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Now, mike pompeo went first, speaking to reporters there in pyongyang right before boarding his aircraft and he struck a very optimistic tone, saying that both sides agreed on the denuclearization of north korea and were committed to that. But whats denuclearization . Does anybody know . Thats the key question here, and i think from the u. S. Side, they thought they understood what it meant. They thought it meant inspection of north Korean Nuclear facilities, concrete steps being taken on the front end. North korea very clear that they want this to be kind of a tit for tat. They want to take steps and see matched by the u. S. , different areas, things theyve long sought. They said in their statement that they were very much against this idea of complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization, something that most watchers of north korea thought would be a challenge, but something that the u. S. Had kind of implied it was not stepping back from in these talks. Now, speaking of tit for tat, if you take a 30,000foot view, over the last week, weve had the United States and china essentially engaging in what could be the very first salvos of a true trade war and then suddenly, north korea pulls back on its language relating to denuclearization. Do we see a linkage here . Is it reasonable to question whether china may be putting itself thumb on the scale or whatever . Well, china has a vested interest in the situation, and youve seen the u. S. Trump administration attempt to delink these things. Theyve sought cooperation with china on the north Korean Nuclear issue, believing that it was in beijings interest to denuclearize north korea as well. Youve seen trump publicly praise his chinese counterpart, president xi, on north korea, the enforcement of sanctions. Theyve tried to keep these trade issues separate. Its unclear whether beijing views these things as separately and whether or not theyre using their long standing links with pyongyang, with north korea, to kind of play a multilevel game of chess here. Absolutely. Definitely multilevel game of chess. Thanks so much for that, ryan browne. So, what does this mean for President Trumps relationship with kim jongun . Well, cnns White House Correspondent Boris Sanchez joins us now live from berkeley heights, new jersey, near the president s bedminster golf resort where he is spending the weekend. What can you tell us, boris . Reporter hey there, joe. The white house declined to comment on the news coming from north korea, that statement put out by the North Koreans. The president has not weighed in on twitter, though he was active this morning, tweeting out some attacks against the press. Look, joe, ultimately, this could be seen as just the latest chapter in what has been a very volatile process. It wasnt that long ago that President Trump was referring to kim jongun as little rocket man. We went from there to having the president call the chairman smart and gracious, and as the president was receptive to calls that he win a Nobel Peace Prize for setting up this meeting in singapore, a short while after that, he cancelled the meeting altogether, saying that it would be inappropriate for the two leaders to gather. Ultimately, he ended up meeting with kim jongun in singapore. You also had the discrepancy between the president and his own secretary of state, President Trump just a few days ago on the north lawn saying that north korea was no longer a nuclear threat. His secretary of state, mike pompeo, sort of dismissing that idea, acknowledging that the two sides are still very far apart. It appears that President Trump wants to be on good terms with kim jongun. He wants to have a Good Relationship with him. The question is how far will that go in guaranteeing that the United States does not enter an Armed Conflict with north korea, joe . Boris, trump is also set to meet with putin in a little over a week. How do you think this is going to affect that summit . Reporter well, those two leaders already have a plethora of items on the agenda. The war in syria, russias annexation of crimea, russia election meddling. This would add another part of the conversation with President Trump potentially asking Vladimir Putin for russia to reinstall certain crippling economic sanctions that the administration has argued brought north korea to the table. Again, it is a possibility, but not something that we know may happen just yet, joe. Thanks so much for that, Boris Sanchez. Now, lets talk about these developments with north korea and more. Joining me is congresswoman sus susan delbene, democratic representative from washington state. Lets get your reaction to the news of the day, the developments out of north korea, the North Koreans calling the u. S. Attitude regrettable, gangsterlike. Does this signal worries to you that a denuclearization deal is in doubt . Well, i think this shouldnt be a surprise. This is consistent with north koreas behavior in the past. I support diplomatic efforts. I think thats so important. It really should be an International Effort so we are bringing