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Face a real grim reality. Hundreds left homeless, many have even camped out in parking lots. Cnn is in chico, where people have taken shelter in a parking lot there. What are they dealing with . Reporter well, fred, theyre dealing with a lot because theyve been asked if they can voluntarily move out of this parking lot and get themselves to safety. I have to say, im seeing a very organized departure and shifting here. Look behind me. These people are still continuing to cook for these other people who are homeless. Then off in the distance where they erected this tent city, they have told me theyre going to stay. I just spoke with not only a walmart spokeswoman and some security guards who declined to go on camera, but they told me in no way shape or form are they going to make anybody leave the grassy area. So thats good news for all of them. Its rather heartening to see these people be so organized. Also heartening to me, i want to tell the story of a school bus that left ponderosa elementary school. It left in the middle of the inferno. Not everyone could pick up their children. 22 children, 2 teachers, and a bus driver got on a bus, took a trek through raging flames all around them, smoke as well. Lets listen to some of their accounts. It was very scary. It was like felt like armageddon. I dont know another word to say. I was seeing smoke everywhere. I couldnt see hardly anything. I saw, like, houses burning and animals and cars whining. And i love animals. It was so crazy. There were like fires left and right, everywhere you look. There was smoke everywhere and people trying to get out. It was really hard. Reporter thats charlotte, one of the most articulate fourth graders you would ever want to meet. The bus ride, as they call it in chico, down the hill from paradise. It should usually take about 20 minutes. It took five hours, fred. But theyre all glad theyre living to tell about it. Wow. And sharing those horrific stories. All right. Thank you so much, paul. Appreciate it. The president of finland says he did discuss the California Wildfires with President Trump, but he doesnt quite recall the conversation the same way. Not about raking leaves, which is the way President Trump seems to have heard. President trump made the comment saturday while looking at californias devastation. You look at other countries where they do it differently, and its a whole different story. I was with the president of finland, and he said we have a much different were a forest nation. He called it a forest nation. They spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. They dont have any problem. When it is, its a very small problem. So i know everybodys looking at that, to that end. To finish, the president responded to that, telling a local newspaper that he only sees raking in his own yard and that President Trump might have brought up raking after seeing firefighters raking some burntout areas in california. Lets bring in Democrat California congressman john garamendi. Okay. This is weird. It was pretty impactful for the president to be in california, to see firsthand. There were so many people looking forward to seeing the president , so he could see for himself the reality of it. Then when the president talked about, you know, controlling the forest and other countries do it and the raking, i mean, that just open ted the flood gates o stuff. Now you have the finish preside finnish president saying that wasnt quite the conversation. What are your thoughts on this . My thoughts are, first of all, its a horrible, horrific situation in paradise. Over 9,000 homes destroyed and 73 or more deaths now. It just couldnt be more horrible. So the first thing is that this has just been a tragedy for thousands, a town of 26,000 wiped out. Now, there is an issue of how are we going to survive in thor the era of Climate Change. This is a very Real National and frankly worldwide crisis of Climate Change and a very rapidly changing environment in which all of us are living. For california, we do get rains in the winter, even though we did have a fiveyear drought. We got winter rains, and the vegetation grew. The issue is things got very, very hot and the vegetation got very, very dry in the forest, both private as well as the national forest. Millions upon millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of trees are dead as a result of Climate Change and beetles and other stre stressors. We have a Forest Management problem, and the president is correct about a management issue that we must deal with. Mismanagement is the wrong word. Smokey the bear, no fires in the forest, logging has been curtailed. Fortunately, we have a new piece of legislation that passed last spring that gives the Forest Services two budgets. One digit for fighting fires and other Forest Management. However, keep this in mind. The fire in the paradise area was not in the national forest. It was on private lands that swept into the town. And it still isnt clear exactly what sparked that. Theyre looking into it. But its a very complicated issue. It is. And governor jerry brown was standing along sooifd tside thet when he made those comments, as was the governorelect. Neither decided to correct at the time, but governor jerry brown did get on cbs earlier today and tried to spell out just how complicated it is. Listen. Where paradise is, of course, is surrounded by federally managed land. These are national forests. Theyre not state parks, and theyre not private property by californians. So it is the federal government. The fact is that managing the forest is part of it. Theyre a lot denser than they were 200 years ago. On top of that, we have this fiveyear