should have done in the last 10 years. What do you see as the objective here for this roundtable today. The president is using this as a listening post, hearing from constituents there who praise the tax cuts that they received, the 200 to 300 that miss sheely was talking about, and extending the bonus to some of her employees why is this important for the president. Fred, you mentioned this wasnt a campaign rally, but i think it was a campaign commercial. I think the objective was to sell the tax cut, cut, cut, cut bill or whatever the president wants to call it, to sell that to the american people, in general, i think republican strategist and those republicans that are focused on these midterm elections upcoming, i think they would take this president i mean, the president in this environment, maybe its that hes sitting down, he was fairly focused on the tax bill, and i think that continues to be something that republicans are hoping helps them maybe stem some of the losses come november. Also i think one of the goals was to help congressman renacci, sitting to his right. Gibbons has never Held Elected Office before. Hes running as the outsider, trying to capture that same momentum the president was able to get. I think there are multiple things at play. Tim, the other big picture, perhaps this shows some composure for the president , and even this setting, particularly after a week of tumult within his administration, and the feelings being expressed by the people who are the front men or women of donald trump, not being on the same accord. And this is a much more controlled setting of showing a unified message . Its a good thing for the president to have other people, to have people watching him listen to some other people, in other words, were so accustomed to him sermonizing, speaking at us, and lately those speeches have been so full of untruths and lies its really undercut his credibility. Today we heard other people talk to him. And he was pretending, if not actually list 234i7k to them. Even before he started to listen to the voighters of ohio. Those chosen voters. He was saying things that were just off the charts wrong, i mean he was saying that countries select the people that go into the lottery you system. Thats nonsense. Its individuals around the world who choose to participate in the lottery, because they would like to be part of the United States and live and contribute to our well being. Its not that some country decides to dump people they dont like into the lottery system. He should know that, if he doesnt. Its a sign of huge ignorance on his part. The speech he gave before. We could listen some of his speech was full of the same hyperbole and lying that weve become accustomed to in recent months. And nathan, does this setting, this forum help short term congressman renacci whos seeking that senate seat . And how does this assist the president or even the gop having this listening post . It could help. What weve seen in some of the special elections over the last year or so the president s supporters are not easily transferable to other candidates, hes a unique person he cant just say, congressman renacci, im with him, hes with me. Go vote for him. Tuesday, there are primaries in West Virginia and indiana. Where all the republican candidates are trying to cozy up to the president. Its interesting he didnt go to those states. But in general i think the republicans want and need the president to be focused on selling this tax bill if republicans arent excited and dont show up to vote, theyre going to lose a significant number of seats, if moderates and independents believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, theyre going to elect more democrats to put a check on the president. Thank you, i want to bring in Ann Zimmerman to the conversation. Ann, is this a you know, a big feather in the cap of the president , is this discussion about tax cuts, how helpful its been for a number of people namely in that forum. Thank you. I think based on the information we found. That the Small Business community has been left out of this, just selectively waving and showcasing a few people who have received an extra 100 doesnt solve the problem for Small Businesses in this country. We are we as Small Businesses have kreeited two thirds of all the jobs since the recession, and this tax cut bill left us behind. It absolutely is funnels the big savings and the cuts to the Large Companies and the wealthy, and not particularly helpful for us. What you heard from sherry sheely. Who was on the panel there who said because of these tax cuts they were able to award 1,000 bonuses, they consider themselves to be one of the largest independent furniture retailer retailers they are on that stage, perhaps representative of a smaller business that has been able to benefit from this tax cut. Thats wonderful they were able to do that. Thats not truly representative of us Small Businesses about the poll we did recently said that 69 of the 35r7 ants would not be able to hire someone new because of the tax law. Sorry to interrupt you. Lets listen in to the president right now. You have to spend it wisely at the top. But our country is doing great, i think its maybe doing as good or better than its done before. Its only going to do better. We have tremendous things planned, were going to start being smart about our relationship with other countries and others. Youre going to see tremendous progress over the next hopefully seven years, its not going to take seven years its going to go very quickly. Its going to happen very quickly. We all love this country. We love it a lot. Those were incredible stories, its amazing to hear. We could take almost everybody in the room, probably everybody in the room and hear a similar story. Im very honored to have been able to do the tax cut. Tax cut plan, because it has led to a lot of jobs, to better jobs. It has led to increased salary, also the increase in the salary, but you have a lot left over, which is money that people up here probably most of the people in the audience didnt expect to see or have. And its be made by big difference in a lot of lives. I am so honored to have been able to help, and were going to do a lot more over the coming years. Again, thank you all for being here. Thank you. Thank you. The president wrapping it up in cleveland, making a promise, saying our country is doing great, it can only get better, tremendous things are planned. These tax cuts have very little incentive for this Small Business, when you hear the president say, tremendous things planned, what are you hoping and how might it be applicable to Small Businesses in your view . Small businesses have been actually more disadvantaged because of the tax cuts. The joint the committee on joint taxation just recently this week i believe it was, came out with some new statistics showing that even of the pass through piece of this, which is really thought of as the Small Business piece. Even of that piece, 44 of that is going to the Small Businesses. 200,000 only that make a Million Dollars or more in this country. That season the the true Small Business. Theyre not able to give raises or bonuses. Theyre getting very little out of this tax bill. Tim and nathan are back with me. It seems as though there is a lot of affirmation of what the president was saying, you listen to ann, its incon grgruent messaging. The president has been saying for Small Businesses for the forgotten people of this land, this is exactly who hes thinking about when proposing these tax cut plans. Well, and fred, i think that the president has laid out a challenge today and well see if the democrats can meet that challenge. I mean, after all, theres some very interesting where we heard very important personal stories. We heard about a family that works for the sheely furniture company, that had to use their entire 1,000 bonus to pay for Health Care Costs because their premiums were rising. The question we have to ask is, how can we bring premiums down, what was it about obamacare in ohio that led to the premiums going up . Was it the insecurity that was created by the fact that the Trump Administration made it clear it wasnt going to enforce certain regulations . So and thats something the democrats can talk about, after all, its great that that family got 1,000. Why did they have to spend it on health care. Why couldnt they save it, or why couldnt they use it for a vacation and spread the joy to some other part of the United States. These are pocketbook issues, cost of health care, wage rates, and you know what, thats where the debate should be. Thats a debate that is based on fact, americans know what they spend. What their premiums are. Its healthy for the country. Its the basis for democracy, if the president wants to debate that americans are better off now because they got a one time 1,000 bonus and their premiums are skyrocketing, im sure others will disagree. Nathan, the labor secretary seemed to intimate there were Upcoming Health care plans, is that the next frontier. Tim nailed it on the head in 2er78s of the fight and argument and discussion were going to see over the next six months, republicans want to talk about the tax cut and jobs bill. Democrats want people to look at the broader picture and look at health care and their premiums, when you put all this together are you coming out ahead . Thats where republicans realize, maybe what theyve done so far on Health Care May not have been enough or productive. Do they need to come back and try to fix something or change something. When voters put those two together. I dont think republicans feel like theyre on as good a footing coming up to the elections, if people are oath focused on the tax cut and jobs bill. Well leave it there for now. I have this discussion in soybean land. In parts of the country where tariffs are having a negative effect. Have it in steel town, of course, youre going to see some positive results to tariffs. Somewhere else you wouldnt get the same result. 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