other parties in to play, to continue to put pressure on north korea. I am concerned the administration was willing the president was willing to make concessions on military exercises with nothing in return from north korea, so we need to continue to push forward and take a strong stand. North korea talks are coming at a time when the Trump Administration is also essentially launching what appears to be a trade war with china. Do you have any concerns about the tariffs impacting jobs, businesses, the Agricultural Industry in the United States . I have great concerns. I am hear in washington state. We are the most trade. Dependent state in the country. This was critically important for us to make sure that we have sound trade policy. If you look at our agriculture producers, theyve been hit very hard. Cherries, pears, apples, they had a 10 tariff from china to begin with, and then with in april, 15 was added because of the tariffs a retaliation to steel and aluminum and now as of friday, weve seen 25 added to that, so thats a 50 tariff on important agriculture products in our Community Like cherries and apples. And we have no sense of where this is Going Forward. We dont have a sense of what the administration is trying to achieve here. We have issues we need to address in trade. This should be a multilateral, we should be working with International Community in a multilateral approach to address these trade issues. Now, jumping around a little bit, but i have to mention that you traveled to texas recently to tour a detention facility housing migrant children, separated from their parents. Give me an idea of your reaction to what you saw and also, by the way, the Trump Administration has been claiming that members of Congress Going to these facilities is slowing the ability to reunite the children with their families. How do you respond to that . Well, first, i was in texas in mcallen to see what was happening directly at the border in terms of immigrants being processed as they came through the border as well as going to a detention facility down there. I think the only reason were seeing the response to the terrible behavior that the administration took in terms of separating families is because members of congress have really shined a light on this issue. So, its very unfortunate that the administration is trying to make it harder for members of congress to go and to see whats happening. We are the oversight body. We are holding the administration accountable, and we need to see whats happening, but i talked to parents who had had their children removed, who were in detention facilities, who didnt know where their children are, they were told if they just asked that they would be connected to their children. They asked and asked and asked and were not provided any information on where their children were. I have continued to Ask Department of Homeland Security for how they keep those records, do they connect a child to an adult when they come across the border so we know who came together. Its not clear that theres been good recordkeeping, that they know how to connect parents and children back together, and thats why its so critically important that we continue to understand all the efforts being taken by Homeland Security and health and Human Services who have are right now caring for those children, to understand what theyre doing to reunite these families. We have to make sure every Single Family is reunited. Now, is it intentional, do you think, these delays, or is it more just an issue of bureaucrat bumbling . Well, i think theres clearly this zero tolerance policy has been immoral and cruel, and theres also just been incompetence in terms of making sure that we have the records and the information thats needed to make sure were tracking families and we can reunite them. That lack of information means were not getting straight answers from the department of Homeland Security. Its why we cant always get a straight answer in terms of number of children who have been separated where they are, how theyre going to be reunited. We should have been able it wouldnt have been hard to make sure that we kept track of children and their parents and had information of where they were being sent so we could put those reunite those families right away. Boy, it sure seems hard right now. Thanks so much, congresswoman susan delbene. Its heartbreaking. Still ahead, the race against time in thailand, the rain has started. Rescuers are desperate to get 12 boys and their coach out of a cave before floods threaten them any further. And new demands President Trumps legal team says there will be no meeting with special Counsel Robert Mueller unless theres proof of trump committing a crime. A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. 