drought. We have reduced rainfall. We have the dryness that turns vegetation and bushes and houses and trees literally into timber so its ready to explode. Theres an atmospheric element, which is part of the natural cycle, and then theres an increasing effect of Climate Change. In fact, i have read specifically peerreviewed scientific articles that say that the amount of land burnt in california over the last 15 years has doubled because of Climate Change. Did you make that case to President Trump . I certainly raised it, but i didnt feel that was where we needed to go. We need the money. So you really are echoing one another in terms of, you know, all the proponents here, what makes this fire as bad as it is. Go ahead. Well, this is another piece to that, in that the president has in his mind that the forest can be managed like his golf courses. Thats just not the case. But we need to better manage the forests. We call it forest health. It needs to be done. Well need federal money for that. At the same time, and i think this is why Governor Brown didnt really drive the Climate Change issue with the president , was that were going to need federal money, probably in the range of 500 million to 700 million to rebuild the Public Infrastructure thats been destroyed in all of these fires down in malibu, as well as here in northern california. So we do need the federal government involvement in this. Were going to have to get that done in the next two weeks in the final lame duck session. Right. Trying to prioritize the immediate needs. Exactly. So let me switch gears, if i could, and talk about midterms. Democrats dominated across the state of california, your state, including winning all the seats up for grabs in Orange County. In your view, what was the momentum behind this . How did this happen . Well, i think theres a couple reasons. First of all, i will be going to Orange County here in a couple hours. Theres a big celebration down there, and rightly so. Years and years ago, democrats would simply skip over Orange County. Theyd go to Los Angeles County then try to get as far south in san diego countyi as you could. Right now Orange County is a blue county. All the seats are in democratic control. So why did it happen . Well, the democrats have always been for the people. Our issues, whether its health care or infrastructure or tax policy, is to make sure that the middle class and the lower class has an opportunity, whether its education, health care, on and on. I think people are beginning to realize that, particularly after this last session in which the tax cut, 2 trillion, 87 of the benefits go to major corporations and to the super wealthy. People said, whoa, wait a minute. Then there was the health care issue. Finally, President Trump. All of those things came together and gave an opportunity for, finally, after threequarters of a century, for Orange County to turn blue. All right. Congressman john garamendi, thanks so much for your time. Appreciate it. Thank you. Still ahead, a giant in Florida Politics has fallen. Senator bill nelson conceding the race to governor rick scott. His outgoing message for voters, ne next. All right. This developing political story out of florida. Democratic senator bill nelson concedes the u. S. Senate race to republican governor rick scott. This follows a statewide recount showing scott with a little more than a 10,000vote lead. Nelson says he was proud of his campaign and will always fight for whats right. Our ryan nobles is in tallahassee. So ryan, explain what happened. Reporter yeah, fredricka, there wasnt really much doubt that rick scott had won this election, as we went through the hand recount. The automatic hand recount went into place on thursday. We could tell from canvassing boards across the state that there were not enough votes to flip the race from rick scott to bill nelson. The question we had today, would bill nelson concede or continue the legal fight in challenging this election . But nelson said in a statement its time for him to step away, and he conceded the race to rick scott. Take a listen. I want to say thanks to all of you who rallied to our cause. You walked the precincts, knocked on the doors, made phone calls, and contributed your time and your resources. With an optimistic heart, i wish to sma somethi to Say Something else. We may have been heavily outspent in this campaign, but we were never outworked. To all floridians, whether you voted for me or for my opponent or you didnt vote at all, i ask you to never give up this fight. Reporter and this was often a bitter, sometimes contentious recount between both rick scott and bill nelson, both sides calling each other names, but were told today that bill nelson did, in fact, call rick scott and congratulate him on his win, that they did exchange pleasantries. Rick scott did release a Statement Today thanking bill nelson for his lengthy career in Public Service here in the state of florida. The question now is how does this impact things in florida going forward. There were two very dramatic finishes here, both in the governors race and in the u. S. Senate race. Republicans did prevail, but democrats were very close. It has been some time since democrats won a statewide election here in florida, but this remains one of the most important states heading into the 2020 president ial election. Its a state that President Trump cares deeply about. He, of course, has a home here. You can bet theres going to be a special focus here in the Sunshine State over the next two years. Fred . All right. Ryan nobles, thanks so much in tallahassee. All right. Still ahead, President Trump leaves the door open on whether he might do a oneonone interview with the special counsel on possible collusion with russia in the 2016 election. This as he says the fate of the Mueller Probe will be left up to his new acting attorney general. A moment of joy. A source of inspiration. An act of kindness. An old friend. A new beginning. Some welcome relief. Or a cause for celebration. Whats inside . [laughter] possibilities. What we deliver by delivering. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy. Theres therabreath at walmart. I so many interesting details. 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A number of topics related to the russia probe came up. The president notably, as you mentioned, saying he probably would not sit down for a oneonone interview with robert mueller. This comes just months after the president actually said that he was looking forward to such an interview. It appears that the president has been listening to his attorneys, whom sources have told cnn, have informed the president that would be a bad idea. The president also opened up about his acting attorney general Matt Whitaker, who replaced outgoing attorney general Jeff Sessions. Whitaker in the past has made statements very critical of the russia probe, at one point even suggesting it could be stifled by cutting off its funding. The president in this interview said that he didnt know that Matt Whitaker held these strong positions in the past. He also said that he would not intervene if whitaker decided to interfere in the special counsels probe. Listen to this. If whitaker decides in any way to limit or curtail the Mueller Investigation, are you okay with that . Look, its going to be up to him. I think hes very well aware politically. I think hes astute politically. Hes a very smart person, a very respected person. Hes going to do whats right. I really believe hes going to do whats right. But you wont overrule him if he decides to curtail . I would not get involved. All these people that say im going to end the investigation, you know, theyve been saying that now for how long has this witch hunt gone on . Reporter now, fred, Chris Wallace pressed President Trump, asking specifically when he found out that whitaker held these views about the special counsel. The president didnt answer specifically, instead saying, quote, i dont think it had any effect. Fred . All right. Boris sanchez, thanks so much. All right. Lets talk more about this. Ron brownstein is with me, along with zachary wolf. Good to see you both. Ron, you first. The president says he probably wont sit for an interview with mueller. And he says he will leave it up to his acting attorney general to make decisions on whether to curtail, you know, the russia probe. Trump says he wouldnt get involved. So then why again was attorney general Jeff Sessions asked to resign . Yeah, right. So this is an extraordinary situation. You have the target in some ways of an investigation deciding the limits of what he will answer and constraining that, curtailing that in two very significant ways. First, signaling he would not sit down for an inperson interview. Second, that he will not answer questions having to do with after he took office and potential obstruction of justice. It is worth reminding everyone that ken starr in 1998 did subpoena bill clinton to testify in his inquiry and ultimately they negotiated terms under which he would do so on videotape. I think its a momentous decision facing the special counsel. Will he accept this limited form of cooperation that fences off both the inperson interview and some very potentially important areas of inquiry about what the president did after he took office . Right. And mueller has the power to issue that subpoena, but its will he . Thats the big question. So zach, today republican senator Lindsey Graham said it would be a disaster for the gop if the Mueller Probe was shut down. Is that the general consensus among republicans . I mean, you see people like jeff flake, Lindsey Graham, whos been loud about this. Flake is a serious trump adversary. Lindsey graham has tried to play inside ball and get close to the president. I dont think theres any republican out there who really wants to create a constitutional crisis by shutting the Mueller Investigation down. They also dont probably many of them want to read any sort of Mueller Investigation report. So i think theyre of two minds probably. Except Mitch Mcconnell isnt really pushing for any kind of vote on that bipartisan measure to protect mueller. That says a lot, doesnt it . Yeah, i think it does. Specifically because there have been some people like jeff flake, like Lindsey Graham, who have said it should be protected. Mitch mcconnell is going to be the final word on this. Hes in charge of the senate and everything that goes to the floor. If he doesnt want it, its probably not going to happen. Okay. In that same go ahead, ron. Whats striking, if you look at the exit polls from the election, theres really not evidence that the underlying question of the russia investigation hurt republicans very much. What hurt them and what clearly was a huge force in the house was reflected in what Mitch Mcconnell is doing which is the sense they would not, in any way, impose constraints or oversight on the president. In many ways, hes feeding into that narrative. In that same interview on fox, the president talked about a lot of things, including the midterm results. He continued to down play the lopsided losses for republicans in the house and even said even though prior to the midterm he said this was kind of a referendum on him, but then he changed his tune today. Listen. This is a historically big defeat in the house. You lost 36, maybe 40 seats. Some would argue it was a thumping. Are you ready . I won the senate. And