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Where are the rescue operations right now . Reporter i think theyre pretty much ready to go, joe. The situation on the ground right now is that the governor has said that the conditions are appropriate for this incredibly daring and risky cave rescue of these 12 boys and their coach, stuck in this cavern system. In order to do this, they will have to dive some of these boys out and its very, very risky. There could be some lastminute hitches and delays. The boys have to get medical checks before theyll be allowed to even attempt this. But as far as we can ascertain from officials here on the ground, theyre pretty much in a position to give a green light on this very risky operation. So, whats the weather like, and how long is it expected to rain . Reporter well, about an hour or two ago, we had an absolutely torrential downpour and it was a stark reminder of just whats in store for us here. I think in the days ahead, its going to be theres going to be some very, very heavy monsoon rain but they reckon theyve got about a twoday window max to get the children out. Right now, the rains holding off, which means that the cavern system isnt filling up with water. The water level inside has dropped significantly in the past few days, which has meant that many of the passageways which were completely flooded are now passable, but there are still some submerged areas, so it will involve some diving for these boys which is the very risky bit. All right, thanks so much for that jonathan, and well get back to you soon. This rescue will be far from easy. Joining me now, Ocean Explorer and ceo of tiberon subc, tim taylor. Tim, what are some of the unique challenges rescuers could be facing in this situation . Well, i tell you, rescuers are extremely professional. If youre a cave diver, youre extremely experienced but generally you dont enter a cave with someone thats inexperienced so tendering and carrying somebody coming out, especially kids of this age and with this kind of stress on this project puts a lot of stress square on those divers so in addition to the abilities and skills to navigate these caves, they are now responsible for a childs life and the world is watching. So you add that level of stress and i think it kind of brings this to a monumental level of rescue. Its something theyll have to live with either way, successful or not successful, and thats a lot to ask one person to do. So, one of the questions that comes to mind is about panic, particularly under water, when you have young kids who presumably have no experience with scuba diving equipment, simply trying to figure out how to keep that mask on, how to breathe, how to see even in limited light. Panic could be a pig challenbig. Thats the skills they taught these kids are going to be the basic skills of how to clear that mask and how to deal with that. What they cant instill in these kids is experience, and so you never know how what can happen. Straps can break. Masks can flood. Gas can, you know, free flow. Theres all sorts of things that experience teaches you how to deal with and unfortunately experience takes time and they dont have that. So, yes, panic is the nemesis here. Generally go ahead. Theyre going to have enough gas they should have gas staged throughout the divers should have plenty of gas. They dont sound like these are really strong sections that they have to traverse without coming out and going through another section so its not like they wont have enough gas. Its just the equipment failures and equipment maladjustments and dealing with this in zero vis in single file by themselves is a whole lot of things that it just takes experience to understand and thats where the risk factors skyrocket. Including, i would think, depending on the type of equipment theyre using, just getting snagged on rock, certainly under water, could be a huge issue because even for experienced divers, that can be a problem in broad daylight. Yes. Yes. Knowing your equipment, being able to get yourself extricated from sites. I do this at depth of 250 feet or more inside of wrecks, so theres a lot more jaggedy things sometimes in wrecks and life and animals that pop up around you so you can get stuff caught but you have to know to stop, think, breathe, and know your equipment and figure your way out. Now they have the divers to help them with that, but some of these times in these restrictions, the divers cant be next to each other to help. Theyve got to be ahead of them or behind them, so these children are going to have to have a Comfort Level with their equipment as best they can, and thats the risk. Again, i cant emphasize more the lack of experience cannot be instilled. You cannot take a disk out of the divers head and stick it in the kids head and they know what theyre doing. It will be its a tough thing. Tough situation. Yeah, the other thing i talked a psychologist about this, and one of the things you think about the most and perhaps one of the most chilling things you think about is which kid do you take first and which one do you take last . Whats your view . Do you go with the most courageous one . Do you go with the one who might need the most time . Whats your view about how they get started . Im not a psychologist, but you know, i would think you would take the strongest and most person thats adapted most to the skills of diving. Theyre not going to get any better in a day and those better performing children will, if they get through and they make it through this, god willing, they will learn from the process and be able to help the ones that are less able. If they learn something along the way, we got snagged here, didnt get snagged here, we can use this or that, you know, refine the techniques, youve got 12 people to bring out of here and each time youre going to learn something on that journey. Well, were all keeping our fingers crossed that this will be a great adventure that these kids remember a long time. And that they get out of there okay. Thanks so much for that, tim taylor. Officials are also watching as powerful storms move into the region. Flash flooding could add another snag in an already dangerous rescue mission. Lets bring in cnn meteorologist allis allison. What do these storms look like . Weve already seen the first wave come in and more rain is on the way. As jonathan mentioned too, the last few days weve been lucky d in the sense that its been relatively dry. Technically from july 2nd through the 7th, they had no real measurable rain. That allowed the water in the cave system to recede very, very much and thats fantastic news for them. Some of those channels actually being really low in terms of the flooding. But with more rain on the way, thats going to be the big concern is getting those boys out before those caves fill back up again. Heres the location around where that cave is located. Notice all the orange and red colors on your screen. Thats the moisture returning to this area. Now, its not just going to be a shortterm problem. Its going to be a longterm problem as well. Sunday, monday, and tuesday, we have an 80 to 90 chance of rain in the forecast. When you talk about how much rain theyre going to get, most of those places, youre talking about 2 to 4 inches. That may not seem like that much but you have to understand this is on top of what theyve already had for the last few weeks and again, some of those channels and tunnels within the caves are very narrow. It may only take 2 to 4 inches of rain to really fill those back up so you dont need much. Thats just the amount of rain we expect over the next five days. When you look even further than that, we dpexpect to have measurable rain for at least the next 7 to 10 days because its the rainy season, joe. Real peak is july and august of this year and thats right where were sitting at this time. Thats a lot of rain. 7 to 10 days, even by u. S. Standards. Weve had a lot here in washington, d. C. But nothing like that. Allison, thanks so much for that. Still ahead, President Trumps attorneys reportedly draw a line in the sand, laying down their terms for an interview with the special counsel. 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Joining me now, cnn contributor larry noble, a former general counsel at the federal election commission, cnn political commentators matt lewis and joan walsh and larry, just start with you. The first question, i think, is does he have a legal foot to stand on here, and whats the point of it . Well, the point of it is to delay. Legal foot to stand on, yes, he can refuse to have trump testify and mueller can subpoena trump and it can go to the courts and if the courts order trump to testify, he can take the fifth amendment. I dont think he has a legal foot to stand on with the demand, with the idea that i want to know all the evidence you have and you have to prove to me that you have evidence he committed a crime before im going to talk to you. Every defense lawyer would love to be able to do that for your client but you generally cant. I think this is about the fact that they dont want trump to testify, and theyre just trying to throw up smoke screens. Matt, also about Public Opinion, right . Obviously, Rudy Giuliani, even quoted in the New York Times suggesting that theyre not going to try to impeach trump if Public Opinion is going against mueller. But is that a realistic strategy . Yeah, i think it actually is. I think when Rudy Giuliani came on board, it was a very clear shift of the strategy. They went from worrying about legal matters, primarily, to worrying about public relations. Well, politics, because impeachment, for example, is a political issue. Right. And so i think that was probably a smart strategy, and you know, a lot of people have criticized Rudy Giuliani. He was going on tv and maybe complicated things on case for donald trump, but at the end of the day, i think its actually been pretty shrewd and i think, look, who knows how this is going to turn out, if mueller ends up having the goods on trump, no amount of maneuvering is going to save him. But i think in, you know, probably the best cards they had to play, theyre playing. Joan walsh, ask about this delay strategy. On the one hand, it sounds good because you can push this thing past the Midterm Elections. Right. And then deal with it. But isnt there a downside . Sure. I mean, there are downsides everywhere, and i agree with matt that Rudy Giuliani has done exactly what he was hes being paid to do, which is of fus ka obfuscate, throw mud at Robert Mueller. Its disconcerting to see somebody who was himself a