thats historic too. If you look at president s in the white house, its almost never happened where you won a seat. We now have 53 as opposed to 51. And we have 53 great senators in the u. S. Senate. We won. Thats a tremendous victory. Nobody talks about that. Thats a far greater victory than it is for the other side. Number two, i wasnt on the ballot. But you said no, i said, look at me you said, pretend im on the ballot. But i have people. You see the polls, how good they are. I have people that wont vote unless im on the ballot, okay . And i wasnt on the ballot. So ron, but he did campaign really hard. He was out there at rallies. How do you explain that . A few quick facts. First, democrats are probably going to win 38 or 39 seats in the house. That will be the most they have won in any election in the house since watergate. Second, their total margin in the popular vote, as my colleague keeps track of, has now crossed about 8 million. They will win the popular vote in a likelihood by more than republicans did in the Tea Party Election of 2010. Third, according to the exit poll, 90 of the people who disapproved of President Trump, and those were a majority of voters, said they voted democrat in the house. That was the highest share since 1982. She was very much on the ballot. Fourth, in some ways, the key to all of this was that we talked all year about the potential republican erosion in whitecollar suburbs due to the low popular of President Trump. That played out in the places we expected like minneapolis and chicago and philadelphia. It also played out in places that resisted this in the past. Atlanta, houston, dallas, charleston, kansas city, oklahoma city. Maricopa county, which is the largest county in the country that President Trump won, voted by 60,000 votes for kyrst kyrsten sinema. The realignment the president is pushing for, sacrificing younger, whitecollar, and suburban, is very real and a constraint on the ability of republicans to compete for the house as long as thats the dynamic going forward. And quickly, zach, regard lets regardless of what trump just said, do you see hell use the midterm results as a template on his plans for 2020 . For every reason that ron just said f he used the midterm plans, it would turn out very badly for him. Youll see this sort of play out as democrats, are they going to try and rebuild the blue wall there in the upper midwest . Are they going to go out west . I think the larger thing is looking at what trump just said, in the space of one breath, he said both i won and i wasnt on the ballot. Whats interesting there is he both wants credit for everything thats good and no bad things for anything thats bad. Thats going to be a conundrum for republicans. Its all about him for them. It was about him in the midterms. Its definitely going to be about him in 2020. All right. Zachary wolf real quick. He has strength in rural small town, bluecollar america. But the erosion around the major metros was historic and widespread. Well leave it there. Ron and zach, thanks, gentlemen. Happy thanksgiving. Thanks so much. Still ahead, President Trump says the u. S. Has the tape that captured part of the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi, but the president will not listen to it. Well tell you why. You find money everywhere. Enot, and when you save on everything. It really adds up. Its kind of a big deal. Retailmenot. Yours for the saving. President trump says he has declined to listen to a recording that captured part of the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. Khashoggi was killed and his body dismembered by a saudi hit squad after he entered the saudi consulate in turkey last month. We have the tape. I dont want to hear the tape. No reason for me to hear the tape. Why dont you want to hear it, sir . Because its a suffering tape. Its a terrible tape. Ive been fully briefed on it. Theres no reason for me to hear it. In fact, i said to the people, should i . They said, you really shouldnt. Theres no reason. I know everything that went on in the tape without listening. What happened . It was very violent, very vicious, and terrible. The state department issued a statement saying there is no final conclusion yet on whos responsible for khashoggis murder. This follows cnns reporting that the cia has assessed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman personally ordered the killing. President trump says he will have a full report from the cia on tuesday. Cnns sam kylie joins me right now. So sam, do you expect the president will value the cias assessment if it indeed does point the finger at the crown prince . Well, i think its a very delicate balancing act involving the truth as ever, perhaps, with the trump administration. This one is one of real politic, fredricka. On the one hand, you have a closing of the different versions of the narrative. It is now accepted, for example, in saudi arabia and in turkey that mr. Khashoggi was murdered. The murder was premeditated. The issue now is who gave the order for that murder. From the reporting that cnn has and the Washington Post has done the initial assessment, an earlier assessment of the cia, is that he was indeed murdered on the orders of the Mohammed Bin Salman. Thats not an official declaration of the United States. The United States have to balance that assessment, perhaps, with the real politic. For example, a Million Barrels of oil have come off the market thanks to Donald Trumps suspension or rather tearing up of the treaty that did away temporarily with the Iranian Nuclear program. The saudis have countered that loss of oil on the market with pumping their own so the oil market has stayed steady around 70 a barrel. That is something that had it run out of control, had the saudis not agreed to pump more, the oil markets would have been in disarray and western governments would have gone into recession. In other areas, donald trump has exaggerated the effect that saudi arabia has on domestic employment. Even the scale of arms sales, he claims to have sold 110 billion worth. The sales last year on the 14. 