prosecutor, who was once a u. S. Attorney, play this role and kind of undermining the rule of law, but hes doing what hes paid to do. And for the most part, hes done it decently. I mean, its horrifying, but its worked. Polls show the public is a little bit less supportive of the Mueller Probe. This is disturbing to me but its a matter of politics. On the other hand, you know, as larry i defer to larry on this, and they can delay, but to say that the president isnt going to testify unless theres evidence that he committed a crime, his testimony could be necessary because someone else committed a crime. Its a preposterous stance, but it looks like theyre going to require a subpoena and drag this out. And larry, again, this question of politics and even if youre getting into the realm of impeachment, we havent gotten there yet, deciding not to testify before the special counsel wouldnt seem to help you particularly politically, would it . It shouldnt help you politically, but what weve already seen with trumps base is that theyre very tolerant of what he does and so with giuliani setting up this whole idea and trump setting up this idea that the Mueller Probe is corrupted, you know, theyre setting up the rationale for, well, hes not going to testify because its unfair. I think at one point, giuliani said that he wanted to make sure this was fair, that they werent biased, and i think what theyre getting ready to do is say, well, theyre clearly biased and hes not going to testify and its not about whether trump is guilty of anything or has any evidence in their view, its going to be all about whether or not this is a fair probe. So he shouldnt get away with it but i think he might. And i would think from trumps standpoint, theres a benefit to trolling democrats and teasing them a little bit. If he can get the Democratic Base to talk about impeachment, then that actually might benefit republicans going into the midterms. You know, so i hate to take a very serious legal issue and talk rank politics, but that calculus actually does benefit trump as well. So, lets go back. Back to the talk of delegitimizing the special counsel. I think we have a graphic that essentially shows all the times the president has, in one form or another, used the word, witch hunt. There you go. Witch hunt tweets. And june 2018, all the way up to 25. So it appears the president is on to a strategy that he believes is working. Well, i mean, this is a this is not an accident. This is obviously this is a a an intentional strategy that trump is engaged in. Its the same thing he does to the media. Basically what he tries to do, anybody who criticizes him or looks into him, he wants to undermine their legitimacy and by the way, it works. Now, joan, i got to say, if you look back at the clinton administration, which was the last time a president had this kind of legal controversy surrounding his administration, the clintons and president clinton himself certainly spent a lot of time delegitimizing, if you will, ken starr. Is it very different from what mr. Trump is doing . I think its very different. I mean, certainly they did raise they raised questions about his partisanship, but in this case, actually, the questions had some bearing, you know, ken starr was a conservative republican. Donald trump and Rudy Giuliani have been referring to people like Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller and james comey as democrats, and talking about the angry democrats who are running these probes. Those men are all republicans. So, there is absolutely no partisan bias driving this. And also, in the end, president clinton did wind up testifying and it looks like President Trump will not. So, you know, this is clearly its true, its what he does to the media, he cries fake news, he cries democratic witch hunt, but you know, well see. I think that the Mueller Probe is proceeding very aggressively. There have already been 20 indictments. I really wouldnt shrug none of us are shrugging, but i wouldnt say this gambit of discrediting it is going to ultimately be successful. If he has the good, hes got the goods. All right, joan, thanks so much for that. Matt lewis, you and joan are going to stick around. Larry noble, thanks for coming in on a saturday. Thank you. Still to come, President Trumps meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin is days away. On the agenda, arms control, the syrian conflict and russias meddling in the u. S. Election. So how could it all play out . Well talk about that coming up next. When i received the diagnosis, i knew at that exact moment, whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors that work together. When a patient comes to ctca, theyre meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. And i would say that ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. Larry noble, thanks for coming well talk about that coming up h individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. 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With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. President trump spending a quiet weekend at his golf resort in bedminster, new jersey, before a busy week ahead. Lets take a look at his calendar. Monday, were expecting a Supreme Court nominee announcement. Tuesday, the immigration deadline for the administration to reunite children under the age of 5 with their parents. Later on that same day t president , the president is expected to head to brussels. Wednesday and thursday, hes at the nato summit. Later thursday night, he has dinner with theresa may and friday hell meet with the queen of england. Now, thats a calendar. Mr. Trump has a weekend in scotland before his big sitdown summit with russian president Vladimir Putin and finland on the 16th, so back with us now, cnn political commentators matt lewis and joan walsh. Joan, starting with you now, the president tweeted this morning that, quote, a big decision will soon be made. Do we think the president is going to choose a nominee democrats are going to have a tough time opposing and might even have to go for or does the president welcome a huge fight over this in the midst of a Midterm Election . He welcomes the fight. You know, he has decided that his strategy is simply to galvanize his base. The list of judges that he put out two years ago its three years almost now, joe, was preapproved by the federalist society. Those are very, very conservative judges. They will overturn roe v. Wade, so theres no one of that list the democrats can easily go for and i think he relishes a battle. Certainly some questions there about some of those people and their positions on abortion, whether they are revealed or hidden. Matt, a new Supreme Court pick could also, by chance, be the same person to cast a vote on whether the president actually has to sit down with special Counsel Robert Mueller. Do you think that would present a conflict of interest . Should that nominee, whoever he or she is, decide to recuse themselves from a vote like that . I really dont think so. I mean, thats going to be your youre certainly going to hear liberals and democrats make that argument. Once somebody is on the Supreme Court, they are there for life, they cant be recalled. And it happens very frequently that president s nominate somebody, the Senate Confirms them, and then they have to rule on something to do with the presidency so youre certainly going to see calls for recusal, no matter who trump picks. I dont think youre going to see it actually happen and i dont think its necessary. Joan, President Trump has written letters to the leaders of individual nato countries basically telling them to pay their fair share. Now hes headed to brussels for a nato summit. Do you think hes going to be able to smooth things over or is this going to be another one of those rough trips, as it were. I dont think he has the least bit of interest in smoothing things over. I think hes doing this deliberately. I think he has a lot of hostility to our nato allies. I think that he whether its deliberately or its a matter of agreement, he really is allied on this particular issue with Vladimir Putin. He doesnt have that much interest in a common Defense Strategy with our traditional allies, and he undermines them at every chance he gets. Weve had some really disturbing reporting this week about that and about the way hes treated some of the allies. While we know hes courted Vladimir Putin and hes about to sit down with him without any aides, anybody from the our National Security establishment to witness this. Its all a little chilling. So, after this nato meeting, then we have the big sitdown with Vladimir Putin. Any idea how thats going to go down . And two, what exactly has russia done to deserve a summit with the president of the United States . I think you make a really valid point. There are a lot of people saying, trump shouldnt meet with kim jongun because that is putting him on an equal status and sort of lending credibility to the regime. I think you could almost make the same argument about Vladimir Putin at this point. You know, were treating him as if hes the head of the soviet union, you know, sort of the two super powers and hes not. Russia is not the soviet union, and you know, so look, you can always make an argument, people made it with kim, that you should be talking to everybody. You dont need preconditions. I would be just concerned about donald trump going into any sort of negotiations with someone like Vladimir Putin who i think is an incredibly devious and shrewd operator, and weve had several president s now who did not fare well kind of going up against him. Joan, what about the optics of this meeting, the president with Vladimir Putin, when you consider the russia investigation going on here. Does that help clear him or make him look better in the public eye . Or is it a wash because the people who like him are going to continue to like him and the people who dont are going to continue to not like him. Joe, i think sometimes we act like the people who like him are, you know, roughly equal to the people who dont like him. His Approval Rating is terrible. He has a core of republican support and sadly im sure, you know, matt laments this as well, he is remaking the party