5 billion. Theres a lot to be balanced in amongst the truth. All right. Sam, thanks so much. I want to bring in samantha vinaigrette now, a former Senior Adviser to the National Security adviser in the obama administration. Good to see you. So the president would get this full assessment as early as tuesday. What kind of detail would be in such a cia report . Well, fred, i want to correct the record on something. The president seemed to be implying in his public statements that hes in the dark on what the intelligence picture looks like ahead of this final briefing coming out as early as tuesday. In my experience in postcrisis environments like this, the Intelligence Community keeps the president updated starting on day one, immediately after a crisis. Theyre providing the president with continuously evolving intelligence assessments. That would be in those daily briefings, for example . It would be in the daily briefings. It would be in any briefings that cia director gina haspel gives the president. Its not like the president has been in an intelligence vacuum to date. So why do you suppose hes saying it like that . I mean, before boarding air force one yesterday, he said he was going to be briefed on the plane. Now today were hearing him say, you know, in a previously recorded conversation that it would be tuesday. Why would the president want people to think that he hasnt had any exposure to any kind of cia findings or detail . Because i think hes trying to espouse a stance that ignorance is bliss in this case. If he can say he doesnt have a full picture of what actually happened, he can kick the can down the road. Again, intelligence, remember, is an input to policymaking and to decision making. So if he can say he doesnt have a full sense of what actually happened, he can try to delay making some very tough decisions about what to do to hold mbs accountable. And then he says he doesnt want to listen to the tape. He doesnt really see it beneficial. You know, its gruesome. Its horrible. But is this the kind of information or detail that a president would need to hear because it could potentially influence the next move . Well, this is a president that obviously doesnt like to be uncomfortable. He didnt want to get wet in france and didnt go to a cemetery for that reason, but with respect to this particular case, in my experience, president s want to have the fullest picture possible of what happened. This tape is a key intelligence input so that the president can make a decision on what to do and not listening to that tape does leave him in the dark when its so readily available. And yesterday prior to listening to or even commenting on the idea of listening to the tape, this is what the president had to say about saudi arabia and its importance. They have been a truly spectacular ally in terms of jobs and economic development. I also take that you know, i have to take a lot of things into consideration. What if the crown prince, speaking to you, the president of the United States, directly lied to you . He told me that he had nothing to do with it. He told me that i would say, maybe, five times, at different points. What if hes lying . Do you just live with it because you need him . Will anybody really know . All right . Will anybody really know . But he did have certainly people that were reasonably close to him that were probably involved. You saw we put on very heavy sanctions, massive sanctions on a large group of people from saudi arabia. But at the same time, we do have an ally, and i want to stick with an ally that in many ways has been very good. So sam, does it sound like no matter what, the detail, whether its the cia report or even any recording, that the president may have already made up his mind about how to go forward with saudi arabia . It certainly sounds this way. The key point to remember here is that the president will set a precedent with his decision or indecision. If he lets mbs get off scott free for this murder, hes really giving him a license to kill again and giving any other leader who does a lot of business with the United States a license to engage in statesanctioned assassination. Samantha vinograd, well leave it right there. Thanks so much. Well be right back. Imagine being so crippled by stress and anxiety that you have trouble leaving the house to go grocery shopping, to work, or even living near other people. So in this weeks episode of this is life, lisa ling meets members of the furry community, people who create animal alter egos, often to help them deal with debilitating Mental Health and medical challenges. Heres a preview. Stabilize me here. The moment lindsey puts on that suit, the shaking stops. And leilia comes alive. When i first imagined this character, i imagined her just like me, shy and withdrawn. It was very quickly that i realized the costume had a life of its own. The shyness was just gone. Twice a month, josh and lindsey hop in the car and head to one of her charity events. I just get super excited every time i put it on. Im going to go out there and perform and make people happy. Whats going on . Theres a giant dog driving around. All right. Lisa ling joins me right now. So at first it really does seem like, you know, becoming a furry is something very light hearted, perhaps even silly. But this is actually very serious and therapeutic, if not medicinal even for a lot of people. Absolutely, fred. Its our last episode of the season, and we saved a very, very special one to air last. We have been getting emails about covering the furry fandom for years. To be honest with you, i kind of discounted them. I thought thats, as you said, a little light hearted. Our show is a substantive one. But the more we looked into it, we realized that, first of all, this community is massive and global. So many of the people who call themselves furries are people who suffer from severe social anxiety or emotional challenges. I think we can all remember those days when we were kids, when we came in contact with mickey mouse for the first time and the kind of joy it brought us. Well, there are lots of people who never kind of grew out of that and want to be able to offer that kind of joy to people around them as well. In the clip, you met lindsey. When i was interviewing her, im telling you, she could not stop moving. She was shaking had profusely. Once she put that costume on, she just came alive and became animated with everyone. It was really a remarkable transformation that happened. So you said this is really, you know, a massive kind of activity or really way of life. You actually went to a Furry Convention in seattle. Is that when it was so eye opening to you, to realize that, wait a minute, this is no small thing, this is a big deal . Oh, yeah. They took over the entire hotel. It was a little strange to see adults in furry costumes in the elevators and in the restaurants. But it is a really kind of unique community. Theres a reason why comiccons and star trek conventions are so popular. Its a means of escapism. Whats different with furries, though, is that this is a Massive Group of very creative people because they create their own identities. And for them, just being able to be animated in ways that they are unable to be in real life is really a moving thing to be able to see. So mostly were looking at adults who are, you know, taking on these new characters, but its not just for big people. You noticed a lot of young people are doing this too. For the same reasons . Well, at the convention that we visited in seattle, there were quite a number of kids and their parents. There was a man who had a 14yearold daughter there, and he became very emotional with me because he talked about how his daughter could go days without talking to people because she was so shy. When she put on this costume that she created, she was able to interact with anyone. You know, he was this kind of guys guy from the bronx. To see him acknowledge that this was actually something that was really helping his daughter was pretty cool. So did any of them talk about while it is transformative when they have the costume on, when they go back to life without a costume, how has it helped them maintain that same level of confidence or shake some of those same anxieties . Well, it is a big transformation when they have the costume on. We spent time with one man who suffers from severe ptsd, so much so that he has isolated himself from society. He lives as a hermit in the woods of oregon. He created this phenomenal character called captain boons. He says that hes slowly starting to be able it integrate himself back into society, but he wouldnt have been able to do so without captain boons. Like, this character is actually helping him become more comfortable among people. Its all fascinating. All right. Saving the best for last. Absolutely. Okay. Lisa, we cant wait to all dive in. Thank you so much. Its an all inform episode of this is life tonight at 10 00 p. M. On cnn. Good to see you. Cestrydna results 74 italian. And i found out that im from the big toe of that sexy italian boot so this Holiday Season its ancestrydna per tutti order your kit now at ancestry. Com volunteer hey. old man come on in. volunteer you taught me the rules. vo you do more than feed seniors when you share the love. You feed souls. Get a new subaru, like the all new forester, and charities like meals on wheels can receive two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru. avo get zero percent during the subaru share the love event. All right. Now to this weeks cnn hero. When an emergency room doctor saw homicide rates on the rise, he decided to take action, both in and out of the hospital. Meet dr. Rob gore. I dont like pronouncing people dead. Its probably the worst thing that ive ever had to do. I want to preserve life. When i see patients that are coming in with violent injuries, when its somebody who looks like you from your neighborhood, a lot of this stuff really hits home. You realize, i dont want this to happen anymore. What do we do about it . Its important that we start training young people, helping them learn how to become change agents, working with them on a middle school level. To vote for dr. Gore or any of our cnn heroes of the year, go to cnnheroes. Com. And thanks so much for being with me this sunday. Im fredricka whitfield. The news continues with ana cabrera right now. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. Thanks for being with me on this sunday. We begin tonight with the president of the United States ridiculing retired admiral william mcraven, a commander who oversaw the operation that killed osama bin laden. President trump not only dismisses mcraven as a, quote, Hillary Clinton backer, but says it would have been nice if bin laden has been taken out sooner. Heres the president talking to fox news anchor Chris Wallace. Mcraven, retired admiral, navy s. E. A. L. , 37 years, former head of u. S. Special operations Hillary Clinton fan. Special operations excuse me, Hillary Clinton fan

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