in his image by and large. The never trumpers are brave people but theyre not having a lot of influence. But when we say some like it, most dont like it, and i think most have concerns about his ties to russia. Most have concerns about the possibilities, well, the confirmation from our intelligence agencies of russian meddling in the election on behalf of donald trump so i think this looks terrible to a lot of americans, specifically that hes not going in the way any other president would do it, with his Foreign Policy experts, his National Security experts, his team by his side that hes going to go in alone with this guy who is, i think, much certainly much shrewder, much more skilled in the ways of the world, and perhaps smarter than donald trump that hes going in, you know, without any help, i think, is scary. The optics and the reality are scare trooe scary to a lot of americans of i think the president would probably disagree with you on that, joan walsh. Im sure he would. Thanks to you and matt lewis as well. South carolina representative Katie Arrington is speaking out for the first time following her serious car wreck. The accident happened last month just about a week after her gop primary win over congressman mark san ford. Arrington and a friend were traveling to an event in hilton head, south carolina, when the car collided with a vehicle going the wrong direction. Arrington appeared emotional, reflecting on they are recovery. First and foremost, thank you, god, because two weeks ago today, i there are no words other than thank you, god. Arrington is headed home and expected to make a full recovery. She says shell be back on the campaign trail soon. Still ahead, a sneak peek at the cnn original series the 2000s and how the era transformed reality tv. Are you done yet . Does it look like im done . Shouldnt you be at work . [ mockingly ] shouldnt you be at work . Todd. Hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game fist pump your real bikes all fixed. Man, you guys are good well, we are the numberone motorcycle insurer in the country. Wait. You have a real motorcycle . And real insurance, with 24hour customer support. Arcade game wipeout oh well. I retire as champion. Game hog champion. Can you believe it was almost 20 years ago, reality tv became a world of its own. In the 2000s, we were introduced to everything from survivor to snookis antics on the jersey shore to the start of the kardashian empire. Cnns jeanne moos takes us back. You know whats been a survivor . Reality tv starting with survivor in the year 2000. Hatching memorable moments like when a Richard Hatch without clothes. Never get used to seeing richard naked. Reporter some of us managed to duck reality tv. Theres two types of people in this world, educated and uneducated. Reporter but this nielsen chart of the decade shows reality in blue grows while sitcoms in orange become almost extinct and drama in green shrinks. Even if you didnt watch american idol, you couldnt escape the worst vocalist. She bangs, she bangs thank you, thank you. Reporter the allure of train wreck tv. Be they real house wives or d denizens of the jersey shore, from snooki drunk to snooki punch. To kim flailing at khloe. And they call this reality romance . Youre pulling our leg, right . Katie. Most definitely. Reporter oops. I forgot her name. That wasnt the girl i wanted to give it to. Reporter her new future president would have reality show on his resume. Youre all fired. All four are fired. Reporter even if firing turned out not to be his forte in real life. Sure, there were reality flops. Are you hot wasnt. Pectoral muscles, baby. Im the hottest man because i have this to offer. Reporter and greatest american dog didnt do so great, even if presley stood up to an elephant. Good boy. Stay. Presley, stay. Reporter in actual reality, pounds dont stay off. Im giving you my vest. Reporter and couples dont stay together. Karen, i thought youd never ask. Reporter when it comes to reality tv, we tend to behave like a good dog. Sit, sit, sit. Reporter jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Okay, that looks great. Dont miss the cnn new original series 2000s starting tomorrow night at 9 00 eastern and pacific only on cnn. Im joe johns in for fredricka whitfield. Cnns newsroom continues after this short break. Welcome to 2018, folks. Its a madetoorderworld. Onesizefitsall just doesnt cut it anymore. Would you put up with a oneflavorfitsall ice cream . No. What about a onesizefitsall shoe . No. So why would you settle for a onesizefitsall family unlimited plan . Well, verizon has big news. shoes squeaking starting now, everyone gets the plan they want, without paying for things they dont. Mom gets the unlimited she needs, dad gets the unlimited he needs, kids get the unlimited they need. The dog, if he has a phone. Verizon is bringing freedom to the family unlimited plan. And you could save some money, so Everybody Wins scattered applause wow, all this for us . Yeah, and every other family in america. I think the kowalskis are next. Thanks, man, really good stuff. 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